Exotic melon - calories and vitamins. Melon Kolkhoznitsa: useful and harmful properties

24.09.2019 Fish dishes

Melon native to Africa and Asia Minor belongs to the pumpkin family. This amazing culture does not belong to the form of berries, fruits or vegetables. Melons are round and oval in shape. As for color, there are striped, yellow, white and all shades of brown. Interestingly, melons need about 2-3 months to fully mature. In rare cases, melon reaches up to 10 kg. Melon can not only benefit, but also harm.

Calorie content and composition of melon

In the melon, 90% is given to water. An amazing fruit is not considered a fruit, berry or vegetable. It is interesting that there is no fat in the composition, but there are many carbohydrates (about 7.5 grams per 100 grams of product).

Also, melon is not famous for protein, its less than 1 gram. Due to the low calorie content (36 Kcal.), Fruits can be consumed by dieters. A large accumulation of carbohydrates will quickly suppress fatigue and tone the body.

In a melon, there are many trace elements, macrocells, vitamins, dietary fiber, acids. So, the product is rich in nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), retinol (vitamin A), inositol (vitamin B8), thiamine (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), riboflavin (vitamin B2), tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbic acid ( vitamin C).

Fruits concentrate fiber, beneficial organic acids, amino acids (special protein compounds). Sodium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, iodine, zinc, silicon, manganese, iron, cobalt and others are isolated from mineral substances.

If you eat 2 medium pieces of melon, you will satisfy the body's need for a daily dose of ascorbic acid. Thanks to dietary fiber, stool and all the work of the digestive tract are normalized. Inosine, or the rarest vitamin B8, prevents cirrhosis.

The benefits of melon

  1. As stated earlier, fruits concentrate a lot of sugar. This is what characterizes the sweet taste of melon. Glucose increases vitality and mood, fights the mental response to stress, normalizes the emotional environment.
  2. Proper intake of fruits will increase mental activity. Melon stimulates brain neurons, making them work at full strength. Thanks to this, memory, perception, and hearing are improved.
  3. Melon is rich in amino acids. Some of them undermine the health of diabetics. Therefore, for people with a similar disease, taking fruits is not recommended without the approval of a specialist.
  4. Silicon has a positive effect on the hair structure, making the hair smooth and shiny. When melon is taken, the hair acquires a healthy appearance, porosity and cross section disappear.
  5. Fruits normalize the nervous system, strengthen the vascular walls, improve blood circulation. Retinol and tocopherol are natural antioxidants that cleanse the liver.
  6. Ascorbic acid strengthens the protective membrane. The body is easier to tolerate the seasonal spread of infections and vitamin deficiency. Retinol strengthens the eye muscles, moistens the apple, has a beneficial effect on the kidneys.
  7. Melon is recommended for swelling. It contains diuretics that not only remove fluid, but also excess bile. Thanks to this, the pancreas is unloaded and works easier.
  8. Folic acid, together with nicotinic acid, normalize the male reproductive system. Melon is used for therapeutic purposes to combat impotence and impaired reproductive activity.
  9. The same folic acid tone the female body, which goes through the menopause. The number of so-called “hot flashes” decreases, blood pressure normalizes, migraines go away.
  10. Melon is indicated for admission to girls during the menstrual cycle. In total, a couple of lobules per day will raise the level of hemoglobin. Incoming iron will make up for the lack of blood and prevent anemia.
  11. Melon is often consumed to cleanse the intestines, skin, and other organs. To remove toxins and toxic substances, eat at least 3 slices for a week.

  1. Juice has a diuretic effect. It removes excess fluid, and with it toxins and toxic elements. Interestingly, melon juice can be drunk without restrictions, unlike other "brothers" (beetroot, carrot, etc.).
  2. The drink puts in order the activity of the kidneys, bladder, the entire excretory system.
  3. Juice is often used to treat dermatological problems. They exterminate eczema, psoriasis, skin rashes, allergic manifestations.
  4. The product is widely used to normalize the growth of hair and nails. It is enough to grease the corresponding area, wrap it with polyethylene, leave for half an hour.

The benefits of melon for women

  1. Melon is considered the fruit of youth. If a woman at any age wants to look fresh, it is enough to consume the product inside or wipe the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté with frozen pieces.
  2. To increase sexual attractiveness in the eyes of men need to eat a ripe melon. She enhances libido, makes the girl cheerful and cheerful, despite the accumulation of saccharides.
  3. Silicon, which is concentrated in large quantities in the melon, improves the health of nails and hair, skin. This element increases the metabolic processes of the whole organism.
  4. Girls who work hard mentally need to eat melon to reduce fatigue. In this way, chronic malaise and apathy can be prevented.
  5. During PMS, pieces of fruit normalize blood pressure, blood sugar, and mood. Girls are less susceptible to negative emotions and mental shocks.
  6. Fruits benefit pregnant women. The intestine begins to work in concert, the probability of constipation is eliminated, sleep is normalized, swelling disappears. Melon is an excellent remedy for toxicosis.
  7. The laxative effect will allow you to quickly cleanse the body and lose weight. Vitamin E as a natural antioxidant removes toxic substances and smoothes the skin from wrinkles.
  8. The product has an auxiliary positive effect on the girl's body in the lactation period. The newly made mother normalizes the quality, namely the fat content, of milk. But it is important to remember that you can consume the fetus in food at least 5 months after birth.

