Fried potatoes with mushrooms - recipe. Potatoes with champignons in a frying pan in Italian style

18.10.2019 Buffet table

A dish like fried potatoes with mushrooms is unlikely to be put on a festive table by anyone. But simple, but delicious food can turn the most everyday meal into a holiday. The smell of potatoes, mushrooms, onions, which languish in a pan, will disturb the soul of any gourmet. But fans of separate nutrition will be disappointed: mushrooms - protein food - in combination with potato starch, become a heavy food for the stomach. Such a delicacy will be useful for people with a strong and healthy stomach.

How to cook fried potatoes with mushrooms

Each self-respecting housewife has her own little tricks for cooking potatoes and mushrooms. But there are general rules for processing its ingredients. If, without observing them, fry potatoes with mushrooms, the dish will lose half of its attractiveness.

General rules and typical mistakes

How to properly fry potatoes with mushrooms? To preserve the flavor and aroma of the main ingredients, they are fried separately.

  1. Mushrooms are laid out in a frying pan first of all, do not cut them too small - during the cooking process, the mushroom mass will be halved. The pan is pre-heated well: if this is not done, the mushrooms will release the juice and begin to cook in it. Their taste, aroma and juiciness will evaporate along with the moisture. The mushrooms are fried in hot oil for 2-5 minutes, stirring continuously, and then removed from the heat.
  2. Potatoes. Before frying the potatoes, soak the sliced \u200b\u200bslices in cold water for 10 minutes so that excessive starch does not cause them to stick together during frying. After drying on a towel, put small pieces of potatoes in hot oil. In the first five minutes, do not interfere with it - let it form a golden brown crust on the slices of the lower layer. In no case should you cover the dish with a lid - it will begin to release juice and stew, for the same reason, you cannot salt potatoes during frying.
  3. Bow. It is best to put the chopped onion on top of the almost finished potato and wait until the onion warms up and becomes softer. Then gently mix the onion with the potatoes, bring to readiness, salt and add the fried mushrooms. After combining all the ingredients, you need to close them with a lid so that they crumble together and soak in each other's aromas.

All the numerous recipes are just variations of the general rules for preparing this dish.

French Mushroom Potatoes

Fried potatoes with mushrooms and cream are the best excuse to gather for dinner at the family table or treat friends who are visiting. For cooking, you need to buy champignons (300g) - the rest of the ingredients are always at hand:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • a glass of cream;
  • 30 g of salt.

Champignons give the potatoes an exquisite taste, they are fried until golden brown. Then the potatoes are fried: 10-15 minutes without onions; 3 minutes with onion and salt; 3 minutes with mushrooms added. At the end of frying, add salt, pour the contents of the pan with cream (20%) and simmer under the lid for 5 minutes. The dish turns out to be tender and low-calorie - only 85-90 kcal / 100 g.

Royal mushroom recipe

Fried potatoes with porcini mushrooms should preserve the noble taste and aroma of boletus - a real mushroom king. Therefore, fresh boletus is not boiled before frying. After cleaning, washing and cutting, they are processed for 5-7 minutes in a dry heated frying pan, only then they are fried in oil for another 15 minutes. For 500 g of mushrooms you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 100-150 g onions;
  • fresh dill, pepper, vegetable oil, salt.

First of all, onions are fried in a pan, removed, potatoes are cooked in aromatic oil. The mushrooms are fried in a separate pan and put into potatoes along with onions and herbs. Add pepper and salt, cover the dish and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

How to fry frozen mushrooms

Potatoes with frozen mushrooms are prepared in two steps: first, we cook the mushrooms, then we put them in a potato mass, slightly browned and half cooked.

  • Frozen mushrooms do not need to be defrosted before frying. First of all, finely chopped onion is fried in a frying pan until golden brown.
  • Frozen porcini mushrooms (or honey mushrooms, boletus, mushrooms) are spread over medium heat in a frying pan. They are stewed in their own juice under the lid for 7-10 minutes. Then the lid is removed, the fire is increased, the liquid is evaporated and the mushrooms are browned for another five minutes. The total cooking time for fried frozen mushrooms should not exceed 15 minutes, otherwise they will dry out and become tough.
  • Potatoes are fried in a separate frying pan, after the first stirring and the formation of a golden brown crust, they are salted and the fried mass with onions and mushrooms is added. The readiness of the dish is determined by the softness of the potatoes.

