Characteristics of the composition and calorie content of halva, the benefits and harms of this product, as well as photos; recipe for making homemade sweets. Sunflower halva: composition, benefits, harm, recipes

06.09.2019 Buffet table

Composition and useful properties of sunflower halva. What are the contraindications to its use in food? How is halva eaten and what recipes with its participation can be prepared in the home kitchen?

Sunflower halva is a favorite dessert of adults and children. It can be eaten in its pure form or added to baked goods, cereals and even drinks. Anyone can prepare a treat at home or purchase it at any grocery store. Sweetness is rich in vitamins and trace elements necessary for the healthy functioning of the human body. Despite this, it is forbidden to eat halva in large doses for children and several other categories of consumers. Further more about the composition, benefits and dangers of sunflower halva.

Composition and calorie content of sunflower halva

GOST of sunflower halva says that the product should be easy to cut, crumble a little and have a fine-fiber structure. The surface of the treat should be free from graying and damage. Point inclusions of husk may come across inside the sweets, but their excessive amount indicates a low quality of the product.

The standard composition of sunflower halva includes the following ingredients:

  1. Shredded sunflower seeds;
  2. Tahini or sesame paste;
  3. Natural flavors in the form of nuts and chocolate, which are selected at the individual discretion of each manufacturer.

The calorie content of sunflower halva per 100 g is 560 kcal, of which:

  • Protein - 13 g;
  • Fat - 37 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 43 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 0 g;
  • Water - 0 g.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates: 1 to 2.8 to 3.3.

Vitamins per 100 g of product:

  • Vitamin B1 - 0.8 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.1 mg;
  • Vitamin PP - 4.5 mg.

Minerals in 100 g of sunflower halva:

  • Potassium (K) - 351 mg;
  • Calcium (Ca) - 211 mg;
  • Magnesium (Mg) - 178 mg;
  • Sodium (Na) - 87 mg;
  • Phosphorus (P) - 292 mg;
  • Iron (Fe) - 33.2 mg.

Interesting! The word "halva" is translated from Arabic as "sweets".

Useful properties of sunflower halva

The benefits of sunflower halva for human health are undeniable. It is advised to include in the diet of people who work regularly and hard, both physically and mentally.

The main useful properties of halva:

  1. Strengthens the immune system... Contains a wide range of B vitamins that have a positive effect on the protective function of the body. Also, these substances contribute to the accelerated absorption of carbohydrates.
  2. Optimizes the central nervous system and cardiovascular system... This is provided by a wide range of beneficial nutrients in the product, such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and more.
  3. Accelerates metabolism... This process occurs thanks to magnesium, which contains 178 mg in 100 g of halva.
  4. Rejuvenates the skin... Halva is used in cosmetology to create anti-aging face masks.

In addition, the product prevents abnormal thickening of blood vessels and tissues of internal organs, the development of malignant tumors in the body and coronary heart disease. Halva possesses these properties due to phytosterols, which are contained in especially large volumes. Phytosterols are similar in structure and function to cholesterol. They, getting into human vessels, do not allow cholesterol to penetrate into them. Due to this, the excess of the latter is removed from the body, which helps to prevent the development in the human body of a number of diseases caused by an excess of cholesterol in the blood.

On a note! Experts advise to carefully approach the choice of halva in the store. A quality product should have a grayish color and a crumbly texture. Touch the surface with one finger, if there is no greasy residue left on it, the product is fresh and you can safely buy it!

Contraindications and harm of sunflower halva

The harm of sunflower halva primarily lies in its high calorie content. A hearty product can provoke a rapid weight gain, so people who are losing weight should refuse it. It is enough to eat 100 g of this sweetness to get half the daily calories.

Also, the following categories of consumers should also exclude sunflower delicacy from their diet:

  • Diabetics;
  • People suffering from metabolic disorders;
  • Allergy sufferers with individual intolerance to the constituent components of the product.

Halva can cause stomach upsets if consumed stale, after the expiration date.

How to cook sunflower halva?

The industrial production of sunflower halva is a complex technological process, consisting of the following stages:

  1. Separation of hulls from sunflower seeds;
  2. Roasting seeds, their subsequent cooling and grinding;
  3. Adding to the crushed grains a boiled mixture of molasses and sugar, beaten with licorice root extract;
  4. Kneading halva, its packing and packaging.

Despite the complexity of the described process, a sweet treat can be prepared in your home kitchen with a minimum of time. What is sunflower halva made of at home? To prepare the dessert, you will need sunflower oil and seeds, wheat flour, water and granulated sugar.

A simple step-by-step recipe for sunflower halva:

  • Peel 0.5 kg of sunflower seeds.
  • Fry them in a skillet without adding oil.
  • Grind the resulting mass with a blender or food processor.
  • Fry the flour in a dry skillet. Make sure that the flour does not burn, it will be ready after acquiring a creamy shade.
  • Mix flour with crushed seeds.
  • Grind the resulting mixture in a blender.
  • Prepare the sugar syrup, for this you will need to combine 80 ml of water with 1 tbsp. granulated sugar. Simmer the syrup over low heat for about 5 minutes. Please note that foam will form on the surface of the water, which must be removed with a slotted spoon or spoon.
  • Add 150 ml of sunflower oil and a dry mixture of seeds and flour to the prepared syrup.

Put the resulting dough in a greased baking dish and leave the container to cool for 4 hours in a cool place. Some housewives put a press on top of the mold so that the halva is as firm as possible. Also, if you don't have a blender, you can use a meat grinder to grind ingredients.

Good to know! It is best to store the sweetness in a glass jar under a tightly closed lid. In this case, the temperature in the room should not exceed + 18 ° C. You can store a treat in such conditions for about 2 months. If the vacuum packaging of the product is not damaged, its freshness will be preserved for up to six months.

