How to understand why the mash does not roam and what to do. How to improve brew fermentation for moonshine

03.09.2019 Winter blanks

Maturation of the mash is a relatively lengthy process, usually taking a week or even two. But sometimes there is no time to wait, because there is a triumph on the nose or for some other reason there is no desire to wait for the deadline for home brew.

In such situations, it is possible to accelerate the fermentation of mash, although it is immediately worth noting that this can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the final alcohol product.

The very process of making moonshine remains the same, regardless of whether the mash will stand for five or ten days. The following indicators affect the maturation of the mash: the quality and freshness of the yeast, the composition of the mash, the temperature conditions and the location in which the raw material will ferment - it is necessary for this to happen in the dark. Based on these four points, one can imagine how to speed up the fermentation process.

In specialized stores today they sell ready-to-feed supplements - the so-called activators, which increase the speed of microorganisms in Braga. But the quality of the original product does not decrease from this.

However, since moonshine is a natural drink, then nutrition for it can also be prepared at home. As stimulants to accelerate the process of fermentation, mash can easily be used:

  1. Crusts of brown bread. It is known that they are added during the preparation of kvass, in which they just contribute to the improvement of its fermentation. The same function will be carried out when adding a small amount of crusts to the mash.
  2. Raisins. On the surface of dried berries, wild yeast is contained, which will accelerate the fermentation of the mash, without changing its taste. You do not need to wash raisins.
  3. Tomato paste. It is considered an unusual option, but still accelerates the process of fermentation of mash. To do this, add 15-200 g per 15-20 liters. paste.
  4. Corn or peas. They are fraught with the formation of an excessive amount of foam, which will need to be collected, but at the same time they really greatly accelerate the fermentation of the product. For 10-15 liters of mash, several glasses of these legumes are added.
  5. Oranges. The juice of one fruit is enough to accelerate the fermentation process of 10 liters of mash. But you also need to mix it intensively and often the first two days.

In general, the use of natural top dressing can reduce the maturation process of mash by several days, but the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it with their addition, otherwise not only the speed of production of home-brew will change, but also its taste.

Saturation of mash with oxygen

In order to provide microorganisms with the conditions for normal functioning, it is important to provide them with oxygen access. This can be achieved by periodically shaking the container with the detergent or mixing it several times a day. The second option will be more effective, especially when it comes to speeding up the process.

To achieve this, you can use a mixer or a drill with a special nozzle. But it is necessary to saturate the mash with oxygen together with the use of additional top dressings, because in the absence of increased nutrition, there will be no rapid multiplication of microorganisms.

Temperature control

Slow down the process of fermentation of mash is capable of every degree in the room, which contains a container with it. In order for fermentation to occur around the clock, you need to arrange constant heat, while trying not to overheat the mash, as this can also be harmful.

For example, you can wrap a container with future moonshine with a blanket, eliminate all drafts and put heat-insulating material under the bottom. This will not be able to significantly affect the speed of the process, but the risk of stopping the work of microorganisms will decrease and only due to this the solution for distillation will ripen a few days earlier.

But no matter what tricks are used to accelerate the process of mash fermentation, nothing will work if quality yeast was not originally used. The whole course of the process depends on them, it is they who determine its duration, and it is on them that the solution acquires a special smell.

Wine yeast is considered to be the highest quality and suitable for success in fermentation of mash, but you can use ordinary and brewery.

To make high-quality, strong and tasty moonshine, you need to choose the right mash recipe, focusing on the dates originally specified in it. Yes, they can be accelerated, but it’s not worth it to be too zealous, as this is fraught with a low concentration of alcohol and a low nutritive value of the solution, which will necessarily affect the yield of moonshine.

The process of ripening mash for moonshine on average lasts 5-14 days. The time depends on the yeast used and the wort present. If there is no time to wait, the process can be accelerated through a process such as dressing mash. This process can be carried out in a variety of ways, the main thing is that damage to the overall quality should not be brought. Immediately it is worth noting that it will not work to significantly reduce the time, it is important to know the measure and set the most realistic dates.

What determines the fermentation time

The moonshine preparation procedure is characterized by clear technology. When using one recipe, the mug will play in 5 days, and the use of other methods implies an exposure of 10 days. There are priority indicators that affect the ripening time of the mash. Among them stand out:

  1. Yeast is characterized by different activity indicators of the constituent microorganisms. These parameters depend not only on the basic conditions for their development, but also on freshness and on the characteristics of the origin. For perfect fermentation, you should give preference to wine yeast, fresh and which are properly stored. If storage conditions were violated, the vital activity of bacteria will be reduced, which will negatively affect their activity.
  2. The mash recipe used and the correct proportions of the main ingredients are important. The composition of the wort determines not only the fermentation process itself, but also the basic taste and quality of the future drink. The total aging time of the mash is influenced by the amount of sugar and top dressing.
  3. The temperature of the beverage - affects the ripening time and the intensity of fermentation. For normal fermentation, you need to maintain a temperature of 18 to 30 degrees. The decrease will cause the yeast to “fall asleep”, and the increase will lead to their death. The most dangerous is the elevated temperature, since in the first case the yeast can be “woken up”, and when overheated, it will be impossible to return them to life.
  4. Fermentation tanks should be for food materials and should not react with alcohol or acidic medium. Stainless steel, glass or food grade plastic containers are ideal.
  5. It is necessary to exclude hit of sunshine or bright light on the mash. The place where the mash is standing should be darkened or the container should not transmit light.

These are the main points that must be taken into account to get a good mash, and later moonshine.

Important! If you have questions related to the reason why it does not roam or roams badly, first of all it is worth analyzing all the points listed above.

Popular feeding options

If fermentation is very slow, you need to know how to speed up fermentation. The main thing is to first determine the cause. Sometimes it’s quite enough to simply review and arrange more comfortable conditions for fermentation. This may be an increase in temperature. In special cases, a combination of different methods may be required, so you can significantly speed up the fermentation process, make it as fast as possible without causing damage to the overall quality of the future drink.

High-quality top dressing for sugar mash and any other can be done by yourself or bought in a store. Let's consider simple, clear and time-tested methods.

