Appetizer "mother-in-law's tongue" from zucchini for the winter. “Mother-in-law's tongue” from zucchini: the most delicious recipes with tomatoes and tomato paste

29.09.2019 Buffet table

More recently, gardeners lovingly grew zucchini in the open ground and protected them from return frosts. And now it is time to enjoy the result of their labors. When summer residents and their households enjoyed plenty of fresh zucchini dishes, it was time to think about preparations for the winter. Your attention

Best zucchini salad recipes for the winter

This zucchini salad is rightfully considered one of the most popular among housewives. The simplicity of preparation, the availability of ingredients and the great taste of the finished product makes the “Finger Lick” salad worthy of its name.

To prepare a salad, you need vegetables:

  • zucchini - 1.2 kg
  • tomatoes - 600 g
  • carrots - 400 g
  • onions - 400 g
  • sweet bell pepper - 300 g

The mass of all vegetables is given in prepared, i.e. washed and cleaned.

Spices and seasonings:

  • unrefined vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • tomato paste –100 g
  • granulated sugar - 50 g
  • salt - 30 g (1 tbsp. l.)
  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. l
  • garlic - 20 g
  • parsley - 2-3 branches
  • ground black pepper - half a teaspoon

The key to the haste of cooking this salad is the sequence of heat treatment of vegetables. So, let's get started.

You will need thick-walled dishes with a volume of at least 4 liters, in which you can fry and stew. The entire volume of vegetable oil should be poured into it and put on a small fire. While the oil is warming, you need to chop onions. Cutting in the form of feathers looks much prettier, i.e. the onion is not cut across, but along the base. Then it is placed in a roasting pan, the burner flame is slightly increased and roasted for about 10 minutes.

It is necessary to constantly monitor its condition: the onion should not be very fried, but only slightly browned.

The aroma characteristic of fried onions will tell the hostess that it is time to lay the next vegetable.

This is a carrot. Washed, peeled and grated on a coarse grater, it is added to the onion. Vegetables should be mixed and cooked over medium heat for another 10 minutes.

Cover the pan with a lid or not to decide the hostess. This will not affect the taste and quality of the finished salad. But stir the vegetables more often.

Now in turn is sweet pepper. It goes without saying that the color of the vegetable does not affect the taste of the salad, but for the aesthetic pleasure the hostess can take colorful fruits.

From peppers, the stalks are removed in advance and seed boxes are cut. Lateral veins are also better to cut, and chop the pepper itself. The shape of the pieces will tell the hostess's fantasy, but usually it is chopped with straws. Pepper is added to the pan with onions and carrots, and at this time tomatoes are prepared.

  If tomatoes with hard and thick peels are used for salad, then it is better to remove it. At the top of the tomato, two transverse cuts are made and dipped for a minute in steep boiling water, and then immediately into cold water. The peel of a tomato literally slips off the vegetable. Now they need to be cut and put in a pot with boiling salad.

The contents should be stewed for about 10 minutes, sometimes stirring so that the mass does not stick to the bottom.

Now you need to add salt and sugar. Salt is better to take ordinary, stone, without additives and flavorings. Additives (for example, iodine) affect the taste of the finished product and often lead to spoilage of canned food.

Next is tomato paste. This component of the salad should not be neglected, considering that tomatoes are already present in it. Pasta enriches the salad with taste and gives a beautiful color to the finished product, which is also important. When delicious and beautiful - doubly tasty.

Spread the pasta in a pan, mix, cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the main vegetable - zucchini. If the fruits of milk ripeness, then it is cut unpeeled. Another thing is when the zucchini has a rough skin, and inside the seeds have already formed. In this case, it must be cleaned and the porous pulp together with the seeds removed. Cut the zucchini into cubes or cubes. Place the vegetable in a pan, mix gently and simmer another 10 minutes.

Now you need to start tracking the readiness of zucchini in the salad. It is important to prevent the digestion of the vegetable, otherwise it will simply turn into porridge.

