Bran bread - good and bad. Bran bread - health benefits and harms

02.09.2019 Buffet table

Today, the shelves of bread shops and grocery stores are packed with all kinds of pastries. Of particular interest to supporters of a healthy diet and those who want to lose weight is bran bread. These products are made from the crushed shell of cereals mixed with different varieties of flour.

Due to this feature of the approach, a lot of useful and even necessary substances for the normal functioning of the body glow in the composition of the finished product. The regular use of such products contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, positively affecting the state of healthy people and frequent visitors to medical institutions.

Composition and nutritional value of bran bread

A few years ago, bran was considered waste of flour milling. About 20 years ago, the situation radically changed. A study of the chemical composition of raw materials helped to highlight in it such substances useful for human health:

  • Cellulose. It starts bowel cleansing, collecting along its length all waste products and removing them from the body. Dietary fiber of plant origin lowers blood cholesterol if it is elevated.
  • Vitamins of group B.  Necessary for the normalization of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin E. Natural antioxidant that binds and removes free radicals from tissues.
  • Minerals They increase the functionality of organs and systems, establish metabolic processes, maintain water balance in the body.
  • Lipominic acid.  A unique substance that takes part in the regulation of all life processes in the body.
  • Vitamin C. Another active antioxidant that cleanses tissues of toxins and toxins, while enhancing the body's defenses and strengthening its immunity.
  •   . This mineral should be distinguished separately. Thanks to its presence, bran bread positively affects the activity of the brain and stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones.

To date, in the baking business, there are more than 20 types of bran bread, which differ slightly from each other in taste and chemical composition. All these products can be prepared even independently, at home. Subject to all technical requirements, the calorie content of the finished product will be 248 units per 100 g of weight. It is noteworthy that these calories are not able to cause damage to the figure, because splitting complex carbohydrates as part of the test will take a lot of energy.

Useful properties of bran bread

Regular, but normalized use of bran bread can have a positive effect on the condition of any person. According to nutritionists, the inclusion of a nutritious product in the diet contributes to the development of such results:

  • The heart muscle is strengthened, the tone of the vessels is normalized, their walls become more elastic.

Tip: When buying bran bread or when making it yourself, you need to remember the proportions. Bread will not be useful if you bake it from wheat flour and roll in bran. The dough itself should at least 30% consist of useful raw materials.

  • The immunity is strengthened, the body's resistance to harmful external factors is increased.
  • Reproduction increases, the risk of impotence in men in adulthood decreases.
  • Pretty high-calorie bran bread gives a feeling of fullness, which makes it easier to survive the diet and overeat in the process of daily nutrition.
  • The use of bran bread is an effective prevention of atherosclerosis and pathological conditions that occur against its background.

  • Nutritious baking normalizes the emotional state, improves the functioning of the nervous system. It allows you to deal with stress and mood swings.
  • The presence of antioxidants in the bran test slows down the aging of the body, which is often the result of poisoning of tissues by toxins, toxins and free radicals.
  • The work of the digestive tract improves, stool normalizes.
  • The cleansing properties of bread with bran lead to an improvement in the condition of joints and an increase in the functionality of the liver.
  • Bran slows down the process of splitting, thereby lowering the glycemic index of other foods. Such pastries should be paid attention to people suffering from diabetes.

The benefits and harms of bran bread depend not only on its composition and quality, but also on compliance with the rules for its use. If you abuse the product, you can discreetly cross the acceptable line. As a result, natural raw materials will begin to harm the body, and not heal it.

Features of the use of bran bread largely depend on the condition of the person. Here are a few nuances to keep in mind:

  1. During pregnancy, bran bread allows you to get rid of constipation and hemorrhoids. To obtain this result, it is recommended to simply replace the usual wheat product with bran.
  2. Immediately after giving birth, you need to wait a month, after which the product can again be returned to the diet. There is baking in the morning. The volume of the product should not exceed 30 g, otherwise there is a risk of flatulence in the child. From 5-6 months, the dosage can be increased, this will allow you to quickly lose weight.
  3. With constipation, 2-3 slices of bread per day are enough to normalize intestinal motility. Preference should be given to minimally lush products, namely they contain a lot of dietary fiber.
  4. During the period of maintaining a diet aimed at normalizing weight, you should eat up to 2 pieces of bread per day. This is enough to suppress appetite, saturate the body and provide it with important minerals.
  5. For skin problems, first aid is also bowel cleansing. If you eat 2-3 slices of bran rather than wheat bread a day, after a month the skin will become noticeably cleaner, pustules and redness will appear on it less often. To enhance the cosmetic effect for a while, you should abandon sweet pastries.

