How to cure a runny nose quickly folk remedies. Rinse the nose with salted water

09.04.2019 Vegetable Dishes

A runny nose is one of the brightest symptoms of a cold or hypothermia. It can also indicate the onset of flu or other diseases. There are many ways to cure a runny nose in 1 day. But, if its etiology lies in serious pathology, the disease itself must first be treated. Effective manipulations aimed at eliminating congestion or nasal discharge can only eliminate a symptom, and the disease will progress.

Quick home treatment

Few people manage to avoid a runny nose at least once a year. Most suffer from it much more often. This condition interferes with a person in everyday life, causes serious discomfort. Everyone asks about the effective methods of struggle that will help get rid of a cold in a short time.

Important! Pharmacies offer a lot of drugs that can facilitate breathing. At home, you can do a variety of simple procedures that not only quickly restore the patency of the upper respiratory tract, but also improve the overall well-being of the patient.

Therapy aimed at eliminating the common cold, always begin with washes. During the procedure, the nasal passages are cleaned, the accumulated mucus is washed away, and along with it the nasal cavity and pathogens leave.

Flushing effectively with nasal congestion. The solution, getting inside, dilutes too thick mucus, which prevents breathing normally. In addition, the procedures are a good preventive measure against the penetration and accumulation of infection in the sinuses.

For washing the nose is used:

  1. Saline water solution. It can be purchased at the pharmacy or cooked on your own at home. For self-preparation is required to mix 1 tsp. salt and 250 ml of warm water.
  2. Saline. Sold in finished form in pharmacies.
  3. Healing mineral water without gas. Among the many names offered for sale by trade organizations, the natural composition of Borjomi is considered the most effective.
  4. A decoction of dried chamomile. Prepared at home. You need to purchase in a pharmacy collecting dried herbs, 1 tbsp. l crushed chamomile should be added to 250 ml of boiling water. Boil the contents of not more than 5 minutes. Then cool the liquid, strain and only then use for its intended purpose.
  5. Infusion of calendula. The plant has long been known for its healing properties. Infusion of herbs can be used to treat rhinitis, sinusitis and colds. Crushed grass in the amount of 1 tbsp. l 0.5 liters of hot water is poured. He languishes for about 20 minutes in a water bath, then the night stands in a dark place. Strained liquid is stored in a refrigerator and heated to 35–37 ° C before use.

For the procedure you need to take a rubber aspirator or syringe. Manufactured tool flows into one of the nasal passages. In this case, the head should be tilted to the side above the sink so that the liquid flows out of the other nostril.

Attention! If you do the washing from the first minutes of a cold, the chances of removing the signs of a cold in just an hour increase.

As soon as the nasal sinuses are cleared of mucus and germs, you should proceed to further health actions without medication. For warming up, use a warm boiled egg or a bag of warmed salt.

To get rid of a cold in just a day, you should put funds on the outside of the nose. Heat can stop the inflammatory process, as well as quickly restore the protective functions of the nasal mucous membranes. You can draw iodine grid on the wings of the nose before bedtime. This method refers to the methods of heating. During the night, the picture will discolor, and the intensity of the cold will decrease. Doctors dispute the effectiveness of iodine treatment, but many patients use this method.

For inhalation, you will need to heat the water and add a few mg of eucalyptus oil there. The temperature of the liquid should not be too hot, otherwise there is a risk of burning the skin of the face, the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

Know! Healing vapors should be inhaled, bending over a container with hot contents and covering the head with a towel. The duration of inhalation depends on the age of the patient, varies within 5–10 minutes.

Mustard plasters

With a cold, mustard plasters are often used. Apply compresses should be on the chest of the patient, closer to the clavicle. In this case, the patient inhales mustard fumes.

Also mustard plasters impose on the feet. Points that are directly connected to the respiratory system and are located in the lower part of the human body are heated. Active exposure to them helps to improve respiration and eliminate pathogens.

To properly put mustard plasters, you must perform the following steps:

  • take purchased sheets of mustard or pharmacy;
  • immerse them in warm water;
  • wait until the contents get wet and evenly distributed inside the package;
  • put wet mustard plasters on a specific area of ​​the body, lightly press it;
  • cover with a cotton cloth;
  • if mustard pads are installed on the feet, wear wool socks over the fabric.

Important! Compress hold on the body from 10 minutes to 2 hours. But if you feel a strong burning sensation in the area of ​​applying mustard plaster, you must stop the procedure.