In appearance, the slices of zucchini should be translucent.

It remains to add chopped garlic and parsley. Garlic can be chopped with a knife or pressed through a press. If there is no fresh at hand, then it can be replaced with dried. Two teaspoons will be enough.

Parsley can be replaced with dill or taken in any proportion, giving preference to your favorite fragrant grass. Salad is cooked (already with garlic and herbs) for no more than 5 minutes. Then apple cider vinegar is added. It can also be replaced with 9% vinegar - 2 tbsp. l Do not forget to pepper a little salad, and turn off the gas after a minute.

Salad from zucchini “You'll lick your fingers” is ready. It remains to lay out on the banks and cork. From this amount of vegetables you get 2.5-3 liters of the finished product.

The original name of the salad is most likely due to its severity. The finished dish turns out spicy, juicy, tasty, but lovers of spicy can slightly adjust the volume of hot seasonings.

Essential Ingredients:

  • zucchini - 1 kg
  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • sweet pepper - 1 fruit
  • sugar - 100 g
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l
  • unrefined vegetable oil - 70 ml
  • table vinegar (9%) - 70 ml
  • garlic 50 g
  • ground red pepper - 50 g

You will also need a pan for stewing, with a volume of at least 4 liters.

For salad "Mother tongue" tomatoes are better to take fully ripened.

You can use non-standard, after removing damaged areas. The main thing is that the output is 1 kg of vegetable. With tomatoes with a thick skin, it should be removed by bathing them first in boiling water, and then in ice water. After this procedure, the skin is removed very easily and quickly. Tomatoes are cut into pieces so that it is convenient to place in a meat grinder.

Peppers will need large and fleshy, preferably red. Cleared of the stalk and seeds, it also scrolls through a meat grinder.

The resulting tomato-pepper mixture is poured into a pan, salt, sugar and vegetable oil are added in a predetermined volume. Then you should put the pan on medium heat, mix and cook for about 10 minutes.

By this time, the zucchini should already be cleaned and cut into cubes. For this salad, it is better to take a mature vegetable with a dense edible portion. Peel is removed from the zucchini (it is very convenient to work with a peeler), cut along and remove the fibrous pulp along with the seeds. Thick walls of a vegetable marrow are cut by whetstones. Size depends on the preferences of the hostess. The main thing is to conveniently hook it with a fork and eat it.

Do not forget that 1 kg of zucchini, which are listed in the list of ingredients, is the weight of the peeled and chopped vegetable.

After a ten-minute boiling of the tomato-pepper mixture, squash should be placed in it. Mix gently, preferably with a wooden spatula, and let it boil. Then reduce the gas and simmer for about 20 minutes. But do not disregard the pot with the salad for this period of time, because the willingness depends on the maturity of the squash. Therefore, time may be needed either a little less or, conversely, more.

Now you need to add the rest of the salad. Garlic should be chopped with a knife, or passed through a press. (By the way, 50 grams of garlic is 4-5 large garlic cloves.)

Half a teaspoon of red ground pepper can be replaced with a fresh bitter pod. If you grind it with seeds, then the dish will be sharper.

Combine these spices with the base and leave on low heat for another 5 minutes. After this time, pour vinegar, mix, cover and boil for 2-3 minutes.

All. Salad "Mother tongue" is ready. And its severity can be controlled by the amount of red pepper. Hot salad is laid out in sterile jars and corked.

The yield of the finished product is slightly more than 2 liters.

Salad "Mother tongue" from zucchini for the winter: video

This wonderful snack can be used both for making sandwiches, and as an independent dish. Salad with rice is good in cold and hot.

A set of necessary products is given for the preparation of 5 l of canned food.


