Cooking classic mimosa salad. Mimosa salad - a classic recipe

14.08.2019 Bakery products

Mimosa salad is known in almost every home. He is on a par with Olivier and Shuba with a herring. At the very least, our grandmothers and mothers cook it on big holidays. It got its name for its resemblance to the delicate spring flower of mimosa - yellow inflorescences imitate yolks, and the snow on which the flowers are "scattered" - egg whites.
Today it is often prepared just like that, for the daily menu. The classic recipe for Mimosa salad is known to many hostesses, but some recipes will change the idea of \u200b\u200ba familiar dish.

Classic Mimosa salad with saury

It is customary to prepare a light Mimosa salad with saury according to the following recipe:

  • saury with butter - 1 can;
  • potatoes - 4 units;
  • eggs - 5 units;
  • carrots - 2 units;
  • medium onion;
  • mayonnaise sauce - 300 gr;
  • greens for decoration.

Boil eggs, potatoes and carrots in advance.

Put the canned fish in a bowl and knead it with a fork.

Chop the onion finely.

We divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Grind the proteins with a fine grater. We do the same with potatoes and carrots.

Lay out the layers of food on the salad dish. You can repeat the layers twice, for this you need to divide the existing blanks by about two halves. The first is a layer of potatoes, it must be laid out, compacting well with a fork. Next, lay out the saury and onions. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Next are proteins and carrots, a layer of mayonnaise. We rub the yolks last and decorate with herbs.

On a note. If you use the culinary ring when laying out the layers, all the layers of the salad will be visible - they look very bright, especially thanks to the carrots.

Step-by-step recipe with canned pink salmon

Pink salmon can be used as fish. This recipe does not use vegetables - the version of the dish is slightly simplified. It can only be served as an addition to main courses.

  • a can of canned pink salmon;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • 200 grams of mayonnaise;
  • a bunch of greens.

Step-by-step salad preparation process:

  1. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Finely chop the squirrels.
  2. Put the canned food on a dish and mash with a fork, simultaneously removing too hard bones.
  3. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater.
  4. Put a layer of proteins, pink salmon, cheese on a serving dish. All layers are alternately coated with mayonnaise. Rub on top with yolk and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Puff salad "Mimosa" with fish and eggs is always associated with spring and March 8, although it is prepared mainly in the cold season.

One has only to hear: "mimosa salad", as a family dinner in a festive atmosphere, happy faces of loved ones, and, of course, a favorite from childhood and such a native salad, which has long become a classic, along with Olivier and a "fur coat", is immediately presented.

By the way, mimosa layered salad appeared relatively recently, in the 70s, when there was no particular abundance of products, the salad contains the most common ingredients that you can always find. Despite this, the unknown author of the recipe managed to create a real culinary bestseller, which is as relevant today as it was 40 years ago.

I note right away: in order to cook Mimosa, a puff fish salad with eggs, which deserves the highest rating, you need to follow several rules. The rules are not complicated, but they are. Rather, not even rules, but subtleties.

The most important secrets and subtleties of the Mimosa salad


Perhaps the most important thing is choosing a good mayonnaise. You need to buy a product of high fat content, thick and surely a trusted manufacturer, preferably containing fewer dyes, stabilizers and flavors. Some housewives use low-fat mayonnaise, thinking that this will make the salad lighter. But, as practice shows, it is better to take fatter, but put it less, it will not affect the taste, but if, on the contrary, it is less fat, but a lot ... In puff salads, and Mimosa is no exception, each layer should retain its own taste, an excess of mayonnaise can “grease” all the taste sensations and then, no matter how diligently the salad is prepared, the result will be, to put it mildly, not very good.


It is equally important to properly boil the eggs, if you overexpose them in boiling water, the yolk will get a greenish tint, which is undesirable, because we need it for the final stage - decorating the salad. So cook the eggs for no more than 10 minutes. By the way, instead of chicken eggs, you can use quail eggs, but you need more of them.


Carefully consider the choice of canned fish (the fish should be sea fish - mackerel, pink salmon, salmon, saury or horse mackerel), there are many manufacturers, both ours and imported. If you already have certain preferences, buy tried and tested products (I have a couple of selected canning manufacturers). Lovers of diets can recommend canned tuna, it has very few calories, but, however, the taste for an amateur.


Before starting cooking, be sure to bring all the ingredients of the salad to approximately the same temperature. If the temperature contrast is large (for example, eggs at room temperature and canned food from the refrigerator), the layers will not turn out beautifully.

Recently, the choice of products in stores is simply huge, and therefore many recipes for Mimosa salad have appeared, which include components that are not mentioned in the original recipe. I tried to collect the most popular options that definitely deserve attention.

Classic mimosa salad

In my opinion, the most successful recipe with a balanced taste.

Ingredients for the recipe:
boiled potatoes 3-4pcs medium size
boiled carrots 3pcs
white or red salad onion 1pc
hard boiled eggs 4pcs
canned fish 1pc (200gr)
greens for decoration

How to make a classic "Mimosa"

Let's take a salad bowl of a suitable size. If you want all the layers of the salad to be clearly visible, you can use a cylindrical culinary mold without a bottom or cut one from an unnecessary large-volume plastic bottle.
Grate potatoes and carrots separately on a fine grater, on a coarse one, of course, faster and easier, but it turns out not so tender.

Many people use fish as the first layer, in my opinion, this is not the best solution, after standing, it can drain and the salad will begin to "float". The first will be potatoes, take half of the total and distribute it evenly over the bottom of the dish, trying not to compact it too much. Smear with a thin layer of mayonnaise, without zeal.

From canned fish (usually I take saury), carefully select bones and knead them with a fork on a separate plate, after draining the oil into a separate container. Put the fish mass on top of the potatoes. Again, grease with mayonnaise.

It was the turn of the salad onions. Cut it very finely and lay it out in the next layer. When stacking onions, it is important not to overdo it with quantity, because it can interrupt the taste of the rest of the ingredients. As the saying goes - everything is useful, but in moderation. If there is no salad onion, you can take a regular one, only after cutting it you need to scald it with boiling water. This will remove excess pungency and unnecessary bitterness.