Fried potatoes with frozen mushrooms become much tastier if you add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream to it, mix and simmer over low heat for three minutes. Connoisseurs do not put greens in such a dish: its smell is little combined with the delicate aroma of mushrooms in sour cream.

The classic recipe for cooking potatoes with mushrooms and onions involves the following proportions of ingredients:

  • onion - 1 part (150-200g);
  • fresh mushrooms - 2 (300-500 g);
  • potatoes - 3 parts (0.5-1 kg).

Preparing a dish in vegetable, butter, lard is a matter of taste. Season it with herbs, salt, pepper, sour cream. Other dishes use mushrooms prepared in various ways.

Stroganoff mushrooms

An old Russian recipe for fried potatoes with dried porcini mushrooms includes the following ingredients:

  • dried boletus - 40 g;
  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sour cream - 30-40 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • tomato - 10 g (tomato sauce - 30 g);
  • flour - 10-15 g;
  • greens, salt.

Soak boletus in boiled milk for 1-1.5 hours, cut into strips, roll in flour, fry in a hot pan for 3-5 minutes, roll in flour a second time and fry again for 5-7 minutes. Prepare the sauce: warm the tomato with butter, add sour cream, browned onion, salt. In a separate frying pan, fry ruddy potatoes, add mushrooms and sauce to it, garnish with herbs, serve hot.

Pickled or salted mushrooms

Fried potatoes with pickled mushrooms have an interesting and unusual taste. For 5-6 medium potatoes, you need to take 1 onion and 150-300 g of canned mushrooms. They must be properly prepared for frying: rinse in a colander several times, let the water drain completely, cut into pieces the size of medium chocolate candy. Put the cooked slices in a frying pan, with onions, which have been sautéed in it for 2-3 minutes, fry all together for about 7 minutes, add salt and pepper.

Separately fry the potatoes until tender, combining the prepared dishes together, simmer everything over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Fried potatoes with salted mushrooms are prepared in the same way. Those who like fried potatoes with mushrooms with sour cream can add it to the dish (250-300 ml), hold the contents of the pan under the lid over low heat for 5 minutes. By adding sour cream, we reduce the amount of oil for frying, so the calorie content of a dish with sour cream is lower than that of a classic potato with mushrooms (80 kcal / 100g - with sour cream; 122 kcal / 100g - in the classic version). It is not recommended to fry all the components together from the very beginning, as they have different duration of heat treatment.

There are thousands of ways to prepare the most popular root vegetable in the world, because each national cuisine has its own favorite dishes. In our area, potato tubers are boiled, baked, kneaded and used in fillings, but one of the most popular recipes is how to fry potatoes with mushrooms in a pan.

It would seem that in order to prepare this treat, you just need to use the usual classic recipe, but even in the preparation of such a simple dish there are at least three different cooking options.

How and how much to fry mushrooms and potatoes

Method number 1: joint frying of potatoes, mushrooms and onions

The easiest, tastiest and fastest way to cook potatoes with mushrooms is to fry the food with onions in a pan:

  • If you are using champignons, then first put the tubers cut into cubes in a hot, oiled frying pan.
  • Fry the potatoes for 5 minutes over high heat, then add the onion and mushrooms chopped into half rings or cubes, chopped into half rings or cubes.
  • Now we fry everything together until cooked, and most importantly - until the moment when a golden crust forms on the potatoes and mushrooms.
  • Salt and sprinkle the dish with spices 1 minute before turning off the stove.

What to do if forest mushrooms

If you decide to use fresh forest mushrooms, then you first need to boil them (about 20 minutes) in salted water, then put them in a colander and dry.

After that, we send the mushrooms to fry in oil in a hot frying pan for 10 minutes, until the released moisture evaporates. Then add the onion, and after a couple of minutes, the potatoes. Next, cook the dish until the potatoes are ready.

Method number 2: separate frying of dish components

Cook the potatoes over high heat in vegetable oil for 10-15 minutes until soft and crusty. Fry mushrooms in a separate pan with onions for 10-15 minutes.

If these are forest mushrooms, then boil them before frying. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, mix the onion-mushroom frying with potatoes and simmer under a lid over medium heat for another 5 minutes.

If the recipe includes herbs, then they should be added to the dish along with salt and pepper, just before turning off.