  1. Brown bread crusts. Recipes based on it have been known since ancient times, then it was black bread that was used to make alcohol. Bread nourishes the mash with useful substances that will accelerate the activity of yeast.
  2. Tomato paste. This is a rather unusual option for feeding, but very effective. 150 grams of pasta is added to 20 liters of mash, thanks to this the drink quickly “revives”.
  3. Dried fruits. Add a handful of raisins and dried apricots, dried fruits do not wash, because on their surface there are substances and bacteria that feed the yeast. On the basis of raisins you can make leaven, which in its quality is not inferior to cultural yeast.
  4. Peas or corn. If you add two to three glasses per 15 liters of mash, you can seriously accelerate the fermentation reaction. The only drawback here is excessive foam formation. But this is not a problem, it is enough to put a small piece of cookies or brown bread on the surface of the mash, and fast fermentation will be provided.
  5. Ready Feeding. These are well-developed mixtures, which contain various vitamins, minerals and numerous enzymes. They nourish the mash with nutrients and accelerate fermentation.

Advice! When you make brew for moonshine from sugar, be sure to fertilize, without it, it will be difficult for yeast to quickly process sugar.

Proper feeding of yeast reduces the ripening time by a couple of days. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of additives, since there is a risk of spoiling the taste of the final drink. If fermentation is too active, unnecessary by-products of yeast are released.

To summarize

Different bait methods will be effective only if exclusively high-quality raw materials have been used. Yeast is important for acting out the mash, since the course of the process depends on them, using yeast you can increase and decrease the total number of days of mash ripening and even give the drink an unpleasant odor. It is equally important to pay attention to the correctly selected recipe for mash.

Trying to speed up the fermentation, it is worth observing the measure. Excessive zeal will significantly degrade the overall quality of moonshine.

The process of making moonshine has a clear technology, but in one situation, the mash costs 5 days, and in another more than 10, but the yield of the alcohol itself is the same. This is quite realistic if the main factors are known that affect the maturation rate of a future distillation solution. If we consider priority indicators that affect how many days the mash will be infused, then the following points can be distinguished:

  • Yeast. The activity of specific microorganisms can be different, it depends not only on the conditions of their development, but also on origin, freshness. It is better to choose fresh yeast, preferably wine that has been stored appropriately. Weak bacterial activity will affect the formation of alcohol compounds, speed;
  • , proportions of the main ingredients. The composition of the wort determines not only the taste shades, the quality of the future moonshine, but also on how the fermentation will be. Choosing starch raw materials, you can significantly accelerate the fermentation than to use, for example, berries, fruits, jam. The sugar content or “food” for yeast can also influence the aging time, which is necessarily taken into account when determining a particular recipe, proportions, composition;
  • Temperature conditions. Temperature indicators affect how much it costs, mash matures, with what intensity distillation of moonshine will take place, on the overall yield of the product. If we consider the fermentation itself, then you need to maintain an interval of 25-35 degrees, a decrease will lead to the "falling asleep" of the yeast, and an increase - to death. If in the first case the fungi can be resuscitated, then with overheating, microorganisms cannot be returned;
  • Location, container. More often, the mash is placed in a dark place, the dishes are selected mainly glass, it is better to use a water seal, devices to regulate the ripening process.

These four points are fundamental that must be taken into account at the initial stage in order to get a good solution in a short time, with the necessary strength for future moonshine.

If questions arise, why the mixture doesn’t “play”, wanders poorly, then first of all it is necessary to analyze the above points.

Just following the technology is not enough to get the mash in the planned interval, and for such cases, all experienced winemakers have their own secrets.

Fermentation Acceleration Options

If it seems that the solution is not being prepared fast enough, then you do not need to immediately try to use all kinds of methods, you first need to determine why this process occurs. Perhaps it will be enough to organize more comfortable conditions for the mash, for example, to take care of the temperature, but this is the easiest way, more often fermentation is stimulated by one of the options:

  1. Top dressing;
  2. Aeration or oxygenation
  3. Maintaining the temperature necessary for high-quality fermentation.

In especially neglected cases, when the mixture slowly ferments, several methods can be combined at once, which will only increase the efficiency of the whole process. At the same time, one should not forget about the measure, since excessive stimulation of the yeast will cause a deterioration in the quality of moonshine.

Feeding mash, some features

How many days the fermentation will take place can be adjusted independently, even if the wort is already prepared. For this, you can use top dressing, they can be natural, made from improvised products or purchased ready-made. Some do not trust the last option or activator, thinking that then the mash will contain harmful substances, but this is not so. An additive that activates the work of microorganisms can be a mixture of enzymes, vitamins, minerals and some other elements that increase the nutritional value of the solution, and hence the speed of reproduction of yeast. An increase in the number of fungi, adequate nutrition for it due to the wort and activator allows us to ensure that the mash roams faster. Activators can be purchased in specialized stores, including online resources. If, after feeding them, no significant changes have occurred and the reactions proceed in the same mode, then you still need to find the reason why this happens. It may be necessary to re-prepare the wort or add better yeast.

Fertilizing can be prepared at home, as well as affordable products can act as original stimulants, necessary food for yeast:

  • Brown bread, better crust. The recipe is still known since ancient times, when it was black bread that was used to make alcoholic drinks, kvass. The composition allows you to enhance the action of fungi and create a favorable nutrient medium;
  • Tomato paste. Quite an unusual option, but effective. It is enough to add 100-200 grams per 15-20 liters of mash, it can "come to life". There are even recipes for wort with tomato paste, where the yield of the final is not different from analogues with cereals;
  • Dried fruits. Usually a handful of raisins are added, less often dried apricots. It is believed that grapes of individual varieties are indispensable not only for the preparation of low alcohol drinks, but also for moonshine. You can even make leaven from raisins on your own, which will not be inferior to conventional yeast. An important feature of the use of such an additive is that it is not necessary to wash dried fruits, since they contain bacteria that are natural and necessary for mash;
  • Corn, peas. Adding a few glasses of legumes per 10-15 liters of solution can significantly accelerate the reaction, but excessive foam formation is possible. This does not need to be scared, remove the foam, you should throw a little brown bread, a piece of biscuit into the container.

The use of bait reduces the ripening period by several days, sometimes even it turns out to cook a mature mash in just 2-3 days.

The main thing is that you don’t need to overdo it with additives, otherwise, along with a quick readiness to taste, it will go bad. This is especially true for unusual ingredients, in particular ammonia, which is also sometimes added for the speed of fermentation.

