Delicious kefir pancakes for children. Kefir pancakes - a simple recipe

29.09.2019 Bakery products

Pancake pancake - a rosy barrel, on kefir mixed in butter, fried! Tales, ditties, folk festivals and family holidays are dedicated to him in Russia.

Good food - Russian pancakes! Golden and aromatic, they are easy to prepare and can make up a whole menu: salty and dessert, lush and thin, hearty and diet, kefir or milk, yeast or custard. They love and cook pancakes in every home - they bring comfort, decorate the table, feed the whole family and never bother. After all, you can wrap in pancakes almost everything with which the refrigerator and imagination are rich. And yet, pancakes can’t just be eaten, they must be “tasted”, as our ancestors did: with “seasoning” or filling, with melted butter or sour cream, with jam or honey.

In many ways, the taste of pancakes determines the dough on which they are mixed. In addition to popular fermented milk products, pancakes are prepared on beer, soda or orange juice. And yet, many experienced housewives prefer kefir. Such pancakes are lighter, airier and laced. But the "trick" of kefir is that, if desired, pancakes can be baked and thin, like paper. It is enough to dilute kefir with water or whey, and the pancake will turn out elegant, but pleasant sourness will prevail in its taste, favorably distinguishing kefir pancakes from all others.

TOP 10 recipes for kefir pancakes

Recipe 1. Thin kefir pancakes

For 5 servings: 400 ml of kefir, 3 eggs, half a teaspoon of soda and coarse salt, a tablespoon of granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil, 120-150 g of flour, 100 ml of water.

1. Mix salt, sweet sand and soda with each other and pour into eggs mixed with a whisk.
  2. Continuing to stir, pour out the sifted flour. Beat the mass lightly, achieving uniformity. The dough can take more flour than suggested in the recipe - you should be guided by the consistency.
  3. When all the lumps are mixed in the dough, add kefir diluted with water.
  4. The dough should come out with a smooth, uniform texture. After kneading, give it 20 minutes to stand.
  5. Heat the pan and grease with oil. The very first to fry in an oil pan. All that follows is enough butter added to the dough.
6. Pour a portion of dough into the center with a ladle. Spread the dough evenly over the surface with the help of the slight inclinations of the pan.
  7. Put pancakes on a wide plate, apply butter to each.

If the pancakes are not thin enough, you can pour a little more water into the dough.

Recipe 2. Pancakes - “lace” with caramelized apples

For 4 servings: 1.5 cups of low-fat kefir, 3 eggs, a large spoon of sugar, 1.5 cups of flour, ¼ teaspoon of salt (without a top), 1/3 teaspoon of soda, 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, a glass of boiling water, 3 apples, 50 g butter, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar (vanilla), dried fruits, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of brown sugar.

1. Prepare fruits for the filling: peel the apples, cut the seed box; steamed dried plums and dried apricots with boiling water, rinse and dry.
  2. Cut the fruits in the form of straws, transfer to a deep roasting pan with butter, pour brown sugar. Slightly fry the fruit straws, gently stirring. Slicing should retain its shape as much as possible, but have time to soak in sweet syrup.
  3. Combine the flour with a spoonful of vanilla sugar and a handful of salt, soda.
  4. Pour kefir to the eggs, stir, combining the products, and pour into a dry flour mixture. Mix both consistencies with a mixer. The dough should be relatively thick.
  5. Without stopping beating, pour boiling water into the dough, followed by vegetable oil. If the dough is still too dense, add another 50-100 ml of boiling water.
  6. Bake pancakes in a thick-walled pan. Grease the hot surface for the first time with oil, pour a thin layer of dough. During the roasting process, the air bubbles that formed in the dough will create “openwork patterns” of holes.
  7. Put rosy pancakes with holes on a dish. You can wrap caramel fruits in each one, or you can simply pour randomly folded pancakes with caramel syrup with pieces of fruit.

Recipe 3. Lush (thick) kefir pancakes

For 6 pancakes: 3 eggs, 500 ml of kefir (fat), 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 0.5 teaspoons of salt / soda, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sunflower oil, 2.5 cups flour.
  1. Lightly heat the kefir and mix with eggs, soda, granulated sugar and salt.
  2. Pour the mixture into the mixing bowl and mix until smooth. Add oil and mix again.
  3. Saturate the flour with oxygen through sieving and pour in portions into the dough with continuous stirring. The density of the dough should be similar to the density of sour cream.
4. Lush pancakes are best prepared in a skillet with a small circle. Pour oil on the heated surface of the pan. When it is hot, pour the sixth of the dough. Slowly distribute the mass in a frying pan in a circular motion, cover with a lid.
  5. A sign indicating the need to turn the pancake are drying edges. After half a minute, when the cake is lightly browned, put the pancake on a plate.

Recipe 4. Custard pancakes on kefir

For 4 servings: 250 ml of kefir (2.5%), 1.5 cups flour, 2 eggs, 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 0.5 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of soda, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. tablespoon of vinegar from apples (5%), a glass of boiling water.

1. Sprinkle eggs with sugar, stir with a whisk until a light froth. The amount of sugar is determined by the filling - salty or sweet. Subject to the proportions of the recipe, the pancakes will be universal for any filling.
  2. Pour kefir into the egg mass, add salt and oil. Beat the ingredients thoroughly, the oil should combine well with the rest of the products.
  3. In the mixing process, add a little more than a glass of flour (previously sifted). The density of the mass - like a pancake. The degree of density is determined by tightly held traces, after holding a spoon. If curls do not form, add more flour.
  5. Pour soda with vinegar, pour the resulting foam into the dough, stir. Leave to stand for five minutes.
  6. While waiting for the dough - boil water. Pour boiling water slowly into the dough, combine the liquid with a whisk. The dough will become more liquid, the surface will be covered with small bubbles.
  7. Heat the pan, grease with oil and add a portion of the dough. Shake the pan in a circle, spreading the dough thinly over the surface.
  8. Fry the upper and lower sides of the pancake over moderate heat. Turn over when the wet surface becomes perforated and the batter seizes. If the pancakes are planned with a filling, the second side is not necessary to fry.
  9. Ready-made “rosy suns” to pile up on a plate. After each new pancake, cover the stack with a plate so that the pancakes do not cool quickly and the edges do not dry out.

