A glass of water at the head. How to remove the evil eye with an egg

19.03.2019 Egg dishes

Damage is not something that should be neglected when it occurs. It is better to cleanse from damage from the master, since only the master can determine the strength of the impact and assign certain rituals to get rid of the damage. Defacement can be different types, and depending on the type of damage there are rituals for its removal. In order to alleviate the condition as a whole, if you have already determined by indirect signs that there is damage on you, you can make yourself an egg removal. Pouring a raw egg into a glass, half filled with water, pass over your head three times counterclockwise with the words: "Egg, take all the superficial off from me, leave me my, dear." As the eggs, you can diagnose yourself - is there any damage to you? The egg will also remove some of the negative from you. If the state of the egg has alerted you, look for a master to remove the negative.

Sometimes damage can be defined as:

Take a glass, dial it with cold water from the tap. Fresh egg  need to carefully break and pour into this water. It is important not to catch the yolk, it should be whole. In the same place, put the jar on your crown, leaning your chin to your chest.
  Hold for 2-3 minutes. Now look at what is visible in the water.
  If the water is clean, clear and the yolk lies in a protein, there is no damage to you.
  If the yolk lies, and strips from the squirrel go up, sorcery is obvious.
  If these strips (candles) have bubbles, then the damage is strong.
  If there are black dots in the stripes, damage to death or from grave land is done (in this case urgent intervention is necessary)

How to determine the damage to salt
  A girl can check the status of her lover. To do this, she herself should sew a canvas bag, cover it up with coarse salt and sew up the top with a secret stitch (ie, the threads should not stick out). Leave the bag in the room of a friend.

If in a few days the salt will be crumbly - all is well. If a man is “enchanted” or “suggested”, the salt will become more rigid and may even

If you have a black streak in life, failures have fallen down, health problems have begun, conflicts at work or in the family, perhaps you have been jinxed or, worse, have caused damage. You can always check for yourself whether there is any damage or any other induced negative energy on you.

To begin, we will determine the damage or the evil eye. To determine if you have any damage or evil eye, take fresh egg  and a clear glass with clear water. You will need an assistant. Sit on the chair. The helper should take a glass of water and hold it over your head. Next, the assistant gently breaks the egg into a glass so as not to damage it (do not break it with a knife). Hold the glass above your head for 30 seconds, and then look. If the yolk lies at the bottom, and the protein gently flows around it, then you do not have any damage or evil eye. But if there are multiple protein threads from the yolk up to the edge of the glass, you can be sure there is damage to you.

Here it is necessary to look at the nature of these threads: if one thin thread appears, then this is the evil eye. If there are several or many threads, and at the end of some there may be small air bubbles - damage.

Sometimes it happens that such strings, having appeared, begin to quickly sink to the bottom. This means that the person who caused damage to you wants to go unnoticed.

Removing spoilage egg.
  You will need 8 eggs. At bedtime, break an egg into a glass of water and place it at the head of the bed. In the morning you will see what will be in the glass (multiple squirrel threads stretching upward, diverging with an asterisk in all directions, etc.). The egg pulls all the negative - damage or the evil eye. Pour this egg into the toilet with the words: "Let him return to the one who did it." Be sure to repeat this procedure to remove damage or the evil eye for 8 days. Even if after a few days in the morning you see that there are no threads, no flakes, etc. in the glass, and the white still gently envelops the yolk, be sure to complete the ritual of removing spoilage. Do not feel sorry for the eggs :)