Aeration or oxygenation

For the normal functioning of fungi, oxygen access is necessary, the more yeast, the higher the need for this gas. Such conditions can be provided by periodically shaking the container, but thorough mixing several times a day will be more effective. Some use a mixer, others use a drill with a special nozzle, but all these actions are aimed at high-quality aeration of the solution. It is on the principle that the more oxygen, the fewer days it will take to ferment, the recipe for mash for moonshine in the washing machine was invented. Refined alcohol by this method does not work, but after a few hours will be received. Even an automatic machine is suitable for this, only you can not set the temperature above 40 degrees. The guarantees that the experiment ended successfully are not very high, but the reviews of the manufacturers of strong alcohol say that this method has a place to be.

Systematic mixing should take place together with additional top dressing, since in the absence of nutrition, the reproduction of fungi will not take place. Sometimes it can be simple cereals, ready-made activators, legumes, and so on.

Maintaining temperature, as an option to reduce the days of cooking mash

If the solution wanders with different intensities, which may be due to temperature differences, then maintaining a constant parameter will help reduce the overall cooking period. For example, the mash is in a dark place. The average indoor temperature is 25 ° C, such an indicator may not be sufficient for the complete activation of fungi, since every degree is important for this process. For various reasons, temperature can vary, for example, airing, draft and so on. Lowering the indicators even by a few points “slows down” the reaction and the question arises of why the product’s readiness has not come for so long. In order for fermentation to take place round-the-clock, it is necessary to organize constant heat, but at the same time, do not overheat the mash, since the yeast themselves also generate heat. For this purpose, you can wrap the container with a blanket, put the insulating material under the bottom, eliminate constant drafts, lower temperatures. Significantly change the readiness period does not work, but for a few days the distillation solution will ripen faster, the risk of "falling asleep" of microorganisms will decrease.

All these tricks will be effective if good yeast and high-quality raw materials were initially used. If you want to make a decent strong drink at home, then excessive savings will only spoil all labor costs. For the future moonshine very yeast is important, it is they that can change the course of the process, increase or decrease the number of ripening days, give the solution a peculiar smell. For example, if you use raw or beer components, then a typical aroma will be present, which will be difficult to remove even with repeated distillation. To be sure of the effectiveness of fermentation, it is recommended to use special ones, they are quite affordable, they allow you to prepare a solution with high alcohol concentrations in a few days. If you wish, you can cook the starter, for example, using raisins, but in this matter, technology and raw materials are also important.

For a tasty, strong moonshine, it is necessary at the initial stage to choose the mash recipe correctly and focus on the indicated dates. There is no need to rush too much in this matter, since a low concentration of alcohol associated with poor work of the yeast and low nutrient content of the solution will affect the output of moonshine.

This question is often raised by novice moonshiners, who rely primarily on speed. Home brewing is a craft in which rushing is simply inappropriate. I immediately want to ask a counter question - do I need to interfere with the Braga during fermentation !? This is a process in which living microorganisms — yeast — work without human participation, and I will tell you more from my own experience — the more relaxed the mash, the better and fuller it will ferment without stirring! And now, in order and with detailed explanations.

Why not interfere with the mash during fermentation?

Braga is recommended to interfere with many resources on the Internet, and the authors give strict instructions to use alcoholic yeast, and only "turbo", and only sold in a particular store "with delivery at the best price." Let's turn to physics - my favorite science, which is able to explain complex phenomena in simple language. So, what is the process of fermentation - what happens in Braga?

  • Yeast - living fungi, begin to actively divide under favorable conditions, and in the absence of oxygen they process sugar, releasing by-products - alcohol and carbon dioxide
  • The yeast is evenly distributed throughout the entire brew due to boiling - carbon dioxide rises in small bubbles from the bottom and walls, like in a bottle of champagne or another carbonated drink, so the mixing process takes place by itself. These bubbles carry particles of yeast from the lower layers to the upper layers.
  • Gradually, the yeast begins to sink to the lower part, and the upper part of the mash is clarified - this is not just normal, but it is absolutely necessary, and stirring the mash at this moment means slowing down the fermentation process

For the final paragraph, for sure, further clarification is needed. So, the density of alcohol is lower than the density of water, which means that in the total capacity in the brew, it rises up, while the sugary liquid drops down. And we, experienced moonshiners, already know that yeast perishes in an environment with a high alcohol content. Gradually, the yeast also sinks to the bottom - that is why in the end they precipitate, since their activity in the braga already saturated with alcohol decreases, and they die. That is, raising sugar content from the bottom of the fermentation tank and mixing it with the upper layers saturated with alcohol, you do not accelerate, but, on the contrary, slow down the process.

And why else should not interfere with the mash

Braga should not be disturbed, and for one more reason - for this you will at least have to periodically open the container. And you can’t let air into the fermentation tank, since in this case the concentration of oxides increases in the brew, and, more simply, vinegar. That is, believing that you are accelerating the fermentation process, you simply kill it. Yes, it will end faster, because part of the mash due to this kind of “aeration” will turn into acetic acid, and part to alcohol. But this acceleration will not give you a bigger exit. Therefore, the fact that mixing accelerates fermentation is a delusion. The duration of fermentation is reduced due to losses resulting from the processing of raw materials into vinegar. Some craftsmen put some special devices in the fermentation tanks so as not to let in air. True, I have never seen in practice that this would give a greater yield or actually reduce the fermentation time.

If you want to ensure full output and save time at the fermentation stage, then take better care of the optimal conditions for this process, namely:

  • Ensure full tightness of the container under the seal
  • Try to keep the mash in a room with a temperature of +25 C o, in which there will be a minimum of vibrations
  • Use proven yeast in practice, do not violate the proportions at the cooking stage
  • Do not drain the brew ahead of time - it is better to stand longer than less. Optimum - at least 7-8 days

And most importantly - do not bother Braga to “play” calmly - without your participation, it will ripen much better, and you will be able to get a good yield of a quality product in which the soul of a patient artisan and not a hasty alcoholic will be invested. In an extreme case, if the issue of time is very urgent, just take off the mash earlier - I sometimes have done this when I needed to send the package to friends or relatives in other regions. The output will be slightly lower, but the quality is up to standard.

Cooking Mash? the process is simple and accessible to everyone. If you have the necessary funds and ingredients, it will not take much time.

