Mangosteen - the beneficial properties of the king of fruits. What is mangosteen and does it help to lose weight? Reviews

24.09.2019 Restaurant notes

Mangosteen is a real storehouse of vitamins, while it is incredibly tasty and juicy. He is also called the king of tropical fruits and he grows in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Thailand.

Thailand is an amazing country with a pleasant climate, beautiful beaches, a turquoise warm ocean and an incredible amount of tropical fruits that not only look unusual, but also have an interesting bright taste.

The fruit ripens on Garcinia, a sprawling evergreen tree that was bred without human intervention by natural selection. According to one legend, Buddha accidentally found a mangosteen in rainforests. He called it the Fruit of the Gods, after he tasted it, then telling people about the groves of amazing trees in the mountains.

First impressions of mangosteen

First impressions - this is a surprise from the appearance. Fruits combines a lot of familiar tastes, but at the same time it does not look like any exotic fruit known to man. Mangosteen has a delicate, slightly vanilla flavor.

There are practically no such people who would not like his taste. It looks like a large nut, painted in purple. In nature, there are mangosteen and burgundy. The darker the color of mangosteen, the correspondingly it is more mellow and juicy. Inside, mangosteen has thick skin, and the core is white and looks like a large head of young garlic.

When you see mangosteen for the first time, you will immediately realize that this fruit is unusual and exotic. Ripe fruits are soft and resilient; they are easy to peel and smell good.

How to: mangosteen, mangosteen or mangosteen?

How to say it correctly: mangosteen, mangosteen or maybe even mangosteen? The thing is that all these names are essentially correct. Many people call this exotic fruit so, so it is convenient for them.
  For example, in his book Frigate Pallas, the famous writer Ivan Goncharov called him a mangosteen, describing an unusual maroon fruit with a snow-white core, which has a delicate, delicate and sweet taste. Later in the same book the name "mangosteen" could be found.
In Thailand, where garcinia grows, locals usually say mangosteen, emphasizing the letter "u", and in Russia there are a lot of variations of the abbreviation for garcinia.

What does mangosteen look like and where does it grow

As mentioned above, mangosteen has a dark purple or saturated burgundy color. To the touch it is quite dense and elastic, but, nevertheless, the ripe fruit is easily peeled from its thick peel. Inside it lies a kernel that looks like a big white garlic. Slices of fruit have a delicate creamy white color, and they are slightly sour, but at the same time sweet in taste.

The pulp in it is quite small, but at the same time it is incredibly juicy. If you touch it with a knife, then immediately begins to flow sweet aromatic juice. The plant on which the fruit grows is called garcinia, but this is not the Cambodian garcinia that is actively advertised for those who want to lose weight.

Fruits ripen on the plantations of Garcinia, which grows in Thailand, Bali, Southeast Asia, Indonesia. By the way, trees are not pollinated by insects, since the stalks of garcinia have both female and male signs. The tree itself is stunted, has sprawling branches and interesting leaves that first have a pink hue, and then they become dark green and velvety.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the flowers, from which the fruits are later tied. They are white or pink, and their thick fleshy petals are covered with bright green or red spots.

Calorie content and composition

The mangosteen is ideal for those who want to eat properly and at the same time monitor their figure. For a hundred grams of the product, there are only 62 kcal, and it is perfectly absorbed by the body.

It consists of the following trace elements:
   Vitamins of groups B, C and A. These elements strengthen the immune system, ensuring proper tissue regeneration. They allow you to stabilize the metabolism, stimulate weight loss;
   Copper. This is one of the important components that is involved in the production of enzymes, and copper deficiency itself negatively develops on the condition of the heart, blood vessels, and blood formation;
   Magnesium. The traditional vitamin for strengthening the heart is present in mangosteen in excess;
   Phosphorus. The element is required for bone regeneration. Lack of phosphorus leads to brittle nails and hair, poor teeth;
   Calcium. It is an important component for the health of teeth and bones, among other things, calcium takes part in hormonal and immune metabolism.

Also in the mangosteen contains xanthones, which have a regenerating and wound healing property. They provide antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection of the body.

