Jacket potatoes in the microwave. Jacketed potatoes in the microwave

29.09.2019 Lean dishes

  “Make it simple and delicious!” Sometimes I have such periods when I absolutely do not want to cook anything, but meanwhile I want to eat. 🙂 Then I make a microwave-baked jacket potato. Quickly. It’s easier not to come up with. Probably only easier. 😉 And most importantly - very tasty and satisfying. Especially if you add plastic to the cheese to the still hot potatoes ... Mmm ... But, I got distracted! 🙂


  • pieces of 5-6 raw potatoes;
  • salt and pepper;
  • olive oil (preferably with a slight aroma).

As I said, in my opinion, there is nothing simpler than this dish. 🙂 So just wash the potatoes thoroughly using a brush. And put it in a flat plate with small sides.

With a knife, we make a pair of shallow skin punctures in each potato, sprinkle with salt and pepper, pour over olive oil.

At this preparatory stage is over. 😉

Cooking jacket potatoes in a microwave

Next, put the plate (remember that the dishes must meet the requirements for the microwave) in the microwave and cover with a plastic lid for the microwave. Make sure that the openings on the cover are open.

Next, we determine the power. My microwave oven produces a maximum heat of 750. Medium potatoes, as pictured, cook for 8-9 minutes at this power. If the potatoes are smaller, it will take 5-7 minutes. If more - 10-12 minutes.

Be guided by my parameters to choose your optimal time-power ratio. If the potatoes do not have time to cook, which is easy to check by piercing it with a knife, you can add another couple of minutes. I’ve got the hang of it now and I’m determining the exact time by eye. 🙂

Actually, that’s all.

When the microwave indicates the completion of the process, we take out the potatoes in their skins and cut them, dipping in olive oil. You can, as I said, put a piece of cheese on top of each half.

By the way, I read that the potato peel contains useful substances, I don’t know how much they remain after cooking. But in general I have strange taste preferences - I often eat potatoes right with the “uniform”. But the son, who still does not really support thoughts about the usefulness of products, has to peel off the peel. Although in the case when the potatoes are cooked in their uniforms in the microwave, this is done very easily. The main thing is not to get burned.

To get the jacket potatoes in the traditional way, you need about half an hour of time and a pan with boiling water. To make potatoes in their skins in a microwave, it will take no more than 15 minutes, and baking occurs in a dry way without water. Both types do not differ in taste and can be used for any needs, for example, not only as a separate dish, but also for salads. This is one of the easiest recipes.

Advice.  For uniform preparation of the entire batch, try to pick up tubers of the same size. The smaller the potatoes, the less time it takes to cook. Small and medium tubers are ideal, and large ones do not always boil well even after 15 minutes in the microwave.

Be sure to cover the dishes or tie a bag, otherwise the potato will turn out to be dry and fresh. You can add salt at the beginning of cooking (the flesh will become crumbly) or at the end (you get elastic potatoes for salads), other seasonings and spices are introduced only after baking.


  • potatoes - 4-6 pieces (small or medium tubers);
  • salt to taste.

Microwave Jacket Potato Recipe

1. Wash the potatoes well, paying attention to the folds near the eyes, where dirt can accumulate. Then wipe dry with a towel. Do not clean.

2. Pierce each potato with a fork 2-3 times in different parts, then put the tubers in a microwave oven and cover.

  The package is no worse than ordinary dishes

An alternative is to bake potatoes in a food plastic bag, tightly tying the end and making a small incision with a knife anywhere in the bag so that hot air and steam do not accumulate inside, creating excessive pressure.

If you need soft potatoes in their skins, add salt before cooking, to obtain a harder pulp, salt at the end of cooking.

3. Put the dishes or bag with potatoes in the microwave for 10-15 minutes at a power of 600 watts. The exact time depends on the size of the tubers and the capacity of the oven. Bake until cooked (until the potatoes are easily pierced with a knife until the middle).

4. Get the potatoes in their uniforms from the microwave, open the bag or remove the lid, leave for a couple of minutes to cool (you can pick up the tuber in your hand and not burn yourself). If desired, peel, cut into pieces and serve with herring, herbs or butter.

A person always does not have enough time for himself, and there can be no talk of cooking dinner in the oven. A microwave comes to the rescue. Recipes of tasty and fragrant potatoes in the microwave are not known to everyone, but just such a preparation is quick and convenient.

We bake potatoes in their skins in the microwave

For roasting jacket potatoes, take young tubers or a thin-skinned variety.