Halva recipes

Now you know how to cook sunflower halva in your kitchen. Next, we present to your attention several dessert recipes in which it is used as an integral component:

  1. Roll... Dissolve 20 g of vegetable oil and 2 eggs in 120 g of water. Pour 350 g of flour into the liquid and knead the dough, it should turn out to be elastic, but not clogged. Stretch the finished dough with your hands so that in the future it is convenient to form a roll from it. Be very careful, as the dough can easily break from sudden movements. Brush the crust stretched with your hands with pre-melted butter. Put the filling on it - 400 g of halva, whipped with 100 g of sour cream. Roll the dough into a roll and brush over with a beaten egg. Bake in the oven until tender.
  2. Biscuits... Whisk 150 g of butter with a mixer until fluffy and smooth. Add 1 chicken egg, 1 tsp to the butter. baking powder and 150 g of halva. Beat the resulting mass and knead the dough from it, for this you need 200 g of flour. Form the dough into balls and bake them for 20 minutes.
  3. Cake... Beat 3 eggs with a pinch of salt and 100 g sugar. Add 100 g of fat sour cream and 100 g of sunflower oil to the eggs (it is better to choose a refined product for kneading the dough). In a separate bowl, mix 30 g cocoa powder with 180 g wheat flour. Add the resulting mixture to the egg mixture, constantly stirring the dough that forms. Add finely chopped halva (150 g) to the finished dough. Bake the cake in one continuous pan, or pour the dough into small molds. But the dessert is best baked in a bowl with a hole in the middle.
  4. Vareniki... To speed up the cooking process of this dish, you can buy ready-made dumplings dough at the grocery store and fill it with halva. To do this, roll out the dough and squeeze circles out of it, into which the sweet filling will continue to lie. This dish should be cooked only for a few minutes. If you want to make the dough yourself, follow the following tips from the cooks: stir a pinch of salt and 1 egg in 150 ml of milk, add 350 g of flour to the liquid and knead the dough, leave the dumplings to infuse for 25 minutes.
  5. Cream for cake or pastries... Whisk in 300 g butter thoroughly. Add 300 g of icing sugar to it and beat again. Without stopping the mixer, pour 100 g of condensed milk into the butter and add 70 g of halva, cut into small pieces in advance. Beat the cream until smooth. Use it to grease cakes or cake toppings.

Halva drinks recipes

Three simple recipes for drinks with halva:

  • Latte... Whisk 150 ml of low-fat cow's milk with 50 g of halva. Add 1 tsp to the resulting mass. honey and heat over low heat until almost boiling. Whisk the syrup all the time so it doesn't burn. In a separate bowl, beat 50 g of milk until a thick foam is obtained. Pour 100 g of freshly made coffee into a serving bowl, pour syrup on top of it and decorate the composition with whipped foam. Enjoy your meal!
  • Milk Shake... Put 80 g of chopped halva, 3 peeled and peeled plums and 250 ml of cold milk in a blender bowl. Beat the mixture, gradually increasing the speed of the mixer. Serve the treat to the table when the drink acquires a homogeneous structure.
  • Hot chocolate... Grind 50 g halva with a fork. In a separate bowl, mix 1 tsp. ground ginger, 30 g of cocoa powder, 300 ml of cow's milk and the same amount of hot water. Cook the milk mixture over low heat for 2 minutes. Add 3 tsp to the finished syrup. sugar and 50 g of grated chocolate. Stir the treat thoroughly and pour it into portioned cups. On top of the hot chocolate, place the crumbled halva as a decoration.

It was first prepared in Persia, where it was believed that sweetness has magical powers. The Greek warriors did not consider halva a sweetness, but perceived it as a high-calorie product with which you can quickly get full and get a boost of energy before the upcoming battle. The inhabitants of modern Egypt to this day eat a delicacy for breakfast when they know that they will have a busy day.

Modern consumers are accustomed to buying halva from the seeds of oily crops. However, the world market knows another type of sweet product - halva made from vegetables and flour. This unusual delicacy is especially popular in countries such as Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.

Halva is a favorite delicacy of people from all over the world. In honor of this product, one of the space asteroids was even named. This fact takes place in the history of mankind thanks to Raymond Dugan, the cosmonaut who discovered the minor planet at number 518. It was he who named the asteroid in honor of halva - the sweet that he loved most at that time.

Halva is used not only in cooking, but also in fishing. From it and semolina, fishermen make an effective bait that holds perfectly on the hook and quickly attracts the attention of large fish.

How to cook sunflower halva - watch the video:

To the question of how useful sunflower halva is, experts answer briefly - with a large set of vitamins and minerals. This product contains a lot of iron, magnesium, potassium and more. Sweetness can quickly energize a person's body and improve their mood. Halva consumption should be limited only for children, overweight people or people with diabetes.

Halva is a sweet dessert native to hot southeastern countries. In our stores, halva is mainly sold for sunflower, i.e. made from sunflower seeds. But in the East, this dessert is made from nuts and various spicy seeds, which, when ground, release a lot of oil. In addition, halva is also made from different types of flour with the addition of butter for its plasticity.

Halva made from flour is more common in hot southern countries. This dessert is considered oriental, because it was in this side of the world that it was originally invented. Now we will tell you what kind of halva is prepared in different countries and give a fairly simple recipe for making oriental sweets at home.