Useful properties of mangosteen

The fruit has a rich chemical composition, in which there are vitamins, minerals, pectin, fiber. It is ideal for weight loss, as it has excellent fat burning properties.

Due to its composition, the use of mangosteen is useful for those who suffer from diseases of the hematopoietic system of the body. It stabilizes the heart, improves metabolic processes in the body, stimulates lymph flow and normalizes blood circulation.

The beneficial effect of eating the fetus in those cases when a person suffers from neuralgia or arthritis has been proven. Among other things, the condition of the skin and hair improves, due to the active production of collagen, stimulated by active components

Can fruit damage health

Despite all its useful properties, the fetus is not recommended for use in certain situations. In particular, in its pulp there are substances that can change the settling rate of platelets, that is, the natural coagulation of blood. Therefore, you should not eat it during thrombocytopenia or when taking anticoagulants.

How to choose the right fruit

When buying fruits, I want them to be, first of all, tasty and juicy. It is especially worth choosing exotic options, the taste of which is not familiar for sure.

The peel should be slightly damp, shiny and elastic to the touch. A dry and slightly cracked peel may indicate that the fetus has simply oversized or even rotted inside. It’s great if the peel slightly spring when pressed slightly.

If we talk about color, then mangosteen should be bright purple or maroon. The pale color indicates that the fruit in front of you is most likely unripe. The peel of a ripe fruit is usually covered with many pimples.

What is the taste of mangosteen

The taste of the fruit is very unusual, bright and intense. First of all, it is memorable. You will immediately feel juiciness and sweetness combined with a slight acidity in the aftertaste.

The unripe fruit is sour, and the slices themselves are hard. In a correctly selected ripe copy you can hear strawberry, pineapple, peach, strawberry and citrus notes. You can eat the fruit fresh, make it jam, jam, marshmallow and jam. It is not recommended to freeze, as the basic taste is lost.

How to clean and cut

At the first external examination, it seems that the fetus is difficult to clean. But this is not so. Ripe mangosteen is easy to clean without a knife. You can tear off the upper leaves and slightly press on the fruit. After the characteristic cod, it can be divided in half like an orange or mandarin.

You can also cut it with a sharp knife. For this, a circular incision is made, and it is necessary to try not to touch the pulp, since it is very juicy and immediately starts to flow. After this, the fruit is divided into two parts and you can begin to taste it.

How to eat mangosteen

If the fruit was cut, then you can eat it with a spoon or tear off slices. You can peel it from a thick peel and separate the parts, just as it is done in an orange.

By the way, you can not only eat it raw, but also make puddings, jam, cocktails, preserves and even make sauces for fish or meat. They eat it dried and canned, but when frozen, it becomes watery and tasteless, so it is better to eat it fresh right away.

Is it possible to eat fruit bones? It is better not to do this, as hydrocyanic acid is contained in the bones in small concentrations.

What to do if you bought not ripe fruit

Exotic fruits are always difficult to choose, especially if you come across them for the first time. Do not throw it in the bin, because there is a way by which it can keep up.

Take the fruit and wash it. Then it should be thoroughly wiped with a towel. It is important to prevent excessive moisture ingress so that mold does not start.

Then the mangosteen is wrapped in paper. You can use kraft paper for these purposes or use regular old newspapers. The fruit is wrapped in paper in one layer and put for a couple of days in the place where the sun's rays are intensively received. This will speed up the ripening process.

Mangosteen season in Thailand

In Thailand, exotic fruits grow year-round. But usually the mangosteen season begins in early May and lasts until the end of July. The plant grows in whole plantations.

In some regions of the country there are garcinia plantations, the fruits of which are harvested in the winter, even though the winter in Thailand resembles the usual Russian summer, though with tropical rains.

Sometimes the fruits are picked slightly immature and then the fruit is ripened during processing and transportation. At the same time, the mangosteen collected at the end of July is distinguished by its special maturity and pleasant taste.

Mangosteen price

In Thailand, exotic fruits are incredibly cheap, simply because in tropical countries they ripen in excess. Therefore, in Pattaya or Phuket, you can buy them at a price of one hundred and up to two hundred baht per kilogram.

In Russia, the price of one fruit can vary from 300-400 rubles, and it consists of transportation, which takes a lot of time. This is an uncharacteristic fruit for our climate, and therefore it is quite expensive.