Recipe 5. Lush, sweet pancakes with kefir

For 3 servings: 0.75 liters of kefir, 6 eggs, 15 tbsp. tablespoons flour, 50 g (per dough) + 150 g butter (for lubrication), 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 6 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 0.5 tsp of soda, salt.

1. Knead the egg mass (eggs, sugar and salt) using a mixer.
  2. Pour kefir into a homogeneous mixture and immediately add flour. Beat all the ingredients until the texture of the dough becomes smooth.
3. Pour a portion of vegetable oil into a small stewpan and put 50 g of butter. Put the mixture of oils for half a minute on the fire, when the butter has completely melted, add soda. The oil mixture hiss, and foam forms on the surface.
  4. Pour frothy oil into the pancake dough, mix and start baking.
  5. Pour the dough onto a hot dry frying pan, when the edges are gilded and covered with holes, the pancake can be turned over.
  6. Move the lush pancake onto a plate, grease with oil and crush with sugar.

Recipe 6. Kefir pancakes without eggs with a citrus-honey spread

For 5 servings: 200-300 ml of kefir, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, ½ teaspoon of soda, 2 cups flour, salt, sunflower oil.
  For spreading: 2 oranges and a lemon with a thin skin, 200 g of flower honey, salt.

1. Kefir a little warm.
  2. Pour warm liquid into a deepened bowl and add soda, stir.
  3. Pour sugar, salt and stir again.
  4. Add flour in stages, in small portions. Knead until a thick mass is formed. To make lumps disappear quickly in the test, you can use a mixer. Add oil at the end of the batch.
  5. Pour the dough into a hot, greased skillet with a thin layer. As soon as the border begins to brown, turn the pancake over and brown on the other side.

Prepare the spread:

1. Pour citrus fruits washed with a brush with cold water, crush with salt and press down with a weight so that they do not float.
  2. Boil over low heat, reduce temperature, boil for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool lemons and oranges. Cut into circles, and then into small segments. Grind the fruit carefully to preserve the juice as much as possible. If nevertheless a lot of juice will be allocated, collect it and pour it into honey.
  4. Heat the honey to a liquid state, pour pieces of citrus fruit. Cook, stirring occasionally, 15 minutes.
  5. Cool the orange-lemon mixture and serve as a spread or mincemeat for pancakes.

Recipe 7. Yeast pancakes on kefir

For 4 servings: 250 g of kefir, 100 ml of boiling water, 2 eggs, 50 ml of vegetable oil, a couple of Art. tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of yeast (dry) ¼ teaspoon of salt, 150 g of flour.

1. On a quiet fire or in a microwave oven, heat kefir to 30-35 ° C.
  2. Pour yeast, salt and granulated sugar into half a serving of flour. Sift the dry mixture, saturating with air.
  3. Kefir mix in flour with a whisk, creating a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Cover the pancake yeast dough and set aside for half an hour in 30-35-degree heat.
5. Beat eggs (room temperature) with a whisk. Continuing to knead, sift the remaining flour, combine the components.
  6. Pour pancake dough into egg dough. Mixing consistency, add boiling water. Cover the dishes and place in the heat again. Do not disturb for another 20 minutes.
  7. Heat the pan with oil. Pour oil into the yeast dough, mix everything again and scoop it with a ladle, pour to the bottom of the pan.
  8. Each side of the pancake is allowed to brown (about a minute).
  9. Form pancakes on a plate in a stack. After each cover, cover so that the pancakes do not dry out and stay warm longer.

Recipe 8. Pancakes on kefir-curd dough

For 5 servings: 50 g of vegetable oil, two glasses of flour, half a teaspoon of soda, 100 g of medium-fat cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 1 liter of kefir, 100 ml of boiling water, 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, salt.

1. Cottage cheese is passed through a sieve with small holes (but you can not grind it so that it felt in pancakes). Put eggs in the curd mass and add sugar. Pour heated kefir into a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Combine the flour with soda, sift (you can put vanilla to taste).
  3. Add dry ingredients in portions to the liquid base. Stir, add oil (vegetable) at the end.
  4. At the last stage of kneading with a thin stream, add cool boiled water. Knead the dough quickly and thoroughly. After boiling water, it’s better to knead the pancake mass for a while, so that the dough gets more air, and the pancakes turn out porous and openwork. Insist the finished dough warm under a napkin for 30 minutes.
  5. Fry the pancakes on the cottage cheese dough in a cast iron, hot pan (both sides).
  6. Pancakes can be flavored with sweet watering, and you can form envelopes with filling from them.

Recipe 9. Kefir pancakes with green seasoning (boiling water)

For 4 servings: 50 g butter, 1.5 cups kefir, a glass of boiling water, 200 g flour, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 teaspoons of sugar, soda, salt, herbs (onion feathers, parsley, dill, etc.)

1. Shake the eggs slightly with a whisk. Pour kefir into the container, sprinkle with salt and sugar. Stir until the components are combined.
  2. Cover the egg-kefir mass with flour. Combine all products in a smooth dough.
  3. Throw a pinch of soda into boiling water, dissolve it well in water and quickly pour into pancake dough.
  4. Liquid butter, along with vegetable, add to the dough, mix the mass. Give the dough a little time for the action of soda.
  5. Cut the greens in neat slices.
6. Pour a portion of the dough onto the hot surface of the pan, and until it is seized on top, pour the greens.
  7. Turn the pancake on the back side and brown, making sure that the greens do not burn.