  1. First step - rinse with dirt. Then make cuts, but carefully - not completely, so as not to break in half.
  2. To add flavor, add lard. Cut it into small pieces and add to the cut potatoes.
  3. Put the vegetables on a plate, cuts up. This is necessary so that all the fat from the fat remains inside.
  4. Sprinkle with spices and send to the microwave. It is advisable to cover with a special cover.

To boil potatoes well, add a little boiled water. Cooking time - about 10 minutes at maximum power (800 watts).

Microwave potatoes in a bag

For cooking in a bag you will need a minimum amount of products.


  • Three potatoes (medium in size).
  • A plastic bag or a special bag for baking.
  • Spice.


  1. Cut the peeled potatoes in half or in several pieces. Tubers cut into several pieces prepare faster than cut in half.
  2. Place the potato in a regular or special bag. Before this, salt, season and mix. Optionally, add a little oil and chopped onions.
  3. Make a small hole in advance to exit the bag.
  4. Put the bag of potatoes on a plate or stand and send to the microwave for 10 minutes.

Cooking time depends on the power - more often it is 800 watts. The grill function must be turned off.

During cooking, you can open the door and monitor the status of the dish. If necessary, add a few more minutes for readiness. Do not lay one tuber - it simply burns.

Video recipe

Potato in foil

Why choose potatoes in foil? It's simple: the dish retains the maximum amount of useful trace elements and vitamins. Cooking does not take more than half an hour, but the result will be excellent.


  1. Take the same sized tubers, peel and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Place the potatoes on a paper towel and let it dry a little.
  3. Wrap each tuber tightly in foil.
  4. Cooking time - at least 10 minutes at maximum power.

Before serving, chop the greens finely, mix the prepared potatoes with sour cream and salt. You can also make small cuts and add pieces of butter to them while the dish is hot.

Video recipe

  • Remember, if the potato is cooked in its jacket, it must be washed well. Otherwise, the taste will be earthy. Also, dirt can get inside cracked tubers, and the dish can be considered spoiled.
  • Take care that the tubers are approximately the same size. This is necessary for uniform cooking, as small potatoes cook faster than large ones.
  • Do not eat potatoes that have green spots. It contains a toxic substance - solanine. The use of greened tubers can lead to acute food poisoning, to the destruction of red blood cells, inhibition of the central nervous system.
  • To create a sophisticated taste, you can add a variety of ingredients and seasonings. Many people like when a little bacon, lard, or garlic is added to half a potato. In a baking bag you can chop onions, carrots, parsley.
  • Cooking potatoes in the microwave should be done in a special bowl. It includes a glass, ceramic pan or plastic products.

Cooking fragrant and tasty potatoes in a microwave at home is quick and easy. The advantage is that the process does not take much effort and time, and even a child can help with chores. You can experiment with the dish in various ways by adding new spices. A potato in a microwave is a quick and positive result!

Usually, in order to bake potatoes in their skins, the hostess needs at least an hour. Naturally, not everyone can afford to spend so much time preparing this dish. At first glance it may seem unbelievable, but jacket potatoes are quite possible to cook in less than half an hour. A microwave comes to the rescue. How long does it take to cook potatoes in the microwave? Faced with the question of how to cook potatoes in a microwave in their uniforms, the first thing the hostess is interested in is cooking time.

How to cook potatoes in a bag: microwave recipe

As a rule, for almost all first or second dishes cooked in the microwave, dishes with a lid are needed. Experienced housewives suggest replacing her with a package. If you cook potatoes in their skins in the microwave just on a plate, it may become too dry, and then lunch will be spoiled by the too fresh taste of the side dish.

The recipe for baking potatoes in their skins in a package includes the following items:

  • the potatoes are washed and dried with a towel;
  • shift into a tight bag;
  • the package is tied as shown in the photo;
  • the microwave is set at a power of 600 watts;
  • the package is placed in the oven and set the timer for 5 minutes.

Determining the readiness of a dish is simple. If the bag is swollen, the jacket potato in the microwave in the bag is baked and ready to serve.

Pierce the package with extreme care. Otherwise, a pleasant experience of a delicious lunch or dinner can be overshadowed by a burn.

How to cook potatoes in their skirts in an unconventional way?

In the microwave, it’s easy not only to bake, but also to boil potatoes. The cooking recipe includes the following steps:

  • the potatoes are thoroughly washed;
  • glassware is filled with water;
  • potatoes are transferred to the dishes.

Boil the tubers in the microwave for at least 5 minutes. To check readiness, the dish will have to be periodically removed and pierced with a fork. The exact time for how much the potatoes will be cooked is difficult to name, since the duration directly depends on the selected power of the device.