What halva is made of in Eastern Europe

Halva, which is made in Russia, Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine, contains:

  • Peeled and finely ground sunflower seeds. They are the basis of the dessert. They contain a huge amount of protein and fat. Sunflower halva is considered very high in calories and should not be too carried away.
  • Sugar or molasses. They are needed to give the halva sweetness and plasticity. Syrup is prepared from sugar, before mixing it into halva. Homemade recipes often use honey instead of these ingredients.
  • The so-called foaming agent. It serves in halva so that the dessert turns out to be a little layered and viscous. Licorice or marshmallow root or whipped egg white are used as a foaming agent.
  • All sorts of aromatic and tasty additives: pieces of roasted peanuts, raisins, cocoa powder, vanillin. These additives are called by the general word "filler".
  • In halva, which is exported, a small amount of ascorbic acid is necessarily present. It is used as an antioxidant, i.e. the ingredient responsible for the longer shelf life.

What is halva made of in Turkey and other eastern countries

Almost all sweet tooth in the world consider Turkish halva the most delicious. There are several varieties of it, but the most popular is takhinny. Its second name is sesame, because it is from sesame seeds that they make the basis for halva. In Turkey you can also find pure sesame pulp (called "Tahina"), which is made by grinding sesame seeds.

  • This thick mass with all sorts of additives in the form of sweets, foaming agents and fillers, as a result of their mixing, turns into halva.
  • Whole pistachios are considered the most popular fillers in the East, and then the dessert is called “Takhinno-pistachio halva”.
  • When cocoa powder is added to halva, the dessert has the name “Takhinno-chocolate halva”.
  • By the way, having bought a thick mass of “Tahina” in a Turkish store or in the market, you can then make halva with a sesame flavor at home.

The second halva, quite popular in the East, is peanut halva. Ground peanuts replaces sunflower seeds or sesame seeds in this dessert. Syrup or molasses and any of the fillers are also added to the ground peanuts. Halvu tahini and peanut are most common in the Balkans and the Middle East. Also in eastern countries, halva is made on the basis of crushed pistachios, walnuts and almonds. These types of desserts are quite expensive, because they are based on elite types of nuts.

What is halva made of in Georgia and some other southern countries

Georgian halva differs from the above-described types in that rather coarse flour is used instead of nuts and seeds. In this case, different flours are used: wheat, rice, corn. Some pastry chefs use ordinary semolina instead of flour. For the viscosity of halva, flour is mixed with butter, and everything is cooked together over very low heat, adding sugar syrup to the mixture. Flour-based halva can often be found in shops in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan.

What other halva is made in different countries?

Each country has its own favorite halva recipe:

  • Halva is made from rice flour and coconut milk in Tanzania and neighboring countries. The products are mixed with sweet syrup and boiled until thick. Then some foaming agent and fillers are added to the halva.
  • Sweet carrots are added to halva in India. Pakistani confectioners also like to put various vegetables in dessert. They use beets, potatoes and beans. Halva with vegetables and beans resembles pudding, but it is very tasty and healthier than the traditional one based on seeds or nuts. For such halva, vegetables are first crushed, then boiled in honey or molasses, and thickeners and nuts are added.
  • Using rice flour, a completely unique halva called “Sheki” is prepared in Azerbaijan. If traditional halva is cooked in a large container, mixing all the ingredients, then Sheki halva is made in a completely different way. Their flour makes a batter, which is fried in oil, pouring the dough into a cauldron in thin streams. The fried dough, and then it looks like lace, is laid out on huge flat molds and poured with syrup or honey. Several layers of dough are interspersed with several layers of honey and flavored with nuts.

How to make homemade halva

Taking as a basis a simple recipe based on wheat flour, halva can be made at home with different tastes and aromas.

  1. Fry 5 cups peeled sunflower seeds in a dry frying pan.
  2. Grind the seeds in a meat grinder twice.
  3. Fry 3 cups of coarse flour in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Cool flour.
  4. Mix flour and ground seeds and mince everything together again.
  5. Boil a thick syrup from 3 glasses of sugar and 1 glass of water. Cool the syrup a little.
  6. Melt the butter and take exactly 1 cup.
  7. Mix the syrup, oil and the seed and flour mixture.
  8. Season the future halva with nut crumbs, raisins, sesame seeds, cocoa powder.
  9. Put the warm halva in a plastic container with a lid and put it on the refrigerator shelf to harden.

Another recipe for homemade halva, but without flour, can be seen in this video.

One of the most readily available sweets is halva. This delicacy has gained wide popularity among the peoples of the East since time immemorial. In Russia, halva began to be made only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Nowadays, this sweetness can be found in every grocery store.

Have you ever thought about how useful halva is for health? What is the calorie content of halva? Can everyone eat this delicacy? What should be a real halva? To answer these questions, you should study the composition of halva and calculate the calorie content of this product.

In this article:

Biochemical composition of halva

As you know, the main components of nutrition that determine the energy value of food are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Various mineral compounds and vitamins contained in foods do not have any significant effect on the caloric value.

The biochemical composition of halva is as follows:

  • about 12% protein;
  • 30% fat;
  • about 40% carbohydrates.

Who can and who can not eat halva

The presence of protein substances, which are irreplaceable components of nutrition, can be considered as a positive characteristic of this delicacy. But a high content of fats and carbohydrates is more likely to harm your health, since in such an amount these substances determine a fairly high calorie content of halva. It is estimated that when one hundred grams of this product is broken down in the human body, about 500 kilocalories are released. That is why it is not recommended to include halva in their diet for those who suffer from diabetes and obesity.

For all other people, it is quite acceptable to consume halva in reasonable quantities. Several types of this sweet product are produced.

Halva can be made from:

  • sesame seeds,
  • almonds,

The essential components of this delicacy are the caramel mass and the foaming agent, which gives the finished product a special fibrous structure.

If you can't but really want to

Are you very embarrassed by the high calorie content of halva, but at the same time you strongly disagree to give up this sweetness? Well, try to at least consume your favorite treat only in the morning. In this case, you will have time to use up those kilocalories by the evening that will be released in the body during the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates.

