Bran bread - good and bad. How to cook bran bread recipe, its benefits

Today, the shelves of bread shops and grocery stores are packed with all kinds of pastries. Of particular interest to supporters of a healthy diet and those who want to lose weight is bran bread. These products are made from the crushed shell of cereals mixed with different varieties of flour.

Due to this feature of the approach, a lot of useful and even necessary substances for the normal functioning of the body glow in the composition of the finished product. The regular use of such products contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, positively affecting the state of healthy people and frequent visitors to medical institutions.

Composition and nutritional value of bran bread

A few years ago, bran was considered waste of flour milling. About 20 years ago, the situation radically changed. A study of the chemical composition of raw materials helped to highlight in it such substances useful for human health:

  • Cellulose. It starts bowel cleansing, collecting along its length all waste products and removing them from the body. Dietary fiber of plant origin lowers blood cholesterol if it is elevated.
  • Vitamins of group B.  Necessary for the normalization of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin E. Natural antioxidant that binds and removes free radicals from tissues.
  • Minerals They increase the functionality of organs and systems, establish metabolic processes, maintain water balance in the body.
  • Lipominic acid.  A unique substance that takes part in the regulation of all life processes in the body.
  • Vitamin C. Another active antioxidant that cleanses tissues of toxins and toxins, while enhancing the body's defenses and strengthening its immunity.
  •   . This mineral should be distinguished separately. Thanks to its presence, bran bread positively affects the activity of the brain and stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones.

To date, in the baking business, there are more than 20 types of bran bread, which differ slightly from each other in taste and chemical composition. All these products can be prepared even independently, at home. Subject to all technical requirements, the calorie content of the finished product will be 248 units per 100 g of weight. It is noteworthy that these calories are not able to cause damage to the figure, because splitting complex carbohydrates as part of the test will take a lot of energy.

Useful properties of bran bread

Regular, but normalized use of bran bread can have a positive effect on the condition of any person. According to nutritionists, the inclusion of a nutritious product in the diet contributes to the development of such results:

  • The heart muscle is strengthened, the tone of the vessels is normalized, their walls become more elastic.

Tip: When buying bran bread or when making it yourself, you need to remember the proportions. Bread will not be useful if you bake it from wheat flour and roll in bran. The dough itself should at least 30% consist of useful raw materials.

  • The immunity is strengthened, the body's resistance to harmful external factors is increased.
  • Reproduction increases, the risk of impotence in men in adulthood decreases.
  • Pretty high-calorie bran bread gives a feeling of fullness, which makes it easier to survive the diet and overeat in the process of daily nutrition.
  • The use of bran bread is an effective prevention of atherosclerosis and pathological conditions that occur against its background.

  • Nutritious baking normalizes the emotional state, improves the functioning of the nervous system. It allows you to deal with stress and mood swings.
  • The presence of antioxidants in the bran test slows down the aging of the body, which is often the result of poisoning of tissues by toxins, toxins and free radicals.
  • The work of the digestive tract improves, stool normalizes.
  • The cleansing properties of bread with bran lead to an improvement in the condition of joints and an increase in the functionality of the liver.
  • Bran slows down the process of splitting, thereby lowering the glycemic index of other foods. Such pastries should be paid attention to people suffering from diabetes.

The benefits and harms of bran bread depend not only on its composition and quality, but also on compliance with the rules for its use. If you abuse the product, you can discreetly cross the acceptable line. As a result, natural raw materials will begin to harm the body, and not heal it.

Features of the use of bran bread largely depend on the condition of the person. Here are a few nuances to keep in mind:

  1. During pregnancy, bran bread allows you to get rid of constipation and hemorrhoids. To obtain this result, it is recommended to simply replace the usual wheat product with bran.
  2. Immediately after giving birth, you need to wait a month, after which the product can again be returned to the diet. There is baking in the morning. The volume of the product should not exceed 30 g, otherwise there is a risk of flatulence in the child. From 5-6 months, the dosage can be increased, this will allow you to quickly lose weight.
  3. With constipation, 2-3 slices of bread per day are enough to normalize intestinal motility. Preference should be given to minimally lush products, namely they contain a lot of dietary fiber.
  4. During the period of maintaining a diet aimed at normalizing weight, you should eat up to 2 pieces of bread per day. This is enough to suppress appetite, saturate the body and provide it with important minerals.
  5. For skin problems, first aid is also bowel cleansing. If you eat 2-3 slices of bran rather than wheat bread a day, after a month the skin will become noticeably cleaner, pustules and redness will appear on it less often. To enhance the cosmetic effect for a while, you should abandon sweet pastries.

