Chicken dishes, second course recipes. What dishes can be cooked from boiled chicken

24.09.2019 Vegetable Dishes

For many, this method of cooking poultry is unacceptable, but there are life situations where it can brighten up your table, especially if it is a forced diet prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, it is better to cook chicken deliciously, and with these recipes you can make sure that this is possible.

How to cook delicious chicken whole in a pan - recipe


  • chicken - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  •   - 1 piece;
  • dill - ¼ bunch;
  • pepper;
  • lavrushka
  • salt.


In order to cook chicken, and not, you need a young one, preferably not frozen, but a fresh, just chilled bird. It is better that it was a broiler meat breed, and not an ordinary domestic chicken, as it is still more suitable for a broth. Put water to boil, its amount should be more than just cover the bird, as the water will boil, and it should cover the chicken until the very end of cooking.

Wash the chicken itself, look at the remains of the feathers and, after boiling, place in water. In order to cook meat, it is necessary to lower it only into boiling water, so all pores are closed and less taste leaves the bird. And if you put the meat in cold water, and then cook, then you get a tasty broth, but less tasty meat.

Wait for the second boil, collect the foam, put the vegetables, preparing them as follows: cut the onion in half, carrot into three parts, celery needs a piece of no more than 3 by 3 centimeters. Add dill directly connected to the bunch, do not forget about salt and spices. And then lower the temperature to a minimum so that the water barely boils. The bird should cook from 40 to 60 minutes, if it is a broiler from the poultry farm, if it is a poultry and it is old, then the time can increase up to 3 hours. And of course it still depends on the weight of the bird itself, but if you see that the meat is moving away from the bones, then it must have already been cooked. You can also make a puncture with a fork, if the fork easily entered the thigh meat, then the chicken has cooked, this is also an indicator of readiness.

As a result, you still get some kind of broth, and moreover, it will also be vegetable. Therefore strain it and use for sauce or cream soup.

How to cook fillet or other chicken meat deliciously?



If we talk about boiled fillet, then it is better to purchase a whole breast, and only then, after cooking, cut the fillet. Firstly, this way the fillet turns out to be more juicy and less astringent, and secondly, you still get a broth that can be used for cooking, of course, not borshch, but it’s perfect for some sauce.

Put the meat with coarsely chopped vegetables and spices into the water after boiling and after 20-25 minutes you can already remove it. But if these are large legs, it is better to boil for half an hour, so it will be more reliable.

what second course can I cook with boiled chicken? except salads !!!

  1. Fry in butter in pieces.
    Chicken souffle. It says in the recipe - chicken breasts. I take boiled chicken, select meat from bones, grind it in a meat grinder, add all the other ingredients and bake in the oven.
  3. Satsivi
  4. at weddings on the third day they eat chicken noodles.
    here is delicious!
    only chicken and noodles are homemade.
  5. dish "boiled chicken"
  6. If there is puff pastry - make puffs with chicken. Or prepare a casserole of mashed potatoes - from below and boiled chicken with sour cream - from above .... you can sprinkle cheese with grated cheese on top ...

    1 gutted chicken weighing about 2 kg
      800 g ripe tomatoes
      250 g ready tomato sauce
      2 medium white onions
      6 small carrots
      3 medium petiole celery
      small bunch of parsley with root
      1 tsp dry basil
      1 bay leaf
      2 medium carrots for serving


    Cut the chicken into 68 pieces, put in a pan with a tight-fitting lid. Add 1.5 liters of boiling water and salt. Bring to a boil over medium heat, remove the foam, reduce heat to low and cook under the lid until almost soft, 3040 min.

    Onions and carrots cut lengthwise into quarters. Cut celery into medium slices. On a tomato, make a cross-shaped incision, pour over them with boiling water, then with cold water and remove the skin. Cut the pulp into large slices. In parsley, peel the root, chop the greens along with the root.

    Put vegetables and herbs in a pan, add tomato sauce, bay leaf and basil. Close the lid, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the vegetables are tender, 2025 min.

    Then carefully remove the pieces of chicken, remove the meat from the bones and return the meat to the pan. Cook over medium heat without a lid for another 10 minutes.

    To serve, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Arrange the pieces of chicken along with the sauce (amount of sauce as desired) in deep plates, sprinkle with grated carrots and serve.