When buying sweets, carefully study the composition of halva indicated on the package, give preference to varieties with the lowest content of carbohydrates and fats.

Real sunflower halva becomes scarce

What is sold under this name in stores now is significantly inferior to the delicacy to which we are accustomed from childhood, but it costs much more.

Real "correct" halva - what is she

Real halva should be gray and crumbly, and grocery stores sell some kind of toffee with a bitter taste, yellowish tint. Hue and taste - they say that soy or wheat flour was added to the product, seasoned with palm oil. And sugar was replaced with a cheap analogue. At the same time, the shelf life of such halva increases to six months.

Meanwhile, the "correct" halva is not just a delicacy, but a product very necessary for health, containing vitamins A, B and C, various food acids and vegetable protein. True, this product should not be abused, because in 100 g of delicacies - more than 500 Kcal.

In not so distant times, factories produced completely natural sunflower halva seasonally, from October to May. After the sunflower harvest, production volumes were usually calculated in wagons.

Recipe for real sunflower halva

The recipe for making halva was simple: the sunflower was peeled, then fried, licorice root and vegetable syrup were added, then pressed and packed.

Sunflower is still grown in hundreds of thousands of tons, and nothing prevents you from making not only sunflower oil from it. After all, seeds cost a penny, and the price of a sweet made from it is already calculated in tens or hundreds of rubles. But it's not that simple. For its production in a fairly serious volume, bulky equipment, presses and ovens are needed, and this is expensive.

The sweets of the East are something amazing and unique. Their species diversity is striking in its versatility. Only several dozen types of halva are known, and you can try most of them in their original and truly "oriental" form only in places where this product comes from. Takhinna halva is one of those species that not everyone knows about. But this delicacy based on sesame seeds deserves special attention, as it has a unique taste and an unforgettable aroma.

Why takhinny?

The name "tahini" - a derivative of "tahini", as this type of delicacy is called in the East. Tahini (sesame) in terms of taste is bitter, it is this feature that is also present in halva, which makes the delicacy especially piquant.

From ground sesame seeds, sesame paste is produced with a high level of fat content, density and presence of proteins, which is the basis for the subsequent production of takhin halva. This delicacy differs from halva in the traditional sense by its exquisite aftertaste with bitterness. It is recommended to combine it with milk or coffee.

The product consists of glucose (sugar, molasses, honey or sweet caramel mass), citric acid, foaming agent (soap root), ground sesame seed extract, tahini paste. As additional ingredients for an amateur, raisins, poppy seeds, vanillin, candied fruits, peanut kernels, etc. can be used. But any addition changes the taste of the product and prevents you from feeling its true notes.

Did you know? Takhinny halva is referred to as the national dishes of the East and Central Asia. It was first mentioned in the 5th century BC. Its ancestral home is Iran. This dessert appeared in our country only in the 20th century.

Making this delicacy is not a simple mixing of ingredients, but a real art based on secret technologies. If you adhere to these nuances of cooking, then tahini halva will turn out to be a dessert with layers that melt in your mouth. An improperly cooked product is chunky and has an unpleasant sugary-bitter taste.

We study the composition

Takhinnaya halva is an unusually tasty and very healthy dessert. It contains a lot of carbohydrates, it is a product with a significant level of calories, 100 grams of delicacies contain 516 kcal, which is a third of the daily value. This energy value is provided to the product (13 g), fats (30 g), (51 g).

Also in halva there are proteins, (in 100 grams, 278.3% of the daily value), (in 100 grams, 50.3% of the daily value), (in 100 grams, 82.4% of the daily value), (in 100 grams, 75.8% daily rate). The delicacy is rich in increasing the possibilities of strengthening (in 100 grams 11.1% of the daily requirement), contributing to supporting work and (in 100 grams of 21.5% of the daily requirement).

When eating a product, you need to take into account its composition and not abuse the delicacy, because the daily diet should be balanced and diverse.

What is useful

With proper and moderate consumption in food, takhin halva has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • helps to eliminate problems with the cardiovascular system, helps maintain the functioning of the heart muscles, heart muscle tone, prevents the occurrence (due to the presence of potassium);
  • normalizes fat metabolism;
  • contributes to maintenance in good condition
  • it has the optimal ratio of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus for the best assimilation of these microelements and their use in the body, which helps to form bones, cartilage, teeth, strengthen them more intensively and grow;

Did you know? Only kandalatchi (true connoisseurs of making sweets) are reliably familiar with the original recipe for takhin halva. They try not to disclose the recipe, therefore, in different countries, the dessert is distinguished by its taste. Kandalatchi is an honorable Iranian profession that requires special training. These specialists prepare the delicacy only by hand, because this is the only way it will be distinguished by its airiness and unique sweet taste.

  • regular intake promotes oxygen metabolism, the work of the respiratory system, helps to eliminate in the body (the presence of a large amount of iron in the product, thanks to which halva is considered the most effective and at the same time delicious fighter against anemia);
  • helps to raise mood, vitality, increases energy and strength;
  • rejuvenates the human body;
  • helps in recovery
  • improves digestion and blood circulation;
  • helps to improve the condition of nails, hair, skin;
  • helps in normalizing the functioning of the prostate, increasing sperm reproduction (mainly due to the presence of zinc);
  • supports muscle growth and tone, blood circulation, helps transport oxygen to organs (due to copper);
  • helps to nourish and moisturize the skin, supports vision, the functioning of the immune system and helps to produce growth hormone (the presence of vitamin A);
  • strengthens the immune system, nails, hair (vitamin B2).

Is it possible

Halva is a useful product, but its use by some individual categories of people largely depends on the type of this delicacy, as well as on the health characteristics of those who want to enjoy dessert.

