Quick salting of mushrooms at home. Recipes for salting mushrooms for the winter - methods, stages of preparation

24.09.2019 Soups

Proper salting of mushrooms for the winter allows you to pamper your family and friends with original snacks during severe colds. They can be harvested both hot and cold. The selection of the salting method should fully correspond to the mushrooms selected for work. For example, for salads and saffron milk mushrooms, milkwort, cold salting is more suitable. But white can be salted in a hot way. In the recipes below, step by step, each method for treating mushrooms and honey mushrooms at home is described. To learn about how and how to salt mushrooms in jars, and how to store them properly until spring, the photo and video instructions discussed below will help.

How to salt mushrooms in jars for the winter - a simple recipe with step by step photos

Most mushroom pickers prefer habitual and proven mushrooms. For example, white is in greatest demand due to its ease of collection and preparation. But salt for the winter can be other mushrooms, which have a rather unusual taste. Various types of milkers are ideal for salting: young mushrooms retain their density and are easily salted at home.

Ingredients for easy pickling mushrooms for the winter in jars

  • milkers-3 kg;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • salt -150 g;
  • dill umbrellas - 3 pcs.;
  • leaves of currant, cherry, horseradish - to taste.

A step-by-step recipe for simple pickling mushrooms in jars for the winter

How to salt mushrooms in winter in jars - a simple recipe with photo instructions

Beautiful and delicious boletus are quite easy to salt for the winter and are great for treating friends and guests with such snacks. They do not need quite a long preparation or processing, which allows you to harvest boletus at home in any quantity. The following recipe with a photo will tell you step by step how you can simply pickle such mushrooms in jars, and how to store them correctly.

List of ingredients for pickling boletus in winter jars

  • brown boletus -1 kg;
  • water -1 l;
  • salt -50 g;
  • greens, bay leaf - to taste.

A simple recipe with a photo instruction for winter harvesting in jars of boletus mushrooms

How to salt mushrooms in winter in jars - a simple recipe with photos and videos

Different types of breasts are widely used for pickling, and for pickling. The attractiveness of these mushrooms in the absence of the need to use a variety of spices. The loaves themselves have an amazing taste, so only salt and pepper will help to emphasize it. At the same time, salted mushrooms are perfectly stored in jars or plastic buckets. The following recipe step-by-step describes how to make a tasty snack for the winter from loafs and please your family with an unusual addition to ordinary dishes.

Winter salting prescription ingredients in jars

  • breasts -1.5 kg;
  • salt -75 g.

Photo-recipe for salting for the winter in mushroom mushrooms banks

A simple video recipe for winter salting mushrooms mushrooms in banks

You can also make mushrooms for the winter in another way. The following video recipe step by step describes how to properly prepare and salting these mushrooms at home.

How to salt salmon mushrooms for the winter in jars - a simple step-by-step recipe with video instructions

The beautiful mushroom threshing mushrooms are a great addition to meat dishes, cereals and fried potatoes. But their salting must be carried out very carefully: such mushrooms are considered conditionally edible, therefore, they need careful preparation and processing. The following recipe describes step-by-step how to add salt water to salmon banks and how to store them.

Video instruction for step-by-step salting to the winter cold of mushrooms in the banks

The following video recipe is great for salting throttles at home. The detailed instructions will help you to prepare many salted mushrooms for future use without any problems and will gladly eat them until spring.

How to salt cap mushrooms in a hot way at home - a detailed photo recipe

Like any mushrooms, mushroom caps are great for pickling for the winter. It is quite easy to work with them, since such mushrooms do not require thorough washing and long soaking. The following recipe with a photo step by step describes a simple process for harvesting caps for the winter.

Hot Cap Salted Mushroom Prescription Ingredients

  • caps -2 kg;
  • water -2 l;
  • salt -60 g;
  • dill umbrellas - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • spices to taste.

