Technology and rules for cleaning moonshine after the second distillation.

03.09.2019 Bakery products


Moonshine after the first distillation, in addition to ethyl alcohol, contains harmful impurities - light fractions (such as acetone) and fusel oils. In addition to harm to the body, they have a very unpleasant odor.
These impurities must be removed, which is the task of subsequent operations.
At this stage, the main purification of moonshine from fusel oils is carried out.

The above method - how to clean moonshine from fusel oils has been repeatedly tested and proved its advantages.


In the photo - a bottle with mixed oil. One can see how muddy the liquid is.

Unfortunately, the photograph does not show that the result is an almost transparent liquid. Cleansed before the second distillation of moonshine.

After that, using the usual "driver" method, we begin to pump liquid into the lower bottle. Using the clamp, we adjust the fluid flow so that the funnel is always approximately half full. Flowing through charcoal, moonshine is purified from fusel oils, and from the remains of vegetable oil.
The end of the process is determined visually when the oil layer approaches the intake end of the hose.

Activated charcoal (crushed or granular) is pre-poured into the funnel so that it slightly exits the syringe body.

For clarity, the following is a sketch of the placement of treatment equipment before the second distillation. Using the rigid part of Hose 1, we take the fluid below the oil layer, with the help of the Clamp we regulate the fluid flow. The cleaning itself takes place in Funnel 2 with activated carbon. Activated carbon not only absorbs fusel oil from moonshine, it very well collects a suspension of oil that does not go up.

We collect equipment for removing vegetable oil and fusel oils. We use "hose 1", "clamp", "funnel 2" (see the moonshine equipment page).

After stirring, leave the bottle alone for 12 hours. During this time, the sediment of the solution occurs, and vegetable oil with trapped fusel oils rises. The photo shows a layer of oil at the top of the bottle.

Pay attention to a very important detail - we use only refined corn oilotherwise, the smell of oil in the final product is possible.


Quite a difficult moment - stirring vegetable oil in moonshine. These liquids have different specific gravities, and just do not mix. It is necessary to break the vegetable oil into drops, these drops will capture fusel oils and then float up. If you stir too intensely (for example with a construction mixer), then too small drops form, they do not float. If the stirring is too weak, then a few drops of oil are formed, and accordingly they trap few fusel oils.
In order to avoid errors, below is a video of this operation. It contains several episodes:
First  - pour vegetable oil at the rate of 250 milliliters of oil per 10 liters of diluted moonshine.
Second- Be sure to cover the bottle with a plastic bag to prevent splashing.
Third  - stir the oil for 60 seconds, then 60 seconds of rest. There are three such approaches - stirring / rest.


Additionally, fusel oils will be removed during the second distillation by tail cutoff, but this is only an additional purification. The main purification of moonshine from fusel oils is carried out at this stage.
On the way out, we should get a product with a completely odorless sivuha. There will be odors of light fractions (such as acetone), but they will be removed during the second distillation and purification after the second distillation.

There are many ways to clean moonshine from fusel oils.

- soda
- milk
- egg white
A very interesting way is to freeze it.

Probably the best known way is cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate.
First of all, the simplicity of the method attracts - a certain amount of potassium permanganate is dissolved in moonshine, then, after exposure, it is filtered through activated carbon or a cartridge for water purification.
Everything is very simple. But the bad thing is that potassium permanganate is an active oxidizing agent, and it interacts not only with fusel oils, but also with ethyl alcohol. As a result, potassium hydroxide, acetic aldehyde and other impurities are formed, which must be disposed of.
You can read in more detail on other sites, but you need serious rather than superficial information.

The next most popular method is charcoal moonshine cleaning.
There are a huge number of options for this method - you can grind the coal and pour it into the moonshine with subsequent exposure, you can filter it through a coal column or cartridge for cleaning water and much more. This can be read on other sites.

The difference between my method is that it is initially carried out cleaning moonshine with vegetable oil, and only then - activated carbon.
That is, double purification actually occurs.
The home-made funnel used in the method is actually a coal column. And activated carbon removes not only fusel oils, but also the remains of vegetable oil.

In my opinion, such a two-stage cleaning of moonshine with oil and activated carbon is optimal.

First step  - cleaning moonshine with oil.
The use of vegetable oil for cleaning moonshine is based on the fact that oil that has got into moonshine captures fusel oils dissolved in it. Later, when upholding, the oil floats up, taking fusel oils with it.
Second phase  - purification of moonshine with charcoal.
Moonshine purified by oil is additionally filtered through charcoal. In this case, charcoal removes fusel oils and residual vegetable oil.

That is, cleaning is double.
The advantage of this method is that it is not a chemical, but a physical process (as opposed to potassium permanganate). That is, a minimal amount of side compounds is formed, which have to be fought in the future.
And since we want to get a natural product, this is important.
Let's look at how to clean moonshine from fusel oils, in more detail.

Previously, few people understood why a double distillation of moonshine was needed and why “transfer products”. Home-brewing consisted only in the preparation of a mash, which, after once, was driven away and then consumed. The wort was made without the use of special recipes, the calculation of proportions, and as ingredients were used all products from the garden.

Today everyone knows that it is impossible to use pure mash without the primary or secondary distillation of moonshine. The composition of the distillate contains many harmful components, from which the more famous ones should be distinguished:

  • aldehyde;
  • acetone;
  • methyl and isoamyl alcohol;
  • acetic and formic acid
  • fusel oils.

The accumulation of such elements in the human body can lead to fatal consequences.

To clean the mash can be a fairly simple method - double distillation of moonshine at home. This makes it possible to get a rich drink with a clean structure and a high degree at the exit. The main thing here is to figure out how to properly distill the distillate a second time, with which water to dilute it and in what proportions.

The main work in 3 stages

Each experienced distillery has many secrets and tricks that they use when distilling moonshine. Everyone wants to get a quality product. In order for the distillate to please, you need to know the main stages of how to distill the moonshine a second time.

Moonshine dilution

Regardless of which technology was used to create a home-brewed beverage, the strength of moonshine must be brought to 35-40 °. Otherwise, you can get a spoiled moonshine and "fireworks" in the kitchen room. Therefore, before distilling the moonshine a second time, it must be diluted with drinking water.

For dilution, use filtered or bottled liquid. But before you dilute it, it is cooled by putting it in the refrigerator.

The fractional process of diluting alcohol is carried out by gradually mixing water into the moonshine with regular checking of the strength with an alcohol meter. The most optimal value is considered to be 35 °.

Also keep in mind that you need to dilute the distillate with water by adding exactly water to alcohol, but not vice versa. Otherwise, the alcohol may become cloudy due to a chemical reaction.

Cleaning moonshine

Re-distillation of moonshine at home implies a preliminary purification of its structure. In this case, several methods are applied in which it is applied:

  • coal from wood;
  • activated carbon;
  • potassium parchment - potassium permanganate;
  • filter paper, paper.