During pregnancy

It is not only possible to use halva for pregnant women, but in most cases it will be useful. The vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances contained in it will benefit not only the unborn child, but also the woman who is expecting him. The delicacy will help in the early period of pregnancy to renew the cells of the embryo in the genetic plan and prevent some defects in its development. The components of this product have a beneficial effect on the reproductive abilities of the body.

Did you know?Avicenna advised speakers to use sesame halva, because he believed that it is useful for the vocal cords, and helps the voice to achieve sonority and purity.

Provided that it is properly prepared from quality products, the delicacy helps to strengthen hair, nails, bones, joints, has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels and cardiac muscle tissues, which is especially important for expectant mothers. The systematic rationed consumption of this dessert in food helps to cheer up women in position, provide them with additional energy, helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and maintain the required level of hemoglobin in the expectant mother and her baby.

Takhinny halva serves as an excellent preventive measure against colds and viral infections, which are extremely undesirable during pregnancy. She also helps in the treatment and preventive measures for female diseases, problems with blood clotting.

Dangerous use of this product for pregnant women is in the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the product. You also need to remember that the delicacy is characterized by a high calorie content, therefore if you are overweight, you need to be careful. When making homemade sugar, it is better to replace sugar with honey.

The use of halva can negatively affect the health of a pregnant woman in the presence of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathological processes in the gallbladder, liver, kidneys;
  • chronic diseases.

During pregnancy, the main thing is know the measure and dose of halva consumption. In the first months of pregnancy, the usual norms are allowed (from 50 to 100 grams per day), with the growth of the fetus, the consumption of the product should be reduced to 30 grams. In recent months, it is better not to use the delicacy at all.

Important! It is better for pregnant women to consume halva with milk to avoid problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other digestive organs.

Another unpleasant moment - this is the addition of various dyes, emulsifiers and other chemical components to halva by some manufacturers, who are not particularly concerned about the quality of the components of the manufactured product, which significantly devalues \u200b\u200bthe beneficial properties of the delicacy. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is best to make your own dessert.


Takhinny halva is useful for both a nursing mother and her baby. It has many minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, oxygen metabolism in the body, and also helps to restore energy after physical and emotional stress, which is not uncommon for mothers of babies. The delicacy has a positive effect on vision, prevents the formation of tumors.

When breastfeeding mothers, for the opportunity to feed the baby longer, as well as if they want to increase the volume and fat content of milk, this product is recommended for use, but in the first month of the baby's life it is better to refuse it. It can be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother from the second or third month of the baby's life, this must be done gradually (start with a small piece weighing up to 10 grams), all the time observing the child's reaction (are there any uncharacteristic manifestations - anxiety, colic, disorders, allergies) ... Only in the absence of negative reactions, the weight of halva eaten can be increased to 30 grams per day.

In order not to run into trouble, you need to:

  • avoid purchasing a product with various additives, flavors, stabilizers;
  • buy a fresh and high-quality delicacy without rancidity and unpleasant odor, without husks, which is a sign of a disruption in the technological process;
  • exercise in moderation when eating treats;
  • consult a pediatrician before purchasing and consuming halva.

For children

Children will never give up any sweets, but parents need to approach this issue wisely, offering their children, instead of harmful sweets and cakes, more useful oriental sweets, including takhin halva. It is recommended to introduce a child to this product from a piece of no more than 10 grams, only after that you can increase the amount slightly.

Some experts say that you can give this dessert to children, starting at the age of five, others report that it can be done at an earlier age, but not earlier than three years. Correct normalized use of a treat in food improves children's memory, strengthens the immune system, favorably affects the functioning of the heart, the formation of bones, joints and teeth.

How to choose a product wisely

A quality product has a yellowish-gray color, which is much lighter than sunflower halva. The product tastes slightly bitter. The product should be free of husks, unmilled grains, bloom with a dark shade, and an unpleasant odor. High-quality halva is notable for its friability, airiness, light amazing taste, it just melts in your mouth.

When choosing a treat, you need to pay attention to:

  • the integrity of the packaging (damage will shorten the shelf life);
  • absence of traces of oil (the presence of such traces indicates improper storage of the product);
  • lack of tendency to crumbling;
  • the presence of hard streaks of caramel (indicate a violation of production technology);
  • evenness of cuts.

Important! Halva that is not usable becomes dark, smells unpleasant and crumbles when cut.

How to cook the product yourself

Takhinna halva is a fairly simple dish to prepare, while it has many positive health benefits.

Required Ingredients

To make this sweet, you need two glasses of sesame seeds (500 grams), half a glass of coconut flakes, three tablespoons of raisins (for sweetness), as well as dates (about 12 pieces). You can add a vanilla pod.

Step by step process

  • The first step is to prepare the products for use. To do this, it is important to thoroughly grind the sesame seeds on a coffee grinder or any other available device, peel and seed the dates, and rinse the raisins with cold running water.

  • After these procedures, the dates must be kneaded until a homogeneous thick mass is formed. It is worth noting that honey can also be used instead of dates.
  • Coconut flakes, dates and raisins (whole) are added to the sesame mass, everything is thoroughly mixed by hand.
  • Next, you need to prepare a mold for halva hardening (preferably a food-grade plastic container in which to place the bag). The prepared mass is laid out in a container, while being compacted (pressed in) by hand for a more reliable fastening of the ingredients.
  • The workpiece is placed in the refrigerator for cooling.
  • After that, gently remove the prepared dessert from the mold and enjoy the delicious, hearty and healthy tahini halva.

Is harm possible

In no case should you abuse takhinna halva. It is capable of causing allergic reactions to sesame seeds and soap root contained in its composition. This is a fairly high-calorie product with a significant amount of fats and carbohydrates, which can be harmful for other metabolic disorders.

Other types of halva

Halva has a great variety of classification in terms of the composition of "strategic" components. The most popular types of this sweet delicacy, in addition to tahini, are sunflower, peanut, and pistachio.


