How to soak salted fish: methods and tips, useful information. Soaked herring diet, cooking recipe

24.09.2019 Salads

There is no difference for drying, smoking or just eating raw. This so far concerns, in my case, only river fish. Maybe I'm wrong, but pick up the "little brothers" from the purchased red fish, Iwashi or - the percentage is small.

At first I became interested in the Internet on forums. They told how to soak the fish in milk, vinegar. I tried it. Neptune knows him, maybe milk is not like that, maybe only a certain kind of fish is combined with it, but not the taste, at least kill it. I’m silent about vinegar. Herring with onions and vinegar on the table is a great appetizer, but the room does not work with the canopy, dace, or perch. I would not want to seem fickle, but for the indigenous Angarsk ... horror.

I stopped at the simplest and, as it turned out, effective way - to soak in water with its periodic complete replacement. For you, who first encountered this issue, I will say bluntly - do not expect that the first time you get what you want. The taste and color ... you know. You will have to go through this procedure two to three times until you get a fish with the right salt content that suits your taste.

How to soak salted fish

So, there is a container, say, with a sorrel or scavenger salted to drying. The fish stayed under oppression for 3 to 4 days, the container during this time was filled with brine. Or maybe she initially salted in brine, it doesn’t matter.

The following is a flushing process. If the fish are small in volume, then it is quite possible to get by with the kitchen sink and wash each tail separately. With a large number of suitable bathroom. We dump all the fish into it, fill it with cold water and rinse it. The task is to get rid of the remnants of salt on the scales, formed mucus and other dirt accidentally caught. We do not regret water, we wash fish 2 - 3 times.

After washing, go directly to the stage of soaking. The capacity should be taken as large as possible. Fish should not be in it like in a sprat jar. I am doing this in the bathroom.

Now the next question arises - how much to soak the fish?

The soaking process takes several hours. The time depends on how much the fish stayed under the influence of salt. The following formula is used on average - how many days the fish salted, how many hours it needs to be soaked.

For example, if salting was carried out for 4 days, then fish should be soaked for 4 hours.

The calculation is simple, but in fact, it is not possible to immediately achieve the required salinity. We all have different tastes, so the right time is determined empirically.

So, simply placing salted fish in a container of water is not enough. It is often advised to do business at night. Poured and sleep. Believe me - this is the wrong approach. Make a water change should be at regular intervals. Therefore, the best time of day will be the wakefulness period, when it will not be difficult for you to change the water in half an hour or an hour.

By the way, there is one more nuance. Water changes more often if there is a lot of fish or it is large, or the capacity is small. Accordingly, on a bucket of sorogi or dace, I completely fill the bath and change it after 30 - 40 minutes.

As you can see, the plot is creative and you can’t quickly soak the fish. But it's worth it. After drying or smoking you will have an excellent dish on the table. At least for a foamy drink, at least so please the soul.

Bon Appetit.

Regards, Oleg

Many people like salted fish, but it is not always possible to determine the degree of salting when buying it. Salted fish is divided into three types: slightly salted (up to 9% salt), medium salted (10 - 14% salt) and strongly salted (more than 14% salt). Highly salted fish is not recommended for consumption. There are different ways how to make dry fish less salty. In order to remove excess salt in dry fish, it is subjected to a soaking process.

Before, make dry fish less salty, it should be washed. This is necessary so that excess salt is washed off the fish. It is better to soak small fish whole, and large fish need to be cut into pieces so that the salt is washed off. After that, the fish should be placed in a deep container. To make the fish soft and juicy, you need to fill it with milk, but if there is no milk at hand, then you can soak the fish in water. The fish tank must be put in the refrigerator to prevent the fish from spoiling. Fish that are severely salted should be soaked for two or three hours. If the fish has a sharp taste, then soaked fish should be left in the refrigerator for the night. When the right amount of time has passed, the fish must be pulled out of the liquid in which it was soaked and washed well under running water. The liquid in which the fish was soaked absorbs excess salt, after which dry fish  will become less salty.

