How to pickle mushrooms in a boiled jar. How to salt mushrooms for the winter - all ways of canning

24.09.2019 Egg Dishes

The first mushrooms can be harvested in the summer, but most forest mushroom lovers go to pick them in the fall. Regardless of the harvesting season, it is necessary to foresee a method in advance that will help to maintain the harvest until the next season. Forest mushrooms can be dried or frozen, but most lovers of this product still prefer to salt the mushrooms.

This article talks about the main ways to pickle mushrooms for the winter. You will learn how to cook delicious spicy porcini mushrooms, champignons, mushrooms, mushrooms and other mushrooms using simple and proven recipes in this article.

  Salting mushrooms for the winter

Unfortunately, mushrooms belong to products that have a short shelf life in fresh form, so the harvested crop must be processed faster than that. Most often they are fried, soup is cooked with them, welded and frozen. A great way to preserve these delicious and healthy forest gifts is salting. Salting can be carried out in containers of any volume: in barrels, tubs, banks. In an apartment, the most optimal, of course, will be pickling mushrooms in jars (Figure 1).

Note:  You should know that salting is different from pickling, because in salted mushrooms there is not a gram of vinegar, which makes the product more useful.

You can salt almost any mushroom, pre-sorted by individual species. For example, honey mushrooms with honey mushrooms, and white with white mushrooms. All of them should be fresh and not wormy. Small mushrooms can be salted whole, and larger ones will have to be cut into pieces. And although there are several ways of salting, we will consider the simplest recipe, the implementation of which will be possible even for novice cooks. So, for salting 1 kg of mushrooms we need: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt; Bay leaf; allspice peas - 4-5 pcs.; clove seeds - 2-3 pcs.; leaflets of horseradish and blackcurrant.

  1. We sort the mushrooms, laying off worms and dents. We clean them from lumps of earth, particles of grass and needles. In large specimens, we separate the caps from the legs. For high-quality cleansing, it is recommended to soak the crop in water for a while, and then rinse under running water.
  2. To remove possible bitterness, mushrooms should be boiled a little in salted water. Therefore, we lower them into boiling salted water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat, stirring regularly.
  3. We boil the boiled mushrooms, rinse with cold water and let it drain.
  4. In the prepared containers we spread the mushrooms in layers, pouring each of them with salt and spices. We cover the contents of the container with a lid of a smaller diameter, put oppression on top, so that a little brine becomes visible. If it is very small, you can add a little cold boiled water.
  5. We leave them for several days under oppression at room temperature until foam appears on top of the container. It must be removed, and the ready-made mushrooms should be transferred to jars or a pan with a lid.

   Figure 1. Salting Technology

They need to be stored in a cool place, because they will be ready for use only in a month. Then they can be used both in the form of a cold snack, and as an ingredient for salads, as well as as a filling for pies.

  How to salt mushrooms for the winter in banks

Mushrooms are salted for the winter in three ways:

  • Hot
  • Cold
  • Dry pickling.

The difference between the methods is the duration of the preparation, and the choice of a particular method depends on the type of mushroom. For example, with the cold salting method, the product is ready in about a month or a half. But the shelf life of such blanks are much longer. Hot salted foods will be ready for use in less than a month. But in terms of taste, they are significantly inferior to the previous ones. In addition, canned mushrooms, prepared in a hot way, are stored not so long.

  Cold way

This method got its name because during cooking mushrooms do not lend themselves to heat treatment. As a result, they do not lose their natural properties at all: they remain fragrant and crispy. However, it is worth noting that salting in the cold way requires careful preparatory work, which consists in re-soaking the mushrooms with frequent water changes (Figure 2).

   Figure 2. Cold method

Appropriately prepared mushrooms are laid out in a clean bowl, sprinkled with various seasonings, for example, dill seeds, allspice and black pepper, bay leaf and garlic, and salt. So, for 1 kg of raw materials, you will need 2 tablespoons of salt, well, and each seasoning chooses seasonings and their amount to their taste. The last layer of spices is laid, which is covered by a small lid, on which the load is installed. This is necessary in order for the mushrooms to start juice and form a kind of marinade. It happens that little juice is released, then the weight of the cargo is increased or a little cold boiled water is added to the container with mushrooms. It must be stored in a cold place for about one and a half months. This time will be enough for them to salt and become usable.