Almost all vegetables, fruits, cereals containing sugar and / or starch will be the basis of the mash wort. Old jam, honey will work perfectly for grouting. Starchy products are first saccharinated, then kneaded with mash. Sugar? the main component in brew must, since alcohol is formed precisely from the combination of yeast with sugar.

Making Sugar and Dry Yeast Mash

When mixing wort from fruits and vegetables, it is difficult for a beginner to determine the consumption of sugar, yeast and the volume of moonshine at the exit. But there is a simple, proven recipe with a guaranteed result. For its implementation it is necessary to prepare the following products:

  • water;
  • sugar;
  • yeast.

The amount of ingredients is determined based on purely personal needs for moonshine.

The proportions of the classic recipe for 10 liters. moonshine:

  • water? 30 l
  • granulated sugar? 8 kg
  • dry yeast? 150-200 gr.

It is believed that 1 kg of granulated sugar will produce 1.2 liters. moonshine.

Some winemakers insist on? Rule 10? (out of 10 kg of sugar comes 10 l. 40-45 ° moonshine):

  • water? 40 l
  • granulated sugar? 10 kg
  • dry yeast? 300 gr.

The amount of yeast is always approximate, since their activity depends on the expiration date, on the producer.

Sugar is added to the mash without further processing. There is no need to turn it into syrup. It will dissolve well in warm water.

Water can be taken from the water supply, only it needs to be allowed to settle for half a day. Boiled water is not suitable for fermentation. Yeast in such water will not work at full strength.

According to the classic recipe, mash is prepared by simply mixing all the components. Sugar is poured into the water, mixed, and diluted yeast is added.

What to use yeast

Yeast is one of the main components in the preparation of mash substrate. They are represented by different

  • pressed;
  • bakery
  • alcohol;
  • beer houses;
  • wine.

Wine yeast is very expensive, they are used to ferment wine. Beers are more used in cosmetology and medicine. Pressed or live? perishable product, you can find them at bakeries, in specialized stores. For ordinary food stores? This is a rare product.

Dry alcohol or baker's yeast is most often used, but marked “for baking and drinks”. Such yeast is more viable. But how they will behave is difficult to predict. This may be rapid fermentation after 15-20 minutes, or their activity will appear in a few hours.

What to cook mash for moonshine

Mash is prepared in containers of food plastic, aluminum jars, barrels. The main condition is that the material is not susceptible to oxidation. Therefore, galvanized and copper utensils are not suitable. It is desirable that the canisters were wide-necked? they are easier to wash after distillation. The volume of the tank depends on the desired amount of moonshine.

During rapid fermentation, the foam rises with a cap, so the vessel must be filled so that a quarter of it remains free. When the foam escapes from the container, the mash can be poured into another dish, and then drained back. After 2–3 days, active fermentation will end and pass into the passive stage, which will last another 8–10 days.

At this stage, a water seal is installed on the tank. The following facts speak in his favor:

  • it is convenient to monitor the maturation of the mash by the released gas bubbles;
  • the smell in the room becomes less;
  • water seal prevents souring.

Optimum fermentation temperature

Compliance with the temperature regime? important condition for fermentation. Temperature range should
stay in the region of 20? 28 °. Does lowering the temperature slow down the yeast? high temperature is completely disastrous for them.

It should be borne in mind that in the early days, during rapid fermentation, the temperature of the liquid rises, so you do not need to additionally warm the mash.

In the following days, at low room temperature, the container with the brew can be wrapped up in order to retain heat. Old blankets and outerwear are suitable for this.

In the heating season, put the vessel to the batteries or resort to the use of a special device? temperature regulator. This device is used to heat water in aquariums. Alternating operation of the thermostat avoids the boiling effect. Just keep in mind that if the mash is very steep, wort particles can stick to the walls of the appliance.

Is it worth stirring the mash during fermentation

At the first stage of fermentation, when the foam breaks out, you do not need to knock it down and mix the mash. This will only aggravate the situation. It will be enough to drain part of the liquid.

During? Quiet? ripening sometimes requires heating. When using a temperature regulator, the mash should be interfered with for uniform heating, since the appliance heats and displays the temperature of the top layer.

In general, there is no need to mix the mash. This will not accelerate the process of its ripening and will not affect the fortress. The natural fermentation process will do everything by itself. The spent yeast will settle to the bottom, and stirring will only excite them and interfere with the determination of the readiness of the drink.

How to determine the readiness of the mash

It is important to determine the right moment to distill. Premature distillation will reduce the yield of moonshine and lower its degree. Overexposed more than two weeks of mash can turn sour.

The readiness of the product for distillation is determined in several ways:

It is better if there are results on several indicators at once.

Do I need to remove sediment

The opinions of winemakers are divided on whether to remove mash from the sediment or not. In many respects it depends on the device of the distillation cube of the moonshine still. In simple distillation devices, the tank itself with the braga is used as a cube. In this case, it is not necessary to remove it from the sediment. It is believed that from this the fortress of moonshine is lost.

For the preparation of alcohol in devices of a more complex design or industrial production, it will be better to get rid of yeast sediment, since it can burn to the walls during heating
distillation cube, especially if the wort was made from fruit raw materials.

It is possible to remove the mash from the sediment using a flexible hose with a diameter of about 1 cm. It is impractical to use a pipe with a smaller diameter, since it will clog. The end of the hose is lowered into the mash and fixed in 2? 3 cm from the sediment. The air is drawn in from the hose by the mouth so that fluid movement begins.

Also an optional action is lightening. This procedure is carried out to free the mash from the remaining suspension. It is believed that this will improve the taste of moonshine and in the future it will take less time to clean it.

The most common method? clarification with white clay. Clay (1 tbsp. L.) Is bred in 500 g. warm water and flows into the vessel. After a day, the mash is again removed from the precipitate formed.

Braga, wiped on fruits, lighten with gelatin. A pack of gelatin is poured with water overnight, then added to the drink. Flakes precipitate after 2–3 days. Braga is ready to drive.

The quality of the obtained moonshine and the speed of its preparation from the initial ingredients excite many moonshineers. Each question, which even remotely relates to the possibility of improving these parameters, is discussed at forums with a large number of arguments for and against, and disputes sometimes come to conflicts. The same applies to stirring the mash, namely, is it necessary to mix the mash during fermentation?

