What is the shelf life of beer in different containers. How long is draft beer stored at home?

23.09.2019 Buffet table

How long is draft beer stored in a plastic bottle? This question often arises among men and women who love a foamy drink. Indeed, if the shelf life is violated, your favorite alcohol will not only not bring pleasure, but can also harm your health.

In order for the consumption of your favorite drink to bring only positive emotions, it is important to know how much beer is stored, as well as to provide optimal conditions for its stay at home. For the safety of the product, you need to pay attention to some key points:

  1. The beverage in the bottle must be properly stored. Eminent brewers advise keeping bottled live beer upright. This is because the yeast in the frothy drink may settle to the bottom. There is also an opinion that alcohol, upon contact with a plastic lid, loses its pleasant taste.
  2. It is recommended to store live beer in a dark place; the bottle should be reliably protected from direct sunlight.
  3. Pay attention to the container. Those who plan to store the intoxicated drink for a long time are advised to choose beer in dark glass bottles. Such a container will help protect alcohol from the negative effects of light and sun. The shelf life of draft beer in plastic containers is short. The fact is that the material from which the bottle is made is rather porous, therefore it can pass oxygen, this negatively affects the taste of the foamy drink.
  4. The storage temperature of the beer is also very important. This figure may vary depending on the type of alcohol. It is recommended to store light varieties in a refrigerator, where the temperature does not exceed + 8 ° C. The strong drink can be left at room temperature. Storing beer in the freezer is unacceptable, it will lead to the loss of all the taste of alcohol.
  5. The shelf life of beer varies depending on the type of beer. Most varieties can be stored quietly for 30 to 180 days. But, of course, it's still better to familiarize yourself with the information that is indicated on the label.

Some craftsmen make the intoxicated drink on their own. In this case, the shelf life of beer will directly depend on its strength; with an average indicator, alcohol can last up to six months. Some varieties of the drink can withstand storage for several years. At home, it is recommended to keep alcohol in a glass container in a cellar or in a separate refrigerator. During long-term storage, it is important to protect bottles from temperature extremes.

About storage times

Foam lovers place the draft drink in a special category. Such alcohol is sold in cafes, bars and specialty stores. Liquid is delivered in kegs. You should ask the seller about the shelf life of beer in kegs, since this indicator depends on many nuances. In closed containers, the shelf life of beer can be up to 2-3 months, but after opening, the drink must be sold in 5 days. Therefore, before purchasing intoxicating liquid, ask how long the barrel has been opened, otherwise there is a risk of buying a low-quality product.

After buying, you need to remember that live beer is a natural product, there are no preservatives in it, the faster the drink is consumed, the better. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how long draft beer can be stored so that it does not lose its taste and aroma.

Beer poured into a mug loses its taste within 60 minutes. If you send for storage a carefully corked bottle of alcohol, it will lie, without losing its pleasant taste, for about 3-4 days. In general, the faster the live beer is drunk, the better.

Sometimes it happens that, for example, a large container with a foamy drink is bought, but it is not possible to drink the entire contents of the bottle, then the question arises, is it possible to store such alcohol for some period? To prolong the life of a product, you need to know some secrets.

For the safety of the drink, it is important to create ideal conditions for it: protect it from sunlight, select the right temperature. The liquid will retain its pleasant beer taste if you send the bottle to the refrigerator. True, when alcohol has already come into contact with the air, there is a risk of rapid souring of alcohol. Therefore, before sending the container to the refrigerator, it is important to carefully seal the cap on the bottle. Otherwise, the product will quickly deteriorate (even stored in accordance with all the rules).

The shelf life of the drink in an open container is short. A strong variety of foam can lie in the refrigerator for about 2 days, and a light look will last no more than a day.

When buying beer in kegs, it is imperative to clarify how long the container has been opened. The risk of purchasing a low-quality product is too great, sellers often cheat. The best option is to buy the product in stores where they make a trial pouring, give a drink for tasting. This will allow you to make your choice.

A large number of people love beer, but not many consumers know how to store it properly. Therefore, everyone who prefers foam needs to remember the tips that were voiced. With this approach, you will be able to enjoy your favorite drink without risk to health. However, you should not forget that excessive alcohol consumption can negatively affect the body.