For juiciness, at this stage, spill Mimosa with a spoonful of canned fish oil. Let's coat with mayonnaise.
The remaining grated boiled potatoes will be the next layer, we smear it, like the previous ones, with mayonnaise.
Next comes the carrots, usually on top of it mayonnaise.
The final layer is crushed egg whites. We also smear them with mayonnaise. The Mimosa salad is almost ready, it's just a beautiful presentation.

There are many decoration options, it all depends on your imagination. Usually, chopped yolk is used, sprinkling it on the top of the dish, while the edges are often decorated with finely chopped herbs. The applique made of green onion feathers in the form of a mimosa sprig and yellow yolk flowers on it looks spectacular. A great option is to serve Mimosa on green lettuce leaves.
After finishing the design, place the salad in the refrigerator for several hours so that all layers are saturated.
In general - show your ingenuity and the guests will gasp with delight!

Mimosa salad with cheese

A good recipe, perhaps, many will like even more than a classic one because of the new flavors.

Ingredients for the recipe:

boiled potatoes 3 or 4pcs medium size
boiled carrots 2pcs
hard boiled eggs 3pcs
hard cheese 150g (can be replaced with a similar amount of processed cheese)
canned fish 200g
salad onion
dill, parsley

How to cook a puff salad "Mimosa" with cheese

Peel the pre-boiled potatoes and carrots and rub with a fine grater into different plates.
Peel the eggs, separate the yolk from the proteins and also rub them separately on a fine grater.
Cut the salad onions into small pieces.
We also rub the cheese on a fine grater.
Drain the oil from the canned food, remove the visible bones and knead it with a fork.
Divide the potatoes into two equal halves.

In a suitable, preferably glass (so that all layers are visible) salad bowl, we begin to collect our salad. We lay out the components in layers, coat each layer with mayonnaise and only after that we put a new one. The order is as follows: potatoes, fish, onions, potatoes, cheese, carrots, egg white, yolk.

Do not smear the final layer with mayonnaise. This is, in fact, the face of our salad.
Additionally, put a sprig of fresh dill on top as a decoration. You can also combine several types of herbs or, for example, cover the dish with green salad leaves.
Serve after keeping in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours.

Mimosa salad with rice

Instead of potatoes, this salad uses rice. Very good, try it!

Ingredients for the recipe:
1/2 cup boiled rice
boiled carrots 3pcs
boiled eggs 3-4pcs
canned saury or mackerel fish 1 pc (200gr)
salad onion 1pc
provencal mayonnaise
greens for decoration

Prepare the products: grate the carrots on a fine grater, peel the eggs and cut them in half. Cut the salad onions into smaller pieces. Separate the whites and yolks and grind them separately with a fine grater, take out the fish from the canned food and mash it with a fork, removing the remnants of bones before that, they are absolutely not needed in the salad.

Let's choose the dishes and start cooking directly. All components go in layers, and each layer is smeared with mayonnaise. The first layer is to evenly distribute the rice, then the fish mass, then the onion, again rice, carrots, an egg (protein) and the last will be a layer of grated yolk. It acts as a decoration; it does not need to be coated with mayonnaise.

All that remains is to decorate the salad. For this we use greenery and imagination.
Two - three hours in the refrigerator is enough for the prepared salad, soaked, to find its real taste. Now you can serve it to the table!

Mimosa salad with canned food

Another version of your favorite salad. Different order of alternating layers. It seems to be the same products, but the taste is new.

Ingredients for the recipe:
potatoes 300g
carrots 200g
onions 100-150g
canned fish 200g
eggs 3-4pcs
greens at will

Boil carrots and potatoes until tender. When cool, clean and finely grate.
Cook hard-boiled eggs separately. We put them in cold water and put them on fire, so they will not burst during cooking. After cooling, remove the shells from the eggs. Cut them open and separate the yolks from the whites.
From canned fish, I note, you can take any sea fish (whichever you like better), salt the oil. Mash the fish on a separate plate with a fork, if necessary, remove large pieces of bones.

Finely chop the onion and cover with boiling water for a few minutes to remove the bitterness and excess pungency. Salt boiling water and rinse the onion with cold water. If you have sweet salad onions, you do not need to pour boiling water over it.
Lay out the bottom of the salad bowl with a layer of canned fish and grease with mayonnaise.
Put the grated egg whites on top, coat with mayonnaise.
The next layer is carrots and mayonnaise.

Now the onion will go, we also grease it with mayonnaise.
Then potatoes and, again, mayonnaise.
The final layer is grated egg yolk, we don't smear it with anything.
Decorate the salad with herbs if desired.
Before serving, let the salad stand in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
Enjoy your meal!

Mimosa salad with apple

An excellent salad with a slight acidity from the apple. The Semerenko variety is well suited.

canned fish (saury or mackerel, you can tuna, salmon, pink salmon) 200g
carrots 200g
salad or regular onion 1pc medium
eggs 3-4pcs
hard cheese 180-200g
apple strong, juicy 1pc

Let's start by preparing the food: boil the eggs and carrots and peel them when they cool down. Salt the oil from the canned food, remove visible bones if necessary, knead the fish until a homogeneous mass is achieved. Finely grate the carrots, egg whites and yolks separately.

Cut the onion into small pieces and scald with boiling water to remove the bitterness. If you have salad onions, you do not need to pour boiling water over it.
Cheese is also three on a grater smaller. We clean and rub the apple just before we put it in the salad, so that it does not darken.
We start assembling the salad in a suitable container. We lay out the products in layers and coat each layer with mayonnaise, except for the last one.

The order of the layers: fish, onion, protein, grated cheese, apple, carrot, grated yolk.
Let it brew (it is better to leave it overnight) and serve, decorating with herbs.

Mimosa salad with crab sticks

Pleasant taste and low calorie content at a low cost make crab sticks quite an interesting product; they are also good for salads. Let's try mimosa with crab sticks!