  • peeled zucchini - 2 kg
  • onions - 1 kg
  • ripe tomatoes - 1 kg
  • long-grain rice - 2 faceted glasses
  • water - 500 ml
  • refined vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • 9% table vinegar - 100 ml
  • granulated sugar - 125 g
  • salt (no additives) - 3 tbsp. l
  • garlic and pepper - to taste

First of all, chop the tomatoes. A meat grinder or combine harvester can be used for this. If you wish, you can remove the skin from them. The resulting mass should be poured into a large pan, bearing in mind that the output of the finished salad is 5 liters. To this is added sunflower, or other vegetable oil, salt and sugar. The pan is set on fire and the contents are brought to a boil.

Onions and carrots should be peeled by this time. Onions are cut into cubes, carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. Vegetables are laid in a tomato mixture and stew for about 20 minutes.

Zucchini is cut into small cubes and added to boiling vegetables. The salad should cook for another 15-20 minutes. During this time, rice is sorted and washed. Pour it into the pan, add the right amount of water and, having covered with a lid, simmer for about half an hour.

It is necessary to ensure that the vegetable mass does not stick to the bottom and does not burn.

After 30 minutes, you need to check the readiness of rice, and add vinegar. Stir everything and keep on fire for another 5 minutes. The rice salad is ready.

A hot appetizer is laid out on sterilized jars, twisted or rolled up. Then set upside down on a flat surface and cover with something warm. Long cooling improves the quality of the finished salad.

The hostess does not always have enough time to prepare canned food for the winter with lots of vegetables. In this case, a simple recipe for zucchini salad for the winter will come to the rescue. But the taste of the finished product is excellent)))

The following ingredients are required for cooking:

  • zucchini - 2 kg
  • greens (parsley, dill) - to taste
  • garlic - 3 medium heads
  • salt - 30 g
  • sugar - 200 g
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • vinegar - 200 ml

Cooking vegetables

Zucchini wash, remove damaged areas and cut into small cubes or cubes - as you like.

Peeled garlic is chopped with a knife or with the help of a garlic.

Finely chopped greens.

Marinade preparation

In a suitable dish, oil, vinegar, salt and sugar are mixed.

Zucchini spread in a cup, sprinkled with garlic and herbs, and marinade is poured on top. The contents are mixed well and left for 3-4 hours for pickling. Then it is laid out in clean jars, covered with metal (steamed) lids and sterilized. It takes 20 minutes for a 0.5 liter jar. After that, the banks are corked, cooled in an inverted state and sent for storage. Very simple and very tasty.

As you know, sterilization destroys the beneficial properties of vegetables, so many housewives try to find a simple way to harvest zucchini without sterilization. This recipe is perfect for them.

So, for procurement you will need:

  • 2 kg of zucchini
  • 3 cloves of garlic per jar
  • sprigs of parsley and dill
  • 3 soup spoons of salt and sugar
  • 5 soup spoons of vinegar (9%)
  • bay leaves, peppercorns and cloves to taste

Wash the zucchini, cut the stalk and cut into thin plates or half rings. If the fruit is small, then it is entirely possible to leave the rings intact. Sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables should be folded into a cup and pour cold water for 2-3 hours. Then lay in a colander and let the water drain.

At the bottom of sterilized cans lay greens, bay leaf, a few peas of pepper and garlic (it can be chopped). Then the banks are filled with zucchini, folding them as densely as possible. The contents of the cans are filled with hot boiled water, covered with clean metal lids and left for 30 minutes.

After half an hour, the water is poured into a pan, sugar, salt are added and put on fire. Vinegar is poured into boiling water, and jars with zucchini are poured with this marinade. Cork immediately and, turning upside down, leave to cool completely.

The cans are covered with a towel on top - slow cooling contributes to better sealing of the cans.

This recipe is easy to prepare and does not require sterilization.

