How to dry garden strawberries. Dried strawberries are a healthy treat that can be prepared without any problems at home.

07.03.2020 Buffet table

Dried strawberries are a source of vitamins all year round, which can be stored very compactly for a long time in your home.

This vitamin supplement will improve the taste of tea - add dried berries to the tea leaves and enjoy the excellent taste. Moreover, such strawberries can be used as a non-nutritive sweetness, because not only useful substances are preserved in it, but also a pleasant sweetish taste, complemented by a characteristic strawberry aroma.

Hard, not overripe berries are suitable for drying. More juicy strawberries will take longer to dry, so choose sweet varieties with medium-sized berries.

There are several ways to dry strawberries at home. You can use a special technique or dry it in the sun. Choose the method that suits you and enjoy the fragrant berry all year round!

Air drying strawberries

This is the easiest way to get dried strawberries at home, but also the longest. Despite the fact that you will not need special devices, get ready for the fact that you will have to watch the berry for 4 days. By the way, on the next pallet you can arrange strawberry sepals, they are also great for tea.


  • strawberry.


  1. Rinse the berries, sort. Dry thoroughly.
  2. Cut into thin slices.
  3. Lay a layer of newspaper on the balcony in a sunny location.
  4. Spread parchment and berries on top of the newspapers. Place them so that they do not touch, otherwise the strawberries may become moldy.
  5. The paper will absorb the berry juice into itself, so it needs to be changed periodically, and the berries themselves should be turned over.
  6. There is another way - to string the plates of berries on threads and also hang them in the sun.

Strawberries in an electric dryer

A special dryer will save you the hassle - you only need to place the berries on pallets. The drying time depends on the number of berries loaded.


  • strawberry.


  1. Rinse the berries, dry thoroughly.
  2. Cut into thin slices.
  3. Spread out on pallets in a light layer.
  4. Set the temperature within 60 ° C.
  5. Replace the pallets periodically during the drying process.

Dried strawberries in the oven

Using the oven, the berries can be dried faster than in the air. Be patient and follow the directions and the result is a fragrant sweet berry.


  • strawberry.


  1. Rinse and dry the berries.
  2. Spread the strawberries over the parchment. The berries should not be pressed tightly or lie on top of each other.
  3. Preheat the oven to 60 ° C.
  4. Send the strawberries to the oven, leave the door ajar.
  5. After 1 hour and 30 minutes, remove the berries. Let them cool completely. Turn over.
  6. Send to the oven again.
  7. Repeat the technology several times, until the berries are completely dry. The whole process usually takes about 10 hours.

Dried strawberries in the microwave

This is the fastest way to prepare dried berries. After such processing, the vitamins in the berry will be less preserved, but you can get a sweet addition to tea in a few minutes. If saving time plays the main role in cooking, then feel free to use this recipe.


  • strawberry.


  1. Rinse the berries, dry thoroughly. Cut into thin slices.
  2. Line a plate with a paper towel. Spread the berries on it - the layer should not be dense, and the strawberries should not touch.
  3. Cover the berries with a piece of parchment.
  4. Place in the microwave for 3 minutes (at 200 W).
  5. Remove berries, turn over, cover again. Submit for another 3 minutes.

There are several ways to dry strawberries. Choose the most suitable for you, based on the technical equipment of your kitchen and your preferences.

Hello dear readers!

Many of our hostesses begin to prepare for winter from the first summer days in order to supply more vitamins for the family. And one of these optimal options for harvesting is dried strawberries, where all the beneficial properties and taste characteristics of fresh berries are preserved in the maximum way.

This product takes up little space, is perfectly stored and is used as a natural vitamin supplement for various desserts or baked goods in cooking. And how pleasant it is to warm up in cold weather with a glass of aromatic strawberry tea.

After all, such a fortified drink with a delicate taste of summer can not only invigorate a person for the whole day, but also really boost immunity, which is very necessary for each of us in winter or during the off-season.

So that you can learn more about dried strawberries, we will talk with you about their nutritional and energy value. You will find out what it consists of, what positive qualities it has, how its use affects the human body, where it is used and how to independently prepare this dried berry at home. Interesting? Then stay on this page!

Dried strawberries are not only a continuation of the summer pleasure that we received during the season from delicious juicy aromatic berries, but also a valuable storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. Since in these dried fruits persist practically unchanged:

  • potassium;
  • boron;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • gland;
  • calcium;
  • silicon;
  • selena;
  • chlorine.

The calorie content of 100 grams of dried strawberries is about 290 kcal... And thanks to the unique combination of biologically active nutrients, this natural product has excellent:

  1. Antioxidant;
  2. Wound healing;
  3. Immunostimulating;
  4. Antimicrobial;
  5. Antiseptic;
  6. Diuretic;
  7. Antipyretic;
  8. Hematopoietic;
  9. Anti-inflammatory;
  10. Regenerating;
  11. Antidepressant characteristics.

