Walnut jam: how to cook nut jam. Green walnut jam benefit and harm

24.09.2019 Restaurant notes

What are we used to seeing walnuts? A strong shell, inside of which are delicious kernels that we just eat or add to soups, pastries, sauces, tinctures, salads, main dishes ... It turns out that you can make delicious jam from whole walnuts! And today we will learn how to do it. But remember - you have to stock up on time and patience.

The story of an unusual recipe

Do not be alarmed by our courage and determination: you can really make jam from walnuts. But not only from those that have already ripened, but from very young, the so-called milk maturity. These green fruits are still unsuitable for fresh food: they are bitter and taste not at all like those nucleoli that we compared in childhood with brains for appearance.

These very fruits will be needed for a tasty, fragrant and healthy jam. They need to be collected, depending on the region, from the end of May until the first decade of July. For example, in the south of our country already in mid-June, most often, nuts already enter the ripening period and become unsuitable for jam: the shell begins to form and harden.

To determine the desired level of ripeness, pierce the fetus with a toothpick. If it easily goes through and just as easily gets - feel free to collect nuts. You can check in this way each of them, because later on you still have to prick them.

This is what milk ripe walnuts look like for jam

Jam from unripe walnuts from ancient times is known in the Middle and Middle East, in the southern countries of Europe and Southeast Asia. Now this dessert is very popular in Italy, Spain, Greece, Moldova, Ukraine, the North Caucasus, in the Kuban.

In each region, the recipes for this dessert have their own characteristics, but they are all based on the same principle.

The general principle of making nut jam

Although walnuts of milk ripeness are very soft, compared with fully ripened walnuts, they still need additional processing before cooking. The juice of nuts is very bitter due to the high iodine content, so it should be removed by prolonged soaking.

Traditionally, nuts are not soaked in pure water, but in a lime solution at the rate of 100 g of substance per 1 liter of water.  Modern housewives are often indignant: "And so around is solid chemistry, also soak nuts in the lime!". Let's recall the school course in this wonderful subject.

Firstly, all the products known to us include chemical elements. Secondly, lime is nothing but calcium oxide, a harmless substance used everywhere in everyday life. It is not worth talking about the benefits of calcium for the body. If we recall that sodium chloride is sodium chloride (the result of the interaction of two toxic substances), you can be completely scared. However - add to most dishes, and nothing, very tasty.

Do not be afraid to use lime: it is just a harmless calcium oxide and not an evil poison that will poison your jam

Finish the excursion into the basics of chemistry and return to our jam. Nuts for him are soaked in a lime solution from 5 days to 2-3 weeks, until soft. Heavily darkened during this time is repeatedly pricked or cut in half, after which it is boiled for several hours in sugar syrup. The standard ratio of products is:

  • 1 kg of soaked nuts;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

The amount of ingredients may vary slightly depending on the region or even the preferences of the hostess. In addition, many people like to add spices to dessert - cinnamon, figs, anise, cloves.

By the way, it is desirable that the dishes for soaking nuts be made of stainless steel: aluminum is contraindicated for so long to contact with water and iodine contained in nuts, and you can not wash the enameled pan or bowl from persistent nut juice. For the same reason, you need to peel the nuts with gloves, so as not to go around for a week with black hands.

Peel walnuts only with gloves: nut juice is firmly eaten into the skin of the hands

What is the use of such a dessert?

Compared with ripe nuts, unripe fruits contain much more vitamins (groups B, E, PP), volatile, tannins, and vegetable fats. All of them are stored in fruits after making jam, albeit in smaller quantities.

In folk medicine, nut jam has been used for a very long time, it effectively treats diseases such as:

  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • heart disease
  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • angina;
  • furunculosis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases.
  • nerve congestion;
  • intense mental work;
  • trouble sleeping;
  • pressure surges;
  • pregnancy (since jam contains the necessary amount of iodine);
  • fast growth process of children.

Green Greek jam is a source of trace elements useful for the body

And for men, this jam is very useful: it favorably affects reproductive function.

But it is worth noting that for people with a stomach ulcer, diabetes and obesity, walnut jam is contraindicated.


We offer you some popular, not very complicated, but interesting ways to make jam.


