About pumpkin and sunflower and how to fry seeds in a pan. Which variety to choose and how to fry pumpkin seeds

24.09.2019 Healthy eating

On the beneficial properties of pumpkin can not speak. Everyone knows that it is rich in vitamins and minerals. But not everyone understands that useful substances are found not only in the pulp, but also in the pumpkin seeds.

Farmers distinguish three types of pumpkin: fodder (most often used for animal feed), decorative and dining. It is the latter type that is used to prepare a variety of dishes.

Since ancient times, our ancestors drew attention to the fact that pumpkin seeds have a wide range of medicinal properties.

A large amount of product can lead to salting of the body as a whole. Salts are deposited in the joints, which significantly limits their mobility.

Do not get involved in seeds for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They can provoke an increase in the acidity of the gastric juice, or even obstruction. If you really wanted pumpkin seeds, then confine yourself to a few things.

People who want to bring their weight back to normal must always take into account that the product has a high fat content and, accordingly, high calorie content.

Many are very fond of eating pumpkin seeds, and this is not at all surprising. They have an absolutely peculiar taste and are a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. But, even such a simple product should be eaten with caution, since it, like every other, has its own contraindications.

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Knowing how to fry pumpkin seeds, you turn them into a healthy and appetizing snack

Sunflower seeds for frying can be bought at the market or you can choose from pumpkin, which was eaten. There are varieties containing a large number of seeds.

How to fry pumpkin seeds in three different ways

There are several ways of frying, and all of them do not require the addition of vegetable oil. As a result, the seeds will turn out not only tasty, but also moderately high-calorie.

  • How to fry pumpkin seeds in a pan? It is best to take a cast-iron frying pan, such utensils perfectly retain heat. It is well heated and poured seeds. They keep them on high heat for several minutes, constantly stirring. After the fire is reduced. When the seeds change color to golden and begin to make a characteristic crackle - it’s time to turn off the stove. Seeds are poured into clean dishes. The main condition when cooking them in a pan is constant stirring so that nothing burns out. A spatula for mixing is preferably wooden rather than metal.
  • How to fry pumpkin seeds in the microwave? This method requires a little preliminary preparation. Seeds are washed and dried for two days. After it is laid out on a flat dish and sent to the microwave for one minute, turning it on at maximum power. After the time has passed, seeds are pulled out, mixed and again fried for a minute. The procedure is repeated until the seeds begin to click.
  • How to fry pumpkin seeds in the oven. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C, pour the seeds onto a baking sheet. Stir every five minutes until they turn golden brown. After turning off the fire, do not get the seeds right away, but let them "reach" for several minutes.

To make seeds easier to clean, pre-soak them in water for 10-15 minutes. But this trick has a minus: if you remove the seeds from the fire too early, they will not be so tasty.

How to fry pumpkin seeds?

Tasty pumpkin seeds
   The benefits of pumpkin seeds
   Pumpkin seeds reduce the excitability of the nervous system and mitigate the effects of stress. If you regularly eat pumpkin seeds, then heavy metals (cadmium, lead), as well as cholesterol, are eliminated from the body. Pumpkin seeds contribute to the dynamism of the digestive process.

Pumpkin seeds contain:
   1) zinc (immunity, hormones, skin and bone health),
   2) phosphorus (brain function, nervous system),
   3) magnesium (anti-stress, cardiovascular system),
   4) iron (metabolic processes in the body)
   Eat pumpkin seeds in food is necessary in moderation, not more than 200 milligrams per day.

The calorie content of pumpkin seeds is 700 kcal / 100 grams.

Shelf life of pumpkin seeds. Store fried seeds in a dry place in a package for 1 week.

The use of fried pumpkin seeds in cooking
Pumpkin seeds can be added to fried and stewed vegetables, in salads from fresh vegetables with herbs. Ground roasted pumpkin seeds should be placed in cereals (both hot and cold) or sprinkled with sandwiches.

How to store pumpkin seeds
   Seeds are stored unpeeled in a tightly closed container, in the absence of a shell, vegetable fats are oxidized and beneficial properties are lost.

