How to cook turkey basics deliciously. Tasty turkey basics: different cooking options

29.09.2019 Dishes for children

   Calorie content:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not indicated

  I really love turkey, I often try to cook something interesting out of it. Today I just want to offer you such a recipe, very tasty and at the same time simple - azo from turkey, which is cooked in a pan. Azu is a traditional dish of Tatar cuisine, but they are cooked either with lamb, we will take more dietary meat, the result will still be very tasty. Be sure to add delicious pickles, a little dry garlic, fresh juicy tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and onions - all together come out perfectly for a hearty dinner. I suggest cooking in a pan so that everyone can repeat the recipe, but in the future you can cook in the lingon bowl. So, we will prepare all the products on the list and get started!

- turkey fillet - 400 g,
- potatoes - 200 g,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- onions - 1 pc.,
- tomatoes - 2 pcs.,
- pickles - 1-2 pcs.,
- vegetable oil - 50 ml,
- tomato sauce - 3 tablespoons,
- water - 1 glass,
- salt, pepper, paprika, dry garlic - to taste.

How to cook with a photo step by step

  Prepare turkey fillet - wash the meat and dry with kitchen napkins. After the turkey, cut into small pieces, "for one clove."

  Peel, wash, dry the carrots and onions. Prepare vegetables - cut the onion in half rings, cut the carrots into strips.

  Warm the vegetable oil in a pan, transfer pieces of turkey and fry until golden brown.

  Add carrots and onions to the turkey.

  Dice clean ripe tomatoes into cubes. Put tomatoes in a pan. Rearrange the pan to the fire, fry everything together for another 5-7 minutes.

  Meanwhile, cut into strips delicious pickles.

  Transfer the cucumbers to the pan. Peel and wash the potato tubers. Cut potatoes into large pieces. Transfer potatoes to a pan.

  Pour tomato sauce into the pan, add a glass of water. Pour all the spices, mix and simmer the ingredients over medium heat for 25-30 minutes. At the end of cooking, take a sample of the basics, add salt and pepper if necessary.

Good appetite!
  It will be tasty and

What to cook from meat - recipes

turkey basics

1 hour 15 minutes

210 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Turkey Azu with potatoes in a pan

Kitchen appliances:  plate, frying pan, pan with a lid.


Cooking steps

  1. To start, we clean the turkey fillet and cut it into medium pieces.

  2. We cut the potatoes, pickles, carrots into strips, and the onions - a quarter into rings.

  3. Heat a portion of sunflower oil and butter in a pan. We spread the turkey meat in a pan and fry for 9 minutes.

      When the meat is fried, transfer it to a plate.
  4. In a pan, on which the turkey was fried, put the onions, crush with sugar and fry for 7 minutes.

  5. We report the carrots and fry for 6 minutes. Then add flour, stir and fry for a minute.

  6. Add tomato paste to the pan to the vegetables, mix and fry for 4 minutes.

  7. Pour water into the pan, mix and bring to a boil.

      Then spread the turkey meat, add and let it boil again.
  8. Add pickles, mix, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

  9. While the meat with vegetables is being prepared, we heat the sunflower oil in the second pan, put the potatoes and fry until cooked.

  10. When the potatoes are ready, add them to the pan to the basics and simmer for 6 minutes.

  11. Grind the garlic and add to the basics at the very end of cooking.

      Leave the basics to infuse under the lid for 14 minutes.

Video of turkey basque with potatoes in a pan

This video will introduce you to a recipe for turkey bask with potatoes in a pan.

Turkey Azu - video recipe

In this video recipe, we will tell you how to cook turkey basics in a frying pan at home. This hearty and vibrant dish, a great option for lunch or dinner, is prepared without unnecessary trouble.