The whole range of these useful properties, according to many experts, helps people:

  • Tone the nervous system.
  • Relieve depressive stress.
  • Stimulate the thyroid gland.
  • Increase hemoglobin.
  • Restore water-salt balance, intestinal microflora, skin elasticity, impaired metabolism.
  • Improve the digestive tract.
  • Prevent the formation of malignant tumors.
  • Eliminate hemorrhoids.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Remove slags, toxins, radionuclides from the body.
  • Remove puffiness.
  • Stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Strengthen the gums.
  • Reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Increase sexual performance.
  • Enhance memory and mental activity.

Therefore, today, along with the protocol practice, doctors recommend using dry strawberries in parallel to treat:

  1. Periodontal disease;
  2. Anemia;
  3. Gout;
  4. Flu;
  5. Hypertension;
  6. Colds;
  7. Gastrointestinal disorders;
  8. Atherosclerosis;
  9. Esophageal cancer;
  10. Insomnia;
  11. Scurvy;
  12. Eczema;
  13. Constipation;
  14. Cardiovascular pathologies;
  15. Rheumatism;
  16. Acne;
  17. Cystitis;
  18. Respiratory system diseases.

How to dry strawberries yourself?

To get high-quality dried strawberries, and the process itself went right, no matter what recipe you choose, you must follow certain rules.

  1. For drying, you can take both cultivars and wild berries without traces of damage.
  2. They should be:
  • Correct form;
  • Intense red;
  • Not overripe;
  • Solid texture;
  • Sweet in taste, no mildew or musty odor.
  • The best option here would be fruits collected with your own hands in the country or in the forest.
    • Separate the prepared berries from the stalk;
    • Rinse them well under cool running water;
    • Place the berries on a paper towel to dry thoroughly.

    And then carefully cut each berry into thin, 3-5 mm even slices, and then proceed directly to the process itself.

    In general, drying strawberries at home can be done in several ways. I will tell about the most simple and popular ones further.

    On air

    This is the easiest way our grandmothers used to dry strawberries. They simply strung small berries on a string, hung them up and dried them in the sun.

    And as another option, you can spread the strawberry slices on a thick sheet of Whatman paper, under which there are several layers of old newspapers on a flat surface. This protection is necessary to prevent ink from entering the finished product.

    Here, the juice released from fresh berries must first be absorbed into the Whatman paper, and then soak the newspapers. The latter need to be changed every 5 hours, and the berry itself should be turned over after that. The drying time for strawberries according to this recipe is four days.

    In an electric dryer

    Today, the most suitable option for drying strawberries, as well as at home, is an electric dryer. It is successfully used by modern housewives for harvesting useful berries. This process is quite simple, convenient and optimal.

    For its direct implementation, one should:

    1. Arrange prepared fresh strawberry slices not very tightly on perforated trays.
    2. Set the technique to a mode not higher than 60 degrees in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of ripe berries.
    3. Start up the appliance.
    4. During the drying process, the trays need to be swapped from time to time: the upper ones to the bottom, the lower ones to the top to ensure even drying of the strawberry slices.

    For one tab in the electric dryer, you can dry up to 2 kilograms of fresh berries. You can spend up to 12 hours on this, and at the exit you get about 140 grams of dry product.

    You can watch the whole process of harvesting strawberries in an electric dryer in the following video.

    Summing up my opus, I want to warn you that to use dried strawberries in your diet. do not do it people with:

    • Allergies;
    • High acidity;
    • Hepatic colic;
    • Chronic appendicitis.

    This dried fruit should be used with caution by children, pregnant women or women during lactation. For the rest, almost everyone can eat this tasty treat.

    It can be used to make muffins, mousses or cocktails; add to various cereals, cottage cheese, yogurt; it goes well with cream in delicious desserts.

    This natural product is also used in traditional medicine recipes. Moreover, you can not only make it yourself, but also buy it at an affordable price in a supermarket or a specialized online store.

    The main thing in everything is to adhere to the measure, do not forget about contraindications and follow the storage rules.

    Good luck to all! See you!

    Ripe but strong strawberries are suitable for drying. The berries should not be overripe or watery. Large strawberries are easier to cut, but small ones are fine too. Before starting drying, the strawberries must be thoroughly rinsed and peeled from the stalks. Spread the strawberries on a towel and let dry. Wet strawberries take longer to dry and tolerate slicing worse.

    You need to cut the strawberries into slices. The thickness of the plates depends on where you plan to use the berries. For tea, it is best to cut into thin slices, about 3 mm. The slicing knife must be sharp, otherwise the strawberries will let the juice out. I use a paring knife or a thin serrated knife.