Ingredients for the recipe:

potatoes 3pcs
hard cheese 150g
chilled crab sticks 200g
apple (Semerenko variety) 1pc
onion 1pc
frozen butter 100g
eggs 4pcs

How to cook
To prepare the salad, take a transparent form and lay out the components in layers, each greasing (except for butter) with mayonnaise.
Laying sequence: boiled potatoes grated on a fine grater, grated egg whites, grated cheese, butter (first you need to freeze in the freezer), grated, finely chopped white or red onions (if not, the usual one is also suitable, but, having cut, you need pour boiling water over it), chopped crab sticks, grated apple and, finally, finely chopped yolk, which does not need to be lubricated.

To soak the layers, let the salad stand in a cool place for 5-6 hours, it is best, of course, to leave it overnight.
Serve as a whole dish or in separate portions. Can be decorated as desired.

Mimosa salad with salmon

The essence of the recipe is that the fish is taken not canned, but boiled, moreover, there are no potatoes in the composition. Let's get started?

Ingredients for the recipe:
salmon fillet 200gr
chicken egg 4pcs
carrots 150g
cheese 150g
green onion 1 bunch
greenery for decoration

Salmon mimosa recipe

First, cook the salmon in a small amount of salted water.
We will also boil carrots and eggs. When cool, peel and chop the carrots with a fine grater, take out the yolks from the eggs and also grate them separately from the whites.
Grind the cheese in the same way.
Mash the fish fillet with a fork, while removing the bones that come across.
Let's chop the green onion.

In a suitable sized dish, we begin assembling the salad, laying out its components in layers. We coat all layers with mayonnaise.
Products alternate in the following sequence: egg whites, fish, carrots, green onions, cheese, yolk.

We do not smear the last layer with mayonnaise, but decorate with herbs, for example, dill.
After a few hours of "rest" in the refrigerator, the salad can be served.

Help yourself!

Mimosa salad without potatoes

Potatoes are an important ingredient in many salads, but you can do without it, as in this recipe.

Ingredients for the recipe:
boiled eggs 4pcs
hard cheese 150g
fish (canned food) 200g
oil 100g
sweet salad onion 1pc

How to cook Mimosa salad without potatoes

We prepare the salad in a transparent salad bowl, but if this is not the case, any suitable dish will do.
Let's start with the fact that the first layer is to lay out the egg whites, chopped on a grater. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
The second layer is grated cheese and mayonnaise.

With the third layer, we will lay the fish, which we will mash with a fork and, if they come across, we will take out large fragments of bones. On top of it mayonnaise.
Next, lay out the coarsely grated butter (for convenience, it is better to keep it in the freezer). You can do without mayonnaise here.
Then follow: chopped onions, mayonnaise, the rest of the fish, again mayonnaise and, finally, in the end - grated yolks.

Lettuce taste much better if it is refrigerated for several hours before serving.

Mimosa salad with cod liver

Cod liver is a valuable dietary product, it is an excellent substitute for canned fish in a salad.

Ingredients for the recipe:
cod liver (canned) 200g
boiled potatoes 3pcs
boiled carrots 2pcs
cheese 100g
boiled eggs 3pcs
onion 1pc
greens for decoration

Peel and grind the pre-boiled potatoes, put them in a salad bowl or other suitable dish. Distribute it evenly and apply a thin layer of mayonnaise on top.
Knead pieces of cod liver with a fork on a separate plate, it will go next. If desired, you can season a little with ground black pepper.
Next - chopped onion, grease it with mayonnaise.

It's the turn of the carrots. We clean and grind it with a fine grater. We spread the next layer, not forgetting to grease with mayonnaise.
Distribute finely chopped egg whites in an even layer and also grease with mayonnaise.

The next will be a layer of grated cheese, we also smear it with mayonnaise.
Sprinkle the salad with chopped yolks and decorate with fresh herbs.
For 6 hours we send it to the fridge to get some taste and you can serve it!

As you can see, there are quite a few options. Hopefully there is one among them that will become your favorite!

Fantasy on the theme of "Mimosa" salad with beets, cucumber and red caviar.

Between a huge salad bowl with Olivier and a huge dish of Herring under a fur coat on a traditional festive table, you will find a delicious flaky yummy generously sprinkled with ground egg yolk. This is Mimosa, one of the classic salads for weddings, name days and New Years celebrations.

How to make Mimosa salad

Born in the seventies of the last century, the salad, simple in composition and execution, conquered the stomachs and hearts of millions of people. Nowcooking mimosa salad every family has its own secrets and variations. Cheese, potatoes, rice and carrots were added to the original fish, eggs, onions and mayonnaise. And it's great! The variety in recipes brings delight to food lovers. If you are told that your favorite recipe is "not real", and the correct Mimosa is made differently - do not listen! This appetizer has so many options that the classic will be the one you love.

What you need for a salad

The basis of your favorite salad is fish, canned in oil. Mimosa is made with cod liver, hot smoked fish, crab sticks and even herring - as you like. Decide on your chosen recipe in advance, there are too many classic options for this popular snack.Preparation of ingredients for a salad is elementary: all components of the salad must be chopped. The fish is separated from the bone, chopped finely or kneaded with a fork.

In addition to the fish component, chicken eggs, onions and mayonnaise, it is customary to add boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots), which are rubbed on a coarse grater. They use raw root vegetables and fruits (carrots, celery, apples), grated smaller. Are you using processed or hard cheese? Rub it on the shallow side of the grater. The onion is chopped as small as possible. Boiled eggs are divided into whites and yolks, they are also crushed with a grater or just with a fork.

Sequence of layers

A controversial question - what for what to lay in the "correct" layered construction? Here you can only give general recommendations, but not establish canons. Different experienced housewives arrange the layers in a different order, but each of them turns out to be delicious Mimosa! They start making salad with a layer of fish, which is covered with finely chopped onions, but if potatoes or rice are used in the appetizer, it is better to start with them. Place the components in one or two tiers. Egg yolks must be the top layer - this is perhaps the only prerequisite.