Diagnosis of damage
  I will give a few simple ways with which you can check if there is any damage to a person.
  With a raw chicken egg
  Sit on the chair who passes the test. Pour cold water into a glass and, holding it over a man's crown, pour a raw egg into it. Holding 1 -2 minutes, carefully consider the glass. If the squirrel has cocked up with chaotic white threads, as if cooked, there is damage. If the yolk lies at the bottom of the glass, and the water above is clean, you can not worry.
  With the help of matches
  This method also requires a glass of water. Light a match and drive it clockwise around the test brush, wait for the match to burn out almost to your
  fingers and throw it in the glass.
So do it three times. If the matches in the glass went to the bottom, damage exists. If float on the surface, as befits a tree, everything is in order.
  At first glance it may seem strange that wooden matches can sink. However, in the presence of damage this occurs. The energy of damage is absorbed into the butts of matches (coal - absorbent), and they gain weight, which pulls them to the bottom.
  With the help of rye crackers
  In this way, it is enough for a person to hold a piece of stale in his hand for a few minutes rye breadand then throw it into a glass of water. The principle is the same. Sunken bread indicates a negative impact.
  Cure spoilage
  The first thing you need to do before you begin the treatment of damage is to consecrate the house in which you live. Such a procedure will speed up the deliverance from evil forces several times, then you can proceed directly to treatment.
  One of the most simple and at the same time effective methods  removing damage - rolling out raw chicken eggs.
  Pray, then sit the person on the chair facing the icons. If no icons, put face to the window.
  Prepare three raw chicken eggs, stand behind the "spoiled", take one egg and move them clockwise around the head 33 times.
  With the second egg, roll up the spine, making spiral movements from top to bottom. The spine should be given special attention, since it is there that negative energy is most often accumulated, so take 5-7 minutes to the spinal column.
  The third egg rolls hands and legs.
  In this procedure, it is important to observe a special rule, namely, not to tear the egg from the body.
  In the process of removing spoilage, you can feel how an egg grows heavier in your hands. This means that the damage passes inside his shell. If the damage is strong, the egg can reach a decent weight, at which it seems that you have a stone in your hand.
  Be careful, because the negative locked in the egg may try to free itself, and in some cases the egg tries to slip out of your hands and break.
  In no case should this be allowed. If it still happened, and the egg broke, you need to wait a day to conduct the procedure again.
  If everything went well, the “rolling up” must be repeated from three to nine days in a row, depending on the person’s well-being.
  The second way to use raw eggs to eliminate negative energy is as follows.
In a glass half filled with water, add a teaspoon of church water and gently break the egg into it. The glass must be placed at the head of your bed overnight. For convenience, you can use the stool. During the night, the egg will pull most of the negative energy out of your body.
  In the morning, pray and pour the contents down the drain. Perform this procedure should also be 3-9 days in a row, depending on the state of health.
  A powerful tool for the destruction of evil energy is a candle.
  With a lit church candle, drive around the human crown, spiraling down the spine. At the same time the candle can crackle, smoke. If the damage is strong, suddenly the candle may fade. Thus, you need to "process" the head, back, arms, legs, heart area and abdomen. The procedure continues until the complete disappearance of soot and crackle of the flame.
   Any treatment aimed at the destruction of negative energy should be carried out on a waning or young moon.
   During the treatment period limit the number of guests visiting your home.

General recommendations and tips on cleansing the physical body from negative energy
  For seven nights, place three cups with sugar, salt, and flour near the headboard. In the morning, throw everything in the toilet. During sleep, negative information will turn into crystals of salt, sugar and flour, thereby purifying the human body.

It will be about the very simple way  removing the evil eye - the most common chicken egg. It is homely, and it is from those owners who must buy an egg from which chickens walk with a rooster, eggs in poultry farms in the chickens are not fertilized, these are not suitable.

  Be sure to read, otherwise you may harm yourself !!!

Rolling out differs from other methods in that there is a direct contact with the patient's body. That is, you drive an egg through the patient's body, collecting all the negative, evil eye, energy hinges on him.

It is necessary to remove the evil eye as follows: set a person on a chair facing the icons. If no icons, put face to the window. Stand behind him and raw egg  drive clockwise around the head several times. Perhaps, it is necessary to process the head for longer when removing the evil eye than other parts of the body, because it is the upper chakras that often suffer from the evil eye. Then spiral down along the spine - the negative loves to wind around the spinal column. Then go hand and foot. The egg is never torn from the body, even if you return from the lower part of the spine to your hands, you should lead the egg through the body.