Brewing is a complex process and there are many steps to go through to get a good quality product. The most important is the fermentation period, during which the whole bouquet is formed in the beer: degree, smell, color, taste. The quality of the future drink depends on the main factor - whether the temperature at the time of fermentation is correctly maintained, and each variety has its own. A certain temperature is also observed when processing malt, which is responsible for the shade of live beer.

Many lovers of a glass of beer with fresh foam are interested in how long draft beer is stored. The difference between such an amber drink is not only excellent taste, but also the absence of preservatives in the product. This is the reason for the transience of his "life" - up to two or three days outside the barrel. If this beer is stored longer, it turns into an acidic liquid.

The quality of the drink depends on the conditions of production and storage

Alive and useful

To the question of how long live beer is stored, there is one logical answer - try to drink it on the day of purchase. If stocks are made for a longer period, it is best to store them in a tightly sealed container in a cool place. The temperature in the refrigerator or cellar should be 3-5 ° C. Failure to comply with the thermal regime will lead to hypothermia or overheating of the product, which will activate the oxidative process in the drink and lead to its rapid deterioration.

Kegs - from which the drink is poured in specialized stores and bars

Beer in kegs is very popular among consumers. The hermetic kegerator, which is the main equipment of the beer bar, maintains a constant temperature, and in it the shelf life of draft beer is 2-3 months. Each manufacturer specifies the shelf life of beer in kegs, and conscientious sellers usually do not hide the level of freshness of the drink.

Plastic box

An intoxicated beverage stored immediately after bottling in a plastic bottle is ideal for mass distribution. This is not the best packaging, but acceptable for an inexpensive product. Such a container costs a penny and is beneficial for retail sales.

The storage of beer in food plastic is determined by GOSTs, according to which a pasteurized foam product can be stored from 6 months to a year, depending on the amount of preservatives added to the composition.

If the expiration date of the beer is indicated in one month, this indicates a greater naturalness of the product. However, in an open container, it will "live" in the refrigerator for about a day, because after opening the package, it lends itself to the influence of the environment and microorganisms.

Glass containers

Pouring a frothy drink into a tinted glass bottle is the best option for long-term mass distribution. Branded varieties of hop drink packaged in glass convey the maximum intensity of taste, because the packaging material does not affect its contents in any way. The expiration date of beer is always indicated on the product label, but in this case it will depend on the temperature regime. In a closed bottle stored in an upright position, the drink can have a long aging. There are such expensive varieties, the shelf life of which is calculated in years. But if you have already opened the bottle, then drink immediately, otherwise the taste of the drink will be distorted.

Dark glass - perfect and proven packaging

Tin bottle or aluminum can

Any metal, in direct contact with a drink, leaves at least a minimal imprint on its taste. This container, with a slight external impact, lends itself to deformation, as a result - the internal protective film is broken and a corrosive process begins. But aluminum cans do not allow the sun's rays to break through their walls. The shelf life in such a package, subject to all conditions, is on average a month, but even here it all depends on the amount of preservatives in the product.

How long can a beer be stored in a can after opening? Not at all! If you don't drink enough, pour it out, all the same, the exhausted drink will no longer bring pleasure.

Home production

Wanting to enjoy the natural taste of this ancient and popular drink, true lovers learn how to make homemade beer using classic and not so classic recipes. The main assistant in a technologically difficult process is brewer's yeast. Storing brewer's yeast, which is most often in liquid form, requires glass containers. Place them in the refrigerator. They can be stored for up to a year, but the optimal period without loss of quality is no more than a month. Powdered brewer's yeast has a longer shelf life - up to two years.

The shelf life of homemade beer depends on the conditions in which the drink is located, and this, again, is the humidity of the air, the temperature regime and the type of container used.

After pouring beer into sterile containers, you need to tightly seal the contents and place them in the cellar or in a special refrigerator.

This tasty and aromatic drink is especially great after two weeks or a month of aging. In plastic bottles, homemade beer can be stored for up to 6 months, and if the container is glass, then calmly and up to a year. If somewhere there were flaws in sterility, there is no need to take risks, but it is better to immediately pour out the spoiled beer. Experienced brewers also advise, when filling bottles or cans with beer, not to disturb the yeast sediment formed at the bottom of the parent container.