You must have tried prunes, and maybe you like to use it for various dishes. So, walnut jam, prepared according to the classic recipe, is very reminiscent of good dried plums, both in taste and in appearance.

Walnut jam in appearance reminds prunes

It will take you a lot of time. And besides it you will need:

  • 4 kg of green nuts;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 10 buds of cloves;
  • 1 pinch of citric acid;
  • for soaking nuts - slaked lime at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of water.

Be sure to weigh the nuts: depending on their weight, you will have to adjust the amount of the remaining ingredients.

  1. Rinse the nuts and put in a deep bowl or basin. Fill completely with water. At least every 6 hours, the water needs to be changed, and so - within 6-7 days. If you doubt that the nuts are already a little closer to ripening, keep them in the water for a week. But do not forget that you also need to change the water 4 times a day! Do not worry that the liquid takes on a greenish color: this peel of nuts gives off excess juice.

    Rinse unripe nuts with cold water and soak for a long time

  2. Now is the time to prepare the mortar. Add 0.5 kg of lime to 5 liters of water. Stir the solution thoroughly and let it stand for 20-30 minutes.

    Prepare a solution of slaked lime

  3. Discard the settled clear solution without sediment in a bowl with soaked nuts. Leave on for 24 hours. The fact that the surface of nuts darkens or becomes stained is a natural reaction, but not a reason to be scared and throw away the product!

    Soak the nuts in a lime solution for 24 hours.

  4. After a day, thoroughly rinse the nuts in running cold water. If they are too large - cut them in half; chop smaller nuts with a fork in several places and deeper.

    Cut large nuts in half, small - prick with a fork

  5. Boil water in a pan. Throw nuts into it and blanch for 20 minutes. Drain the boiling water and cool the nuts in running cold water.

    Blanch nuts in boiling water

  6. After all these “procedures”, the nuts will noticeably change color to olive or brown. Boil a pan of water again and blanch them, but for half an hour. Drain the water again and hold the nuts in running cold water until they cool.

    Cook the nuts again and cool them.

  7. Noticed that the nuts darkened even more? So it's time to start making jam.

    After the nuts have darkened significantly, you can start making jam

  8. In a separate pan, prepare syrup. Dissolve sugar in boiling water, boil, stirring constantly. Add cloves and a pinch of citric acid. Pour the nuts in a hot boiling syrup, bring to a boil and hold for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and leave for 1 hour.

    Make sugar syrup and add spices to it

  9. The nuts will darken greatly after the first boil, and you need to spend 4 more such executions with them, each for 5 minutes, with an hour break. And finally - another 15 minutes in a boiling state, after which the jam can be poured into clean, sterilized jars.

    Boil nuts in syrup several times

Green walnut jam can be stored under the covers for a year in a cool room, or you can eat immediately.


Armenians are big lovers of walnut desserts, including jam. A feature of this recipe is the use of alum. In addition, it is necessary to peel the nuts from the peel approximately like potatoes. Do this only with gloves: it is very difficult to wash your hands from nut juice.

You will need:

  • 100 pcs of young walnuts;
  • 3 kg of sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 10 buds of cloves;
  • 10 g of cinnamon;
  • 5 fruits of cardamom;
  • 0.5 kg of slaked lime;
  • 75 g alum.

You can start making jam.

  1. Peel the shell from each nut. Put the fruits in a deep bowl.

    Peel nuts like potatoes

  2. Pour the nuts with clean, cool water. Leave them for at least 6 days in a cool place. Change water four times a day. The fruits will darken significantly during this time.

    Fill the nuts with water for 6 days

  3. Drain the last time and rinse the nuts thoroughly.

    Rinse nuts thoroughly after draining.

  4. Pour 0.5 kg of lime with 5 liters of water, mix thoroughly. Let stand and strain through cheesecloth.

    Prepare a mortar, let it settle

  5. Immerse the nuts in a strained solution and hold for 24 hours, stirring occasionally so that the fruits are completely soaked and not caked.

    Soak the nuts in a mortar

  6. Rinse the nuts again in running water, but now with special care. Prick each fruit with a fork in several places (the more holes there are, the better), then rinse again.