The last cleaning option before the second moonshine distillation is considered the most simple. It is enough to put special paper in the funnel, and then pour alcohol through it. The process should be carried out as slowly as possible, only in this way achieve the best result.

Also, moonshine can be cleaned with potassium permanganate before the second distillation, but it is important to take into account the proportions of how much the component is required for a certain volume of the drink. Follow the steps in the following sequence:

  • prepare the right amount of raw materials and potassium permanganate - for 1 liter of alcohol you need 50 ml of drinking water and 2 g. pharmacy component;
  • dilute potassium permanganate with hot water, wait until the granules are completely dissolved, then dilute the distillate with the contents;
  • leave the raw materials for 10-12 hours, after which a precipitate should form at the bottom;
  • preliminary, before making the second distillation, strain the raw through 3-4 layers of gauze or flannel.

This stage allows to eliminate harmful impurities from alcohol to the maximum, so if you want to get a quality and safe product, there should be no doubt whether it is necessary to clean the moonshine before the second time.

The second distillation of moonshine

The distillate distillation process for the second time does not differ much from the primary distillation. But in the case of double processing of raw, the result will be significantly more than the original product. It should also be noted that the second distillation requires much less time.

The technology does not differ from the first time in anything - the same temperatures, the same order of cutting off heads and tails

Despite the increased purity of moonshine after secondary distillation, experts also recommend dividing the volume into fractions:

  • scalp (10-12% of the total);
  • body;
  • tails (when the fortress falls below 45 °).

Therefore, in the process of the second stage you need to take an active part, regularly monitoring the strength of alcohol.

What to consider when making double distillation moonshine:

  • of the total amount of raw 10-12% is given to heads that are forbidden to drink as a drink, but they can be used for technical purposes;
  • be sure to monitor the concentration of alcohol, if the fortress falls below 45 °, you need to change the tank to a container for collecting tails;
  • body - 80% of the entire product, the product has a pleasant aroma and is fully suitable for use;

As for the tails, they are used to increase the alcohol concentration in the finished product, this fraction returns to the mash after the first distillation and before the second. They can also be used for external use.

Whether to make a second distillation or not, it is exclusively for the distillery to decide. But experienced moonshiners do not recommend neglecting this method. This is understandable, the output will be a pure product without harmful impurities that adversely affect human health.

VIDEO: How to properly improve the taste of moonshine

Distillate purification

After the second distillation, an important stage begins - additional purification. The most effective method will be filtration through milk. Which one to use, home or store, is not important, and in both cases milk protein is present in the composition, which reacts with harmful impurities.

For the separation of raw materials, you can even use milk powder, previously (2-2.5 hours) diluted with water. Next, the mixture is introduced by analogy with ordinary milk.

  1. Prepare the necessary ingredients. In our case, you need 250 ml of milk per 1.5 liters of fortified drink. As soon as you start to enter, a reaction will be immediately noticeable - albumin and casein, which are part of the protein, begin to bind molecules of sivuhi and acids, forming a flocculent precipitate.
  2. Pour the product into the moonshine and let it brew for 7 days in a dark place. Shake the first 5 of them daily with a strong jar, do not touch the sediment at all during the last 24 hours.
  3. After a week, the distillate is carefully drained from the precipitate, passed through a gauze and cotton-wool filter, after which the product is ready for distillation.

Milk cleaning is considered the most gentle and at the same time effective way in which the “soul” of the drink is preserved and the taste remains soft.

After the moonshiner determines whether a second distillation is needed for his product and carries out all of the above procedures, he can further refine his product. For this purpose, apply recipes for insisting moonshine on herbs, spices, fruits, berries. From such a product you can get brandy, absinthe, rum, therapeutic tincture or real home whiskey.

If the distillate is cooked on a fruit mash, it is recommended that between the stage and at the end use only carbon filters (coal column) without chemical intervention (milk, soda, potassium permanganate, etc.).

VIDEO: How to work with milk

The third approach - benefit or harm?

The manufacture of home-made alcohol should be treated without excessive enthusiasm. The only way the third distillation of moonshine can affect the product is to reduce its volume. At the same time, if wine alcohol is prepared from grape chacha, then, on the contrary, a third distillation is necessary. Usually it is used to make brandy and cognac.

If there is a goal to make moonshine even more high-quality, then it is better to purchase a moonshine still with a distillation column. This unit will serve as the best assistant in the task of more accurate separation of the body, heads and tails. And at the exit you get pure rectified spirit with a strength of 85-90 °.

Popular Distillation Questions

  1.   Is it necessary to do fractional distillation if the apparatus has a lean steam?

Yes need. Sukhoparnik (reflux condenser) due to the temperature difference captures impurities, but in small quantities. It is even more needed to protect against the entry of mash into the refrigerator (splash guard). In any case, fractional distillation cannot be abandoned.

  1.   Is fractional distillation necessary when working with fruit mash?

Yes, I need it. In them, the concentration of sivuhi, acids and alcohols is not less than in sugar and grain. It is advisable to drive away 2, and for wine alcohol even 3 times, but do not clean with soda or potassium permanganate, but with charcoal. So retain the characteristic taste.

  1.   How many tails and heads should be taken from sugar mash?

Each has its own way. For the selection of goals, we recommend that you focus on sugar - an average of about 100 ml per kg of fermented sugar for both runs. It turns out on the first you collect 50 ml from each kg, and on the second as much. Tails are cut off (poured into another container), as soon as the fortress falls below 40 ° - you can use an alcohol meter or set fire to the spoons in the old-fashioned way.

  1.   At what temperature do you need to drive the mash?

Most moonshine stills maintain a temperature of 78-83 ° C to get a crystal clear product at the outlet.

VIDEO: Homemade Hennessey

The end of the distillation is determined by a thermometer. It is customary to finish distillation at a temperature of 98 degrees. At this temperature, the alcohol content in the brew is a few percent, and there is no point in squeezing everything without residue.
Although no one forbids to distill "dry", that is, to a temperature of 100 degrees. In this case, in addition to alcohol, we will capture additional fusel oils.


The whole process of distillation of sugar mash is carried out at one power, this power is determined empirically, drops during selection should often drip, preferably not merging into the stream.
During the distillation process, the temperature will increase. Upon reaching 98 degrees, distillation can be stopped - there is practically no alcohol left in the brew, we will drive fusel oils.
Distillation time of mash is determined by the performance of the moonshinerather than heating power. If the power is exceeded above the rated value, the waste can be released into the output tank.

Given the existing volume of mash (about 20 liters), the first distillation of sugar mash is performed in 2 times (for my moonshine still). The total time is quite large - about 7 hours. This must be borne in mind when planning this work. True, this procedure does not require continuous monitoring. You can watch TV, read a book, cook dinner. So everything is not so scary.
After the first distillation of sugar mash, we brew moonshine with water to a volume of 10 liters (for my case) and leave it for 2 ... 3 days before the first cleaning. I want to explain why 10 liters - the volume of my moonshine is 12 liters, hence 10 liters of moonshine, with a small margin.
This dilution is preparation for the next step — purification after the first distillation.