Method number 3: mixing dish components at the consumption stage

The third option is the best solution for an original festive dish. Thanks to this method, potatoes and mushrooms are smooth, beautiful, but they can only be combined on a plate.

  • Cut the potatoes into thin cubes and fry in hot oil in batches, so that the cubes lie in a pan in one row (or the potatoes can be deep-fried).
  • As for the mushrooms, they should be chopped into 5-7 mm plates and fried in butter until golden brown.
  • Chop the onion rings and also fry (separately) until soft and light ruddy.
  • Now gently mix all the ingredients and serve. You can do otherwise, for example, put potatoes on a serving plate, put a portion of mushrooms on top of it and cover the dish with onion rings and finely chopped herbs.

How to fry potatoes with mushrooms


  • - 6-8 pcs. + -
  • - 500 g + -
  • - 1 PC. (large) + -
  • Green onion feathers - 1 bundle + -
  • - 1 bundle + -
  • - 2 teeth + -
  • - to taste (≈1 tsp) + -
  • Peppercorns (black peas) - ½ tsp + -
  • - 100-120 ml + -

How to fry mushrooms and potatoes in a pan

If you have mushrooms at your disposal (it doesn't matter - fresh, frozen or canned), then you can easily make an excellent, tasty, hearty lunch with your own hands ... and in just half an hour. But how to cook potatoes with mushrooms in a pan, our step-by-step recipe will tell you.

  1. My potato tubers, clean, cut into bars. If desired, you can chop the potatoes into cubes or arbitrary medium-sized slices.
  2. Chop the onion in half rings or strips. But if you prefer small cuts, then you can also crumble into cubes.
  3. Cut the mushrooms into slices, slices or large cubes.
  4. Now put the pan on medium heat, pour half (of the volume indicated in the recipe) oil into it and fry the onion in it until transparent.
  5. Then put in fresh mushrooms, turn up the heat and cook them for 10-15 minutes until they are bronze.

If you use not fresh, but boiled-frozen or canned mushrooms, then first of all we send them to the pan. Cook until the water evaporates, pour in oil, add onions and fry until blush.

6. Remove the ready-made mushrooms and onions from the pan, add oil to the empty container and put the potatoes, which should be fried for 15 minutes with constant stirring over medium heat (or slightly above medium), without covering the pan with a lid.

7. When the potatoes are almost ready, combine them with mushrooms and onions, mix, cook for another 3 minutes.

It is best to serve a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs with such a fragrant potato with mushrooms. And how to cook such a snack at home, you will learn from our articles on the site.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms: food replacement

Dried mushrooms instead of fresh

Dried mushrooms can also be used in place of fresh, frozen, and canned mushrooms. However, before use, they should be soaked for 1 hour in cool water, then rinsed thoroughly and boiled for 20 minutes.

With dried mushrooms, potatoes are even more flavorful.

Mushroom potatoes can also be fried with sour cream sauce. So the dish acquires a rich creamy aroma, special tenderness and juiciness.

To do this, at the stage of mixing potatoes with mushrooms, add 200 ml of sour cream to the pan and simmer the dish over low heat under a lid for 5 minutes.

We use additional vegetables for taste

Additional ingredients such as eggplant, zucchini, fresh tomatoes and sweet peppers will help make the classic dish even more delicious and interesting. It is best to add vegetables when frying mushrooms, and only then combine the ready-made assortment with ready-made potatoes, herbs and spices.

Spices "for a snack"

Basil, paprika, as well as oregano and nutmeg in small quantities can enrich the taste of a dish. But remember that all spices are good in moderation.

Do you know how to make this incomparable dish even tastier? Before you mix the potatoes with mushrooms, in a pan, first of all, you need to fry tender slices of chicken or veal until tender. And then you can fry potatoes with mushrooms and mix them with fried meat.

Experiment with your health - and get a lot of gastronomic pleasures from your favorite dish. Let the warm aroma of fried mushrooms with browned potatoes whet your appetite and warm your soul even in the coldest weather.

Enjoy your meal!

How to deliciously fry crispy potatoes in a pan

Home-grown people love it when crispy fried potatoes are prepared to become the queen of the table. Our chef will show you how to fry potatoes in a pan: delicious, crusty, crispy, just like fries.