Then you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • remove mustard leaves or bags;
  • wipe the heated place with a wet and then dry material;
  • wrap a reddened area with a towel or put on socks.

It is advisable to impose mustard plasters in the evening. After the procedure, it is recommended to immediately go to bed. In the morning, a cold will disappear, and the patient's condition will improve significantly.


Everyone knows that if you wet or overcool your feet, a runny nose will not take long to wait. After the foot - the reflex part of the body associated with the nasopharynx. This explains the treatment of rhinitis with the help of warming up the legs.

To cure nasal congestion in an adult, fill the container with water warmed to 40–45 ° C. For the treatment of rhinitis in adolescents pour warm water 38-40 ° C. Near put a jug of boiling water.

Attention! To enhance the effect, you can add in the bath 1-2 tbsp. l mustard

The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes. Every 5 minutes should pour a portion of boiling water into the cooled water. At the end of therapy, wipe your feet with a dry towel, put on woolen socks, go to bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket.

Homemade Drops

To quickly get rid of nasal congestion, you can bury the self-made remedies:

  • honey is diluted with water at the rate of 1: 1, buried in the nose, if there is no allergy;
  • freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice has a strong healing property, it is diluted in equal parts with water and dripped into the nasal passages every 2 hours;
  • warm brewed chamomile tea can be instilled into the nose in 1–2 drops, it will wash out the passages and relieve inflammation.

Know! There are many methods that can eliminate the thick mucus that interfere with breathing in a short time. The main thing is to quickly respond to the first manifestations of the disease.

Medicines: drops, ointment, tablets

Drug manufacturers do not tell what to do and which drugs should be used to get rid of a cold in one day. However, the right tools will help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of colds.

For the treatment of rhinitis in pharmacies, you can find medicines of different forms:

  1. Drops. Vasoconstrictor agents (Naphthyzinum, Tezin, For Nos) can alleviate the condition after 5 minutes, the duration of action is up to 6 hours. From hormonal drugs (Nazarel, Nasobek) the effect comes much later, but it can last up to 12 hours.
  2. Ointment. Immunomodulatory and antiviral effect has the drug Viferon. Antiviral properties has oxolinic ointment. A good result can be obtained from the use of a combined ointment of natural origin - Pinosol. Antimicrobial and vasoconstrictor effect has a tool based on levomenthol and eucalyptus - Evamenol. A thin layer of ointment is applied to the nasal mucosa, the procedure is repeated several times a day.
  3. Pills. This type of medicine is widely used at the first symptoms of cold and flu, as well as for their prevention. On sale there are many drugs of similar action. Immunomodulatory drugs - Arbidol, Kagocel. Tamiflu is a highly effective anti-influenza drug. Homeopathic remedies - Euphrasia, Zinnabsin, Korizaliya.

Important! Each medication has contraindications, so before taking you should carefully study the instructions enclosed in the package. Even better, get advice from a therapist, pediatrician or otolaryngologist.

To reduce the risk of a cold, you should strengthen the body's immune system. This requires periodically to take complex vitamins, conduct hardening procedures. But, first of all, you should try to avoid crowds of people, especially in the autumn-spring period, when there is a peak in the incidence of ARVI.

Many face a cold at the slightest cooling of the room or drafts. The condition of free nasal breathing becomes the constant instillation of certain drops. This often turns into an addiction, especially if vasoconstrictive drugs are used regularly. Therefore, it is important to know how to get rid of a cold - because it is much better to take measures to get rid of rhinitis, affecting its cause. Read the details of the process of normalization of respiratory function.

What is a runny nose

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal covers, caused by infection (bacteria, viruses) and developing under the influence of hypothermia or dustiness, is called rhinitis in medicine, and in everyday life is called rhinitis. Acute rhinitis is characterized by a strong nasal mucus (rhinorrhea). Chronic runny nose develops as a result of acute rhinitis or long-acting negative factors. A runny nose is a protective function, but it has assumed a pathological form.

In the process of mucus secretion, inhaled dust particles and pathogenic microorganisms are bound. Excessive accumulation of mucus provokes the need for blowing out (forced expiration), thus eliminating the body from large populations of pathogens. The composition of mucous secretions includes water, epithelium and mucin.


Clinical manifestations of rhinitis are familiar to most people in central Russia. Talking about the symptoms, it is appropriate to divide the runny nose into acute and chronic.   Symptoms of acute rhinitis are as follows:

  1. Pronounced need for sneezing.
  2. Tearing.
  3. Feeling of general malaise.
  4. Serous and mucous discharge, which gradually transformed into mucopurulent.