Stirring the mash

Since this issue is discussed quite vigorously, on the moonshine forums you can find a lot of examples, when stirring is still necessary. If you do not consider the process of elementary acceleration of fermentation, you can hear such arguments:

  • In the manufacture of mash from fruit raw materials, mixing leads to greater fermentation, especially of the dense part. When using flour (not cereals) for making mash, it can also settle to the bottom, and then the yeast does not reach the lower layers. Sometimes you can solve this problem by simply shaking the container, but it will have to be done several times a day, which is quite difficult.
  • Some moonshiners have noted yeast acidification in the foam.
  • In some cases, mixing is required if, for example, a pulp floats on top of the foam.
  • Another opinion regarding this is due to the fact that the formation of gas bubbles requires a certain amount of solid surfaces, and if they are not enough, then the liquid can oversaturated with CO2, which will inhibit the fermentation process.

The main problem in mixing the mash is the fact that this must be done without access to air. Therefore, such a method as simply using a wooden spoon or stick for this when removing the water seal is not suitable.

1) Many people use a magnetic stirrer for this purpose. Then, at the cooking stage, the anchor of the magnetic stirrer is placed in the mash, which looks like a small capsule. After the container is closed, it is placed on the mixer platform and the mixing process is started. The advantage of this mixer is that you can adjust how long the process takes, it is usually not too noisy and compact.

There are magnetic stirrers with heating, this will be a very useful attribute in the preparation of mash, since at a temperature of 28-30 degrees the fermentation process is more efficient. But it will need to be regulated, and this requires additional installation of a thermometer. When using a magnetic stirrer, you should be very careful, as many of them are compact in size. This imposes certain restrictions on the weight that can be placed on them, because their main purpose is to mix the reagents in small containers in a chemical laboratory.

In extreme cases, the magnetic stirrer can be made independently. But for this it is necessary to have certain knowledge in electronics.

2) Another quite affordable option is to buy a special water lock, which is designed in such a way that allows you to mix the mash. The main disadvantage is that you have to do this manually.

3) Another is an aquarium pump. You need to use a more powerful one. She plunges into herself. But there is an opinion that the aquarium pump does not cope with mixing the mash, as it is designed for clean water.

As the experience of many moonshiners shows, this is not so. True, in this case, it is unlikely to be suitable for pumping mash from container to container, but for this, many adapt the pump from the washing machine. The main problem of the aquarium pump is that if the solution is simultaneously heated, and the pump suddenly turns on, then the mash can boil. To do this, you must have a very powerful water seal.

4) Vibroinstallation for mixing mash. The principle of this installation is similar to special machines that are used to shrink tiles or concrete. The principle of their work is that they make the bubbles move up. One of the options for such a mixer is a design that mixes the mash in a small container, while rotating the entire tank. But it is suitable only if the mash is in bottles or cans of not more than two liters, which is not always convenient.

Ultrasonic washing machines are also adapted for this purpose, they make special mixers with blades at the bottom of the fermentation vessel and so on. Everyone chooses for himself the most successful design.

The main disadvantages of mixing mash

The question of whether it is necessary to interfere with the mash during fermentation is often asked by novice moonshiners. There are several reasons that are cited as an argument “for”, in particular, that the mixing process significantly accelerates fermentation. Without additional devices, the mash is unlikely to stand for more than two weeks.

Most often, even with them the gain will be insignificant - a day or two. Another thing is that some moonshiners on the Internet promise to accelerate this process to a day or so. But think about whether such a mess will be done right? Wouldn't getting out of her be too small? Many moonshiners come to the conclusion that moonshining is a process that does not endure rush.

The fermentation process involves yeast, which are living microorganisms. Therefore, they will still need some time to complete their work. Many moonshiners from their own experience prove that the process of mixing mash in general does not affect the time of its readiness.

Why not interfere with the mash?

What happens in Braga during fermentation:

1) The most favorable conditions are created, first of all, this means the absence of oxygen. The temperature and the presence of sucrose are also very important. After all the conditions are met, the process of processing sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide begins.

2) Next, the yeast is distributed evenly throughout the container due to a process similar to boiling. In small bubbles, carbon dioxide rises from the bottom and walls by analogy with a bottle of champagne or another carbonated drink. The same process also involves mixing: together with gas bubbles, yeast particles move from the lower to the upper level.

3) Gradually, the yeast sinks, and the upper part precipitates. This is because alcohol accumulates on top, and a sufficient amount of it leads to the fact that the yeast falls into suspended animation.

Why does alcohol get to the top of the vessel? From the school course of physics, we know that its density is less than the density of water, especially the sugary liquid that settles to the bottom of the tank. Next, the yeast precipitates naturally. Therefore, what is necessary is natural, otherwise the yeast will then burn in the distillation tank, thereby impairing the taste and smell of the product. It turns out the following: lifting sugar from the bottom of the mash and mixing it with alcohol, we, on the contrary, slow down the fermentation process.

The process of degassing mash

Degassing is the process of mixing mash at the end of the fermentation process. More precisely, this is a whole range of measures aimed at removing carbon dioxide from mash before distillation.

Why is this needed? In the process of fermentation, the yeast, as already mentioned, processes sugar. Moreover, one glucose molecule is converted into two ethanol molecules and two carbon dioxide molecules. Carbon dioxide creates excess pressure in the tank and must be vented. There is a water seal for this purpose. It is a special water lock that releases carbon dioxide and prevents oxygen from getting inside.

As the process progresses, fermentation weakens, and the gas does not come out so much. At the very end, some of it remains in the inner layers of the liquid. Depending on the type of raw material, temperature and duration, a certain amount of carbon dioxide remains.

When preparing a carbonated alcoholic beverage, a certain amount of carbon dioxide is mandatory. Sometimes, in order for gas to be present there, the fermentation process is restarted for a while. But usually in brags the gas is specially artificially removed.

This is done so that during distillation there is no increased foaming, which in turn leads to flooding of the moonshine and spray drip. In the first case, the distillate enters the receiving tank by spitting, in the second it becomes cloudy due to the fact that part of the mash falls into the coil.

Theoretically, if you leave the fermentation tank open for a few days, the gas will come out by itself. But with the access of air, the conversion of mash and alcohol to vinegar is activated, and at the output the quality of moonshine deteriorates and its quantity decreases.