Recipe 10. Original dessert pancakes according to the recipe of Marina Tsvetaeva

The famous Russian poetess had her own recipe for pancakes. It loved to cook them for the inhabitants of the Koktebel dacha of the poet Maximilian Voloshin. These were special pancakes with a caramel crust, due to which they acquired an original taste. And the secret of pancakes is in dessert wine. Tsvetaeva always added it to pancake dough.

For 6 servings: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, 2 cups flour, 1.2-1.5 liters of kefir (whey), 200 ml of white sweet wine, egg, salt, yeast, soda, 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 100 g butter.
  For the filling: 100 g of walnuts, 100 g of almond nuts, 100 g of sweet fresh berries, 200 g of lush cream, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.

1. Dissolve sugar, salt, and soda in heated kefir. Add the egg and carefully combine the products.
  2. Pour wine, a large spoonful of oil into the mixture and add the yeast. Stir the mass until the heterogeneity is eliminated with a whisk or mixer at a quiet speed. The dough should turn out a little thick, so if necessary, add more flour.
  3. On a pancake or cast-iron skillet, fry pancakes on one side only until a delicious “blush”.
  4. Process each hot pancake with butter.
  5. In a meat grinder or in a blender, chop nuts into large crumbs, add berries. Pour sugar into the nut and berry mass and put whipped cream.
  6. Wrap the filling in pancakes, serve chilled, with semisweet wine.

Pancakes - a simple dish. But in order for kefir pancakes to turn out to be especially tasty, fragrant, and not “lumpy", you need to know some secrets:

1.   Pancakes on the kefir dough are obtained lush or thin. It all depends on the proportions and fat content of kefir. The fatter and thicker the kefir, the more porous and thicker the pancake. But if it is diluted with water, milk or whey, the pancake will turn out thin and tender.

2.   Lubricating the hot pan with a piece of raw potato or half an onion soaked in oil will help to avoid excessive fat content on ready-made pancakes. The onion is slightly baked and gives the pancakes a spicy taste.

3.   The first pancake will not become lumpy if the pan is well heated.

4.   If thin pancakes will be stuffed, then you can fry them only from below.

5.   Pancakes are served in several ways:

  • put on a common plate with a large stack;
  • fold four times on serving plates and pour with syrup, honey or sour cream;
  • fill the pancakes with filling and fold them in a straw, envelope, bag.

Lush, rosy pancakes with butter and sour cream!  The history of the appearance of the dish “in the image and likeness of the Sun itself” is rooted in distant prehistoric times. During this period, making pancakes has become a special skill, close to art. But, armed with the best recipe and the desire to feed satisfying loved ones, you can prepare a primordially Russian culinary masterpiece and bring the whole family to this art.

Simple pancake recipes for every taste

kefir pancakes

1 hour

165 kcal

Inventory and kitchen appliances: flat pancake pan, mixer (whisk), spoon, ladle, ladle, overturning spatula, large bowl, dish.

Essential Products

The most ancient mention of pancakes among the Eastern Slavs dates back to the VIII century. It was a ritual bread, which, according to Slavic beliefs, connected the world of the living and the world of the dead, and was baked during burial or at commemoration.

How to cook pancakes with kefir: a step by step recipe

Depending on the desired degree of delicacy of the finished pancakes, two cooking methods are used - on cold (room temperature) and hot kefir. In the first case, small holes will be obtained, in the second - large holes. The cooking process involves several steps.

Before you cook pancakes on kefir, using a step by step recipe, you need to make a dough.

At the first stage, you need to do the following operations:

In the Eastern Slavs, women in labor before childbirth should have eat pancakes - the souls of their ancestors will help to safely give birth and protect the mother and child from evil.

While the dough for pancakes on kefir stands, you should proceed to the second stage - preparation for frying:

  • heat the pan (should be moderately hot);
  • dissolve soda in cold boiled water. The soda solution should be introduced in the last place, so the dough should first be a little thicker than the one that is usually prepared for pancakes;
  • pour the soda solution into the dough, check for lumps, add vegetable oil (so that it does not stick to the pan when frying) and stir.

The next stage is the final one: frying.

  • Before frying the first pancake, grease the preheated skillet with lard;
  • pour the dough with a ladle into the pan, evenly distribute;
  • fry on one side, pry, flip and fry on the other side. All! Thin kefir pancakes are ready!

When frying pancakes on cold kefir, you should ensure that the pan does not overheat, otherwise the dough will be quickly fried without baking. At the same time, soda does not have time to decompose, and the taste of the finished product worsens.

The finished product must be stacked on a dish, greased with butter.

To get larger holes, before you start making the dough, you need to warm the kefir. Pancakes on hot kefir should be baked as described in the recipe with the photo step by step in the previous version, with the exception of two points:

  • soda solution is introduced into a warm dough. In the heat, soda will begin to act actively - to loosen the dough. Therefore, you should not knead it for a long time, you need to start immediately frying;
  • the second point - the pan should be hot.

On average, 14-16 pancakes are obtained (depending on the size of the pan and thickness).

How to design and serve pancakes

Lush pancakes on kefir do not really need a special presentation. Laid out in a stack, they look appetizing. As appetizers for pancakes, liquid and thickened honey, a variety of preserves and jams, sour cream, yogurts are perfectly suitable. You can use fresh fruits, sprinkle with powdered sugar, pour over liquid chocolate.

The tastes of red caviar, salted or smoked salmon are in perfect harmony with the taste of pancakes.

Fillings can be made the most varied - depending on the availability of ingredients and the flight of imagination.