    Chop each nut with a fork

  7. In 5 liters of water, dilute 75 g of alum. Stir constantly, bring to a boil.

    Dissolve alum in water and bring to a boil

  8. Dip the nuts in boiling water with alum, cook for 10 minutes.

    Boil nuts in alum water

  9. Throw nuts on a sieve, wait until all the water has drained.

    Drain nuts from a sieve

  10. Put them in a deep bowl, fill with cold water and leave for an hour.

    Leave the nuts to cool in cold water.

  11. While the fruits are cooling, let's take spices. Fill cinnamon, cardamom and cloves in a bag of gauze.

    Prepare a gauze bag with spices

  12. Dissolve granulated sugar in boiling water, mix and boil for 1 minute.

    Cook sugar syrup

  13. Add a bag of spices, nuts to the syrup, and boil for another 5 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and let it brew for 24 hours. You need to completely repeat this procedure 3 more times. After the workpiece has settled for the last time, cook it again (it will take 3 hours) and remove the bag of spices.

    Boil nuts and spices in sugar syrup

That's all. Now the finished jam can be laid out in jars and rolled up. Or serve, having cooled beforehand.

Limeless Jam

If the presence of the lime still confuses you, we offer a method of preparation without using this tool. It is easily replaced by the usual and often used in cooking soda.

So, take these products:

  • 100 pcs of walnuts;
  • 250 g of soda;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 4 glasses of water.

Cut off the peel from the nuts, be sure to wear gloves, and proceed to cooking.

This jam goes well with creme brulee ice cream: in tandem, you get the taste of Coca-Cola. And by the way, this method is the fastest. Unlike the previous ones, this jam will take you only 5 days.

Italian recipe with chocolate

Sunny Italy has its own tradition of desserts. Italians are big lovers of sweets; they often add additional ingredients to a familiar dish to make it original. Milk-green walnuts jam is very popular in this country, and we are sure that you will like its chocolate version.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of nuts (already boiled);
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 300 g of water;
  • 100 g of cocoa powder.

Take only those nuts for jam that are easily and effortlessly pierced through with a toothpick. Sort all spoiled fruits right away.

  1. Cut each nut from two ends. This is necessary so that the fruits as quickly as possible give the bitter juice contained in them, while in the water.

    Cut nuts on both sides and fill with water

  2. Put the nuts in a deep bowl and pour cool water. Soak for 2 weeks, changing the water 2-3 times a day.

    Do not forget to replace water regularly

  3. Sort the soaked nuts by size, cut the largest in half. If there are a lot of nuts, then you can make 2 servings of jam: one - from large cuts, and the second - from whole smaller fruits.

    Sort nuts by size

  4. Rinse the selected fruits thoroughly and cook for 2 hours. After that, pierce a couple of nuts with a toothpick: if it succeeded without difficulty, the fruits are ready. If they are still harsh - cook another 30 minutes. Boiled nuts should maintain integrity and not be stratified. If you cut them, you can see that the skin is not behind the still unformed shell.

  5. Prepare syrup from water and sugar, cook nuts in it for at least 1.5 hours. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, type a little syrup in a cup, and gently, pour a small stream of cocoa into it, stirring constantly so that the powder does not stray into lumps.
  6. Also, stirring gently, pour cocoa syrup into a pot of nuts. At this point, you can add your favorite spices to the jam, if desired, such as anise, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and even hot red pepper. But do not be too zealous so that the taste is not too spicy.

    Cook nuts in sugar syrup, gradually adding cocoa and your favorite spices, such as cinnamon

Walnut chocolate jam can be not only a separate dessert. Its syrup is great as a sauce for cakes, pastries and ice cream.

Video: we make jam from young walnuts in accordance with all the rules

A few years ago, healthy green walnut jam was considered an exotic treat. Today, every housewife can cook it on their own, you only need to get the fruits, which should be a certain degree of maturity. The taste characteristics of the workpiece are not inferior to the more traditional counterparts based on berries and fruits. As for the content of substances that positively affect the state of the human body, in this case, the nut dessert surpasses many other preservation.