Common symptoms of chronic rhinitis are similar to the acute form, but have a number of distinctive features:

  1. Nasal congestion.
  2. Deterioration of smell.
  3. The mucous membranes of the nasal passages are hyperemic (saturated with blood) and thickened.
  4. Periodic thick and mucous discharge.
  5. Dry nose, sometimes unpleasant sensation when inhaled.
  6. Regular formation of crusts in the nasal passages

How to get rid of a cold at home

It is possible to get rid of a rhinitis temporarily, having stopped the causes of mucus drainage, or for a long time, affecting the fundamental reason for the existence of a rhinitis. The first way is easy and simple. This requires to have on hand drops or special sprays, narrowing the vessels in the nasal cavity. This method brings temporary relief and is addictive. It is best to combine it with therapy in the form of instillation of drugs based on drug and herbal components, as well as moisturizing inhalations.

Drug treatment

For systemic and reliable treatment of rhinitis can not do without medication.   There are several proven groups of drugs represented by well-known brand names:

  1. Vasoconstrictor drugs: Naphazolin (valid for about three hours, cheap means that it is forbidden to use for more than 3-4 days), Otrivin, Xymelin, Nazivin.
  2. Drops with antibiotic Polidex (help to get rid of pathogenic flora, are prohibited for children under 12 years old and pregnant; can cause itching in the nose), Isofra, Albucid.
  3. Antipyretic drugs that remove swelling of the nose: Phenacetin, Paracetamol.
  4. Phytopreparations based on vegetable essential oils: Pinosol (contains antimicrobial components, is contraindicated in allergies), Kameton.
  5. Sprays for washing the nasal passages: Aqua Maris, Dolphin, Aqualore.
  6. Antiviral agents: Grippferon (based on interferon-alpha1, which increases the production of white blood cells).
  7. Hormonal drugs: Avamys (based on glucocorticoids that reduce mucosal edema, inflammation and allergies; are prohibited for children under two years old), Nazarel, Nasonex.

Nose drops at home

When a rhinitis appears, thoughts about going to the pharmacy immediately come up with means that can ease breathing and stop the flow of the nose. Few people think about preparing drops on their own, although this is a much cheaper and sparing method for the body to combat ailment. In terms of effectiveness, such a solution is sometimes not inferior to medicines. There are several proven recipes.

Beetroot drops with honey

The recipe is extremely simple: three tablespoons of beet juice are thoroughly mixed with three tablespoons of liquid honey. Drop three drops four times a day. There are practically no contraindications for drops. Beet and honey are natural antiseptics. In addition, the beet is a local immunostimulant, dilutes the accumulation of mucus of the sinuses, has regenerating properties.

Carrot drops

Carrots are a natural storehouse of the most valuable trace elements and vitamins. Carrot juice has bactericidal and antiviral properties, moisturizes mucous membranes, dilutes thick snot, strengthens capillaries and reduces swelling. Juice can be dripped pure, after receiving it by pressing and filtering through cheesecloth. Can be used as a spray, diluted with water 1: 1.

An effective medicine will be a mixture in an even proportion of juice with olive oil, which is recommended to be moistened with cotton turunds and inserted into the nostrils for 15 minutes over the course of a week. Carrot juice can be diluted in the same proportions with water and with beet or onion juice.   The resulting drops need to bury three times a day, the duration of therapy for 3-4 days.

Garlic drops

Garlic has the highest content of volatile production - substances that effectively kill pathogens. Garlic drops are indicated for use when green nasal secretions appear.   Use them with caution because of the aggressive effects of garlic on the mucous membranes. To get drops you need to mix half a glass of water with juice, squeezed out of 2-3 cloves of garlic.

How to get rid of a cold without drops

Treatment of rhinitis is quickly and effectively possible without the use of medicines. One of the methods of safe therapy is inhalation of boiled potatoes or freshly brewed black coffee. It is recommended to lubricate the nostrils with honey or wash the nasopharynx with saline. Such methods are applicable only at the initial stage of rhinitis - the chronic form and sinusitis should be treated under medical supervision.

Nasal wash

To clean the nasal cavity from mucus and pathogenic microbes that can cause the development of inflammation, use washing. There are several ways to carry out the procedure:

  1. Simple - rinse the solution for washing with your palms or pull one nostril from the saucer. Blow your nose, repeat with the second nostril, spit the remaining liquid, rinse your mouth with clean water. Repeat every two hours.
  2. With washing the nasopharynx - fill the syringe or syringe without a needle with a solution, bend at a right angle over the bath, open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Insert the tip into the nostril, slowly squeeze out the contents so that the warm fluid passes through the nose and out of your mouth. Blow your nose, repeat with the second nostril.