To obtain a general positive effect on the body, you can arrange fasting days from time to time. If every three weeks for one day to eat only bran bread and green tea, several therapeutic effects can be noted at once. Excellent well-being, healthy appearance and lightness in the body are guaranteed.

Harm and danger of bran bread

Bran bread can seriously harm your health if you use it against the background of such contraindications:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Gastritis.
  • Colitis.
  • Peptic ulcer.

The rough texture of the product can aggravate the situation by irritating the already damaged surface of the mucous membrane. The possibility of introducing products into the diet should be consulted with your doctor. By the way, here the rule of “yesterday's” bread does not apply. On the contrary, slightly stale pastries will make it even worse.

Oven bran bread recipe

High-quality, tasty and healthy bread with bran can be prepared even at home. At the same time, it is not necessary to be the happy owner of a bread machine, an oven will also work for work.

  • For 1.5 cups of wheat flour we take 0.5 cups of bran, 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 0.5 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of dried yeast, 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  • In a bowl we combine warm water, yeast and sugar. Stir and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Add salt and bran to the mass, introduce the sifted flour in small portions, pour in the vegetable oil.
  • Knead the product until we get the dough. It should be soft, not sticky to the hands. Cover the blank with a towel and leave it in a warm place to approach.
  • Once the dough is doubled, you need to thoroughly knead it. We lay out the mass in a heat-resistant form processed with flour. The product is again sent to a warm place, it should come up again.
  • The dough is sent directly in the form to the oven, preheated to 200ºС. It takes an average of 30 minutes to 1 hour to bake the product. The time depends on which form is used.
  • Put the prepared bran bread on a dish, cover with a towel and wait until it reaches. If you immediately start eating, the inside may be slightly damp, and the use of such baking can lead to indigestion.

This is just one of the many options for making bran bread. As a basis, it is not necessary to use wheat flour, with a rye product it will be even more useful. Mistresses often substitute dry yeast for ordinary ones and even apply different types of yeast. The workpiece before being sent to the oven can be rolled in bran or cereal. This will not add benefits, but will affect the aesthetic perception in the most positive way.

In past times, bran (husk of grain) was always considered a waste of flour milling. They tried to cook bread from better and refined flour. It should always have been of the highest quality, since for a long time all the efforts of baking masters were aimed at making it even more magnificent and whiter.

But, at present, studies that have been repeatedly carried out in this area have shown that “tasty and magnificent” is not always considered useful. So what is bran, and why are refined products much more useless and sometimes more harmful?

To answer, to begin with, I will go a little deeper into the basics of biology, and only to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat bran is.

Everyone knows what wheat grains look like. They consist of three main elements, such as: the embryo, which is capable of developing a new life; a kernel that contains sugars and starch in sufficient quantities. They are necessary for the nutrition of the future young plant; outer shell of grain - it protects it from mechanical damage, temperature fluctuations, and other external influences.


The embryo contains vitamins B and E, as well as the necessary trace elements. The coarse grain shell contains valuable substances, for example, cellulose, lignin and pectins. The finer the grinding, the less nutrients remain in the flour.

Scientists have calculated how much wheat grain loses as a result of fine grinding: vitamin B1 - 86%, B2 - 70%, B6 - 60%, folic acid - 70%, calcium - 50%, phosphorus - 78%, iron - 84%, copper - 75%, magnesium - 72%, zinc - 71%, chromium - 87%, manganese - 71%, fiber - 68% and so on. Agree, the numbers are depressing. Now it becomes quite clear that bread, purified from all impurities, at the same time is deprived of almost all useful substances.