Everyone has heard about carrots in Korean, and she enjoys a well-deserved love among housewives. Cooking zucchini in Korean is much less common, although the salad turns out to be very tasty and in winter will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Vegetables and spices that are required to make a salad in Korean:

  • 1 kg of peeled (without peel and seeds) zucchini
  • 150 g carrot root vegetables
  • 150 g turnip onions
  • 3 large, fleshy bell peppers
  • 1 head garlic
  • half a bunch of dill and as many parsley
  • 5 soup spoons of vegetable oil and table vinegar
  • 3 soup spoons of sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 soup spoon Korean style carrot seasoning


All vegetables are washed and cleaned. Zucchini and carrots (in turn) we rub on a grater, designed for cooking carrots in Korean. The result is long and thin strips of vegetables.

Onions cut into half rings or thin feathers.

Peeled sweet bell pepper is cut into thin strips.

Green branches of dill and parsley should also be finely chopped with a knife.

Grated and chopped vegetables must be placed in a voluminous cup and seasoned with vegetable oil, sugar and salt.

Garlic needs to be squeezed through a press and added to vegetables. Top with seasoning for Korean carrots. Mix all the components of the salad well and leave for several hours.

After 3-4 hours, the salad will give a lot of juice and slightly change color. During this time, the hostess should be ready for sterilized jars and lids. The workpiece is laid out in jars and poured with the brine remaining in the cup.

Next, the salad of zucchini in Korean is subject to sterilization. The bottom of a wide pan is lined with a napkin, a container with a workpiece is installed, cold water is poured and gas is turned on. The water level should not be higher than the shoulders of the can. Over high heat, the water is brought to a boil, and then the flame is reduced. With a weak boil, half-liter jars are sterilized for 20 minutes.

After time, the cans are rolled up and cooled in an inverted state, wrapping something warm.

Korean zucchini: video

There comes an amazing time of preparations for the winter. And in this collection of recipes, lovers of zucchini salads will surely find something to their liking.

The name "Mother tongue" was fixed for sharp salads, as well as for workpieces that use sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables resembling a tongue. It is not known what mother-in-law was guilty of, and why the salad was not called, for example, “Beetroot's Tongue”, but what is, that is, this burning salad has long been enjoyed by all lovers of thrills. "Mother tongue" is really a very spicy salad, and it is prepared from various vegetables. There are cooking options for “Mother tongue” from eggplant, zucchini, and even cucumbers when they are sliced \u200b\u200bin long thin slices, or it can just be a finely chopped salad with a killer burning taste. Our site has selected for you interesting recipes for all variants of this salad, and you just have to choose what to cook.

  4 kg of eggplant
  10 large tomatoes
  10 sweet peppers
  5 heads of garlic,
  3 bitter peppers,
  1 stack Sahara,
  2 tbsp salt
  1 stack vegetable oil
  1 tbsp 70% vinegar.

  Cut eggplant into long strips, add salt and leave for 30 minutes. Tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers and garlic through a meat grinder, add vegetable oil, salt and vinegar to this mixture. Pour the eggplant with the resulting tomato mass and put it to stew for 30 minutes. Lay out the finished salad in sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap.

  3 kg of eggplant
  1 kg of sweet pepper
  2 bitter peppers
  100 g of garlic
  700 g tomato paste,
  1 stack Sahara,
  1 stack vegetable oil
  2 tbsp salt
  1 tbsp 70% vinegar.

  Cut the pepper into cubes, chop the hot pepper, cut the eggplant into cubes larger than the sweet pepper. Combine all ingredients except vinegar, cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. At the end of cooking, add vinegar, mix and place in sterilized jars. Roll up, flip, wrap.

  2.5 kg of eggplant
  100 g of garlic
  5 sweet peppers
  1 pod of hot pepper,
  1 stack vegetable oil
  ½ stack. Sahara,
  ½ stack. 9% vinegar
  greens to taste
  vegetable oil for frying.

Cut eggplant into slices, salt and leave for 30 minutes. Fry the eggplant in vegetable oil and put on a sieve to glass the excess oil. Pass the garlic, sweet and bitter peppers through a meat grinder, add vegetable oil, sugar, vinegar and chopped herbs. Put the mass on the fire and cook for 20 minutes. Lay eggplant in layers of sterilized jars, pouring each layer with a boiling mass. Cover the filled jars with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up.