How to choose pumpkin seeds
   When buying pumpkin seeds, you should pay attention to the integrity of the shell. There should be no moisture in the pumpkin seeds; there should also be no smell.

How to fry pumpkin seeds
   Ingredients for frying pumpkin seeds
   Fresh pumpkin seeds - half a kilo
   Vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 30 ml
   Salt - a tablespoon

Oven pumpkin seeds roasting recipe
   1. Rinse the seeds, removing excess pulp and fiber, and dry for 1 hour.
   2. Mix pumpkin seeds with oil and salt.
   3. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
   4. Put baking paper on a baking sheet, on top in 1 layer - pumpkin seeds.
   5. Place the baking tray with pumpkin seeds on the middle level of the oven, stir the seeds every 5 minutes.

The recipe for frying pumpkin seeds in a pan
   1. Put the pumpkin seeds in a 1 layer on a preheated, oil-poured pan.
   2. Fry in a skillet for 30 minutes over low heat without a lid.
   3. When frying, pumpkin seeds should be constantly stirred to avoid burning.
   4. A product is considered finished when the shell becomes golden. 5. Fried seeds should be allowed to cool so that they acquire a special taste and aroma.

Microwave Pumpkin Seed Recipe
   1. Place pumpkin seeds in oil and salt on a plate with an even layer.
   2. Put the dish with pumpkin seeds in the microwave and fry for 5 minutes at full capacity, leave to cool in the microwave for 10 minutes.

If you cook numerous dishes of pumpkin, then in no case do not throw seeds out of it: they are a source of zinc and other useful vitamins and minerals. By the way, pumpkin seeds are very expensive, so create a salty snack for yourself in a matter of minutes by frying in a pan. Of course, it is possible to calcine the seeds in the oven, but it will be a long time, and you can’t wait to quickly click on them with pleasure!

By the way, peeled roasted kernels of pumpkin seeds are a wonderful ingredient for creating all kinds of recipes, from meat bread and sausages to sweet cakes and cakes!


  • 200-300 g raw pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tsp salt


  1. Freshly cleaned seeds must be thoroughly rinsed. For this, water is poured into the container with them and the pumpkin pulp is removed manually. In this case, water should be changed about 7–8 times in order to wash off the fragments of pumpkin enveloping them from the seeds. If a little remains - it does not matter, everything can not be cleaned.

  2. After this, we will sprinkle the washed seeds on a paper towel or waffle towel to remove excess moisture. Many people prefer to fill this product with salt water, leaving them in it for 30 minutes, but this does not need to be done, since moisture seeps inside the seeds - then they remain moist even after drying in the oven. Blot the seeds and let them lie down, drying out, for about 5 minutes.

  3. Then pour them into the pan and add salt. Gently mix and place the pan on the stove, turning on medium heat. At high heat, the shell of seeds will burn, at minimum - it will take a long time to fry them. Oil or other fat does not need to be added! Fry the seeds for about 5-7 minutes, watching their surface. We will definitely taste it so that they don’t get burnt inside or remain raw. In the process of frying, the seeds will be dried and salt will remain on them.

  4. Pour the fried seeds into the prepared bag or on a plate, let them cool slightly and enjoy their taste in full, turning on your favorite series.

Mistress note

1. Salted seeds of healthy melons can be one of the most striking and, moreover, nutritious components of granola, including home-made. It’s okay if the main part of the ingredients of the baked mixture turns out to be sweet. Opposite flavors will merge into a harmonious taste symphony when the original mix is \u200b\u200bfilled with some kind of liquid: milk, vitamin berry broth, and drinking yogurt.

2. The correct thought - when cooking using the above technology, use pink Himalayan salt. Its grinding is ideal so that when heated, a uniform coating of hardly noticeable crystals forms on the product. When eating, you will not come across too large grains, which are unpleasant to dissolve.