This type of halva is the most common among sweet lovers. The calorie content of the product averages about 523 kcal per 100 grams. For the most correct preparation of sunflower halva, it is necessary to use exclusively natural ingredients (sunflower seeds, molasses), as well as sugar and a foaming agent. This product is rich in vitamins B1 and F.

Important!Doctors warn that sweetness should be consumed in moderation, since the body can accumulate cadmium, which is detrimental to health, which can be contained in sunflower seeds in rather high doses (this is possible if the plant grew in ecologically unfavorable areas, areas with a large number of industrial enterprises) ...


This product has long been considered a popular delicacy in the east, not only for its taste and aroma, but also for its amazing benefits for the human body. Thanks to the biologically active substances contained in peanuts, it is beneficial affects memory, nervous system, neural connections in the brain. As for the harmfulness of this delicacy, everything is quite commonplace here - excessive use can provoke an increase in body weight and all the consequences that follow from this.


In our area, this type of halva is a rather rare pleasure, but it can still be found on the shelves of some stores. This product is attractive in taste and extraordinary (in terms of color and aroma) treat, as well as an incredibly healthy delicacy, since it contains many minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, copper and others) and almost the entire line of B vitamins. separately note that pistachio halva includes a whole bunch of antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the normalization and containment of the aging process.

Takhinna halva is a delicacy that can heal the body, rejuvenate the skin and raise vitality. The product is recommended for almost everyone: pregnant women, lactating women, schoolchildren, people leading an active lifestyle. But, like any other product, halva requires moderation in use. Everyone has to decide for himself whether tahini halva is suitable for consumption. But the fact remains undeniable - takhinny halva is very useful and tasty.

But replacing nuts with seeds did not affect the beneficial properties of halva as much as replacing honey with sugar. And in general, the benefits of halva for the body can be assessed as very, very significant.

The main difference between halva and traditional Slavic confectionery products is the absence of flour components in its composition. This makes it a significantly healthier and healthier product than many buns, gingerbread and biscuits. The basis of the halva composition is nuts or seeds. All of them are characterized by the presence of a large amount of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of a new plant from them.

The preparation of halva requires mechanical and thermal processing of these fruits. So, first they are finely ground, and then they are poured into sugar syrup or honey heated to a high temperature. In this case, some of the complex components of all seeds are partially split. Some vitamins in halva lose their biological activity, but some retain them. And these remaining vitamins help our body to normalize metabolic processes, affect various organs and tissues, and strengthen immunity.

Proteins and fats, having passed this heating, are much easier for the body to assimilate. And this is one of the main advantages of thermal processing of products. Fats in tissues are used to extract energy, and proteins are used to obtain amino acids necessary to build the body's own tissues. And, by the way, these same fats contribute to the adhesion of the entire mass and the maintenance of the appropriate consistency of the entire dish. There is a little more oil in the seeds, because halva from seeds differs from, for example, almond in lower density and higher viscosity.

Fiber enters the body with nuts. The benefits of fiber are that it stimulates the intestines, relieves constipation and reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed into the bloodstream.

The mineral components that make up the chemical composition of halva - calcium, potassium, iron and some others - are not sensitive to heat treatment and fully enter the human digestive tract, and from there into the blood with which they are carried throughout the body. And then they help to improve the condition of the blood itself, normalize blood pressure and heart rate, and strengthen the joints.

In the East they say: "halva is a sweet road to motherhood." It is no coincidence that for many years she remained a favorite delicacy of harem temptresses - this nut-caramel dessert strengthens the nerves, preserves beauty and charm, protects women's health. And modern nutritionists are sure that oriental sweetness is useful not only for beautiful ladies, but also for strong men and mischievous children. The main thing is to choose the most delicious and high-quality halva for your family tea!

From Persian culinary experts to the merchant Sviridov

Halva, benefits and harms, calorie content, peculiarities of the chemical composition - all these "little things" did not bother the inhabitants of Persia - modern Iran at all. Dessert was invented back in the 5th century BC, whole dynasties were engaged in the manufacture of sweet snacks, and the halvich craftsmen were proudly called kandalatchi. The main task of these culinary specialists was one thing - to keep the signature recipe secret from prying eyes. Therefore, it was passed on strictly from father to son.

The first regular customers of Persian pastry chefs were the wives of the sultans - in harems, sweet halva made of nuts and seeds sold just like a bang. Then the Greek warriors laid eyes on a nutritious dish - it was tasty, nutritious, and kept for a long time. To maintain strength on hikes - ideal! And in Egypt, halva remains the best breakfast of champions today. They produce a special soft halva spread, and sandwiches with such a nutty miracle will turn even an ordinary morning into a real oriental fairy tale ...

The eastern fairy tale came to Russia thanks to the enterprising Greek Kazi, who in Odessa established the production of sesame delicacies and took it to neighboring countries. But the sunflower sweetness was invented by an ordinary Russian merchant Sviridov - in 1903 he married a Greek woman Medea, and she gave him this luxurious business idea. And even if the dessert is not particularly similar to the golden fleece from the ancient sorceress Medea, real sunflower halva is also worth its weight in gold!

What are they made of?

Grated sunflower seeds, sugar (and sometimes pieces of peels) and an amazing taste that melts on the tongue - this is how we remember oriental sweetness from childhood. But halva is not so simple - its composition can be surprisingly varied.

In the East, there is a strict division into 2 types of halva. One is made from sugar, nuts or seeds. The other is made from flour, vegetables, special beans. It is very difficult to find such a peculiar delicacy in stores - only sometimes poppy or pumpkin halva is sold in online health food stores. But nutty ones can be found in any store or department with oriental sweets. The varieties of halva depend only on the imagination of the pastry chef:

  • classic sunflower;
  • sunflower with cocoa and raisins;
  • peanut;
  • sesame and tahini;
  • cedar;
  • pistachio;
  • almond;
  • sesame with hazelnuts;
  • tahini with almonds, etc.