Where is better to buy

Vacationers in Thailand can purchase ripe, tasty and fresh mangosteen in any quantity at local markets, since they are sold cheaply and in large abundance there.

They are also sold in Russia, and this is not such a rare exotic fruit that will be difficult to get. You can find it in large retail chains, such as "Carousel", "Auchan", "Globus", "Okay." In markets of large cities, the fetus is extremely rare.

It is best to buy them in exotic countries where they are sold literally just torn from a tree, but if this is not possible, then a large distribution network will do.

Is it possible to export mangosteen from Thailand

Some tourists are worried about the question of whether it is possible to export certain fruits from Thailand. In general, it is worthwhile to look at information on restrictions on exported and imported products in advance so as not to encounter problems directly at customs.

There are no legal restrictions on the export of purchased fruits from the country, unless we talk about the weight of the luggage. Therefore, you can easily get a kilogram of these wonderful fruits and treat them at home with your relatives and friends.

Medical use

In eastern medicine, it is actively used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, digestion, gynecological diseases, pathologies of the blood.

A special decoction is made from leaves and peel, which allows you to cure inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, respiratory organs, kidneys and liver. Also, you can wipe the skin with a decoction or make masks, thanks to which the skin is regenerated and renewed.

To summarize, we can say that mangosteen is not only an unusual exotic fruit, but also a delicious treat. It has a pleasant sweetish-sour taste and dark color of a dense peel, which is about 70 percent of the weight of the fruit.

If you are traveling in Thailand, then be sure to try it and bring it to your relatives and friends as a gift. Be sure that you will not remain indifferent to it. It has a lot of useful properties that stimulate metabolic processes and immune processes in the body.

To compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body, we eat vegetables and fruits in kilograms, not forgetting the pharmacy vitamin complexes. It would be great if one fruit or vegetable contained a sufficient amount of all sorts of usefulness! He ate him and was calm. What do you say if you find out that such a product exists? He is called the king of fruits. This is a mangosteen. Do not confuse it with (by the way, in this article, mangoes are also called the “king of fruits”). They have nothing in common, neither appearance nor taste, except that both are exotic fruits and “kings”. Although mangoes are no longer so exotic for us ...

The correct name for the fruit is mangosteen. But you can hear both mangosteen and mangosteen - a photo of an amazing fruit is shown to you for identification. Interestingly, you will not find mangosteen just like that in the wild, like or. Mangosteen is a hybrid or, in a scientific way, polyploid of two types of trees. And it happened without human intervention. Natural cultivation combined and multiplied the characteristics of both prototypes, which increased the content of each useful substance separately.

There is still an amazing fact. Mangosteen - fruit and tree are asexual and do not even need to be pollinated by bees, birds or butterflies. Flowers have both male and female signs, which means they self-fertilize. This effect is called parthenogenesis. Moreover, there is no nectar in the flowers, from the point of view of birds and insects this flowering tree is absolutely useless and therefore they do not even approach the queen of fruits. So she stands in proud royal loneliness. Well, this is the fate of the royal people. And sometimes they cut off their heads on the guillotine ...

What is useful in mangosteen?

Due to the fact that mangosteen is a polyploid, it contains vitamins and necessary microelements in a larger volume than in “pure” fruits. And the mangosteen distributes its useful properties royally.

  • It contains carbohydrates, proteins, and even fats. Calorie content of 100 grams of fruit is only 65 kcal.
  • Mangosteen is also rich in sugar derivatives: glucose, sucrose, fructose.
  • Of the vitamins you can mention (there are a lot of it), vitamin E and thiamine, it is also vitamin B1.
  • Minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium and phosphorus will also not be superfluous.

But most of all, mangosteen is valued for its content - xanthones, and there are already 39 out of 200 known to medicine in them! Xanthones support our heart and blood vessels, fight viruses, tone the body, stimulate brain activity.

Everything is useful in mangosteen - from pulp to peel and leaves with bark. After tasting the fruit, do not throw away the skin - it is rich. And this is a tool to combat dysentery, diarrhea and various skin diseases.