  2 kg of eggplant
  2 kg of tomatoes
  500 g of sweet pepper
  2-4 bitter peppers,
  1 stack Sahara,
  ½ stack. 9% vinegar
  2 tbsp salt
  1 head of garlic.


  Grind tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers with a meat grinder. Put the resulting mass into a pan, add sugar, salt and vinegar, heat to a boil and cook for 20-230 minutes. Cut eggplant lengthwise into 5 mm thick plates. Put the tongues in the tomato mass and cook another 15-20 minutes. Add the garlic, passed through the press, and arrange in sterilized jars. Roll up, flip and wrap.

"Mother tongue" from eggplant and carrots

  3 kg of young eggplant,
  1 kg of carrots,
  1 kg of sweet pepper
  1 kg of tomatoes
  3-4 cloves of garlic,
  1 stack vegetable oil
  1 cup sugar
  1-2 tbsp salt
  1 stack 9% vinegar
  parsley to taste.

  Young eggplant cut lengthwise into 8 pieces. Peppers, carrots, garlic and tomatoes are minced. Grind greens. Put all the vegetables in a bowl for cooking the salad, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil, mix and put on fire. Cook from boiling for 15 minutes, add herbs and vinegar and boil for another 5 minutes. Arrange hot in sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap.

Ingredients for Pouring:
  1 stack water,
  1 tsp 70% vinegar
  4 heads of garlic,
  4 sweet peppers
  2 bitter peppers
  1 tbsp salt
  2 tbsp Sahara.

  Cut the eggplant into long tongues, salt and leave for 20 minutes. Then gently squeeze, pan in flour and fry in vegetable oil until tender. Prepare a sauce of water, ground garlic, sweet and bitter peppers, salt and sugar. In the resulting homogeneous mixture, dip the eggplant tongues and place them in a glass dish. Keep in the refrigerator.

  1 kg of zucchini,
  2 bitter peppers
  2 sweet peppers
  1 head garlic
  ½ stack. Sahara,
  2 tbsp salt
  ½ stack. tomato paste
  1 tbsp 9% vinegar
  250 ml of water
  vegetable oil - to taste.

Dilute the tomato paste with water and bring it to a boil. Add crushed bitter and sweet peppers and garlic, passed through a press. Zucchini cut in the form of reeds, dip in boiling sauce and cook for 30 minutes. Arrange hot in sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap.

  3 kg of zucchini,
  1.5 kg of tomatoes
  5 sweet peppers
  2-3 bitter red peppers,
  4 heads of garlic,
  250 ml of vegetable oil,
  1 tbsp salt
  1 stack Sahara,
  1 stack 6% vinegar.

  Peel the young zucchini from the skin and seeds and cut along the thin strips. Pass tomatoes and peppers of both types through a meat grinder or grind in a blender, pour into enameled dishes and put on fire. After boiling add the zucchini straw, salt, sugar and vegetable oil and cook for 25-30 minutes, stirring. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic and vinegar. Arrange hot on sterilized jars and roll up.

  3 kg of zucchini,
  5 sweet peppers
  1-3 bitter peppers
  500 g tomato paste,
  1-3 heads of garlic,
  1 tbsp oils
  1 stack Sahara,
  1 tbsp with a slide of salt
  1 tbsp 70% vinegar.

  Peel and grate the zucchini on a coarse grater or on a grater for Korean carrots. Grind pepper with a blender or meat grinder, combine with tomato paste and pour zucchini. Put the resulting mixture on fire, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 40-50 minutes. Then add the garlic, passed through the press, and vinegar, mix, boil, boil for 10-15 minutes and put in banks. Roll up.

  3 kg of zucchini,
  1 kg of tomatoes
  1 hot pepper
  5 sweet peppers
  150 g of garlic
  200 g sugar
  2 tbsp salt
  250 g of vegetable oil,
  200 9% vinegar.