  8. just fry e.
  9. Why should I cook already boiled chicken? Just serve your darling with a side dish that you like (potatoes, rice, pasta) and if this is not enough for you, pour the sauce. For example, tomato, can sour cream
    Well, you can still offer chicken aspic.
    You will need garlic, some milk or liquid cream, gelatin, boiled potatoes and garlic.
    Add gelatin and a little milk to the warm chicken broth and stir to dissolve it.
    Place chopped chicken, chopped potatoes, grated garlic at the bottom of the mold, add salt and pepper. Pour gelatin solution and set to cool.
    Jellied will be opaque - white from milk in this whole samak is unclear what to eat, but very tasty
  10. I just love cooking chicken. But as an option, I cook the potatoes, and heat the butter in a frying pan, chicken there (I take off the skin, separate the bones and cut them arbitrarily or tear with my hands) lightly fry, garlic through a crush, sour cream and the very same cooked potatoes and soup broth. Stir, warm and done. Salt, pepper, spices to your personal taste. It turns out quickly and coolly.
  11. Of course, dumplings !! !
    Grind chicken meat, fry with onions, add salt, pepper and make a couple of dozen small vareniki. Yes, and you can cook in chicken broth, and even serve with broth and herbs)))
  12. fry the onion mushrooms mix everything with chicken add cream 22 "% bring to a boil. yummy !!!
  13. All the recipes listed are not worthy of attention.
  14. The fastest "pasta navy" add more frozen vegetables, if any.
    Pancakes stuffed with boiled chicken. (do not forget the onion and a bit of broth for juiciness)

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

So, if you wanted to cook this wonderful dish and you had all the right ingredients at hand, then you can start the process. First, pour the right amount of purified water into a deep pan and put it on a strong fire, let it boil. Meanwhile, we thoroughly wash the chicken, while using the kitchen knife or tweezers, plucking the remnants of feathers and hairs from its skin. Then we rid the carcass of all the insides, that is, the kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, stomach, and excess fat, which is located near the tail.

Then, using a clean kitchen knife, peel carrots, onions, garlic and parsley root. We wash them with celery in cold water. If desired, cut each vegetable into 2-8 large parts, just crush the garlic cloves to crack, and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: cook the chicken.

When the water in the pan starts to boil, add salt to taste to it, ideally this 1 teaspoon per liter. Then we very carefully lower the chicken there and, after boiling again, reduce the fire to a level between the smallest and the average. Then, using a slotted spoon, take off  from the surface of the liquid gray-white foam - curled protein.

We cover the pan with a lid so that a small gap remains, and cook the broiler bird for 30 minutes.

After this time, add prepared vegetables to the broth, that is, onions, carrots, celery, parsley root and garlic. We season everything with a leaf of laurel, two types of pepper peas, black and fragrant, as well as optional fresh or dried herbs, which are indicated in the ingredients.

Cover the chicken again and cook another 30 minutes. Then we check its readiness with a conventional kitchen knife. We make a small incision deep into the fleshy part of the carcass, for example, the thigh or breast, if a reddish liquid is released, hold the broiler on the stove 10-15 minutes, and if the transparent juice - the bird is ready!

Insist her in the broth at least 15–20 minutesby turning off the stove in advance. Then very carefully move it into a deep bowl, cover and let cool slightly. Then spread on a large flat dish and serve to the table, previously cut into portions.

Step 3: serve the boiled chicken.

Boiled chicken is an incredible yummy! After cooking, the bird is slightly cooled, laid out on a dish, cut into 8-12 portions and served as the second main hot dish. Serve it with any side dish, cereals from different cereals, pasta, boiled, baked, as well as fried vegetables, salads, marinades and pickles are suitable.

Also very often this miracle is put on the table along with a rich broth and fresh bread. Enjoy delicious, simple and wholesome food!
Enjoy your meal!

Some gourmets before using this dish prefer to remove the skin from the surface of the boiled chicken;

Non-broiler chicken will cook for at least 2 hours, or even more, depending on the age and weight of the bird;

Vegetables that remain in the broth should not be thrown out! They can be used for cooking any other dishes. For example, chop carrots in a salad, and grind the roots together with butter and a piece of boiled meat or liver to a porridge-like homogeneous state, season the resulting mixture with spices, and a great paste will come out;

Many hostesses soak the chicken in normal running water for 1.5–2 hours before cooking. It is believed that a bird prepared in this way gets rid of most of the steroids and formalin, which it is often used in poultry farms;

Optionally, the chicken can be divided into portions and then cooked, in which case it will cook much faster, in about 40 minutes.

One of the most useful, tasty and nutritious foods is boiled chicken. Recipes that use this meat are presented in the article. It remains only to wish success in the culinary field!

Cheese + boiled chicken: salad recipe

Essential Ingredients:

  • medium orange;
  • 250 ml of boiling water;
  • a little wine vinegar;
  • one onion;
  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • lettuce - 3-4 pcs.;
  • feta cheese - enough for 200 g.

For refueling:

  • 1 tsp mustard;
  • wine vinegar - no more than 1 tbsp. l .;
  • olive oil.