Mangosteen can be eaten by everyone. Unless individual intolerance to this miracle fruit is discovered.

Mangosteen. How to eat and choose fruit?

On sale, you can rarely find mangosteen in the form of fruit - it is very difficult to transport. Therefore, it stands like a fruit from the royal table. The second reason for this price is the difficulty of growing it. He needs a tropical climate with high humidity and fresh waters, without strong winds and on well-fertilized organic soil. Most of all, the climate of Thailand, China, Singapore suits him. Therefore, it is not possible to grow mangosteen at home.

You will be in Thailand - buy mangosteen on the local market - a fruit with a red-violet hard peel and delicate flesh of a snow-white color. It costs in the local markets from 0.5 to 4.6 dollars per kilogram.

Inspect the fruit. The skin should be dense, but not dry, not soft, not hard and without cracks. If they offer such a fruit - it is already overripe or not yet ripe. There is very little delicious pulp in a small fruit. Yes, of course, the peel of mangosteen is very valuable, but we want to enjoy an exotic taste, and not just good, right?

Cut the stem, and remove the peel with a knife, making cross-shaped incisions. Now the skin can be removed. Inside are slices of pulp. Moreover, the smaller they are, the less seeds are in them. It is important not to touch the pulp so that the juice does not leak. Immediately do not cut all the mangosteen. Whole fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

The taste of mangosteen is a bit like ours or the lychee who has already tried it. The taste of the pulp is sweet and sour, the smell is not sugary, but fresh. Usually it is eaten fresh, and served in a boat with crushed ice. Such an icy substrate adds freshness to the taste of mangosteen. Thai food is spicy, and mangosteen can refresh your mouth. Thais add it to pies and cocktails, fruit and spicy salads, make soufflé and prepare curry sauce, which is served with local fish and other seafood. Thais do not throw out the peel, but after processing it in a special way, they make jelly.

Mangosteen and modern science

In America, mangosteen is not particularly popular in fresh or dried form. But the Utah company Xango did medical research. And this is what turned out as a result of the experiments.

If, according to a certain formula, the skin, pulp and mangosteen seeds are simultaneously processed quickly and amniotic pulp (i.e., the whole fruit) is processed, its healing properties are enhanced, including the effectiveness of natural antioxidants. They are able to overcome or slow down cancer, restore strength after surgery, relieve allergies, reduce excess weight (Kate Moss model confirms this), restore the liver and cleanse the blood, normalize the stomach and intestines, even relieve migraines and prolong youth.

Xango launched Xango juice and a series of fruit-based cosmetic products. The name juice is given by the active substance contained in the fetus - xanton.

However, do not flatter yourself. Yes, XanGo juice contains 100% mangosteen fruit, but with it also juices, strawberries, red grapes, and. Each of the added juices in turn carries the healing power of the body. So pay attention to the packaging.

Why don't they make Xango juice only from mangosteen? The peel of the fruit has an unpleasant, bitter taste. Therefore, it is “slaughtered" by the aroma of other fruits. In fact, it is the crust that is therapeutic. Therefore, if you happen to visit Thailand, instead of traditional souvenirs, grab a peel without fail. Dry it, grind it into powder and add to dishes that you cook for yourself. There will certainly be no harm.

By the way, you can try to sprout a seed. But will a fruit like mangosteen be able to take root in our climate? Growing at home has not yet been crowned with success.

Mangosteen. Past and future

Surprisingly, mangosteen was known in the past and in the future. Wikipedia knows the legend. Buddha rode through a forest riding a white elephant. I saw an amazing fruit on a 25-meter tree, plucked it and tried it. Healing powers, taste fell to the taste of the Buddha, and he presented it to people as a magical fruit that can cope with many ailments. We do not know if such a person as Buddha actually existed, but the mangosteen is quite real.

And in the future, the girl Alice (the film “A Guest from the Future”) prepared a bromboulette from mangosteen, frying it in petroleum oil. It is a pity that you and I, neither the girl Julia, nor the boy Kolya will be able to try this dish. After all, the angelin peters from whom this oil is obtained grow on the planet Cerberus, which is in the galactic system of Alpha Centauri.