Useful properties of bran bread

Now it became quite clear that bran was useful. Scientists have found that the grain shell contains vitamin B6, thanks to it, a person becomes more calm and balanced;

Vitamin B12, riboflavin and gluic acid, contribute to the proper functioning of our nervous system;

Thiamine or vitamin B1 also affects the activity of our body, and is involved in many important processes that are aimed at supporting life;

They are rich in bran and vitamin E and ascorbic acid, the benefits of which have long been known to everyone;

Vitamin D, PP, is essential for the full functioning of the nervous system, for the normal functioning of the liver and vascular system;

Lipominic acid serves as a kind of energy “corrector” for the functioning of many organs;

Bran is rich in zinc, and this element, as you know, is necessary for improving brain activity, that is, it is shown to mental workers.

The fact that such bread is useful for our body, says many successful studies. For example, its use significantly suppresses appetite, while causing a feeling of fullness, and also favorably affects the microflora of the digestive tract.

Bran, in addition, have the ability to absorb toxins and harmful substances, helping to remove them from the body. They increase immunity, and the iron content in the blood, which is necessary for the normal process of blood formation.

Due to its rich chemical composition, bran-branded bread is recommended for people suffering from pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. It must be present in the diet of those who are overweight or obese.

It also has cleansing properties, so its use favorably affects those who suffer from diseases of the kidneys, liver and have pathology of the joints.

Due to the high content of dietary fiber that regulates the intestines, the blood sugar level decreases, and "bad" cholesterol is removed from the body. How? Yes, by binding bile acids ... Therefore, its use is simply necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

As for endocrine pathology, and in particular diabetes mellitus, bran helps to slow down the breakdown of starch and lower the glycemic index of other products; moreover, metabolism is effectively regulated.
This bread is useful for patients with oncology, especially those who have a breast tumor.

Probably the most useful bread is one that is made from sprouted grain, the so-called malt, because in it the amount of all vitamins, nutrients and trace elements increases hundreds of times.

In many countries, at present, they are preparing specialized varieties of bakery products, introducing into flour up to 25% of bran. So, as you see, now it has become just fashionable to eat “healthy” types of bread!


Yes, in comparison with a refined product, bran products are not so tasty, but this is not the most important thing, because how important they are for our body, what benefit they bring, how they saturate us with the most important elements for normal life.

Therefore, you and your family members introduce such breads into your diet. And what is the problem ?! Yes, there is none, the benefit is that now their range satisfies any consumer demand. Eat bran and bakery products with bran, replace them with your usual refined products from premium flour, and you will always be healthy and live a long and happy life!


I am not talking about white flour loaves, and not just plain wheat bread, but wholesome bread with bran. I do not urge you to eat it without any restrictions, but it will be very useful to include a couple of pieces in your diet.

What is the difference between bran bread and whole grain bread?

You should distinguish between bread with the addition of bran and whole grain bread. Often in stores, sellers confuse them and write whole grains on the labels of bran bread. It is not the same.

    Whole grain bread is baked from the so-called wallpaper flour, which is obtained "according to the technology of the ancestors" - from crushed whole grains.

  1. But bran bread is bread from refined flour, into the dough of which bran was already added at the factory. Moreover, several times more than they were contained before grinding.

What is the difference between peeled flour and wallpaper flour?

The grain itself consists of an endosperm, an embryo and shells. Everything that is of nutritional value - vitamins, minerals, useful fatty acids, dietary fiber - is found precisely in the germ and grain shells. Endosperm is mainly starch and gluten proteins (14%).

Once our ancestors ground whole grains in stone millstones and received whole grain flour, from which bread was then baked. But such flour quickly deteriorated - fatty acids rancid, and enterprising descendants learned to separate the embryo with casings, leaving only endosperm for industrial bakery production.

Refined flour can be stored for years, has a snow-white, appetizing color, however, alas, it contains only starch (80%) and gluten (14%), and is practically devoid of vitamins and other useful substances.

What is bran bread made of?

In order to expand the assortment and meet the tastes of such customers as you and I, the producer launches part of the ordinary flour on “healthy” bread. Before baking, bran is added to the cleaned flour - those same embryos and shells that were separated during grinding.

In essence, these are wastes of modern flour milling, which are thus added to the finished product.

