Jacketed potatoes in the microwave. How to cook potatoes in the microwave - step by step recipes with photos

  Cooking jacketed potatoes on a gas stove takes about 30 minutes. There is a new excellent option to instantly cook potatoes in their skins - in the microwave. It is really simple and fast: under the influence of high power, the vegetable is cooked in 15 minutes, or even earlier. It depends on the characteristics of the microwave oven. Our recipe will tell you about the important secrets of cooking this dish. Such a dish can simply be eaten with, herbs, and also used for recipes for various snacks, for example.

- jacket potatoes - 2 pcs.,
- small table salt - 0.25 tsp,
- vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Recipe with photo step by step:

  1. The first step is to thoroughly rinse the potatoes under water, removing all dirt and existing eyes. After this, the root crop should be dried on a paper towel to remove excess fluid. Then, using a knife, make small punctures along the entire surface of the tuber.
  Tip: Do not peel potatoes.
  Tip: Piercing will help to cook faster and bake inside the potatoes.

  2. In the next step, you need to smear the potatoes with a brush dipped in vegetable oil.
  Tip: Smearing will give the potato top crisp golden crust.

  3. Prepared potatoes should be well salted.
  Tip: If you need harder tubers, then add small table salt at the end of cooking.
  Tip: To give the potato a spicy aromatic taste, it is recommended to add spices (Provencal herbs, suneli hops).

  4. Then put on a plate and put baked in a microwave for 15 minutes at high power of 600 watts.
  Tip: The readiness of the dish is indicated by the easy entry of a knife or fork into the root crop.
  Tip: You can use any containers allowed for microwave heating as dishes.
  Tip: You can put the potatoes in a plastic bag, tie the ends tightly and make a slight cut with a knife so that steam does not accumulate and pressure is not created inside the bag.

  5. Put the finished potatoes in their skins on a plate and wait for cooling.
Tip: Before serving, it is recommended to cut into pieces of the same size, grease with butter.
  Tip: Immediately after cooking, do not touch the potatoes to avoid getting burned.

Bon Appetit!
  See also how to cook on the side dish

There are times when there is absolutely no time and / or do not want to cook. In such situations, dishes cooked in the microwave come to the rescue. Today I will talk about the express method of cooking whole baked potatoes. We will bake it in a microwave in a jacket with spices, and serve with butter. My step-by-step recipe with a photo will tell you how to quickly and tasty bake potatoes in the microwave. I hope it will be a clear instruction for you.

My husband calls such a baked potato in his uniform “Bachelor’s dinner” and cooks it for himself in “emergency” situations. I am sure that even a novice will be able to cook such a dish. Go for it!

What we need:

  • potatoes - 4 tubers;
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste;
  • a mixture of peppers to taste;
  • dried garlic powder (granular) - to taste;
  • butter - 20 grams;
  • green onions.

I took four small tubers. Their size is slightly larger than a matchbox. You can take a larger potato, but it will take a little longer to cook. Another important point - root crops should be approximately the same in size. This ensures uniform baking of the dish.

My tubers are not fresh (the skin is already wrinkled in places), therefore, additional manipulations with potatoes are not necessary. If the potato is young, then it will need to be pierced with a knife before cooking. One puncture is enough.

We put the potatoes in a ceramic plate, which is suitable for microwave ovens. In the same capacity, the dish will be served on the table.

Pour potato with vegetable oil and gently distribute it on the surface of root crops with a silicone brush.

On top of each potato, generously sprinkle with salt, granulated garlic and a mixture of peppers, preferably freshly ground from the mill. No need to turn over potatoes; let them be sprinkled only on top.

Put the plate in the microwave.

We close the potatoes with a special cover for microwave ovens. The valve on it should be open.

We set the unit to a power of 800 W (in my device this is the maximum value) and set the cooking time - 8 minutes. If you have tubers larger than mine, then initially set the time to 10 minutes.

After a beep, open the door and remove the cover. Be extremely careful not to get burned with hot steam!

We check readiness with a sharp knife. If the blade entered without difficulty, then the potato is ready; if not, extend the baking in the same mode for another 2-3 minutes.

Ready tubers, without turning, cut in half, and then we place each slice with a slice up.

Put a small piece of butter on the potatoes.