The dough for pancakes on kefir can be made in advance and stand it at room temperature for two to three hours. During this time, it will fit and become more magnificent, pancakes will turn out more elastic and will not tear when frying. 400 g of kefir
  about 170 g flour (may need a little more or less)
  2 eggs
  0.5 tsp soda

A step-by-step text recipe here -

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You yourself can see all the stages of preparation and preparation of the dish. A video recipe and culinary tips will allow you to successfully cope with baking pancakes even for novice cooks and to prove to everyone that it is not always “the first pancake lumpy”.

Kefir pancakes, the recipe of which we proposed, are thin, and there are also thick ones. This depends primarily on the consistency of the test. The thicker it is, the thinner the pancake will turn out. The second factor is the amount of dough that is poured into the pan.

Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

We hope you enjoyed our recipe. If you have any questions, write, ask - we will gladly try to answer them. If you have your own recipe, how to make kefir pancakes, impressions or suggestions on how to make our recipe even tastier, please share with us.

Pancakes on a sour-milk drink are more appetizing and more magnificent than cooked products in milk. To make kefir pancakes thin, the dough is diluted with plain or mineral water. It is important that all products are at room temperature or, if indicated in the recipe, slightly warmed up.

Classic kefir pancakes

This recipe requires a minimum of components and time. Crepes prepared in this way always turn out to be soft and extremely tasty.

Components for the test:

  • 500 ml of kefir 2.5% fat;
  • 300 g twice sifted flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 40 g of granulated sugar;
  • 2 g of salt;
  • 1 g of soda;
  • butter (for frying).

Cooking technology.

  1. The eggs are ground with salt and sugar.
  2. Add half the prepared fermented milk drink, shake with a whisk.
  3. Pour flour with soda in parts, continuously stirring the dough.
  4. The mass is bred with the remaining kefir.
  5. A little ladle of dough is poured into the center of a frying pan that has been warmed up and greased with a piece of oil, and a little batter is poured with a ladle and, tilting the pan, quickly distribute it throughout the bottom.
  6. When one side of the pancake is browned, it is turned over, cleverly picking up a thin spatula or knife from the edges.
  7. During cooking, the bottom of the pan is periodically smeared with oil.
  8. Ready pancakes are stacked.

Useful advice: so that the pancakes do not cool and remain soft, they are covered with a fabric or paper towel.

Yeast-free method

Pancakes according to this recipe are prepared without adding sugar, so you can wrap absolutely any filling in them.


  • 400 ml of kefir of any fat content;
  • 120 g sifted flour;
  • 2 small eggs;
  • 3 g of salt;
  • 100 ml of boiling water;
  • 15 g baking baking powder;
  • 40 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking steps.

  1. 200 ml of fermented milk drink is combined with eggs and stirred with a mixer at low speed.
  2. Salt and flour (in small portions) are added to the mass, while continuing to whisk.
  3. The baking powder is stirred in boiling water and poured into the overall composition.
  4. Add oil.
  5. Stir the dough thoroughly and leave it for 10 minutes at room temperature.
  6. Pancakes are fried in a pan without oil for a minute on each side.

From custard dough in boiling water and kefir

Kefir custard pancakes are kneaded from a standard set of products, however, their cooking technology differs from the classical method.

You will need:

  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • 1 egg
  • 160 g of flour;
  • 100 ml of boiling water;
  • 40 g of sugar;
  • 15 ml of frying oil;
  • 2 g of soda and salt.

Kefir pancakes with boiling water are kneaded as follows.

  1. The flour is sifted twice and combined with salt and sugar.
  2. Stir the egg with yogurt with a whisk.
  3. Both masses are mixed, achieving a homogeneous composition.
  4. Soda is diluted in freshly boiled water, then the solution is poured into the dough.
  5. Add oil, stir.
  6. If the dough is thick, you can pour 30-50 ml of hot water.
  7. Pancakes are baked in a pan with vegetable oil in the usual way.

Thin pancakes with holes

The dough according to this recipe is saturated with air bubbles and rises strongly without adding yeast. Pancakes are baked very thin, tasty, tender.

Required Products:

  • 220 ml of 1% kefir;
  • 180 g twice sifted flour;
  • 250 ml of boiling water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of granulated sugar;
  • 3 g of soda and salt;
  • 60 ml of sunflower oil.

Cooking method.

  1. Shake the eggs with salt and sugar for 2 minutes.
  2. Pour kefir, stir with a whisk.
  3. Without stopping to stir the dough, slowly add boiling water. In this case, the kefir mass should foam.
  4. Pour in oil, stir and allow the dough to rest before baking for 10 minutes.
  5. Pancakes are fried without oil for 1.5 minutes on each side.

Openwork delicacy

Pancakes for this recipe are similar to thin lace napkins. They bake quickly, do not stick to the pan and easily fold.

For the test you will need:

  • 500 ml of warmed fat-free kefir;
  • 140 g of flour;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 2 g of fine salt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 5 g of baking soda;
  • 25 ml of vinegar or fresh lemon juice;
  • 60 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking technology.

  1. Salt and sugar are dissolved in warm kefir.
  2. Separately, shake the eggs and injected into kefir.
  3. Sifted flour is poured in portions into a kefir composition. Stir with a hand whisk. The dough will turn out a little thick, but you do not need to dilute it.
  4. Soda is quenched with acid and stirred in the dough.
  5. Add oil.
  6. Vigorously beat the dough until a lot of bubbles appear in it.
  7. The test is allowed to rest for a quarter of an hour, and then pancakes are baked in the classical way.

No soda added

Thin pancakes with kefir, which are easy to wrap any filling, can be baked even without baking powder.

Grocery list:

  • 150 ml of warm kefir;
  • 200 g of flour;
  • 80 g of boiled water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 80 g of sugar;
  • 2 g of salt;
  • 50 g of melted butter.