A detailed recipe with a photo of homemade salting caps in a hot way

How to salt mushrooms at home in a cold way - step by step photo recipe

Using a cold cooking method is well suited for different mushrooms. For example, according to the recipe described below with a photo, it is possible to grease not only breasts with this method, but also mushrooms or honey mushrooms. True, the salting time in the bucket for the latter is 10-12 days. Therefore, they can be prepared much faster for the winter and put in a jar for storage in the basement or refrigerator.

Ingredients for Cold Salting Mushrooms at Home

  • gruzdi-4 kg;
  • salt -200 g;
  • dill umbrellas, bay leaves, currant leaves - to taste.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo of homemade salted mushrooms in a cold way

How to deliciously salt ceps for the winter in jars - a simple recipe with step-by-step instructions

Fragrant porcini mushrooms are very suitable for pickling and freezing for the winter. But you can not just salt them in jars or freeze them in bags, but also freeze already salted mushrooms. Such blanks can be considered low salted. They are great for serving or preparing other dishes.

The list of ingredients for delicious salting for the winter white mushroom in jars

  • porcini mushrooms and boletus - 0.5 kg each;
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - to taste;
  • salt - 60 g.

Step-by-step instructions for a simple pickling recipe in cans of porcini mushrooms for the winter

Having studied the rules for salting mushrooms cold and hot, you can easily prepare delicious snacks for the winter. For work, it is allowed to use both mushrooms, and waves, and porcini mushrooms. Also, for quick salting in the winter, you can use oyster mushrooms or champignons. To cook them, it is recommended to choose cold salting, described for different mushrooms in the above photo and video recipes. They describe step by step how to salt mushrooms in different ways and how to store them. Useful tips and tricks will help you to easily prepare for winter at home and even during extreme cold weather pamper your near and dear ones with original mushroom snacks.

  Mushroom pickling is a way to stock up on mushroom preparations for the winter and enjoy the wonderful taste of mushrooms on holidays and weekdays. You can salt a variety of mushrooms - first of all, mushrooms, mushrooms, chanterelles, as well as honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus, mushrooms, mushrooms, etc.

Salted mushrooms are not only a ready-made tasty snack. Then they can and should be fried, boiled mushroom soups, stew.
  When salting, as well as with, it is necessary to follow certain rules for processing and preparing mushrooms for harvesting.

First of all, mushrooms need to be sorted and sorted into varieties (it is better to salt separately, with some exceptions). Next, the mushrooms should be cleaned and soaked at least for the night (preferably for a day). Water must be changed, and the mushrooms themselves put in a cool place. Then the mushrooms are cut (it is important to cut off the legs of the plate). You can salt in various ways - dry ambassador, hot ambassador and cold ambassador.

Salting of mushrooms

Mushrooms are salted in two main ways - cold and hot.

Cold salting of mushrooms involves salting of raw mushrooms. Mushrooms must be soaked, periodically changing the water (a couple of hours). White and black loads can not be soaked - there is no bitterness in them.

Salt is poured on the bottom of the dishes, leaves of cherry, currant, horseradish, dill stalks are laid out. Mushrooms are laid in layers with caps down. Every five to ten centimeters, mushrooms are sprinkled with salt and spices, and garlic and pepper are also put. On top of the mushrooms spread the leaves of cherry, currant and dill. They not only help improve the taste and aroma, but also protect against mold.

Mushrooms are pressed on top with a wooden circle or a smaller lid. Store salted mushrooms at a temperature of + 5-6. If stored at minus, the taste will deteriorate. If there are not many mushrooms, they can be salted in a glass jar under a plastic cover. Keep them in the refrigerator.

Hot salting

The hot method has gained particular popularity. In a hot way, you can salt many types of mushrooms - mushrooms, traps, mushrooms, some varieties of russula.

So, salting the buns in a hot way is done like this. In this case, the mushrooms are not soaked (as in the cold method). To get rid of bitterness, the mushrooms are boiled (no more than half an hour), then they get rid of the liquid, allowing the water to drain.

Hot salting requires a shorter blanching time (heat treatment). To get rid of milky juice, mushrooms are put in boiling water for 6-8 minutes. It is convenient to use a colander if there are few mushrooms. Then the breasts are thoroughly washed with cool water until cool.