The composition and benefits of walnut jam

A nutritious and fairly high-calorie product can cause weight gain. 100 g of the composition contains about 250 kcal and more than 60 g of carbohydrates. Overuse of jam can harm even a healthy person. Such a small "drawback" of walnut dessert fades against the background of its useful properties:

  • The mass is rich in iodine. According to this indicator, the delicacy is approaching seafood. The element is responsible for maintaining the functionality of the thyroid gland, normalizing hormonal levels and improving cerebral circulation.
  • The tannins and glycosides in the product have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. This is especially useful for school children. The regular use of walnut jam in therapeutic volumes improves their memory, increases concentration and resistance to unusual loads. Studies have shown that dessert even facilitates the process of adapting a child to a new educational institution or team.
  • Nut mass has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Milk maturity contains substances that trigger the cleaning of blood from harmful cholesterol. This is accompanied by a decrease in high blood pressure and an improvement in the movement of blood through the vessels.
  • The abundance in the product guarantees the active removal of toxins, toxins and free radicals from tissues. The introduction of walnut jam in the diet reduces the likelihood of cancerous tumors. For people undergoing chemotherapy, the product helps to recover faster after aggressive procedures.
  • The presence of vitamins A, C, group B, K, PP, F and various minerals in the composition ensures the strengthening of immunity at all levels, the normalization of metabolic processes and a general improvement of the condition.

The most vivid benefit of walnut jam is manifested against the background of such indications for its use:

  1. Long stay in areas with adverse ecology or highly developed industry.
  2. Lack of a number of ingredients in the diet necessary for the normal functioning of the body (fish and seafood). As well as an allergy to these products.
  3. Life situations associated with excessive stress.
  4. Increased physical activity.
  5. Conditions arising from a deficiency of iodine.

According to nutritionists, the likelihood that walnut jam will harm the body is negligible. Using only 1-2 teaspoons of the product per day, you can count on the above results and not worry about the development of side effects. True, there are several nuances that must be remembered when introducing dessert into the diet of adults and children.

Harmful walnut jam

An absolute contraindication to the use of jam is an allergy to walnuts. In all other cases, the workpiece can be included in the menu, while remembering such points:

  • With diabetes, the delicacy is not prepared with sugar, but with its substitute. This point must be discussed with a doctor who will tell you the optimal dosage of the finished product and its frequency of use, reducing potential harm to a minimum.

Tip: In cases of cerebrovascular accident, which often happens in elderly people, you should use a proven folk approach. You should eat 1 teaspoon of the product daily, washed down with green tea. The effectiveness of the approach will increase if tea leaves are previously soaked in warm milk.

  • If you are overweight, do not abuse preservation. And without that, high-calorie walnut becomes as nutritious as possible when sugar is connected to the processing process. One teaspoon of dessert 2-3 times a week will be enough.
  • During pregnancy, too, do not have to deny yourself. But, in order not to provoke the risk of developing “pregnant diabetes” in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the volume of the product should be reduced to a minimum. It is better to take 0.5 teaspoon of jam and add it to tea.

Damage to the body can be caused by the use of poor-quality composition. It is impossible for air to enter the jar with the workpiece; its lid must be tightly screwed. The shelf life of homemade walnut jam is not more than 9 months. An open item should be eaten within 2 months.

Rules for processing walnuts before making jam

If desired, any housewife can learn to cook a quality product on her own. True, the process is not simple and quite lengthy. An important point is the preparation of the ingredient, it should be milk ripeness. The fruits are harvested until they begin to become rude. To establish their suitability, you can chop several copies with skewers, the tool will easily pass through the shell and pulp.

Here are the basic rules of the preparatory process that underlie all traditional recipes:

  • We take fruits of the same size, otherwise the final product will be spoiled. On the skin of the products should not be stains, scratches and cracks. The optimal harvest time is June and early July.
  • For soaking and boiling the mass, dishes with a thick bottom or an enameled container are used. In there is an active destruction of vitamin C. Aluminum containers deteriorate under the influence of acids in the composition of the workpiece.
  • During the cooking process, the mass must be regularly stirred with a wooden or glass spatula so that it does not burn.
  • Before starting the heat treatment, walnuts must be soaked. To do this, use cold clean water, which is changed every 3-4 hours for 2 days.
  • To eliminate the characteristic bitterness in the kernels, the soaked nuts must be immersed in a lime solution for a day. After this, the fruits need to be soaked once again in cold water for a day. Before this, each nut will have to be chopped in several places with a thick needle.
  • Before cooking, soaked workpieces should be welded. To do this, they are kept in boiling water for 10 minutes and the water is drained.