Cooking steps.

  1. Kefir is mixed with sifted flour, and then diluted with water.
  2. Beat eggs and other loose ingredients.
  3. The egg mixture and oil (leaving a little to grease the pan) are transferred to the kefir base.
  4. Pancakes are fried over medium heat as usual.

Lush pancakes with yeast

These pancakes are baked 2 times faster than thin, so the recipe will help out when you need to quickly cook breakfast or feed unexpected guests.

Necessary components:

  • 250 ml of kefir 2.5% fat;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 240 g of flour;
  • 2 medium eggs;
  • 6 g of dry yeast;
  • 10 g of sugar;
  • 3 g of salt;
  • 40 ml olive oil;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 200 ml of sunflower oil.

Cooking technology.

  1. Yeast is bred in heated water.
  2. Pour half a portion of flour, mix thoroughly and leave for 30 minutes, covering with a cloth.
  3. Beat eggs with sugar.
  4. The dough is combined with sweet eggs, a sour-milk drink, salt and olive oil.
  5. Add the remaining flour, mix, breaking the lumps.
  6. The finished dough is left for a quarter of an hour in a warm room.
  7. Pancakes are fried in sunflower oil on both sides.

Diet recipe

You can enjoy delicious pancakes even on a strict diet, if you cook them in this way.

You will need:

  • 250 ml fat-free kefir;
  • 2 egg white;
  • 2-3 tablets of sweetener;
  • 80 g of oatmeal;
  • 20 ml of corn oil.

Cooking method.

  1. Beat whites and combine with kefir.
  2. A sugar substitute is dissolved in kefir mass.
  3. Flour the flour gently and whisk all the lumps with a whisk or a hand blender.
  4. Periodically lubricating the bottom and walls of the pan with oil, bake pancakes, as in the classic recipe.

On mineral water and kefir

Another way to cook the thinnest pancakes in the hole without adding boiling water.

Components for the test:

  • 150 ml of low-fat kefir;
  • 150 ml of highly carbonated mineral water;
  • 7 g cane sugar;
  • 4 g of salt;
  • 1 small egg;
  • 10 g baking baking powder;
  • 150 g of premium flour;
  • 40 ml of corn or olive oil.

Cooking steps.

  1. Sugar and salt are dissolved in kefir.
  2. Introduce the egg.
  3. Gently pour the mineral water. At this point, the dough begins to bubble.
  4. Flour, together with baking powder, is poured into the bulk. Stir the dough so that there is not a single lump left.
  5. At the end add oil.
  6. After 15 minutes, the pancakes are baked in the traditional way.

Recipe from Julia Vysotskaya

The famous actress and TV presenter offers an interesting recipe for sweet kefir pancakes and recommends serving them with jams, whipped cream, chocolate ice cream and citrus fruit compote.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 75 g of wheat flour;
  • 75 g whole grain flour;
  • 50 g of sweet cream butter;
  • 30 g of powdered sugar;
  • 20 g of brown sugar;
  • 380 ml of kefir;
  • 100 ml of skim milk;
  • 2 g of sea salt;
  • 20 ml of olive oil.


  1. Dairy drinks, eggs, granulated sugar and salt are mixed until smooth.
  2. Flour is added to the first mass, mixed.
  3. Sweet butter is melted and poured into the dough.
  4. The resulting composition is left under room conditions for 1 hour.
  5. Pancakes baked in olive oil, sprinkled with powder when served.

Kefir pancakes are perfectly combined with any fillings. Fresh or salty pancakes can be supplemented with chicken, mushrooms, caviar, minced meat, eggs, garlic and cheese. Sweet pastries begin with cottage cheese, fruit, sour cream, chocolate toppings.

Thin kefir pancakes, openwork and with holes, is another type of these delicious fried products that is worth exploring. We already cooked and they were also holes, there will be some differences in the recipes, but also a lot of similarities. In one of the past recipes I told you how to cook kefir, and now we will cook so that the same kefir helps us make pancakes thin and perforated, like lace. It's all about the test, I’ll tell you and reveal a few secrets.

First of all, the whole thing, of course, is in kefir itself, which, as a product of fermented milk fermentation, emits carbon dioxide, that is, it simply bubbles. And if you add soda to it, then the process will also intensify. By the way, for pancakes you can and even need to use the kefir that has already stood for a couple of days and its shelf life is nearing the end, but has not yet expired. It is all about fermentation, which increases with time. If you have a package of unfinished kefir stagnated in your refrigerator, then make pancakes from it the best and most delicious way to use it.

Still, good kefir without chemical additives is not worth longer than three days, but it is not always possible to drink. Once I had such a case that I brought kefir from the store, which I bought, forgetting to look at the date of manufacture. It was already coming to an end, and even the bag was slightly pouted. Kefir had not yet managed to deteriorate, but was close to that. So I saved the situation with a whole pile of delicious pancakes for the whole family. And then I bought a new kefir.

Let's see how to cook delicious thin pancakes with kefir.

  Delicious kefir pancakes in a hole - recipe with boiling water

Such pancakes on kefir with boiling water, are also called choux. True, this is not quite the same as choux pastry, for example, for eclairs. Here the whole brewing is that cool boiling water is added, which helps the flour disperse and dissolve all the ingredients. the dough becomes homogeneous, and the pancakes are then thin and strong. They do not tear and do not crumple.

You will need:

  • kefir - 2 glasses,
  • flour - 2 cups,
  • eggs - 2 pieces
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon,
  • baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon.


1. If you have cooked pancakes before, then probably remember that the easiest way to start is by stirring the eggs and sugar. Beat them quite a bit, just to mix the sugar, salt and eggs until a homogeneous slightly frothy mass.