  Peel the zucchini, cut it in half along and then each part across thin semicircles. Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder or grind in a blender, put on a fire (do not add vinegar!) And boil. Pour zucchini with a hot mixture and leave for 2 hours. After that, put the salad on the fire and cook for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. 5 minutes before the end of cooking pour vinegar. Roll up, flip, wrap.

"Mother tongue" with zucchini

  3 kg of zucchini,
  2-3 heads of garlic,
  1-3 pods of hot pepper,
  5 pods of sweet pepper,
  500 ml of tomato sauce
  ½ stack. Sahara,
  250 ml of water
  1 stack vegetable oil
  1.5 tsp salt
  3 tbsp 9% vinegar
  3-4 clove buds
  5-7 peas of black pepper.

Peel the ripened zucchini from the skin and seeds and cut into thin long strips. Pass all other products through a meat grinder or grind in a blender, add salt, sugar and vinegar to the resulting mass, put on fire and bring to a boil. Put in the boiling mass of zucchini, boil for 40 minutes and spread hot in sterilized jars. Roll up, flip, wrap.

“Mother tongue” from zucchini (small cut)

  3 kg of zucchini,
  3 kg of sweet pepper
  100 g of garlic
  200 g tomato paste,
  800 ml of water
  300 ml of vegetable oil,
  1 tbsp 70% vinegar
  1 tbsp Sahara,
  2 tbsp salt.

  Peel and grate the zucchini on a Korean carrot grater, cut the sweet pepper into thin strips, pass the garlic through a press. From liquid ingredients, salt and sugar, prepare the sauce and set it on fire. After the sauce boils, put the chopped vegetables in it and cook for 20-30 minutes (until half-cooked). Spread hot on sterilized jars, roll up, wrap for a day.

  3 kg of zucchini,
  2-3 pods of hot pepper,
  4-5 pods of sweet pepper,
  100 g of garlic
  1 stack vegetable oil
  1 stack Sahara,
  3 tbsp salt
  3 tbsp 9% vinegar
  700 g tomato paste,
  700 ml of water.

  Dilute the tomato paste in water and set on fire. After boiling add oil, sugar, salt and vinegar. Pass all vegetables through a meat grinder. Put in boiling sauce, bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat for 40 minutes. Arrange on sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap for 2 days.

  3 kg of cucumbers,
  1.5 kg of tomatoes
  4 sweet peppers
  1 hot pepper
  100 g of garlic
  2 tbsp salt
  ½ stack. Sahara,
  1 stack vegetable oil
  ½ stack. 6% vinegar.

  Cut the cucumbers into circles. Pass tomatoes, pepper, garlic through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Put all the vegetables and ingredients (except vinegar) in a bowl for cooking salad and put on fire. Cook for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking pour vinegar. Arrange hot on sterilized jars, roll up, turn over.

  3 kg of cucumbers,
  500 ml of tomato sauce
  2 tbsp salt
  ½ stack. Sahara,
  ½ stack. 9% vinegar.

  Peel the cucumbers and cut into long strips. Mix the tomato sauce (not pasta!) With sugar and salt and pour the cucumbers. Let stand for 30 minutes. Then put on fire and cook for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling. 5 minutes before the end of cooking pour vinegar. In a hot form, lay on sterilized jars and roll up. Flip, wrap.

  3 kg of cucumbers,
  1.5 kg of tomatoes
  4 sweet peppers
  1 pod of hot pepper,
  100 g of garlic
  2 tbsp salt
  ½ stack. Sahara,
  ½ stack. 6% vinegar
  1 stack vegetable oil.

Cut the cucumbers into circles, pass the remaining vegetables through a meat grinder. Fold all the ingredients except vinegar and set on fire. Cook from boiling for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking pour in vinegar, mix. Arrange on sterilized jars, roll up, flip, wrap.