  1. Use melon with such an ailment with caution. Before the meal, you must determine the permissible amount of berries. In this matter, it is important to take into account all indicators: the number of carbohydrates and bread units, the glycemic index.
  2. If you conduct a thorough analysis, you can see that melon has a low calorie content, which is good for diabetics. But do not flatter yourself, the berry has a high glycemic index - 65 units. In addition, the product is rich in carbohydrate base. Together, these 2 factors increase the level of glucose in the blood.
  3. Let us examine in detail the quantity and quality of sugars. An obvious plus in the melon is that the pulp contains mainly sucrose and fructose (disaccharides). Such enzymes are completely absorbed by the body, which cannot be said about glucose. The substance accumulates in the tissues and is not completely recycled. Melon contains 6% sucrose, 2.5% fructose and 1.2% glucose.
  4. It should be borne in mind that with type 1 diabetes, melon and other products should be included in the diet only after agreement with the doctor. The specialist will prescribe an individual consumption rate for the composition. With this form of diabetes, it is important to strictly follow the dose of insulin.
  5. In the second case, eating melon should be strictly limited. Even a small piece of pulp can cause a sharp jump in blood sugar. An important role is played by a high glycemic index. It is allowed to consume melon no more than 180 gr. per day. Before buying a berry, consult your doctor.
  6. Eating melon in diabetes should take place according to some recommendations. It is important to eat the pulp correctly and it is not only a daily norm. Dietary fiber product is difficult to absorb by the body. In addition, melon promotes fermentation processes.
  7. Experts strongly recommend eating the berry only on an empty stomach. It is forbidden to consume pulp after a dense feast. Eat melon 50 gr. 2.5 hours after the meal.

Melon Selection

  1. Apparently suitable for reception, the melon looks almost perfect. The fruit should not have dents or cracks.
  2. From the tasty product comes a pleasant bright aroma with notes of honey, pear and vanilla.
  3. Pick up a melon and tap on it, as if you were choosing a watermelon. The sound must be muffled.
  4. If the melon remains to ripen on the melon, gently press on the peel, a dent should appear. Running a fingernail over the surface, you can see a greenish pulp.

Harm Melon

  1. Even healthy people are not recommended to eat a large amount of melon. Otherwise, you will encounter discomfort, otherwise there is nothing serious.
  2. It is forbidden to consume the product in the acute form of the disease of the genitourinary organs and gall bladder. Melon provokes the movement of sand and stones along the channels. Eating pulp in acute inflammatory processes of the pancreas is contraindicated.
  3. If you have exacerbated gastritis, an ulcer or developed an ailment associated with the gastrointestinal tract, rectum, it is forbidden to consume melon in any quantity. When diagnosing the condition of prediabetes, consult a doctor without fail. The specialist will draw up the necessary diet.

Melon is unique in that it contains compounds that are quickly absorbed by the body. But if you decide to lean on the product, consume it in small portions in the morning or lunch time.

Video: the benefits or harms of melons

Melon is a sweet and attractive fruit with a special taste. Representative of hot Africa and Asia, she has many vitamins and minerals. If we talk about the calorie content of melon, then its natural saccharides are easily absorbed by the body.

On Russian counters, the most popular are two varieties of sweet melon: collective farmer and torpedo. Ripe exotic fruit is very sweet and is usually eaten fresh. Many women, worrying about their harmony, are afraid to get excess deposits on the waist and sides, content with the unique taste of sweet fruit. The calorie content of the melon excites them the most.

The beneficial properties of melon

Since melon can be enjoyed only on hot summer days, it is necessary to gain vitamins intensively for the whole year. Despite the small calories, melon is a real “first aid kit”.

Exotic product contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C will help you defeat viral colds and greatly enhance your immunity. The relatively low calorie content of melon is inferior to its vitamin composition and usefulness.

Due to the large amount of fiber, the introduction of melon into the daily diet helps to improve bowel function, removes bad cholesterol from the body, and melon calories are negligible. This product is recommended for patients after surgery to restore blood volume. Diseases of the nervous system are also successfully treated with the natural substances of this fruit.

Contraindications to the use of sweet melon

You should know that not everyone can eat melon. Do not use the product for diabetics and for peptic ulcers. It should be noted that melon calories do not play a significant role, while melon is incompatible with certain foods (dairy) and causes allergic reactions and digestive upsets.

Exotic fruits are forbidden in the diet of nursing mothers, since the infant suffers from this with colic. Also, this food product should not be consumed by patients with diabetes because of calorie melon indicators.

Those who prefer to enjoy a juicy fruit should know that melon needs to be eaten between meals, otherwise intestinal problems may occur.

How many calories are in a sweet melon?

So, for losing weight it is important to know the exact calorie content of melon. This is 36 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. You can judge a decent amount of sugar in a product by tasting its juicy pulp. Melon is eaten raw, removing the peel. In order to enjoy and taste, you must choose the right melon in the outlet. If it is ripe, there are guarantees to get valuable nutrients and a maximum of vitamins, for example, torpedo melon, whose calorie content is not dangerous for losing weight.