Roughly speaking, 80% of all flour goes to loaves, and 20% - to healthy bread with bran. In its qualities, it, of course, compares favorably with the usual. But you should not confuse it with whole grain.

Whole grain bread can actually be bought only from private traders. A large producer will not bother with his baking.

The nutritional value of bran bread and regular

  White bread

  with bran

Macronutrients and Fiber

Calories per 100g

Total Carbohydrates:

of which fiber

4 g (20%)

Sodium (salt)

Vitamins / Trace Elements

81.0 mg (20%)


1.7 mg (83%)

17.3 mcg (25%)

31.0 mcg (44%)

It is easy to notice that the fiber in bread with bran is at least 2 times greater. Sometimes such bread consists of a third of bran, which of course pleases. There is less salt in bran bran bread, which means that the body will retain water less.

For 100 g of wheat bran, 40 g of fiber, that is, dietary fiber, is accounted for. They are not digested, but the intestinal microflora uses them for food, synthesizing amino acids and vitamins in gratitude to the body.

The body needs about 20-25 g of fiber per day, and bran bread is an important source of it.

The use of bran bread for weight loss

  1. Bran bread helps control appetite. The glycemic index of such bread is much lower than that of ordinary bread (45 versus 85), which means sugar will rise and fall gradually. After eating refined carbohydrate foods (including ordinary white bread), you will soon want to eat again.

    After you eat bran bread, this will not happen. In addition, swelling and increasing in volume, fiber stretches the intestinal wall, thereby creating a feeling of satiety.

  2. Fiber contained in bran is essential for normal digestion. Beneficial substances from other products are absorbed more actively and more fully. Fiber also helps the beneficial microflora to synthesize the body's necessary substances - amino acids, vitamins. All this allows you to be satisfied with smaller amounts of food.
  3. Bran cleanse the body. Lazy gut syndrome is familiar to many, but for obvious reasons they don’t talk about such a delicate problem.

    When bran is used, the intestines work without interruption, and thereby our well-being and health are improved. Exercising in the gym is much more pleasant and productive when the body does not bother.

    In addition, bran well absorb all sorts of nasty things - alcohol, dyes, flavors, preservatives, pesticides and herbicides. Bran bind them and excrete from the body in a natural way.

  4. Bran contains essential fatty acids (omega-3). Our body cannot synthesize them, so we should get mega-healthy omega-3s with food.
  5. Bread with bran is rich in B vitamins, which are extremely beneficial for the nervous system, which is extremely unstable in girls. And if you are also on a diet, then you can’t do without these vitamins. In addition, B vitamins improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  6. There is a lot of magnesium in bran. Magnesium calms the nervous system, helps good heart function. When it is not enough, wounds heal poorly and many processes in the body are disrupted. For women, this is a very important mineral.
  7. Such bread is incomparably richer in manganese and selenium. For you to know, selenium is an important antioxidant, and manganese is needed for good hair growth, blood formation and the synthesis of female sex hormones.
  8. Due to the high content of carbohydrates, vitamins “B” and magnesium, it helps to absorb the amino acid tryptophan. From it, then the body produces serotonin. Serotonin is a “hormone of happiness”. When it is not enough, our mood starts to deteriorate from any trifle, and we throw ourselves at cakes, sweets and other harmful things.

What and when to eat bran bread for weight loss?

Up to 100 g of bread (250 Kcal) can be eaten per day. It is best to put a piece of cheese, fish, lean boiled meat, sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables on top of bread, grease with cottage cheese, sprinkle with herbs.

A piece of bread with bran with low-fat cottage cheese before training will energize you and help the body more actively break down fat, while you will feel full of strength.

It is advisable to eat bread in the morning, because for dinner and evening meals carbohydrates in it are still a bit too much. And for breakfast and afternoon snack, you can safely eat the “right” sandwich and lose weight.

Cooking does not stand still, experienced housewives come up with more and more recipes for various dishes. Do not pass by and baking. Today, bread is prepared not only from wheat or rye flour, but also on the basis of bran. This product has a low calorie content and accumulates a lot of fiber, so it is widely used for weight loss. We will not be unfounded; let us consider the benefits and harms of bran bread for the body.