2. Then pour the kefir into the egg mass and stir a little with a whisk so that they connect well. Kefir is even a little foamed from active stirring, and this is only at hand.

3. Now it's time to gradually add flour. Do this in parts, each of which is stirred. This will result in less lumps, which are sometimes very difficult to grind in the finished test. It is also good if the flour is sifted through a sieve or a special mug.

4. The dough should be homogeneous and thick enough, like cream or sour cream. Why, you ask, if we cook thin pancakes. I’ll remind you that we have pancakes with kefir and boiling water. We already poured kefir, and boiling water will bring the dough liquid to the desired one.

5. Boil the water in the kettle, pour it into the mug immediately, do not let it cool. Now add baking soda to the water and stir, so it dissolves well. And after that, boiling water with soda can be poured into the dough and immediately begin to mix it quickly. If you do not hesitate, the dough does not curl and does not cook, everything mixes well until a homogeneous consistency. Add vegetable oil at the end and stir until the oil circles on the surface disappear.

6. After that, our dough will be liquid enough to make the pancakes thin and delicate. Soda and kefir will react and begin to produce bubbles. It's time to start baking pancakes.

Preheat the pan, if there is a cast-iron or special pancake pan, spread a thin layer of oil on it. Despite adding butter to the dough, the very first time you need to smear the pan.

Pour pancakes into the pan with the ladle. Tilt it to make the dough thin and evenly distributed.

7. It is not at all difficult to determine when it is time to turn the pancake. Along the edges it starts to blush and lag behind the pan, and the middle becomes dense, and with holes. Pick up a pancake with a spatula or knife and turn it over. It will be golden and openwork. On the second side, you need to cook a pancake a little less in time, literally a minute or two and it's time to remove.

Each finished pancake can be greased with a piece of butter while it is still hot. Such pancakes are very delicate and smell delicious.

Thin openwork pancakes on kefir with boiling water are ready. Bon Appetit!

  Openwork pancakes on kefir and milk - step by step

Since we are preparing pancakes with kefir, it’s quite possible to consider a recipe that uses both kefir and milk. According to this recipe, a very airy dough and delicate pancakes are obtained, you will definitely like the mass of holes.

You will need:

  • kefmr - 500 ml,
  • milk - 1 cup
  • flour - 1.5 cups,
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • soda - 1 teaspoon without top,
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.


1. Take a convenient bowl or saucepan, pour kefir at room temperature into it. Add salt and sugar to it and mix.

2. Break two eggs into kefir, take a whisk and beat the mixture a little to mix the eggs well.

3. Add flour and continue stirring until all the lumps are open.

4. Pour the warmed milk into the resulting thick dough. Heat it until it is almost hot. After pouring into the dough, mix immediately.

5. The resulting dough in density should be similar to our main ingredient - kefir. This is what will allow you to bake thin openwork pancakes. If the density does not work out, then you can add flour to a tablespoon and continue to stir until you reach the desired result.

Preheat the pan, oil and try to bake one pancake. A good dough of the right consistency will make a thin hole pancake that will easily turn over and not tear.

6. Turn the pancakes over as soon as the middle is grasped and the edge is browned. Stack the finished ones so that they do not cool. Now you can wrap the filling in them, fold them nicely and call the household to the table.

Bon Appetit!

  Thin pumpkin pancakes on kefir - video recipe

I want to introduce you to my recent discovery. Please love and favor - pumpkin pancakes. One would have thought that bright golden pancakes with a golden crust simply could not be brighter or even more golden. It turns out they can. Sweet, tender pumpkin will make them real solar discs on your plate. And it turns out to be very tasty. Almost like pumpkin pie or. So many dishes are prepared from pumpkin, and pancakes in their proud number.

And in the preparation of such wonderful pancakes there are no terrible secrets or complicated techniques, mashed boiled pumpkin is added directly to the dough, and we already know how to cook classic or custard pancakes with kefir.

It's time to try this amazingly delicious new option.

  Thin squash pancakes - how to cook on kefir

Many have tried squash pancakes, but thin pancakes with squash are not often prepared. But in vain, they are also delicious and perfectly complemented by various fillings. At least cottage cheese, at least meat, for every taste. How to cook thin pancakes with kefir and zucchini. Read on.

You will need:

  • zucchini - 1 pc (small),
  • flour - 200 grams,
  • oat bran - 1 tablespoon,
  • kefir - 250 ml,
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon,
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,


1. Whisk the egg with salt and sugar. Add bran and mix well.

2. Pour in a slightly heated kefir. You can just take it out of the refrigerator in advance. Mix everything again.

3. Now gradually add flour to make a dough of approximate density of kefir.

4. Peel the zucchini and grate, squeeze out a little extra juice that will stand out. Then add the zucchini to the dough and stir. If the dough has become too thick for thin pancakes, then you can add some more kefir or warm water.

5. Before baking, add vegetable oil to the dough, stir well so that the oil does not float on the surface.

6. Preheat a pancake pan and do not forget to smear it with a thin layer of oil for the first time. Pour the first pancake and fry it on both sides. Watch whether it turns thin and durable with holes. When removed, it should not be torn. If the dough does not flow as it should, the dough is too thick. If the pancake is wrinkled and torn - too liquid. adjust the density. If you try a pancake, you can understand what is missing. For example, salt or sugar. Adjust everything to taste according to the first pancake and continue to bake further.

The resulting thin squash pancakes will be ruddy and very tasty.

  A simple and delicious recipe for oat pancakes

Oat pancakes are not made entirely from oatmeal. Usually it is added to the dough with wheat flour in order to give pancakes a taste. You don’t have to go shopping and look for oatmeal for such a recipe. If you have oatmeal for making cereal at home, then they are quite suitable. Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder or blender, leaving it a bit large. No need to grind to dust. In the process of cooking, the flakes will need to be soaked a little, if they are not quick-cooking, but ordinary, requiring cooking. Instant flakes can be safely added to the dough immediately, just let it brew for five minutes before baking.