Bacalao - dried cod, which is widely used in Brazilian, Portuguese, Spanish cuisine. Before you cook something from cod, you need to soak it. To do this, cod should be placed in a dish with cold water, the liquid should cover the fish for 3-5 centimeters. After that, cod should be refrigerated. Water must be changed three times a day and soaked in fish for three days.

Many people have the erroneous opinion that fish need salt to give it an appropriate taste. But this is far from the case, salt is needed in order to remove excess moisture from the fish. In the process of salting, the salt dissolves in the juice that the fish secrete and a brine forms. In order to prevent microbes from forming during salting, the brine is drained from time to time. Fish that are highly salted can be stored for a long time.

For drying only fresh and undamaged fish should be used. Usually, perch, roach, sabrefish, small pike, and ram are used for drying. For wet salting, you need to take fish that weighs more than 1/2 kg. The fish must be cleaned of scales and remove the insides. After that, you need to pour a small amount of salt at the bottom of the container. Then lay the fish in rows tightly to each other and sprinkle each row strongly with salt. On the top row, salt should cover all fish. You can add a little sugar to add flavor. From above, fish should be covered with an enamel lid, and put oppression on the lid. The fish will give a brine after 5 hours. During salting, fish should be stored in a cold place, because salt enters the fish meat slowly, and in places where the fish has not yet salted, the cold will protect it from spoilage. After 2-3 hours, the back of the fish should become solid, and the meat should acquire a dark gray color. Already salted fish must be soaked in water, washed and prepared for stringing. In the process of soaking, the fish gives up excess salt, but it should not become salted, because during drying it will deteriorate. Excess salt goes away, the back of the fish should become transparent. After the fish has dried, the meat becomes reddish.

Fish can be salted in a pre-prepared brine. Fresh fish should be strung on twine for 5-10 pieces and lowered into the already prepared brine. In this case, the brine should completely cover the fish. Small fish will be enough to salt out for 2-3 days. Then it should be washed in water for 20-30 minutes and hung out for drying.

How to soak salted fish? Why is this necessary? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Many dishes are prepared from fish or seafood. Very often, fish gets to our table in frozen or chilled form. Different dishes can also be prepared from a slightly salted product, but only if it is really slightly salted. How to soak salted fish, find out below.

Often people ask how to soak salted fish. Many who see in the store a beautiful-looking fish in a package with the inscription "Fish SS" acquire a treasured piece. And when they open it at home, they are completely disappointed: the food is so salty that it can be eaten only with water.

If the fish contains more than 14% salt, it is called highly salted, if from 9 to 14%, then medium salted. In slightly salted fish is from 5 to 9% salt.


Few people know how to soak salted fish. If it is large, it must first be cut into pieces. It is also necessary to boil in pieces on low heat in a large volume of water, constantly removing the scum that appears.


How to soak salted fish correctly? It is generally accepted that this procedure should last as many hours as how many days the fish salted. Usually it is soaked in cool water in the refrigerator. Water needs to be changed every two hours.

When a fish begins to surface, it means that it has lost enough salt. In summer, it is best to soak it in the refrigerator, but if you do not have such an opportunity, change the water in a timely manner, otherwise the food will quickly deteriorate.


Many people wonder if salted fish can be soaked. Yes, of course you can. Reducing the amount of salt using this procedure, it must be remembered that not only the loss of this substance occurs, but also mineral salts, proteins, and nitrogenous substances, which leads to a deterioration in the taste properties of fish. The food absorbs water, and its mass can increase by about 25%.

To soak the fish faster, add vinegar to the water in a ratio of 10: 1 (ten parts of water per vinegar).

Steeping herring

There is an old way that significantly speeds up the procedure and improves the properties of the resulting food:

  1. Cut herring into two halves along the spine, do not remove the skin.
  2. Soak the fish in sweet strong tea or fresh milk.

Tea contains a huge number of tannins, which prevent the pulp from softening. Milk acts on the contrary: actively softens the flesh of herring, making it very delicate in taste.