And one more important condition of any diet: if you lead an active lifestyle, you should not think about how many calories are in a melon. Exercise will remove excess calories and body fat. Therefore, be healthy and eat more vitamins in your diet.

Counting calories of melon, many losing weight make a big mistake, excluding overseas fruit from their diet. A sweet, ripe melon contains 17 times more iron than the same amount of milk. The product is also rich in calcium, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, A. The fruit is used in nutrition for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases.

Despite the presented calorie content, melon has a strong diuretic effect. Therefore, mono-diets based on the use of an exotic fruit are somewhat dangerous for those people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels. But even completely healthy people do not need to get involved in the melon diet for more than three days, since the latter perfectly cleanses the body of accumulated toxins and toxins.

Melon Torpedo: calorie content and the desire to lose weight

If you had to choose a melon in the market, then you probably noticed that the varieties of melons are significantly different in shape (round and oval), in weight (from 1 kg to 16 kg), in color (are yellow, green, striped, brown). But the nutritional value is juicy and tasty pulp of the middle of the fruit, as well as the useful value of the seeds of the fruit. Eating sweet melon daily, you nourish your body with many vitamins, increase immunity, so it will probably be inappropriate to calculate how many calories are in the melon.

The Torpedo variety is the sweetest, so the calorie content of the Torpedo melon is about 36 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. If we compare the energy value of 15th kefir with the calorie content of this variety, then kefir is much more caloric. Due to the low calorie content, torpedo melon rightly refers to dietary, low-calorie foods. This variety can be safely consumed by those who closely monitor the harmony of their figure.

Melon collective farmer: calorie content and a storehouse of vitamins

What kind of melon to choose? If for you the main goal is the desire to lose weight, then it is better to opt for a low-calorie variety. So, calorie melon Kolkhoznitsa is 31 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. You can even determine that this variety is low-calorie, because the pulp is not sugary-sweet, but has a more delicate and light taste. The melons of this variety have much less saccharides, which is why nutritionists recommend consuming precisely the Kolkhoznitsa melon variety, whose caloric content is lower than the Torpeda variety.

Melon is usually consumed fresh, but it retains its freshness and attractiveness only in the summer. Therefore, in order to saturate the body with useful substances, it is enough not only to consume fruit in summer in large quantities, but you can dry it. The calorie content of dried melon is much higher in fresh form - 344 kilocalories per 100 grams. The figure is impressive, but the fruit itself is a bit cloying to the taste, so there is no way to eat a lot. Therefore, for losing weight with dried melon, one does not need to get involved, it is much more effective to replace it with a fresh, low-calorie one.

If you want to arrange an unloading melon day, you can afford it. The calorie content of the melon should not worry you, the juicy beauty will free the body from toxins and accumulated toxic substances. Mono-diet for one day will perfectly cleanse your body, take care of your health. To this end, take our advice: eat the collective farmer melon, the calorie content of which will put your body in order.

Tropical juicy fruit has long been consumed as a therapeutic product for weight loss. After all, melon calories are insignificant for the body, only its nutritional value is of great importance. Its diuretic and laxative effect in the best way contribute to the elimination of not only toxins, but also excess fluid that accumulates in the body. Special enzymes of the chemical composition of the product also help to rid the body of excess weight, thereby contributing to weight loss.

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Did you know that they have long revered the melon as a product of youth and female charm brought by the angels? Now this fragrant, very healthy fruit is used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking. Let's find out what is good melon, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in the article.

Calorie content and composition of the product

Melon is a melon culture, which is considered to be part of the Pumpkin family, often considered as a false berry. Basically, it is grown by human forces, and in the wild it almost never occurs. The plant has a rather sweet taste, which depends on the variety, the degree of maturity. There are about 200 different varieties, varying in shape, color, ripening period. The most famous are the torpedo melon, collective farmer, pineapple.

Almost 90% of the culture is water, but the rest of the composition is rich in vitamins (A, C, P, group B), fats, amino acids (ascorbic, folic), useful minerals (iron, sodium, potassium). Additional ingredients are sugar and fiber.

Calorie content is 35 calories per 100 grams of product. Fresh ripened fruits are suitable for food, candied fruit, jam, melon honey are also made. In winter, dried cantaloupe, a dried pigtail melon, is used, the use of which is preserved. Cocktails, medicinal decoctions, tinctures are brewed from seeds.

Benefits for the body

Melon is considered a very tasty and healthy representative of the Pumpkin. Based on the composition of the plant, the following positive properties can be distinguished:

  • sugar, amino acids increase the amount of energy, raise the mood, lower cholesterol;
  • minerals strengthen the cardiovascular, nervous systems, cleanse the skin, strengthen hair, bones, nail plates;
  • vitamins increase immunity resistance to negative environmental factors, improve eyesight;
  • fiber helps digest food, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.

In order to please yourself with this product throughout the year, in the summer season, harvest juice or seeds. You can cook or buy dried, dried plants yourself.

The benefits of melon juice

Juice obtained from mature representatives preserves all the beneficial substances, is well suited to eliminate thirst. You can get it at home, choosing ripe plants with a fragrant smell, clean thin skin without damage. It is recommended to use not only the inner flesh, but also the outer peel, since it is rich in essential oils. The plant is very thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces, peeled and ground in a juicer or blender. After this, the liquid is decanted, separating from the pulp.