As washing, you can use a solution of ordinary salt (a teaspoon per liter of water), honey, onions, chamomile or sage decoctions (a tablespoon of dry herb per cup of boiling water, 15 minutes of boiling, infusion for half an hour). From medical drugs fit Furacilin (two tablets per glass of water), saline, Dolphin, Aqua-Maris, Otrivin, Aqualor. You can not wash your nose with strong swelling, tumors, septum curvature, otitis.

Steam inhalation

An effective home remedy for rhinitis is steam inhalation. They are inhalation with vapor or aerosol medication. When the smallest droplets hit the mucous membranes, the human condition improves rapidly.   At home, you can use the pot or kettle with hot water. Some useful rules for conducting:

  • at elevated body temperature inhalation excluded;
  • 1.5 hours should pass from the moment of eating
  • the water after boiling should cool down a little so as not to burn the mucous membrane (for a child, the temperature should not be above 40 degrees);
  • breathe in steam calmly, not sharply, through the nose;
  • cover with a large towel to increase efficiency;
  • breathe steam for about 10 minutes, then do not talk for 15 minutes, after one hour smoking, food and drink are allowed.

As active substances for inhalation can be used plant extracts, garlic juice, medicinal fees, essential oils. The latter is diluted by 2-3 drops in 500 ml of water (contraindicated in children up to three years old and with bronchial asthma). Well help to get rid of the cold oil of pine and juniper. From medicinal fees use eucalyptus leaves, pine buds, chamomile, onion juice, Rotokan solution.

How to get rid of a cold in 1 day

In order to prevent the development of a cold in one day and not allow it to strike the body, you need to take comprehensive measures:

  1. Washing with saline solution (a tablespoon of salt in a glass of hot water).
  2. Make a drop in the nose with your own hands - drip in the nose with 4 drops of menthol oil, lubricate their forehead and temples. You can mix it with camphor or drip aloe juice.
  3. Warm up your feet, take a heavy drink.

How to save a child from a cold

If the child is small, you can get rid of the common cold by cleaning the nasal passages from mucus. This can be done with an aspirator. Children can not apply sprays with a solution of sea salt (Aqualore, Quix) - they can cause otitis and laryngeal spasm. Popular remedies for treatment are:

  1. Vasoconstrictor drops - are prescribed by a doctor for severe edema. Help popular drugs Nazol Baby, Nazivin 0.01%. Drip every six hours, at night or before the day's sleep, a course of no more than three days.
  2. Folk methods - instillation of Kalanchoe or Aloe juice, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1 and 1 drop three times a day. Breast milk is not suitable for this purpose.

How to cure a cold during pregnancy

Many rhinitis drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, so a woman in the position should consult a doctor for treatment. Recommended remedies to help get rid of the cold:

  1. Drops - use Nazol Baby or Kids, Pinosol. Drip overnight or 2-3 times a day with a course of no more than three days.
  2. Rinsing the nose - from the products, use saline solution or soda solution, special preparations Aquamaris, Marimer, camomile tea infusion or other medicinal herbs.
  3. Tea with lemon and ginger.
  4. Warming up the nasal sinuses - attach bags with heated salt to the wings of the nose, leave to cool completely. At the same time warm your legs, walk in wool socks.
  5. Folk methods - breathe in pairs of onions, chopped garlic cloves.
  6. Massage - press lightly and make circular movements along the nose and under the nose. Tap the nasal bone from both sides.
  7. For allergic rhinitis, use Nazalval or Kromoglikat sprays.

Folk remedies

Among the population are widely used folk methods that help clean the runny nose quickly and efficiently. Here are some of them that allow you to get rid of the problem:

  1. Make a compress from honey - dip cotton wool pieces into it, insert into your nostrils for 10 minutes.
  2. Put dry mustard in warm socks before bedtime. Next morning take off.
  3. Spend washing with iodine solution - 5-7 drops of iodine per 100 ml of water. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

Egg from a cold

An effective remedy for the common cold at home is a simple hot egg. It is advisable to take a bigger one. Boil it until tender, cool slightly or wrap in a towel so as not to burn yourself. Apply to the sinuses or to the forehead, hold until cool. Such heating can be done up to three times a day. Contraindications to the procedure are adenoiditis, bacterial rhinitis, purulent sinusitis.