Other potato dishes in the microwave

Having figured out how to cook potatoes in their uniforms in the microwave or bake, you can start cooking more complex dishes.

Potatoes with mushrooms do not have to be cooked in a pan. Alternatively, try baking it in the microwave. This dish is ideal for a family dinner. Especially men will like it - an incredibly satisfying and tasty treat will not leave anyone indifferent.

His recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • 5 potatoes;
  • 5 champignons;
  • bulb;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • spice;
  • oil.

Onions and carrots, chopped into julienne with the addition of oil and garlic, are put in the microwave for 5 minutes. Then, chopped potatoes and mushrooms are added to the frying. Half a glass of water is also poured into the dish and spices are added. Then all the ingredients are transferred to a bag and put in the microwave, as shown in the video. Cooking time 25 minutes.

The main criteria for how to cook potatoes in a microwave in their skins include:

  • speed,
  • softness.

In order for potatoes to cook (cooked or baked) as quickly as possible, it is necessary to select small tubers. Salt will help to achieve softness. The trick is that it is added not during cooking, but when the dish is already served.

How to serve potatoes in their skins?

Jacketed or baked jacket potatoes will be served correctly with fresh vegetables. You can make a salad out of them. To do this, use cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, radishes and bell peppers. As a dressing, it is worth preparing a sour cream garlic sauce.

It can even be served exclusively with one potato. Thanks to this, the recipe for jacket potatoes in the microwave will sparkle with new colors. On the palate, it will turn out tender, but at the same time very piquant.

If a salad of fresh vegetables for some reason could not be made, jacket potatoes can be sprinkled with fresh or frozen greens and served with salted fish. Several peasant dinners are ideal for gatherings in the fresh air, for example, in a summerhouse. The only condition is that there must be a microwave.

It is hard to disagree with the fact that potato tubers, especially old ones, take a lot of time for their preparation. Another thing is if you use a microwave for this purpose, the power of which allows you to cope with starchy fruits in a matter of minutes, without affecting either their taste or texture. In the recipes, we will figure out how to do it in the microwave.

How to bake potatoes in a microwave in their uniforms?

First of all, let's figure out how you can cook a favorite of many baked potatoes according to an elementary recipe. You will not need anything other than tubers and spices with oil themselves.

Take potatoes of approximately the same size and variety, the latter affects the starch content in the tubers, which determines the speed of preparation and texture. At this stage, thoroughly washed and dried potatoes can be greased with vegetable oil and seasoned with almost anything: from just sea salt to a special spicy mixture for potato dishes. Seasoned tubers, then be sure to prick them with a fork to give steam a way out, otherwise the potatoes may simply burst. Having laid the potatoes on the dish for cooking in the microwave, you have a choice: cover the dish with a damp towel so that the tuber does not lose moisture during cooking, or leave it to lie just so that you get a crisp and crisp outside.

Set the maximum power on your device and start cooking from 5 minutes. After the passage of time, check the readiness, turn the tubers on the other side and cook another 3-5 minutes.

How to cook potatoes in their skins in a microwave in a bag?

If you want to get tender boiled potatoes without a crust, then the next way is what you need. In its framework, the tubers will be in a plastic bag, which, blocking the release of moisture into the microwave chamber, will create the effect of a real steam bath.

All cooking steps remain the same: the potatoes are washed, dried and seasoned, then they are pierced, put in a bag and tied tightly. With a power of 600 watts, medium-sized tubers should be cooked in 7-10 minutes, but the time may vary depending on the amount of baked potatoes. Be careful when removing potatoes from the bag, as concentrated inside the steam can easily leave a burn on the skin.

With the microwave, you can cook full-fledged potato dishes, like this basic snack with sour cream and cheese. You can repeat the recipe with a single large potato, or replace it with a pile of small ones, but keep in mind that the more tubers, the more time it will take to prepare them.


  • large potato tuber;
  •   - 15 g;
  • sour cream - 35 g;
  • grated cheddar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Pure clean and dry potatoes with a fork and put in the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power. After the lapse of time, turn the tuber over and cook a similar period of time. Cut the finished potatoes in half, remove 2/3 of the pulp and rub with a fork with cheese and sour cream. Return the potato pulp back to the peel and bake it for a minute, or until the cheese in the potato is soft and viscous.

If you wish, you can repeat the recipe by diversifying the filling for potatoes with chicken, vegetables, fried bacon, spices or a serving of herbs. Bon Appetit!