The shelf life of beer depends on:

  • technical manufacturing criteria,
  • varieties,
  • used filling container,
  • storage conditions.

Pasteurized beer is reliable for preserving nutritional value. Pasteurization - This is a high temperature treatment in order to get rid of living microorganisms involved in the processes of fermentation and oxidation.

The result of processing is that the shelf life of the beer is increased. Such beer is no longer classified as a perishable product; therefore, it can be stored for 6 to 12 months.

Filtration of unpasteurized beer, if it affects the preservation, then to a small extent. As a result of filtration, part of the yeast is removed, which slows down (but not much) the oxidation. The main function of cleansing is to increase the transparency and purity of the color of the drink, improve the taste.

Unfiltered beer, which is not pasteurized to preserve the natural taste, will be capricious in terms of nutritional value preservation. Such beer is called "live", as it contains the yeast that is involved in the formation of the foamy drink.

The shelf life of beer in this case (in a sealed container) does not exceed a month!

Proper storage conditions!

The criteria for increasing the shelf life of beer are:

  • used capacity,
  • room temperature,
  • position of bottles,
  • protection from sunlight.

Beer storage container


A keg is a stainless steel cylinder equipped with a filling valve. Kegs hold from 5 liters to 100 liters. As a container, kegs are the best option for draft beer. It should be noted that after opening the container, the shelf life of draft beer cannot exceed 5 days.

Aluminum cans

A can is also a good way to store a frothy drink. But there is a drawback: the can is subject to deformation, as a result of which the inner protective layer of the container can be broken, which will affect the quality.

Glass bottle

This is a classic time-tested method of preserving nutritional value. The requirement for the glass of the bottle is that it must be dark and transmit only a minimum of light. The weak point of this container is the cork; when buying, you need to track it for tightness, since the penetrated air will not only reduce the quality, but also make it unusable.

Since manufacturers prefer to fill the product processed by heat exposure into such a container, but without preservatives, beer in glass bottles has a shelf life of no more than six months!

PET bottles

This option is the most undesirable for the buyer. During the period of disuse, beer alcohol has time to react with the substance of the plastic bottle, forming toxic components. Plastic is convenient for production, but if you really have to take such a drink, then you need to check that the time from the date of production does not exceed 20-30 days.

Storage temperature

Temperature is an important condition for optimal extension of the shelf life of beer; it should not exceed 15 ° C. In this case, the yeast is in a dormant state!

How and where is it better to store beer?

The optimal position for bottles is considered to be vertical, then the yeast settles to the bottom and its influence on taste is reduced. In addition, in this position, there is no contact of the beverage with the cork, which also supports the taste and quality.

The storage location should be dry and cool. Cleanliness, low humidity and coolness are factors that reduce the development of unwanted microbes in the beer.

Home brewed beer shelf life!

The shelf life of home-brewed beer requires many caveats. Opinions differ over time from month to year.

Beer taste and shelf life depend on many factors:

  • compliance with sterility when cooking the product,
  • using a suitable bottle and stoppers,
  • varieties,
  • content criteria.

Some experienced brewers believe that maintaining sterility when brewing live beer will allow it to mature even after six months, retaining its excellent taste.

At the same time, ripening continues to develop slowly, yeast displaces other cultures that oxidize the drink, and the increasing level of alcohol takes over the preservation function.

The recommended ripening time for the main technologies is 30 days. But if you follow the rules of sterility and purity, then, by increasing the holding period to 90 days, you will get an excellent live beer, the quality of which you will have to look for on sale.

The shelf life of live beer produced according to factory specifications is no more than a month; the home brewer increases this period due to an individual approach to each bottle.

If you are preparing top-fermented varieties, then the shelf life of beer of this duration is not allowed, since such a product itself is perishable.

On the question of the safety of the drink after opening the container. The concepts of "open beer" and "storage" are incompatible, if you do not want to harm your own health afterwards: oxygen and many oxidizing microbes have already penetrated. The shelf life of live beer when opened is limited to a few hours.