To obtain a general positive effect on the body, you can arrange fasting days from time to time. If every three weeks for one day to eat only bran bread and green tea, several therapeutic effects can be noted at once. Excellent well-being, healthy appearance and lightness in the body are guaranteed.

Harm and danger of bran bread

Bran bread can seriously harm your health if you use it against the background of such contraindications:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Gastritis.
  • Colitis.
  • Peptic ulcer.

The rough texture of the product can aggravate the situation by irritating the already damaged surface of the mucous membrane. The possibility of introducing products into the diet should be consulted with your doctor. By the way, here the rule of “yesterday's” bread does not apply. On the contrary, slightly stale pastries will make it even worse.

Oven bran bread recipe

High-quality, tasty and healthy bread with bran can be prepared even at home. At the same time, it is not necessary to be the happy owner of a bread machine, an oven will also work for work.

  • For 1.5 cups of wheat flour, take 0.5 cups of bran, 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 0.5 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of dried yeast, 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  • In a bowl we combine warm water, yeast and sugar. Stir and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Add salt and bran to the mass, introduce the sifted flour in small portions, pour in the vegetable oil.
  • Knead the product until we get the dough. It should be soft, not sticky to the hands. Cover the blank with a towel and leave it in a warm place to approach.
  • Once the dough is doubled, you need to thoroughly knead it. We lay out the mass in a heat-resistant form processed with flour. The product is again sent to a warm place, it should come up again.
  • The dough is sent directly in the form to the oven, preheated to 200ºС. It takes an average of 30 minutes to 1 hour to bake the product. Time depends on which form is used.
  • Put the prepared bran bread on a dish, cover with a towel and wait until it reaches. If you immediately start eating, the inside may be slightly damp, and the use of such baking can lead to indigestion.

This is just one of the many options for making bran bread. As a basis, it is not necessary to use wheat flour, with a rye product it will be even more useful. Mistresses often substitute dry yeast for ordinary ones and even apply different types of yeast. The workpiece before being sent to the oven can be rolled in bran or cereal. This will not add benefits, but will affect the aesthetic perception in the most positive way.

“Separating bran from flour is a luxury, and it’s more harmful than healthy to eat.” (Justus Liebig. "Letters on Chemistry")

In one of the military units of the tsarist army, an emergency occurred - all the officers of the unit fell ill. At the same time, the soldiers, on the contrary, felt excellent. In order to understand what was the matter, a special commission was created. And after a long and thorough investigation, one feature became clear - bread for officers was baked from premium flour, and for soldiers - from wholemeal wholemeal, with bran.

So what's the deal? Bran has always been perceived as a waste of flour milling ... It would seem that bread made of better quality, cleared of all excess flour and should be of the highest quality, since for a long time all the efforts of master bakers have been reduced to making bread “even more magnificent and whiter”. But no - studies that were carried out in this area showed that “tasty and beautiful” does not always mean “healthy”. Therefore, we will try to figure out what bran is and why refined products are useless, and sometimes harmful.

But for starters, we will go a little deeper into biology, just to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat bran is. All we know what a grain of wheat looks like. It consists of three parts, three main elements: the germ is a small vitamin bomb that can give impetus to the development of a new life; a kernel that contains sugar and starch - the nutrients of the future plant; the outer shell, the “skin” of the seed, protecting it from shock, temperature fluctuations, moisture and other troubles from the outside.

The wheat germ is the first to give life to the plant; for this, it contains tremendous biological energy, a powerful force that forces the germination of grain in one day. Therefore, it contains the most important vitamins of groups B and E and trace elements. The rough shell of the grain, its walls, also contain valuable substances such as cellulose, lignin (insoluble fiber), pectins (soluble fiber). But the only part of the grain that goes into the production of white flour is the endosperm (the kernel of the grain) - the supply of protein, sugar and starch, so during the grinding process, the grain loses a significant part of its nutrients. The finer the grinding and the “cooler” the processing of grain, the less vitamins remain in the flour ... Scientists even scrupulously calculated how many useful substances and vitamins the wheat grain loses as a result of fine grinding: vitamin B1 - 86%, vitamin B2 - 70%, vitamin B3 - 80%, vitamin B6 - 60%, folic acid - 70%, iron - 84%, calcium - 50%, phosphorus - 78%, copper - 75%, magnesium - 72%, manganese - 71%, zinc - 71%, chromium - 87%, fiber - 68% ... Depressing numbers. Now it becomes clear why the officers of the military unit referred to above got sick, because they got tasty and expensive bread on the table, cleaned of all impurities, and at the same time of all useful substances.