It instantly melts and absorbs into the hot flesh. Sprinkle the finished dish on top with sliced \u200b\u200bgreen onions.

I am sure that such a delicious potato dish from the microwave will delight you and your loved ones. Such a quickly baked jacket potato is perfect for, for example, either pickled or salted mushrooms. Good appetite!

It is hard to disagree with the fact that potato tubers, especially old ones, take a lot of time for their preparation. Another thing is if you use a microwave for this purpose, the power of which allows you to cope with starchy fruits in a matter of minutes, without affecting either their taste or texture. In the recipes, we will figure out how to do it in the microwave.

How to bake potatoes in a microwave in their uniforms?

First of all, let's figure out how you can cook a favorite of many baked potatoes according to an elementary recipe. You will not need anything other than tubers and spices with oil themselves.

Take potatoes of approximately the same size and variety, the latter affects the starch content in the tubers, which determines the speed of preparation and texture. At this stage, thoroughly washed and dried potatoes can be greased with vegetable oil and seasoned with almost anything: from just sea salt to a special spicy mixture for potato dishes. Seasoned tubers, then be sure to prick them with a fork to give steam a way out, otherwise the potatoes may simply burst. Having laid the potatoes on the dish for cooking in the microwave, you have a choice: cover the dish with a damp towel so that the tuber does not lose moisture during cooking, or leave it to lie just so that you get a crisp and crisp outside.

Set the maximum power on your device and start cooking from 5 minutes. After the passage of time, check the readiness, turn the tubers on the other side and cook another 3-5 minutes.

How to cook potatoes in their skins in a microwave in a bag?

If you want to get tender boiled potatoes without a crust, then the next way is what you need. In its framework, the tubers will be in a plastic bag, which, blocking the release of moisture into the microwave chamber, will create the effect of a real steam bath.

All cooking steps remain the same: the potatoes are washed, dried and seasoned, then they are pierced, put in a bag and tied tightly. With a power of 600 watts, medium-sized tubers should be cooked in 7-10 minutes, but the time may vary depending on the amount of baked potatoes. Be careful when removing potatoes from the bag, as concentrated inside the steam can easily leave a burn on the skin.

With the microwave, you can cook full-fledged potato dishes, like this basic snack with sour cream and cheese. You can repeat the recipe with a single large potato, or replace it with a pile of small ones, but keep in mind that the more tubers, the more time it will take to prepare them.


  • large potato tuber;
  •   - 15 g;
  • sour cream - 35 g;
  • grated cheddar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Pure clean and dry potatoes with a fork and put in the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power. After the lapse of time, turn the tuber over and cook a similar period of time. Cut the finished potatoes in half, remove 2/3 of the pulp and rub with a fork with cheese and sour cream. Return the potato pulp back to the peel and bake it for a minute, or until the cheese in the potato is soft and viscous.

If you wish, you can repeat the recipe by diversifying the filling for potatoes with chicken, vegetables, fried bacon, spices or a serving of herbs. Bon Appetit!

Boiled potatoes are a common dish, prepared for any occasion. High nutritional value, calorie content of the product and rich organoleptic characteristics allowed this dish to occupy the niche of the often cooked culinary product on our table. Boiled potatoes do not take long to cook, but there is a way to cope with the task much faster ...

How to cook potatoes in the microwave?

This method allows you to speed up the heat treatment process and get a crumbly, evenly cooked product at the output - for cooking you will need only a microwave unit of basic configuration. So, how to cook potatoes in the microwave?

The classic version of the preparation does not differ from the way to boil potatoes on the stove. For cooking, you need to take:

  • Potatoes - 7-6 pieces;
  • Water - half a glass;
  • Salt to taste.

Wash the potatoes and peel them, then cut into large cubes of arbitrary size. In a glass container for a microwave oven we pour hot water, salt and carefully mix. Then put potatoes in the dishes and cover with a lid. It is important that the lid is not tightly closed - otherwise the steam will condense and the potatoes will boil.

How to cook potatoes in the microwave? We put the covered containers in a microwave oven and turn it on for 10 minutes at full power, after the timer rings, turn or stir the potatoes and send them to the oven for another 5 minutes, bringing them to full readiness. Cooked pour over melted butter and garnish with herbs.