The preparatory phase at this ends. Now walnuts can be used for making jam. There are many dessert recipes, you just need to choose the right one.

Walnut Jam Recipe

Jam made from walnuts can be not only brown, but also light. It turns out so if you use in the process peeled from the upper green peel.

Here is one of the most popular recipes for boiling such a treat:

  • We will need 1.5 kg of nuts, peeled from the top green peel, 2 kg of granulated sugar, 2 cups of drinking water, 2 fresh lemons, 2 sticks of cinnamon and 5.
  • From water and sugar we cook a thick syrup, in which we lay the prepared nuts. There we add the juice of two lemons. Spices are placed in a gauze bag, which is also lowered into the jam blank.
  • Bring the mass to a boil, remove from the stove and insist for 6 hours. We repeat these manipulations 3 more times, after which the jam is ready.
  • We take from the contents a bag of spices and discard. The resulting composition is laid out on sterile jars and rolled up. A pair of small jars can be covered with plastic lids, but their contents should be eaten within 2 months.
  • Ready-made preservation should be kept in a cool dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 25ºС.

If it is not possible to make walnut jam at home, you can look for the product in large supermarkets and at fairs. In this case, you need to pay attention to the country of manufacture. Well, if it will be Greece or the countries of the Caucasus. The mass should be a uniform color without inclusions and bubbles. And yet, a real dessert can not be cheap, because its preparation involves a lot of trouble and requires a certain time.

As easy as pie. Its healing kernels are easily stored both in a purified form and with a shell. But such a workpiece can be made many times tastier than just nuts. Green walnut jam has already become an indispensable item in preparation for the winter at many gardeners and summer residents. An unusually delicious dessert and a means to improve memory, an aromatic additive to and a way to rejuvenate cells - all this is about nut jam. How to stock up on such a miracle, we understand in more detail.

Preparing for a nut spin

It is not known exactly who first came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bcooking nuts, but the idea was great. Treated kernels become soft, nourished with syrup, give an amazing aroma and taste. It should be noted right away that the process of preparing such a treat takes time and effort, but the result will please any gourmet.

For hazelnut jam you will need young fruits with not coarsened shells. As a rule, this stage of Vologda nut ripening occurs in mid-late June. The degree of maturity can be easily checked, for this they simply pierce the fetus with a large needle or a toothpick, if it went through - you can start cooking. Nuts need to be collected and selected suitable.

Tasty jam from green walnuts is obtained from quality raw materials. Each fruit should be inspected for dark spots, cracks, rotten parts. The top layer of the green peel will be removed, but its condition is an indicator of the quality of the nut. The selected fruits must be washed and peeled from the top layer of the skin. You need to cut off with very thin layers. At this stage, it is imperative to use rubber gloves, since the skin will leave dark spots on the hands for a long time — many learned this lesson from childhood.

After peeling the skin from each fruit, all the nuts must be placed in a basin where they will be soaked. The choice of dishes is a separate “song” and a stumbling block for many housewives. Literally two generations ago, the most common container for making jam was aluminum or copper basins. Many, using the recipe and great-grandmother's advice, still do so. Today they are not recommended to be used, as they can, and can react with jam acids, during this the dish is filled with heavy metals. Stainless steel utensils or enamelled containers are ideal.

They chose the dishes, they prepared the nuts. Now follows an important step in the spin - soaking the fruit. Nuts must stand for at least two days. This is necessary because the peel and kernels in an unripe state are very bitter. To get rid of this bitterness, they need to be soaked, changing the water three times a day. After 2 days, the soaking continues, at this stage you can choose one of two options: lime soaking and limeless.

Soaking Methods

So that the walnut jam does not become bitter, before the main stage of cooking, it goes through several phases of soaking. After the fruits stand in water for 2 days, the water needs to be drained. Then they are soaked additionally with or without lime.

The unknown method. It will require one knitting needle or fork. Each nut needs to be pierced, and put in a hole in the resulting hole on a clove. Prepared fruits should be poured with water and left for ten days. It is imperative to change the water several times a day, since without this all the work will come to naught.