Experienced culinary experts advise when creating salted fish dishes to use components that add a rich rich taste to the dish: vegetable oil, a variety of sauces, cream. This must be done because it is drier than fresh. For example, dressing herring with vegetable oil not only significantly improves the taste of fish, but also its nutritional value. Salted fish appetizers with vegetable oil are perfectly balanced in the composition of fatty acids.

By the way, when stored in the tissues of salted fish irreversible transformations of food substances are performed, which reduce its quality. That is why its specific gravity in food is small.

Soaking in the enterprise

How long is salted fish soaked in the enterprise? It is known that when this product goes into production, it contains from 6 to 17% salt. In fish intended for cooking, there should be no more than 5% salt, and for frying - no more than 2%.

First, the food is placed in cold water for swelling, then it is cleaned of scales, the fins are removed and the head is plastered. You can soak the product in production in running and replaceable water. In the second case, the fish is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Since the difference in salt concentration in water and fish at the beginning of the process is large, diffusion is rapid. An hour later, it ends, as the equilibrium of saturation occurs.

Diffusion slows down as the salt content in the fish decreases, so water can be changed less frequently (after 1, 2, 3, and 6 hours). The salt concentration is reduced to 5%, usually after 12 hours.

Next, the cooks perform a test cooking and, if necessary, continue soaking, changing the water after three hours. What is the disadvantage of this method? Between individual water changes, the soaking process slows down as salt accumulates in the liquid. In addition, by the end of the procedure, due to a decrease in the density of salt in the pulp, the fish may begin to deteriorate.

If the fish is soaked in running water, then it is placed in a bath with a grate, under which are placed pipes that feed water. The liquid is removed through a pipe located in the upper zone of the bath. The process lasts 8-12 hours, after which test cooking is performed.

Why do you need to soak the fish?

The fish is soaked in order to maintain its delicate and pleasant taste and its health. Salted fish is present not only in many dishes of haute cuisine, but also in various cold snacks. For example, salads containing the following components are prepared on its basis:

  • eggs, grapefruit and spinach;
  • quail carrots, tomatoes and eggs;
  • greens and vegetables (as in the “Royal salad”);
  • there is a recipe for Olivier based on salted fish.

If salted fish contained salads, not only its taste, but also the taste of the food as a whole would be spoiled. In addition, it is harmful to humans to consume large amounts of salt. To feel normal, it is enough to eat only 10 g of this substance per day. With an increase in dose, the body will try to get rid of excess salt and a person will often have to consume water. In ancient times, the Chinese killed themselves by eating a pound of salt at a time. With excessive use of this substance, this is what happens:

  • salt adversely affects the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach;
  • increases the sensitivity of the central nervous system and provokes problems with blood vessels and heart;
  • binds calcium and removes it from the body;
  • accumulates in the joints, provoking various ailments of the musculoskeletal system.

What do you need to have?

So, how to soak salted fish at home? This will require:

  • a container with a lid for soaking;
  • cutting board, knife and scissors (tools for processing fish);
  • spice;
  • solution for soaking;
  • salty fish.


The following salted fish steeping techniques are:

  • in milk;
  • in water;
  • in tea;
  • in marinades made according to special recipes;
  • under running water (industrial method).

The technology depends on the mass of fish, its type and taste, as well as on the preferences of the housewife. Soaking fish, remember that additional operations impair its taste. Therefore, consider the process in advance.

Salmon family

How to soak salty red fish? Salmon are always welcome on the festive table. Due to the presence of nutritious substances and unsurpassed taste, they are very popular among housewives. Since this fish is expensive, soaking methods are used here intricate.

It is important not to spoil the food. Manufacturing Option:

  • Cut the red fish (you can until the state of the fillet) and cut into pieces.
  • Make marinade with spices, vinegar, cherry syrup and so on. The marinade must be boiled.
  • Put the fish in the hot marinade.
  • Cool everything, then rinse the fish and again fill the marinade, filtered through a sieve.

How much soak salted red fish? She can be in the marinade for a couple of days in the refrigerator. Often, red fish is also soaked in tea with the addition of cherry syrup, vodka or sugar.

