Cooking pancakes on kefir. Pancakes with kefir (1 liter of kefir): recipe, cooking features and reviews

29.09.2019 Grill menu

To make pancakes thick and lush, with holes, they need to be cooked not on milk, but on kefir. All types of cheese and curd fillings are wonderful for such pancakes, they can also be stuffed with cabbage and mushrooms - the filling never follows from them. If you pour kefir pancakes with melted butter and sweet sauce or liquid honey, you will get a rich and delicious breakfast.

  • kefir - 0.5 liters
  • flour - 2 cups of 250 ml each
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. (no slide)
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • citric acid - a small pinch
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.

Put kefir for 2 hours in a warm place so that it warms up. From warm kefir pancakes are more airy.
  Rub eggs with sugar.
  Mix soda and citric acid, add a drop of kefir. Pour the resulting foam into the eggs. Add salt as well.
  Add about half the kefir to the eggs, stir well.
  Sift the flour. It’s better to do it even twice.
  Pour the sifted flour into a kefir-egg mixture with a thin stream, rub so that there are no lumps.
  Add the sunflower oil and the remaining kefir to the dough. Stir well and leave it on the table for 30 minutes.
  Heat the pan well, grease it with sunflower oil and bake the first pancake.
  Be sure to taste the pancake. If necessary, add salt or sugar; if the dough is too thin or thick, add flour or kefir. The correct consistency of the test is the density of liquid sour cream.

For all of the following pancakes, sunflower oil is not necessary: \u200b\u200blubricate the pan with a piece of unsalted lard pounded on a fork.
  Bake the first side of each pancake, covering the pan with a lid, the second side - without the lid. Such pancakes are baked for about 2 minutes on each side, until golden brown.
  Grease ready-made pancakes with butter as soon as you remove them from the pan.

If you did everything right, your pancakes should turn out to be lush and soft.

Pancakes with sour kefir: a step by step recipe.

What if you find in the fridge a bag of sour kefir? Really throw it away? Take your time, such kefir can be brought back to life. True, drinking it will not work, but pancakes from such a product can be made just wonderful. There are some little tricks in their preparation that we will introduce you to now.
  Essential Ingredients:

  • sour kefir - 0.5 liters
  • water - 1 cup
  • flour - 2 cups
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • sunflower or olive oil - 4 tbsp.
  1. Sift the flour and add soda and sugar to it. Sift flour is necessary, otherwise pancakes can turn out harsh.
  2. Separate the yolks from the proteins, and rub them with salt.
  3. Pour the sour kefir into the pan and beat it lightly.
  4. Continuing to beat, add the yolks and a little water to the kefir. Stir until smooth.
  5. Add flour to the dough. You need to do this little by little, in small portions, each time stirring well so that there are no lumps.
  6. Add vegetable oil to the dough and, if necessary, more water. The consistency of the test should be like that of liquid non-fat sour cream.
  7. Beat the egg whites in a foam and add them to the finished pancake dough. Mix well.
  8. You need to bake such pancakes right away, you don’t need to stand the test.
  9. For the first pancake, generously grease the pan with vegetable oil.
  10. For the following pancakes, you no longer need to smear the pan - there is enough oil in the test so that the pancakes do not burn.
  11. Bake pancakes on both sides until golden. You do not need to cover the pan.

Pancakes made with sour kefir are slightly crunchy, with a slight sour taste. This taste goes well with sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese. If you want sweets, pour pancakes with jam or honey. But putting in the dough more sugar to kill the sour taste is not worth it. If there is too much sugar, the pancakes will bake poorly and will stick to the pan.

In my family Maslenitsa is a year-round concept! Pancakes are frequent guests at our table. A universal, I must say, dish is Russian pancakes: use it with honey, and with caviar, and with salted salmon, and with all kinds of fillings ... There’s enough for your imagination.

Pancake dough is a different story: someone prefers on water, someone prefers milk, and someone prefers kefir, for example.

Personally, I rarely bake kefir pancakes, but quite often I buy kefir, which “hangs” in the refrigerator for a long time. Today is just the case, so we bake pancakes on kefir :-)

Sugar in the dough - only 1 tablespoon For me, this is ideal, because I started these pancakes with sweet and savory filling.

To prepare the test for pancakes on kefir, we will prepare the products according to the list.

Mix eggs, salt, sugar and soda in a bowl.

Whisk lightly with a whisk.

Add kefir, mix.

Then the turn of flour. Mix with a whisk so that there are no lumps.

Let the dough stand for about 10 minutes. During this time, the dough will become thicker, and it will become clear to you: should I add more liquid.

Add the sunflower oil, mix.

This should be the dough for pancakes on kefir: it flows relatively easily from a spoon. From this test, the pancakes will be thinner.

We heat the pan until hot, pour the dough on it and fry the pancake in moderate heat on one side ...

Then turn over and fry with another.

From this amount of ingredients, I got about 30 pancakes (diameter of the pan - 18 cm). I can’t say the exact amount, because my son is hunting for pancakes: he loves them with heat.

But there’s another important point: I bake thin pancakes, and if I bake them thicker, there will be less pancakes, respectively.

Pancakes from kefir dough are obtained with a slight acidity, very strong, but at the same time tender, do not break. They can wrap any stuffing.

Enjoy your pancake meal! :-)

The nationwide, Russian holiday is approaching - the wide Maslenitsa. And we will see off the winter and meet the spring. And we will meet her with delicious, butter, openwork pancakes. The Slavs pancake symbolizes the sun. And we treat each other with such delicious suns so that spring comes soon.