Obtained in the home way or bought juice is used orally for the prevention and disposal of diseases:

  • cardiovascular system (strengthens blood vessels, heart muscle);
  • the immune system (helps to cope with viruses, malignancies);
  • nervous system (relieves stress, fatigue, calms the psyche);
  • musculoskeletal system (helps with radiculitis, arthrosis);
  • gastrointestinal tract (removes toxins, toxins, relaxes the stomach, helps normalize metabolism);
  • genitourinary system (helps to cope with inflammation, constipation, hemorrhoids);
  • blood system (promotes the formation of new red blood cells);
  • other systems and organs (juice is useful for the liver, kidneys).

A good therapeutic effect is observed from external use for problems with the skin. Rubbing the dermis with juice or lotions from it will help cleanse the skin from rashes, inflammation, lighten, even out its color, increase tone and elasticity.

The benefits of melon seeds

In cosmetology and traditional medicine, seeds extracted from the core of the fetus are no less popular. From them you can cook melon flour, which is taken in dry form or dissolved in boiling water. From seeds make cocktails, butter or melon milk.

They are taken to combat the same problems that help pulp and juice from a delicious fruit. The effectiveness of their use in diseases of the kidneys, liver, high cholesterol, sugar, and problems with urination has also been proven. They take drinks or other varieties of seed preparation to discharge sputum from the lungs, bronchi for colds and bronchitis, to remove bile, stones, sand.

The benefit of seeds for preschool children and schoolchildren is that they are able to improve mindfulness, memory. Their role in increasing the amount of strength, energy, and the ability of cells to fight viruses and harmful bacteria is recognized. Wonderful aroma and unique taste will enhance the mood, improve the condition of many systems and organs.

Benefits for women

For a woman’s body, a plant (pulp, juice, melon seeds) is especially necessary during pregnancy, during weight loss, dieting, menopause, and in the fight against cosmetic problems.

For pregnant women, the product is useful in the composition of folic acid, since it contributes to the proper formation of the baby, the rapid renewal of blood the future of the mother.

During menopause or hormonal changes, the use of this false berry strengthens the nervous system, increases the amount of the produced hormone serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood. This is due to beta-carotene and minerals in the culture.

In order to remove excess weight, fasting days are arranged when exclusively melon representatives are eaten. At the same time, fiber cleanses the intestines, and vitamins and minerals support the health of a losing weight person, do not allow you to feel weakness and malaise. The choice of this option for weight loss is caused by a large amount of water in the composition, which dulls the feeling of hunger, creates the appearance of satiety.

The use of pseudo-berries for cosmetic purposes is quite common. Girls and women highlight the excellent ability of the plant to rejuvenate, renew skin, strengthen nail plates, accelerate hair growth, and improve their appearance. You can use pulp, juice or seeds for food, rubbing, lotions, masks.

Benefits for men

Known benefits of plants for the body of men. It consists in improving the potency and quality of sperm (mainly due to the zinc in the composition). It has long been known that this fetus is a strong aphrodisiac (it has an excellent stimulating effect). To this end, as well as to increase overall performance, men are advised to consume seeds or drink a decoction of them.


The use of this member of the Pumpkin family has its contraindications, limitations. Among the categories of people who should reduce or cancel its eating, patients with diabetes with ulcerative problems of the gastrointestinal tract are distinguished. Women who are breastfeeding are not advised to eat the product, since it is dangerous for the child's unformed digestive tract.

It is necessary to eat melon separately from other types of food. Mixing it with other food is dangerous by the occurrence of bloating, pain, frustration, stagnation of food in the intestines. Particularly dangerous combinations with any dairy representatives, alcohol, products containing starch. The intervals between the main meal and this false berry are 2 or 3 hours.

Without exception, everyone is forbidden to overuse this relative of the cucumber. Also, do not drink it with water or liquid drinks. Compliance with the rules will not allow the fetus to harm human health.

In the end, we will highlight a few rules that will help you choose a ripe, tasty beauty. Firstly, a mature representative will be fragrant, and the lack of smell suggests that he is not ripe. Secondly, the peel should be uniform, clean, without spots or veins. When pressed with a finger there should not be deep marks, the surface is quickly restored. Thirdly, the tail of the ripe product is dry, and when tapped, a dull sound appears. Do not buy fruits from bare ground that have cracks or damage. Remember that the optimal weight of the fetus reaches an average of 3-5 kg, and too large specimens can appear as a result of using chemicals.

Fragrant, with delicate juicy flesh, sweet or sour-sweet - how can you resist a melon, a popular summer dessert? In addition, it is also a very useful gift of nature, which is useful for the body and which is considered dietary. Usually ripe fruits appear on the shelves by the beginning of August, but if the weather is hot enough, then before. This plant is thermophilic, grown mainly in the Volga region, in the middle bands. The most popular variety is Kolkhoznitsa melon. Today we are talking with the reader of the site “Popular about health” about the beneficial properties of the collective farmer’s melon and the harmful ones.