Canned food

Do you know why Mimosa was so popular in the USSR? The canned food needed to create it was available at least from time to time. They could be bought for the occasion and hidden for the holiday. Since thenfish for mimosaused differently. It can be salmon, canned in its own juice, and sardine in oil, and even sprats. Only fish in tomato sauce are categorically not suitable for cooking. Delicious layered salad comes from cod liver, hot smoked red fish, crab sticks, squid.

Mimosa salad - a classic step by step recipe with a photo

Each mimosa salad recipe of those collected here can be called classic. To make the coveted snack, you can use the products that showed up in your refrigerator today: for example, replace hard cheese with processed cheese, onions with green onions, and salmon with a jar of sprats. It is not necessary to decorate a culinary masterpiece even in layers; for an everyday dish, all components can simply be mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise, and for a ceremonial serving, put the mixture in tartlets and sprinkle with egg yolk.

With canned fish

  • Time: 30-40 minutes.
  • Caloric content: 272 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Cuisine: USSR;

Large transparent container of Mimosawith canned food and boiled potatoes can be considered indispensable on the table set for a big feast. Potatoes make food more solid, more satisfying, while removing the taste of excess fat inherent in canned fish in oil. For this recipe, the hostesses chose salmon in their own juice, but the dish is great with sardine, tuna, even with large sprats. The taste will be different, but no less wonderful.


  • canned salmon - 1 can;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • potatoes (medium) - 4 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots (medium) - 3 pcs.;
  • light mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • dill branch - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil potatoes, eggs, and carrots before making a salad.
  2. Prepare food for each layer. Free the fish from the bone, knead with a fork. Grate carrots, potatoes coarsely. The egg yolk should be grated on a fine grater, the onion should be cut into small cubes. Rub the yolk with a fork.
  3. Put potatoes, fish, onions, half of the grated proteins, carrots, and proteins again on a dish or in a glass container. Grease each layer except onion with a little sauce.
  4. Cover the top of the structure with mayonnaise sauce, lay out a beautifully sprig of dill, sprinkle with yolks, which should imitate the inflorescences of the spring flower of the same name.

With saury

  • Time: 30-40 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: for 4-6 persons.
  • Purpose: a snack for the holiday.
  • Cuisine: USSR
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

This delicious recipe for mimosa with saurycan also claim the title of classics of Soviet cookery. A small amount of pickled or pickled cucumbers is added to it. Like any other layered salad, it can be formed in a bowl with transparent sides. Another serving option is to reverse the layers so that the top is at the bottom and the bottom is at the top. Turning over the salad bowl, you get a very nicely decorated dish, which you just have to decorate with egg yolks.


  • canned saury - 1 can;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • potatoes (medium) - 4 pcs.;
  • carrots (medium) - 3-4 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumber (small) - 3-4 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • mayonnaise - 150-200 g;
  • dill branch - 1 pc.;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Before cooking, boil the vegetables in their uniforms and hard-boiled eggs.
  2. Prepare food for layers separately: grate potatoes, carrots, protein, cucumber on a coarse grater, cut the onion into half rings or cubes, knead the fish and egg yolk with a fork.
  3. Decorate the appetizer in layers, smearing each of them with sauce. Place fish on potatoes, then onion cubes, carrots, cucumbers, egg white.
  4. Decorate the dish with yolk and herbs.

With pink salmon

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: for 4-6 persons.
  • Caloric content: 257 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: a snack for the holiday.
  • Cuisine: USSR
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Before preparing an appetizing salad, studyrecipe for mimosa with pink salmon and photographs showing step by step how to create and decorate it. This appetizer should not only be tasty, but also bright, beautiful and memorable. The green apple, which is often used in variations on the mimosa theme, will add originality to the taste. To prevent the grated apple from darkening, sprinkle it with lemon juice. It is also desirable to pickle onions.


  • canned pink salmon - 1 can;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • green apple (medium) - 1 pc .;
  • potatoes (medium) - 4 pcs.;
  • carrots (medium) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • mayonnaise - 150-200 g;
  • salt, herbs.

Cooking method:

  1. Start by preparing foods for different layers. Boil vegetables and eggs, grate them on a coarse grater. Chop the yolks separately from the proteins.
  2. Chop the onion and pickle with lemon juice. Sprinkle the grated apple with sour so that it does not "rust". Disassemble the pink salmon and remember with a fork.
  3. The order of layers will be as follows: apple, fish, onion, potatoes, carrots, white and yolk. After each of them, apply a little sauce. Add a little salt to the layers with carrots and potatoes.

With cheese

  • Time: 30-40 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: for 4-6 persons.
  • Caloric content: 270 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: a snack for the holiday.
  • Cuisine: USSR
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

This section describes a well-known and delicious recipe “Mimosa salad with cheese». It can often be found not only at home feasts, but also in cafes, restaurants, banquet halls. Its solemn version is performed with hard cheese. With processed cheese - a cheaper way, but no less tasty. The cheese is chopped on a grater and placed in one of the top layers. The recipe uses lettuce onions, making an appetizer with a mild taste.


  • potatoes (medium) - 3-4 pcs.;
  • boiled carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - 150-200 g;
  • salt, a sprig of greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Before preparing the salad, boil the vegetables and eggs.
  2. Prepare ingredients separately for each layer. Potatoes, carrots, egg white, grate cheese (fine or coarse - according to your taste). Chop canned fish and yolks with a fork. Finely chop the onion.
  3. Build a puff structure by spreading sauce over each layer. Potatoes and carrots need to be salted. The order of layers can be as follows: potatoes, fish, onions, carrots, cheese, egg white, yolk with herbs as decoration.