The Braga contains a lot of dissolved gases, when boiling, they can foam, therefore
pour the mash into the moonshine not under the lid, but leave about 20% of the free volume, otherwise the mash can be released into the receiving container. The cube should be filled no more than 80%.
In addition, excess power is very undesirable, as this will lead to splashing of the mash on the output of the device. After the first distillations, you decide on the required power, but the first time you must act with extreme caution. For my device, with a capacity of 12 liters, the power at the first distillation is 800 watts. These figures can be guided by the first distillation.
On practice selection begins at a temperature of 80 ... 90 degreesand the temperature may vary from batch to batch. Drops should often drip without merging into the stream. This is optimal power.


The stage of distillation of sugar mash begins with the assembly of moonshine. It is very important, and even mandatory, to use a steamer.
We connect the cooling water. Please note that cooling water is supplied to the coil from below, respectively, the output is from above. It is most convenient to make a water connection, as shown in the second photo above. We take cooling water through a valve from a cold water supply pipe. This allows not only conveniently connecting water, but also regulating the flow with a valve.
We simply throw the water outlet into the sink (third photo from above). This is good because you can visually control the amount of water flow.
Do not forget to tighten the lid tightly, install a thermometer and a receiving container.
Turn on the heating (I have a power of about 800 watts).

Sugar Distillation

First of all, the readiness for the first distillation of mash is checked, this means:
First - the fermentation process must be completed  (absence of bubbles in the water seal), the taste of mash should be bitter (all sugar is processed).
Secondly - the mash should be clarified before distillation  (in our case, bentonite).
This is described in detail on the page Braga sugar.

From this graph, we can make an important conclusion - distillation temperature of mash in the process of distillation varies. We start at a temperature of about 90 degrees, we end at a temperature of about 100 degrees. But provided that we do not apply excess power on heating.
The accuracy of this graph, in relation to Braga, is very low, since the graph involves a mixture of only alcohol and water. And the mash contains a huge amount of other substances - fusel oils, light fractions, yeast residues, yeast waste products, residues of fertilizing the mash and others. All these impurities affect the boiling point. The presence of a large amount of impurities is felt even by the smell of the remaining liquid in the cube after distillation - the smell is very strong.
In addition, the strength of the mash can vary from batch to batch, respectively, the boiling point will vary.
So this chart is for information only.
The first distillation of the mash can be divided into steps, and we will consider each of them separately.


The distillation process, that is, the production of moonshine, is based on the fact that alcohol boils at a temperature lower than water. By evaporating alcohol from a mixture of water and alcohol, we get moonshine.
Intensive evaporation occurs during the boiling of a solution of alcohol and water, that is, this is the optimal distillation mode. Below is a graph of the boiling point of a solution of alcohol in water, depending on the concentration of alcohol.

We will also do double distillation, now it is almost standard, especially in the production of moonshine for ourselves.
Distillation of mash in two stages is caused by difficulties in separating harmful impurities during one distillation.

At the first stage, during distillation of mash, we make a rough allocation of alcohol from mash. At the same time, harmful substances are released along with alcohol - fusel oils and light fractions.
At the second distillation, we separate these harmful substances (purification is additionally carried out).

In principle, it is possible to dispense with one distillation, making it fractional, but this will require additional time and in addition we will get a more contaminated product.

Distilling mash in two stages is a classic of home brewing, so we will support traditions.

Most - double with separation of harmful fractions. It involves the first distillation of the mash in, and then the second distillation with the allocation of heads, body and tails. It is necessary to maximize the purification of your product from harmful impurities (sivuhi) in order to get a quality drink.

We will consider in more detail second distillation, since moonshiners often have questions: whether it is needed at all, whether it is necessary to dilute moonshine with water, at what temperature everything happens and so on. As a moonshine we will use the usual steam distiller. Distillation on a distillation column looks a little different.

The lower the cost of your moonshine, the better you need to carry out the mash to moonshine.

# 1 Dilute raw alcohol to a strength of 15–20%

After the first distillation of mash, you get raw alcohol. Usually, at this stage, harmful fractions are not separated, but distilled at maximum power, so that less yeast  and minimal amount of harmful substances released.

Before the second distillation you need   dilute raw alcohol to a strength of 15–20%. This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Use the moonshine calculator. It will be necessary to measure the strength of the product before dilution, then substitute all values \u200b\u200band add the desired amount of water. This is the most accurate and correct approach to business.
  2. "Approximately". Since jewelry accuracy does not matter, you can simply estimate the desired amount of water and pour it into a cube. A small spread of the fortress is quite acceptable.

Why are we doing this?  After dilution the connection of moonshine with fusel oils is weakening  (an unpleasant odor appears), so it’s easier for us to separate the harmful fractions. From a security point of view, this is also correct.

Which water is better to use?  Clean and drinkable. It is possible from the tap.

Moonshine still with a steamer significantly reduces the content of harmful substances in moonshine.

# 2 Purification of moonshine before the second distillation

This stage is optional, since good distillation cleans the product of siwuha quite well. But cleaning will definitely not be superfluous.

There are many approaches, and all of them have a right to exist. We will recommend the most simple and fast  cleaning method using activated carbon.

  1. Pour diluted raw alcohol into one container.
  2. Add activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of moonshine (can be used in tablets or from a store).
  3. We insist from 10 hours to 10 days (optional).
  4. We make a dense filter of gauze or cotton pads, and then filter the liquid.

At the exit, the smell becomes nicer, and the taste is softer. I don’t practice it myself, since I consider it inappropriate to spend my time on such operations.

Consistency of professional coal for cleaning (BAU).

# 3 Separate harmful fractions during the second haul

After you have poured diluted crude alcohol into the distillation cube, you can proceed directly to distillation.

  1. Turn on the stove at full power.
  2. When the temperature reaches 60 degrees, the refrigerator should already be working.
  3. At 78 degrees, the first drops of moonshine will go. It is necessary to reduce the power to a speed of 1-2 drops per second and take it away. Focus on 50 ml of goals with each 1 kg of sugar in the Braga. This liquid should not be drunk.
  4. After selecting the heads, change the receiving tank and start collecting the body.
  5. The selection must be stopped at the moment when the strength in the stream drops to 40%. The thermometer will be approximately 95–96 degrees.
  6. Everything else can be collected in quality and overtaken next time.

Availability is optional, but he simplifies the whole process well.

Therefore, purchase equipment with it or embed it in the design of the device yourself.

Do not be greedy and take away all harmful fractions of your product.

# 4 Bred the product to a classic strength of 40%

We take any calculator of the moonshiner, substitute the values \u200b\u200band breed the product to a strength of 40%. If you prefer stronger drinks, then use your technology, although they usually focus on the number 40.