You read all the time: from defacement, fear, the evil eye, OR ANY OTHER THAT YOU KNOW, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU WOULD SINKY WANT TO HELP HUMAN. And "upstairs" they themselves will figure out who they read it.

After the ceremony (10-15 minutes) of removing the evil eye, you take a glass full of water and, looking into the water, say: “Lord, do so that there is nothing in my possession except the purity of the truth and your power, Lord! Amen. ”At the same time break an egg into a glass. Beat so as not to injure the yolk.

Push the shell in your hand in one fell swoop and throw it on the paper (after the removal of the evil eye is completed, it will be necessary to burn this paper on the ground and bury it, while the prayers of “Our Father” and “The Life-giving Cross” are read) After washing your hands to the elbow cold water.

Some magicians offer but is it necessary? From my point of view, on the contrary, it doesn’t matter what the negative looks like, it’s important that it passed from person to egg and it needs to be QUICKLY destroyed.

Destroying the SGLAZ is simple - pour the contents of the glass down the drain or under the fence with the words: “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, Satan! Go away with your demons and spirits from the servants of God (the name you were baptized with)! Amen!"

Now I have a glass with the words: “I’m not a glass of mine, but R. B. (the name of the one who was treated) from his illnesses, troubles, from fright, confusion, prizmo, evil talk. As this bucket (glass, vase) is clean, so is R. B. (name) from disease, the evil eye, trouble, fright, alarm, prizmo, evil talk is clean (a). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "Then again wash my hands in cold water  to the elbow.

During the week, repeat 3 times. If there is an improvement in well-being, the evil eye has gone, then next week do only one rolling out and a week later - checking out rolling - in order to make sure that everything is in order. Usually the evil eye is removed, rolled out from 3 to 9 times.

How to use an egg against the evil eye - another way

The rite is performed at night. In a glass, half filled with water, add a teaspoon of church water or that which we have consecrated. We break there neatly egg. We place the glass on a stool, shelf, or cabinet at the head of the bed, where a person is sleeping who has an evil eye suspected. We put on all night. Negative, including the evil eye, goes to the egg.

In the morning, read "Our Father ..." and pour the contents under the fence or into the sewer. My glass with the same words that are written above. Repeat the process of removing the evil eye with the same frequency as when rolling out. At the end of the ritual always read prayers of thanks.

P.S. If we consider the evil eye as an energy strike, as a result of which the alien influence of a stronger person manifests itself in your energy sector, you can remove the evil eye by receiving new powerful emotions that will renew your energy. The most affordable way is to douche with iced water, and for the bold, a parachute jump, which, I guarantee, has a unique healing effect. You can run in the mornings and evenings, someone else's energy is not tenacious, quickly burned along with your calories.

The interpretation of damage, the evil eye on the raw egg.

The interpretation of damage, the evil eye on the raw egg. Interpretation egg white  and yolk.

Having performed the rite of rolling out the evil eye with an egg (), we will try to make a diagnosis if you want it or if the patient asks for it.

Please note that the yolk is the life of a person, and the protein symbolizes the circumstances surrounding his life. So, look what is around the protein. The most common type of damage is a cap. If it was not made by experts, it will not be above the water, but it will be in the field around the yolk in the form of bubbles, or in the form of a cap. Protein can take the form of a coffin, grave, obelisk. If it is very clearly visible, then made to death. Envy and ill will appear as mist around the yolk. If the yolk is broken, it means that they tried to make the evil entity addicted, that is, they made a mental illness slander. The cap can be placed not on the whole person, but on one facet, such local slanders are expressed in the form of threads going from the yolk to the surface, sometimes there are bubbles on the surface. How many threads - so many slanders. If you look at the glass from all sides, then the image of the attacker will certainly be visible from any of them. The time when there was a slander or damage done is determined intuitively, but this ability comes with experience.

An egg that “dissolves” in water in the usual way has no negative changes. The formation of pronounced clots, plaits, figures, etc., coagulation and destruction of the yolk, the appearance of a rotten smell (hydrogen sulfide) - there are negative structures.