Everyone was faced with a runny nose, the appearance of which is preceded by hypothermia, a cold or a virus entering the body. At first glance, the disease seems harmless. In any case, it is useful to know how to quickly get rid of the cold with folk remedies at home.

In some people, runny nose ends quickly without the use of drugs, in others it develops into chronic sinusitis. Fortunately, folk remedies help even people who are not recommended to take medications.

If you put off the treatment of rhinitis in the back burner, it will become a source of discomfort. We are talking about difficulty breathing, discharge, bringing discomfort, poor sleep, due to nasal congestion.

If you run a cold or not to complete a cure, it will go into sinusitis - a more serious disease whose treatment involves the use of antibiotics.

Effective folk remedies

Start a runny nose with the appearance of dryness, itching or burning in the nose. At this stage, the easiest way to get rid of. Using tips and time-tested folk remedies, quickly restore health without harming the body.

  • Warm the body . A hot bath based on healing herbs, including sage, mint and eucalyptus, will help. The oils found in plants have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane and strengthen the immune system. It is useful to add sea salt to the bath.
  • Mustard Powder Foot Bath . The procedure is carried out before bedtime. Be sure to wear warm socks before going to bed.
  • Eggs and potatoes . Traditional medicine allows you to cope with the cold at no cost. Attach boiled eggs or boiled potatoes in your uniform to the sinuses. Do this several times throughout the day.
  • Nasal wash and inhalation . For inhalation, calendula flowers, pine buds, raspberry leaves and essential oils are suitable. For inhalation, boil three liters of water, add six spoons of pine buds to boiling water, hold the broth under the lid and carry out the procedure. Bend over the dishes with the broth and breathe in pairs.
  • Essential oils . Fight with runny nose taken with oil from eucalyptus, St. John's wort or oregano. Add a few drops of oil to the hot water and inhale the vapor.
  • Vegetable oil . Heat the oil in a glass dish. As a result, harmful substances will evaporate from the oil. After that, add four slices of garlic and chopped quarter onion to the cooled oil. After three hours, filter the oil rich in nutrients and use to lubricate the nose.
  • Aloe   . Universal remedy against the common cold. Squeeze the juice from the plant leaf and use for instillation of the nose. If a runny nose appeared in a child, dilute aloe juice slightly with water.
  • Honey   . Honey, which I recommend to mix with the plant's juice, helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment with the use of aloe. Mix warm water, honey and juice in equal proportions and wait for the yellow component to dissolve. Means bury the nose.

Popular recipes and ways that I shared, will come to the aid at any time of the year. If you keep them close at hand, the disease will not be taken by surprise.

Video Tips

These methods will help to save, because the cost of pharmaceutical preparations available can not be called. Fighting the common cold with folk methods is the best treatment option, since the products that I propose to use are safe for the body and do not provoke side effects.

How to cure a cold at home for 1 day

There are many ways to deal with the common cold. Some involve the use of purchased drugs, others are based on folk remedies. Since the first-aid kit does not always find a suitable drug, let's talk about the methods of treating the common cold, offered by traditional medicine.

The rate of complete recovery depends on the conditions in which the patient is. It is about cool air, moderate humidity, plentiful drink and airing the room. Performing these items helps to return the breath to normal.

  1. Nose wash . The procedure is unpleasant, but effective. Rinse the nose three times a day using a solution based on sea salt. A teaspoonful of the substance is dissolved in a glass of water. After one nostril, retract the solution and pour it over the other nostril or mouth. Blow yourself a good nose at the end.
  2. Laundry soap . In the process of washing, wash your nose with soap. This is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent.
  3. Onion Compresses . Pass the onion through the grater, and put the resulting onion mass on a wet napkin. Compress attach to the nose for fifteen minutes, covering with warm material. Repeat the procedure after 4-5 hours.
  4. Foot baths . Take a kettle, boil water and pour into a basin. After cooling the liquid to a temperature of 50 degrees, gently lower your legs into the water and hold it for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, thoroughly wipe your feet and put on socks. Remember, it is forbidden to soar the legs at high temperatures, as this only hurts.
  5. Aloe juice   . To prepare, take a leaf of aloe, rinse, cut lengthwise and squeeze the juice. Dilute the resulting liquid with water and mix. Using a pipette tool, drip nose. I recommend storing the medicine in the refrigerator in a glass opaque container.