  Hot way

Unlike the previous method, the hot salting method involves the thermal treatment of mushrooms. This, of course, affects their appearance and taste. Thus, hot-salted products are not so crispy, and their shelf life is much shorter. However, in a city apartment, where there is not much space, it is much easier to place several jars in the pantry than a whole tub. In addition, almost any species can be preserved by the hot method, which cannot be said about the cold (Figure 3).

As in the previous case, the mushrooms must be prepared: sort, clean, wash, cut if necessary. Remember to weigh them before cooking to know how much salt is needed. The proportion remains the same: for 1 kg of mushrooms - 2 tbsp. salt. Fill the mushrooms with water and adding salt, cook them for about half an hour. It all depends on the type, since some of them are tougher and will take longer to cook. You can read about the features of salting of different types below.

   Figure 3. Hot salting method

The foam formed on the surface during cooking must be removed. After the required time, the mushrooms are taken out of boiling water using a slotted spoon, allowed to drain and cool. Do not rush to pour the brine, we still need it. Then the mushrooms are laid out in prepared sterile jars, on the bottom of which spices are pre-laid to taste. Sprinkle each layer with salt and remaining spices until the jar is full. The contents of the cans are poured with brine, in which the mushrooms were cooked, and put under oppression for several weeks in a cold place. Subsequently, ready-made mushrooms can be transferred to other, more convenient containers.

Since different types of mushrooms have their own biological characteristics, the process of salting of each species carries certain nuances. For this reason, it is not recommended to mix different species when harvesting them for the winter. The following describes in detail the features of the most popular types of mushrooms that are found in our forests, as well as advice on salting them.

  Oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are eaten boiled, fried, stewed and salted for the winter. These are rather large mushrooms with a very dense leg, which is not eaten because of its stiffness. Since oyster mushrooms contain a substance called chitin, which is not absorbed by the human body, their preparation requires mandatory heat treatment. That is why oyster mushrooms can not be salted in the cold way. They must be finely chopped and cooked at high temperature.

   Figure 4. Salting oyster mushroom

If you are going to pickle oyster mushrooms, start by preparing raw materials. To do this, you need to not only thoroughly wash the oyster mushrooms, but also trim their legs. At the same time, there is no need to peel the peel off the hats, because it does not affect the degree of softness during cooking. For 1 kg of fresh oyster mushrooms you will need: 4 l of water for blanching; 90 g of salt for boiling, 400 g of water for brine; 2 tbsp salt in brine; 6 peas of black pepper; 6 sheets of black currant; 6 bay leaves (Figure 4).

Oyster mushroom pickling technology includes the following steps:

  1. Add salt to boiling water, put prepared oyster mushroom caps. Boil for 7 minutes, lay in a colander, cool.
  2. To prepare the brine, boil the required amount of water, add salt and seasonings. Boil everything for 5 minutes. Strain the brine, boil again and cool to room temperature.
  3. Arrange mushroom caps in sterile jars, fill with the remaining brine, close with nylon covers.

Keep the workpiece in a cool place until ready, which comes in a week.


Champignons can not only be collected in the forest, but also grown in their own suburban area. If you don’t have the opportunity to cultivate them, you can always buy them at the nearest supermarket or in the market for further salting (Figure 5).

Despite the fact that pickling champignons is considered a more traditional harvest, salted mushrooms of this species also have a pleasant piquant taste.

To pickle champignons, take 2 kg of mushrooms, 5 onions, 150 grams of rock salt, one and a half tablespoons of mustard seeds, 10 peas of allspice and 5 bay leaves.

Salting champignons includes preparing the mushrooms themselves. They must be thoroughly cleaned so that there is no earth and branches left on the legs or hats. After that, rinse them under running water and put in a deep pan. The container is completely filled with water and add a teaspoon of salt to it.