The quality of beer depends on the terms and conditions of storage. The expiration date is determined by the variety.

Storage conditions

Kegs are one of the most common containers for beer. Due to the lack of contact of the drink with air, the shelf life of draft beer in kegs is quite long.

Conditions that determine the shelf life of beer in kegs:

  • the correct position of the keg is vertical. This prevents the beverage from oxidizing;
  • the keg must not be turned over and the beer must not be shaken in it;
  • foamy drink does not tolerate sudden temperature changes;
  • beer in kegs is stored in a cool room;
  • should be stored in a dark place. Ultraviolet rays impair the taste and appearance of the beverage.

Temperature regime

The storage temperature depends on the type of beer.

The optimum temperature for storing strong beer is 13-15 ° C. For a drink with a low alcohol content or non-alcoholic beverage, the temperature should be between 7-10 ° C.

"Live" beer requires an even lower storage temperature - about 3.5 ° C.

At temperatures from -1 to - 5 ° C beer in kegs freezes. This indicator depends on the strength of the drink: the more alcohol, the lower the freezing point. It is not necessary to allow the beer to turn into ice, as its taste will not be restored.

Shelf life of draft pasteurized beer

After pasteurization, the foamy drink is stored much longer than the "live" one - about six months.

The shelf life of pasteurized beer in kegs after opening under air pressure does not exceed 10 hours. If it is under pressure of carbon dioxide, the shelf life of an open keg of such beer increases to a week.

How long live beer is stored

The shelf life of draft "live" beer in kegs is short compared to pasteurized beer.

In a closed keg, this type of alcoholic drink is usable for 30 days.

The shelf life of live beer in an open keg depends on whether it is under pressure of carbon dioxide or air. In the first case, no more than 7 days. However, for maximum preservation of taste, it is recommended to consume the keg in 3-4 days. "Live" beer from an open keg under air pressure must be consumed within 10 hours.

When pouring expired beer from a keg, flakes sometimes appear, its taste and aroma change.

Even if the shelf life of beer in kegs is observed, it is worth remembering that the taste of the drink weakens over time, so it is better to pour it as soon as possible.

Beer usually disappears from the table quickly. But there are situations when you need to keep it for a while. Let's say you bought several packs from a wholesale store to save money. Or stock up on a drink before the holiday. Or maybe after the celebration there were a couple of bottles left. How long is draft and bottled beer stored? In what conditions should it be so that its best qualities are not lost, and an unpleasant sourness does not appear in the taste? How to extend the shelf life of a beer?

How to store draft

Draft beer is most useful. It:

  • helps to improve metabolism;
  • provides the body with B vitamins.

Now in every city there are breweries, and many lovers of the intoxicated drink buy it there. If you take draft beer in a plastic bottle, it can be stored no more than a day and only in the refrigerator.

In the breweries themselves, the drink is poured into a special container called a beer keg. This is a sealed barrel made of steel or its alloys. Beer in kegs reaches full readiness: the fermentation process ends, the drink is saturated with carbon dioxide.

Experts say: "The most delicious beer is the one in the kegs"

The shelf life of draft beer in kegs is quite long:

  • It can stay in closed kegs for up to 6 months, and sometimes even longer, since it has no contact with the environment.
  • After the keg has been opened, its contents must be consumed within 5 days. If this period is exceeded, the taste of the drink will begin to change significantly, an unpleasant sour note will appear.

Therefore, before buying on tap, you should ask how many days ago the keg was opened. If you don't take the seller's word for it, ask permission to taste the drink. As a last resort, buy 0.5L and give it a try. If the taste is fresh, you can buy the right amount.

We answer the question: how to determine the freshness of a beer by its foam?

High-quality, fresh beer has a thick, persistent foam. Pour your drink into a clear mug or glass. The foam should be at least 4 cm in height and hold for at least 3 minutes, and for non-alcoholic - 2 cm and at least 2 minutes. Blow on the foam. If it disappears, then the beer is of poor quality. In addition, the foam should remain on the sides of the glass. If you have drunk the contents, and there is no foam on the walls, refrain from further use.