So, are “useless” bran useful? Scientists have long discovered that the grain shell contains a huge amount of vitamin B6 (“calm vitamin” - getting enough of it, a person becomes calm and balanced, completely transformed), there is vitamin B12, gluic acid (a vitamin-like substance on which the proper functioning depends nervous system, especially when it is overloaded), riboflavin (an organic substance also necessary for the central nervous system), thiamine (vitamin B1, the most important vitamin that is found in pipes). In addition, bran contains vitamin E (providing the function of reproduction of offspring) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid known to everyone, the benefits of which are already indecent to remind), however, it is not very much there. Bran bread contains more vitamins than regular brown bread. Vitamin B1 is contained in it in its best form - “thiamine”, it contains vitamin D, vitamin PP (nicotinic acid, which is essential for the nervous system, proper functioning of the liver and blood vessels), lipominic acid or lopomine (in other words, vitamin H serving as an energy “corrector”, as well as the most important factor for the functioning of the liver and heart). And most importantly - all the vitamins contained in whole grains differ from the pharmacy in that it is impossible to “overeat”, overdose, since the body itself will remove the excess.

It turns out, throwing out or giving “unnecessary” bran to livestock, we throw out with them natural vitamins and minerals. Somehow it’s wrong ...

Many studies speak in favor of eating bran bread. For example, it was noticed that eating bran bread suppresses appetite, causing a feeling of fullness, favorably affects the intestinal microflora, and normalizes the digestion process. Bran contained in bread absorbs harmful substances and toxins, contributing to their natural excretion from the body. Bran bread increases immunity, and also increases the iron content in our body - only 15 grams. bran cover the daily need for this important element for blood formation. Bread from wholemeal flour containing bran is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Bran bread must be present in the diet of people who are overweight and obese, as well as in diet with limited intake of carbohydrates. Bran bread has cleansing properties, so it must be consumed by people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver and acute rheumatism.

But, perhaps, the main advantage of bran is a high content of dietary fiber that regulates the functioning of the intestine, improves the microflora of the colon, lowers blood sugar and helps to eliminate excessive "bad" cholesterol. Dietary fiber lowers cholesterol by binding intestinal bile acids with atherogenic activity, so bran bread is simply necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Bran bread is also useful for diabetes - it slows down the breakdown of starch and helps lower the glycemic index of other foods. And recent studies have revealed a new property of bran - they effectively regulate metabolism. Fiber does not know how to “burn” fat, but it affects the very cause of excess weight - a violation of metabolic processes in the body. Bread baked from wholemeal wholemeal is useful for cancer patients, especially those with a swelling in the chest or fibrocystic mastopathy. Bran is zinc, and this element is necessary for mental workers.

The most useful and best bread is considered to be one that is baked from flour blended from sprouted grains (malt), the so-called malt bread - in the sprouted wheat grains, the content of vitamin E increases hundreds of times, the amount of B vitamins increases 6 times, the concentration of necessary our body trace elements.

Interestingly, refined “white” products (white bread, premium pasta, sugar) not only do not contain vitamins, but also consume their already small reserves - all in order to assimilate “white poison” and “sweet poison” ... White bread from premium flour, confectionery, pastry and sugar increase the body's need for B vitamins, as a result of which hypovitaminosis develops (which is noticeable, of course, not immediately). Our kids eat too many refined foods, getting used to, without chewing, swallow food, washed down with water or other drinks - as a result, 90% of children in their 5-6th year of life have caries.

Many countries now produce specialized types of bread, introducing up to 25% of bran into premium flour. There are more than 20 “healthy” types of bread in the world. In Russia, producers are not so generous - as a rule, 2-3 grades of grain bread or whole-wheat bread are produced, the rest of the assortment is wheat bread made from premium or first grade flour, poor in the content of nutrients and fiber.

For those who consider bran passion a fashionable modern trend, a little digression into history. Nobody can tell the exact date of the appearance of bread in the human diet, but most scientists believe that people got the first bread more than 15,000 years ago, by chance. In search of food, ancient people drew attention to the grains of cereals. At first they were simply harvested and eaten, then they began to grow, gradually learning how to grind grain, cook porridge, stew and grain mash, and then flat bread and bread. According to archaeologists, the baked bread in the form of a cake turned out when a part of the cereal mash was accidentally spilled on the hot stones of the hearth and baked. For quite a long time, just the cakes were the only type of bread, until a person discovered that the talker left for a while begins to wander, and the cakes from it turn out to be softer and lush. Thousands and thousands of years have passed since then, and baking bread today is a real art. But for a long time bran bread was considered low-grade, nondescript, and more and more varieties of “beautiful” and “right” bread appeared on store shelves ...