With rice

  • Time: 30-40 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: for 4-6 persons.
  • Caloric content: 270 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: a snack for the holiday.
  • Cuisine: USSR
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Mimosa with rice and canned food - a salad no less popular than its counterpart made with potatoes. Rice is a sensible filler, ideally soaked in fish and vegetables, absorbing the aroma and taste of all ingredients. This dish can be made with melted cheese, pickled cucumbers, corn or an apple. Be careful not to overcook the rice so that it does not become shapeless and sticky.


  • canned fish - 1 can;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • boiled rice - 200 g;
  • carrots (medium) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 200 g;
  • greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Before preparing a classic salad with rice and canned food, prepare the ingredients: boil the carrots and eggs, open the canned food and rid the fish of bones.
  2. Grate carrots, cheese, proteins, finely chop the onion, chop the fish and egg yolk with a fork.
  3. Make a flaky salad in a clear, flat-bottomed bowl. The first layer is boiled rice. If it was cooked without salt, add salt. Then in sequence: fish, onions, carrots, cheese, egg crumbs (first the white, then the yolk). Smear each layer sparingly.

With canned food and cheese

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Cuisine: USSR
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Classical with canned food and cheese does not contain potatoes and rice. Only fish, eggs, vegetables and hard cheese are used in the salad. Try not to overdo it with mayonnaise, as the dish is already greasy. This appetizer does not have to be flaky. It looks great in tartlets and as a filling for pita bread, spreads on sandwiches.


  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • sweet salad onion - 1pc
  • mayonnaise - approx. 100 g

Cooking method:

  1. First, decide how to prepare the salad - with or without layers. If you want to have a quick breakfast, chop and mix all the ingredients. You need a beautiful presentation of the dish - you will have to tinker longer (five minutes).
  2. Grind hard-boiled eggs: protein - on a fine grater, yolk - into crumb with a fork. Separate the fish from large bones and chop it too.
  3. Spread canned food, onions, cheese, protein in layers in a small transparent salad bowl. Smear each layer a little with sauce. Sprinkle the top of the dish with yolk crumbs.

No potatoes

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: For 4 Persons.
  • Caloric content: 258 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: a snack for a holiday, a dish for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: USSR
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

One more Mimosa without potatoesthat is made with melted cheese is also a layered salad or quick breakfast mix. Add some grated apple to the dish - the appetizer will acquire a sour note. Buy cheese like "Friendship", it is dense and rubs perfectly on a fine grater. The mixture can be used to fill egg halves, tartlets, cups or boats of fresh cucumbers.


  • canned fish in oil - 1 can;
  • salad onion - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • green apple - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - approx. 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop all ingredients with a knife, grater or fork.
  2. Layer fish, onion, cheese, apple, protein. Grease each layer with mayonnaise sauce.
  3. Sprinkle the fish salad with cheese and apple with yolks and herbs.

With butter

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: For 4 Persons.
  • Caloric content: 258 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: a snack for a holiday, a dish for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: USSR.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

The recipe above can be made even more interesting. A piece of butter will add tenderness to the dish. DeliciousMimosa with butter and with cream cheese, like the previous two recipes, it can be a festive dish or a cute family breakfast. Keep a couple of tins of canned fish in oil in reserve so you can pamper yourself more often.


  • canned sardine in oil - 1 can;
  • egg - 5 pcs.;
  • hard or processed cheese - 200 g;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g or more;
  • greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare eggs and cheese by finely chopping. Fold the whites separately from the yolks. Mash the sardine with a fork, pulling the large bones out of it.
  2. Layer fish, cheese, egg white, and top each with sauce. Rub the butter directly onto the salad.
  3. Decorate the dish with herbs and yolks.

With green onions

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: For 4 Persons.
  • Purpose: a snack for a holiday, a dish for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: USSR
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Green onions are perfect with any favorite salad option.Mimosa. With green onions the taste of the dish becomes summer, bright, piquant. Adjust the amount of green feathers, do not let them clog the fish theme of the dish. The early spring chives (skoroda) are good in this appetizer. If you can manage to get some green chives feathers, your egg-fish mixture will be perfect.


  • canned sardine in oil - 1 can;
  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • processed cheese - 2 packs of 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind all food separately with a knife, grater or fork.
  2. Layer fish, onion, cheese, protein. Grease each layer with sauce.
  3. Decorate the dish with yolks, green onions.

No cheese

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: For 4 Persons.
  • Caloric content: 249 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: a snack for a holiday, a dish for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: USSR
  • Complexity of preparation: very easy.

Mimosa salad without cheese - a very quick snack that is suitable for sandwiches, pita bread, toast. It can be minced meat for different culinary fantasies, it can be eaten with hot mashed potatoes, or just a teaspoon or a saucer. It can be made in ten minutes, five of which eggs will be boiled.


  • canned fish in oil - 1 can;
  • egg - 4-5 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 50 g;
  • onions or green onions.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop food with a knife and fork. Do not forget to remove large bones from the fish.
  2. Mix everything, season with sauce. Enjoy.

How to make mimosa salad - cooking secrets

Made to be made at home, this layered salad made from simple foods has delighted several generations of tasty food lovers. Mandatorylayers of classic mimosa - fish, eggs, onions and mayonnaise sauce. Add other ingredients as you see fit. Do not use too much mayonnaise, so as not to increase the amount of fat in the snack. The decorated dish should be infused in the cold for at least two hours before serving.


Mimosa salad, perhaps, appears at least once a year on the holiday of March 8 and symbolizes the onset of Spring. Many people love Mimosa for its ease of preparation, the availability of products, and although the salad is quite high-calorie, it is amazingly tasty, so you don't want to cross it off the festive menu, but you want to periodically enjoy its delicate taste. Of course, Mimosa Salad is prepared not only for March 8, it will also perfectly decorate the New Year's table, you can serve it for Christmas and Easter, prepare for Valentine's Day, February 23 and, of course, for your birthday!
In this recipe, I will share with you an option for making Mimosa with baked trout or salmon, with cheese and without potatoes. The salad turns out to be very tasty, and the decoration of the salad symbolizes the yellow Mimosa flower - which reminds us of Spring and the sun!