Classic pancake dough usually starts. But pancakes on kefir are no less popular in Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space. Flour is most often used wheat of the highest grade. But there are recipes for dough from buckwheat, and from corn flour.

The most delicious way to cook, of course. Fillings are wrapped in a variety of pancakes. Cottage cheese, feta cheese, minced meat, fried mushrooms, red and black caviar are used for this. Or sweet, berry fillings with lingonberries, blueberries, cherries. Even the youngest members of the family can put the filling in the middle of the pancake and roll it with a roll. We have already learned how to cook.

Pancakes don’t bother us, because they are baked from different dough and served in different ways. Unsweetened - with sour cream, with butter, with caviar. Or sweet - with jam, jam or condensed milk. This is such a dish that we are ready to eat every day. And on Maslenitsa there is simply no such mistress who would not cook up several varieties of this holiday treat for her family and for guests.

I prepare thoroughly for the holiday and have already described in detail how to start it. And today I want to consider several test options for kefir or yogurt. They are all different and all tasty and aromatic in their own way. Choose what you like and cook with joy and good mood!

In 2018, Maslenitsa will last from February 12 to 18. And I'm already starting to cook different variations of pancakes in order to meet the holiday fully armed. And also, of course, in order to collect and publish here a list of the best recipes. I hope you find them useful.

A proven recipe for thin kefir pancakes

All my family and friends have already rated this simple pancake dough recipe. I am looking for him on home yogurt or on purchased kefir. And these pancakes are always tasty and rosy. They bake quickly and do not stick to the pan.

My secret is in preparing the test. On cold kefir, pancakes will be in a shallow hole. From the test on heated kefir, the holes will be large.

Now we take kefir at room temperature. From this number of products you get 14 - 16 pieces of pancakes. Today I cook only to show all the recipes, so I’ll start a little test. If you wish, you can double the number of products.

What is needed:

How to cook:

I took out everything I needed for the test from the refrigerator in advance, and the products lay in the heat for at least an hour. Sifted flour.

If you slightly warm the kefir, then the holes in the pancakes will be larger.

I'm starting to knead the dough. Beat two eggs in a bowl with salt and sugar. I add kefir little by little and add flour with a tablespoon, continuing to mix with a whisk.

Knead the dough is not thick and not liquid. I leave it to distance for half an hour. Cover the bowl with a lid or plate.

If the pancakes are stuffed, then during this time you can prepare the filling.

After half an hour I dissolve soda in two tablespoons of warm water, pour into the dough and mix well. If the dough was with lumps, now they have already completely dispersed and the mass has become homogeneous.

It remains to pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the dough, stir thoroughly again and leave for at least another half hour. During this time, soda will interact with kefir and the dough will bubble like yeast. We start baking pancakes.

Before cooking, the pan must be heated over high heat and greased with oil or a piece of bacon.

I pour the first portion of the dough into a frying pan greased with lard and put on fire. I usually lubricate only once, because the dough has enough vegetable oil.

When the pancake is fried for a minute, holes appear on it. Like in this photo. Turns it over with a spatula and fry on the other side, too, no more than a minute.

Pancakes are porous, thin and melt in the mouth. I put each on a plate and grease with melted butter.

If you are stuffing, then you can not lubricate, immediately wrap the filling in them.

That's so simple, without troubles. Now let's look at a more refined pancake dough recipe.

Kefir custard with boiling water

Thin, delicate and very delicate pancakes will be obtained from our custard kefir dough. They have a large number of small and large holes. Making them is not at all difficult. I show again on a small number of products.

What is needed:


In a large bowl, knead the whisk eggs and kefir. Gradually add salt, sugar and soda.

For this recipe we take kefir cold, right from their refrigerator.

This is so that soda does not have time to start interacting with kefir ahead of time. Sift the flour into a bowl and quickly break all the lumps. The dough turned out to be thick, like a pancake.

Now I pour a glass of boiling water and begin to pour it in portions into the dough. Mixing fast at the same time. When all the boiling water is poured and the dough is brewed, it turned out as thick and textured as liquid cream.

Do not forget that the more liquid the dough, the thinner and lighter the pancakes will be.

In a warm pan, I melt a piece of butter and pour it into the dough. When the butter is already in the dough, then you can not lubricate every ready pancake.

Getting to the baking. Pour the dough into a hot skillet and wait until one side is fried. One minute is enough for me to bake. If your stove does not heat so much, then make sure that the pancake is sufficiently browned and turn over.

My result is 22 delicious, appetizing “sunshine”. Pour tea and serve pancakes with sour cream, condensed milk or whatever your heart desires.

Lush pancakes - American pancakes

This video from the Yliya Small channel shows a step-by-step recipe for making sweet mini pancakes, which are very popular in America. Look how lush and delicious they are!

Perhaps pancakes resemble pancakes and pancakes at the same time. They are magnificent and soft as pancakes, but they are not baked in oil, but in a dry frying pan, like pancakes. Americans serve them with maple syrup popular with them.

And we again return to our Russian pancakes.

Openwork pancakes on kefir and milk with soda

Another delicious and very quick recipe. Kefir is combined with milk and soda. The result is such a lively dough that plays and bubbles.

In order for soda to quickly begin to act, kefir needs to be slightly warmed up.

And during baking it gives us such thin, lace pancakes that you eat, eat ... and still want to!

What is needed:

How to cook:

All products must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and allowed to warm to room temperature.