Ingredients for turkey basics:
  Turkey (thigh / fillet) - 0.7-1 kg
  Onions - 1 pc.
  Carrots - 1 pc.
  Potato - 500-700 g
  Pickles - 2 pcs. medium size
  Vegetable oil - for frying
  Butter - 1-2 tbsp. (optional)
  Sugar - 1-2 pinches
  Wheat flour - 2-3 pinches (optional)
  Tomato paste - 2-3 tbsp.
  Water / broth - 500 ml
  Spices to taste
  Garlic - 5-6 cloves
  Fresh herbs to taste

Photo recipe -
  Other recipes of the author -

2017-02-03T07: 45: 58.000Z

  • Time for preparing:  50 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 3.
  • Kitchen appliances:  plate, frying pan, knife and cutting boards.


Cooking steps

  1. We clean the turkey fillet and cut into medium pieces.
  2. We heat the sunflower oil in a pan, spread the turkey meat and fry until golden brown. We put the finished meat on a plate.
  3. Finely chop the onion, and cut the mushrooms into thin slices. We put the mushrooms and onions in the pan on which the meat was fried, and fry for 8 minutes.
  4. Add flour to the mushrooms with onions and fry for a minute. Then add sour cream, add water, add spices and add salt. Mix and simmer for 4 minutes.
  5. Wash parsley and finely chopped. Add Dijon mustard and chopped parsley to the pan.
  6. Then put the turkey and finely chopped cucumbers in the pan. Mix, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

Video of turkey basil with mushrooms and sour cream in a pan

This video will introduce you to the process of cooking basics of turkey with mushrooms and sour cream.

Turkey Azu with Sour Cream

Delicious basics can be prepared not only from beef, but also from turkey. This recipe is one of the simplest. A minimum of ingredients, a minimum of cooking time, and in the end - a wonderful dish. See the recipe on the site

Step by step recipe with photos and videos

Turkey Azu is a light, aromatic and very tasty dish. A great option for lunch or dinner, without any extra hassle.

The recipe is based on the traditional combination of meat, spicy tomato sauce, potatoes, pickles, garlic and herbs, which is traditional for the basics, only instead of beef / lamb we will add dietary turkey meat. Thanks to such a minor change, the dish will cook faster, turn out lighter, but at the same time preserve the colors, juiciness and appetizing combination of aromas and tastes for which the basics are famous. Give it a try!

Prepare the ingredients on a list.

Cut the turkey meat into small pieces, not more than 1 cm thick and about 4-5 centimeters long.

Peel and julienne the potatoes, onions and carrots. Also, julienne, chop pickles.

Heat the vegetable oil, optionally add a piece of butter. When the oil warms up so that a slight smoke appears above its surface, put the pieces of meat in a pan in one layer in a pan.

Fry meat in hot oil over high heat without reducing heat. This point is important, because in this way a crust forms on the surface of the pieces, which seals all the juices inside, and the meat retains its natural juiciness. In the process of frying, do not stir the meat, but shake the pan lightly. Fry the meat for 5-10 minutes until the pieces are lightly browned. With such rapid frying, the meat may not have time to cook completely. This is not scary, because it will come to readiness later, in the process of extinguishing. Remove the fried pieces of meat from the pan and set aside for a while.

Add chopped onions to the remaining mixture of oil and meat juice. Sprinkle the onions with 1-2 pinches of sugar and, stirring, fry over medium heat for 6-8 minutes, until soft. The onion should not fry too much, but a light caramel crust should appear on its surface - this will give the dish an additional flavor.

When the onion is browned, add the carrots and stir, fry the vegetables for another 5-7 minutes.

If desired, add 3 pinches of wheat flour and, stirring over low heat, fry the mixture for another 1-2 minutes. This stage is optional, but it will give the basics of turkey a pleasant density.

Add 2-3 tbsp. Tomato paste or chopped fresh tomatoes, mix and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

Then, stirring, pour water or broth (I add chicken broth). Mix everything thoroughly and bring the mixture to a boil.

Add spices to taste. I add suneli hops, a little red pepper and paprika.