Video instructions

People suffer from a runny nose on average for about five days, it will not work out completely to cure a cold in one day, you can only improve your well-being.

Treatment of rhinitis in the child folk remedies

The list of childhood diseases is extensive, and a runny nose occupies a leading position. In children of different ages, the disease occurs frequently. Parents, watching the torment of the offspring, trying to quickly eliminate the causes and symptoms of the disease.

Step-by-step instructions, which I will share, envisage the use of folk remedies, and the treatment procedure is safe for the child.

  • Garlic and sea salt . At the initial stage of the disease, hang a bag of crushed garlic over the baby’s bed or sofa to scare off germs. On the basis of sea salt, prepare a sterile solution and, using a pipette, drip nose. This will accelerate the exit of mucus from the nasal passage.
  • Regular nasal wash . This will help maintain the purity of the nose and contribute to the rapid elimination of the disease. If your child has difficulty breathing or swelling of the nasal cavity, use vasoconstrictor drops.
  • Mucus suction . From time to time with the help of a pear suck mucus from a child’s nose. The method is particularly effective in the case of children who are not able to blow their own nose. Upon completion of cleaning the nose drip drops.
  • Cleaning and tea . In the room in which the child is located, constantly do wet cleaning and airing. Water your baby regularly with warm tea to restore fluid balance in the body. If purulent mucus appears in the nasal passages, use Protargol drops.
  • Inhalation and pillow . At bedtime, raise the baby's pillow a little. As a result, the head will be in a position that facilitates breathing. Before this, make inhalations on the basis of "asterisk" and cover the baby with a warm blanket.
  • Aloe . Aloe helps to cope with children's cold. Squeeze the sap of the plant dilute with water, and the resulting solution drip both nostrils. For one part of aloe juice, take ten parts of boiled water.
  • Infusions of healing herbs . It is recommended to wash the nose of a sick child with a runny nose with an infusion of sage, chamomile, plantain or calendula. In herbal infusion, add eucalyptus, peach or sea buckthorn oil. Herbs insist on a glass of boiling water, and after cooling it is used to wash the nose.
  • Evening bath before bed . The procedure will require an infusion of pine needles and birch leaves. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan, add a spoonful of each ingredient, boil for five minutes, and after an hour of infusion, pour into a bowl and dilute to 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes. After the baby put to bed.

Carefully monitor the health of children and do not allow them to hurt. The main thing is that the child should be dressed in accordance with the weather, not drink cold water and not feel hunger.

How to cure a cold during pregnancy

Everyone on the planet understands that during pregnancy, the use of most drugs is contraindicated. And even a runny nose often becomes a serious problem.

Do not be discouraged, improvised help materials help you to cope with the disease.

A runny nose is the result of an allergic reaction or exposure of the microorganisms to the mucous membrane. Finding the cause yourself is problematic. Therefore, women in the position is recommended to consult a doctor. Only he will prescribe a treatment that is harmless to the fetus.

If it is not possible to go to the clinic, fight the disease yourself, because inaction hurts more. The same with cough treatment.

  1. Inhalation   . Quickly deal with microbes and eliminate nasal congestion will help inhalation. Take a couple of boiled potatoes or soda-based solution. If the smell of eucalyptus does not cause nausea, add a couple of drops of essential oil to the boiling water.
  2. Drops of onion . Pass the bulb through the grater, and from the resulting mass squeeze out the juice, which is diluted with water in proportions of 1 to 1 and using a pipette, drip your nose. With the help of onion juice, eliminate congestion and overcome the disease, because it consists of volatile production.
  3. Aloe juice   . Take a leaf of aloe, rinse and squeeze the juice. Bleed your nose with the resulting fluid. Aloe will not provide a vasoconstrictor effect, but will speed recovery.
  4. Warming balm . Apply the ointment on the nose and temples. The composition includes essential oils that facilitate breathing. Use warming agents carefully since there is a risk of intolerance to the components.
  5. Drops   . In extreme cases, use vasoconstrictor drops. Be sure to consult a doctor and get the opinion of a gynecologist before taking them. Only he will determine the feasibility of using medicines.

No matter how much discomfort and discomfort a rhinitis brings, do not use medicines that are not approved by your doctor. Incorrect actions will harm the child. It is useful to read the article how to treat the tonsils.

Prevention of rhinitis

No matter what remedy you use, remember that a runny nose is a disease caused by an infection. For this reason, to avoid self-infection, which will adversely affect the results of treatment, it is recommended to use clean handkerchiefs and take measures to protect against secondary infection.