After one decade, the water is drained, and the cores are covered with hot water for 13-15 minutes. After that, they again need to be immersed in cold water and insisted for another 24 hours. After the set time, the kernels must be dried.

The calcareous method. After 2 days of soaking, the nuts are placed in a solution of slaked lime. To do this, you need 500 g of lime and 5 liters of cold liquid. Lime soaking lasts 4 hours, after which the solution is drained, and the fruits are thoroughly washed under the tap. In washed nuts, you need to make holes with a fork or spoke, pour them again with plain water and wait another 2 days. Do not forget to change the water to clean several times a day.

After all these efforts, the fruits of the walnut tree will be ready for the main stage of preparation. You can make jam from walnuts with several recipes.

Jam Recipes

Such a dessert can only be made with nuts or diluted with spices, citrus zest, berries. In any case, the product will turn out tasty, and if you follow the soaking rules, it will also be extremely useful.

Classic recipe:

  • a hundred nuts;
  • 500 ml of plain water;
  • kilogram.

Soaked nuts need to be decomposed to dry out a little. Meanwhile, syrup is made from water with sugar. When the sand has completely melted, immerse the fruits there and boil for 10-15 minutes. After this, the jam is delayed for 6-8 hours, returns to the fire again, and then stands again.

Boil walnut jam 4-5 times with an interval of 6-8 hours. So the kernels are saturated with sweet syrup, do not lose their shape, and the syrup acquires a nutty color, taste and smell. At the last stage, you need to decompose the finished product into dry sterilized jars and roll up.

Spiced Jam:

  • nuts - 50 pcs.;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 1000 g of sugar;
  • cloves;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • wand.

Put the prepared kernels into boiling syrup. Place all the spices in cheesecloth and wrap them tightly in a bag, put them in jam and cook with it. The contents must be cooked over medium heat until the fruits turn black glossy. After that, add vanilla sugar or a little vanillin, roll in jars.

Walnut jam with citrus:

  • one kilogram of nuts;
  • one kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • zest of one;
  • one .

First, boil the syrup, while it boils, you need to dry the kernels and cook citruses. squeeze into syrup, and cut the zest with orange into thin strips. When the sugar is completely dissolved in water, add the fruits and citrus straws, cook for 15 minutes over low heat, leave to infuse for 6-8 hours. Such manipulations should be repeated three times. Pack warm jam in sterile jars.

In addition to such classic recipes with peeled kernels, a recipe with unpeeled nuts is used. The edges are cut from the fruit on both sides and immersed in cold water for 10 days. In this case, the fluid also needs to be constantly changed in order to get all the bitterness out. After this period, the fruits need to be boiled in clean water for 15 minutes, then change the liquid to cold and leave to infuse again for another day.

The next day, drain the water and leave the nuts to dry. Meanwhile, syrup is prepared from the ratio: one part of water and one part of granulated sugar. With cooled sweet water, pour the kernels again and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the syrup and boil it for 20 minutes, return to nuts. The same thing needs to be done three more times, the last time all the ingredients are boiled together for 10-15 minutes. Unpeeled green walnuts jam is ready.

Medical use

As you can see, preparing such a dessert takes time and effort, but it's worth it, given that the benefits exceed all expectations. This dessert is useful for urological diseases, heart or liver problems. During the conservation process, some of the beneficial components found in fresh nuts are lost. But even what is left is enough to cover the need for vitamins, and.

A special "pride" of such a dish is an impressive amount of healthy acids: and. The combination of trace elements and acids has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. In folk medicine, nut dishes, including jam, are used as an anti-sclerotic agent.

Possible harm and contraindications

Any nuts, including walnuts, are classified as strong allergens. For this reason, nut jam is not recommended for children under three years of age. Pregnant women also better to refrain from such a treat, so as not to cause allergies in the baby.

Jam from nuts is contraindicated in people with diabetes. Due to its high level, it is better to limit it to those who take care of their figure and people with obesity, since 100 g of product contains 280 kcal.

For digestive problems, nut jam can only be used with the permission of a doctor. A large number of tannins and fibers are useful only for a healthy digestive tract.