Mushrooms are put in jars, pans or other containers for salting, sprinkled with salt, herbs, seasonings (dill, tarragon, add fragrant onions and (or) garlic, horseradish. If desired, you can add celery, cherry leaves, currants and oak. Salted breasts are stored in a cool place.You can start to feast on them in one to two weeks.

Step 1. We prepare the dishes for salting.

For salting mushrooms, it is better to choose a wooden tub, an enameled pan or a glass jar. I carefully wash the selected dishes in water. Then wipe dry with a towel.

Step 2. Prepare the mushrooms.

  Mushrooms (brown boletus, boletus, mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, nigella, valui, mushrooms) thoroughly clean from the ground, rinse, put in an enameled pan.

Step 3. Cook the mushrooms.

  Pour water into a saucepan with mushrooms, put on a fire and lightly salt. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon and removing the foam. Russula boil 5-6 minutes; breasts, trawls, whites and earrings - 8 - 10 minutes; porcini mushrooms, aspen, boletus, mushrooms, butter and champignons - 10-15 minutes; honey mushrooms, chanterelles, valui, rubella and other mushrooms containing bitterness, - 25-30 minutes.   Then drain the water in which they were boiled, and rinse the mushrooms in cold water, throwing them in a colander to let the glass water.

Step 4. Mix the ingredients.

  Mushrooms prepared in this way should be put in dishes (tubs, jars, pans) and salt with the calculation 45-60 grams of salt   on 1 kg of boiled mushroomsand cover with a wooden circle with oppression. As a seasoning in the mushrooms, you can put garlic, onions, horseradish, tarragon or dill.   It is better to chop onion in small cubes.   You can either squeeze the garlic through the garlic, or cut into small pieces, or even throw whole. but this provided that the teeth are small. I sliced \u200b\u200bthe garlic in pieces so that the mushrooms would be better saturated with the aroma of garlic during salting, but in a couple of cans for the experiment, garlic was squeezed into a couple of cans using a garlic mill.   After all the mushrooms have been salted, they can be folded into jars and corked with plastic lids. Salted mushrooms in this way can be eaten through six - eight days.

Step 5. We serve salted-boiled mushrooms.

  Serve as a cold appetizer, laying in a deep plate. You can season with vegetable oil and add onions, sliced \u200b\u200bin rings or slices. Bon Appetit!


Salted mushrooms, perhaps in their importance on the festive table, can compete with red and black caviar. They are also used in the preparation of various fillings, side dishes and soups. Unlike caviar, this dish can be prepared independently, but for this you will have to work hard: collect, process and salt the mushrooms.

Salting Preparation - Highlights

You can salt any edible mushrooms. However, it is advisable to select young and strong specimens for this, so that in the process of cooking the hats do not become sap and lose their specific crunch. Before salting mushrooms, they must be prepared: wash and peel, sort, soak.

To wash and peel the mushrooms well, it is recommended that when you return from the forest, soak them immediately in a large volume of water, if there are a lot of them, for example, in the bathroom. They should remove all damage and wormy areas. When cleaning, special attention should be paid to the central recesses of the hats, and, for lamellar mushrooms, the back of the hats, where the lamellae are, is also present. Mushrooms and other types of their family need extra thorough cleaning. Processing should be carried out under running water. It is very convenient to use a toothbrush for cleaning. In butter, as well as russula it is necessary to remove the skin of the hats.

During cleaning, immediately, if necessary, sorting by species is carried out, as well as throwing out “dubious” specimens collected in the fuse of “silent hunting” and which may be poisonous.   Sorting is due to the fact that the time of spalling is different for different species, and most importantly, they have different processing processes (duration of soaking and cooking). However, many recipes are based on the joint preservation of different types - this is how the most delicious and fragrant preparations for the winter are obtained.

When such recipes are used, you should first process the various types separately, and then salt them in one container. Species containing milky juice must be soaked. Mushrooms belonging to this type are called milkmen. Soaking time depends on the degree of bitterness (causticity) of the juice.