I start by slightly warming the kefir in a saucepan. On low heat and stirring constantly. I give it to warm up to 40 gr C.

Do not overheat kefir over 60 degrees. He can curl up and get cottage cheese.

Now I drive eggs into warm kefir, pour in all the loose ingredients and add vegetable oil. Beat everything with a whisk and get a thick dough. Dilute the dough by pouring milk in portions and constantly stirring.

In warm kefir, soda immediately begins to play. The dough is ready to bake. The pan is already heating over high heat. Lubricate it with butter or a piece of bacon in front of the first pancake.

This is how kefir dough bubbles and large pancake holes come out. I fry one minute on each side and shoot on a wide plate. Each pancake is smeared with melted butter with a brush.

From a quick test and pancakes are quickly ready. I got 20 pieces. Serve while hot. Have a nice tea party!

There is an opinion that for pancakes it is necessary to use only a cast-iron frying pan. Maybe someone doesn’t get pancakes except on cast-iron.

A new pan must be calcined with salt for half an hour on the biggest fire.

When I bake pancakes, I use two different pans. And sometimes even three. There are cast iron, and teflon, and with a ceramic coating. In all pans, pancakes are excellent. The main thing is to warm up well and grease the pan before the first pancake.

Custard pancakes on kefir and milk

We have not tried choux pastry with hot milk. I'll make a little of such pancakes. especially since this is also one of the quick recipes. It is not necessary to defend the test. Knead and immediately begin to cook.

We take out all products from the refrigerator at least an hour before cooking.

What is needed:

How to cook:

  1. Kefir is poured into a saucepan and slightly heated constantly stirring.
  2. I break eggs into a bowl, add warm kefir, vegetable oil and pour soda, sugar and salt.
  3. While constantly stirring, add flour and knead thick dough.
  4. I put boil milk in a saucepan on the stove.
  5. Pour boiling milk in small portions into the dough, quickly stirring with a whisk.
  6. The dough is brewed. I heat the pan over high heat and bake pancakes.
  7. Fry each side for no more than one minute.
  8. I put ready pancakes on a plate and grease with melted butter.

This is how the pancake dough is made with boiling milk. This, of course, gives a much more delicious and delicate result than simply boiled boiled water.

Egg-free kefir lace pancakes

This video is from the Vegetarian Recipes Channel

I don’t understand why “vegetarian” only without eggs, and kefir and milk are still used ... Well, nevertheless, the pancakes turned out to be notable. They didn’t stick to the pan and didn’t tear, which means you can cook them without eggs.

On this I end my article about pancakes on kefir. Write your wishes and questions in the comments. I thank everyone who cooked today with me!

Pancakes are a simple and affordable way for everyone to quickly feed the whole family. They can be prepared very quickly if you have all the necessary ingredients at hand. Most often, this dish is prepared in milk, but it may not be at hand, so the housewives ask: “Is it possible to make pancakes on kefir?”. We will try to find the answer together and find the most unusual and delicious recipes for this homemade treat.

Classic kefir pancakes do not differ at all from cooked in milk in appearance. They have a lush and loose consistency, which allows you to eat this dish with sour cream, honey or butter. Kefir pancakes, like regular pancakes, perfectly absorb jam and other products with which they are often served.

In appearance, real Russian pancakes are a juicy and glossy dish. The presence of a porous structure, which makes pancakes softer and more airy, is mandatory. It is openwork home pancakes that are the standard of quality. Kefir pancakes are much easier to make porous and openwork. To do this, just add a little soda to the dough, which, having reacted with the acidic environment of kefir, will begin to emit carbon dioxide.

It is his presence in the test that gives the famous openwork effect in the pan.

What kind of pan do you need to get in order to cook pancakes with kefir?

Now on sale there are many different devices for making pancakes. On the shelves of shops you can find electric crepe makers and special pans with ceramic or teflon coating. Classic pancakes with kefir or milk should be cooked only in a real cast-iron pan.

There are two features: the pan should be used only for the preparation of this treat and it should not be washed. Do not be afraid with your pancakes on kefir to get completely in an unwashed pan. After all, no one has canceled other cleaning methods. A cast-iron pan in which you will cook pancakes on kefir thin or thick, you need to clean with coarse salt.

To do this, after cooking pancakes, vegetable oil is poured into the pan (about 2 tablespoons) and coarse salt is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the pan, just add one tablespoon with a slide. With this mixture, the pan needs to be heated and then the salt removed from the surface with a simple sponge.

For final cleaning, add salt again and remove it with a sponge. Then the pan is wiped with a dry and clean cloth, after which it can be removed for storage. In such a pan, you can cook pancakes on kefir or on the basis of any other dairy product. This is how our grandmothers looked after the pans, thus extending the service life of the dishes.

The use of kefir does not affect the properties of pancakes. They can, like regular ones, be served at any time of the day with sweet and savory fillings.

However, before giving a variety of recipes for pancakes on kefir, it is worth talking about such an important stage as baking. If a different baking method is not specified in the recipe, then it is produced according to the following rules:

Before baking the first pancake in the pan, you need to drip a little sunflower oil and spread it with a brush on the frying surface. It should be coated with a very thin film of odorless oil. In no case should kefir pancakes “float” in a large amount of oil.

The dough is most often poured with a cooker. Each housewife gets used to her kitchen utensils, over time you will remember how much dough to collect. During the cooking process, you can adjust how much dough you need to scoop to get thin pancakes on kefir. Pour the dough a little and tilt the pan; distribute it along the bottom of the pan.