Great Russia! But mushroom spots can be found in almost all corners. Often, the time for picking mushrooms is limited, however, everyone tries to collect boletus mushrooms, at least in order to pamper themselves with fried mushrooms, which were collected several hours ago with their own hands. Walking through the forest while picking mushrooms is also a very useful and enjoyable activity. It is during this period of time that fresh boletus mushrooms with potatoes are prepared.

This dish is very popular and mushroom lovers get untold pleasure not only from tasting, but also from cooking the dish itself. Boletus mushrooms are fried with potatoes and the dish is crowned with onion seasoning, which gives a unique aroma and changes the taste of mushrooms, while making them incredibly tasty.

To cook mushrooms with potatoes, you need to get out a large, heavy cast-iron pan. Often such a frying pan will last for many decades. Many people do not even think about buying modern frying pans, since it is in a heavy pan that mushrooms turn out to be so tasty. For forest mushrooms, you need to buy unrefined vegetable oil and serve them directly in the pan. They are eaten hot, with spoons and straight out of the pan.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions in a pan

A delicious dish that is so quick and easy to prepare. And the result is always excellent.

These products will be enough for us to feed two, three people

We need:

  • Boletus mushrooms - 10-12 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • Onion - 1pc.
  • Sunflower oil for frying
  • Salt to taste
  • Several green onion feathers


The potatoes need to be peeled, washed and chopped into cubes

We clean the mushrooms from leaves, herbs, rinse under running water. We cut the hats and legs into pieces

Pour oil into the pan, heat it up, fry the mushrooms in a large pan until half cooked. There is no need to boil mushrooms in advance. We fry them for half an hour, stirring constantly. Boletus mushrooms will release juice during frying, and it is necessary to ensure that all of it boils away

Cut the potatoes into small cubes, send them to the mushrooms in half an hour. Fry potatoes with mushrooms until cooked. It will take us another 20 minutes

Now we take the onion, wash it, cut it quite finely. Add salt and onion to the pan and fry for about five minutes. For those who like spicy food, you can add a little black pepper. Only the pepper must be coordinated with the rest of the eaters.

After five minutes, boletus boletus with potatoes can be removed from the heat and served. Chop the green onions and sprinkle them generously with the mushrooms in the pan.

We eat all together with big spoons! Enjoy your meal!

It is best to use pink potatoes in this recipe; this type of vegetable will not boil over. The crust will be fried and crunchy. Using dried mushrooms, you can fully enjoy the taste and aroma of an autumn dish, at any time of the year

We need:

  • Potatoes - 6 pieces
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Dried mushrooms - 0.1 kg.
  • Salt and spices "for potatoes" - to taste
  • Oil - for frying
  • Fresh herbs (dill or parsley) - 60-80 grams
  • Onions - 1 head.


Fill the dried mushrooms with cold water, leave for an hour

Rinse the potatoes and onions well under running water, peel them. Chop the potatoes into thin cubes, like on French fries

Finely chop the onion

Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan with a thick bottom and heat. Lay out the chopped onion. Fry it over medium heat until golden brown, transfer to a separate container

We send the potatoes to the pan, fry, gently stir with a wooden spatula

We wash the mushrooms in several waters. Fry them in a separate pan. Send to fried potatoes, put onions. Stir lightly, cook our delicious potatoes with mushrooms for another 3-5 minutes

Wash fresh herbs well, chop with a knife or scissors for herbs. Divide the garlic into cloves, peel it, put it through a press. Send the prepared greens to the pan with the potatoes, cover with a lid, simmer for a couple of minutes over very low heat. Our dish is ready to be served. We eat hot with our favorite dressing. Enjoy your meal!

Cooking potatoes with champignons, in sour cream filling

To prepare this dish, we use small mushrooms, so the dish will have a bright taste. Large mushrooms have a less pronounced taste

We need:

  • Champignons - 0.3 kg;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Potatoes - 6 pieces;
  • Butter - for frying;
  • Greens - half a bunch;
  • Sour cream (25% fat) - 0.5 l;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Hard cheese - 50 grams.


