Jelly from turkey - step by step recipes. Jellied turkey in a slow cooker

29.09.2019 Healthy eating

Aspic of turkey neck and wings

I offer you a simple recipe for turkey jelly without using gelatin, which can be prepared from turkey. Due to the dietary properties of turkey meat, jellied meat is low-calorie and at the same time very tasty and satisfying.

Kitchen appliances and utensils:   large pot, ladle, spoon, sieve, silicone molds or deep jelly dishes, stove.


How to choose the ingredients

For such an aspic I take a turkey neck, wings, bones with scraps of meat.

Step cooking

Cooking Recipe Video

You can see how to cook jelly from turkey in this short video.

Jellied turkey and pork legs recipe

And I consider this recipe for jelly from pork and turkey to be classic, so I suggest that you definitely use it.

Time for preparing:   5-6 hours.
Calorie content:   100 g - 350 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and utensils:   8 liter cast iron gooseneck; skimmer to remove foam; ladle; two meat bowls; metal strainer; knife; board; pure gauze; Silicone forms; deep glass plates.


turkey drumstick1 PC.
turkey thigh1 PC.
pork knuckle1 PC.
pork hooves2 pcs.
water6-8 l
milk1-2 stacks
onion2 pcs.
carrot1-2 pcs.
garlic2-3 cloves
parsley root2 pcs.
ground black peppertaste
ground red peppertaste
seasoning "To smoked meats and bacon"taste
dill and parsley4-6 branches
bay leaf3-4 pcs.

How to choose the ingredients

  • For this jellied meat, I choose meat that contains cartilage and tendons that gell the broth well.
  • From turkey, it is better to choose a drumstick and thigh, and from pork shank and hooves are ideal.
  • You can not add seasoning “To smoked meats and bacon”, but I always use it to make jellied aromatic and rich.

Step cooking

Bon Appetit!

Cooking Recipe Video

In this video you will learn how and how much to cook jelly from turkey and pork. And the little tricks you can learn from the cooking comments will help you make this dish especially tasty.

How to decorate this dish

Of course, the easiest way is to pour jellied meat into deep bowls and wait until it hardens. But I like to serve this dish beautifully, so I use round silicone molds with a hole in the middle, which are designed for baking cupcakes.

With them, serving jelly becomes more spectacular and festive. And in order to make the jelly brighter and more beautiful, you can decorate it with greens, halves or circles of hard-boiled eggs or curly-cut boiled carrots at the stage of pouring broth.

This dish is considered independent and does not require an additional side dish. It is usually served with grated horseradish, pickled in beetroot juice, or mustard.

Basic Truths

  • Before boiling the broth on jellied meat should be soaked in water for at least 1 hour. This will make the meat more juicy and eliminate all unpleasant odors.
  • You can soak the meat in a solution of water and milk in a ratio of 1: 3.
  • After the first boiling, the broth should be drained and the meat should be filled with fresh water.
  • After boiling again, the aspic must be cooked over low heat for at least 5 hours.
  • In order for the jelly to freeze without gelatin, you need to choose meat with the content of tendons and cartilage.
  • Vegetables and spices should be added 2 hours after boiling the broth.

Other cooking and filling options

If you want to cook jelly from turkey using only the meaty parts of the brisket, then you can make it according to my recipe, but with gelatin. “Jellied with gelatin” will be a guarantee that the broth will surely freeze.

Using, you can cook no less tasty and nourishing — cold beef meat — but at the same time you will need to increase the cooking time by 1 or 2 hours.

Today, when many housewives have given their preference to the latest kitchen appliances, there is the opportunity to cook “cold in a slow cooker”, which is very convenient and practical.

Each hostess in her own way prepares this dish, so I am waiting for your options for recipes for jelly from turkey in the comments.

Something we have not talked about how to cook jellied meat for a long time. Usually it is prepared from the extremities, namely from the shin of a pig or calf. Today we’ll look at how to cook jelly from the neck of a turkey. It will be a recipe and the intricacies of cooking, of course. Also, the features of this type of meat will be considered today.

Features of Turkey Meat

To begin with, a few words about the bird itself. Turkey is a very large bird. Its dimensions are very impressive. The largest males weigh 35 kilograms! Females are significantly smaller, no more than 16 kg. In Russia, the meat of this bird is used, but not very popular, possibly due to the high price.