Cooking process

Boiled Chicken: a second course recipe

Grocery list:

  • some dried and fresh herbs (dill, parsley);
  • one onion;
  • 1.8 kg chicken carcass;
  • garlic - a pair of cloves;
  • parsley root - 1 pc.;
  • spices (pepper, salt);
  • medium carrot;
  • lavrushka - a pair of sheets;
  • peas in the form of peas - 2-3 pcs.

detailed instructions

Step number 1 . We wash the carcass with tap water. Cut into pieces. We send to the pan, fill with water. We wait until the liquid begins to boil. Reduce the heat and remove the foam. Add the lavrushka, peppercorns and dried spices to the pan. Solim. We notice 20-30 minutes.

Step No. 2. Peeled onions and carrots (whole) are sent to the chicken. There we put the celery root. Cook for 1 hour.

Step number 3. We got a tender and fragrant boiled chicken. The recipe suggests serving it in garlic sauce. Now we will tell you how it is done. Grind the crushed garlic with salt. Add chopped greens (fresh). Mix. We breed these ingredients with a small amount of broth in which the chicken was cooked. Pour the pieces of meat with the resulting sauce. We serve to the table. As a side dish, pasta, boiled potatoes or rice are suitable. We wish each other bon appetit!

Boiled Chicken Recipe in Sour Cream Sauce

Grocery set:

  • ¼ part and celery;
  • 20 gram slice of butter;
  • chicken stock - a couple of glasses;
  • 3 tbsp. l flour (the grade is not important);
  • 1 bunch of parsley and green onions;
  • chicken carcass - 1.3-1.5 kg;
  • 100 g of sour cream (fat content not more than 15%).

Practical part

  1. Where do we start? The carcass should be gutted. If there are small hairs on it, then they must be scorched by holding the chicken over the fire of the stove. We wash the carcass. The legs are tightly tied to each other.
  2. Prepared bird is placed in a pan with salted water. There we put peeled and celery, half chopped greens.
  3. As soon as the water begins to boil, reduce the fire to a minimum. The chicken should be cooked until tender. This process can take from 40 to 90 minutes. It all depends on the age of the bird and the size of the carcass.
  4. Let's do the sauce. In a hot pan, put a piece of butter. When it melts, pour the flour. Rub it with oil. Fry until golden brown. Then pour the hot broth in the right amount. Boil for 2-3 minutes. It remains to add sour cream and chopped herbs. We notice another couple of minutes. Fire can be turned off.
  5.   we get out of the pan. Bulbs, carrots, as well as celery and parsley roots can be thrown out. They will no longer be needed. So, pour the chicken with sour cream sauce. Garnish with parsley branches. Feel free to start tasting the dishes.

Fans of rich broths sometimes puzzle over the question: what can be cooked from boiled chicken? Of course, it’s easiest to just crumble it into soup or put it in the refrigerator, and then use it as a simple meat appetizer. But it is so banal, so boring ... And yet, our ancestors-Slavs, in hoary antiquity, made hundreds of delicious dishes from this bird. It remains only to show imagination and recreate a few simple recipes.

Red hut pies

No meat is used to make pies more often than chicken. It is tasty, and dietary, and at a price - it’s quite a budget option. It is important that this product is combined with absolutely any other - from potatoes to cereals, from turnips to carrots. So it turns out that you can combine endlessly, making baked goods each time new and original.

In the Urals and Siberia, housewives indulged their families with lush buns that were seasoned with mushrooms with boiled chicken and fried onions. To do this, a filling was laid out between two layers of yeast dough: long strips of meat mixed with onion and salted small loaves (in the season boletus, russula or chanterelles stewed in sour cream could take instead). The pie was tall, round, incredibly fragrant and very satisfying.

Everywhere in Russia, an open chicken pot was popular, the dough for which was planted on sour cream. The recipe is so simple that even a novice culinary specialist will easily perform all the necessary manipulations. For the dish you will need to take:

  • boiled chicken breast (or both legs);
  • no less than three large bulbs (more can be);
  • cheese - 150 grams;
  • butter - 150 grams;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • one egg;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spice.

The dough is elementary. Sour cream and melted butter are beaten with an egg, a good pinch of salt is put in the same place, flour is poured out and everything is thoroughly kneaded. After that, not too cool "semi-finished product" should be kept in the cold for an hour, so that it would be easier to work with it further.

Meanwhile, the filling is being prepared on the stove: the onion sliced \u200b\u200bin half rings is sautéed in oil until it is golden-sunny. At the very end, chopped boiled meat and spices that are more popular are added to it. Refueling should cool slightly.