Fortunately, modern producers produce more and more varieties of bran bread - this is cereal, malt, with raisins or a special “sports” enriched with useful substances. Unfortunately, sometimes on the shelves you can find grades of gray bread, which is presented as bran bread, but very often such bread does not contain bran, but simply is a poor quality product. It is easy to distinguish real bran bread from a fake: in the section it has a gray color, bran is visible in the form of small yellowish and light brown inclusions both on the cut and on the surface. Real bran bread tastes good and has an aroma that bread from the highest grades of flour does not have.

People hastened to give bran the status of waste, and this is wrong. So let's change our attitude to this product and be healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Today we will bake homemade bread in the oven - tasty and healthy. Let’s try to cook bran bran bread “Doctor’s” - “the same”, which is known as one of the healthiest types of bread.
  Doctoral bread with bran is recommended for people with weakness of the gastrointestinal tract, but it is popular among all adherents of a healthy diet.

Doctoral bread is one of the main varieties of bakery products that are baked in strict accordance with GOST. Like all bread recipes oriented to mass production, this bread is made for a long time, which has its plus: very little yeast is used, so there is no smell or smell in bread. Making homemade bran bread also takes time, but the result is worth it.


  • 500 g premium wheat flour
  • 100 g of wheat bran
  • 5 g fresh yeast
  • 8 g of salt
  • 30 g sugar
  • 15 g softened butter (margarine)
  • 330 g of water

How to cook bran bran bread "Doctor's"

First you need to make a dough. Pour 250 g of flour into a deep cup with a volume of at least 1.5 liters, add yeast and pour 250 ml of warm water (at a temperature of about 30 degrees).

Mix the dough well so that all the flour is mixed. Tighten the bowl with cling film, make a few holes in it with a toothpick to allow oxygen to flow in, and put in a warm place (30-32 degrees) without drafts for 2.5 hours.

After 2.5 hours, the sponge should begin to bubble and increase in volume by 2-3 times.

Pour the remaining flour, bran, salt and sugar into the mixer bowl, add the butter and the rest of the water. Pour the finished dough in the same place.

With dough hooks, knead the dough in the mixer until it all comes together in a large ball. At the first speed, this can take 20-30 minutes. From time to time, use a spatula to scrape the remaining flour from the walls of the bowl into the dough.

Cover the bowl with foil and put it back in a warm place for an hour. The dough should double in volume, become airy.

Wash the dough up and knead a little with your hands so that carbon dioxide comes out of it. Cover the bowl again with a film and remove for another 30-45 minutes in a warm place.

  The dough should rise again. Now you can make bread.

Sprinkle a little flour on the table and put the dough on it. Form a rectangle with your hands.

Divide the dough into four even parts.

Sprinkle each part with flour and with two hands form smooth round koloboks.

Put the koloboks on a baking sheet greased or covered with a silicone mat. Moisten a towel with water and cover them with bread. Place the bread in a warm place for half an hour so that it rises. While the bread is coming, preheat the oven to 220-230 degrees. Poke the rising bread in 4-5 places with a toothpick and grease with water.

Bake bran bran bread for about 30 minutes until it is well browned. The first 15 minutes you need to bake rolls with steam, to achieve which the oven walls must be sprayed with water. Take out the finished buns, sprinkle a little with water and cover with a towel, then the crust will be softer.

Bran bread is gaining popularity, and for good reason!

The theme of a healthy lifestyle, of which a balanced diet is an integral part, has not lost its relevance for decades.

With the advent of a huge number of synthetic food additives and their derivatives: low-quality semi-finished products - the number of patients in each of the medical offices has increased.

Bad food - poor health. And today, more and more people are trying to return to simple and wholesome food in order to support their body and prolong youth.

Health is known to all people who adhere to the basics of proper nutrition.

There is a huge amount of informational material on the composition of cereal bran, their beneficial properties, and the use for the treatment of certain ailments.

But what about bran bran baked goods? In particular, bread? Is it so useful as its main ingredient, or should it be treated like a bad baking? Let's try to figure it out.

“Healthy” breads

Chopped loaves and bread, as well as whole grains, form the basis of healthy baking.

To this day, manufacturers adhere to the traditional names of bakery products containing more than a quarter of bran in the dough: “Doctor's baton”, “Health” bread and others that were on sale even at the time of your grandparents.

An assortment of such products will please modern lovers of bran bread - more than two dozen varieties of bread with seeds are presented in stores.

This is both cereal and malt (cooked with sprouted grains), additionally fortified, with additives in the form of dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes.

Any loaf of such bread will have an amazing aroma and very pleasant taste, grains of ground husk of grain - bran, will be visible on the entire surface, in the context of the bread is not white, but rather gray-brown, friable.