When the gravy boils, add the meat.

Bring everything to a boil again and add pickles. Mix everything thoroughly, cover the container with a lid and simmer the dish over low heat for 20 minutes.

In order to adjust the saturation of taste of cucumbers in a dish, you can add half the chopped cucumbers immediately, stew the dish for 5-7 minutes, and then try the gravy and add more if desired.

In the meantime, cook the potatoes. Heat the vegetable oil over high heat, add 1-2 pinches of salt. When a slight smoke appears above the surface of the oil, add the prepared potatoes and fry them until tender.

After 20 minutes of stewing, add the fried potatoes to the basics of turkey and stew the dish for another 5-7 minutes.

Turn off the heat, add finely chopped garlic and half the herbs. Mix everything thoroughly, try and add salt to taste, as well as a little sugar or even spices, if necessary.

Let the dish brew for a few more minutes, then sprinkle with the remaining herbs and serve.

Ace of turkey is ready. Bon Appetit.

Azu is a very simple and easy dish. Aza with tomatoes and carrots is a minimum of ingredients and a maximum of taste.

Total cooking time   - 50 minutes

Training   - 10 minutes

Servings Per Container – 4-6

Level of difficulty   - easily


How to cook

What to cook


Turkey fillet - 650-700 grams

Carrots - 1 piece

Onion - 1 head (large)

Tomato - 1 piece (large or 2 medium)

Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons

Salt, pepper, spices

How to cook turkey basics:

Wash and cut the turkey fillet into small strips.

Heat vegetable oil in a skillet or in a low saucepan. Fry the fillet pieces for about 12-15 minutes.

Prepare the vegetables. Peel and finely chop the onion.

Wash the carrots well. Peel and grate.

Finely chop the tomatoes. If desired, tomatoes can be peeled first. To do this, make an incision on the skin of a tomato and pour boiling water over it. Soak for several minutes in hot water (5-7 minutes) and cool the saz in cold water. Then peel off.

Salt the fried turkey fillet to taste and season with pepper and spices. Stir and put the vegetables.

First put chopped onion. Carrots and tomatoes are on it.

Cover the pan and simmer for about 25 minutes. After 10-15 minutes, mix the meat.

Serve basics with rice, pasta or potatoes.

Bon Appetit!

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Turkey Azu - slices of tasty, tender and diet poultry meat stewed in sauce. The dish belongs to the Tatar cuisine and it is not difficult to cook it. It can be prepared from different types of meat, for example, from beef, lamb or young horsemeat. Today I bring to your attention the recipes of basics from less calorie turkey meat, which is cooked in a pan.

The dish is very tasty and fragrant. Ready basics need to be given a little insist. Serve it better when hot, sprinkled with fresh herbs. The detailed recipes in this article will help you learn how to make a delicious turkey meatball.

  Turkey fillet - 0.5 kg
  Carrot - 1 pc.
  Onion - 2 pcs.
  Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  Water - 1 cup
  Spices and salt to taste

How to cook turkey basics

My turkey fillet and cut into small pieces.

Fry the meat in a pan with the addition of sunflower oil until white for about 5-7 minutes.

  Wash and peel the onions with carrots. Dice the onion and rub the carrots on a coarse grater.

  We send vegetables to meat and mix, cook for 5-7 minutes over medium heat.

  Wash and chop tomatoes.

Wash the pepper and clean it from seeds, and then cut it into pieces.

We send all the chopped vegetables to the pan.

Pour in water and mix, simmer another 10-15 minutes.

  Add to the pan spices to taste a mixture of Provence herbs, parsley, peas and salt. Mix and bring over low heat until cooked for 10-20 minutes.

  Ready-made basics with turkey are served to the garnish of pasta necessarily hot. Bon Appetit!

Tasty turkey basque with mushrooms. Video recipe

Bon Appetit!