The variety ripens within 80-90 days, the fruits have a rounded shape, yellow-orange or bright orange peel with a rough surface. The flesh is slightly crisp, dense and white. Only crops grown in a natural way without chemicals have beneficial properties.

What to look for when choosing?

To get the maximum benefit and pleasure from eating melon, you need to be able to choose it. Firstly, this fruit actively absorbs all exhaust gases and dust, and it is not easy to wash a rough crust. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy near roads and tracks. Secondly, you should not buy a melon with a black, damaged or already soft barrel.

From the fruit should come an aroma reminiscent of a combination of vanilla, honey and pears. If it has no smell, it means that the crop was grown with a large portion of nitrogen or has not yet ripened.

When patting, a dull sound should come out, which indicates the maturity and quality pulp of a melon. The peel can be held with your fingers. Are there any visible grooves? So this fruit will be juicy and ripe. And if, when touched, the peel is pressed through, then the melon, alas, is overripe and will be bitter.

Useful Melon Collective Farm Woman

This variety differs from other tastes. It is not so sweet, but it contains a huge amount of nutrients and it is recommended to use it when dieting. Calorie content is only 31 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Melon Collective farmer is rich in organic acids and minerals. A great advantage is that it is eaten raw, without heat treatment, so all the valuable components enter the human body.

Folic acid is of great value. This vitamin is extremely important for women, especially during the planning of pregnancy and its course. Folic acid is important for hematopoiesis, useful for menopause.

Vitamin C is present in the melon, which is known to be useful for immunity, which prevents colds and ailments.

The use of this fruit improves the condition of the skin, evens out its color, which is due to the contained carotene. The condition of nails and hair improves.
This vegetable can act as a laxative, as it has a lot of fiber. Those who adhere to the melon diet have the opportunity to clean their intestines well, including from toxins. Diet should not last more than three days. If you eat melon without a diet, it is recommended to do this two hours before a meal and two hours later.

Seeds of this fragrant fruit, it turns out, are also useful. But more for men's health. They are a powerful natural aphrodisiac. Fresh seeds will give male strength, improve the potency and quality of sperm, which is important for the planned conception.

Juicy pulp contains a lot of iron - almost 18 times more than in cow's milk. It perfectly relieves stress, eliminates irritability, strengthens the cardiovascular system, which is due to magnesium and calcium,
Melon Kolkhoznitsa is useful in the treatment of acne and for the prevention of wrinkles on the skin. It contains a lot of silicon, which can act on hard tissues, is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and is very useful for the cerebral cortex.

The properties of the collective farmer will help in the prevention of cancer, since lycopene is present in it - a substance that does not allow the development of cancer cells.

Nutritionists recommend this product for anemia and kidney disease. Melon juice should be consumed daily in half a glass for 20 days on an empty stomach. This is an effective cleansing of the body, and stimulating the formation of red blood cells.

Can the collective farmer be harmful melon?

All products must be eaten in moderation, and the collective farmer melon is no exception. You can not use it with honey, as this is fraught with bowel obstruction. It is not recommended to eat it at the same time with milk, sour-milk and alcoholic drinks or with ordinary water.

It is necessary to refuse juicy pulp in the presence of stones in the urinary organs or in the gall bladder. Contraindications are also:

Gastritis, ulcer;
- pricks;
- loose stools;
- Breastfeeding (babies have problems with stool and digestive system);
- diabetes.

It is strictly forbidden to eat those specimens on which there are cracks and serious damage. Since the fruit ripens on the ground, dangerous bacteria that cause salmonellosis or botulism can enter it.

Melon - the benefits and harms to humans turn out to be the same, the effect is the same. And if for someone it is comparable to a juicy dessert, for others it is a storehouse of allergies. What is fraught with this fruit? Are all melons useful and dangerous, or is there a universal variety that can be eaten year-round?

Is melon a berry or fruit or vegetable?

Is melon a berry or fruit or vegetable? Let's look at the question: melon belongs to the pumpkin fruit family, is very similar in appearance to it. And since pumpkin is a vegetable, then the melon is mistakenly called the same. Many people think that melon is a berry, like a watermelon. After all, she is sweet, juicy. But there is the concept of "fruit" in relation to the melon. These two classifications are relevant:

  • Melon is a fruit when it comes to cooking. It is considered the fruit of a fruit crop;
  • Melon - a fruit, refers to the botanical classification. And from here it is defined as a pumpkin.

Conclusion - melon is considered a fruit, but with the fruit of a pumpkin.

Calorie content

The calorie content of a melon is determined by its taste qualities - some varieties are more sweet, others - relate to culinary and household purposes. And because of this, each variety has its own nutritional value. The standard indicator is defined as 35 kcal per 100 g of product.

Melon torpedo

The calorie content of a torpedo melon is justified by the presence of natural sugar in it. And only 39 kcal per 100 kg of product. This variety is used in the scientific detox diet, when the moisture received by the body is completely taken from the juices of the fetus.

Melon collective farmer

The calorie content of the collective farmer's melon is 30.5 kcal per 100 g, the fruit is very nutritious, despite the low nutritional value. The collective farmer’s melon is not as sweet as the others, but it is very fond of many people who want sweet fruits, but because of stomach problems, cannot afford it.