Useful properties of bran bread

  • calms, relieves irritability;
  • used in the diet of losing weight and obese;
  • removes slagging;
  • relieves airway from mucus;
  • cleanses the body of toxic substances and heavy metals;
  • carries out oncology prevention;
  • used in the treatment of atherosclerosis due to vascular cleansing;
  • improves heart activity;
  • lowers blood glucose;
  • boosts the immune system;
  • used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • included in the diet of patients with hepatitis;
  • effective in urolithiasis and gallstone disease;
  • has laxative properties, therefore, fights constipation;
  • increases metabolic processes;
  • improves reproductive function.

All these useful properties are inherent not only to bread, but also to other dishes with the addition of bran (cereals, soups, salads, cookies, yogurts, etc.).

If you wish, you can additionally prepare a cocktail from bran. To do this, fill in the raw rye with boiling water and leave for half an hour. Use in small portions to promote health.

The benefits of bran bread

  1. The product is famous for its ability to remove cholesterol plaques from the cavity of the blood channels. Against this background, the prevention of atherosclerosis and the treatment of an existing disease are carried out.
  2. Bran bread accelerates the absorption of valuable substances from food by blood. Later, these compounds are distributed throughout the body, improving the functioning of vital organs and systems.
  3. The product contains many vitamins from group B. All of them are necessary to maintain the central nervous system. Regular intake of the product ensures a calm sleep and psycho-emotional balance.
  4. Not without its accumulation of a natural antioxidant - tocopherol, or vitamin E. This substance is necessary for the skin and hair. Tocopherol removes radionuclides, free radicals and salts of heavy metals, carrying out cancer prevention.
  5. The composition of many mineral compounds that have a positive effect on the heart muscle. We are talking about potassium and magnesium, these substances are needed to prevent heart ailments and speedy recovery from a stroke / heart attack.
  6. Bran bread is rich in lipominic acid. She is responsible for the correct functioning of the kidneys. With regular eating of the product, you will carry out the prophylaxis of urolithiasis and withdraw existing tumors (sand, small stones).
  7. Bran concentrate ascorbic acid. Everyone knows that vitamin C is necessary to strengthen immunity during viral epidemics and during vitamin deficiency. Zinc, which is rich in product, improves the activity of the male reproductive system.

  1. The product accumulates beneficial substances that positively affect human health. A special place is given to fiber, which is necessary for the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system.
  2. When it enters the body, fiber acts as a brush, it thoroughly cleans the esophagus, removing even the oldest stagnant phenomena.
  3. Against this background, metabolism increases, natural weight loss begins. Dietary fibers, like a sponge, absorb toxins and remove them from the body.
  4. Bread has a special effect on the intestines, as a result of regular eating, the peristalsis and microflora of the internal organ improve. Bran is rich in nutrients that retain satiety for a long time and do not roam in the esophagus.
  5. Fiber is good because it does not increase insulin levels in the blood. Bread can be eaten by patients with diabetes without fear for their health. Along with this comes cleansing and weight loss.

The benefits of bran bread for losing weight

  1. If you have problems with being overweight, it is not necessary to refuse bread at all. Include the bran product in your diet and enjoy the result. The main thing is to choose a completely natural composition or make your own bread. The calorie content of baking is approximately 250-280 Kcal.
  2. Give preference to special bran bread, you can buy them in a store of healthy or sports nutrition. No sugar is added to such a product. The basis is made up only of natural and healthy ingredients (dried fruits, nuts, seeds, honey, bran).
  3. You can eat no more than 2-3 slices per day. It is better to include the product in a meal in the morning, for lunch, lunch. In the evening, the reception of bread must be abandoned. To achieve the result, combine bran bread with salads, fish, meat.
  4. As for the benefits for losing weight, bran bread speeds up the metabolism. This means that with minimal effort on your part, the volumes will melt before our eyes. It is advisable to do exercises 2-3 times a day and refuse junk food (salty, fatty, fried, sweet).
  5. Chopped bread is rich in dietary fiber. The product acts as a brush that passes through the esophagus and sweeps away all unnecessary. In addition to weight loss, a comprehensive cleansing of toxins and toxins is carried out.
  6. It is especially useful to eat bread for those who regularly go to the gym. Protein helps to strengthen bone tissue and the formation of muscle fibers. Along with this, fatty layers break down, and blood circulation accelerates.
  7. For maximum results, do not buy wheat bread. There is a lot of gluten in it, with intolerance to this substance, you can harm the body and gain weight.