How to make degassing mash?

After fermentation, the mash must be drained from the sediment - pour its liquid part through a tube into another container.

Next, the actual bubbles are removed. This can be done in two main ways: by heating and stirring. In the first case, the mash is poured into a pan or in a bucket with a wide neck diameter. It is desirable that the container was stainless steel, but enameled is also suitable. Next, the mash is heated to 50 degrees at maximum heating power and periodically mixed. They wait until the bubbles begin to rise from the bottom of the mash, and then they are removed.

Since the process is fast, and the temperature to which the mash is heated is not high, this prevents it from becoming rotten. The disadvantage of this method is that it is rather difficult, since several times it is necessary to transfer quite large batches of liquid from one vessel to another.

Mixing is usually done using a hammer drill, drill or aquarium pump. The first method is more reliable, since it is done faster. In order to mix the mash with a drill, it is necessary to have a building nozzle, which is mainly intended for breeding plaster mixtures. Naturally, it should be new, since it is problematic to completely clean it.

We lower the drill into the container with the Braga and turn it on for five to seven minutes until the smell of carbon dioxide released from the vessel disappears. Important: to mix the mash with a drill, use only plastic barrels.

After degassing, bentonite, gelatin or tea can be used to lighten the mash. The distillation technique does not change during degassing of the mash, but in this case, the raw materials can be poured into the distillation cube by 10% more.

How else to speed up the fermentation process?

As you can see, there are reasons for both the pros and cons of mixing the mash. In any case, if you do not know what is the best way to act, then you should not touch it. More experienced moonshiners can be advised: carefully monitor the technology of the mixing process and in no case allow the brehe to be saturated with oxygen.

Some try to conduct an experiment: whether the mash will be ready sooner. For this, it is worth recalling that the fermentation process depends on a large number of factors, only with the simultaneous observance of which we can say that the mixing itself somehow influenced.

If you still decide to resort to methods that accelerate the fermentation process, then follow these basic recommendations that will help make the alcohol yield optimal:

  • It is necessary to ensure complete tightness of the container under the seal.
  • Keep the mash indoors at a temperature of about 25 degrees. It is necessary that the number of vibrations is minimal.
  • Use only high-quality yeast that is best tested in practice or on the recommendation of friends. Try not to experiment with proportions.
  • Do not drain the mash ahead of time, let it stay longer. It is optimal for this period to exceed a week.

And most importantly, do not bother Braga to “play” calmly: it has been proven by many that she herself will mature without your participation. Sometimes, if necessary, you can shake it. In extreme cases, if you need to get moonshine as soon as possible and at the same time you are ready to sacrifice its amount, remove the mash earlier. But this is recommended to be done only as a last resort.

As you can see, the question of the need to mix the mash is rather difficult. Before making a decision, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons, it will also be useful to try this method on a small amount of raw material. In most cases, mixing the mash is not required and can affect it for the worse. But in principle, mixing is not always superfluous, at least in situations in which it becomes necessary. But you need to do this wisely and prevent oxygen from entering the container with the degradation, violating its tightness.

Cooking Mash? the process is simple and accessible to everyone. If you have the necessary funds and ingredients, it will not take much time.

Almost all vegetables, fruits, cereals containing sugar and / or starch will be the basis of the mash wort. Old jam, honey will work perfectly for grouting. Starchy products are first saccharinated, then kneaded with mash. Sugar? the main component in brew must, since alcohol is formed precisely from the combination of yeast with sugar.

Making Sugar and Dry Yeast Mash

When mixing wort from fruits and vegetables, it is difficult for a beginner to determine the consumption of sugar, yeast and the volume of moonshine at the exit. But there is a simple, proven recipe with a guaranteed result. For its implementation it is necessary to prepare the following products:

  • water;
  • sugar;
  • yeast.

The amount of ingredients is determined based on purely personal needs for moonshine.

The proportions of the classic recipe for 10 liters. moonshine:

  • water? 30 l
  • granulated sugar? 8 kg
  • dry yeast? 150-200 gr.

It is believed that 1 kg of granulated sugar will produce 1.2 liters. moonshine.

Some winemakers insist on? Rule 10? (out of 10 kg of sugar comes 10 l. 40-45 ° moonshine):

  • water? 40 l
  • granulated sugar? 10 kg
  • dry yeast? 300 gr.

The amount of yeast is always approximate, since their activity depends on the expiration date, on the producer.

Sugar is added to the mash without further processing. There is no need to turn it into syrup. It will dissolve well in warm water.

Water can be taken from the water supply, only it needs to be allowed to settle for half a day. Boiled water is not suitable for fermentation. Yeast in such water will not work at full strength.

According to the classic recipe, mash is prepared by simply mixing all the components. Sugar is poured into the water, mixed, and diluted yeast is added.

What to use yeast

Yeast is one of the main components in the preparation of mash substrate. They are represented by different

  • pressed;
  • bakery
  • alcohol;
  • beer houses;
  • wine.

Wine yeast is very expensive, they are used to ferment wine. Beers are more used in cosmetology and medicine. Pressed or live? perishable product, you can find them at bakeries, in specialized stores. For ordinary food stores? This is a rare product.

Dry alcohol or baker's yeast is most often used, but marked “for baking and drinks”. Such yeast is more viable. But how they will behave is difficult to predict. This may be rapid fermentation after 15-20 minutes, or their activity will appear in a few hours.

What to cook mash for moonshine

Mash is prepared in containers of food plastic, aluminum jars, barrels. The main condition is that the material is not susceptible to oxidation. Therefore, galvanized and copper utensils are not suitable. It is desirable that the canisters were wide-necked? they are easier to wash after distillation. The volume of the tank depends on the desired amount of moonshine.

During rapid fermentation, the foam rises with a cap, so the vessel must be filled so that a quarter of it remains free. When the foam escapes from the container, the mash can be poured into another dish, and then drained back. After 2–3 days, active fermentation will end and pass into the passive stage, which will last another 8–10 days.

At this stage, a water seal is installed on the tank. The following facts speak in his favor:

  • it is convenient to monitor the maturation of the mash by the released gas bubbles;
  • the smell in the room becomes less;
  • water seal prevents souring.