    In order to cut strawberries a little thicker (5 mm), you can use not only a knife, but also various devices, for example, an egg cutter or such a knife for slicing tomatoes. All the plates are the same thickness, which means they will dry out the same way.

    Don't cut all the strawberries at once. It is better to cut and spread some of the berries, then cut some more. The amount of strawberries you need will depend on the thickness of the plates and the number of trays in your dryer.

    Arrange the chopped strawberries in trays in one layer, so that the plates do not stick together. Dry the strawberries for about 12 hours. It is difficult to indicate the exact time, because each dryer has its own characteristics. During the drying process, it is recommended to change the trays in places several times, so the berries will dry more evenly, and you can control the process.

    Sun-dried strawberries retains vitamins and its beneficial properties. Dried strawberries can be used as a dessert or added to tea. In addition, when preparing this dish, you will also receive strawberry juice and strawberry syrup infused with sugar.
    Step 1: Sugar the strawberries Wash the strawberries, remove the sepals, put them in a bowl. Fill the strawberries with sugar (400 g), close the lid, put the bowl of strawberries in the refrigerator and leave it for a day. After a day, pour the strawberry juice into previously prepared pasteurized jars, close the lids, use this juice for no more than 2 months. Step 2: drain the strawberry syrup 350 gr. the remaining sugar pour 350 gr. water, put in a saucepan over low heat, let the mixture boil. After boiling, pour strawberry berries (those that have been kept in the refrigerator for a day) into the sugar syrup. Place the lid on the pot and continue cooking for about 5-7 minutes. Then turn off the heat. Let the strawberry syrup cool. After 15 minutes, pour the contents of the pot into pasteurized jars. Use a colander to strain. Cork the jars with a tin key. Step 3: heat the strawberries Put the berries that remain in the colander on a baking sheet, let them cool. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 85 degrees. Place the baking sheet with chilled strawberries in the oven for half an hour. After 30 minutes, remove the strawberries from the oven. Cool the strawberries again, stir with a spatula. Then put the strawberries back in the oven. Repeat this action 2 times in total. Don't overcook the strawberries! Step 4: Leave the strawberries at room temperature Transfer the strawberries from the baking sheet to a sieve, leave them at a temperature of about 30 degrees. After 6-9 hours, transfer the strawberries to paper bags. In paper bags and at room temperature, strawberries should lie for 5-6 days. Then it is ready for use. Enjoy your meal! - It is important to choose the right berries for your jerky strawberries. Strawberries should not be overripe; choose ripe, large berries. - Dried strawberries should be stored at a temperature of 12-18 degrees. Better keep it in glass jars with tightly closed lids. The maximum shelf life of dried strawberries is 2 months. - Delicious aromatic tea can be made from ready-made dried strawberries. Boil it for at least 5 minutes. - Dried strawberries can also be eaten with whipped cream, with ice cream, with cookies, as a dessert for evening tea.


    Dried strawberries are low in calories and have many beneficial properties. In contrast to the very aggressive freezing of fruits and berries for the winter, the ingredients practically do not lose their vitamins during the drying and heat treatment process. This allows us to stock up on all the necessary vitamins for the entire winter season. How can you use dried strawberries? There are a lot of ways, plus your own imagination. First of all, wonderful teas, compotes and other drinks are prepared from dried berries. Chopped strawberries can be used as an ingredient in other desserts.
    A step-by-step photo recipe will tell you in the most detailed way how to quickly and easily dry strawberries yourself. You need to use an electric dryer for such a workpiece, and in view of its absence, an oven. Drying processes are different and in a special dryer everything will be much easier. Some people dry fruits and berries without any additional appliances at all, just leaving the pieces of food to reach the necessary condition on their own. The ideal winter strawberry harvesting will allow you to enjoy the taste of strawberry and summer all winter long. Let's start harvesting dried strawberries at home.


    Dried strawberries - recipe

    The first step is to choose ripe strawberries of about the same size, although this item is more for pedants. During the drying process, the strawberries will decrease in size and their appearance will not be important at all. Put all the collected or purchased strawberries in a colander and rinse well in cold water. We spread the strawberries to dry on a towel, simultaneously remove the green stalks. Cut the prepared strawberries in half and place them on the drier tray as shown in the photo.

    Be sure to pay attention to what kind of strawberries you taste and keep in mind that if they are acidic, then the drying process will only make this acid even more concentrated. If desired, the strawberries can be sweetened by dipping them in sweet boiling syrup, for example.

    It is also possible to dry the whole berries, although this will take much longer. If you wish, you can try to prepare such strawberries for the winter.

    On an electric dryer, set it to about 50 degrees and dry the strawberries until cooked. You can see the finished state in the photo. The whole process takes from 12 to 24 hours, depending on which strawberry is caught. The finished product must be sealed in order to keep the berries as long as possible, and then hidden in a dry, dark place. Dried strawberries are ready for the winter, you can brew tea from them.