The rest is a treat, which is worth the time. Its useful properties will come in handy until the next season. And those who replenish stocks for the winter with such a blank can be proud of opening new horizons in cooking.

Known for a very long time, the first time the benefit of eating nuts was noticed by the legionnaires of Alexander the Great during military wanderings in Asia. Walnut kernels are consumed raw, are treated with peanut butter and shell broth. Of great benefit in the treatment of a number of diseases is jam from green walnuts. This article is all about the useful qualities and dangers of green nut jam, recipes with step-by-step photos.

Walnuts: Nutrient Composition

The walnut fruit contains a number of nutrients and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body and help in maintaining health. A rich set of vitamins of groups C; PP; AT; vital acids; a number of useful minerals that improve the body and appearance. Phytoncides, which are part of nuts, guarantee protection against pathological bacteria.

Jam Nuts

Unripe nuts have an unpleasant taste, they are bitter and are not recommended for use raw. Jam made from green walnuts is not only tasty, but also a healthy treat that can cure many diseases. It is useful for persistent insomnia; migraine; headaches in weather-dependent people; stress Depression pregnancy complicated by iodine deficiency; childhood rickets; overstrain and persistent physical fatigue.

Special care should be taken when using jam from green nuts for diseases of diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic manifestations; obesity.

Technology for making jam from unripe nuts

Preparing nuts for jam takes a lot of time and requires special care. Nuts are selected in milk ripeness, when the shell has not yet begun to harden. You can check the ripeness by a usual puncture, for which use wooden skewers or toothpicks. If a wooden skewer easily penetrates the skin of an unripe nut, plunging deep into the pulp, such a nut is suitable for making jam.

Nuts are carefully sorted by size - only fruits of the same size are suitable for jam.

Advice! It is worth choosing whole fruits without damage; the skin should not be dark and rotten spots. Usually, in the milk ripeness phase, nuts are picked from trees in June or early July.

Cookware for jam cooking is of great importance - you should choose pots with a heavy thick bottom made of stainless steel; in extreme cases, enameled dishes are suitable. Absolutely not suitable for making jam containers of copper or aluminum. In copper basins, when cooking jam, vitamin C is destroyed, aluminum containers are destroyed by exposure to excess acid.

When cooking, jam should be mixed with a glass or wooden spoon to avoid burning.

Advice! Preparing nuts before cooking jam takes a lot of time, this operation should be carried out with special care - the healing power of jam depends on the proper preparation of the fruits.

Soaking nuts

How to cook jam from green fruits of walnut: methods and options

There are only 2 known methods of cooking jam, which differ in appearance:

  • Fruit jam with a peel is similar to buckwheat honey - it has a thick dark color. To prepare this jam, the fruits are not exempt from the integumentary green peel, which is tightly attached to the unripe kernel.
  • The composition of peeled nuts in the end has a light color - this is the so-called "white jam". In this case, the cover green peel is removed from the nuts.


When peeling nuts from the upper shell, it is necessary to use rubber gloves, the pigment contained in the skins is capable of staining the skin of the hands black.

There are many recipes for cooking jam from green walnuts, which are often added to spices, citrus or summer berries.

In this article, we will consider a detailed recipe for Armenian culinary specialists.

Armenian walnut jam

A feature of this jam is the mandatory addition to the mass when cooking lemons or citric acid. Lemon zest gives an unusual taste to jam, and when adding lemon, the content of ascorbic acid in the finished product increases significantly.

What is required for jam:

  • Prepared walnuts (peeled from green peels) - about 1.5 kg.
  • Sugar sand - from 2 to 2.2 kg.
  • Ordinary water - 0.5 liters.
  • Lemons are fresh, medium-sized - 2 pcs.
  • Spices: cloves - 5 pieces; cinnamon 1-2 sticks.

Digestion of nuts in syrup

Sugar syrup is made from water and sugar, carefully stirring the mass until the sugar grains are completely dissolved and boil. After boiling, pre-prepared nuts are laid in the mass. The juice of 2 lemons is squeezed into the pan. Spices are wrapped in gauze or sew a special gauze bag for spices, then lay them in boiling jam.