The duration of this procedure in days:

  • 2–5 - for whites, black breasts, values, violinists, smoothies and undergrowths;
  • 1–1.5 - for traps;
  • 1 - for white breasts (small breasts do not soak);
  • russula and saffron milk can not be soaked.

Water should be changed every day at least 2-3 times. When soaking, especially long, mushrooms can begin to sour. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to add citric acid and non-iodized salt to the water - 1 l of 2 g and 10 g, respectively. After soaking, the mushrooms are washed and, if necessary, cleaned again.

Types and features of salting

Salting mushrooms for the winter is performed in 3 ways. The first is conventionally called “dry”, the second - “cold”, and the third - “hot”. Regardless of the recipe, mushrooms should be salted only in wooden barrels, enameled dishes or glass jars. The container is pre-prepared: cleaned; washed; scalded with boiling water, and glass sterilized.

When using dry or cold recipes, salt in an open container. Stacked mushrooms are covered with clean gauze or cloth, then they put an inverted enameled lid, a wooden flat circle or something similar, and from above it bends (cargo). Pure boiled natural stone (usually granite) wrapped in gauze or a can of water can act as oppression. Do not use metal, limestone and similar cargoes.

In a 3-liter jar on top, you can install a small glass container with water or put a plastic bag filled with water. When the mushrooms are salted, the container is closed and moved to a cold place. To preserve the finished product for longer, they preserve it: transfer the mushrooms to prepared jars, fill them with fresh brine, and then sterilize (30 minutes - 0.5 l, liter - 40 minutes). After that, make a roll-up and remove the containers for storage.

Regardless of salting and canning recipes, a well-ventilated room where the air temperature is from 0 to +4 ° C is ideal for storing mushrooms. Also, a refrigerator or not a damp cool basement or a cellar is suitable.

Dry way of cooking - why is it so named?

All other types must be pre-soaked or boiled. According to the dry salting recipes, the mushrooms are placed in a hat with the caps down in rows, pouring each layer with large non-iodized salt, the amount of which is 40 g per 1 kg of russula and mushrooms. The last top row is covered as described above.

Russula and saffron mushrooms after 3-4 days will give juice, settle, and it will be possible to report the next batch. You can report until fresh mushrooms run out or the tank is full. They will be ready, after 7-10 days, counting from the moment of the last bookmark. It happens that the juice is allocated in insufficient quantities, and russula with saffron milk cap is not covered by it. In this case, put more severe oppression.

Cold salting - no heat treatment

This method is similar to dry pickling - it is performed without heat treatment of mushrooms. However, "forest production" is not only washed, some are also soaked. The latter include species that were mentioned above - the lactic. Soak them in accordance with the recommendations given there. Then they start pickling.

On the bottom of the container, according to taste and choice (recipe), spread horseradish leaves and roots, bay leaves, dill, allspice peas, garlic, clove buds, caraway seeds, as well as twigs and leaves of cherry, blackcurrant, oak and other spices. In order not to interrupt the natural taste and aroma of the mushrooms themselves, it is not recommended to lay too many spices. Many housewives do not put any aromatic additives at all, being sure that this is completely unnecessary, especially in relation to saffron milk mushrooms, mushrooms and valuev.

Then the mushrooms are laid down in rows with hats down, pouring them with coarse non-iodized salt, the amount of which is 40-50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms. Then the container is covered, as described in the salting features. Mushrooms under the weight of oppression will secrete juice, after 2-3 days they will settle. After that, you can report the next batch. If the juice is not secreted enough to cover the mushrooms, they put more severe oppression. If this does not help, you should add brine prepared in the ratio of 20 g of non-iodized salt to 1 liter of water.

Cold pickled mushrooms for the winter will be prepared through:

  • value - 2 months;
  • waves and white breasts - 1.5 months;
  • mushrooms and russula - 10-12 days.