If you have warmed up the stove well, then the pancakes will blush in a matter of seconds, so carefully watch the edges of the poured dough. By the readiness of one side, it becomes a little ruddy, at this moment the pancake needs to be turned over.

Experienced housewives pry the edge with a knife and turn the pancake over with their hands. This is a very dangerous method, if you do not have special skills, so beginners should use a thin wooden shovel to turn pancakes or a knife with a wide blade.

You should not even try to turn pancakes on kefir with a tossing in a pan, as due to a lack of experience, the incompletely fried dough can land on the stove or on the hand holding the pan. If you have sufficiently lubricated the pan, then with the overturn of pancakes there will be no difficulties.

If this is your first time making pancakes with kefir, the recipe with the photo will help you correctly complete all the stages of preparing the dough and baking. Remember the saying that the first pancake should turn out lumpy. If you fail at the first preparation of pancakes, do not be discouraged and try again. Next, we will consider some of the most popular and unusual recipes.

Classic kefir pancakes

To prepare the most ordinary pancakes, you will need to take:

  1. two glasses of kefir with any fat content;
  2. a glass of sifted wheat flour;
  3. two eggs (first category or selected);
  4. sugar and salt to taste (usually put 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, but for cooking stuffed pancakes with salt filling it is worth taking a little less sugar - 1 spoon);
  5. a pinch of soda (due to it pancakes will become openwork);
  6. three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Kefir pancake dough begins to be prepared by beating eggs, salt and sugar. For this, it is best for you to take a whisk. It should be used throughout the cooking process. If you beat the dough well with a whisk, then the pancakes will turn out lush and without lumps of flour. If you do not want to work by hand, then you can replace the whisk with a mixer or blender with a special nozzle.

Soda is mixed in yogurt until it is combined with eggs, so a more violent reaction will take place and the pancakes on yogurt will turn out tender and delicate. Kefir with soda, send to a cup or pan with the prepared egg mixture and mix everything well again.

Sifted flour should be added in small parts, so it will be easier to break all the lumps. Pancakes are baked on kefir in the same way as described above. Some should be very thin and delicate.

This recipe for thin kefir pancakes can be used if you want to stuff them with different fillings.

The most delicious are pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese with dried apricots or raisins, and the most nutritious ones are stuffed with chopped ham mixed with chopped cheese and a drop of mayonnaise.

An experimental recipe for kefir pancakes with soda

If you like to surprise your home with unusual pastries, then you should take note of this recipe. On a glass of yogurt you will need the following number of products:

  • one glass of sparkling water (you can use mineral water, but some housewives prefer to add "Lemonade" or "Bell");
  • three large chicken eggs (can be replaced with 6 quail, with them yogurt pancakes turn out to be very tasty too);
  • you can take as much salt and sugar as in the previous recipe (these ingredients are most often put “on the eye”);
  • half a pack of butter (about 100 grams);
  • a glass of flour.

Remember that the dough for pancakes on kefir will succeed only if you measure all the ingredients in the same glasses. In Russian recipes, as a measure, they write a glass from Soviet times. Then, according to the state standard, 250 ml glasses were produced. There is even a table of how many grams of different loose ingredients and liquids can go into such a glass. It was used to “Russify” recipes from foreign literature.

However, much has changed since then, and now glasses can be from 180 to 300 ml, so it is best to have a standard measure in your kitchen - a glass or mug with a volume of 250 ml. It will help you accurately measure all the ingredients and pancakes on kefir will work out.

To prepare the test of experimental pancakes, you need to heat the butter with kefir. The butter should be cut into small cubes so that it melts quickly. Then, in turn, you need to add all the ingredients in the kefir-oil base in turn: sparkling water, eggs slightly beaten in a separate bowl, sugar, salt and flour.

Wheat flour must be sieved and added in parts, stirring the dough with a whisk.

Such pancakes are baked on kefir in a dry frying pan, since they have enough oil. We will not describe the frying process in detail, since it has no other features. This recipe for kefir pancakes is most often used for desserts. They can be served with any jam or jam.

They can be made thin or thick on their own - the final look of the pancakes depends on the amount of dough poured into the pan.

Kefir pancakes: beetroot treat recipe

If you want to surprise your home with the appearance and taste of the dish, then there is nothing more interesting than making bright burgundy pancakes based on kefir and beets. For this unusual dish you will need:

  • kefir - one glass;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • one medium-sized beet;
  • a little less than a glass of flour (take a whole glass and in the process of kneading look at the density of the dough as soon as it becomes liquid, but stop adding elastic flour to kefir pancakes);
  • one large egg;
  • three tablespoons of sunflower oil.

To start, rinse and boil the beets. You will need to make mashed potatoes from it, so after the vegetable is completely boiled, peel it and cut into small cubes. Delicate mashed potatoes without slices are best prepared with a blender.

Whisk everything with a whisk, gradually stir in the wheat flour and add vegetable oil. Before baking, the dough should stand for about 30 minutes, then mix it and fry the pancakes in the usual way.

Such pancakes on kefir with beets are served with sour cream or and are stuffed with boiled or fried pieces of meat with spices and onions.

You can choose absolutely any meat, but pork is most suitable for these pancakes.

Spring is coming! So soon we will meet! From ancient times in Russia they saw off the winter noisy and fun. We walked, sang, danced, jumped over the fire and burned a scarecrow. And also we went to visit each other and treated them with pancakes - a symbol of the Sun!