Useful properties and contraindications

Next, we consider the beneficial properties of melon and its contraindications. As you know, melon has a lot of magnesium and iron, therefore it is very useful for blood vessels and blood. But also there are mineral salts that are undesirable for the kidneys. Excess salt can cause the formation of sand and stones in the urine.

  1. It is undeniable that melon is useful for maintaining immunity. So it is, macroelements in it affect the work of “protection” in the human body.
  2. It is also useful for the nervous system - silicon and potassium will always enrich the body.
  3. Melon is an indispensable source of nutrition for the heart - vitamins B1 and B2 help improve blood quality, affect its coagulability and the nature of density.
  4. Melon contains many A-antioxidants that protect the skin from stretch marks, making it supple.
  5. Carotene - found in melon, affects the body by strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Interestingly, in 100 g of ordinary melon contains the daily intake of vitamin C. The same amount is found in red bell pepper. Lemon is in the middle of the list of foods fortified with this vitamin.

Contraindications are, perhaps, insignificant - for people who are constantly struggling with edema. When melon is consumed, the body eats water and moisture, it turns out more than is required during the day. Because of this, the functioning of some digestive organs may be impaired. A load of ideas on both the liver and kidneys.

What is useful torpedo melon?

Melon torpedo ripens in late summer, saturated with sweet juices and bright aromas. But what is the use of torpedo melon, and why is this variety so expected? It is useful, do not believe it, in cosmetology and diets - women are shown this variety of goodies to maintain the elasticity and nutrition of skin cells. Wrinkles are something a woman can forget about. The dashboard has a lot of antioxidants, it supplies oxygen to vascular cells. For face and masks, it is used as the main component.

This variety allows you to stabilize problems with the digestive tract - intestines, stomach, pain and colic. Everything will pass as soon as you start consuming a melon torpedo. Relieves stress, fatigue, acts as an antidepressant.

For weight loss

Slimming melon is also used in cosmetology and home recipes. Its main principle of action is to destroy fat cells and nourish tissues. The body gets saturated from the consumed pulp, replenishing the water inside the human body - due to the addition of iron and calcium components. Melon is also used as a means for fasting days - the body receives enough vitamins and moisture, without the need for water and additional nutrition. Unlike watermelon, melon acts more loyally on the kidneys. There is no such edema as after a watermelon. If the diet lasts a week or more, vegetables are added to the diet.

In a few days, water can leave the mass of 70 kg, weighing 2-3 kg. Further, weight loss will occur less, due to exposure to fats and subcutaneous components.

Is it possible with diabetes?

Melon is considered a low-calorie product, but it is cautiously used by patients with diabetes. This has caused some controversy, and we will consider the problem in more detail below.

The melon pulp has a high glycemic index - from 39 indicators. The glycemic load is from 62%. The argument of the "positive" effect - disaccharides (fructose and sucrose) are present in the majority, and our body needs. Glucose in the melon does not accumulate, so it is not so dangerous for diabetics.

But there are those who are opposed. Why? There are a lot of vitamins in the melon, but they are not enough to eliminate the effect of sucrose. For example, in other fruits there are minerals and vitamins of the P group, and when interacting with fats, they are completely eliminated. And here is sucrose, which does not neutralize in any way. It does not accumulate, but within 6-9 hours it is simply present in the tissues of the body. Upon contact with other substances, such as kolbat or sodium, the mechanism of action is triggered.

That is, either a diabetic eats only melon, which negatively affects the condition as a whole, or with other products, but there is a risk of relapse due to a combination of incompatible things. That is why, doctors should say whether melon is useful for diabetes, or whether it is better to abandon it.

Melon for ulcers and cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis

Melon with an ulcer can cause a number of negative consequences. Firstly, this product causes fermentation in the digestive tract, stomach, irritating the intestinal wall. Peristalsis works at the level of the "plant", which produces something around the clock. Calming the body will not work until the product is digested.

If it enters the stomach when a person suffers from an ulcer, in addition to terrible pains, the walls of the stomach are damaged. The flow of blood begins, which is not recommended extremely for such patients. The result may be hospitalization, long-term treatment.

With cholecystitis in the body, there are still some gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, gastritis or pancreatitis. Just because cholecystitis does not exist. With a complex disease of several affected areas of the body, the skin and mucous membrane in the digestive tract need rest. Melon with cholecystitis is a sure step towards inflammation of the affected skin. If you want to have a good time with friends, and then go to the hospital, we recommend.

And remember that after the eaten piece you will not feel anything bad. In the morning \u003d heat and temperature, terrible pain, and the expectation of an ambulance will drive you crazy. The aggravation will be in other parts of the body - an ulcer or other diseases.

Can a melon with pancreatitis, if there is no constant relapse? No, it’s better to avoid similar products. This can cause ailments and reactions inside the intestines. In addition, pancreatitis is never chronic - it is asymptomatic, and only a doctor can know about the form of the disease, and only at the time of contacting him. If the diagnosis was carried out 2 years ago, then after this time it cannot be argued that you have no health problems. Aggravation can happen at any time.

Is melon possible with gastritis? No, absolutely. It can have a similar effect on the body, as when using it during ulcers and pancreatitis. For any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to abandon this fruit.

What is more useful - watermelon or melon?