  1. A woman should think about the health of the future baby from the moment of conception. A pregnant lady needs to adjust proper nutrition in advance, providing the diet with healthy foods. This number includes bran bread.
  2. During the bearing of a child, a girl is often tormented by heartburn, constipation, indigestion, and other problems that relate to the gastrointestinal tract. Bran bread will establish the functions of vital organs, eliminate malfunctions in their work.
  3. Due to the accumulation of dietary fiber (including fiber in particular), a comprehensive cleansing is carried out. Bowel movement leads to the prevention of constipation and the absence of gas formation. Against this background, the girl will be able to avoid the development of hemorrhoids, which usually appears due to severe congestion.
  4. If you still eat plain bread, consult your doctor or nutritionist, then replace it with a bran product. Addiction to such bread should be carried out gradually, start with one slice per day.
  5. The product will benefit not only pregnant women, but also nursing mothers. Bran increases milk flow, improves its quality and eliminates possible bitterness. But you should be careful, you can not eat more than 35 grams. bread per day, so as not to provoke flatulence.
  6. Pregnant and lactating women are better off eating bran bread in the morning. So he will absorb faster and give a maximum of nutrients.
  7. If you have gained excess weight during the gestation, after giving birth, you should definitely replace ordinary bread with bran bread and completely abandon other baking. Since during this period you can not give the body heavy loads, nutritional correction will help to lose weight.

Harm of bran bread

  1. There are some contraindications that you need to adhere to. Experts do not recommend eating bread for colitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, diarrhea, excessive activity of the colon.
  2. If you are taking serious antibiotics, consult a specialist before introducing the bran product into your diet. Otherwise, bran will reduce the effectiveness of the drugs.

It is important to understand that the beneficial qualities of bread exceed its harm. But the use should be strictly dosed, you should not eat the product immensely. Include it in the diet and eat in the morning. Before taking, read the contraindications.

Video: bran bread recipe

Previously, bran was considered nothing more than waste, but the more people began to become interested in a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, the more popular this product became. Scientists have already proved that bran bread is much more beneficial for the human body.

Composition of bran bread

Of the vitamins in the composition of bran bread, such as PP, K, and B vitamins are included. It is also enriched in phosphorus, potassium, sodium, choline, manganese and calcium, the benefits of which for the human body can hardly be overestimated. The calorie content of bran bread per 100 grams is 248 kcal, but even despite this, a fairly high indicator, it applies to dietary products. And because of its unique vitamin and mineral composition, this product is included in the treatment menu.

How is bran bread useful?

The benefit of bran bread is due primarily to the presence of vitamins in it. The large amounts of vitamin B6 contained in this bread will take care of your psychological balance. The normal functioning of the nervous system will provide vitamin B12. It is not necessary to talk about the benefits of ascorbic acid and vitamin E, because these vitamins are abundant in bran bread. A lot of this product and lipominic acid, which the body needs to support many systems. The zinc contained in this bread is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain. Of course, this type of bread is not so tasty and familiar to most people, but it is it that is an excellent substitute for ordinary wheat bread.

Bran bread for weight loss

If you decide to fight overweight and follow a diet, it is not necessary to completely abandon bread. Ordinary bread can be replaced with bran bread. Fiber, which it contains, not only provides a feeling of fullness, but also helps to remove “unnecessary” reserves from the body. When dieting, you can afford a couple of slices of such bread a day. Even if you do not follow diets, it is recommended that you sometimes arrange fasting days, eating only green tea, vegetable salads and bran bread at this time. It is advised to do this once every 3 weeks. The benefits of them for weight loss are very doubtful, but if you introduce these products into your daily diet, they will have a positive effect on your health and figure.

Contraindications to the use of bran bread

Despite all its benefits, bran bread and harm can cause health. However, this is only possible with diseases such as colitis, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers, in the acute stage. This is explained by the fact that bran contained in bread, being coarse particles, can create additional difficulties with their processing or damage a diseased organ.