By tradition, they are baked in Maslenitsa every day! It is believed that if you bake them so often, then the whole coming year the family will live in prosperity and prosperity! And who does not want this ?! Therefore, we bake these little "suns" by all known methods. And there is no end to these methods. There are so many of them that you can bake them at least every year and at the same time never repeat them.

On what they are not cooked, what dough the craftswomen do not come up with. Cook, fermented baked milk, yogurt, juice,. The dough is made fresh, yeast, custard. Options and variations of all this mass. And they are also cooked with flavors, with different fillings, as well as in the form of pies and cakes ...

What can I say, if our people fall in love with a dish, it will cook a lot of it, often in a variety of variations and variations.

Kefir dough recipes are divided into three categories - this is a yeast-free method, yeast and custard. It is impossible to single out which one is better and tastier, they are all good, each in its own way. After all, what is most important in the test so that it is tasty, thin and that products from it can easily be turned over. Such recipes will be considered today.

According to this recipe, you can use only kefir, or you can add a little sour cream for taste. In general, the convenience of kneading dough is that you can cook it from everything that remains in the refrigerator.

The main thing in this case is to observe the ratio of liquid to dry components.

We will need:

  • kefir - 1 cup
  • sour cream - 0, 5 cups
  • flour - 0.5 cups
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • salt - a pinch
  • soda - a pinch
  • vegetable oil - for greasing the pan


1. Eggs are divided into yolks and squirrels. Grind the yolks with sugar and salt.

2. Add half the kefir and sour cream. Pour soda and mix, let stand a little until bubbles appear.

3. Sift the flour and add to the mixture. Stir thoroughly until the lumps disappear. You can use a whisk for this.

4. Add the remaining kefir and sour cream, mix again.

5. Let stand a little so that the flour is completely dispersed in the dough.

6. Beat the whites into the foam and gently introduce into the dough immediately before baking.

7. Heat a frying pan over a fire and bake products on both sides until rosy. Before each new portion of the dough, the pan should be greased with vegetable oil. You can lubricate with a silicone brush, or half peeled potatoes.

8. Ready-made sweets served with butter or sour cream, or optionally with honey. You can also wrap any filling in them.

9. Eat with pleasure!

This recipe can be greatly simplified, and introduce eggs without dividing them into proteins and yolks. Then the recipe will be very simple and easy. True, pancakes in this case will turn out a little easier. But for wrapping them in the filling will be the very thing!

Video on how to cook very thin and delicious pancakes

If you add water to the dough on kefir, then thanks to this you can get both thin and dense flour products. According to this recipe, they are exactly what they get. In such products, you can wrap any filling and you can be sure that it will not fall out of there.

But despite their density, they do not turn out “rubber”, but on the contrary, they are very tender and tasty. Therefore, as a rule, it doesn’t come to me personally. They are eaten immediately with heat, with heat. However, the way you need to eat them!

The recipe is proven and kind. My mom and grandmother always cooked it. And now in our house we cook them quite often.

I advise you to cook them. They turn out wonderful. Moreover, cooking them is not at all difficult. They are not capricious, they turn well and even the first pancake is never lumpy.

Kefir pancakes with boiling water (step by step recipe)

From the test in boiling water, very thin and holey products are obtained. They have a slight acidity in taste and are very well served with sour cream and honey.

You can also use them to wrap the filling inside.

We need (20 pcs):

  • kefir - 550 ml
  • flour - 2 cups
  • boiling water - 220 ml
  • egg - 3 pcs (large)
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  •   + 2 tbsp. pan greasing spoon
  • butter - 60 gr for serving (can be sour cream)
  • soda - 1 teaspoon (incomplete)
  • salt - 0.5 tsp


1. In a large bowl, beat the eggs with a fork of salt and sugar.

2. Add kefir and sifted flour to the mixture. Mix everything with a whisk, but do not whisk. Just mix enough. The whisk will help break the lumps and get a homogeneous mixture.

3. Boil water and immediately pour it into a glass. Quickly stir soda in it and pour into the dough.

4. Stir with a whisk, but do not whisk. Then let stand a little. About 5 minutes will be enough. During this time, the dough will have time to disperse and cool slightly.

5. Add vegetable oil and mix until it is completely combined with the rest of the mixture, that is, until the disappearance of oil stains.

6. Warm the pan thoroughly to a light haze and grease it with oil. To do this, you can use a silicone brush, or in the old fashioned way, lubricate with a peeled piece of potato.

7. Pour a full ladle of dough into the pan. At the same time, you need to quickly turn it so that the dough spreads evenly over the entire surface.

If you want the holes on the items to be as large as possible, they must be baked in a very hot pan. Pour a very thin layer of dough and grease the pan with vegetable oil before each new filling.

7. Fry the cake on one side. When you see that the surface was covered with holes and there was no batter left on it, and the edges began to dry out, turn it over and fry it on the other side.

8. Put finished products on a flat plate and grease with butter. Eat with pleasure!

The most delicious pancakes are hot with heat, so eat them while they are hot!

Pancakes with hot kefir and boiling water - a step-by-step recipe for 0.5 liters of kefir

This recipe, although similar to the previous one, is still different. And this difference will be observed not only in the composition of the ingredients, but also in the preparation of the dough.

We will need:

  • kefir - 0.5 liters
  • boiling water - 1 glass
  • eggs -2 pcs (large)
  • flour - 300 gr
  • sugar - - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons


1. Kefir 3.2% fat mixed with salt and sugar. You can mix with a whisk, but do not whisk.

2. Put on medium heat and stirring slightly to warm. Make sure that he does not become curious. Check the temperature of heating with your finger as it becomes warm, turn off the fire.