Next, you need to turn on a strong fire, bring to a boil and reduce the cooking intensity. After this, the mushrooms should boil for 7 minutes. Pour the champignons into a colander so that the remaining liquid drains from them, and in the meantime we clean and cut the onions in half rings.

   Figure 5. The technology of salting champignons

When all the ingredients are ready, you need to sterilize the jars, put onion, pepper and washed bay leaves in them. Next, lay out the mushrooms, pouring each layer with salt. After that, you need to fill them with hot boiled water and roll up the lids. The containers must be turned upside down, wrapped and left to cool completely.


Honey mushrooms, beloved by many, can be prepared by frying, pickling and pickling, as well as freezing. In this case, you should know that the lower part of their legs is harsh, so it is mainly not eaten, limited only to hats. Before salting, honey mushrooms must be sorted out, discarding worms and damaged ones, and they are cleaned of earth and foliage. The mushrooms are thoroughly washed in several waters, then the legs are separated from the hats and cut into noodles. Small ones are salted whole both in cold and hot ways (Figure 6).

Since honey mushrooms lack a peculiar aroma, for their salting you will need spices such as bay leaves, garlic, dill seeds, allspice, currant, cherry, oak leaves. Take 10 kg of honey mushrooms: 500 g of salt; 10-20 pcs. bay leaf; 50-60 peas of allspice; several dill umbrellas

   Figure 6. Salty mushrooms for the winter

The cleaned and washed honey mushrooms are placed in a wide bowl, the bottom of which is covered with salt. Mushrooms are stacked with their hats down, alternating with salt and spices until the container is filled to the very top. The vessel is closed with a lid of a smaller diameter and pressed with oppression to isolate the brine. Salting is cleaned in a cool place.

Note:  It is necessary to ensure that the mushrooms are always covered with liquid. If it is not enough, you need to increase the weight of the cargo. When in a few days they settle a little, the free space can be filled with a new portion of honey mushrooms, supplemented with salt and spices.

When mold appears, it is removed, and the circle is washed thoroughly. So honey mushrooms can withstand several days at a temperature of + 18 + 20 degrees. When they begin to wander (and you can find out by the characteristic aroma), the dishes are covered with foil and transferred to a cold room. Honey mushrooms will be ready for use in 5 weeks.

To pickle hot mushrooms hot, you will need the same amount of mushrooms and salt as in the previous recipe, as well as 20 g of bay leaf, 200 g of young dill and 150 g of onion.

Cooking technology consists of the following actions:

  1. Prepared in a known manner honey mushrooms are immersed in boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. At the same time, they should be cooked in small batches, changing the water after each batch. The foam formed during cooking is removed.
  2. Boiled mushrooms are taken out of boiling water using a slotted spoon, transferred to a sieve and left to cool.
  3. At the bottom of the container for salting spread a small amount of spices. Mushrooms begin to lay on top of them with their hats down, forming a layer no more than 5 cm thick. Each layer is sprinkled with salt and spices. This continues until the container is full.
  4. The top layer is covered with a clean cloth, covered with a lid (circle) and put under oppression. It is necessary to ensure that the mushrooms are always covered with brine, as well as periodically wash the circle and change the fabric.

Store the dishes in a cool room for 2-3 weeks until they reach readiness.


Although threesomes are conditionally edible, but on the territory of Russia they are everywhere pickled, dried and salted. The main problem in the preparation of waves is their bitter milky juice. Therefore, before preparing any dish from them, throttles must be soaked in cool water for a day, changing the water four times over this period of time. Soaked mushrooms are boiled and the first broth is drained. In the future, they can be salted both cold and hot, without fear that they will be bitter (Figure 7).

Closed in a cold way crabs are fragrant and crispy. To perform salting, you will need the following ingredients: traps - 1 kg; table salt - 40 g; citric acid - the amount depends on the volume of water; spices - garlic, currant and horseradish leaves - to taste.

Soaked thawers are placed in a solution consisting of water, salt and citric acid (at the rate of 10 g of acid per 1 liter of water) and pressed from above with a press. Then they are doused with boiled water, laid out in jars, sprinkled with salt on top and covered with horseradish leaves and dill. Above again, oppression is set to isolate the juice. Wait about one month until ready.