Turkey meat is considered dietary because it contains fewer calories compared to the same chicken. In addition, it is very well absorbed by the body and also includes a lot of valuable chemicals for humans. 100 grams of cervical meat contains no more than 120 kilocalories.

The following minerals are found in turkey meat: sodium, selenium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iodine, atomic gold, B, PP, K, A, E vitamins, essential amino acids, healthy fats for humans, organic acids and so on.

Jellied neck - recipe

This is a very tasty, low-fat, low-calorie dish containing easily digestible protein. Such aspic can be served even to children. In addition, the taste characteristics of this dish will not leave anyone indifferent. Ingredients for aspic:

Turkey neck - 500 grams;
  Onion - 1 large onion;
  Garlic - a pair of cloves;
  Carrots - 1 piece;
  Parsnip - 1 root;
  Bay leaf - 2 medium leaflets;
  Allspice - 2 or 3 peas;
  Parsley root - 1 piece;
  Parsley leaves - 1 bunch;
  Other spices and salt according to taste preferences.

The turkey necks should be washed well, cut each into 2 approximately equal parts and placed in a metal pan while adding one and a half liters of water, preferably cold and filtered. We put the capacity on fire and wait for boiling.

After the contents of the pan boil, you need to drain the broth, because it may contain not very useful impurities (antibiotics, hormones, and all that unscrupulous meat producers eat their birds). In addition, it is preferable that the broth is transparent, and the first portion is unlikely to be so.

The necks should be removed from the pan, rinsed well under a stream of clean water, carefully removing the remaining curdled protein, as well as all other unnecessary impurities. After that, we again place the meat in a clean pan, pour one and a half liters of cold water and put on fire.

After boiling, you need to reduce the heat so that the water continues to boil, but not boil, and at this rate the meat is cooked for 2 to 3 hours, after which it can be reached, it will be completely ready.

The next step is to chop the vegetables. You can not chop the onion by placing it in the whole pan without even removing the husk (in this case, the color of the broth will become noble-golden). Parsnip and parsley need to be chopped, the smaller, the better. Garlic can be crushed with a knife and tossed into the broth.

After 3 hours of boiling, pre-chopped vegetables and spices should be placed in a pan with necks, and then boiled for another 2 hours. The fire under the pan should be such that a slow, moderate boil is provided. Ideally, no more than half a liter of saturated broth should remain.

The degree of readiness of the meat can be checked with a knife or fork. If a reddish juice is released when the neck is punctured, you should still boil it. As a rule, after a specified period of time, there is no doubt that the meat will be ready, but caution will never be superfluous.

After the specified amount of time has passed, the necks must be removed from the broth and cooled a little, so that you can "disassemble" them with your hands and not get burns. Meat should be carefully separated from bones and cartilage. The presence of these components in the finished dish is unlikely to improve its taste and other characteristics.

The meat needs to be laid out in tins and pour the broth to the edge of the form. For safety reasons (in most cases this will not be necessary, but if we are talking about preparing for an important holiday event, mistakes are unacceptable) you can add a little gelatin prepared in the traditional way. It is important that the broth is carefully filtered so that unnecessary vegetables, onion husks or small seeds are not caught in the finished dish.

An almost ready dish should be sent to the shelf of the refrigerator (not in the freezer) and kept there until completely frozen. Before serving, you can slightly decorate the aspic with the leaves of parsley or dill, which will give the already delicious dish new spicy notes.

Serve cold appetizer with horseradish or green peas. For an adult audience, you can serve red table wine, which in small quantities will definitely not be superfluous.


The above recipe is approximate and allows significant variations, both in terms of spices and other ingredients. For decoration, you can add chopped chicken eggs or a long straw from raw smoked low-fat sausage or ham to the finished broth. Experiment with pleasure.

Bon Appetit!

And what else is the turkey neck good for, what recipes do you know, dear reader? Please share with others using the comment form below.