Knowing how to get rid of a cold in 1 day is relevant and necessary at the present time. This disease can immediately go on to the chronic stage. In this case, eliminating the constant will be much harder.

In addition, runny nose significantly weakens the immune system. This fact increases the risk of catching other diseases. Getting rid of a cold in one day is very important not only for adults but also for children. In this case, the correct course of treatment should be selected. For babies, a prolonged cold is fraught with such consequences as sleep disturbance, loss of appetite and impairment of mindfulness.

All of the above has a negative impact on the general condition of the child, as well as affects his psyche, because the runny nose, especially in children of preschool age, causes severe stress. For this reason, it is extremely important to be aware of how to get rid of a cold in the short term, preventing its further development.

Methods of emergency treatment of rhinitis

Narrating about what means can help quickly get rid of a cold, it is necessary to allocate several leading directions.

An attempt to activate the defenses of the human body with the help of restorative and warming procedures in most cases is very effective. Very often, to stop the development of a cold is obtained through constant flushing of the nasal cavity. The instillation of the drug also has a productive effect, but the choice of such a remedy must be approached with the utmost responsibility in order to avoid the use of a medicine that has an overwhelming effect.

Nasal wash

This procedure is one of the most effective, because with the help of it an adult or a child will get rid of the infection in a short time. Usually, warm saline is used to carry it out.

To prepare such a mixture, you need to mix one teaspoon of sea or table salt with boiled water. The patient should pick up the solution in a shallow vessel or palm and retract it with both nostrils alternately. Immediately after this action, you must blow your nose. Experts also recommend washing the nasal cavity with a solution of beet juice (half a teaspoon per cup of boiled water).

If you are interested in how to get rid of a cold in 1 day, you can prepare a solution that has a very strong effect. To do this, add three to four drops of propolis tincture or eucalyptus to the salt mixture for washing.

Restorative and warming procedures

In order to urgently defeat a cold, it is important not only to take proper medications aimed at getting rid of a cold, but also to help the body cope with the infection on its own. This is what alternative medicine targets.

Thus, you can get rid of them in the following ways:

  • by warming the feet with mustard, in warm water or during a visit to the bath;
  • drinking raspberry or linden tea, herbal-based drinks;
  •   for the nose.

You should make sure that none of the ingredients of medicinal fees are unable to cause you allergies. It should also be borne in mind that heating procedures can be applied only if you do not suffer from an elevated temperature.

It is recommended to use many medicines for treatment, especially if the question is how to get rid of a cold in a child, only after consulting with a specialist. Therefore, the best option is to give preference to folk remedies in the first days of healing.

Instillation of nose

This method of treating colds is one of the most common. He is often remembered when the patient is looking for a method of how to get rid of chronic rhinitis.

For instillation, it is recommended to use oil-based preparations, for example, Pinosol. They have a beneficial effect on airway clearance. The use of vasoconstrictor drops, such as Nazivin or Brizolin, should be avoided.

Also a great helper is aloe juice or kalanchoe. It is recommended to use three drops every two hours during the day. This procedure helps to thoroughly clean the nasal cavity, and also helps to answer the question of how to get rid of chronic rhinitis. The advantage of the juices of these plants is that they have antibacterial properties.

Other ways

There are not so popular, but no less effective methods, how to get rid of a bad cold. Below are the most accessible ones.

  • Chopped garlic should be heated with butter and alternately inhale the steam with two nostrils.
  • It is useful to pay attention to inhalation. The most effective ones are procedures using boiled potatoes and eucalyptus. When the vegetable is well cooked, you need to add two tablespoons of dried eucalyptus leaves to the pan - they can be purchased at any pharmacy. Covering your head with a towel, you should breathe over the broth for ten to fifteen minutes.
  • How to get rid of a cold in 1 day? It should drink a considerable amount of mineral water. Viruses that cause ARD and ARVI do not tolerate an alkaline environment.
  • You can use drops in the form of a spray. They evenly irrigate the inflamed mucosa. The use of menthol oil-based emollient drops will also be effective.
  • The recipe for the last method is as follows: in a glass of warm boiled milk, carefully stir a small piece of butter, a teaspoon of natural honey, juice ½ of an orange and fifty grams of liquor. Take this tool should be in the morning and at night.


Typically, recipes that tell you how to get rid of a cold in 1 day include the cumulative use of several methods described above. In most cases, they are very effective, but if after three or four days you have a fever, you should contact a specialist.