Wait at least a daywhile the moonshine is completely mixed and its taste is stabilized. Many say that after a few days the liquid becomes more pleasant and easier to drink. This really makes sense, but not many have the patience for such things. But in vain!

Useful videos from experienced movers


Video Dmitry Lafetnikov  appreciated for telling everything quickly, on business  and "without water".

This video was also no exception, so we highly recommend that you watch it. Of all the practical videos on the second distillation, it is the most successful.

Moonshine Sanych

With feeling, plainly, arrangement. Konstantin Kapochkin  also tries to make short videos, but he doesn’t get it as clearly as in the previous video.

Antonovich Podolyak

A big fan of speculating and going from afar. In the past, one of the most respected wine distillers in Russia. Antonovich.

A man shares his many years of experience and gives tips on the taste improvement of the finished product. I highly recommend all its videos for viewing, as the information is very useful and interesting.

Second Distillation Frequently Asked Questions

How to dilute moonshine to the second distillation and whether it should be done

In order to fire safety  and improved fractionation  it is recommended to dilute raw alcohol to a fortress 15–20% .

But each has its own point of view: Moonshiner Zhora, for example, considers dilution a waste of time. In his video on Youtube, he expresses his position, and his arguments look quite logical.

Do not forget that it is correct to pour alcohol into water, not water into alcohol.

How many times distill mash

In order to save time and reduce the quality of the product one distillation  and separate all fractions immediately.

If you want to perform fractional distillation twice, then during the first stage, separate 50 ml of the voice of 1 kg of sugar, and during the second 30 ml with 1 kg of sugar (advice of Antonovich Podolyak).

In theory, it is possible to drive a product 3, 4 or more times, after which 96.6% strength can be obtained from medical alcohol. But most of the moonshine you lose, therefore, using this approach is impractical.

Moonshine yield during the second distillation

For 1 kg of sugar, 1 liter of moonshine of 40% strength is obtained. This is taking into account all losses, selection of harmful fractions, exact adherence to the technological process and double haulage haul.

In practice, a little more or a little less comes out: how will you be greedy, such a result and get.

Losses during the second distillation of moonshine

About 15% of the total volume of moonshine.

If during the first distillation you get about 5 liters of crude alcohol, then after the second distillation its amount will decrease to 4.25 liters.

The temperature during the second distillation

Up to 60 degrees mash is heated quite slowly. From 60 to 78, this happens very quickly. With 78 we begin to collect the heads of moonshine. Somewhere in 95–96 we finish the selection of the body.

Use the simplest electronic thermometer (about 200 rubles).

What is the strength of moonshine after the second distillation

It all starts with 70% of the fortress, and ends after falling to 40%. The general spirituality of the product will be at the level of 45-50%.

What water to dilute moonshine after the second distillation

Any potable water. From the tap, too, is possible.

Instructions on how to drive moonshine are passed down from generation to generation. But do not despair if in your life there was no such mentor who would teach you how to drive moonshine. Especially for you, we have collected in this article several proven methods for making moonshine. Even if you had experience in this matter, you will certainly find something new and interesting for yourself, and you will definitely want to immediately realize it.

It is necessary to drive moonshine strictly according to the instructions below to get the desired result and simply not spoil the raw materials. Carefully study the method of how to drive moonshine, and as a result, your efforts will pay off, you will not be disappointed. Carefully prepare for this process, without the necessary equipment, nothing will work.

Getting moonshine begins with the preparation of mash

  1. The classic recipe is when 1 kg of sugar and 100 grams of pressed yeast are taken on 5 liters of water.
  2. Everything is mixed and put in a warm place for about 10-14 days until the end of fermentation.
  3. After settling or clarification, the mash is distilled into moonshine.

It should be borne in mind that the less the mash interacts with atmospheric oxygen, the better for it. When defending, interacting with air, mash can go into vinegar and its further distillation into moonshine will become impossible. Therefore, it is better to use water locks or a punctured rubber glove.

The above recipe for mash leads to a fairly tough product. However, its important advantage is the simplicity and accessibility of the starting materials. You can choose a recipe for making mash from grain or flour. The alcohol obtained from such mash at home is softer and has a grain smack. The recipe for making moonshine from grain can be found on the Internet and see the attached video.

Distillation of moonshine

  • The recipe for making good moonshine at home will require a distillation cube having a sucker, a thermometer, a cooled coil or distillation columns.
  • Such old-fashioned methods as freezing or evaporating mash in a pan, offered for viewing on video, will allow you to drive home-brew of the lowest quality and insufficient number of degrees at home. This product will contain a large amount of aldehydes, esters, substances that are easily separated by a device with a steam tank.
  • When the mash was defended or clarified, it was carefully poured into a distillation cube, trying not to disturb the sediment. This can be done by filtration or through a nylon tube, using the principle of communicating vessels. In this case, a liquid level of 0.5-1 cm should remain above the sediment.

The distillation cube is heated to a temperature of 65-70 ° C and maintained until 5% of the calculated amount of moonshine is separated or when the effluent has a characteristic odor. At this temperature, there is an active evaporation of aldehydes, methanol, ethers having a boiling point several degrees lower than that of ethanol. The obtained “pervak” having a large amount of impurities is no longer involved in further production, but it can be used for technical purposes

Raise the temperature

After cutting off the heads, the temperature is raised to 85 about C, while there is an active evaporation of ethanol. Water and fusel oils, having a higher boiling degree, do not evaporate so actively. If the apparatus has a steamer or the resulting product will repeatedly drive the heating temperature in the cube, it can be increased to 92-95 ° C, in order to accelerate the process. The selection of the main part of the obtained product is carried out until the strength of the outgoing moonshine drops to 40 ° C. The remaining tails, about 15%, can be used in subsequent distillations, adding to the mash.

If you intend to re-distill the resulting product, then the strength of the output product can be reduced to 30 ° C. How much moonshine has a fortress is better to check with a household alcohol meter, and in its absence, folk methods. If cold moonshine burns with an even blue flame, then the alcohol strength is more than 40 ° C and the product can be taken further. If only flashes occur when trying to set fire to the liquid, the process of selecting the main body should be stopped and the tails should be separated. Obtained after the first distillation, properly made moonshine for itself usually has a fortress of 50-55 ° C.

The distillation of moonshine

The recipe for a good moonshine with a high degree and almost complete absence of smell has long been known, this is secondary distillation.

  • The secondary distillation process is carried out in the same way as the primary distillation using an apparatus with a steamer.
  • Prior to the secondary distillation of the raw materials, chemical or biological purification of the obtained moonshine is carried out.
  • This will reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the processed moonshine. Before re-distillation, the product should be lowered to 20-25 ° C.
  • This can be done by diluting the liquid with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 2.5.