3. Remove from heat and add eggs and pre-sifted flour. Mix thoroughly while continuing to mix with a whisk.

4. Boil water, pour it into a glass and quickly mix soda in it. Add boiling water to the dough and mix again until smooth.

5. Pour in vegetable oil, mix until all the oil circles have disappeared. Then let the dough stand for a while so that all the ingredients combine. This will require 30 - 40 minutes of time.

6. Warm the pan thoroughly and pour the ladle of dough into it. You may need either a full or not quite full ladle, depending on its size. Focus more on the pan.

When pouring the dough, you need to quickly turn the pan so that the dough can spread quickly. In this case, the cake is thin. And since it will be thin, it means that everyone’s favorite holes will be on it.

Therefore, when you bake the first pancake, type the dough into a ladle and start pouring it, and immediately turn the pan. The dough spreads, and if it was not enough, then dial a little more into the ladle and pour into an empty seat. If the dough is left unnecessary, then you do not need to add it on top of the first layer.

To make products turn over well and easily, it is best to bake them in a frying pan of not very large size.

7. When the edges begin to dry out and there is no batter left on the surface of the product, turn it over and fry on the other side.

Put in a stack one on one.

Serve the finished dish with butter, or sour cream, or honey, or jam. With what the soul will wish! Eat with pleasure!

A simple recipe for yogurt and water

This is a very simple recipe, according to which everyone who wishes can prepare a delicious favorite dish!

Cooking with this recipe is simple, as little floury “suns” are always obtained.

We will need:

  • kefir - 1 cup
  • cold water - 1 cup
  • flour - 1.5 cups
  • egg - 1 - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • salt - a pinch
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. tablespoons + 1 tbsp. pan greasing spoon


1. Shake the egg with sugar with a fork. Add flour, salt and mix. Flour should be sifted, preferably even twice. So it will be saturated with oxygen, and the prepared thin cakes from this will turn out even tastier.

2. Then add kefir, mix until the lumps disappear. You can use a whisk for this.

3. Continue stirring, pour in cold water. To do this, you can use both ordinary water and mineral water.

4. When the dough becomes homogeneous, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Stir everything until the oil circles disappear.

5. Let the test stand for 20 to 30 minutes so that it disperses and becomes homogeneous and elastic.

6. Then thoroughly heat the pan, grease it with oil. You can use a silicone brush or an old peeled potato half. Moreover, it is necessary to lubricate it for the first time, so that the first copy does not turn out lumpy. The second and subsequent times, this can be done at will.

So that the first pancake does not turn out lumpy, the pan in which you pour the dough must be hot and it must be lubricated with vegetable oil.

Try not to pour a lot of dough, pour slowly, while slightly tilting and turning the pan. The thinner the dough layer, the more holes there will be!

7. Bake one side, when the edges are slightly dry, and there is no batter left on the surface of the workpiece, it must be turned to the other side. Someone turns his hands, picking it up from one edge with a knife. Someone flips using a flat spatula.

8. Then bake the second side. And if the first side can be cooked for about a minute, then the second side is ready much faster.

9. Ready-made products are stacked on a plate and served with sour cream or butter, and you can also serve them as a sweet dish with honey or jam.

10. Eat with pleasure!

As you probably noticed, according to this recipe, products are prepared without adding soda.

Custard test for milk and kefir dough

In addition to a simple dough, you can also cook choux, where either boiling water or boiled milk is used. Today we will consider different options.

The big advantage of this method is that the products are always obtained with a large number of large or small holes. They are like a sponge, and therefore very tasty with various additives in the form of jam, honey or sour cream.

We will need:

  • kefir - 500 ml
  • milk - 1 cup
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 2 cups
  • butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • soda - 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil - for frying


1. Kefir room temperature mixed with vegetable and melted butter.

2. Add eggs, sugar flour and salt. In this case, it is advisable to sift the flour in order to saturate it with a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Beat everything with a whisk or mixer at low speed until bubbles form. Leave for 30 minutes to insist.

3. Cook hot milk (boiling), pour soda into it and mix. Pour it in a thin stream into the dough, while stirring constantly. You can use a whisk for this.

4. Heat the pan to a slight haze, grease with oil and pour a portion of the dough. Turn the pan and distribute it with a thin even layer over the entire surface.

When baking, small bubbles will form on the surface, which will burst and holes will appear. To do this, pour the dough with a thin even layer.

5. When the lower part becomes rosy, turn the product over and bake the other side, also until golden. At the same time, it is baked twice as fast.

6. Ready-made products are stacked, each of them can be lubricated with butter. Or wait until they cool slightly and then roll up a straw and serve with fresh sour cream.

How to cook thin pancakes from custard dough on kefir (fermented baked milk)

According to this recipe, we will prepare our delicious dishes on fermented baked milk. But you can use kefir, if desired.

And it happens that a glass of one product, a glass of another, remains in the refrigerator. So it’s quite possible to mix them and prepare delicious “suns” from this mixture.

We will need:

  • fermented baked milk - 0, 5 liters (4%)
  • boiling water - 1 glass
  • flour - 2 cups
  • egg - 1 pc
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - a pinch
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoons
  • vanillin - 1 gr
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon + 1-2 tbsp. baking spoons
  • butter - 20 gr + lubricating oil


1. Remove the butter and let it lie at room temperature until it becomes soft. Take out fermented baked milk in advance from the refrigerator. We need it at room temperature.