One of the traditional festive dishes is jellied meat. It can be called jelly or aspic, but the essence of this does not change. As a rule, it is customary to cook jellied meat from pork or beef legs, ears, skins, hooves with the addition of a large amount of fatty meat. But what if pork or beef dishes have not taken root in your family? How to replace pork jelly to make the dish low-calorie, healthy and tasty?

One of the best solutions would be a turkey jelly recipe. Meat is much leaner than pork, and an order of magnitude healthier than chicken. Such a dish can be eaten by small children, and a person of advanced age, and people who adhere to proper nutrition or a strict diet.

Cooking rules

To get a traditional rich and very quick setting jelly, you have to cook meat for a long time (from 6 to 12 hours). In such cases, gelatin is not added. If there is not enough time for a long cooking, if the jelly has been cooked for a long time, but has not frozen, then the use of gelatin is allowed. He helps out in those cases when the meat component does not provide a sufficient amount of fat and fat, necessary for self-freezing of the jelly.

For the turkey jelly recipe, you need to choose the right meat. Preference is given to those parts of the carcass in which there are more bones and cartilage. It is they who, as you know, help the jelly freeze. Ideal in this regard are wings, neck and legs.

Today we will offer you a choice of some simple but very tasty recipes for jelly turkey without gelatin and with its addition. Jellied meat can be cooked both in a conventional pan on the stove and in a slow cooker, which will significantly save the cooking time.

Spices for color - carrots, onions.

Spices for aroma - peppercorns, bay leaves, cloves, garlic, parsley, dill, mustard seeds, ground coriander, parsnip root, ground paprika, turmeric.

Jelly Turkey Recipe with Gelatin

The first option for cooking jelly will be using a thickener. This will significantly reduce the cooking time of the meat and make the jelly-like portion of the jelly more transparent. Gelatin is known to be an animal's natural protein, which is obtained from cartilage, bones, tendons and ligaments of animals. It has excellent gelling qualities and has long been used in cooking.

Essential Ingredients

In order to quickly and without difficulties master the recipe for jelly from turkey, you need to prepare the following set of products:

  • Ham, drumstick, neck or thigh of a turkey - 350 gr.
  • Turkey fillet - 350 gr.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • A pair of garlic cloves.
  • Laurel. sheet.
  • Greenery.
  • Peppercorns and peas.
  • Gelatin 1 pack.

Cooking process

So, we present to you a recipe with a photo of aspic from turkey step by step with gelatin. To begin with, all meat parts that have bone are stacked in a volumetric pan. The hips, legs, neck, legs are filled with water. A couple of teaspoons of salt, bay leaf and peas of black allspice in the amount of three to four pieces are added. The onion is cleaned and completely sent to the water. Put the jelly to cook.

Any recipe with a photo of jelly from turkey will show that the broth from this type of meat is not obtained when cooking as muddy as, for example, during cooking pork or beef jelly. This is what attracts cooks to poultry meat, which is becoming more and more popular and popular in jelly and jellied recipes.

Cooking poultry meat is recommended for about two hours. Then a clean fillet is added to the bone parts. Cook for another half hour. We take out onions, bay leaves, meat parts. Now you can strain the broth. This is done using the smallest sieve or through cheesecloth. When the meat has cooled, we take it apart with our hands into flakes and add them to the broth. There we put finely chopped garlic and a little seasoning “for jelly”. It remains to make the correct "dressing" of gelatin.

How is gelatin diluted?

It is advisable to start cooking gelatin for the jelly recipe from the neck of the turkey in advance, when the meat is still standing on the stove and cooked. Gelatin preparation time is from 40 to 60 minutes. Opening the bag, pouring the powder into a mug, pour cold, but always boiled water there. Mix thoroughly and leave to swell.

Now a small saucepan is used. In it, the gelatin will dissolve on low heat. Stir the water with the gelatin gradually, waiting for the ingredient to completely melt. It is strictly forbidden to bring the gelatin mass to a boil. As soon as all the granules dissolve, remove from heat and filter through a fine sieve.

Now you can add the gelling composition to the broth. It is very important not to rush to the bookmark in the refrigerator. You can remove jelly from turkey in the cold (the recipe with the photo shows this step by step) only after the dish has completely cooled down. When serving, the dish can be decorated with a sprig of fresh herbs, a boiled egg or a slice of boiled meat. If a spectacular presentation is needed for the festive table, we recommend pouring the jellied meat in portioned molds.

