What applies to proteins and carbohydrates table. What foods are proteins, fats and carbohydrates

25.08.2019 Snacks

All those who carefully monitor their figure and the health of the body as a whole, at least once in their life, have come across such a concept as “separate nutrition”. But many do not fully understand exactly what exactly means such nutrition. It turns out that there are groups of products related to different nutrients - proteins and carbohydrates, which, getting into the body together, only complicate their digestion. The so-called internal incompatibility occurs, which subsequently results in overweight, and can also provoke intestinal problems and stomach troubles. In order to avoid this and, conversely, with the help of food to cleanse your body of slagging, you must correctly learn how to combine proteins and carbohydrates in a separate diet.

The essence of this separation is that for the digestion of products related to proteins, you need a medium with high acidity. But carbohydrates are perfectly absorbed by the body in an alkaline environment. But when they enter inside immediately together, an imbalance occurs. As a result, the main metabolism slows down, food is not well digested and one part is stored in fats, and the other just remains to ferment and rot. Therefore, proteins and carbohydrates are recommended to be consumed separately from each other and with a three-hour break.

What about proteins and carbohydrates?

To learn this kind of separate nutrition, you need to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhich foods are carbohydrates and which proteins. The first include:

  • bran bread and pastry from wholemeal flour;
  • all cereals except semolina;
  • pasta;
  • various cereals and granola;
  • potatoes;
  • sugar and honey;
  • all vegetables except eggplant;
  • bananas, dates, figs, dried apricots, raisins, grapes.

Proteins include the following products:

  • eggs
  • meat;
  • fish and seafood;
  • eggplant;
  • mushrooms;
  • all legumes;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • apples, cherries, pears, apricots and peaches, nectarines and plums, cherry plum, sweet cherries and all citrus fruits.

In order to correctly combine proteins in a healthy separate diet, foods from the first list should not be combined with food from the second list in one meal. A break of 4 hours would be ideal, if such a time period is difficult to sustain, then at least two hours. At the same time, it is better to use proteins at lunchtime, but for dinner, prefer carbohydrates.

In order to eat right, follow a certain diet or just have an idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy diet, we must clearly understand which foods are protein foods, which are carbohydrates and fats; what is called water and fiber in the understanding of nutritionists.

What to drink water for weight loss

Well, with water and other drinks, everything is clear. Water, which, in order to lose weight, should drink at least 2 liters, is pure drinking water. Ideally, filtered, and even better, melt water. But if the question is: drink boiled water or not drink at all, then still drink!

As for teas, broths and juices, these drinks are not included in 2 liters of the necessary liquid.

What is protein?

All types of meat, poultry, offal, dairy products, cheeses, eggs, fish. There are also vegetable proteins - legumes and mushrooms. But the main source of protein food is still bold in our system - it is meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. It is these products that provide the body with the necessary amino acids and vitamins.

Classification of vegetable and animal fats

However, we refer these same products to fats, animal fats! Which in order to normalize weight should never be mixed with vegetable. Animal fats also include butter, internal fat of poultry, lamb, beef and pork.

Vegetable fats are any vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, corn, sesame, flax seeds, pumpkin and others. These fats that are not stored in excess weight, we include fish fat, caviar, fish liver. Here we also take nuts and seeds.

Therefore, it is better to eat fish not with protein food, but with carbohydrate. After all, as I already mentioned, for weight loss carbohydrates should be eaten with vegetable fats, and proteins - with animals (as nature intended).

What foods are carbohydrates

All cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal, barley, wheat groats, etc.), pasta, bakery products, pastries, sugar. Simply put, what we call porridge. We also include starchy root crops: potatoes, turnips, pumpkin, carrots and beets.

Legumes (lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans) contain a lot of vegetable protein, but still I advise you not to mix them with animal protein. We will also conditionally attribute them to carbohydrates.

  - This is the majority of raw vegetables.

Content of the article:

Description of these elements, their types, purpose, functions and differences. How much you need to consume and in which products you can find.

  The term "proper nutrition" is found everywhere. At the same time, few people thoroughly know what a healthy food is, what foods a diet should contain, and what it is recommended to refuse. But there are no secrets. The main goal in selecting nutritional components is to understand what proteins, fats and carbohydrates are, how much they are contained in food, and also in what volumes they are recommended to be consumed.

For a better understanding of the topic, each of the elements should be considered separately, after which it will be useful to study the list of products with their high and low contents.


These are the main energy providers. Their task is to help muscle fibers function normally. In addition, the element contributes to the normal metabolism of fats and proteins in the body.

The following varieties are distinguished:

  • Simple. This category includes mono- and disaccharides - elements that have a simple structure. The main representatives are fructose, sugar, maple syrup, sweets.
  • Difficult. They have a complex structure, called polysaccharides. The main suppliers are legumes, vegetables, cereals, pasta of hard varieties. They play a key role in the body and positively affect all the processes that take place.

Their excessive consumption leads to the accumulation of body fat, which negatively affects the figure. Lack is the way to weakness, bad mood, lethargy, fatigue and drowsiness.