3. Just like crackers and chips, this appetizer can be flavored. It is better to prefer the smell of moderate strength. The procedure is simple: put on the hot pan a selected odorous ingredient, with the exception of garlic, for example, cloves (3-4 inflorescences) or nutmeg (about one and a half crushed kernels); warm the spice and remove; immediately afterwards fill in raw pumpkin seeds. A fragrant train will envelop them, and the aroma will be fixed due to the high temperature.

In the oven   fry pumpkin seeds on a baking sheet at a temperature of 190 degrees.

In the pan   fry pumpkin seeds over low heat without a lid.

In the microwave   fry pumpkin seeds at full capacity.

How to fry pumpkin seeds

  Fresh pumpkin seeds - 200 grams
  Vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 30 ml
  Small salt - 1 teaspoon
  Dried garlic (optional) - half a teaspoon

The recipe for frying pumpkin seeds in a pan
  1. Put the pumpkin seeds in a 1 layer on a preheated, oil-poured pan.
  2. Fry in a skillet for 20 minutes on low heat without a lid.
  3. When frying, pumpkin seeds should be constantly stirred to avoid burning.
  4. A product is considered finished when the shell becomes golden.
  5. Fried seeds should be allowed to cool so that they acquire a special taste and aroma.

Oven pumpkin seeds roasting recipe
  1. Rinse the seeds, removing excess pulp and fiber, and dry for 1 hour.
  2. Mix pumpkin seeds with oil and salt.
  3. Preheat the oven to 140 degrees.
  4. Put baking paper on a baking sheet, on top in 1 layer - pumpkin seeds.
  5. Place the baking tray with pumpkin seeds on the middle level of the oven, fry for 1 hour.

Microwave Pumpkin Seed Recipe
  1. Place pumpkin seeds in oil and salt on a plate with an even layer.
  2. Put the dish with pumpkin seeds in the microwave and fry for 5 minutes at full capacity, leave to cool in the microwave for 10 minutes.

Fun Facts

How to get pumpkin seeds
  1. Cut the pumpkin in half or cut a hole on top.
  2. Scrape the seeds together with the pulp, helping with a tablespoon.
  3. Separate from the fibrous part of the seeds - it is more convenient to do this by hand.
  4. Put the seeds in a colander and rinse with water, separate the remaining fibers and then drain the water.
  5. Spread the seeds on a paper towel in 1 layer, blot on top with another towel.
  6. Dry the seeds in the oven for several hours, or at room temperature for 7-9 days, or in the sun for 5-6 days.

Dried pumpkin seeds are ready to eat, but you can fry them to add flavor and aroma.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds
  Pumpkin seeds reduce the excitability of the nervous system and mitigate the effects of stress.
  If you regularly eat pumpkin seeds, then heavy metals (cadmium, lead), as well as cholesterol, are excreted from the body. Pumpkin seeds contribute to the dynamism of the digestive process.

Pumpkin seeds contain:
  1) zinc (immunity, hormones, skin and bone health),
  2) phosphorus (brain function, nervous system),
  3) magnesium (anti-stress, cardiovascular system),
  4) iron (metabolic processes in the body)

Calorie pumpkin seeds   - 700 kcal / 100 grams.

The price of pumpkin seeds   - from 100 rubles / 100 grams (Moscow, June 2017).

Shelf life of pumpkin seeds
  Store fried seeds for 1 week. Seeds are stored unpeeled in a tightly closed container, in the absence of a shell, vegetable fats are oxidized and beneficial properties are lost.

The use of fried pumpkin seeds in cooking
  Pumpkin seeds can be added to fried and stewed vegetables, in salads from fresh vegetables with herbs. Ground roasted pumpkin seeds should be placed in cereals (both hot and cold) or sprinkled with sandwiches.

How to store pumpkin seeds
  Seeds are stored unpeeled in a tightly closed container, in the absence of a shell, vegetable fats are oxidized and beneficial properties are lost.

How to choose pumpkin seeds
  When buying pumpkin seeds, you should pay attention to the integrity of the shell. There should be no moisture in the pumpkin seeds; there should also be no smell.