In milk

No less popular is the method of soaking fish in milk. As a result, it becomes soft and pleasant to the taste. To do this, you must:

  1. Chill fresh milk in the refrigerator.
  2. Put the fish in a container and pour cool milk completely.
  3. Send fish to the refrigerator at the scheduled time.

The time of the procedure depends on the degree of salinity of the fish. For instance:

  • Large and very salty carcasses need to be soaked for 1 to 5 days.
  • Medium-salted fish can be kept in solution for a couple of hours.
  • If you want to quickly rid the fish of excess salt, put it in a marinade or hot water.

Spiced salmon fish

This is the name of the fish, in the process of salting of which spices were also used. By this method, mackerel, herring, and pink salmon are salted. This fish is soaked either in milk or in water.

Soaking Method:

  1. Place the fish in a container so that it is completely in it.
  2. Combine water with vinegar in a ratio of 10: 1 and fill the fish with this solution.
  3. Put the container in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Soaking technique in strong tea:

  1. Cut the fish into pieces of the right size.
  2. Pour strong tea with syrup or sugar into the container.
  3. Immerse the fish in tea and send for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

This method has its advantages: in the tea there are tannins, so that the fish does not lose its beneficial properties.

Dry fish

Salty dry fish is considered an excellent snack, although often due to the impressive salinity it simply can not be eaten. Such seafood must first be sent to water, and then to milk.

Soaking time is usually determined experimentally, so many fail to cook tasty fish the first time. Nevertheless, it is better to spend a little time on research than there is a poor-quality store supply of dubious aroma and taste. With salted fish, you can correct the situation like this:

  1. Soak seafood in cold water for a day, changing the water every four hours.
  2. Soak the fish in milk for 4 hours.
  3. Soak the fish in water mixed with grated lemon.

Enjoy the hassle in the kitchen!

Salted fish is one of the most popular delicacies among Russians. In general, fish is a very valuable and useful product, and if it is salted, it acquires a more rich and spicy taste. Many housewives use salted fish both as a main dish, and as an additional ingredient that can be added to salads. It is easy to salt a fish at home, while saving money. However, such a procedure as salting takes a lot of time, in this case, lovers of salted fish go to the store.

   Of course, in any supermarket there is always a large selection of salted fish for every taste. The most popular types of fish that are commercially available are salmon, mackerel, pink salmon, herring and sprat. Each of these fish is affordable and does not require additional processing. The only minus of purchased salted fish may be that it is not always possible to guess the degree of salting of the product.

   There are times when the buyer has purchased salted fish, and it turned out to be so salty that it is simply impossible to eat. In such cases, it is not necessary to throw out the product, because there are quite popular and simple ways, how to make fish less salty.

Cold water rinse

Before choosing a method that will help make fish less salty, first rinse it under a stream of cold water. This is necessary so that excess salt is washed off the surface of her skin. Typically, large fish, such as herring, are cut into separate pieces of approximately the same size. So the salt is washed off faster and more efficiently. However, if you bought too salty sprats, then you can wash it whole.

   In the event that you have uncaught fish, then before washing it is necessary to clean it, remove the entrails, cut off the head with the gills, cut off the fins and remove the scales. Then the fish must be cut into layers and peeled off. To make it faster and easier, it is necessary to make an incision in the head-dorsal part of the carcass, between the corner of the skin and the meat. It is necessary to remove the skin by the fat layer in one direction, holding the meat with the other hand. The costal bones should also be removed so that in the end you have only one filet of fish left.

   After you have cleaned the fish, it is necessary to cut its fillet into equal pieces with a thickness of not more than 1 cm. Only then can the finished slices be well rinse in cold clean water. To do this, put the pieces of fish in a colander, and, in turn, put it in the sink under the tap. It is necessary to include exclusively cold water, and not cool and especially not warm. Leave the flushing process for about an hour.

Soaking salted fish in water

   If after washing under a stream of cold water the salt still seems to be a lot, you will have to subject the fish to soaking in water. To do this, you will need a small bowl, 70% table vinegar, cold water and a refrigerator. This method is especially effective if you come across highly salted herring. To get rid of excess salt, the fish should be put in a small container, any plastic or enamel bowl is suitable. Draw very cold water into it so that it covers the fish completely. If the weather is warm during the year, especially the heat, then in order to prevent the water from becoming warm, it is better to put a bowl of herring in the refrigerator.