Many also wonder what is more beneficial - watermelon or melon, and how can they affect our body? Watermelon has a value of 32 kcal, and melon more. These two fruit berries can be regarded as “friends”, but the impact on a person is different.


Contains 90% Water Has a moisture content of 40%
Used in diets Used for fasting days
Rich in Folic Acid, PP Vitamins Does not have similar minerals
Has a positive effect on digestion Sometimes it causes malaise and colic in the stomach
Removes excess water Also helps to remove moisture from the body.

Neither watermelon nor melon should be consumed with salty foods, otherwise the water will linger in the body. Also, you have already noticed that watermelon is not so dangerous - it does not cause colic, digestive problems. It can only release excess water. For a healthy organism, melon is more nutritious, but the benefits of watermelon will be more substantial.

What vitamins are in melon and BJU?

What vitamins are in melon, and how rich is it? This product does not have all the useful vitamins, but some still help a person make up for losses:

  • Vitamin A of the first group;
  • Vitamin one-component P group;
  • Vitamin B9;
  • Zinc, iron and potassium in small quantities.

As you already noticed, the melon is not rich in miners, it does not have lists of products and vital components, it is not prescribed for cleansing the body. But still loving her for her flesh, sweetness and other “tasty sides”.

In addition to kcal and other parameters, melon also has an indicator. This is the ratio of the components within the product. In particular, it contains:

  • Fats - 16%;
  • Proteins - 17%;
  • Carbohydrates - 67%.

Thus, it will be useful for athletes to consume melon because of its saturation with carbohydrates.

Is it possible to eat melon at night?

Many people who use products for nightly “recovery” are wondering if it is possible to eat melon at night. From a medical point of view, this is not recommended, since processes that can interfere with healthy sleep are started in the body. In addition, some minerals tend to accumulate in the intestines, and they are not immediately excreted. This can cause bloating and discomfort.

How much is digested in the stomach?

Watermelons and other juicy berries are digested in just 18 minutes. And how much is melon digested in the stomach? Melon and citrus fruits, grapes and juicy fruits are digested for 30-40 minutes. Assimilation and splitting occurs immediately.

Weakens or strengthens?

Some fruits or berries weaken the intestines, others strengthen. This is due to their composition, which includes fiber and other special components. Melon weakens or strengthens - we will answer further.

Melon provides relief to the stomach when it is necessary to cope with obstruction and constipation. It perfectly cleanses the intestines, and is very useful for children from 1.5 years.

Melon Allergy

Melon allergy is possible only with certain factors. The main ones will be considered here:

  1. Heredity;
  2. Cross allergy;
  3. Allergy to chemicals.

In the first case, if the parents were allergic to gourds, then the child can inherit this ailment. If there is a cross allergy, then a person will not be able to eat watermelons, melons, ragweed pollen, etc. This is an individual intolerance. And the last option is an allergy not to the fetus itself, but to the chemicals with which it is sprayed. If an allergic reaction occurs, the body is diagnosed with the presence of immunoglobulin E.

Is it possible to be poisoned by a melon - no, poisoning is possible only with expired components inside it, that is, with chemicals. Just because a melon cannot be dangerous to a healthy person. If it was processed, and the products were of poor quality, because chemistry never leads to poisoning, then it is possible to talk about poisoning.

How long is melon stored in the refrigerator?

How much melon is stored in the refrigerator - 5 days, in its entirety. When cut into a piece, the melon can only be stored for 3 days.

How to save until the new year?

  1. Fill melon with the hem of the drawer in the sofa - a dark place and room temperature allows you to save melon fruit there.
  2. Early ripe melon, unlike unripe, can be stored in the kitchen, in a container with other fruits. No methods needed.
  3. Ripe and overripe melon is stored in a dark, cold place.

That's all the secrets, it is important that sellers do not deceive the buyer. Occasionally, shop melons can be immature, although they seem to be good for consumption. And vice versa. Therefore, carefully study the variety and characteristics of the fetus.

The benefits of melon for women

Melon is considered the queen of melons - a natural product, like the sun - juicy, tasty and nutritious. And the benefits of melon for women is what we will talk about below.

  1. Melon for women, not for all of humanity, is very useful - it is for the feminine that it is useful for improving memory and blood coagulation. If every day in the summer you ate a melon, by the autumn you will be able to notice the first results - memory and analytical thinking have successfully recovered.
  2. A woman's nails and hair will immediately become strong and healthy. Let there not so many vitamins in a melon, but an excess of calcium as never before, by the way for a woman.
  3. Insomnia will go away, stress and depression too.

Particular attention should be given to pregnant women on melon.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Melon during pregnancy, unlike watermelons, is very nutritious and safe. As you know, drinking a lot of fluids is bad - polyhydramnios, edema and other problems may develop. But melon is just in time - it helps to reduce constipation, improves blood circulation, reduces blood sugar, removes harmful toxic substances. And this is only for pregnant women. A woman can also observe changes:

  • Smooth skin;
  • Smooth complexion;
  • Hunting sleep;
  • Normalization of the intestines;
  • Sheer "freedom" for peristalsis, which rages at night.

It will also be useful for a woman to eat citrus fruits so that the baby is a little accustomed to the components of overseas products.