Although ... Who knows, we will board a spaceship or starship and fly to the Cerberus market for the oil of the angelina peteyars. And mangosteen flip from Thailand. And then we will certainly enjoy the dish according to the recipe of Alisa Selezneva. The main thing is not to have time to wake up until we finish eating.

The exotic fruit is mangosteen, aka mangosteen or mangosteen (lat. Garcinia mangostana), belongs to plants of the genus Garcinia. Distributed in Indonesia and Malaysia. Today, it is also cultivated in parts of Southeast and South Asia, and exported worldwide.

The fruits of mangosteen are dark purple in the shape of a ball. The peel is quite stiff, about 5-10 mm thick. The pulp is white, soft, fleshy and juicy, divided into 4-8 slices, it resembles an orange to taste. There are bones inside.

An interesting fact: this fruit was Queen Victoria's favorite treat, so it is sometimes called the “king among fruits”.

Fresh fruits are consumed raw. This is a delicious dessert, which is on the menu of every self-respecting Thai restaurant. And in Malaysia, delicious jam is made from the pulp of mangosteen.

You can find canned or frozen fruits on sale. Although they lose their unique flavor during processing, this is a fee for a long shelf life.

Twigs are used as ruminant sticks in Ghana (in West Africa). They make furniture from beautiful dark brown wood. The peel of the fruit contains black dye, which is used in China for tanning the skin.

Various parts of the plant are used in traditional medicine recipes in Southeast Asia.

The nutritional value

It is a rich source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, potassium and calcium. The peel contains phytonutrients and biologically active chemicals that are good for your health.

Mangosteen has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antiviral properties. It contains about 60 xanthones (a record number) - natural phenolic compounds with a wide range of beneficial properties.

Harm and contraindications

According to scientific evidence, xanthones affect blood coagulation. Therefore, doctors do not recommend eating mangosteen to people taking blood-thinning medications.

Allergic reactions are also possible.

There is no consensus on the use of mangosteen during pregnancy. You should consult your healthcare provider.

Where to buy and how to choose

These fruits can be found in large grocery stores. Pay attention to the supplier: the delicacy should be from China, Thailand or other countries of Southeast Asia. You can order a delicacy on the Internet.

Choose fruits with a large number of leaflets crowning the top. As a rule, they are more juicy and contain fewer seeds.

How to eat mangosteen

Wash the fruit under running water. Use a sharp knife to make an incision on the skin around the circumference. The notch should be deep enough, as the skin thickness is about 7-10 mm. Inside you will find a white pulp in the form of slices, like cloves of garlic. Juicy slices can be easily removed from the peel with a spoon.

Get acquainted with another exotic fruit that you can eat with a spoon.

Sweet and sour jam

  • 200 g of fruit pulp,
  • 70 g sugar
  • 70 g of water
  • 2 tbsp. l lime juice
  • 1 tbsp. l pectin.

Cook sugar syrup from sugar and water. Add syrup to the fruit pulp and cook until soft. Then add 2 tbsp. lime juice and 1 tbsp. l pectin for gelling. Stew until the jam thickens.

Store the jam in a sealed container.


  • 250 g mangosteen puree,
  • 100 g liquid cream
  • 1 cup of water.

Mix all the ingredients in a blender, add sugar to taste.

If you like to discover new healthy foods, pay attention to mangosteen. Even if you don’t like the taste, no one will take the joy of new experiences from you.

What is mangosteen? Mangosteen (garcinia) is an exotic fruit, its homeland is the state of Southeast Asia, where it is recognized as the king of fruits. Residents of the CIS countries are familiar with the fruit from a trip to Thailand. This miracle fruit is found on sale both in our country and taking into account the delivery price, it is an expensive pleasure. Due to the fact that it has incredibly useful properties, with each subsequent year this fruit is becoming more and more popular.


Consider how mangosteen looks externally and internally. It looks like an apple dressed in a dense purple with a burgundy skin, not eaten. Under it is saturated edible flesh of snow-white color  like lobes like garlic cloves. Inside the pulp are grains tightly adjacent to it.

What is the taste of mangosteen. The taste of the fruit is considered one of the best. Mangosteen has a light fragrance and sweet and sour taste, which is characterized as compound of citrus, pineapple, strawberry, peach, grape and apricot. The fruit pulp is saturated, melts in the mouth and perfectly quenches thirst. In addition to a wonderful taste, it has useful properties.