Chilled dough is rolled into a layer, a small side is formed from a previously cut piece, which will prevent the filling from escaping onto a baking sheet. Onion and meat are laid out in this sour cream “basket”, cheese is rubbed on top - it will cover the chicken pot with a rather thick layer. Put the cake in the hot oven for about half an hour. A couple of minutes before the final, you can sprinkle its top with chopped herbs and crushed garlic.

It should be borne in mind that boiled chicken is a little dry - especially breast. Therefore, it should be “moistened” with something. If the onion in the family does not make love, you can take stewed cabbage or zucchini instead, add more butter, sour cream or thick cream to the filling.

Pie Rhapsody - Overseas Delights

It would be naive to think that baked chicken was loved only in Russia. In France, an open pie with boiled fillet was made from unsweetened shortcrust pastry, for which about 50 g of butter, a quarter cup of water, a pinch of salt, one egg and a glass of flour were mixed. It was slightly frozen, then rolled out and laid out the filling: chopped meat, fried mushrooms, onions and broccoli (the latter usually took twice as much as chicken).

On top of the semi-finished product was poured with a special sauce from a glass of thick cream, a piece of grated cheese, a couple of beaten eggs and a pinch of nutmeg. This yummy was baked for about forty minutes at medium temperature and turned out to be incredibly tender, resembling a thick omelet with meat and vegetables on a thin tortilla.

In Italy, pastry with custard, stuffed with chicken, sweet pepper, olives, parmesan and basil, was a success. In Greece, Serre's cake was prepared with noodles, meat and cheese. And in Mexico, a finely chopped chicken was simply wrapped in tortillas, flavored with beans, spicy chili, fresh tomatoes and herbs. And everyone was delicious!

Top Class Treats

Stuffing is far from all that can be made from boiled bird fillet. A little effort, and you get a gorgeous dish for the festive table - for example, a delicious meatloaf with nuts and prunes. It will require:

  • one boiled chicken;
  • half a glass of walnuts;
  • half a glass of dried seedless plums;
  • about 100 ml of sour cream;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Prunes are soaked, cut into thin strips and stewed with a drop of water for 5-10 minutes. Walnuts are crushed on a grater or using a hand mill. The chicken is boiled until tender in salted water and cools. Now you need to carefully remove the skin from it - it will become the basis of the roll. If all of a sudden it doesn’t work out, you don’t have to get upset, nothing fatal happened - you can use thin pita bread or large lettuce for the same purpose.

A cling film is spread on the table, the base is laid on top, and chicken meat is placed on it, which must be cut from the carcass with the most thin, but wide plates. Sour cream is mixed with crushed garlic and greased fillets, then spread prunes, distributing it over the entire area, and sprinkle with nuts.

The last thing left to do is to carefully roll the roll, pulling up the film. Squeeze so that it is better compressed and takes the desired shape, wrap in food polyethylene and put it in the freezer. After a couple of hours, the product is ready to be served on the table - it is cut into thin slices and decorated with fresh herbs.

Very simple and very beautiful

Poultry fillet is an ideal base for many salads. Most housewives, deciding what can be cooked from boiled chicken, will remember about Caesar with its original sauce and crispy crackers. Light and nutritious, it really has become incredibly popular in the world, but this is only one of the options for a festive snack.

Easily enough, you can create for guests and household members an authentic masterpiece called “Watermelon Slice”. For the dish you need to take:

  • boiled chicken breast;
  • half a jar of olives (always black, pitted);
  • thick-skinned tomatoes and small cucumbers - 2 pieces each;
  • 100 g of any hard cheese;
  • dressing mayonnaise.

The meat is cut across the fibers. Cheese and cucumber coarsely rubbed into separate bowls. From the tomatoes, a watery pulp with seeds is obtained, and the rest is crushed into small cubes. Olives are chopped with rings, but 5-6 pieces are divided along into halves - they will be needed for decoration.

Chicken (whole), cheese (2/3), olives in circles are mixed in one plate. The salad is seasoned, and then laid out on the cooked dish in the form of a wide wedge. Now the main thing is to show artistic talent and how to decorate it so that it really looks like a slice of watermelon. On the outer edge there are cucumbers, they have to play the role of a green peel. Then - a thin strip of cheese, and after it to the end - tiny cubes of tomato.

The final touch is a few halves of olives that will represent the bones. You can’t take your eyes off this treat!

In fact, from boiled chicken you can cook literally anything that you want. If you grind it and gently mash with onions, you get a gorgeous base for pasta sauce. It is enough, having beaten the minced meat with milk, butter, egg, a small amount of flour, to send this “cocktail” to the oven - and after about half an hour the most tender meat souffle will ripen. Satsivi, fillet in beer batter, Bashkir stew, azou or beshbarmak - such exquisite dishes will surely diversify your menu and bring a lot of pleasure to gourmets.