Example 1. Water is turbid, the yolk is not solid and, as it were, split into two. Part of the yolk - convex, resembles the shape of a ball. Part of the protein floated up, connecting with the rest of the thin flagellum.

Analysis: Violation of the work of paired organs of a round shape in human bodysuch as the ovaries.

Example 2. Water is clear. Protein and yolk lie on the bottom of the jar and resemble a jellyfish. On top of the protein - more crowded, and at the edges - transparent. On the surface of the "jellyfish" - two processes resembling antennae.

Analysis: The symbol contains some coded information about spiritual experiences, the emission of a strong negative (resentment, anger), which adversely affects the entire biofield.

Example 3. Water is clear, the yolk is at the bottom, protein bundles, covered with air bubbles, depart from it and rise to the surface of the water. The color of the harnesses is dull, yellowish.

Analysis: Violation of the liver and biliary tract.

Example 4. The yolk is at the bottom in a very turbid protein cloud. The walls of the vessel are covered with many bubbles.

Analysis: possible diseases of the respiratory system.

Example 5. Grayish yolk, similar to boiled, long threads create a web on the surface of the water (loops, crosses, sticks).

Analysis: damage, negative.

Example 6. Water - transparent, like a tear, white and yolk - is something airy and enchanting.

Analysis: Clean and healthy biofield.

If mytonic protein or in it resistant strains are most often sores, air puffs - their anger and / or sores (maybe damage), if the yolk is torn - very bad damage, can be done to death, or severe mental disorder.

There are other ways to determine it, but this is one of the simplest, and in the process of diagnostics, it picks up many nasty things that are caught on a person.

A multicellular structure placed in the zone of action of a human biofield begins to change its properties. An example of such a structure is an ordinary chicken egg.

The egg is very similar in composition to humans, and painful changes in the human body affect its structure by the process of cell damage - the denaturation of proteins. The egg yolk consists of 16% of protein, the remaining 32% of fats and water, and the composition of the protein - 90% of water and 10% of protein.

The well-known technique called “rolling out the egg” is at the same time a method for diagnosing the evil eye or spoilage and getting rid of it. The method is based on the transfer of information between living organisms. Naturally, the egg “taken from under the hen” absorbs information best of all; however, even a regular egg is also a very flexible substance, due to its molecular structure.

When there are destructive inclusions in the human biofield (popularly “evil eye”, “spoilage”), the structure of the chains of water molecules in the egg white is disturbed and its appearance reflects all these changes. In case of serious energy disturbances, the color or smell of egg whites and others may change.

If in the intervals between sleep a person feels a weak pull of energy through the ears or the feet, then in the morning he feels a noticeable relief, and thanks to the rolling-out procedures, his biofield gradually becomes cleaner and healthier.

Let me just say that anything happens after rolling out:

The yolk goes to the pimple;

Worms appear;

Squirrel threads look like a grave with a cross or like a church, like a coffin;

Complete deformation of the yolk, etc.

Having made rolling out 3-6 times, you yourself will learn to see improvements and "bad."

What you need to know to roll out the egg damage or evil eye

What you need to know, someone who wants to roll out an egg damage or the evil eye. This is quite an important point. Before you decide to help someone and go roll out the evil eye or damage the egg, read this material carefully and understand all the nuances of this rite.

This is a very old ritual, very, very ancient. This ritual is not one hundred (or rather thousand) years old. There are many options, differing in details. The essence of the technique of rolling out damage to an egg is, no matter how strange it may seem, the occult discharge of an energetically unfavorable substance (spoilage) from a sick (spoiled) biological object to a healthy biological object - the embryo in the egg.

Therefore, if you try to separate the techniques of removing damage to types, then the roll out of the egg should be attributed rather to a magical discharge, and not to a removal.

The patient is seated on a stool, facing east or north and rolling the eggs in a circular motion (rolling) clockwise. In this case, the shooting specialist reads prayers, plots or mantras. If the rollout is performed in place (in case of illness), then as a rule, 33 laps are made in this part of the body. If done correctly, the egg is usually heavy in the hands.