Jellied turkey neck. Recipe with photo

Judging by the reviews, this option is considered among the most popular among the hostesses. Firstly, the jelly is prepared almost without the participation of the cook. Secondly, the preparation does not require a large number of meat ingredients. Thirdly, a dish is prepared without the use of gelatin, which is a big plus for many. Fourth, this is a turkey jelly recipe for those who like a large amount of transparent jelly and a small proportion of meat.

What is required?

  • Turkey neck - 3 pcs.
  • A little carrot.
  • One onion.
  • Spices: laurel. leaf, peppercorns, cloves, salt, ground pepper, dried parsley.

Cooking process

The necks purchased at the store must be washed well. Then they are cut into two or three parts, so that it is more convenient to lay in a pan. Fill the neck with two liters of water and put on a strong fire. Add a bay leaf, a couple of peppercorns, peeled onion, two cloves, a large pinch of salt to the water. On high heat, necks are boiled until foam appears. We remove it and reduce the fire to an average level.

Cooking time is two hours. After 1.5 hours, peeled carrots and greens should be put in the broth. After removing from the heat, the broth is filtered. The meat is removed from the neck and filled with broth. For beauty and an additional flavoring note, you can put boiled carrots and a couple of cloves of garlic in sliced \u200b\u200bjellies.

Leave the jelly to cool at room temperature. As soon as the broth begins to set, it means that it has cooled down. We put it in the refrigerator for the night.

Jellied chicken legs and turkey fillet in a slow cooker

Delicious turkey jelly in a slow cooker. The recipe is simple and quick, requiring only loading products into the kitchen "assistant". The chicken legs to be used in this recipe are an excellent source of gelling agents. The use of gelatin is not required.

Food List

  • Turkey fillet - 400 gr.
  • Chicken legs - 500 gr.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 4-6 tooth.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Five peas of pepper.
  • Parsnip root - 1 pc.
  • Water - 3 l.
  • Three pinches of salt.

How to cook?

Chicken legs must be prepared before laying in the pan. First, they require thorough rinsing under running water. Secondly, it is necessary to remove the skin. Thirdly, be sure to cut the phalanges with claws. The turkey fillet is simply cut into two large pieces.

We send meat and paws to the multicooker pan, pour three liters of water (if the volume allows it). If the multicooker bowl is designed for a smaller volume of liquid, then slightly reduce the number of spices and water, and leave the amount of meat unchanged. We lay vegetables.

The onion can be peeled, or you can simply remove the upper dusty layers of the peel. Many experienced housewives say that an incompletely peeled onion adds more flavor and color to the broth. Peel the carrots and cut into three parts. We cut the parsnip root into two parts and also send it to the meat pan.

In order not to resort to the help of gelatin, it is necessary to cook such jelly for about three hours. Most modern multicookers have a special “jellied” mode, so you don’t have to count and follow the cooking time.

An hour before the end of cooking, add spices to the future jelly. A bay leaf, a few cloves, peas of pepper, a pinch of salt are added - all in the proportions indicated in the list of ingredients. If your kitchen “assistant” works in the “jellied” mode, like a pressure cooker, and it is impossible to open the lid before the end of the cooking process, then all spices are added at the beginning of cooking. If in the middle of work you can lift the lid, then it is better to add aromatic spices in an hour, as the recipe suggests.

After the slow cooker signaled the end of work, open the lid and take out the meat and spices with a slotted spoon. Now the broth will be easier to strain.

Prepare a beautiful form for jelly. At the bottom, put the boiled turkey fillet, pulled into fibers. Add a layer of ground garlic mixed with small cubes or slices of boiled carrots. If desired, you can put a couple of large branches of parsley in the aspic for brightness of color and beauty of design. Gently fill the broth with a thin stream in a form so as not to disturb the layers. Perfectly jellied turkey fillet and chicken legs perfectly. We are waiting for the broth to cool, we send the jelly to the refrigerator. Four to five hours later, the jelly is ready. If time permits, then you can hold the dish in the cold night.