  Before frying, the meat must be dried. So it will immediately be covered with a crust, which will not allow juice to come out of the meat, and it will remain juicy. Otherwise, it will be stewed in the moisture accumulated after washing the fillet. And all the juice comes out of the meat.

Recipe turkey azu in a pan with sour cream sauce

This is a great option for a delicious meal for lunch or dinner. You can serve it to the table with any side dish, and the gravy turns out just to lick your fingers.
  Ingredients for 4 servings:
  Turkey fillet - 0.5 kg
  Sour cream - 0.5 cups
  Onion - 1 pc.
  Vegetable oil - to taste (for frying)
  Salt and greens to taste
  Water - 0.5 cups


  Wash, dry and chop the turkey fillet with medium cubes.

  Put the cubes of turkey meat in a pan with vegetable oil and set on fire. Toast, stirring, over medium heat until lightly browned.

  Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings.

  Put the onions in a pan, gently mix.

  Fry for another 3-4 minutes, then put sour cream in a pan.

  Add a little more water, salt and spices to taste.

Leave on medium heat for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and let stand for another 10 minutes under the lid.

  Before serving, you can sprinkle with herbs. Bon Appetit!

  To make the basics tender, fry the products in vegetable oil, with the addition of cream. So the products will get a mild flavor.

Gentle Tatar turkey basque with pickles

Pieces of meat or poultry in Tatar must be fried and stewed in an acidic environment. Then they will turn out really gentle. We prepare the basics of less calorie and more tender fillet of a large turkey bird with pickles. It is this ingredient that is the key feature of the dish, and without it, the basics would be ordinary stew. We will adhere to standard technology. Stew meat in a spicy tomato sauce with potatoes and pickles. We complement the dish with fresh, juicy greens.
  Turkey (fillet) - 500 g
  Potatoes - 7-8 pcs.
  Onion - 1 pc.
  Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l
  Pickles - 100-150 g
  Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  Greens - 1 bunch
  Vegetable oil - about 80 ml
  Salt to taste

How to cook Tatar style in a pan

We clean the onions. We shred a thin bulb with thin half rings. Stirring, fry in a deep pan with a small portion of oil until soft. Next, add the tomato paste and sauté a couple more minutes.

  We wash and cut the turkey fillet with cubes about 3-4 cm long. We transfer the resulting tomato-onion sauté to other dishes. In a free pan, spread the fillet sticks. Fry the meat over high heat for 2-3 minutes. Then add the passer.

  Fill the turkey with water so that the meat pieces are completely covered with liquid. Stew under a lid at a low temperature until the meat is fully cooked. In parallel, peel, cut potatoes into cubes. We spread it on the red-hot, oiled surface of a spacious pan and fry on moderate heat.

  We chop the cucumbers with straws, or rub on a coarse grater. Fry them in a separate bowl with a spoon or two of vegetable oil. As soon as the golden crust begins to appear, remove the cucumber slices from the heat.

  We spread almost ready potatoes to the turkey. Add the parsley, cucumbers, as well as garlic cloves passed through the press. Throw salt and, if desired, your favorite seasonings, then gently mix everything.

Tom azu under the lid for another 15 minutes. At the very end, sprinkle the hot potato-meat mixture with finely chopped herbs.

  We lay out in beautiful plates, serve the basics of turkey with vegetables. Bon Appetit!

Video recipe on how to cook basics of poultry with sour cream

Bon Appetit!

Azu in the classic version is prepared with lamb and beef. But in this case, there is a lightweight option. Therefore, those who follow the figure can treat themselves to such a wonderful dish.
Turkey Azu is a low-calorie dish. It has a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, contains phosphorus in large quantities. And just this delicious dish of familiar foods for lunch or dinner for the whole family.

You will also find it useful for summer picnics. And for the summer, it’s important on kvass, kefir, mineral water, whey, yogurt, ayran, lemon juice and water. Cook with pleasure! See you again on my blog.

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