After rolling out, the egg is smashed into water, and parts of the shell are crushed in the hands above the sore spot. When removing the damage in the vicinity of the most damaged chakra. The whole ceremony takes usually 15-20 minutes. It is clear that if we are talking about damage, then one egg and one visit can not be enough.

With well-executed roll-out, the chicken embryo in the egg dies. Strictly speaking, this is not surprising if we compare the power of the negative on a large object — a person — and the influence of all this “big” negative on a tiny embryo in an egg. It is for this reason that the number of eggs required for rolling out can be calculated in dozens. Usually, 10-30 eggs are required to remove a not very strong occult negative or not a particularly serious disease. For the complete removal of the strongest damage may be needed, for example, 200-300 eggs, satisfying certain requirements.

Not a single specialist who removes damage by such a technique will decide to demand from the patient such a number of eggs and hundreds of visits for removal. Therefore, quite often there are cases when the damage by rolling out is either not removed at all, or during the diagnosis it looks like “unfinished work”. Is undersized.

Typical mistakes of amateur attempts to remove damage by rolling out an egg:

1. Also, as in the case of casting on wax - the absence of occult training from the one who removes. Rolling out spoilage on an egg is in danger of pulling at least some of the negative onto you. At least for the reason that a small unfortunate embryo in an egg can die without having time to “absorb” all the available black energy. The rolled spoiled egg that was already lost, the striker is substituted for the negative itself.

2. In any rites of removal it is necessary to put protection. This is not a joke, serious work. Often people try to roll out something on the egg, having a technique of removal in general and this one in particular is a very vague idea. Technique vykatke need to learn from a healer or healer, and personally. Read a book or page on the Internet is not enough.

3. The use of knowingly "dead" eggs in the rite. The egg must be alive, from under the real village rooster. Eggs produced in poultry farms are not suitable for this task. An amateur, who spoils a dead egg without a germ, performs an occult fault dump on itself. And where would she (damage) order to go in that case?

4. Improper storage of eggs intended for roll-out. Even a brief storage of live eggs in the refrigerator significantly reduces the effectiveness of the ceremony - the embryo “falls asleep”. Eggs should not be processed. Including they can not be washed. Few people know this.

5. The use of dishes, which are broken "otkatannye" eggs, for anything other than this ceremony. Moreover, the dishes used for this purpose should be glass or clay, but in no case metallic. Some unlucky "shooters" from such a glass then drink tea ...

6. All materials and ingredients used in the rite, as in the case of casting on wax, must be properly disposed of.

Egg  - not just a symbol of life. it symbol of lifepresented to us from above - it contains a type Of the universe. It is very convenient for an egg to take damages, evil eyes and fears in children (it is all the more good for adults to feel that even a child is useful), since this manipulation takes a minimum of energy from a person, a very careful procedure is obtained.

There are two methods: rolling out and passive treatment

Egg rolling

Training: prayers, icons, charms.

You can choose any of the ways to remove a negative, or you can alternate them in series: 3 times - one technique, 3 times - another. But not so: today - one, tomorrow - another. Try on.

And do not forget to put charms in the treatment of others.

The following prayers can be used:

  • "Our Father…";
  • "May God rise again ...";
  • "To the Honorable Life-giving Cross ...";
  • "Alive in helping ...";
  • Any prayer from spoiling

Is always watch the candles- for those that you put in front of icons during treatment. Candles will show the presence or absence of negative: when there is a negative, candles or one of them will smoke, shoot, flicker (when the flame trembles - this happens, of course, without any drafts: the candle burns next to it usually, and the other flickers) and even go out (the last is a very bad symptom). With strong negative programs, the candles set for the person in front of the icons are also melted. Flooding can be stripes, cones, balls, figures.

If all negative programs are removed from a person or the smallest and insignificant ones are left, the candle burns evenly and burns without residue

  At the end of the ritual always read prayers of thanks.

for example - "Thanksgiving for every good deed of God, the King of Heaven, the Comforter, the Soul of Truth, Ie everywhere and all to fulfill, Treasure of good and life to the Giver, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filthiness, and save, Bleshe, our souls."