  • turkey drumstick (large) - 1 pc. (600 g)
  • turkey thigh - 2 pcs. (1.5 kg)
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • parsley root (or greens) - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • peppercorns - 1 tsp.
  • vegetable oil - 1/2 tbsp. l
  • salt - 1.5 tsp.
  • water - 3 l
  • gelatin (optional) - 25 g


Cut the onion in half lengthwise, head of garlic across, wash the carrots well, but do not peel. Lay meat and vegetables on a baking sheet covered with parchment, sprinkle lightly with vegetable oil and put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Vegetables should be browned and give a smell, the meat will warm well. Put everything in a multicooker bowl (or in a deep pan), add parsley root, peas, pour water and put to cook for 3-4 hours.

After the program, get the meat, cool a little. Disassemble into small pieces of fiber and put in trays or forms for aspic. Strain the broth through a sieve, with cotton laid on the bottom, to remove excess fat. Salt to taste. Add meat to the broth.

If desired, decorations can be laid on meat from boiled carrots, sprigs of parsley or something else according to your desire. Place the jellied meat in the refrigerator or on the cold balcony and let it completely harden. It is convenient to make jellied meat in the evening and during the night it will freeze.

Useful advice

Jellied meat will solidify well without adding gelatin, but ... It will quickly melt at room temperature. If it is assumed that the dish should stand on the festive table for some time, then it is better to add gelatin, there is absolutely no harm from it. If the gelatin is ordinary, then it must be soaked for 10-15 minutes in water, then squeezed and dissolved in a small amount of hot broth and pour into the rest of the broth. Today most often sold is instant gelatin, which does not require prior soaking. It also needs to be diluted in a small amount of hot or warm broth, and then pour into the main broth and pour meat into the trays.

The New Year is approaching, and traditionally there should be a jelly on the festive table. This dish is tasty, hearty and, unfortunately, high-calorie. For those who care about their shape and health, we suggest using a step-by-step recipe for cooking turkey jelly.

Turkey Jelly Ingredients

Despite the fact that there are several recipes for making jelly from turkey, all of them are based on the use of the following products:

  • meat;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • carrot;
  • seasonings - most often black pepper and bay leaf;
  • lemon, and fresh herbs - optional.

In addition to the hips and breasts of the turkey, neck, drumstick, wings are used for the brew. The meat of this bird is easily digestible, soft and tender, its caloric content is not more than 150 kcal per 100 grams.

Turkey meat contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that our body needs. According to the sodium content involved in blood formation, this product overtakes beef and pork! But unlike them, it does not create a film of fat on the surface of the aspic.

Another advantage of the turkey is its meatiness and excellent bone fat, especially compared to chicken. From turkey legs and wings you will extract enough pulp and gelling substances. The latter will also provide the jelly with a natural hardening without additional ingredients.

Jelly from turkey hardens perfectly thanks to the natural gelling substances contained in the bones and cartilages of poultry

Unfortunately, unpleasant surprises often happen: the broth is not enough and the broth does not freeze. Only gelatin will help correct the situation. But in order to prevent such a mistake, try to use in the preparation of more cartilage, which are many in the leg of the turkey. Jellied meat will solidify perfectly and will not blur.

Step by step recipes

You can cook jellied meat according to the classic recipe, using only turkey meat, or add chicken to it. And if you have a slow cooker, then the task will be greatly simplified.

First of all, you need to process the turkey.   On legs and wings there may be feathers. Be sure to remove them (if you can’t do it by hand, use tweezers), and then singe the carcasses over the gas burner.

Be sure to remove any feathers from the turkey.

The next step is to peel the peel with a knife and rinse thoroughly. It is advisable to soak the meat for jelly before cooking for two to three hours in cold water.   So you will get rid of all the remaining clots and accumulations of blood, as well.

Classic jelly from turkey meat

You will need the following products:

  • 2 thighs of turkey;
  • 5-6 wings;
  • 2 medium-sized carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper (peas);
  • 4 leaves of parsley;
  • 2 slices of lemon and lime (for decoration);
  • parsley greens.
  1. After the meat is wet, put it in a pan and fill it with water so that it completely covers the pieces. Put on medium heat.