As you can see, the recipes do not differ much from each other. Choose, experiment with the composition of spices and seasonings, but try not to deviate from cooking technology.

Successful blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Love to experiment - prepare for the winter a salad of zucchini with the unusual name "Mother-in-law's tongue". Zucchini - a blessed vegetable, having a neutral taste, allows you to cook from it a great variety of dishes. There are a lot of variations on the theme of conservation; the assortment is impressive: pickled, salty, spicy and not so snacks. Have you tried pineapple compote?

Why such a humorous name is not known for certain - our hostesses have a fair share of humor. Most likely, it appeared due to the shape of the sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini and the sharp taste. And the truth is, a real mother-in-law is always sharp on the tongue. Joke.

To the best of spicy piquant salad found its fans. Pieces of vegetable, appetizingly floating in tomato sauce, even on the festive table will become appropriate.

Teschin's salad tongue - harvesting secrets

In addition to the main ingredient, tomato paste, carrots, tomatoes, various types of pepper - sweet and hot, are added to the winter snack, each of which brings its own flavor.

The real Mother-in-law's tongue is made from thinly sliced \u200b\u200bvegetable slices, which makes it different from other salads. However, do not want to mess around - cut into cubes, the taste will not suffer. For slicing you will need a piller, in a simple way - a peeler. Many have it on the farm.

  • If you want your salad to look no worse than in the photo, responsibly approach the choice of zucchini.
  • Young specimens with a thin skin and soft seeds are ideal, in a salad they will retain their shape and the taste will turn out to be unusually gentle.
  • In the "age", be sure to remove the core, or chop the vegetable in mashed potatoes. In the latter case, mother-in-law's language will resemble traditional caviar (others can be found by clicking on the link).
  • Pick the ripe tomatoes, they will give a piquant and rich taste to the salad.
  • Almost all recipes contain vinegar in the list of ingredients. Opponents of the additive may exclude it, but in this case, do not plan to store the workpiece for more than two months.
  • Do not digest the snack, otherwise the thinly sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini languages \u200b\u200bwill not retain their shape.
  • If the snack is still digested, do not be discouraged: continue to simmer for another quarter of an hour under the lid, then grind it in mashed potatoes. This dish cannot be called salad, but mother-in-law caviar will be amazing (you will find another cooking option at the end).

Classic mother-in-law tongue recipe with tomatoes

We will certainly experiment with recipes, but before we get acquainted with the classic version of the salad. Tip: do not like too hot - reduce the amount of hot pepper and garlic.


  • Zucchini - 3 kg.
  • Bell pepper - 4-5 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg.
  • Heads of garlic - 4 pcs.
  • Chili pepper - 2 pods.
  • Oil - 250 ml.
  • Vinegar - 100 ml.
  • Sugar - 7-8 teaspoons.
  • Salt - 5-6 small spoons.

How to cook:

  1. Let's start with the preparation of vegetables: peel the zucchini and cut into slices (why not tongue?). For convenience, place the vegetable vertically on the table and cut it along the entire length of the vegetable cutter. You get a long chip that resembles tongues. A similar cut is used in the preparation of another wonderful dish from your favorite vegetable - zucchini. Do not know the recipe - run to read the link. Lazy - cut into regular cubes.
  2. Peel the garlic, remove the seeds from the peppers - the preparatory work is finished.
  3. Grind both peppers and tomatoes in a meat grinder, with a blender. Put the mass in a pan and bring to a boil.
  4. Fold the squash, season with salt and add butter and sugar. Cook together for half an hour.
  5. Pour in the vinegar, put the garlic in a mass and cook for five minutes. Spread the salad and close under the iron lid. Banks should cool upside down.

Mother-in-law tongue from zucchini with tomato paste for the winter

Restless housewives come up with various ways to facilitate the process - the use of tomato sauce in addition makes the taste of the salad more saturated, soft. Want to reduce the severity of the snack - vary the amount of garlic with pepper.