Be sure to wash your hands with cold water to the elbow.

Repeat the procedure for the prescribed days until the candle stops smoking, shooting, fading, and the health set at the icon has to be completely burned out.

Rolling out differs from other methods in that there is a direct contact with the patient's body. That is, you drive an egg on the patient’s body, collecting all the negatives on him.

Seat the person on the chair facing the icons. Stand behind him and a raw egg led clockwise around the head several times. Perhaps the head must be processed longer than other parts of the body.

Then spiral down the spine - the damage loves to wind around the spinal column.

Then go hand and foot. The egg is never torn from the body, even if you return from the lower part of the spine to your hands, you should lead the egg through the body.

All the time you read the appropriate prayers: from defacement, fright, evil eye. It depends on what you are shooting.

Then you take a glass filled with half water and, looking into the water, say: “Lord, do so that there is nothing in my possession except the purity of the truth and Your power, Lord! Amen ", at the same time break an egg into a glass. Beat so as not to injure the yolk.

We crush the shell in one hand and throw it into the furnace or on paper (if you throw the shell on paper, after the procedure is completed, it will be necessary to burn it on the ground and bury it, while the prayers of “Our Father”, “The Life-giving Cross” are read).

Wash your hands on the elbow with cold water.

Now take the glass and view the contents. It is very difficult for beginners to recognize all the intricacies of threads, the position of the white and the yolk.

Let me just say that anything happens after rolling out:

  • the yolk goes to the pimple;
  • worms appear;
  • squirrel threads look like a grave with a cross or like a church, like a coffin;
  • complete deformation of the yolk, etc.

Having done rolling out 3-6 times, you yourself will learn to see improvements and "bad."

You looked and poured the contents of the glass down the drain or under the fence with the words: “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, Satan! Go away with your demons and spirits from the servants of God (the name you were baptized with)! Amen!"

Now my glass with the words: “My self is not a glass, but a servant of God (the name of the one who was treated) for his illnesses, troubles, fright, confusion, pride, evil talk. As this glass (ladle, vase) is clean, so the servant of God (name) is free from disease, trouble, fright, confusion, pride, evil talk (a). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then again wash your hands in cold water to the elbow.

During the week, repeat 3 times on the set days. If there is an improvement, then next week, on the day of the test, only do one rolling out and a week later - checkout rolling out - in order to make sure that everything is in order.

Usually roll out 3 to 9 times

Egg for the night

And you can do so. We read all the necessary prayers in advance, we set a talisman for ourselves if we treat another, and in a glass half filled with water, add a teaspoon of church water or the one we have consecrated. We break there neatly egg. We put the glass on a stool, shelf or cabinet at the head of the bed where the patient sleeps. We put on all night.

In the morning, read "Our Father ..." and pour the contents under the fence or into the sewer.

My glass with the same words that are written above.

Repeat with the same frequency as when rolling out.

At the end of the ritual always read prayers of thanks.

The oldest way to clean your biofield

1. Take your photo, fresh chicken egg and white candle.

Light a candle, place a photo in front of it and rotate an egg counterclockwise in your picture (you can use a small new mirror instead of a photo). The egg after such a procedure must be thrown away from your home and left, regardless of where and how it fell and broke. Curiosity here is punishable by returning everything that you cleaned back.

2. Another way requires seven eggs and seven new simple glass cups. Every evening, gently break one egg into a glass and place it in a headboard. In the morning, you need to throw out the glass with the egg, preferably without looking there, and then wash your morning urine.

The second method is deeper and its effect is longer.

After you have cleaned yourself, you need to try to protect yourself from harmful influences  from the outside.

Efficient and simple prevention and protection technique -
Golden Cocoon

Imagine a golden ball rising from the tailbone to the crown in a spiral (all rotations are only clockwise). Above the top of the head divide it into four balls, which unwind around you down along the whole body and create a golden cocoon that surrounds you and protects you from various negative impacts  (anger, resentment, envy, etc.).

Good luck! God help.