Despite the fact that Mimosa cannot be called a light salad, as I said, it is quite hearty and high-calorie, but how delicious it is! All layers of mimosa salad are harmoniously combined and all together create a wonderful symphony of taste! I would say that Mimosa has a creamy taste that goes well with fish such as salmon, trout, pink salmon. To simplify preparation, you can take canned fish from the above types of fish. But with stewed or baked salmon fillets, it tastes much better. But this is no longer a budget option, so in no case I insist.

The classic basic recipe for Mimosa is canned fish, boiled eggs and mayonnaise. And to enrich the taste and variety, various additional flavors are added to the salad, such as: cheese, carrots, apples, butter, potatoes - therefore the taste of the finished salad depends on the taste preferences of the hostess who prepares it. Mimosa is prepared with canned fish (saury, sardines, pink salmon, salmon, mackerel, cod liver and canned tuna) - that is, you can take almost any canned fish, depending on your taste preferences.

Mimosa - uhthen your favorite layered classic salad, along with such famous salads as (and we even have it on our site) and!

In any case, you will get a lot of pleasure, both from cooking (because the salad is prepared very quickly and easily), and from tasting the salad, and it is quite possible that the salad will become one of your favorites. Therefore, I sincerely wish you bon appetit! And mimosa will always be a wonderful decoration for a festive table and a wonderful dish for an everyday menu!


For Mimosa salad without potatoes with cheese
eggs (hard boiled) 6 pcs
cheese (like Russian) 75 g
carrots (optional) 1 PC
onion 0.5 pcs
dill 2 sprigs in salad + 2-3 sprigs for decoration
butter (optional) 30 g
mayonnaise taste
salt taste
freshly ground pepper taste
for Mimosa salad with potatoes and apple
trout or salmon (fresh or frozen) 150 g (or canned fish (salmon or pink salmon, etc.) - 1 can
eggs (hard boiled) 5 pieces
onion 3 pcs
potatoes 4 things
carrot 4 things
mayonnaise taste
dill 2 twigs
apple 1 PC
butter (optional) 30 g

Step by step recipe with photo

I will cook Mimosa with baked trout, but instead of trout, you can take canned fish (salmon, pink salmon, saury, sardine).

Rinse the trout steak with cool water and pat dry well with paper towels.
Put the steak in a baking dish, salt and pepper on both sides and grease with vegetable oil.

We bake the trout at 180ºC for about 20 minutes.

We take out the finished fish from the oven and cool.
Remove all bones from the pulp and chop the fillet.

We clean the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.
We rub the proteins on a coarse grater into a separate bowl and divide into two equal parts.
Rub the yolks on a fine grater into another bowl. Set aside a little yolk to decorate the finished salad.

I will collect the salad in the baking ring - we put the ring on the dish in which we will collect the salad.
We spread half of the proteins on the bottom of the mold, salt, pepper with freshly ground pepper, to taste, grease with mayonnaise and tamp the layer a little.

Rub the boiled carrots on a medium grater.
We spread the carrots in the next layer, on the proteins, salt, pepper and grease with mayonnaise.

Grate the cheese on a medium grater.

Sprinkle a layer of carrots with cheese and grease with mayonnaise.

Put the fish in the next layer.

Finely chop the onion. Add the amount of onion to your liking.
Chop the dill.

We spread the onion and dill on the fish.

We set aside some of the yolks to decorate the salad. Put the rest of the yolks on the fish. Salt and pepper, to taste, and grease with mayonnaise.

Lay out the remaining proteins with the last layer.

Salt the proteins, to taste, and grease with mayonnaise.

Carefully remove the ring.

Cheese (like Russian) 75 g
butter 75 g
onion 1 pc
mayonnaise to taste
salt to taste


Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
Finely chop the onion and scald with boiling water.
Drain the liquid from the canned fish and mash the canned food with a fork.
Grate the cooled butter on a coarse grater.
Place all products in a salad bowl in layers in the following sequence:
1st layer: proteins
2nd layer: butter
3rd layer: cheese
4th layer: canned fish
5th layer: mayonnaise

Sprinkle the salad with grated yolk on a fine grater and chill for 2-3 hours (or better overnight).

Mimosa salad with apple Option 2

Boil eggs and peel. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grate proteins on a coarse grater.
Finely chop the onion and scald.
Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and grate.
Boil the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.
Mash canned food with a fork.
Peel the apple and grate it on a coarse grater (you don't have to add the apple).
Grate the cooled butter on a coarse grater (you can skip the butter).
Grate the yolk on a fine grater and decorate the salad with it.
Garnish with herbs before serving.
Lay food in layers in a salad bowl, pouring mayonnaise on each layer:
1st layer: apple (optional)
2nd layer: canned food
3rd layer: butter (optional)
4th layer: potato
5th layer: bow
6th layer: carrot
7th layer: protein
8th layer: yolk

Mimosa salad is definitely one of the most popular salads on the festive table these days, along with Olivier and Herring under a fur coat. Especially often they remember about him on New Year's Eve, because he is hearty and beautiful, laid out with delicious layers of very popular products. Whatever Mimosa recipes you are looking for, they will always have one thing in common: the salad is made from canned fish, eggs, vegetables and mayonnaise. The main vegetables are potatoes and carrots. And then the improvisation already begins, some add other vegetables and herbs, some cheese, some change fish. All options are good in their own way. Today I will tell you how to prepare a Mimosa salad with canned food and various ingredients according to the classic recipe, as well as with original additives. And you can choose the one that you like the most.

Mimosa salad is a classic layered salad, it is never prepared by mixing the ingredients together. This is practically the same blasphemy as mixing all the components of a herring under a fur coat together. Here layering is the main plus, which makes it possible for each ingredient to simultaneously stand out with its own taste and mix with adjacent layers. In addition, the ingredients of Mimosa are very delicate and stacking in layers makes the salad airy and melt in the mouth.

To prepare the salad, you will need a deep bowl for stacking the layers, preferably with transparent walls so that each layer is visible. You can also lay out the layers on a large flat dish in the form of a slide or use a split baking dish to make the layers look like a "cake". In this form, the salad takes on a very festive look.