For cooking you will need:

  • oatmeal - 40 grams (about 4 tbsp.spoons of cereal),
  • flour - 100 grams,
  • low-fat kefir (1-2.5%) - 300 ml,
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon,
  • soda - 1 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.


1. When using oatmeal for cooking, pour them into a bowl and pour half a cup of kefir. Leave to soak for 15 minutes, they should swell and soften. We remind you that the flakes should not be whole, but ground into coarse crumbs.

2. In another bowl, beat the egg with sugar and salt. Then add the remaining kefir, preferably a little warm. Shuffle.

3. Now add the mixture of kefir and oatmeal and mix well. Then add the wheat flour in portions. Put a few spoons, stir and so on until you knead all the flour.

4. Stir the dough until all large lumps are gone. Small oatmeal may remain, but then they will dissolve. Let the dough stand for 10 minutes before baking.

5. When the time comes to bake pancakes, first add baking soda to the dough. It will immediately begin to bubble due to the reaction of soda with kefir acid. Pour in vegetable oil as well and mix everything until smooth. You can bake.

6. Fry each pancake in a pan until golden brown. Oatmeal makes the dough strong enough and prevents pancakes from tearing.

You will definitely get delicious rosy pancakes.

Not so long ago, we talked with a friend, and she told me that she was completely unable to cook pancakes on kefir. He says that the dough turns out to be heavy, sticks to the pan, and lumps not only the first copy, but also all subsequent ones. By the way, I have not heard the same reviews for the first time.

And every time it surprises me very much. After all, there are a lot of simple and.

The recipe my friend was cooking she didn't remember. She said she read somewhere. And I asked her if she ever cooked custard pancakes on kefir. To which she received a negative answer. And this is not the first negative answer to this question. Many people are very surprised to learn that the dough for one of their favorite dishes can be prepared with this fermented milk product and boiling water.

This information causes some overt shock. The questions immediately arise: "But will the dough not curl up?", "And which products will turn out in appearance and taste?" And so on. So, I want to answer immediately to all who ask.

  • The dough does not fold
  • Cooking fast, simple and easy.
  • Pancakes are very tender and tasty, and just as beautiful.
  • You can wrap any stuffing in them and eat just like that

And before moving on to recipes, I want to say. Prepare such sweets according to one of the proposed recipes at least once, and perhaps it will become one of your favorite.

We need (20 pcs):

  • kefir - 550 ml
  • flour - 2 cups (320 gr)
  • boiling water - 220 ml
  • egg - 3 pcs (large) or 4 small
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. tablespoons + 1 tbsp. pan greasing spoon
  • butter - 60 gr (for greasing finished products)
  • soda - 1 teaspoon (incomplete)
  • salt - 0.5 tsp


1. In a bowl for kneading dough, break the eggs. If they are small, then take them in an amount of 4 pieces. Add salt and sugar and beat down with a whisk or mixer until smooth.

2. For the recipe, we need kefir at room temperature, or even slightly warm. You can warm it in a water bath. Add it to the egg mixture, mix.

3. Sift the flour either in a separate bowl, or immediately into the dough being prepared. To whom it is convenient. Place it in the liquid mixture so that no lumps remain in it. You can also use a whisk, or a mixer at low speed.

4. Boil water in advance. Pour it into a glass, and pour soda into cool boiling water.

Stir until completely dissolved and pour a thin stream into the dough. While continuing to interfere with the entire mass. The dough should be homogeneous and without lumps.

5. Leave it to insist for 15 - 20 minutes. During this time, all components will combine, and the mass will become resilient and elastic. After the allotted time, add oil and mix. In the finished test, no oil circles should remain on the surface.

6. Now you can start baking. It is better to do this in a well-heated skillet. For the first test copy, it is desirable to lubricate it with oil. Then put the dough into the ladle and pour it onto the heated surface. Rotate the pan in a circle so that the dough spreads on the surface with a thin layer.

The thinner the layer, the more tender the finished product. And the more holes will appear on its surface.

Small bubbles will appear first. Then they will burst and there will be many small holes. It is so interesting to watch it! ... Although there is not always time. It’s best and fastest to use two pans for frying pancakes. Then there is no downtime, and you cope with the task twice as fast. Save time!

7. And so, holes appeared, and the edges of the product have already dried up and climbed up. This will become especially noticeable if you first draw a thin knife along the border zone between the roasting item and the pan. And you can also notice that the surface was covered with a matte film and there was no batter left.

This is a signal that it is time to turn it over to the other side. By the way, it will be baked much faster. As soon as uneven ruddy dots of various sizes appear at the bottom, the pancake can be removed and folded in a stack.

You can lubricate them with oil. While they lie on each other, let them feed on them. And you can just fold it. Then serve with honey, or with jam. And someone loves more with condensed milk or sour cream.

Our little “suns” turned out to be ruddy, beautiful and smelling delicious. And to taste they are very tender, soft and of course delicious.

Openwork and tender custard pancakes

This recipe is quite unusual. And its peculiarity is that boiling water is poured not into the liquid kefir component, but into a mixture of eggs with sugar. It would seem that the eggs should curl. So no, they not only do not fold, but, on the contrary, give abundant foam. It contributes to the production of magnificent dough and very delicate finished products.

I suggest you get to know this recipe better, because it is very interesting.

We will need:

  • flour - 1 cup
  • kefir - 1 cup
  • boiling water - 1 glass
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife


1. Sift flour into a bowl. Doing this is necessary in order to saturate it with oxygen. Add sugar, vanillin on the tip of the knife and soda and mix.