Where mangosteen is grown. Exotic fruit grows in the tropics and is little known in our country. The homeland of mangosteen is the Malay archipelago. Most common in thailand  and some states of southeast Asia. In other powers, trees are found only in botanical gardens. Mangosteen suits a wet equatorial climate. Trees badly endure drought and wind. And they die already at temperatures below + 5 ° degrees.


What is good for mangosteen? The most useful qualities of mangosteen are predetermined by its most valuable chemical composition; it has healing qualities. Mangosteen is a real storehouse:

The fruit has beneficial properties due to the presence of vitamins in the composition. Vitamin combination presented:

  • vitamins A, B (riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and folic acid);
  • C, E and D.

What else is precious about mangosteen? The beneficial properties of the fruit support macro- and microelements  such as:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • manganese.

Calorie fruit 72 kcal  per 100 gram serving of fetal pulp.

Mang0stin benefit and harm

It normalizes metabolic and gastric processes. For this reason, mangosteen is used as fat burning. It is effectively used for diarrhea. It helps in the work of the endocrine system and corrects the hormonal background. Fruit juice helps to rehabilitate after general surgery, serious illness and melancholy. With its use, they rejuvenate and cleanse the body, increase vitality.

Contraindications. There is harm from this fruit. He begets allergic reactions. It should be eaten with care by people suffering from fruit allergies. It is not recommended to use in large quantities for diseases of the gastrointestinal system, pancreas, kidney and liver diseases in the phase of complication. During pregnancy, it is eaten if it was in the diet earlier and was successfully tolerated.

The beneficial properties of the fruit

What are the beneficial properties of mangosteen fruit? This fruit has been used for many years in Southeast Asia, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a drug of popular medicine. Impact:

How to choose the right fruit

When choosing a mangosteen, care should be taken to color the leaves located at the top of the fetus. Their tone should be bright green, not chestnut. The brown color of the leaves indicates that the fruit is overripe and begins to lose its good qualities. A sign of ripe fruit is the springiness of the fetus. When pressed, the fruit is properly springy, and does not remain stiff like a watermelon skin.

A unique feature of the fruit is that if it starts to churn, it is not noticeable from the outside. You can investigate the quality of a product only by touching it and looking sensitively at the leaves. It is better to choose large fruits, since they contain the largest amount of pulp. In addition, fruits with a significant number of leaves are more saturated, they have fewer seeds.

How to eat mangosteen correctly

How to peel fruit. Mangosteen must be cleaned carefully and accurately so as not to damage the flesh. Here are some guidelines for clearing mangosteen fruit:

The upper part of the fetus is also cut, and the pulp is eaten with a spoon. Fresh fruit is used, it is not subjected to heat treatment, because of it the aromatic and taste qualities of the product are lost.

Keep it in the refrigerator. Shelf life not more than 7-10 days. The most delicious and useful will be such a fruit, which is ripe on a tree. When the fruit is delivered to us, it is ripened unripe. They eat it fresh, make juices, jams. The fruit is not frozen, but it is preserved. Sterilize the fruit for no more than 10 minutes, otherwise it will become fresh.

Mangosteen juice is recommended to use for vigorous health and recovery after serious illnesses and surgical invasion. The juice is used to treat obesity, consumed in weight loss programs and all kinds of diets. Juice establishes an alkaline pH environment, which is very beneficial for the body. Juice is consumed for the prevention of cancer, as a supporting drug in the treatment of malignant tumors.

Application in traditional medicine

It is advisable to notice that mangosteen is not only useful for pulp. In popular medicine in Asia, it is successfully used dried fruit skin. Ointments, creams used to treat dermatological diseases such as skin rashes and serious forms of eczema are made from milled powder. Antimicrobial creams for the legs and for the care of problematic skin of the face and body have a good effect.

Fruit mangosteen in cosmetology

The healing properties of mangosteen allow it to be used for cosmetic purposes. Hoods are used in the production of shampoos, face creams and other cosmetic products. Recognition has a cream for stretch marks with mangosteen. It moisturizes and tightens the skin, gives it springiness and a flowering appearance.