   To make the soaking process faster, take 70% table vinegar and add it to a bowl of water in a ratio of 1:10. It should be noted that water needs to be changed every 2-3 hours, this will allow more efficient get rid of excess salt. The average soaking time of salted fish in water is within 12 hours. If you find that the fish has surfaced, it indicates that it has already lost enough salt, while the fish may increase in size by 5-20%.

Soaking highly salted fish in tea

   In ancient times, in the process of salting fish, the hostesses used a large amount of salt, because this allowed to store the product much longer. And this is not fiction, it has long been proven that the more salt was used in the processing of fish, the longer it remains fresh in the refrigerator. That is why in the old days a method was invented that allows you to quickly and efficiently make fish less salty  immediately before use.

   All you need is plain black tea. You ask - why this particular drink? The fact is that the infusion of strong black tea contains a large amount of tannins, which help soften the sugary taste of salt. In addition, if you soak a fish such as herring in cold water, then its meat becomes watery and loses some taste, while black tea prevents the softening of its pulp.

   For soaking fish  you need to make fresh black tea, with the addition of sugar, and leave the infusion until it cools. If the fish was slightly salty, but it still seemed to you that the salt is too much, cut the fish in half along the spine and leave it to soak for about an hour. If, obviously, a lot of salt has been used to process fish, and the taste of the product is too sugary, then it is better to prepare an infusion of black tea with the addition of several tablespoons of vodka and cherry syrup, in which case the fish will have to be soaked for at least two hours.

Soaking highly salted fish in milk

   This method is considered the most popular, because the use of milk for soaking salted fish softens its flesh, milk gives the fish meat a more delicate taste and airiness. So, in order to make fish less salty, you just need to purchase fresh unboiled cow's milk and pour it into a small bowl. It is not necessary to warm the milk, it is better that it is as cold as possible.

Place herring or any other salted fish in a bowl of milk. Please note that the pieces of fish fillet do not float out, milk should completely cover them. Soaking time depends on how much the product was salted, as well as on the mass of the product itself. For example, if you have a large herring, which has a sharp taste due to the large amount of salt used, it is advisable to leave the fish in milk all night. To do this, put a bowl of milk in the refrigerator. For fish with a small degree of salinity, 2-3 hours of soaking is quite enough.

   If you have tried all of the above soaking methods, but the taste of salt still does not make it possible to eat fish normally, you can use the express method. It consists in the fact that a too salty product must be placed in a pan with hot water for a couple of minutes, while boiling water is not necessary. After that, the fish is soaked in cold water for 10 minutes.

   It is also worth noting that when using any method of soaking salted fish, it is not recommended to withstand more time than indicated above. For example, if you leave herring in cold water or milk for more than a day, then the fish will certainly go bad. Also, do not store fish for some time, try to use the product immediately after the soaking procedure.

   It is also worth considering that soaking salted fish  entails the loss of not only excess salt, but also other beneficial substances, such as protein, trace elements and nitrogenous substances. Therefore, the nutritional value of the product is significantly reduced. If not necessary make fish less salty, it is better to use it in the form as it is.

The process of soaking herring from salt.

Salted herring is considered quite a useful product, as it can be served as a snack, with onions, put on a greased sandwich. And many hostesses like to add herring to various salads. It is unfortunate, but often acquired herring in the store is very salty, therefore, it must be soaked. There are many different methods that allow soaking salted herring.

What to do if the herring is severely salted, what to soak in?

Not a single feast in our country can do without salted herring. After all, each of us loves a non-greasy, mouth-watering herring for her incredible, memorable taste. But what to do if the herring after the purchase turned out to be very salty? Listen to our helpful suggestions.

Before choosing a method of steeping salted herring, first rinse it under a stream of cool water. This is necessary so that excess salt is washed off the skin of the fish. As a rule, a herring is cut into separate pieces of equal sizes. If it is washed in small pieces, it will be washed much faster. But if the fish is small, it can be washed completely before soaking.