Halva composition

Real, traditional halva is nuts, sugar and honey. A foaming agent is also added, thanks to which the dessert becomes so lush and melts on the tongue. At home, this is usually egg white, in large-scale production - soap root, marshmallow, licorice. Everything is exclusively natural - it cannot be otherwise with halva!

The main part of the product is nuts and seeds, thanks to which the sweetness is so healthy. Halva contains vitamin E, niacin and the most useful micro- and macroelements - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron.

The treasure of any halva is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids, especially Omega 6. Such acids not only bring us health and vitality, they also help the absorption of fat-containing vitamins - A, E, D and K. Therefore, halva dessert will especially decorate the morning omelet, a healthy lunch of green salad with spinach and broccoli, carrots and bananas.

The main thing that halva can alert you is calorie content. Nuts and seeds are not dietary, so the calorie content of classic sunflower halva is 516 kcal. Peanut is a little lighter - about 500 kcal, and the most gentle is almond. Therefore, it is not recommended to crack halva during a strict diet, and on ordinary days it will serve as an excellent substitute for useless cakes and waffles with confectionery fat.

How is it useful?

A handful of nuts or seeds is a unique dish. It contains healthy fats, invigorating vitamins, healing minerals. Nutritionists never tire of reminding about the benefits of walnuts for the brain, almonds for the skin, hazelnuts for immunity, seeds for nerves. All these healing properties are preserved by sunflower halva. The benefits and harms of this delicacy are in no way inferior to ordinary fried seeds.

  • Strengthens nerves, restores sleep and helps to cope with stress.
  • The calcium-potassium-sodium-magnesium complex improves blood composition, regulates blood pressure and supports the heart.
  • It removes harmful cholesterol from the blood, prevents the formation of fatty cholesterol plaques that clog blood vessels.
  • Strengthens teeth and bones, helps prevent early osteoporosis.
  • Improves brain function, maintains attention and memory, activates the thought process and removes senile dementia.
  • Strengthens the immune system. In the autumn-spring cold period, a piece of halva with warm rosehip broth will be an excellent afternoon snack.

And what is halva useful for women, why did the Sultan's wives become the first fans of the oriental sweet miracle? Omega-6 fatty acid and magnesium with phosphorus strengthen fragile female nerves and help to cope with mood swings in PMS. They also nourish hair and nails, provide smooth, velvety skin, restore radiance to eyes and good mood. Vitamin E has a positive effect on the reproductive system, increasing the chances of getting pregnant and making it easier to bear a healthy baby.

Lovers of the most delicate nut delicacy are often worried - is it possible to have halva while breastfeeding? It is not only possible, but also necessary, because in real halva there are only natural seeds, nuts, sugar, honey and no chemistry. Mom's milk after such a dessert will only become sweeter and fatter, and the baby's body will receive an additional portion of useful acids and elements.

The harmful properties of halva

Halva can be made from anything: peanuts, sesame seeds, seeds, and even pistachios. The main argument against is always the same - its calorie content. Is it possible to eat halva while losing weight? - this question worries both visitors to women's forums, and staunch adherents of a healthy lifestyle, and patients in the dietitian's office.

Usually, experts strictly prohibit sweet and fatty foods when losing weight, especially when it is 2 in 1. But if your diet is not very strict, then you can afford a small piece of fresh halva 1-2 times a week (in agreement with a nutritionist!).

But there are also strict contraindications to the use of halva - this is diabetes mellitus, diagnosed obesity, and pancreatitis. Another halvic danger is allergies. Therefore, experts, answering the question whether peanut halva is useful, warn that it is better for allergy sufferers to refuse such a product. Sesame and sunflower are much safer.

By the way, they even talked about halva in the Galileo program:

Halva recipes at home

Despite the simple composition, real traditional halva is made only in the confectionery industry - its recipe requires the most careful approach. And in your home kitchen, you can easily cook raw halva - with minimal heat treatment, therefore even more useful.

Peanut-date halva

You will need: a glass of washed peanuts and a glass of dates, 2nd table. tablespoons of small raisins, half a glass of honey, a glass of warm water.

Wash the dates, take out the seeds and leave them in the water until they soften. Then - rub with a blender in mashed potatoes. Then grind the peanuts into crumbs, mix with dates and knead until a smooth dough is obtained. Add honey and raisins, knead well again and tamp into a mold. We put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours - and you can put the kettle on!

Home-style sunflower halva

You will need: 3 cups of peeled fresh seeds, 2 cups of flour (you can use whole grain), 200 ml of water, 100 g of brown sugar, 100 ml of rasp. butter, vanillin - optional.

We take a larger frying pan and fry the seeds (without oil!), Then we scroll them in a meat grinder until they are completely homogeneous. Then fry the flour until even golden brown (again without oil) and mix with the seeds. Then put sugar, vanillin in a saucepan, pour oil and wait until it boils. Add the nut-flour system and thoroughly mix the future yummy. We cover the form with parchment, put the sweet mixture - and in the refrigerator for several hours until it hardens.

Such sweetness is ideal for breakfast or a family dinner, and if in doubt whether halva is possible for fasting, just re-read the composition of the ingredients. Fruit and nut halva is an ideal lean dish for those with a sweet tooth.

Health & Beauty Health Nutrition

Sweets are loved not only by children, but also by many adults. Women - at least the majority - are especially "not indifferent" to sweets, and manufacturers know this very well: packages with sweets are designed brightly, tenderly and romantically - it's impossible to pass by. The assortment of sweets today is huge, and this brings serious suffering to many of the fair sex: sweet delicacies attract, but for beauty and health - including a slim figure - they are not at all useful.