Mangosteen and weight loss

When dieting, experts recommend using foods with the highest content of fiber and antioxidants. Such a diet helps to keep the right amount of vitamins in the body and feel cheerful. Just according to these criteria, mangosteen is suitable. The useful composition of this fruit compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals, makes metabolism faster, and strengthens the immune resistance. An important role in weight loss in the psychological aspect, when taking mangosteen makes the diet menu more tasty and diverse. This provides an opportunity not to break with a strict diet.

Economic use of mangosteen

It is not only the fruits that matter. The usefulness of mangosteen is great. There is milky juice in the tree bark - orange latex, it is used in the paint industry. Young shoots of trees are used as chewing sticks. Souvenirs and carpentry are made of wood. But the most expensive are fruits. They are included xango & raquo;. They crumble them into a cocktail in an unpeeled form, right with the skin.

Mangosteen is an exotic fruit with amazing taste and healthy properties. Due to its composition, the fetus strengthens the body, restores after illness. The systematic use of mangosteen strengthens the immune resistance, restores metabolism and delights with amazing taste and aroma.

As soon as an exotic fruit is not called mangosteen, which grows in the hot tropics of Southeast Asia, Central America and Africa - mangosteen, mangosteen, garcinia, mancut ... It resembles an apple with a thick purple or brown peel, inside of which there is a white edible pulp in the form of juicy slices white, similar to garlic. In some segments, you can find edible seeds that taste like acorns. On the lower part of the fruit, a flower is drawn by nature, the number of petals of which coincides with the number of lobules inside.

A feature of mangosteen is a slight acidity, which is present even in ripe fruits. The taste of pulp can be described as a combination of citrus fruits, grapes, pineapple, strawberries, peaches and apricots. Sweet, slightly sour white slices, juicy, jelly-like and fragrant, melt in your mouth and perfectly quench your thirst. Tasting mangosteen can turn into a real culinary experience for those who have never encountered such exotic things.

Choose a ripe mangosteen

When choosing a mangosteen, pay attention to the color of the leaves crowning the crown of the fruit — they should be bright green, not brown. The brown color of the leaves indicates that the mangosteen is overripe and begins to deteriorate, so it is better not to risk it. Another sign of spoiled fruit is that the peel is too hard, like a watermelon, because ripe mangosteen is elastic and slightly springy when pressed.

Exotic fruit has one unique feature - if it rotted, it does not affect its appearance. The only way to check the quality of the fruit is to touch it and carefully examine the leaves, preferring large fruits to small ones, since the latter contain less pulp.

How to eat mangosteen?

Before you eat a healthy, delicious fruit, you need to cut it correctly, and you can do this in several ways. The first is the simplest: tear off the upper leaves (if the fruit is very ripe) and slightly press on the top of the fruit, as a result of which it will crack and release ripe pulp. The second method is more aesthetic: make a circular incision with a knife, without touching the pulp, and open the fruit. However, such manipulation should not be done with hard fruits, so as not to injure the hand. You can also cut the upper part of the mangosteen with a knife, and eat the pulp with a spoon.

Mangosteen is eaten fresh, but it is stored in the refrigerator for two weeks. Fruits with pristine skin can lie for a month at high humidity and a temperature of + 3-6 ° C. The refreshing taste, combined with the beneficial properties, make the fruit especially valuable, its flavonoids are considered natural antidepressants, which are found in abundance in dark chocolate and ground coffee.

Mangosteen is also being cooked!

  This delicious tropical fruit is used in the preparation of juices, exotic salads, fruit cocktails, mousses, sweet toppings for pies, soufflés and savory meat and fish sauces. Mangosteen gives the dishes freshness, sophistication and citrus flavor. It is enough to cut the pulp of the fruit into small pieces and add them to yogurt, salad or ice cream - the success of the dish is guaranteed!

In some countries, young mangosteen canned and dried, however, heat treatment reduces the aromatic and taste properties of the fruit. Mangosteen jam is considered a tasty dessert in Asia - for this, the white flesh is not cooked for long with brown sugar and cinnamon. Fruit seeds are fried and used for food, and delicious jellies are made from soft peels.