Optimum fermentation temperature

Compliance with the temperature regime? important condition for fermentation. Temperature range should
stay in the region of 20? 28 °. Does lowering the temperature slow down the yeast? high temperature is completely disastrous for them.

It should be borne in mind that in the early days, during rapid fermentation, the temperature of the liquid rises, so you do not need to additionally warm the mash.

In the following days, at low room temperature, the container with the brew can be wrapped up in order to retain heat. Old blankets and outerwear are suitable for this.

In the heating season, put the vessel to the batteries or resort to the use of a special device? temperature regulator. This device is used to heat water in aquariums. Alternating operation of the thermostat avoids the boiling effect. Just keep in mind that if the mash is very steep, wort particles can stick to the walls of the appliance.

Is it worth stirring the mash during fermentation

At the first stage of fermentation, when the foam breaks out, you do not need to knock it down and mix the mash. This will only aggravate the situation. It will be enough to drain part of the liquid.

During? Quiet? ripening sometimes requires heating. When using a temperature regulator, the mash should be interfered with for uniform heating, since the appliance heats and displays the temperature of the top layer.

In general, there is no need to mix the mash. This will not accelerate the process of its ripening and will not affect the fortress. The natural fermentation process will do everything by itself. The spent yeast will settle to the bottom, and stirring will only excite them and interfere with the determination of the readiness of the drink.

How to determine the readiness of the mash

It is important to determine the right moment to distill. Premature distillation will reduce the yield of moonshine and lower its degree. Overexposed more than two weeks of mash can turn sour.

The readiness of the product for distillation is determined in several ways:

It is better if there are results on several indicators at once.

Do I need to remove sediment

The opinions of winemakers are divided on whether to remove mash from the sediment or not. In many respects it depends on the device of the distillation cube of the moonshine still. In simple distillation devices, the tank itself with the braga is used as a cube. In this case, it is not necessary to remove it from the sediment. It is believed that from this the fortress of moonshine is lost.

For the preparation of alcohol in devices of a more complex design or industrial production, it will be better to get rid of yeast sediment, since it can burn to the walls during heating
distillation cube, especially if the wort was made from fruit raw materials.

It is possible to remove the mash from the sediment using a flexible hose with a diameter of about 1 cm. It is impractical to use a pipe with a smaller diameter, since it will clog. The end of the hose is lowered into the mash and fixed in 2? 3 cm from the sediment. The air is drawn in from the hose by the mouth so that fluid movement begins.

Also an optional action is lightening. This procedure is carried out to free the mash from the remaining suspension. It is believed that this will improve the taste of moonshine and in the future it will take less time to clean it.

The most common method? clarification with white clay. Clay (1 tbsp. L.) Is bred in 500 g. warm water and flows into the vessel. After a day, the mash is again removed from the precipitate formed.

Braga, wiped on fruits, lighten with gelatin. A pack of gelatin is poured with water overnight, then added to the drink. Flakes precipitate after 2–3 days. Braga is ready to drive.

Braga as an alcohol-containing product has been known for a long time. Even before they learned to make moonshine, they used it in its pure form.  Now, mash is required for making moonshine. Making mash is not at all difficult, the main thing is to have all the necessary components at hand, and the cooking process itself will not take much time. To create a mash of wort, any sugar-containing fruits and vegetables are suitable. A good result is obtained from grain mash, candied jam or honey can also be added to the must.


For the preparation of mash, aluminum jars, plastic canisters with a mark for food, glass bottles are suitable. The main condition is that the container should not be oxidized and therefore zinc utensils cannot be used. It is also desirable that the containers were with a wide neck, so subsequently it will be easier to wash them. The capacity of the container is determined by the desired volume of moonshine.

During intense fermentation, a lot of foam forms and therefore when pouring the workpiece for mash, the capacity is a quarter empty.  If it happens that the foam escapes through the top of the vessel, then the prepared mash can be poured into larger dishes. The active fermentation cycle continues around three days, after this begins the process of ripening, lasting approximately ten days.

Installation of a water lock

After active fermentation is completed, a water lock is placed on the neck of the container. Its advantages are the following points:

  • Gas bubbles show the degree of maturation of the mash.
  • There is no specific smell in the room.
  • Prevents souring of the product.

If during intensive fermentation strong foam rises, mash should not be mixed, this will only make you worse. It would be more appropriate to pour it into two containers.

At the second stage, when the mash is in the process of ripening, heating may be required and if you use a thermostat, it is advisable to mix in order to achieve the same temperature at all levels.

Well, if you have everything according to plan to interfere in the process of fermentation, there is no need for mash, the ripening of the product occurs naturally. On the contrary, an agitated yeast cake will interfere with readiness determination.

How to find out if the mash is ready?

The fermentation process, on average, can take ten days,  but according to this factor, the readiness of the product should not be determined, because depending on the incoming components, the ripening period may increase or decrease, on the contrary. If you put in distillation the unripened mash, then you will not get the planned amount of moonshine and its quality will be better, well, and in case of overexposure, the drink can simply turn sour.

There are several ways to determine the readiness of the mash:

  • By taste indicator. This is the main way to determine readiness. The taste of the finished mash is bitter and gives sourness. This fact means that the yeast coped with its task and all sugar is converted to alcohol. If the mash tastes sweetish, the fermentation process continues. It may also turn out that for some reason the yeast has lost its strength or too little has been added and the fermentation has stopped. In this case, you need to restore fermentation by adding a new portion of yeast.
  • Color.  Upon completion of the fermentation, the yeast sinks to the bottom and the liquid becomes lighter.
  • A lit match.  A match is ignited in the container and if it does not go out, then carbon dioxide is not released and the fermentation process is completed.
  • On the peas.  If fermentation continues, the peas lowered in the mash will float on the surface and turn over.
  • By a water lock.  No bubbles - the fermentation process is over.
  • Hydrometer  allows you to determine the readiness of mash for sugar, if the indicator is less than one, then you can proceed to distillation. The readiness of the mash by the alcohol content will help determine the alcohol meter (a type of hydrometer) - if the readings of the device do not change for several days, then the product is ready.

There is no unanimous opinion on this issue, but we can say that it is better to pour mash without sediment into the moonshine made in the factory, since organic particles will stick to the bottom of the tank.

You can separate the mash from the sediment using a hose - one end is lowered into the container and not brought to suspension by about two centimeters, through the other end we pump out air from the hose through the mouth to start the movement of the liquid.

