I’ve been doing this for two years now with this recipe:
  The grain used in this recipe should not be processed. There are cases when premium-grade wheat soured (due to the fact that the grain was apparently processed by something), and feed wheat fermented very well. It is necessary to wash the grain, but without chemistry such as potassium permanganate, etc.
  To start fermentation, you need to prepare a "confusion".
  On a 38 liter flask for brew, you need to take 5 kg of grain, 1.5 kg of sugar, ~ 5 liters of water for confusion. The amount of water can vary depending on the container, the main thing is that it covers the wheat by 1-2 cm. If not calculated, the wheat swells and absorbs all the water in a day - add water so that it again covers the grain by 1-2 cm .
  The scatter stands without a water seal, with air access, at room temperature for 3-5 days.
  A case was noted where the confusion stubbornly did not want to wind up in a bowl with a narrow neck, and in the basin on the 4th day it foamed. Most likely, this is due to a lack of oxygen, so for those who have difficulty with digestion, it is recommended to use a wide container for dispersion.
  On the 3-5th day, when there are obvious signs of fermentation (the grain foams when shaking, there is a release of carbon dioxide), we fill in 5.5 kg of sugar and pour 16-18 liters of water (along the bevel of the flask) and mix thoroughly. Water seal is highly recommended !!! After 5 - 7 days, when the wheat (with the main fermentation rising up) is precipitated below (not all, but most), you can drive. The fermentation period depends on many reasons - the quality of grain, spread, room temperature, etc.
  Organoleptic test: the taste gradually changes from sweet to sweet and sour, then to bitter. When sugar ceases to be felt at all - it means there is nothing more to wander.
  It is only necessary to pour into the distillation cube mash, without wheat. WE LEAVE THE WHEAT IN A FERRY TANK. The easiest way to do this is with a hose. At one end of the hose, put a metal washcloth or mesh in the form of a filter so that the grain does not pass.
The drive is ordinary. I see no reason to rectify, because the final product is characterized by some grain softness and pleasant organoleptic, moreover, the yield is usually somewhat less than with cultured spirit yeast. Liters five 55% alcohol
  On the grain remaining after draining the mash, you can put the mash up to 3 times more. I fall asleep SEVEN kg. sugar and pour water and under the shutter. and usually 2 and 3 times are displayed faster. Fermentation periods can vary from 5 days to 10 days, and depend on the quality of the grain and temperature (optimally 30 degrees).