How to get rid of a cold in 1 day? Indeed, despite its ostentatious harmlessness, rhinitis can bring a lot of unpleasant moments. Especially when everything is flowing from the nose, and you have a holiday, an important event or a long-planned meeting. This can easily lead a person out of the usual way of life, becoming an unexpected surprise.

How to get rid of a runny nose and nasal congestion in 1 day? This can be done with the help of folk treatment methods. The main condition for successful therapy is an integrated approach and the simultaneous use of several methods in the event of the first signs of the disease.

How to cure a runny nose in 1 day? To do this, use the following recommendations:

  • regular nasal washing,
  • warming up of the paranasal sinuses,
  • warm on your feet.

Rinsing the nose is best done using normal saline, which is very easy to prepare yourself at home. To do this, you need to dilute 1 g of sea salt in 100 ml of cooled boiled water.

Pharmaceutical products can also be used - 0.9% sodium chloride, Aqua Maris, Salin, No-Sal and many other medicines in the form of a solution, drops or spray.

The first step is to release the nasal passages from the mucus - scoop up saline in the palm, pinch one nostril and draw the liquid into it. Provided the washing is carried out correctly, the solution will flow out through the mouth. Similarly, the procedure is carried out with a different nasal passage.

For this purpose, a large syringe can also be used, however, the degree of pressure should be monitored so that pain does not arise. Rinsing should be done several times a day, preferably every 2-3 hours.

Heat on the paranasal sinuses can be applied using hard-boiled eggs or heated salt. They need to be wrapped in a piece of cloth so as not to burn the skin. It is best to apply heated salt, since it can be used several times. The duration of heating is 10-15 minutes, the frequency - 3-5 times a day.

Warming the feet is an important part of complex rhinitis treatment. Feet must necessarily be warm, so the very first thing to take when there is a sign of a cold is to wear warm socks. You can use other methods - to heat up a brick, pour hot water into a plastic bottle or a hot-water bottle, wrap it with a towel and place your feet on top.

Other Rapid Rhinitis Treatments

Get rid of the cold in one day will help folk recipes. The most popular is the use of onions. It needs to be finely cut into rings and put on a plate. The patient must breathe in the vapor of the vegetable, and to enhance the effect, he must lean over the container and cover his head with a towel or any thick cloth. During the day you need to spend a few sessions of onion therapy. Periodically, the raw material should be changed, as it tends to expire with time.

You can use a combination of garlic, onions and horseradish. All components are crushed, mixed and stored in a glass jar. The mixture is kept under cover. During the day, you need to periodically breathe healing vapors.

Good result gives tea with the addition of a few slices of lemon and 1 tbsp. l Coarsely chopped ginger root. To improve the taste in the cup, you can put 1 tsp. natural honey. The drink has an antiviral and immunostimulating effect, enriches the body with vitamin C. It should be drunk several times a day, and it is advisable to be in a warm room all the time, as it contributes to profuse sweating.

Nose drops with menthol, eucalyptus and other oils should not only be buried, but also lubricated with the forehead, nose and eyelids. The multiplicity of application is no more than 3-4 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril. They have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and vasoconstrictor effects.

First of all, you need to prepare the juice and bury it in 3-5 drops in each nostril several times a day, simultaneously making a small massage of the wings of the nose. After applying Kalanchoe, as a rule, a person begins to sneeze intensively, which contributes to the release of breathing, and the agave has an antiviral and immunostimulating effect.

How to cure a runny nose in one day with the help of medicinal plants? After all, these are the most innocuous rhinitis treatment methods that continue to enjoy their well-deserved popularity. In the fight against rhinitis, aloe and kalanchoe are most often used.

The cold will go and after applying a compress to the nose. To make it, you need to mix 30 g of sea buckthorn oil, 20 g of calendula juice, 15 g of melted cocoa butter, 10 g of natural honey and 5 g of propolis. A cotton swab is wetted in the drug mixture and inserted into the nostril for 15-20 minutes. The second nasal passage is processed in the same manner. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

A garlic clove can be inserted into each nostril. It is a natural phytoncide with a powerful antiviral effect. You can make drops from it - chop 1 head, pour 50 ml of boiling water, cover and insist for at least 2 hours. 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day are buried in each nasal passage.

Relief of rhinitis with medical drugs

How to quickly get rid of a cold? In order not to spoil the mood of yourself and the surrounding nosy nose, you can resort to emergency measures that will help to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms. However, it should be remembered that this will not solve the problem as a whole, but will have a temporary effect. For this purpose, most often used.