If you bought an uncut fish, then before soaking, clean it, remove all the insides, cut off the head, cut the fins, and clean it from the scales. Divide the fish into layers, remove the skin. To remove the skin faster, make a small incision in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head, between the skin and the cape. Remove the peel along the fat layer in one direction, while holding the meat with your hand. Remove the bones of the ribs too, as a result you get a herring filet.

As soon as you clean the herring, cut it into identical pieces so that their thickness is not more than 1 cm. Only then thoroughly wash the prepared pieces in cool water. Follow these steps:

  • Put the fish pieces in a colander and put it in the sink
  • Turn on only cool water but not warm
  • In this state, the fish should remain for about 1 hour

If after all the methods used you could not soak the herring, then you can use the express method. It is as follows:

  • Place the salted herring in a pot filled with hot water
  • Keep the fish in the water for 2 minutes. Do not boil water
  • Then soak the fish in cool water for about 10 minutes

Note that, using one of the methods, do not withstand it more than the prescribed time, which is indicated in the recipe. For example, if you leave herring in milk or cool water for a day or more, then it can go bad. After soaking, do not store fish for too long. Try to eat it immediately after soaking.

Remember the important point - soaking the salted herring leads to the fact that it will lose a lot of salt, and with it useful substances, for example, protein. Consequently, the nutritional quality of the product will greatly decrease. If you do not need to make herring less salty, then eat it the way you bought it in the store.

How to soak herring from salt in milk and how long to soak: recipe

Yes, this often happens when the trail is very salty, therefore, it must be soaked. You can do this in ordinary water, or you can in milk. It is milk that allows fish to become more tender and not so salty. To get started, remove the bones from the fish, cut the tail, head, cut the belly, remove the insides. Remove the skin by dividing the fish along the spine.

After removing the bones and removing the insides, cut the fish into small pieces. Put the herring in the dishes, pour cool milk, put in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. During this period, change the milk a couple of times.

There is another similar method. You will have to do the following:

  • Clean the fish, remove the bones, cut it. Indeed, sliced \u200b\u200bherring in pieces will give salt faster than in its entirety
  • Pour cold milk into a small bowl, dip the pieces of herring fillet. Put in the refrigerator so that the herring does not disappear
  • Keep the fish in milk for 4 to 8 hours. It all depends on its salinity. Change fluid every couple hours. You can soak herring the whole night, then you need to add more milk
  • Remove the finished herring, wipe with paper napkins

Herring soaked in this way is tasty, tender, soft. Prepare any appetizer of your choice.

The third way to soak is:

  • Clean, rinse herring under running water. She must be cool.
  • Dry with a paper towel
  • Cut it along the ridge, cut it into slices
  • Fold in a bowl of cool milk, refrigerate
  • Soak for 8-12 hours. Change milk every 3 hours

As a rule, salted herring is soaked for 5 hours. Here you should consider how salted the fish are. If 5 hours is not enough, hold it for another 4 hours. Then remove and dry.

How to soak herring from salt in water: recipe

To remove excess salt from the fish, immerse it in a liquid for a certain time. In this embodiment, there will be ordinary water. This method is considered the simplest and most convenient. When a salty herring is immersed in water, from the very beginning there is a diffusion of salt, which passes from the fish body to the liquid. You can speed up this process by using the following methods:

  • If possible, increase the surface of the liquid that the herring will come into contact with.
  • Soak the fish in this way - the concentration difference between the herring and water should be increased

What do these two methods mean? Let's try to figure out:

  • To fulfill the first requirement, clean the herring before soaking, gut
  • To comply with the second requirement, change the water with herring as often as possible

The fish is soaked in both running and removable water.

Soak in running water:

  • To soak in running water, gut the herring, put it on a wire rack, immerse it in a container with poured water. Make sure that there is space between the bottom of the pan and the wire rack. This space should receive water through the tube.
  • Over time, water will begin to rise upward while washing the herring and flowing out of the tank. Therefore, place the fish tank in the sink. Soaking with this method will take you about 6 hours.