It is required to wait for the jam to boil and turn off the mass, which should be insisted for about 6 hours. The process of heating the container with jam is repeated 3 times. Ready jam is poured into dry clean jars, clogged with clean plastic lids or rolled up.

Jars with prepared shellless green walnut jam are perfectly preserved in a dark and cool place (no higher than 25 degrees).

Green Walnut Jam: Video

Jam from nuts: photos

Cold is a great time to fetch various carefully prepared summer gifts from bins. Many years ago, our ancestors learned to preserve fruits, berries and vegetables for the winter, by salting, canning, drying, etc. Now, of course, the prevalence of such preparations has somewhat decreased, since many products of this type can be purchased in stores. However, some homemade preserves remain more than popular, because they differ not only in attractive taste, but also are the concentration of a huge amount of nutrients. These products also include walnut jam, the benefits of which, by the way, are not known to everyone.

Nevertheless, such a sweetness is a recognized gourmet product, because it is highly valued in various parts of the world. Jam from nuts is a very tasty canned product, which is prepared from green nuts, which reached only the stage of milk maturity. Such a delicacy can rightfully be called the king of jam, because it is not only amazingly tasty, but also useful.

The benefits of walnut jam

The use of walnuts in the preparation of such a sweet is due to the fact that this product is a source of a significant amount of biologically active components that have a positive effect on the activity of the whole organism.

Such nuts are a source of a significant amount of vitamin C, according to the researchers, there is more of this element in them than in citrus fruits. They also have other vitamins, for example, group B, tocopherol, etc. In addition, the nucleoli of such a product contain a significant amount of alkaloids, glycosides, and tar particles. They also have a lot of important iodine for each of us.

The healthy ingredients of walnut jam make it an excellent winter food item. Indeed, it is in the cold and off-season that our body is faced with a lack of vitamin and mineral elements, also at this time there is a significant decrease in immunity. Sweet jam will help to cope with these problems.

A walnut treat helps people with hypothyroidism, thanks to its significant iodine content. Its consumption positively affects the activity of the liver, cleansing and strengthening this organ. Also, such jam with moderate consumption helps to eliminate insomnia. It is advisable to consume it in the treatment of various colds and viral diseases, including tonsillitis and flu.

Walnut jam will benefit people with nervous disorders. Eating it will help patients suffering from various kinds of heart ailments. Also, such a treat has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels, which will be especially useful for patients with hypertension and atherosclerosis. Its consumption allows you to remove excess "bad" cholesterol from the body and even clear the walls of blood vessels of already formed cholesterol plaques.

Scientists have discovered many years ago that walnuts are a wonderful product for improving brain activity. Accordingly, eating jam based on them will be useful to people engaged in mental work. Such an addition to the diet will help improve memory processes, and will have a positive effect on attention. You need to pay attention to it if you are engaged in prolonged mental work or undergo intense nervous stress.

As we mentioned above, such a jam will be especially beneficial for the immune system. It perfectly activates the body's defenses. At the same time, the consumption of such a food product is not contraindicated in children and women awaiting the birth of a baby, in the absence of allergic reactions.

In the event that you are faced with the need for various kinds of surgical interventions, jam from walnuts will help to recover as quickly as possible after them. Also, such a delicacy positively affects the activity of the digestive tract, and its unique qualities will help a speedy recovery from ulcerative lesions and gastritis.

Some experts argue that the consumption of such jam contributes to the effective cleaning of the body from various worms.

A few years ago, British scientists came to the conclusion that the consumption of jam from walnuts helps prevent the formation of cancerous lesions of the prostate gland in males, and breast tumors in females.

There is also evidence that such a treat has a positive effect on the reproductive functions of both sexes, and in men it helps to cure and prevent problems with potency.

Traditional medicine experts also recommend consuming walnut-based preserves for the prevention and treatment of gout, rheumatism, diseases of the oral cavity, ailments of the bladder, kidneys and heart.

Can walnut jam be dangerous? Harm to human health

Walnut jam can be harmful if it is not of high enough quality. Therefore, prepare the product yourself, or buy it only from trusted manufacturers. In addition, keep in mind that this delicacy can cause allergic reactions. Do not abuse jam, as it is high in calories and can cause weight gain. Of course, diabetics should not eat it.