Also prepare kefir in advance, it is better to have it at room temperature. And boil the kettle so that the boiling water is at hand. Everything will need to be done quickly enough.

2. In a separate large bowl, knock down two eggs and salt with a mixer.

Do not look that there are only two eggs, and the bowl is large. With our further actions, such a choice will be fully justified.

3. We should already have boiling water ready. Continuing to beat the eggs, pour it in a thin stream into the egg mixture. Do not be afraid, the eggs will not curl, only a plentiful foam will appear.

4. Immediately, without stopping to work with the mixer, pour in a thin stream of kefir.

5. And then add flour. And continue to beat the mass with a mixer. It should turn out without lumps.

6. Let the dough stand for 20 minutes. Then add oil and mix with a mixer again. This time before the disappearance of oil stains. A large number of large and small bubbles appeared on the test, it pleases. So our sweets will work out well.

7. Warm the pan, for the first copy grease the surface with oil, and pour a portion of the dough.

Bake on one side until golden brown, then turn over and bake the second side.

A delicious step-by-step recipe for 1 liter of kefir

The technology for preparing this recipe is different from the previous ones. Therefore, this method also deserves attention to be considered.

According to this recipe, you can bake very tender and delicious rather magnificent pancakes. But if you dilute the dough with water in an additional proportion, then they will turn out much thinner.

We will need:

  • kefir - 1 liter
  • boiling water - 2 glasses
  • flour - 550 - 600 gr
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon (no slide)
  • soda - 1 teaspoon (without slide)
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons


1. Pour kefir into the pan, all at once. We will knead the dough in a pan, as it will be cooked here. Determine the fat content of kefir yourself. It will be tasty from anyone, but nutrition can be obtained differently.

2. Add eggs, salt and sugar.

Mix the mass until smooth using a whisk. Or you can use a mixer.

3. Put the finished mixture on a small fire. With constant stirring, bring it to a hot state. The temperature needs about 50 degrees. Make sure that she does not pester.

4. Sift the flour in advance and pour it into the kefir mixture at first 550 gr, while actively stirring it with a whisk, or a mixer. If you want your finished products to be not very thin, then pour in the remaining flour. If you want to bake them thin, then adding flour is no longer necessary.

Stir until the mixture is homogeneous. However, we can notice that it turned out to be quite thick. But we still have water. Here we will add it in the next step.

5. But first you need to boil it. Then pour the desired volume into a suitable dish and pour soda there. Stir until it is completely dissolved.

And while the water has not yet had time to cool, pour boiling water in a thin stream into the flour mixture. Do not forget that during this the mass must be actively mixed to a uniform and even state without lumps.

6. Let the dough stand for 15 minutes. Then add oil. We use only vegetable. However, it can be taken in a proportion of 50x50 along with creamy. So the finished product will be even tastier and more aromatic.

Please note that the finished dough should be with a lot of bubbles.

7. Although we add relatively much oil, it’s better to grease the frying pan additionally for baking the first product. Bake it on one side. And how does it brown, turn and brown on the second side. When turning over, make sure that no batter is left on the surface.

For baking the next product with oil, the surface can no longer be lubricated.

When the first pancake is ready, look at its thickness. If you want to make it thinner, add some more boiled water. If you want it to be thicker, add a little flour and mix again.

Thick products are good for baking. If you decide to cook it, then this recipe can be considered appropriate in this case.

And of course, just like that, they are also very tasty to eat. Especially hot, with heat, with heat, and with fresh rustic sour cream! Please tell me, what could be tastier!

Lace pancakes with kefir and boiling water without eggs

In fasting, many do not eat eggs. And therefore, such a recipe must be in the piggy bank of those who hold it.

We will need:

  • kefir - 500 ml
  • boiling water - 250 ml
  • flour - 2 cups
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Pour kefir into a bowl. Add salt and sugar to it and mix.

2. Sift the flour and add to the kefir mixture.

The dough should turn out quite thick, similar in texture to sour cream. When it turned out to mix so that there are no lumps left in it, we proceed to the next stage.

3. Now it's time to add boiling water. Usually in such cases, soda is kneaded in it. But we will change the tactics a bit. Prepare a spoon with soda. Holding it over the dough, carefully pour boiling water directly into a spoon, and continuing to pour exactly half. Stir the mass immediately to make it homogeneous.

Then, with continuous stirring, pour all the remaining boiling water into the mixture. Ready dough is quite liquid. But we will give him the opportunity to insist a little. This will take 15 minutes.

4. After insisting, add oil and mix. The finished dough is obtained with a lot of bubbles. This soda has reacted.

5. To bake the first product, thoroughly warm the pan and grease it with a small amount of oil. Pour a portion of the dough and fry for 20-30 seconds. During this time, the entire surface is covered with many small holes, and the bottom is browned.

So it's time to turn it over.

So bake all the pancakes. It is best to stack them in a pile, and if desired, grease with melted butter.

As you can see, they turned out to be thin, lacy and perforated. Lubo - it's expensive to watch. And there’s no words left to eat. Very tasty are obtained!

In general, these are all the basic recipes for preparing custard pancakes. Their difference from each other is that some of them cook with eggs, others without them; the dough for different recipes is mixed with soda, but in different ways. And because of these differences, all products turn out different in taste, and in appearance also differ from each other.

But they all have a common similarity - they are boiled with boiling water. Because of this, the dough is choux. It is more durable than usual, and thanks to this, finished products are better turned over, and they can be baked very thin. Also, such a dough is much more tender than usual. And to us my opinion is more delicious.

One way or another, there are a lot of recipes. And to choose for yourself the most beloved, it is advisable to try many. Because you can talk for a long time. But it’s better to try once and understand for yourself what is tastier and better for you.

Bon Appetit!