Peel the onion, chop into small cubes

We clean the champignons of foliage and grass, cut off the lower part of the leg, cut out the spoilage. Cut into slices

Melt a small piece of butter in a frying pan, fry the vegetables until golden brown. Liquid will begin to stand out from the mushrooms, it must be evaporated, for this, increase the fire. Make sure the vegetables do not burn. Add some more oil if necessary

Combine sour cream, eggs and salt in a deep plate. Whisk until smooth

Fried mushrooms with onions, pour in egg sauce, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes

Remove the skin from the potatoes, rinse well, chop into thin circles. In a frying pan with melted butter, fry the prepared potatoes until golden brown, then send the mushrooms with sauce. Add a little salt to the dish

We send half a glass of boiled water to the pan. Mix everything well, leave to simmer over low heat

Grate hard cheese on a fine grater, rinse and grind the herbs. When the potatoes are almost ready, send cheese, herbs to it and leave to simmer for another 5 minutes

Fried potatoes with mushrooms are ready. Serve with garlic sauce. Enjoy your meal!

To add some piquancy to the dish, season it with cumin, black pepper, dill and garlic. These spices are best for mushrooms. If you like a different seasoning, of course, experiment, taste and color, as they say ...

We need:

  • Potatoes - 800 g;
  • Onions - 120 g (1-2 heads);
  • Fresh forest mushrooms - 400 g;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Cumin - 0.3 tsp;
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • Sunflower oil - 20 g;
  • Ghee - 30 g.


We will remove fresh mushrooms from foliage and grass, cut off all contaminated areas. Wash in several waters, grind into slices. Boil in salted water, with caraway seeds and pepper for 30 minutes. Throw in a colander, wait for the water to drain

Peel the potatoes, rinse them, chop them into cubes. Dry with paper towels from excess moisture

Put the ghee into the pan, heat it well. Fry the mushrooms until the liquid evaporates completely. Send the onion cut into half rings, fry, stirring until golden brown

Heat the sunflower oil in a separate frying pan. Fry the potatoes until golden brown, lay out the fried mushrooms and onions. We fry until the potatoes become soft. The crust of the potatoes should be crispy, and the inside of the slices should be soft. Add salt to taste a couple of minutes before cooking. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook potatoes with mushrooms in a pan

Fried potatoes - a taste from childhood. And with mushrooms, it is much more aromatic and delicious. The dish is prepared in a short amount of time. There are many recipes for this dish, any mushrooms are used. Potatoes with mushrooms have the brightest taste

We need:

  • Potatoes - 4-5 pieces;
  • Honey mushrooms - 300-400 g;
  • Onions - 1 pc. large size;
  • Green onions - several feathers;
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • Salt to taste.


First, clean the mushrooms, boil for 10 minutes. We drain the water by throwing it into a colander. Fill with clean water, salt, from the moment of boiling, cook for another 15 minutes. We drain the liquid

Let's take up potatoes, they need to be peeled, rinsed, chopped into strips. Pour the prepared vegetable with cold water, leave for 2 hours. During this time, starch will come out, the water will become cloudy, so the potatoes will become crispy

While soaking the potatoes, peel and chop the onion

We send the onion into well-heated oil and fry until golden. Next, send the mushrooms, fry for 10-12 minutes

Blot the potatoes with paper towels, fry in hot vegetable oil, wait until they are browned. Then add mushrooms and onions, simmer until cooked, salt to taste. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. In the heat of the heat we serve and eat. Enjoy your meal!

Fried potatoes with butter in a pan

In terms of vitamin content and taste, boletus is in no way inferior to porcini mushrooms. Fried butter with potatoes is an original Russian dish. The smell that comes from cooking will delight everyone

We need:

  • Potatoes - 1 kg.
  • Butter - 0.5 kg.
  • Onions - 2 heads
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Sunflower oil for frying


Let's start with the mushrooms, clean them, rinse them thoroughly under running water. For this dish, they must be boiled. Put the mushrooms in a suitable saucepan, fill with water and a little salt. From the beginning of the boil, cook for 15 minutes. We put the finished oil in a colander, all the liquid should drain. Grind a little if necessary

We send it to a pan with heated sunflower oil, add finely chopped onion

Next, we will deal with potatoes, peel them, rinse them, chop them into cubes. We will send it to the pan to the mushrooms when they are browned. Mix everything well, bring to readiness. Season with salt, pepper and finely chopped garlic.

Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for delicious chanterelles fried with potatoes in sour cream

Potatoes with mushrooms are practically national, tasty, hearty and quite easy to prepare dish.
Fried potatoes with mushrooms are a favorite dish in many families. It is not surprising - this is a tasty and satisfying dish, which does not take much time to prepare, and the ingredients are readily available at any time of the year. How to cook it correctly?


There is still controversy over the preparation of this favorite dish - some chefs argue that potatoes and mushrooms should be fried together in the same pan, restaurant chefs insist that the main ingredients should be cooked separately from each other. The supporters of the second statement have more followers, since it is not devoid of meaning: when frying potatoes and mushrooms together, it is very difficult to achieve the correct result - each product has its own specifics of preparation. Even onions, also used in potatoes with mushrooms, are very difficult to fry properly if something else is cooked with them in a pan. Therefore, stock up on at least two pans for this dish.

Ingredients: 1 kg of potatoes; 400-500 g of fresh mushrooms; 1 onion; 100 g sour cream; sunflower oil; salt; spice; greens. The ratio of potatoes and mushrooms should be about 2: 1, onions and potatoes - 3: 1.

Preparing mushrooms for frying will require more attention than potatoes. You can use any mushrooms - at your discretion. However, champignons are the most readily available. With potatoes, as a rule, everything is clear - you need to wash, peel, cut them into slices. But with mushrooms you will have to tinker a little longer. It is necessary to remove all exfoliated areas from them, if there are viscous legs, get rid of them. Softened and darkened areas are also removed. If you are using butter or russula, clean their caps. At the same time, remember that you need to wash them in cold water, moreover, you should not overdo it with the time that they will stay in the water. On the contrary, you need to try to keep them in it as little as possible.

First of all, prepare the onion - peel it, chop it finely and fry it in a pan until golden brown. After cooking, transfer the onions to a separate bowl.

Next, we proceed to frying the mushrooms. It is not required to pour in a lot of vegetable oil - the mushrooms will give off all their excess moisture. They must be cooked for at least 40 minutes, stirring constantly. Season with salt and season to taste. A few minutes before cooking, add sour cream to the mushrooms, mix and simmer a little. When ready, transfer them to the bow.

Fry the potatoes in a sufficient amount of oil without a lid. Do not forget to add salt. At the very end, you can add a little greenery. The last step is to combine onions, mushrooms and potatoes. Fry them under a closed lid over low heat for about 5 minutes. Now you can enjoy the wonderful taste of this dish.

Enjoy your meal!

Perhaps teaching a Russian person to fry potatoes is somewhat presumptuous: each of us has it in our blood, and for me, one of the vivid memories of my childhood is the potatoes that my grandmother fried in a heavy cast-iron pan, scraping the most delicious from the bottom especially for me ... But this fried potatoes with mushrooms is a simple thing, but no less narcotic than another, or: it's hard to stop until you've eaten everything. Take good forest mushrooms, not any champignons, otherwise it will not be fried potatoes with mushrooms, but a complete profanity.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

4 servings

6-8 potatoes for frying
2 medium onions
400 g of forest mushrooms
a few sprigs of thyme and oregano
a large bunch of parsley and dill
4 cloves of garlic
fat or butter

Chop the onion finely, peel the mushrooms and chop coarsely. In a large skillet, melt a spoonful of duck fat or, if no fat, heat the oil in half with butter. Toss in onions and sauté, stirring occasionally, over medium heat until translucent, then add mushrooms and turn heat slightly. The mushrooms will give off a lot of moisture, keep frying them until it evaporates, then season with salt and black pepper. After three or four minutes, add finely chopped thyme and oregano - they will give the mushrooms a wonderful flavor - stir, remove the pan from the heat and remove the mushrooms in a separate bowl.

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes with a cross section of about 1 cm. I prefer to fry the potatoes in vegetable oil - pour in enough so that it generously covers the bottom of the pan, add the potatoes to the hot oil and, having mixed well, fry until tender. Covering the pan with a lid will cook the potatoes faster, but not as crispy - in any case, remember to stir occasionally. Add mushrooms, stir them with potatoes, heat for a couple of minutes, then add chopped garlic, parsley and dill, stir and remove from heat. In general, it is (evil) to use herbs in summer, adding them to all dishes in large quantities - a very healthy and correct idea.

Divide the mushroom fried potatoes into bowls and, if desired, top each serving with a spoonful of thick sour cream. Serve as a stand-alone dish or as a side dish. With black bread and kvass.