The countdown starts from the moment you bookmark the last batch. There is another option for cold salting. Mushrooms are also stacked in rows on herbs and spices, but they must be salted in layers, again laying out between layers of herbs and spices. The thickness of the layers is within 5–8 cm. After this, the cooled boiled water is poured into the container so that it is flush with the last layer, but does not cover it, lay the fabric, support under the load and bend.

The recipes for this variant of cold salting will no longer have problems with insufficient juice, and in everything else it is identical to the method without water.

Hot canning - for all types

After seaming or closing the container in another way, the finished product is allowed to cool, and then cleaned in a place for storage. In a month, the mushrooms will be ready.

Hot salting is most often applied to whites, boletus, boletus, oils, chanterelles, honey agarics and goats. Less so salt valuy, russula and travushki.

The first way to pickle mushrooms in a hot way

After preliminary preparation and sorting, the mushrooms are boiled in salt water (see the article "How to prepare mushrooms for salting?").

Prepared mushrooms are cooked as follows (based on 5 kg of mushrooms): 3 cups of water are poured into an enameled pan, 100 g of salt and 6 bay leaves are added there. The water is brought to a boil, mushrooms are poured there, after which they continue to cook everything together over low heat, gently stirring.

Mushrooms secrete juice during cooking, and foam forms on the surface, which is recommended to be removed with a slotted spoon.

Cooking time depends on the type and size of the mushrooms. As a rule, we are talking about 15-20 minutes from the moment of boiling. When the mushrooms settle to the bottom - they are ready. Properly cooked mushrooms should remain strong, resilient, and the brine should be light, almost transparent.

After cooking, the mushrooms are immediately cooled (up to 40 degrees). To do this, it is recommended to install a pan with mushrooms in a large container with cold water.

Chilled mushrooms are packaged in small barrels, covered with a clean cloth. A wooden circle is placed on top of the fabric, and oppression (a water bottle) is placed on the circle.

If glass jars (three-liter or ten-liter) are used for pickling mushrooms, then the jars should be filled with mushrooms so that they do not reach the neck by 1 cm. Banks are covered with a lid and taken out for 2-3 days in a warm room, and then in a dry, cold place.

Store containers with salted mushrooms at a temperature of 1 to 7 degrees Celsius.

After a month, the mushrooms are ready for consumption.

The second method of salting mushrooms in a hot way

For salting in this way, the mushrooms are sorted and cleaned of debris. In whites, brown boletus and boletus, legs are cut off - they are salted separately from the hats. If large hats are salted together with small ones, then they are cut into 2-3 parts.

If valui, traps or russules are used for salting, then they are first prepared for cooking: valuas are soaked in salted water for 2-3 days, traps are 1 day, and russes are simply cleaned from the film (see the article "How to coldly cold mushrooms, trays and russula? ")

Prepared mushrooms are washed with cold water.

To obtain brine (per 1 kg of mushrooms), 1/2 cup of water and 2 tbsp. Are poured into the pan. tablespoons of salt. Salt water is brought to a boil. After that, mushrooms are immersed there.

During cooking, mushrooms are gently stirred with a jelly so that they do not burn.

When the water boils again, the foam formed on the surface is removed with a slotted spoon. After that, 1 bay leaf, 3 peppercorns, 3 clove buds, 5 g of dill seeds and 1-2 blackcurrant leaves are added to the brine.

Mushrooms in spicy brine continue to cook with frequent stirring: porcini, boletus and boletus - 20-25 minutes, valui - 16-20 minutes, and traps and Russula - 10-15 minutes.

Mushrooms are considered ready as soon as they settle to the bottom of the pan. In this case, the brine should be almost transparent.

Boiled mushrooms are carefully laid out in a wide container so that the mushrooms cool down quickly.

The cooled mushrooms are transferred along with the brine to barrels or glass jars. The cans are covered with lids on top, and the barrels with cloth. A load is placed on top of the fabric (see above).

Pickle in jars and barrel should be no more than 1/5 in relation to the weight of mushrooms.

Mushrooms salted in this way are suitable for consumption after 45 days (one and a half months).