2. Mix soft butter with sugar, vanilla, salt and egg until smooth. For whipping, you can use a whisk or mixer.

3. Add fermented baked milk and vegetable oil to the resulting mixture. Stir with a whisk or mixer at the lowest possible speed.

4. Continuing to churn, gradually pour in the sifted flour.

5. Pour soda into boiling water, mix and pour into the mixture, continuing to mix.

6. Bake thin flat cakes on both sides in a hot and oiled pan. How to do this was described in previous recipes.

7. Grease each baked product with butter while it is hot. Eat with pleasure!

Finished products are obtained with a fresh vanilla flavor, and are very tasty due to the mild taste of fermented baked milk. Instead of vanilla, you can add lemon zest and it will also add extra taste and aroma.

If you use zest, then take only the yellow part of the crust, the white part is bitter, and finished products can also adopt this taste.

Pancake recipe with holes of 1 liter of kefir and fermented baked milk

As mentioned above, fermented baked milk is also great for making dough. It can be safely used both instead of kefir, and together with it. And this is the recipe I want to offer you.

From this amount of ingredients, a lot of pancakes are obtained. Therefore, you can use half a serving.

We will need:

  • kefir - 0.5 liters
  • fermented baked milk - 0.5 liters
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • flour -3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - a pinch
  • soda - 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons


1. Beat eggs with sugar using a fork.

2. Add kefir without stirring with the egg, put soda and shake. As soon as the bubbles appear, add the sifted flour. Mix.

3. Gradually introduce fermented baked milk. It should turn out the dough, like liquid sour cream.

4. Add vegetable oil and mix until oil stains disappear.

5. Put a frying pan on a strong fire and heat it. Lubricate with oil. Pour a thin layer of dough, the thinner it is, the thinner the finished cakes will turn out, and the more holes there will be on them.

6. Before each new batch of dough, grease the pan with oil. And you can bake without lubrication. But if you lubricate, then there will be more holes.

Try it this way and that way - then choose for yourself which ones you like best.

7. When the pancake is lightly browned on one side, turn it over to the other side. Frying on the other side will take less time.

8. Lubricate the finished little "suns" with butter, or serve with sour cream. And you can wrap some stuffing in them.

9. Eat with pleasure!

Cooking the dough with yeast and hot kefir

According to this recipe, you can use both dry and fresh yeast. Today I am preparing from fresh, and if you want to use dry, then calculate how much they need to be added for a given amount of flour.

On the bag is always written the expense for a certain amount of flour. Since the varieties of dry yeast are different, then the calculation is different.

We will need:

  • kefir - 0.5 liters
  • water - 300 ml
  • fresh yeast - 1 tsp
  • flour - 320 gr
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 s. spoons
  • butter - for serving


1. Dilute the yeast in 50 ml. warm water, add a teaspoon of sugar. Stir, cover with a napkin and put in a warm place for 20 minutes so that the dough comes up.

2. Beat eggs with salt and remaining sugar with a fork.

3. Kefir is heated in a water bath to about 40 degrees and add to the resulting egg mixture.

4. Sift the flour through a sieve and gradually add to the mixture of kefir and eggs. Knead a thick dough of consistency of thick sour cream. Allow to stand for 5 minutes, so that all the ingredients have time to disperse.

6. Add the dough slightly raised by then. Mix.

7. Pour in 250 ml. warm water. Stir the dough until smooth. Cover with a napkin or towel and put in a warm place for 1 hour to insist.

8. Then pour the vegetable oil, knead the dough and mix the oil into it.

9. Bake the product in a hot skillet.

10. Grease finished products with melted butter and serve hot. Eat with pleasure!

You can serve at least with butter, at least with sour cream.

Lush thick pancakes with hot kefir and milk (delicious proven recipe)

Flour products according to this recipe are not quite thin, but beautiful and delicate.

We will need (for 10 pieces):

  • kefir - 0.5 liters
  • milk - 1 cup
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 1, 5 cups
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • soda - 1 teaspoon (incomplete)
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Kefir slightly warm in a water bath. He needs a little warm, make sure that he does not become curved when heated.

2. Add eggs, sugar, salt, soda and eggs. Mix thoroughly, you can use a whisk. It is good if small bubbles appear with stirring.

3. Gradually add flour and mix until the lumps disappear.

4. Bring the milk to a boil and pour in a thin stream into the resulting dough. At the same time, constantly stirring it with a whisk so that the milk is evenly distributed, and the dough becomes homogeneous and sufficiently liquid.

5. Continuing to stir, pour in oil and mix until the oil circles disappear. The dough should not be liquid. It is somewhat “protracted,” rather heavy.

6. Lubricate the pan with oil and bake products on a hot surface until golden brown on both sides. Since the dough is heavy, the baking time should be slightly longer than for thin ones.

Pancakes are openwork, patterned, as if adorned with intricate lace. Even to eat such a pity. I would have looked, but looked!

7. Serve with butter or sour cream. Eat with pleasure!

The finished products are delicious, with a milky taste, very tender and as “lingering” as the dough from which they were baked!

Pancakes with kefir and boiling water - a step-by-step recipe for cooking without eggs

Someone believes that you can not cook this dish without eggs. That they will stick to the pan and will not roll over. This is not so, according to this recipe they turn out to be very tasty and eggs are absolutely not needed for this.