This salad was called mimosa for a reason, the fact is that, without fail, the top layer of the salad is a small crumb of egg yolk, light and airy, like the flowers of a spring sprig of mimosa. These are the associations that the appearance of the Mimosa salad causes. And then delicious flaky surprises begin.

Let's start.

Classic Mimosa salad - step by step recipe

You know, I have been trying for a very long time to find which of the recipes for Mimosa salad is actually the classic one. Legend has it that this salad was first made sometime in the 70s, but no one knows for sure who the author was. There is also a lot of controversy about what kind of fish is used in the classic recipe. Somewhere it is argued that it is pink salmon, somewhere saury, and someone insists that it is sardines in oil. It is unambiguously clear that it was some kind of canned fish, and everyone chose the best taste for himself.

In order for the Mimosa salad according to the classic recipe to be just that, it must include: potatoes, carrots, eggs, onions, fish, mayonnaise.

This is the so-called minimum set to make a Mimosa salad, and not some other. Having tried such a set of products more than once, I can say for sure that it perfectly reflects everyone's love for it, because it is very, very tasty!

We will build on this.

  • canned fish - 1 can,
  • potatoes - 3 pieces,
  • carrots - 2 pcs,
  • eggs - 4 pcs,
  • onion - 1 pc,
  • mayonnaise,
  • salt to taste.


1 Boil potatoes and carrots in advance for salad. You can cook them both in uniform and without it. It's all about what flavor of cooked vegetables you like best. For cooking, this is not too important. It is only important that the potatoes and carrots are cool by the time the salad is assembled.

2. Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool them under running ice water and peel them. Now you need to carefully separate the white from the yolk so that the yolk does not crumble ahead of time. To do this, I make a shallow cut in the side of the protein, and then open it to get the yolks and put them on a plate. We need the yolk last.

3. Open the can of canned fish and place the fish pieces on a plate, it is better to drain the liquid. But if you want the salad to be more juicy, then leave a small part of it, just enough so that the fish is juicy, but there is no puddle in which our salad can get wet.

Remove the bones and spine from the fish, and then mash the fish well with a fork.

4. Start laying out the layers. First of all, rub the potatoes on a coarse grater and lay out the salad foundation from it. This is especially true if you are serving the salad on a platter, not in a bowl.

If you cooked potatoes without salt, you can add a little salt to them now. Spread mayonnaise on top with a thin layer. This can be done by squeezing it out in a thin stream, and then leveling it with a spoon or spatula.

5. Put a layer of fish on the potatoes, level it with a fork, so that too large pieces or piles do not come across anywhere.

6. We put onions on top of the fish. For Mimosa salad, it is better to use sweet onions that will not spoil the taste with their pungency and bitterness. If there is no such variety, then take a regular onion, but after you have chopped it into small pieces, put it in a bowl and pour boiling water over for 2 minutes. This will kill the bitterness in the onion without spoiling its flavor and crunch. Remember to cool the onions before laying them out.

Spread mayonnaise on top of the onion layer.

7. The next layer is the egg whites. They must be grated on a coarse grater and evenly distributed. Spread a very thin layer of mayonnaise again. Here mayonnaise serves not so much as a sauce for taste, but as cement to strengthen the layers.

8. Then grate the boiled carrots and spread out very evenly. Apply a little, and then spread this layer with mayonnaise. The top layer of mayonnaise can be made a little thicker so that the yolk salad dressing sticks on it better. If you spread the salad in a slide, then you can also spread the sides of the salad.

9. To make our salad turn into Mimosa, you need to take egg yolks and grate them on a fine grater, and then sprinkle the salad with them evenly and beautifully on all sides. First fill in the entire top, and then, if left, decorate from the sides. The top of the Mimosa lettuce should turn out evenly yellow and "fluffy" without gaps like a mimosa flower.

Now the salad must be covered and sent to the refrigerator to infuse for a couple of hours. This is a mandatory rule, it is the infused Mimosa salad that is truly tasty and tender.

Before serving it on the festive table, take it out, decorate with sprigs of greenery to make it look even more like flowers and treat guests.

Mimosa salad with canned tuna and green onions - step by step with a photo

Another delicious Mimosa salad is obtained if you cook it from tuna, and add green onions to the layers instead of onions. This will greatly refresh its taste and make it unforgettably spicy. Tuna is considered a very healthy fish, but the option in oil is not very dietary. If you want a lighter salad, use the tuna in your own juice. Mayonnaise, unfortunately, cannot be removed from this salad, since it creates the basis of the taste and the bunch of layers. You can simply spread it over not all layers, and do it in a very thin layer. Then the Mimosa salad will turn out to be lighter and crumbly.

For cooking you will need:

  • tuna in oil - 2 cans,
  • boiled potatoes - 3 pieces,
  • boiled carrots - 1 piece (large or 2 small)
  • boiled eggs - 5 pieces,
  • green onions - a bunch,
  • mayonnaise - 150 grams,
  • dill for decoration,
  • salt to taste.


1. Prepare all the ingredients for the Mimosa salad. Boil potatoes and carrots in their skins, then peel and cool. Boil the eggs, but no more than 10 minutes of boiling, so that the yolk does not turn green and the salad turns out beautiful. Grate the whites on a coarse grater and the yolks on a fine grater. Cut the onion into small slices. Remove the tuna from the jar without oil, remove the seeds and mash it with a fork into very small pieces.

2. Put the potatoes in the first layer. It can be grated on a coarse grater directly into a salad bowl, and then give the layer the desired shape. Rub it lightly with a spatula and spread with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

3. Now spread the fish over the potato layer and gently flatten with a fork. It is not necessary to smear this layer with mayonnaise so that the taste of the fish is brighter.