Properly conducted secondary distillation will significantly improve the quality of the product, greatly reduce the content of fusel oils and other harmful substances. The strength of re-distilled moonshine can be 65-70 о С. Further distillation is 2, 4, etc. times will not allow to significantly improve the quality of the product or increase the content in it degrees. This will require special equipment that cannot be used at home. .

Modern distillation technology

An important part of the moonshine still is the steam generator, which allows you to separate a large number of fusel oils from the resulting product. It is arranged quite simply - it is a sealed container of a small size (not more than 10% of the volume of the distillation cube) with inlet and outlet pipes. The device must be collapsible or have a device for draining. The inlet tube should be located below the outlet in the barrel housing.

This device should be located between the distillation cube and the cooled coil. Modern equipment for home-brewing at home, offered for sale by advertising video clips, can significantly facilitate the production process and get a quality product.

  1. However, such complexes are quite expensive, but part of the required equipment can be manufactured independently or ordered from good specialists.
  2. When the liquid is heated in a distillation cube, vapors of all substances are deposited on the walls of a colder sukhoparnik.
  3. Hot vapors heat the case of the device, causing repeated boiling of ethanol and other low boiling fractions, the vapors of which enter the coil for cooling.

Moreover, most fusel oils having a higher boiling point remain in the barrel housing. How to make the simplest dry steamer with your own hands can be seen on the video. Therefore, it should be remembered that this device will not allow you to completely remove all harmful substances from moonshine, but can significantly reduce their number.

Vacuum distillation

Vacuum distillation allows you to drive alcohol out of the mash at home with the help of lower temperatures and pressures created in the distillation cube. With this method, a better product is obtained, in which there is almost no sivuha.

When using vacuum equipment, moonshine can be driven at a temperature of 60-70 ° C. This method will require additional equipment, in particular a vacuum pump. You can familiarize yourself with the process of vacuum distillation of moonshine in the video.

First distillation

Pour the fully prepared mash into a distillation cube. The purpose of the first distillation is to separate alcohol from other substances. The process takes place on low heat. The entire output of the drink is divided into fractions, which we will call common names: “head”, “body” and “tail”. The first 50 grams of the drink for each kilogram of sugar consumed is collected in a separate container and disposed of or used for technical needs. In no case should they be used, since they are hazardous to health.

Next, select the "body" - actually raw alcohol - which is necessary to obtain high-quality moonshine from sugar. When the strength of the distillate drops below 40 degrees, the selection should be stopped. To determine the strength, you can use an alcohol meter, or you can use the alternative method - as long as the alcohol typed in a spoon is on, selection can continue.

At the end of the first distillation, collect “tails” into a separate container, which also contain a fair amount of fusel oils. However, this distillate, unlike the “head”, is not dangerous, and zealous moonshiners, whose production of the drink is put on stream, pour it into the next wash - this makes it stronger.


This stage precedes the second distillation, and its goal is to rid the drink of harmful impurities. To do this, there is the purification of moonshine using coal, potassium permanganate and some other methods that we already wrote about. Choose the method that seems most effective to you, and act, while remember to dilute the drink with water to a strength of 15-20 degrees.

Second distillation

After purification, the crude alcohol is poured into a distillation cube and over a low heat, distillation begins. As with the previous distillation, select the first 50 grams per kilogram of sugar separately and do not use it for internal consumption - by golly, health is more expensive. Next, select the distillate until its strength drops below 40 degrees. Actually, this is the finished drink, which only needs to be diluted.

The second distillation aims not only to strengthen, but also to further purify from harmful and smelly impurities.

When to stop the distillation of mash

There are several ways to determine when the distillation process ends:

  1. 1) The simplest is to drive the mash until it tastes alcoholic in order to take all the alcohol from the distillation cube. Thus, we taste and make a decision.
  2. 2) Wet the paper towel with dripping distillate and try to set it on fire: if it ignites quickly, the selection should continue, if it doesn’t burn, the alcohol has already left and the process can be stopped.
  3. 3) If you have a thermometer in a distillation cube, then we determine the temperature of 96 ° C, thus we limit the content of fusel impurities in moonshine. This moment corresponds to the exit of moonshine from the cooler with a strength of 40%.

We know that controlling the distillation of moonshine by temperature in a distillation cube is based on the fact that a certain boiling point corresponds to each alcohol content in moonshine.

The data is taken from the table below.

Thermometer distillation control

Bottom temperature
  liquids (° C)
Alcohol content
  in cube (° C)
Alcohol content
  in selection (° C)
88 21,9 68,9
89 19,1 66,7
90 16,5 64,1
91 14,3 61,3
92 12,2 57,9
93 10,2 53,6
94 8,5 49,0
95 6,9 43,6
96 5,3 36,8
97 3,9 29,5
98 2,5 20,7
99 1,2 10,8
100 0,0 0,0

Dilution and sedimentation

At this stage, which completes the process, brew moonshine to the desired fortress. Now everything is already ready for sure, but, having gathered the will into a fist, tolerate a little more, and after bottling the moonshine, let it stand for 3-4 days in a cool dark place. From this, the drink will become softer and more balanced, and with friends and relatives you can appreciate its taste.

russian smoke.rf

How to drive moonshine, sugar mash with apples


  • Sugar - 6 kg.,
  • Water - 15 liters., And 12 liters.,
  • Bekmaya Yeast - 120 g.,
  • Flavored apples - 1.2 kg.

Making sugar mash

For the yeast test, I decided to cook two mash: for the first, I took 3 kg of sugar and 15 liters of water (hydraulic module 1 to 5), for the second - 3 kg. sugar and 12 liters. water (hydraulic module 1 to 4). Thus he planned to test the yeast on different hydraulic modules.

The preparation of sugar mash begins with a "scatter", for this you need to take 30% of the planned sugar and dissolve in 70% of the planned water for each of the brew separately. In our case, for the first option it is 1 kg of sugar and 10.5 liters. water, for the second - 1 kg. sugar and 8.4 liters water. We heat part of the water, dissolve sugar in it, mix, the temperature should be approximately + 30C.

Next, you need to make yeast. Separately, we add a pinch of sugar in warm water, evenly sprinkle yeast on the surface of the water. The ratio of water to yeast is 10 to 1. As for the sample of yeast: dry - 20 g per 1 kg. sugar, pressed - 100 g per 1 kg. sugar, cultural - according to the instructions and tolerance to alcohol. When introducing yeast, you also need to consider their shelf life, storage conditions.

While the yeast “starts”, we add three apples per grater to each of the brews per 1 kg. sugar 200 g apples. Apples in this case act as a bait for yeast and also as a way to give moonshine a light fruity aroma.

As soon as the yeast begins to foam, add them to the mash, mix well, leave for a couple of hours in a warm place. When violent fermentation begins, we add the remaining sugar with water in the form of a warm syrup, put it under a water seal. The fermentation temperature is 25-30C, several times not a day the mash should be stirred. Both of my mash were fermented for 4.5 days. The hydrometer indicator is zero.