How to store foam bought in bottles or cans

Most often, people buy beer in stores: in plastic bottles of various sizes, in glass bottles or in cans. What is the best way to keep your favorite drink in such a container, and how much fresh beer, bottled under industrial conditions, remains?


Pay attention to the expiration date of the beer. First of all, you should focus on this date. It should be noted that imported drinks do not indicate the date of bottling, but the final date of consumption.

A place

The purchase should be placed in the refrigerator:

  • It is best if you have a separate small refrigeration unit for this purpose. Too often you have to use the common: every now and then someone opens the door. The light comes on, warm air enters. All this is not good for the product, especially if the container is opened.
  • Under no circumstances should you put beer in the freezer. When freezing, not only the beneficial properties of the product are lost. It also loses its flavor completely.


The best storage option is glass bottles. Plastic bottles, if they were bottled in a production shop in compliance with all technologies, are not much inferior to glass ones. The shelf life of beer in plastic is about the same as in glass containers.

We answer the question: if contact with metal is harmful for beer, why is it poured into cans?

From the inside, they are covered with a special varnish. When buying a drink, you should carefully examine the can for any damage. Dents can affect the quality of the drink.


Keep bottles upright. If they are laid horizontally, they do this so that the corks do not dry out. The opposite is true with beer. The metal cap should not come into contact with the liquid, so as not to give it a specific taste.

Also, if the beer contains slightly more yeast, sediment may appear. When the bottle is straight, the dregs will remain at the bottom and will not get into your glass.


The contents of the bottles are badly affected by sunlight, so the containers are made of dark glass or plastic. Try not to leave the drink outdoors for a long time.

The optimum storage temperature for beer is 2-5 ° C.


Strong dark-colored varieties keep better than "light", light ones.

Dependence of shelf life on the type of beer (click on the picture to enlarge)

What to do when the container is opened?

After opening:

  • the intoxicated drink can be kept in a glass bottle for about 3 days;
  • in a plastic or tin container - about a day;
  • light low-alcohol should be consumed within a few hours.

An opened bottle, if you have not finished it, must be closed as tightly as possible with a lid or cork.

Do you know that…

After opening, it is undesirable to leave the foamy liquid in a plastic container for more than a few hours. Also, PET bottles cannot be reused.

How to store "live"

The most valuable for humans is "live" beer, that is, not pasteurized. It completely preserves vitamins, salts, amino acids, fermentation products.

Such a drink, even if it tastes perfect, is never exported abroad, since it cannot withstand transportation. The shelf life of live beer is too short:

  • in "live" beer, beneficial bacteria will stay for about a day, but this is only if the intoxicated drink is stored in the refrigerator;
  • if the drink is left on the table at room temperature or placed on a windowsill illuminated by the sun, it will lose its taste and valuable properties very quickly;
  • - one of the most valuable components of draft beer - die in the refrigerator.

So this particular type of foamy drink should be consumed as quickly as possible.

Do you know that…

Only unpasteurized and unfiltered beer can be called alive. The shelf life of such a product is extremely short (up to one week), so it is most often produced by mini-breweries with the expectation of quick sale. It is almost impossible to find this drink on store shelves, no matter what the manufacturers write on the labels. Always check the shelf life indicated on the bottle if you don't want to drink a preservative cocktail under the brand name "live".

How to store homemade

Making homemade beer is a fun experience. To ensure that your work is not in vain, provide the beer with proper storage conditions.

  1. In general, the general rules apply to this drink.
  2. The stronger the beer, the longer it will be stored.
  3. The most suitable room temperature is 12 ° C.
  4. Keep bottles upright.
  5. The drink should not be exposed to sunlight.

After the prepared beer is poured into a suitable container, it begins to "mature", this process lasts up to 2-3 weeks. It is during this period that gases are formed. Therefore, during the ripening period, the drink should not be placed in the refrigerator. A dark, cool place is best - a cellar, closet. It's okay if sediment appears at the bottom of the bottle - this is a natural phenomenon.

The yeast becomes a stabilizer and the shelf life of home brews is extended to 6 months. If you prepare such a drink regularly, you can try the stored stock at different stages and make appropriate notes in your notebooks. This is how you experimentally determine when the foam tastes best.

Thank you in advance! It is important for us to understand that we are not working in vain.