Modern women work on an equal basis with men, and often more. An active lifestyle and mental stress "force" the brain to "demand" carbohydrates all the time, and it needs glucose most of all. This is what the lovers of "sweet" often justify their food addictions, but the brain does not care what products it will get glucose from: sugar, condensed milk, candy or cake, buckwheat porridge, fruits or beans. But from sweets rich in refined sugar and other simple carbohydrates, the brain gets glucose almost instantly, but the body needs to break down and absorb complex carbohydrates first. Therefore, we like chocolates and cakes more than cereal cereals, but among sweets, you can choose less harmful, safer and even somewhat useful ones.

Halva is a famous oriental sweet dessert with nuts and seeds, and it belongs to such sweets: you just need to figure out what is useful in it; besides, the “correct” halva will not yield to either chocolate or cakes in taste and aroma.

A little bit from the history of halva

It is not known when halva appeared in the world, but historians believe that it happened in Ancient Persia. Since then, in the countries of the East, people could not imagine life without this tasty, nutritious and healthy sweetness; in general, in the language of the Arabs, "halva" is "sweetness". The popularity of halva was added by the fact that it was easy to take it on the road, and there are many days in a row, and the problem of nutrition was very acute then: if there was not enough food, you might not get there.

The calorie content of halva, as well as the possibility of long storage, made it, along with dates, one of the essential products for warriors and knights: the same Saracens from knightly novels took halva on campaigns, and the crusaders "took" with them to Europe, where it also quickly tasted.

In eastern countries, halva was prepared by special specialists, keeping the technology secret - ordinary pastry chefs did not know how. In Russia, they learned how to make halva relatively recently, around the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, but now it is produced on an industrial scale, and this does not reflect the taste in the best way. Only in a few countries of the East is halva prepared in the traditional way: it is more expensive, but it also tastes real, as in the tales of “A Thousand and One Nights”.

The composition and benefits of halva

Halva is a sweetness, but it can still be useful if you eat it "in moderation" and "to the right place", observing the principle of combining products in the diet. After all, there are so many natural ingredients in it - nuts and seeds, but caramel is also required - based on sugar or molasses, and at home you can take honey. It is customary to add natural foaming agents to halva - licorice root or egg white, and conscientious manufacturers do this, almost without using synthetic additives.

The chemical composition of halva as a food product depends on its type. In Russia, sunflower halva is more often produced. It contains vitamins such as A, D, E, group B, magnesium, potassium and other macro- and microelements. Halva based on peanuts is more beloved in Western countries, and its mineral composition is almost the same as that of sunflower halva; there are also many B vitamins. Peanut halva is loved by athletes and people of mental work - it perfectly energizes both muscles and the brain.

Hazelnut halva is very tasty, but it is less common in stores. Almond halva is rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, therefore it is useful for those who want to maintain healthy bones and teeth; pistachio halva has an original, attractive taste and rich composition, but it is usually even more difficult to buy it from us.

Takhinnaya halva is a truly oriental product made from sesame seeds. It is light, slightly bitter; rich in amino acids, calcium (sesame contains more calcium than milk), manganese, zinc, phosphorus; vitamins E, A, C, F, group B.

Quite often you can see halva in the store from different components: it is not only tastier, but also healthier. It combines the properties of different nuts and seeds: sunflower, sesame, peanut, etc. Often dried fruits are added to halva - for example, dried apricots and raisins.

But halva with candied fruits, covered with chocolate glaze, it is better not to choose, or to buy it rarely: its calorie content is very high, so its usefulness is minimized. An ordinary halva has a caloric content of about 500-575 kcal, depending on the composition.

How to choose halva

This can be tricky in the supermarket. There are many manufacturers, and bright packaging "confuses" many buyers. And the composition of the ingredients of the product often "leaves much to be desired": instead of natural additives, synthetic foaming agents and thickeners are introduced, and even dyes with flavors, although halva does not need them at all. Read the composition and try to choose a product in a transparent package.

The structure of good halva is layered fibrous; the product is wet, but not too wet, and practically does not crumble. There should be no drops of fat inside the package: the more fat appears on the surface of the product, the lower the quality - such halva does not need to be bought.

You should not take a product with noticeable white caramel inclusions - they are clearly visible at a break, and halva with a dark bloom has clearly lost its freshness, benefits and taste.

Halvah sold by weight has a short shelf life of about 2 months, and the one in a vacuum package is stored for about six months.

Halva at home

There are many recipes: you can cook sunflower halva, peanut halva, from walnuts, etc.; usually flour or starch is added to it. We will give a recipe for sunflower halva without flour, but with condensed milk. To obtain an average portion of the product, you will need 150 g of seeds, 30 g of sunflower oil (unrefined), the same amount of condensed milk, 40 g of sugar. Seeds, carefully fried over low heat, are ground to a pasty consistency using a coffee grinder or meat grinder along with the peel. It is better not to take a blender - the knives may become dull. The crushed seeds are mixed with the rest of the ingredients (now it is possible in a blender or a food processor), laid out on a plate lined with gauze, wrapped, pressed with a press and placed in the refrigerator for several hours.

Halva: you can and can not

Halva can harm health because of its calorie content, and it is generally contraindicated for diabetics. It is not recommended to eat it for obesity, liver and pancreas diseases; in addition, there are always people prone to allergies.

Interestingly, halva is used in weight loss diets - it perfectly suppresses appetite. It is proposed to eat up to 200 g of halva per day, alternating it with fresh vegetables: raw cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, etc. You need to drink clean water without gas and unsweetened green tea.

Tags: halva, halva composition, the benefits of halva, halva at home