4. Now sprinkle a layer of tuna with green onions and spread it with mayonnaise using a spatula or spoon.

5. The next layer is to put the carrots, grated on a fine grater. And again mayonnaise.

6. The penultimate layer of our Mimosa salad is the grated proteins that will become the background of our picture.

7. Now we will make a Mimosa flower from the yolk and a sprig of dill. To do this, put the dill in the middle of the dish, fluff it up. Spoon small mimosa buds on top of the dill. Spread the remaining yolk with a frame around the flower. It will turn out very beautifully and festively. Real Mimosa salad.

Let the salad sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour, and preferably two. After that, he will be ready to receive guests or a family celebration. Enjoy your meal!

Mimosa recipe with saury and cheese

Another very popular ingredient in Mimosa salad is cheese. A lot of people add a layer of cheese to this festive salad and I can quite understand them, in this combination of products the cheese harmonizes wonderfully. And given the great love of our man for cheese, which is added almost anywhere, Mimosa simply could not do without it.

Any of the delicious hard varieties will do. And fish for this option, we will take saury. If you have previously tried with any one type of fish, for example with pink salmon, then be sure to try replacing it, you may find how interesting the taste of the salad changes only from replacing the fish. Who knows, it might be your favorite mimosa salad. You can and should try new things.

For cooking you will need:

  • canned saury without oil - 2 cans,
  • potatoes - 3 pieces,
  • eggs - 5 pieces,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • red onion - 1 piece,
  • hard cheese - 150 grams,
  • mayonnaise for dressing,
  • greens for decoration.


1. Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs in advance. Clean them up. Divide the eggs into white and yolk. Remove the fish from the jar and mash with a fork.

2. Take a large plate, place a split baking dish on top of it and start stacking layers. The first will be the potatoes. It can be grated or cut into cubes.

3. Then place the saury and level it. Saury is a rather fatty fish in itself, so there is no need to spread mayonnaise on it. It will also saturate the bottom layer of potatoes. They will accentuate each other's taste.

4. Place a layer of onion on top of the saury. If you use red onions, they are not very hot and can be used fresh. But if yours is white, then you can scald it with boiling water or use it.

Spread this layer with mayonnaise.

6. Put the egg whites on top of the carrots and spread them with mayonnaise.

7. And now the final layer of yolks. Grate it directly into the salad using a fine grater. This will make it more airy. Now decorate the Mimosa salad with sprigs of herbs and vegetables, put it in the refrigerator and wait for the guests!

Remove the springform pan before serving so that all the colorful and tasty layers of the salad are visible.

Bon appetit to you and your guests!

How to cook Mimosa with rice and cheese - recipe with pink salmon

Pink salmon is one of the most popular canned fish in our time, so it is not surprising that Mimosa salad is also being prepared with it. Many people love its delicate taste, plus it is healthy and not too fatty, since it is preserved not in oil, but in its own juice.

There is a variation of Mimosa salad, where traditional potatoes are replaced with rice. Most of us have tried, of course, the salad with rice and pink salmon, which almost any family can cook. So Mimosa is a more festive and delicious version of salad with pink salmon and rice, as it is stacked in layers and contains additional ingredients such as cheese and carrots.

Such a salad is dressed with traditional mayonnaise, which is quite logical and our favorite taste.

For cooking you will need:

  • canned pink salmon - 1 can,
  • rice - 100 grams,
  • cheese - 150 grams,
  • eggs - 4 pieces,
  • carrots - 1 piece (large or 2 small),
  • onions or green onions - 1 pc (bunch),
  • mayonnaise for dressing,
  • salt to taste.


1. Start preparing the Mimosa salad with the ingredients that will take the longest to prepare. In this case, it is rice. It must be well cooked in advance and cooled to room temperature.

2. Hard-boiled eggs too, but do not let them boil for too long, no more than 7-10 minutes, otherwise you will get a dark yolk. And we, if you remember, need a bright yellow, like a mimosa flower. Peel the boiled eggs and separate the white from the yolk.

3. Peel the onion and chop very finely. If it is bitter, then pour boiling water over the already chopped onion for 2 minutes, then strain the water through a sieve. Scalded onions lose their bitterness.

4. Open the pink salmon and remove the bones. Mash the fish with a fork in a separate plate, if it is dry, then add a little broth from the jar, but do not overdo it so that the salad does not float.

5. Carrots must be cooked in advance, then peeled and grated on a fine grater.

6. Now begin to lay out the layers of Mimosa salad with rice. The first layer is pink salmon. Place it on the bottom of a salad bowl or large dish if you will be making a salad slide or shaping it with a round shape. Apply it a little, so that the fish lies tightly and becomes a good foundation for the salad.

You can lightly grease the layer with mayonnaise, then thin enough.

7. Put the onion on a layer of pink salmon. Before these, be sure to let it cool down if you scalded it with boiling water. The salad should be collected from cold ingredients. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on the onion.

9. The next layer is rice. If you used round rice, the salad will not fall apart, but if your rice is too crumbly, you can mix it with a spoonful of mayonnaise before that. This will glue the rice grains together. Do not forget to salt it if you did not do it during cooking.

10. Put cheese on the rice. It must be grated and distributed evenly over the entire surface. Spread the cheese with mayonnaise.

11. After the cheese, put a layer of grated egg whites. Lubricate them with another layer of mayonnaise.

Not everyone likes to grease each layer with mayonnaise, this can be done after one. But I prefer to smear every layer, just very thinly.

12. The top layer is laid from puffed yolks, grated on a fine grater. Now you can directly over the salad, or you can preliminarily in another plate. But the yolks stick together pretty quickly, so don't let them stand for too long.

The salad can now be decorated. Ready-made Mimosa salad with rice should be kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours before putting it on the festive table.

And then feel free to help yourself!

Mimosa salad with sardines classic festive - video recipe

If for a long time you cannot think of how to beautifully serve Mimosa salad on the festive table, then the following recipe will be a good helper for you in this. Here they prepare not just a Mimosa salad according to the classic recipe with sardines in oil, but also a wonderful and very elegant option for decorating a salad for a holiday is presented.

Enjoy your holidays, elegant salads and good feasts!