In addition to bran, in such bread, of course, there is also premium flour, a little fat, yeast, water.

Plus a lot of other bioactive components, fiber, which makes the product mega-useful for all categories of the population - from children to senior citizens.

The calorie content of bran bread is slightly lower than that of wheat - only 220 kilocalories in 100 grams, and this is another plus of such baking, because it is perfect for diet food.

Chopped bread - good

The practical use of bran bread for the body lies in its complex positive effect on most organs and systems.

Unlike pure bran, bread with seeds is completely ready for use.

The concentration of the husk in the product is optimal so as not to worry about the possible consequence of excessive use of seeding, which can result in bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain.

1. The increased fiber content in bran bread contributes to a soft but thorough cleansing of the intestines from feces and toxins.

Bread acts like a sponge - absorbs and removes most intoxicants. Once in the stomach, fiber is saturated with moisture, swells, absorbs decay products and quickly removes them.

2. The presence of nicotinic acid makes such bread indispensable for atherosclerosis of blood vessels, their loss of elasticity.

3. Bran bread normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

4. Cleans blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, prevents blood clotting, narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels.

5. The abundance of vitamin B supports the work of the heart muscle.

6. Low-calorie bread, recommended for obesity, overweight, both as a saturating and as a cleansing product.

7. Improves the condition of patients with broncho-pulmonary diseases, including bronchial asthma.

8. Useful for diabetes  for drug-free maintenance of a satisfactory blood sugar level.

9. Relieves the liver, improves its work.

10. Promotes a full outflow of bile, prevents the formation of gallstones.

11. Strengthens the nervous system, increases stress resistance.

12. Useful for physical and mental exhaustion. It must be eaten daily by everyone involved in intellectual work, associated with sedentary work.

13. Eliminates constipation, normalizes stool.

14. Due to the powerful cleansing effect on the body, regular use of bran bread promotes a significant improvement in the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Acne, pigmentation, skin diseases disappear.

15. Increases immunity, vitamins the body.

16. Restores the normal composition of the blood.

Bran is a storehouse of substances useful to humans. Not everyone wants to eat them in their natural form, but surely yes as part of bread.

Therefore, make sure that your table always has a loaf of bread or a bun with seeds, whole grains, seeds of various plants (sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, flax and others).

If you eat such foods at least once a day, you can forever forget about the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, constipation, acne on the body. But be prudent - do not overeat, as excessive consumption of any food instead of benefit will only do harm.

Chopped bread - harm

With an exacerbation of certain diseases, bran bread may aggravate the condition. It:
   peptic ulcer;
   acute gastritis;
   chronic diarrhea;
   inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

You should also refrain from using bran products for the duration of antibiotic treatment - the strong adsorption properties of the seeds can reduce the activity of the tablets.

You should not buy bran bread for the future, as it quickly deteriorates. Be healthy.

Belongs to "healthy" grades of bread. Such bread is produced from premium flour with the addition of 25% bran. Currently, more than 20 varieties of bread with bran are produced, it includes cereal, malt (from sprouted grain), enriched "sports", with raisins, etc. Bread with bran has a pleasant taste and aroma. On the surface of the bread, particles of bran are clearly visible. In a section, bread with bran of gray color with small yellow and light brown blotches.

The use of bran bread

Bread with bran is considered a useful product, its usefulness is due to its composition. Such bread contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, mono- and disaccharides, saturated fatty acids. It contains vital vitamins:. It is rich in minerals, from which macroelements and microelements can be distinguished. Calories 100 gr. wheat bread with bran is 248 kcal.  Bran bread contains a large amount of dietary fiber that can regulate the intestines. Dietary fiber adsorb and remove toxins, slow down the absorption of carbohydrates. As a result, the level of insulin and glucose in the blood normalizes. Heavy metal ions bind and remove cholesterol from the body. Bran bread is a good prophylactic to combat atherosclerosis. It is recommended for diet with limited carbohydrate intake and diabetes. Daily consumption of bran bran regulates metabolism, significantly reduces appetite, hunger is replaced by a feeling of fullness. This is an indispensable product for people with metabolic disorders of the body, such as obesity and overweight. Bread has cleansing properties, is able to absorb and remove toxins from the body. Consumption of the product will significantly improve the condition of people with acute rheumatism, liver, kidney and cancer diseases. Bread with bran enhances immunity and improves blood composition, positively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. A significant content of vitamins and minerals (vitamins B6, B12 and zinc) improves the activity of the nervous system. It allows you to cope with mental stress, to remain calm and balanced in stressful situations.