Melon while breastfeeding is less useful, since many substances enter the body of the child. Until 1 year, he is too small to try such substances. It is better to hold off with a melon, and abandon its fruits for a while.

At what age can a child be?

From what age can a child cantaloupe is a difficult question, since an allergen should be considered here. If the baby does not have any reactions, has never had an allergy, you can start giving from 8-9 months a drop of natural juice, not purchased. Melon while cutting, squeeze in the hand. Collect the juice in a spoon. Then the dosage is increased to a few drops per day. If there is no allergy, re-offer the child a melon in 1.5-2 years. There is a peculiarity - the allergen can accumulate, and in adulthood, the child may dislike the fetus.

Benefits for men

The benefits of melon for men are also there. If the fetus for women is very useful in a reproductive form, then for men should there be such features? Yes, male libido is sometimes a century problem, sometimes just a question. Melon seeds have a very strong effect on the male principle, and if you eat 2 seeds (1 g) per day, you can improve your health.

Earlier in eastern countries, men drank tincture from seeds, but now doctors say that such drinks negatively affect the spleen. Therefore, it is better to eat seeds as needed, without the addition of various alcohols and other components.

Melon varieties with photos and descriptions

If you are interested in melon varieties with photos and descriptions, we suggest taking a look at the detailed list below.

Varieties of melons of Central Asia
Kassaba Melon

This is a sort of melon, but for each of them it does not differ. The shape is round, green. Winter varieties are usually stored until ripening at room temperature. Outside, the peel is "cut" with small features, deep lines. After harvesting, the fruit is braided with sugarcane to make the melons sweet.
Chogara Melon

In Russian-speaking settlements, she was nicknamed Bukharka. She has a thick skin, an oval shape with pointed ends, and a pale yellow color. The pulp is very sweet, the ripened fruit reaches a weight of 6 kg.
Grade Gulyabi

It was popular in the USSR, but now has lost its demand. These are ovoid melons, weighing up to 3-4 kg. The form is oval, the pulp is white, practically without seeds. It is already growing in Turkmenistan. It is brought to the countries of the former USSR even in late autumn.
Pineapple Melon Ich-Kyzyl

Ripe fruits reach 1.5-4 kg. Very sweet, so they are sometimes dried. Exotic notes are present in the taste, the peel smells the same, delicious.
Melon Torpedo

The fruits ripen late, the homeland is Uzbekistan. Due to the good tolerance of the cold, the fruits tolerate transportation without refrigerators. The shape is oval and round, the peel is completely covered with cracks. The pulp has a distinctive pinkish tint, a light fringing around the edges.
European melons
Melon Collective Farm Girl

Early variety, sings by mid spring. Popular among eastern countries. The form is oval, the fruits are medium-sized, weighing up to 2 kg. Very popular variety in Russia. In cold regions, the fruit gains sugar, in warm regions it gives off moisture. The fruits are distinguished by a light smooth skin. The pulp is juicy, sweet.

It differs in its color of pulp - the edges are green, the core is yellow, orange. The peel is beaten with cicatricial sutures. Very sweet, popular in Iran.

Very popular in Italy and the Vatican Republic. It is served at the table in the Catholic Church, considered a symbol of fertility. It has a thick peel, juicy pulp, not very sweet, but nutritious. There are few seeds in the core. Today it is sold in Western Europe and the United States.
Ethiopian Melon

A distinctive feature is the form. It looks like a pumpkin, has many layers of aligned slices. Round, bright. The pulp is not sweet, but juicy. Its mass reaches 7 kg, but quickly deteriorates.
Banana melon

This variety is unusual due to the shape of the fruit - they look like bananas, oblong and yellow. Inside is a light brown flesh. There are a lot of seeds and seeds in the mucus. Along the edges in places of contact with the skin, you can notice juicy soft pulp.
Melon Armenian Cucumber

It differs in shape - an ellipse, which at the stage of growing can be confused with a cucumber. The ripe fruit has 7 kg, the length reaches 1 meter. Fragrant melon can grow even during the period of frost.
Exotic varieties
Melon vietnamese

The unusual color of the melon is red with yellow stripes, in constitution it looks like a watermelon. The fruits are small, round, slightly elongated. The pulp is sweet, juicy, has a mint flavor. The skin is thin. Fruits weigh up to 1.3 kg.
Rough Melotria Melon, or Mouse Melon

The variety is grown in the Maldives, is considered the smallest fruit among pumpkin plants. By weight, the melon has 250-300 g. Melons can be eaten, but they are not sweet. Use only for table decor and some dishes.
Horned melon

Chivano, called melon of exotic origin. But her form is very similar to her pumpkin plants. It has spikes on the peel that resemble protective tabs. Pulp - resembles an orange, slices of various shapes, bright and juicy.

All varieties of melon are very beautiful and peculiar. However, not all of them are suitable for human consumption. Some varieties are simply beautiful, occasionally you can try. Their taste is unusual, but other popular varieties will always decorate your table. European melons are not uncommon in our homes. They are usually yellow, oval or round, sweet and juicy. They are useful and nutritious, not always, of course, you can use them every day, but occasionally - the benefit to the body. You need to choose melons with a rough peel and a thin skin. Such fruits are sweet and safe.

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