Note! Potato cooking time depends on the power of the microwave device, the size and freshness of the product. You can speed up the cooking process by slicing the potatoes into smaller pieces or using fresh young vegetables.

Microwave-jacketed potato

It’s even easier to cook potatoes in a microwave in their uniforms. The peel of the potato is a protective shell that will keep the vegetable from overheating and provide an even and tender cooking. To prepare, you need to take:

  • Medium sized potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  • Water - 0.5-1 cup.

To prepare the dish, the potatoes must be cleaned with a brush and washed under running water. Then pour water into the microwave container so that the bottom is covered with liquid. Peeled potatoes are placed in a glass pan or deep bowl and turn on the oven.

It doesn’t take a lot of time to cook a dish - jacket potatoes are cooked for 10-12 minutes at maximum microwave oven power. The dish should be taken out as soon as the potato is easily pierced with a fork or knife.

This method is good not only for the accelerated cooking process. Boiled potatoes in the microwave require less water, and also turn out dry and not boiled, in contrast to the cooking option on the stove. The finished product can be used for salads or vinaigrettes, as well as served as a side dish for meat or fish products.

Important! In order for the potatoes to boil faster and remain crumbly, it is recommended to pierce the root peel in several places with a fork or a toothpick before loading into the microwave. This is necessary for uniform heating of potatoes both outside and inside the vegetable. The older the vegetable and the denser the peel, the more holes you need to make.

Microwave Mashed Potato

The way to cook mashed potatoes is just as simple and won't take much time. A distinctive feature of microwaved puree is the uniform consistency of the finished product - due to uniform heating in a small amount of moisture, the potatoes become crumbly and easier to crush. To prepare the puree you will need to take:

  • Potatoes - 5-7 pieces;
  • Water - 100-200 ml;
  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • Salt to taste.

Potatoes are peeled, chopped into cubes and put in containers with salted water. Next, cook the vegetable at maximum power for 10-12 minutes and get it. Season the boiled potatoes with butter and crush until you get the puree of the desired consistency - the dish can be served!

It is interesting! Mashed potatoes cooked in a microwave oven have a more pronounced aroma and taste than a product prepared in the traditional way. The fact is that the uniform consistency of mashed potatoes from the microwave oven absorbs butter more strongly, which emphasizes the taste of boiled vegetable. For the same reason, microwaved potatoes go well with various sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup.

If you cook potatoes in their skins, rinse the tubers well. Otherwise, poorly washed tubers will acquire an earthy flavor. And if the tubers crack during the cooking process, the dirt will get inside. So the dish in general can be ruined. I don’t think you will like to grind potatoes with this “seasoning” 🙂

Small tubers will cook much faster than large tubers. So try to use vegetables of the same size.

Also, you cannot use green potatoes for cooking. It contains solanine. This is a toxic substance, the use of which leads to food poisoning. In addition, solanine provokes the destruction of red blood cells and inhibits the central nervous system. That's what eating green vegetables can turn out to be.

Microwave Potato Recipes

Below has prepared a selection of original recipes for you. Each dish is prepared quickly and easily. Therefore, be sure to try all these foods. And after the feedback, share in the comments what you liked best.

By the way, these recipes will help you make vinaigrette. And if, and, then you will cook the vinaigrette much faster than usual 🙂

How to cook potatoes in a microwave in their skins

With this cooking option, potatoes have the lowest glycemic index. And him. First of all, choose medium-sized potatoes and wash them thoroughly. Put the tubers on a plate and pour a little water into the container. The bottom should be covered with a couple of millimeters of liquid. Cover the dishes from above with a cap and place in mikra.

The time for which the product is prepared depends on the type of potato, its size and quantity. This usually takes 8 to 12 minutes. First put the plate in the oven for 8 minutes. Then pull out the product and check its readiness with a toothpick or knife. If necessary, send the tubers for another 3-4 minutes. That's all - the jacket potato is ready.

As an option, jacket potatoes can also be cooked in a plastic bag. Put medium-sized tubers in it and make a couple of punctures. At 800 watts, cook for 8-10 minutes. Maybe it’s faster in your mic. Therefore, for the first time, reduce the cooking time, and then see how ready it is.