Brightening mash

Lightening is not a mandatory procedure, but many argue that moonshine is getting better from this. Quite often, mash is clarified with white clay (bentonite), it can be bought at a pharmacy. The clarification process is as follows:   one tablespoon of clay is mixed with half a liter of water,  and the resulting mixture is poured into the mash. After a day, it is again removed from the sediment.

You can also use gelatin - the contents of the package are allowed to swell in warm water, then I spread in the mash, after three days the clarification process will be completed.

How long can the mash be stored until distillation?

Ready mash can be stored in a cool place for quite some time ( about 2 months) So if you can’t overtake it right away, it’s not worth worrying, just put the product in a cool place and he will calmly wait for his turn. But it is worth remembering that the longer the mash is, the tougher its taste will be.

Making alcohol with your own hands has always been an exciting experience, especially since as a result we have a proven and great product.

When fermenting raw materials from sugar and yeast for a tasty and high-quality moonshine, it is not enough to strictly observe the proportions in the composition of a good “mash recipe”. Here, one of the most important points will be careful exposure to the optimum fermentation temperature.

In order not to make a mistake with the temperature for comfortable fermentation of mash from sugar and yeast, it is necessary to understand all the subtleties of its maturation.
  The most important fermentation catalyst is, of course, yeast.

Indeed, it is thanks to their vital activity that carbon dioxide is formed in the process of sugar absorption, the wort is heated, and alcohol is necessarily produced.

But the Braga contains a host of other microorganisms that can begin to actively proliferate as soon as the yeast's vital activity decreases as a result of sharp jumps in temperature conditions. It is generally accepted that it must be maintained between 24 and 30 ° C.

  • Lowering the temperature regime entails braking and a complete stop of the process. It is also fraught with an increase in the level of acidity of mash, which adversely affects its taste and strength. Usually, normal wort ripening from sugar and yeast requires no more than a week, while hypothermia stretches this period to several months. But if such passive fermentation is welcome in winemaking, then this is unacceptable in the manufacture of distillate. Therefore, if after a drop in temperature — the brew does not roam — the situation will have to be urgently saved by moving to a more comfortable and warm place.
  • But if the hypothermia of wort from sugar and yeast can be really corrected, then after overheating the yeast can no longer be revived. Therefore, it is so important to prevent the temperature regime from reaching a dangerous temperature mark of more than 40 ° C. It should be remembered that the process of converting sugar into alcohol using yeast is accompanied by active heat generation and threatens a sharp heating of the yeast raw materials. And in order not to disrupt the overall distillation process, it will be necessary to correct the oversight only by preparing a new mixture for fermentation. Therefore, compliance with temperature conditions ranging from 24 to 30 degrees is considered the most optimal.

    It is advisable to maintain a temperature that is even and without sudden jumps, as this will adversely affect the quality of the raw materials and the finished drink. To reduce the level of fusel oils in the composition of high-quality distillate, fermentation is allowed up to a maximum of 32 degrees, but no more.

Is it necessary to interfere with the mash during fermentation

Considering that the wort heats up more during fermentation in the upper part, it is logical to assume that it is possible to ensure uniform heating by periodically stirring it. This is especially true for inexperienced moonshiners, who at first are very worried only about the speed of its maturation.

But they often ask themselves a counter-question - whether it is necessary to mix the mash during fermentation. And since this is the result of the self-sufficient functioning of yeast and sugar, it is worth listening to weighty arguments in favor of more calm conditions of fermentation. The yeast fungus dies in a saturated alcoholic environment, therefore, having worked, it gradually lowers down and precipitates, giving way to the less dense ethanol released.

By moving live yeast to a more aggressive alcohol environment, you only slow down the fermentation, and not vice versa. There is another important reason not to disturb the natural course of fermentation. After all, such an intervention involves primarily a violation of the tightness of the fermentation tank, and this is fraught with excessive acidification of the raw materials.

That is, by accelerating fermentation in this way, you can turn a good wort into a mixture of acetic acid and ethanol. Therefore, do not disturb the natural fermentation with stirring in order to avoid negative consequences for the quality of the drink.

At what temperature is it right to drive moonshine

To prepare home-made moonshine, it is necessary to bring the finished mixture to the boiling point of alcohol vapors, then to condense them into a liquid.
But evaporation itself is divided into several stages with different temperature conditions for the water, alcohol and fusel oils that enter it. And in order to timely separate a quality product from harmful impurities, it is important to know at what temperature moonshine is driven at each stage. Basically, the physical processes during distillation are very similar and can be done by any model of a standard moonshine.

Distillation of mash into moonshine with or without a steamer is guided by strict observance of the temperature specified for a certain period.

  • First, the wort is heated as much as possible to 60-63 ° C and with a sharp decrease in heating the smooth transition to the selection of the head fraction is maintained at 64-68 degrees. It is under these conditions that alcohol with fusel oils begins to evaporate. If this is not done, then part of the boiled liquid will fall into the system, and the moonshine will be cloudy and with a sharp fusel odor. Due to the high content of harmful impurities in the pervak, it is definitely not worth drinking it, since after rapid intoxication severe intoxication of the body occurs. The moonshiners with experience recommend cutting off the initial 8-10% of the distillate from the entire volume and use it only for household needs.
  • Then proceed to the selection of the main, the so-called body of the product after heating it to 78 ° C. For this, they continue to maintain the degree at the same level, trying not to exceed it above 83-85 ° C. A timely transition to the allocation of a qualitative component of the distillate is accompanied by a characteristic alcoholic odor without unpleasant shades.
  • Closer to the end of the distillation, the temperature at which moonshine is driven increases to 85 degrees, and the remains of the alcohol base are expelled along with the fowl. This adversely affects the quality of the product, therefore, at this key point, the collection of the body is urgently stopped and the selection of the tail of the alcohol is started. As soon as its strength during distillation decreases to 20 ° C, they also stop taking this fraction and home brewing is considered complete.

Table of boiling point of alcohol in Braga

Only having understood the nuances of making wort from yeast and sugar, it becomes clear how important it is to maintain a comfortable fermentation temperature. Therefore, in order to get high-quality and mild alcohol in the end, when preparing raw materials, you need to be able to constantly monitor and regulate the temperature regime.