    Put the ingredients in a pan and fill with water

  2. When the broth boils, drain it, rinse all parts of the turkey and fill it with fresh water again. The liquid level should be 5 cm above the meat. Place the pot on the stove and cook until cooked. We drain the first broth due to the fact that at the beginning of cooking, the meat gives the liquid the maximum amount of fat and protein, which can adversely affect the transparency of the jelly. Moreover, such a measure reduces the overall calorie content of the dish.
  3. When cooking jellied meat you need to be careful: every time a foam appears on the surface of the broth, remove it. When the liquid begins to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave to cook for 5 hours, without covering the pan with a lid and preventing the jelly from boiling.

    Do not forget to constantly remove the boiling foam from the broth

  4. 2 hours after the start of the boil, pour 2 whole onions into the broth. You can not peel them from the husk, it will give the dish a golden hue. Add carrots, salt and seasonings an hour before the end of cooking.

    Add vegetables to the meat

  5. You can determine the readiness of the brew according to two criteria: the meat is easily separated from the bones, and the broth becomes sticky. Turn off the heat and set the pan to cool.
  6. Do not worry if the broth is slightly salted. This will give the jelly after solidification a rich taste.

    Jellied broth should be slightly salted

  7. When the jelly has cooled slightly (after about an hour), remove the onions and carrots with a slotted spoon. Also get the meat, separate it from the bones and skin.

    Separate the meat from the bones and disassemble it into fibers.

  8. Bulbs can be thrown away, but carrots will serve as decoration for the dish. Cut it into thin strips or in the form of flowers.

    You don’t need onions anymore, and carrots can be used to decorate aspic

  9. Season the cooled broth with garlic, crushed with a press, strain through cheesecloth and pour into molds.

    Strain the broth through cheesecloth, and then pour it into molds

In a slow cooker

Jellied meat cooked in a slow cooker is an excellent example of significant time savings.

Jellied meat cooked in a slow cooker is a great example of saving time.

You will need:

  • 1 turkey drumstick;
  • 2 wings
  • 2 necks;
  • 1 onion;
  • 5 peas of black pepper;
  • 2 leaves of laurel;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ bunch of dill;
  • salt to taste.
  1. Prepare the meat: peel, wash and soak in water for 2 hours. Put all the parts in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Put onion there, not peeled, and seasoning. Pour in water: it should cover all the ingredients a few centimeters.

    Put all the ingredients in the multicooker bowl, fill with water and turn on the device

  3. Close the lid of the multicooker, set the “Extinguishing” program, time - 6 hours. Turn on the device. While it works, you can do other things.
  4. When the signal of readiness is heard, salt the broth, add crushed or finely chopped garlic, turn on the Baking program, time - 1 minute. Jelly should boil during this time.
  5. After the broth has cooled slightly, remove the meat and onions. Strain the liquid.

    Take out and disassemble the meat into small pieces, and strain the broth

  6. Onions can be thrown away. Separate the meat from the bones, divide it into fibers and arrange it into forms with finely chopped dill. Pour the broth, allow the dish to cool to room temperature and put in the refrigerator overnight.

To decorate jellied meat, you can use greens, boiled eggs, corn and green peas, carrots, beets and tomatoes. Some even add food coloring to create real pictures on the surface of the dish.

Add Chicken & Gelatin

Chicken meat also refers to dietary products, you can safely dilute it with turkey meat. We offer you a recipe in which gelatin will be used, which is necessary so that the dish is guaranteed to freeze if light lean meat does not give enough fat.

You will need:

  • 2 turkey wings;
  • 2 turkey necks;
  • 1 kg of chicken legs or half a chicken carcass;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • 1 pack of gelatin;
  • half parsley root;
  • 1 teaspoon of dried herbs.
  1. Put turkey and chicken into a pan, add peeled and washed vegetables. Pour water so that it covers the contents of the pan a few centimeters.

    Cook meat with vegetables, constantly removing foam

  2. Put the dishes on a strong fire. Wait for the boil, make the fire minimal and cook for 3 hours, constantly removing foam. The broth will be half-respected during this time. Half an hour before full readiness, add herbs, pepper and bay leaf.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat. Take out the vegetables. Remove the meat, separate from the bones, disassemble into fibers or chop finely. Add chopped garlic, arrange in plates or forms.