Brightening mash

How to lighten mash? There are several options: the first is cooling the mash, the second is clarification with bentonite. Since it was winter and a decent frost, I took both mash out onto the street, left for a day. Before clarification, remove the apple mass from the mash. For a complete and better clarification, I recommend leaving the mash in the cold for 2-3 days.

After a day, he brought the mash into the house, carefully drained it with a hose, so as not to touch the yeast cake. As a result of clarification, I can say that the mash with a 1: 4 hydromodule is better illuminated, and for the mash with a 1: 4 hydromodule, it takes longer.

Distillation of sugar mash at home

As usual, I do two distillations. The first is the selection of raw alcohol, the second is fractional. After the first distillation of both frags, I got 9.2 liters of raw alcohol with a strength of 36%, which is a very good solution. Raw alcohol was selected approximately to a fortress of 4-5%.

  1. After fractional distillation, I got a 3.2 liter strength - 87%. Head fractions were taken drop by drop, for sugar fractions it is 5-7% of absolute alcohol, in my case it was 250 ml.
  2. The tail fractions began to be selected after 75% in the stream.
  3. During distillation, it specially captured a little bit before the tail fractions, which smelled very much of apple flavors in order to then put the distillate on oak wood chips.

The strength of the main product also directly depends on the design of your device.

How to dilute moonshine with water?

The age-old question arises - Pouring alcohol into water or vice versa, for this I will cite an excerpt from the book - Vodka and alcoholic beverages technology. Training and practical manual, p. 23 Danilovtseva AB, Makarov S.Yu., Slavskaya I.L.

“A water-alcohol mixture is prepared as follows: the calculated quantities of alcohol are first fed into the vat-mixer (as a lighter liquid — to obtain the effect of spontaneous mixing with heavier water), and then softened water; alcohol with water is mixed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained; they take a sample and determine the strength in it; the finished sort is pumped to the pressure tank. If the fortress deviates from the given one, it is adjusted, after which the mixture is re-mixed for the second time. ”

Accordingly, I poured water into alcohol, mixed well. Here is a link to an alcohol calculator, with which you can dilute alcohol to the desired degree.

For dilution, you need to use well-purified water, I am perfectly satisfied with bottled water of local production. Mineral, well water is not suitable, it can give a cloud effect due to the content of a large amount of salts and minerals, at least I recommend passing it through a household filter and boiling it several times.

Coal moonshine cleaning

I diluted part of the moonshine to 63%, poured oak chips with a calculation of 12-13 g per 1 liter, and I decided to clean the second part with charcoal, which I diluted to 42%.

It is necessary to clean with coal already diluted moonshine to a drinking degree. I use charcoal BAU-A brand with the calculation of 1-3 tbsp. l for 1 liter distillates, I also added 2 tsp. fructose per 1 liter to soften the distillate. Pour coal, fructose, mix well for 10 minutes, and several more times over the course of an hour. Then we filter with gauze (4-6 layers) from large parts of coal, then with cotton from small particles. It is better to hold the purified moonshine before drinking for a few days on vacation in the glass, the taste will become more smooth and pleasant. Moonshine with apple bait came out soft, it is drunk nicely, on the exhale a light fruity flavor.

To summarize the yeast test:

  • 1. Excellent fermentability, you can use the hydraulic module 1 to 4, which saves the volume of the fermentation tank,
  • 2. No intense foaming during fermentation,
  • 3. Mild odor during fermentation,
  • 4. In case of clarification of mash - excellent moonshine at the exit.

Below you will find a video clip on making moonshine at home using the example of sugar mash with apples, the video contains detailed recommendations, tips, answers to typical questions of beginners.

How to drive moonshine with a steamer

Start of distillation with a steamer - how to prepare the system?

Before you start to drive moonshine, it is worth preparing your system well. The first thing you need is to check the reliability of the fasteners. To do this, take a screwdriver and slightly tighten the nuts clockwise. The next step is quality control of the seal. Often, the sealant loses its properties even in the disconnected state of the moonshine. Moreover, this is characteristic not only of cheap, but also of the most expensive and reliable hermetic substances.

Another work that needs to be done before driving the alcohol is to check the condition of the hose cover and distillation tank. This must be done very carefully, since the presence of even the smallest scratches leads to the formation of holes through which moonshine can leak. Also do not be too lazy to check the thermometer. Take it with one hand and tilt it to the sides. If the arrow has only slightly moved away from its initial position, then the device is in good condition, and you can start working.

Replace the device

But if the arrow began to fluctuate strongly and continues to do so after the thermometer returns to its normal position, this is a sign of a malfunction of the device, and it should be replaced immediately. If you want to get moonshine with an expressive smell, several grams of aromatic substances will be correctly poured into the suction tank before distillation. With the help of aromatization, your alcohol will gain a bright taste and a pleasant smell of spices.

After checking the moonshine still, the next thing to do is to make sure that the mash is ready. It is strongly not recommended to drive moonshine from a composition that has not reached an optimal physical condition. Checking this out is very easy. Take a look at the recipe - if the mash, after some time after mixing, should already have become more liquid, but its condition has not changed, it is better to leave it for a few more days. Thus, you will reduce the risk of poor-quality moonshine and severe poisoning.

How to control the process of preparing a drink?

After you have checked all the elements of the moonshine still and made sure that the mash is ready for work, you can start distillation. It will be right if we begin our work by transferring raw materials to a distillation cube, and then put it on the stove

  • This must be done so that the fire from the burner warms up the middle of the tank, and not its separate part. After that, we connect the tubes and pour cold water into the cooler.
  • Once again we check the condition of all joints and, if necessary, apply a little sealant to the seams.
  • Turn on the fire under the stove. It is allowed to turn on the burner stronger at the beginning of the distillation, after which it is possible to gradually reduce the fire. Thus, the capacity will warm up faster.

Further it remains to observe. If you notice that the mash began to boil and froth, then it is worth pouring a glass of skim milk into the distillation cube. After heating the distillation tank, it is best to put a jar or a glass with a watering can under the tube with which the finished moonshine comes out. In this case, it is necessary to put a little charcoal in the watering can. Passing through it, alcohol is filtered and becomes more pure.

Beginning of the distillation of moonshine

During the distillation process, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor the temperature of the water in the cooler. Once the temperature of the liquid has risen, the water should be replaced with cold.

Ready moonshine is correctly collected already when it ignites. At the same time, do not worry about cleaning, because it automatically happens in a moonshine still with a steamer. You will be convinced of this by seeing, at the end of the distillation, a brown liquid with an unpleasant odor inside the sucker. These are fusel oils and other impurities dangerous to human health. Even if a certain amount of toxic substances can pass through the module, wood coals in the watering can easily absorb it.
  As we can see, there is nothing complicated in the distillation of moonshine with a steamer. All that is required of us is to prepare the system and the brew, after which it remains only to observe the process and collect the finished purified alcohol.