Soaking in replaced water:

This option is considered more simple and affordable. To use it, do the following:

  • Pour the prepared herring with cool water as follows: 2 l of water / 1 kg of salted herring. Take cool water so that its temperature is not more than 12 degrees.
  • Change the water not very often. First, do it in an hour, then in 2 or 3 hours.

In extreme heat, make sure the fluid is always cool. In order to cool it faster, you can use pieces of people.

As you noticed, soaking the salted herring in the water is not a very anxious occupation. But you can also use other methods. Choose at your discretion.

How to soak herring from salt in tea: recipe

Previously, our ancestors used a large amount of salt, because thanks to it, the product could last much longer. This, of course, is not fiction. Practice has shown that a lot of salt is used to process herring, the fish retains its own freshness in the refrigerator for longer. Therefore, in ancient times, people came up with a method that allows you to quickly and very efficiently get not so salty fish to cut it on the dining table.

For this method, you will need to take the most ordinary black tea. You may have the following question - why, why tea? The answer is simple - the infusion of a black drink contains a huge number of tannin components that soften the sugary taste of salt. In addition, if you soak highly salted herring using cool water, then its flesh may become watery and lose its own taste. If you take strong black tea, it prevents the fish from becoming softer.

To soak herring, prepare a fresh drink, add granulated sugar to it, leave the infusion to cool. If the herring is not too selenium, but you still want to soak it, then cut it into two equal parts along the ridge, leave it to soak for about 1 hour. If the fish is really very salted, and its taste is cloying, then add a couple of tablespoons to tea spoons of vodka or syrup made from cherries. Soak the fish in such a liquid for 2 hours, you can even more.

We offer you one interesting recipe for herring after soaking. You can treat them to your friends at the evening party. To prepare you have to stock up:

  • Herring - 1 pc.
  • Strong tea
  • Vinegar - 120 ml
  • Sugar sand - 1 \\ 2 tsp
  • Ready mustard - 1.5 tsp
  • Onion - 1 pc.

Soaking process:

  • Clean the fish from the insides by cutting its abdomen. Remove the tail, head, fins. Remove the peel, make a filet of fish
  • Place the fillet in a bowl. Pour tea into it so that it can cover all the flesh of herring. If your fish is very oily and the flesh is loose, then tea can fix the situation.
  • Leave the fish for about 6 hours, very salty at 8. Change 4 times tea

Cooking snacks:

  • Cut the fish into pieces, put in a herring
  • Sprinkle onion, chopped rings
  • Mix sugar with vinegar, add ready mustard
  • Add oil
  • Mix the sauce, pour into the herring to the fish
  • Leave her for 30 minutes to insist

How to soak salty herring quickly?

The next soaking option will seem familiar to you, but it is slightly different from the previous options. For it you have to take these products:

  • Vinegar
  • Salty herring
  • Immerse herring only in cool water.
  • If you decide to do this in the summer, then hold the dishes with the poured water for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. In that case, if you do not have a refrigerator at hand, then try to change the water every 2 hours, you can even more often. Otherwise, your fish will be lost.
  • In order to speed up the soaking process, pour 70% vinegar into the water. The proportion of vinegar and water is this: the first product should be 10 parts, the second - 1 part.
  • As soon as the herring comes up, it means that it has lost excess salt. After this soaking, the fish tastes much better. With a long stay in such a solution, the herring will become a little larger, as it can absorb water.

How to soak stale, spoiled salty herring?

  • Very often, each of us is mistaken when buying spoiled salted fish in a store. Yes, the situation is unpleasant. But it can be easily fixed. In this case, it all depends on the type of fish that has been spoiled. If you bought salted herring, then only one option will help you - soaking the fish in milk. Put it in a liquid, hold it there for a while, hours 5.
  • But at the same time you need to be extremely careful. If your fish was fresh then you need to pickle it. In the brine, put more granulated sugar mixed with spices. Such a set can give herring a pleasant aftertaste, and salt will serve as a neutralization so that the fish does not rot. But if the fish was badly spoiled, then better throw it out.

Video: Soaking a salted herring