  • Zucchini - 3 kg.
  • Tomato - 6 large spoons.
  • Sweet pepper - a kilogram.
  • Hot chili peppers - 2 pods.
  • Heads of garlic - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Oil is a glass.
  • Vinegar - 0.5 cups.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Cut the zucchini into thin plates or cubes, send to the pan.
  2. Peel the garlic and release the pepper from the seeds. Grind with a blender. Occupation from the category of extreme, but have to do.
  3. Fold in the cooking container, immediately send tomato paste, butter and salt and sugar.
  4. Cook until boiling over high heat, then 15 minutes on low.
  5. Remove from the burner and darken the workpiece in the pan for about an hour.
  6. After an hour, add the vinegar and cook the salad just a couple of minutes after boiling. Put in jars, roll under the iron cover.

Teschin's salad tongue with carrots

Note: this appetizer is used by hostesses for dressing borsch and as a spicy sauce for pasta dishes.

  • Zucchini - 3 kg.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Tomato - 500 gr.
  • Chili pepper - pod.
  • Sweet pepper and carrot - 3 pcs each.
  • Sugar, oil, table vinegar 9% - a glass.
  • Garlic - 2-3 heads.
  1. Prepare vegetables for canning: peel the pepper from the core, cut into strips. Peel the garlic, cut the zucchini slices - tongues along or chop into cubes. Cut the carrots into thin strips.
  2. Chop hot pepper and garlic. Fold in a container, then send the carrots and sweet pepper, sugar and salt.
  3. Gently mix the mixture with the courgette plates and set aside for a couple of hours.
  4. After 2 hours, start cooking by adding the tomato. After boiling, cook the salad for 40 minutes. Pour vinegar shortly before the end. Close the finished workpiece with iron lids and leave to cool.

Salad for the winter in the multicooker

Many appreciated the crock-pot for a significant saving of time and effort; in canning for the winter, it also proved to be a caring assistant: laid, turned on and went about his business. Mother-in-law harvesting will turn out no worse than classical cooking.


  • Young zucchini - 3 kg.
  • Hot pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 4 tablespoons.
  • Garlic is a large head.
  • Vinegar - half a glass.
  • Sweet pepper - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar is a glass.
  • Salt - 2 large spoons.
  • Oil - 200 ml.
  1. Peel and chop all the vegetables. Chop the garlic and peppers in any way possible.
  2. Fold in the thicket by setting the "Extinguishing" mode. Send there chopped tongues - slices of zucchini, add seasonings (salt, tomato sauce, slightly diluted with water, sugar), pour in the oil.
  3. Stew by closing the lid for an hour. Then pour in the vinegar, stir and simmer again for about 15 minutes, opening the lid. Check the readiness of vegetables, if necessary, add the stew time.

Caviar from zucchini "Mother-in-law's tongue" for the winter

A lazy recipe for cooking mother-in-law's joy, since the trouble of cooking is much less, in addition, you can cut zucchini arbitrarily, not necessarily with tongues. Tip: feel free to take overripe vegetables.


  • Zucchini - one and a half kg.
  • Sweet pepper - 2-3 pcs.
  • Chili Peppers - Pod.
  • Garlic - 1 pc. (big head).
  • Tomato - 350 gr.
  • Water - one and a half glasses.
  • Butter and sugar - ½ cup each.
  • Vinegar 9% - a large spoon.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Peel the garlic, peppers, zucchini and mince them (use a blender).
  2. Combine the tomato with water, stir, put sugar and salt. Mix again until the latter have dissolved.
  3. Add to the pan with vegetables and start cooking. Stew after boiling for 40 minutes, then pour in the vinegar and cook another 5.
  4. The salad is laid out on the banks hot, then rolled up and cools, covered with a blanket.

The best salads are obtained when not only vegetables are invested in cooking, but also the soul, and Mother-in-law is no exception. Good luck with your preparations, and a video with step-by-step tips, selected by me, will help you! With love ... Galina Nekrasova.