3 Problems with a sukhoparnik and methods of their elimination

In the process of creating home-made alcohol, even the most expensive and reliable moonshines can fail. As practice shows, most often in a system it is a sucker that breaks. Among the most common breakdowns of a part, it is worth highlighting:

  • the formation of small holes through which waste drips;
  • loss of tightness at the joints with a distillation cube or refrigerator;
  • ingress of mash particles into the design of the steam tank, because of which moonshine does not pass further through the system;
  • damage to the fasteners with which the part is attached to the moonshine still.

If you notice that a light brown liquid seeps through the walls of the steam tank, this means that a hole has formed in the device. Do not stop the distillation process to repair this breakdown. Just take a small strip of sealant and seal the hole. If there is no sealant, then you can use the test.

The second problem in our list is solved in the same way. Without interrupting work, take the sealant and apply it to the joints of the ladder and other structural elements. To dry it faster, you can use an ordinary household hairdryer.   If you notice that there are small particles of mash inside the steamer, it is best to reduce the fire in the burner to a minimum, then open the module cover and use a teaspoon to remove unwanted fractions.  After that, immediately close the lid and continue to work.

And the last - damaged fasteners. If the damage is insignificant, you can fix the latch using ordinary electrical tape. But if the fasteners come off completely, and the sucker literally hangs on one nut, it will have to be repaired right during the distillation. To do this, take a screwdriver and screw on new hardware. However, be careful when tightening it; there is no need to overdo it, since all elements of the moonshine still are in a heated state, and even not too strong fixing of the nut can damage the body of the steam generator or other component of the system.

Having an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to repair the distillation system directly during operation, you can eliminate any problem and enjoy making your favorite moonshine from malt and other drinks without forced interruptions.

And a little about secrets ...

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what:

  • the inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort during ascents and descents of stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicking not at will;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints ...

And now answer the question: does this suit you? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already “poured” into ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Professor Dikul, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Another variation

How to drive moonshine!

To make moonshine at home, we will need - yeast, lots of water and raw materials to choose from: sugar, berries, fruits, starch, cereal malt, a stool. The traditional recipe for homemade moonshine: 4 kg of sugar, 17.5 liters of water and 150 grams of yeast. After distillation and purification, we get as much as 4 liters of ready-to-drink moonshine. Raw materials, such as sugar, dissolve in water at a temperature of 25 ° C, after which crushed yeast is poured into it, and the finished solution is mixed and removed in a dark place with a temperature of about 20 C.

Only an experienced moonshiner will be able to determine, by the bitter taste and cessation of CO2 emission, that fermentation is coming to an end and that one can proceed to distillation and purification of home-brew, if you are new to this business, then it is better to wander it exactly one week.

Distillation and purification of moonshine.

The ready-made mash in itself already contains from 10 to 15% ethyl alcohol, however, besides it there are many harmful fusel oils, so with regular use of home-made moonshine without distillation and purification, yellow eyes and a dead liver are provided to you.

The whole secret is that ethanol and fusel oils have different evaporation temperatures, which means when heating the mash and maintaining a certain temperature, as a result, we get quite suitable moonshine at home, with no harmful impurities more than cognac or whiskey. However, once overtaking and cleaning moonshine is not enough, the procedure should be repeated several more times. During each cycle of distillation of moonshine, it is better to get rid of the first and last parts of the obtained alcohol (if the entire volume is conditionally divided into five) - they are the most fuseliest.

It will also be useful before starting the distillation of moonshine to clean it with 1 gram of potassium permanganate per 0.5 l of mash, after dissolving potassium permanganate in water (important!) And filter it with a cotton-paper cloth.

  • - Constantly monitor the temperature with a thermometer, with a scale of at least 100 C at 65 degrees Celsius.
  • - Periodically change the water in the cooling tank to a colder one, thus you will significantly increase the amount of moonshine produced.
  • - Do not be greedy: when the initial mash remains half, add another half, or get rid of it.

Do-it-yourself moonshine still.

If you don’t have a coil, you don’t have money to buy good-quality moonshine stills, or you drive moonshine in your kitchen, you must do it with minimal resources and must keep the process confidential, in other words, so that the apartment does not smell, you can use the following DIY home-made moonshine :

Cold water (1), poured into a basin (2), cools the moonshine (4), evaporating from a pan (5) with a mash (6) and condensing at the bottom of the basin, then dripping into a special collection bowl (3). Of the minuses of this design, a high content of fusel oils can be noted (however, whoever bothers you to overtake it again), of the pluses are ease of manufacture and tightness (for this, the gaps between the basin and pan are covered with putty made from flour or molten wax fried in a skillet and diluted with water and added conifers of conifer).

Moonshine Recipes

How to make moonshine in 2 hours?

The washing machine is filled with 30 liters of water, 10 kilograms of sugar, 100 grams of yeast, three liters of milk and works normally for two hours. The resulting mash should be allowed to settle, after which moonshine can be driven out of it.

How to make moonshine in 24 hours?

The ingredients for this moonshine recipe differ only in the proportions and the presence of peas: for 5 kilos of sugar and 15 liters of warm water we need half a kilo of yeast, a liter of milk and a kilogram of peas. The resulting nuclear mixture costs 24 hours, after which the home-made moonshine is ready for purification, distillation and consumption.

If there are no peas, but there is bread and potatoes, then a kilo of peas is replaced with 4 loaves of bread and 25 potatoes (after thoroughly crumbling). In this case, we need a little more water, about 25 liters.

Moonshine from fruits and berries

Now I seem to understand why the older the person, the more he is drawn to plant his orchard. Any fruit and berry syrup or jam in a volume of 6 liters is bred in 30 liters of water. 200 grams of yeast and relaxing in a dark place for about a week will make your moonshine at home tasty and your summer work in the garden weeding an unforgettable carbon monoxide adventure

Sugar Mash Recipe

1. The calculation of the proportions.

First, we determine the amount of moonshine that is needed at the exit. At home, from 1 kg of sugar, 1.1-1.2 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees are obtained. But in the calculations, I advise you to increase the number of ingredients by 10-15%, because for various reasons (temperature, quality of raw materials, improper distillation), the real yield is always less than the theoretical one by this value.

For 1 kg of sugar add: 4 liters of water (plus another 0.5 liters if inversion is done) and 100 grams of pressed yeast or 20 grams of dry.

2. Invert sugar.

Under a very complex name refers to the preparation of ordinary sugar syrup with citric acid. The fact is that during fermentation, the yeast first breaks down sugar into simple monosaccharides - glucose with fructose, and only then they are processed into alcohol. Heating also kills pathogens on the surface of sugar, which await more favorable conditions for reproduction (temperature and humidity). Activation of harmful microbes in Braga is undesirable, since it can negatively affect the smell.