Here's a visual video on how to quickly cook potatoes in a peel

Microwave potatoes in a bag

Take 3 medium-sized potatoes and peel them. Then cut in half or 4 parts. Put in a plastic bag or a baking bag. Be sure to salt the potatoes, season with your favorite spices and mix. Make a hole to release the steam, and then place the bag on a plate.

Send the potatoes in a plastic bag in the microwave for 10 minutes. If you have a mic with grill function, first check if it is turned off. Initially, a power of 800 W should be installed. Then open the microwave and see readiness. If necessary, add another 5 minutes. Focus on the condition of vegetables. Your potatoes should be a little baked.

Do not cook potatoes. Because with such a small volume, your vegetable will turn into a coal

If you have new potatoes, then cooking it is even easier. Thin skin can not be cleaned, just rinse thoroughly. Add chopped onion and a little sunflower oil in half-bag. And you can spice it all up with spices of your choice. Reduce the cooking time a little to 8 minutes. It will also be very tasty.

Microwave french fries

To cook this yummy at home, you will need potatoes, salt, a little vegetable oil and fresh herbs. Cut the peeled vegetable into strips using a special grater with convenient nozzles. I recommend using this grater. It saves a lot of time when I want to fry potatoes or cook casseroles.

As you chop the bars, put them on a paper towel - let the excess water go away. Next, place the “straws” in the microwave container. Top the product with salt and spray with vegetable oil.

We set the power of 600 W on the unit and cook for 15 minutes. In the process of cooking, periodically stir the potatoes with a spatula. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle the product with chopped herbs and mix everything thoroughly. Then put the french fries on a paper towel, let them absorb excess fat. And proceed to tasting yummy.

Potato with bacon

If desired, such a dish is possible. Only it will take more time and fried seems to be harmful 🙂 Therefore, try such a harmless and quick option.

For this dish you will need:

  • 3 root crops;
  • salt + pepper;
  • lard (possible with a layer of meat);
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • a bunch of green dill.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly under running water. Then we cut each tuber into rings with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. We lay out these pieces in a microwave container and make incisions on them. This is to better absorb fat with spices. We spread chopped onion on the potato rings, and then the sliced \u200b\u200bfat is sliced. Salt and pepper on top.

We place the plate in the oven, on which we set the power to 800 watts. Estimated cooking time is 10 minutes. However, before taking out the dish, be sure to make sure that it is ready. Grind dill and sprinkle potatoes with lard on it. It turns out awesomely tasty. I'm already drooling with my saliva 🙂

How to bake potatoes in the microwave with cheese

For this meal you will need:

  • 700-800 g of potatoes;
  • Salt + seasoning to your taste;
  • 3-4 chicken eggs;
  • 200 ml cream (up to 20% fat);
  • 20-30 g of butter;
  • 70 g of grated cheese;
  • dill greens (optional).

Cut the peeled tubers into thin circles, lay out in layers. Each layer needs to be added and seasoned with seasoning. Next, cover the container with a lid and send it to the oven. You need to set the maximum power. The first stage of cooking takes up to 10 minutes - during this period of time the potatoes soften.

Make a fill - mix eggs with cream and 50 g of grated cheese. Slightly add this mixture and add chopped greens here. Pour the semi-finished potatoes with this mass. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top and spread the sliced \u200b\u200bbutter in pieces.

Again we put the dishes with potatoes in the microwave (only this time we do not cover the container with a lid). Power should be low. So cook for 10 minutes. Then we transfer the unit for 10 minutes to the "grill" mode.

Well, yummy work. The aroma of food will quickly fill the apartment and your home will instantly rush to the kitchen.

How to make potatoes in a rustic way

The recipe for this dish is simple. You will need these products:

  • potatoes;
  • butter;
  • garlic;
  • salt;
  • seasoning.

Cut the peeled potatoes into small slices. Salt and top with chopped butter in small pieces (do not save with it). Peel the garlic and pass through the garlic press, and then send it to the potato pot. Sprinkle it all on top with seasoning.

Cover the dishes with a cap and place in the microwave for 15-20 minutes. The exact time depends on the type of potato and its quantity. Power should be set to maximum. Every 5 minutes we get food and mix thoroughly. That’s all - it’s done.