Many obscure points are related to food. So, many are interested in: is bread carbohydrates or proteins? To avoid such ambiguities, consider a list of carbohydrate products:

  • Sweets, sugar, marmalade, pasta, dates, raisins and jam - the volume of the element at the level 60-70 grams  (based on 100 g).
  • Beans, bread, prunes, cakes, halva, chocolate, peas, apricot - 45-60 grams.
  • Curd cheese, green peas, figs, grapes, potatoes, ice cream and bananas -   12-20 grams.
  • Watermelon, apricots, peaches, oranges, blueberries, lemon, strawberries - 6-10 grams.

As already mentioned, complex carbohydrates must be in the diet. If you give a list of products containing proteins and carbohydrates of this type, then it is worth highlighting brown rice, cereals (primarily oat and buckwheat), lentils, soy and mushrooms.

To summarize:

  • When losing weight this nutrient should be consumed 10-30% (no more), and while maintaining (gaining) weight - 40-60%.
  • The menu should be saturated with a complex type of element.
  • Carbohydrate products are taken until 2-4 pm.
  • Eliminating or reducing the intake of fast carbohydrates is only a plus.


Protein (protein) is a constant component of the diet. This is the main building material, without which the growth of muscles and tissues as a whole is impossible. It was noted above that fats, carbohydrates and proteins should be distributed in strict accordance. The proportion of protein in this case is 30-50%   whole diet. In the process of losing weight, the indicator should be higher - 50-70% .

Products high in its content:

  • Cottage cheese (nonfat), meat, beans, peas and cheeses - from 15 grams and more  (per 100 g of product).
  • Cottage cheese (fat), cereals (oatmeal, millet, buckwheat), pork, boiled sausages - 12-15 grams.
  • Rye bread, green peas, pearl barley, dairy products, potatoes, cabbage - 5-10 grams.
  • Fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, berries -   1-2 grams.

Protein is also divided into two categories:

  • Animalthat comes from animal products. This category includes meat, poultry, fish, milk, cottage cheese and eggs.
  • Vegetablethat the body receives from plants. It is worth highlighting rye, oatmeal, walnuts, lentils, beans, soy and seaweed.

To cover the daily norm, a person should receive 0.8-2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. With a smaller volume, there is a high risk of deficiency and negative health effects. Some athletes increase the dosage to 3-4 grams, but this approach is not always justified due to the inability of the body to digest and absorb such a volume. In this case, an excessive amount of protein creates an additional burden on the body, which can also lead to a number of negative consequences.

  Knowing which foods are rich in protein and carbohydrates, it’s easier to plan a diet and achieve your goals faster. As for protein, here it is worth remembering a number of nuances:

  • Add both plant and animal type nutrients to the menu.
  • Plan your dosage based on your goals, activity, weight and total calorie intake. Make it easy. It is enough to control the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in foods and make up for the deficiency when such a need arises.
  • Take protein and vegetables for dinner. In this case, the dishes should be steamed, boiled or brought to readiness in the oven. Frying is not recommended.


Many forget about the benefits of fats, which, along with carbohydrates, are considered energy suppliers. Fat deposits retain heat, provide energy and act as a support for internal organs.

They also:

  • The main suppliers of energy during periods of food shortage and disease, when the body receives a small amount of nutrients or does not receive them at all.
  • Guaranteed elasticity of blood vessels, due to which beneficial elements penetrate tissues and cells faster.
  • Assistants in the normalization of the skin, nail plates and hair.
  • Participants in the synthesis of hormones. In addition, it is they who are responsible for the menstruation process.

If you take foods that do not contain fat, a number of negative consequences may occur. Normal dosage - 0.8-1 grams per kilogram of weightthat averages out 10-20%   from the total diet.

  As for the products, it is worth highlighting the following representatives:

  • Butter (butter, ghee, vegetable), cooking oil, margarine, pork fat -   from 80 grams and more.
  • Cheese, pork, goose or duck meat, sour cream, sausage (boiled, smoked), chocolate - 20-40 grams.
  • Beef, beef sausages, salmon, saury, mackerel - 10-20 grams.
  • Sweets, pink salmon, lamb, fat yogurt, milk, cottage cheese - 3-10 grams.

Considering this nutrient, it is worth knowing about the existence of two of its types:

  • Useful (unsaturated). Their consumption is good for the body. The sources include avocados, vegetable oils, seeds, sprouts, fish, fish oil.
  • Bad (saturated)  - cream, lard, meat (pork, lamb, beef).

To summarize:

  • The intake of foods with fats is necessary. The average dosage is 0.8-1 grams per kilogram of weight.
  • Consuming fatty foods in the evening is undesirable.
  • The main emphasis should be on unsaturated fats.

Questions and answers

  • Is fish a carbohydrate or protein? Many people ask, the supplier of which elements is fish. There is no single answer - it all depends on its type. So, the protein / carbohydrate content in the gobies is 13 / 5.2 grams. As for the rest (most) fish - bream, flounder, pink salmon, crucian carp and others, then they do not have carbohydrates at all, but there is a sufficient amount of protein.
  • Are vegetables or carbohydrates? As for vegetables, many of them contain both nutrients. For example, green onions contain 1.3 grams of protein and 4.3 grams of carbohydrates, in eggplants - 0.6 / 5.5 g, in cauliflower - 2.5 / 4.9 g, in red pepper - 1, 3/8 g and so on.
  • What foods have a lot of protein, few carbohydrates and fats? Low-fat chicken meat, low-fat fish and seafood, low-fat cottage cheese are suitable here. These products are ideal for use on a diet.