Inverted sugar moonshine ferments faster and tastes better. Although the inversion step is considered optional, and in most recipes it is only proposed to dissolve sugar in warm water, I advise you to still boil the syrup.

To invert sugar for mash, you need to do the following:

3. Water preparation.

A very important stage, during which the taste of the finished product is largely formed. Water for mash must comply with hygiene standards, have no color, no taste, no smell.

Attention! Moonshine cannot be boiled or distilled, as this will lead to the loss of oxygen needed by the yeast to ferment.

4. Mixing the ingredients.

Pour the syrup prepared at the 2nd stage into the fermentation tank, add cold water (24 liters). If non-inverted sugar is used, dissolve it in warm water, stirring vigorously. In both cases, the optimum temperature of the finished mixture is 27-30 ° C.

The container must not be filled more than ¾ of the volume; otherwise, during the active foaming, the mash can overflow over the edges and you will have to collect the product with a specific smell on the floor.

5. The introduction of yeast.

Pressed yeast can be added directly to the container, previously mashed with clean hands. But still it is better to first dissolve the briquette in a small amount of the prepared wort (water and sugar), cover and wait until the foam appears. It usually takes 5-10 minutes.

  1. Dry yeast needs to be pre-activated before being added to the must.
  2. To do this, it is enough to clearly follow the instructions on the bag. In most cases, boiled water is cooled to 32-36 ° C, pour the right amount of dry yeast, cover, and the container itself is wrapped in a thick cloth or put in a warm place to maintain a stable temperature.
  3. After 20-40 minutes, a uniform foam cap will appear on the surface. This means that diluted dry yeast can be added to the wort.

When using baker's yeast, active foaming sometimes begins, which goes beyond the capacity. As a defoamer for mash, I recommend using a crumbled half of dry store cookies or 10-20 ml of vegetable oil. Adding these products does not affect the quality of moonshine.

The video shows the method of setting the mash without inverting sugar with a 1: 4 hydraulic module.

6. Fermentation.  Install a water seal on the bottle with Braga and transfer it to a room with a stable temperature of 26-31 ° C (very important for the normal development of yeast). Braga with inverted sugar has a pleasant caramel smell that does not spoil the air.

To maintain the temperature regime, cover the container with blankets or fur coats, insulate with building thermal insulation materials or install aquarium heaters with a thermal control system. Fermentation lasts from 3 to 10 days (usually 4-7). Every 12-16 hours I recommend shaking the mash for 45-60 seconds without removing the water seal. Thanks to agitation, excess carbon dioxide will evaporate, which interferes with the normal functioning of the yeast.

Signs of sugar mash readiness for distillation:

  • bitter taste (all sugar is processed by yeast into alcohol);
  • carbon dioxide emission ceased (water seal does not gurgle);
  • the upper layers of the mash lightened, and sediment appeared at the bottom;
  • hissing stopped;
  • you smell alcohol;
  • the match brought to the braga continues to burn.

Use the signs comprehensively, you need at least 2-3 at the same time, otherwise it is easy to make a mistake. For example, an excess of sugar leads to the fact that the yeast dies before they can process everything. Most yeast “fall asleep” with an alcohol concentration above 12%, so even ready-made mash will remain sweet.

7. Degassing and clarification.

Making the right moonshine is unthinkable without this stage. It's time to remove the sugar mash from the yeast precipitate, pouring it into a large pan through a tube, then heat to 50 ° C. High temperature kills yeast residues and contributes to the release of carbon dioxide from the liquid.

Pour degassed mash back into the bottle and lighten with bentonite (preferably) - natural white clay, which is sold in bags and as a part of cat filler. Verified brands (at the time of publication): Pi-Pi-Bent, WC Closet Cat, Kotyara.

Attention! When choosing white clay, make sure that there are no aromatic additives in the composition that will permanently spoil the home-brew. Also, before clarification, fermentation should completely end, otherwise the method will not work.

To lighten 20 liters of mash, you need to grind 2-3 tablespoons of bentonite in a coffee grinder and dissolve in 250 ml of warm water. Then mix and wait until the clay turns into a thick mass resembling fat sour cream. It takes 10-15 minutes.

Add bentonite to the mash, close the container tightly and shake vigorously for several minutes. Then leave the mash alone for 15-30 hours, after which you can proceed to distillation.

Sludge can not be poured into the sewer; cement plugs may appear there, which are then difficult to eliminate.

The use of bentonite removes extraneous impurities that are not precipitated during fermentation. As a result, an unpleasant yeast smell disappears in the mash, and the expelled moonshine is much easier to clean, since clay removes most of the harmful substances.

How to drive moonshine

8. The first distillation.

Drain the mash clarified by bentonite from the precipitate into a distillation cube. The purpose of the first distillation is to separate alcohol from other substances. Many beginners and lazy moonshiners stop at this, never having tasted the taste of real home-made moonshine, made according to all the rules.

Distillation is carried out on low heat. I propose immediately dividing the output into fractions: “heads”, “body” and “tails”. The first 50 ml per 1 kg of sugar should be collected in a separate container. According to our proportions, this is 300 ml of “pervak” - the head fraction, which can be used only for technical needs, due to harmful impurities this distillate is hazardous to health.

Then select the “body” - a useful middle fraction, called raw alcohol. Stop selection when the distillate strength (in the stream) drops below 40 degrees. It is better to determine the strength with an alcohol meter (required at a temperature of 20 ° C), but you can also use the alternative method - while the distillate is burning in a spoon, continue the selection.

The last to collect in a separate container "tails" - the third fraction containing many fusel oils. This distillate can be poured into the next wash (after removal from the sediment) to increase the strength or not collected at all, turning off the moonshine after collecting the "body".

9. Cleaning.

Before the second distillation, the middle fraction (crude alcohol) needs additional purification from harmful impurities. There is no single universally accepted method; you can use any.

Purification of sugar moonshine with coal is considered natural and environmentally friendly, but with the right approach, for example, potassium permanganate with baking soda, also give a good result. The main thing is to dilute the distillate with water to 15-20 degrees before cleaning, so that the molecular bonds become weaker.

10. The second distillation.

Dilute (necessary for fire safety) raw alcohol into a distillation cube, start distillation on a minimum fire. As for the first time, especially if you brew moonshine for yourself, cut off the “head” - the first 50 ml for every kilogram of added sugar.

Immediately after the selection of the first (head) fraction, it is advisable to replace the steamer if the module is provided for by the design of the moonshine still. Further, until the fortress in the stream drops below 40 degrees, select the main product.

11. Dilution and sedimentation.

At the last stage, dilute homemade moonshine with water to the desired strength (usually 40-45%). To make the taste of the drink softer and more balanced, pour the finished product into bottles, cover with corks, let it brew for 3-4 days in a cool dark place. This time is enough to complete the chemical reactions that occur when mixing liquids.