We will need:

  • kefir - 500 ml
  • water - 1 cup
  • flour - 9 - 10 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml


1. Kefir slightly warmed in a water bath, it is important that the temperature is not too high and it does not curd.

2. Add soda to kefir and mix until bubbles form.

3. Add sifted flour and mix again. You can use a whisk for this.

4. Meanwhile, boil water and pour a glass of water into the dough in a thin stream. Constantly mixing the contents. The dough should become liquid and easily merge from a spoon.

5. Pour in oil and mix thoroughly to a state until oil stains remain on the test.

6. Heat the frying pan over a fire, grease it with oil and pour in a portion of the dough, turning the pan, distribute it over the entire surface.

7. At first bubbles will appear on the surface of the workpiece, then they will burst and holes will appear. So you can flip.

8. The second side will bake faster than the first.

9. Put the baked products in a stack and serve with sour cream, or butter.

According to this recipe, they are very tender and tasty. Therefore, be sure to try cooking it. He leaves no one indifferent.

Lush Guriev pancakes on kefir (yogurt) and whipped squirrels

We will need:

  • kefir or yogurt - 2 glasses
  • flour - 320 gr (2 cups)
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • butter or ghee better - 100 gr
  • sugar - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - a pinch
  • vegetable oil - for frying


1. Separate the proteins from the yolks.

2. Sift the flour into a bowl, make a funnel in the middle and pour the yolks there. Shake with a fork. Add salt and sugar and mix again.

3. Add softened butter or ghee. Stir again.

The amount of oil can be reduced, in this case, the product will turn out less caloric.

4. Dilute flour with butter and yolks with kefir or yogurt to the density of sour cream, thoroughly stirring all the lumps. Allow the dough to stand for a little while so that everything goes apart.

5. Separately, beat the egg whites to steady peaks. Add them immediately before baking. Stir thoroughly until smooth.

6. Put the frying pan on the fire and heat. Grease it with vegetable oil and pour a portion of dough. Spread it by turning the pan and tilting it. Bake until liquid dough remains on top and the edges dry.

7. Turn to the other side and bake until golden brown.

8. Serve ready-made goodies with sour cream or butter. Eat with pleasure!

Now, let's move on to the next category of recipes. Here, in addition to the main components, we will add not quite familiar to us.

A delicious recipe for dough on kefir and pumpkin puree

According to this recipe, I suggest using pumpkin as an additional component.

We will need:

  • kefir - 1 cup
  • milk - 1 cup
  • pumpkin puree - 0, 5 cups
  • flour - 1 cup
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - a pinch
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. tablespoons + frying oil


1. Combine the eggs with sugar and salt and mix thoroughly, you can use a whisk or a mixer for this, but only at low speed.

2. Sift the flour with baking powder and add to the mixture. Immediately add kefir and pumpkin puree, mix.

3. Gradually pour in milk, continuing to mix the contents until smooth. We use this whisk.

4. Then add vegetable oil, mix again and let it brew for a bit, 20 to 30 minutes.

5. Heat the pan to a slight haze, grease with oil and pour a portion of the dough. Bake on one side, then turn over and bake on the other side. Fold in a stack on a plate.

6. Serve with sour cream or honey. Or melt butter, roll products and pour them on top.

Video on how to cook thin semolina pancakes with oatmeal (without flour)

Not only flour can you cook our favorite dish. For this, you can use other cereals. For example, you can bake such lush cakes of semolina and oatmeal.

Thus, you can not only prepare a delicious healthy breakfast, but also significantly diversify the menu.

Serve such cakes can be traditionally with sour cream. And someone more likes to eat them with condensed milk, or honey. At the same time, they can be washed down not only with tea, but also with milk.

Thin lace pancakes with cheese and fresh herbs

Very tasty and appetizing sun cakes can be cooked according to this recipe.

We will need:

  • kefir - 2 glasses
  • flour - 1 cup
  • hard cheese - 150 gr
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • fresh greens - a small bunch


1. Mix eggs, salt, sugar with a whisk. Add milk and continue to beat until smooth.

2. Sift the flour through a sieve with a baking powder. Gradually pour in the liquid component, constantly mixing until the lumps disappear, until we pour it all the way to the end.

3. When the lumps are left to add oil, mix thoroughly.

4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Chop the garlic, finely chop the greens.

5. Add prepared ingredients to the dough and mix thoroughly. Allow to stand for 10 minutes.

6. Heat the frying pan to a light haze, grease with vegetable oil and bake thin cakes until they are rosy on both sides.

7. Serve with sour cream.

These pancakes are good to use as a snack. To do this, grease each of them with a thin layer of mayonnaise, or mayonnaise with sour cream. Put them in this form one on one. Collect the cake and refrigerate.

Then get and cut into chilled neat little smooth diamonds. Pierce with skewers and put on a plate.

According to the same recipe, you can cook them without garlic, use only cheese and fresh herbs.

Dessert fluffy pancakes from kefir dough and banana puree (without soda)

Such granddaughters are very fond of my granddaughter. I bake them of a small size, and that is why she likes them so much. And also because inside them contains banana puree, which she loves.

Pancakes - this is perhaps a dish that can not be compared in popularity with any other. In antiquity, they accompanied a person from birth to death. They fed women in childbirth, and served during memorial dinners. And they also prepared them as an everyday dish.

And now we are preparing them not only for Shrovetide, but also all year round. We eat them simply as an independent dish and actively use them. And I think that they have always been baked, baked now and will be baked for a long time in all the families of our vast Earth.

Bon Appetit!