   Figure 7. Harvesting salty waves

Hot pickling the throttles will take you a little longer. It is necessary to prepare: a couple of bay leaves, a dozen currant leaves, several dill umbrellas, two tablespoons of rock salt and one tablespoon of pepper peas - based on 1 kg of mushrooms.

Salting technology includes the following steps:

  1. Training:  at this stage, the traps are cleaned, soaked and boiled for the first time, as described above.
  2. Second cooking:  boils are boiled a second time in a brine made from water and spices for 15 minutes after boiling.
  3. Transfer to banks:  the boiled trawls are transferred to banks, filled with the brine in which they were cooked a second time, tightly closed with nylon covers.
  4. Wrapping cans:  banks are well wrapped and kept warm until cool.

Further storage of cans takes place in the refrigerator or on a glazed balcony.


Like thistles, sows are conditionally edible species, and some of them are poisonous at all. And yet, experienced mushroom pickers, who know the most subtle differences between types of pigs, do not deny themselves the pleasure of collecting species suitable for consumption, preparing various dishes from them and storing them for the winter. The recipes below will help to properly salt the sows for the winter (Figure 8).

For hot salting you will need: hats of pigs - 1 kg, coarse salt - 50 g, dill umbrellas - 10 pieces, currant leaves - 3-4 pieces, garlic and black peppercorns - 5 pieces each. Hot salting of sows consists of three stages: preparation, salting procedure, folding into cans and their storage.

At the stage of mushroom preparation, the following actions must be performed:

  1. Rinse mushrooms thoroughly in running water and peel. In this case, large specimens should be cut into several smaller pieces.
  2. Soak pigs in cold water and soak for 15 hours, changing the water every 5 hours.
  3. Soaked mushrooms pour salted water and put on fire. Cook 5 minutes after boiling.
  4. Drain the boiling water, rinse the mushrooms in fresh water.

The salting of mushrooms prepared in the manner described above includes the following sequence of actions:

  1. Boil the mushrooms a second time in salted water for 30 minutes.
  2. Pour boiling water, rinse the pigs.
  3. The third cooking takes place in salted water for 40 minutes.
  4. Throw boiled pigs three times in a colander.
  5. At the bottom of sterile cans, lay out washed currant leaves and dill umbrellas.
  6. Spread the mushrooms in jars in dense layers, pouring each of them with salt with plates of garlic and peas of black pepper.
  7. Boil clean water, pour boiling water over the contents of the cans.

   Figure 8. Salted pigs for the winter

In order for the mushrooms to start juice and become suitable for storage, several important actions must be performed. Firstly, the contents of each jar must be pressed with oppression. Secondly, all containers are first left at room temperature, then moved to a cool dark place (+ 5 + 8 degrees). They use salted pigs no earlier than a month and a half after preparation.


Cooking all kinds of dishes from breasts is traditional for Russian cuisine. They are usually cooked, harvested for future use pickled and salted. The cooked mushrooms are one of the best seasonings for meat, it is not in vain that they start fried poultry and serve as a side dish for beef (Figure 9).

We bring to your attention a recipe for mushrooms salted in the cold way. For 1 kg of white breasts, you should take: large non-iodized salt - 3 tablespoons; seasonings - garlic (5-6 cloves) and black pepper peas (the same amount), dill umbrella with seeds, as well as several cherry and oak leaves and horseradish.

A step-by-step recipe for cooking includes the following steps:

  1. Training:  breasts are sorted, legs are cut, hats are thoroughly washed. Large specimens are cut lengthwise.
  2. Mushrooms are placed in a clean bowl,  sprinkle with salt, pour cold water and soak for 3 days, changing the water three times a day. Re-adding salt when replacing water is not required.
  3. Salting tank bottom  lined with horseradish leaves. Stacked soaked breasts are laid on them with their hats down, pouring layers of salt and shifting them with spices and leaves.
  4. Mushrooms cover  clean cloth, press down on top of the oppression to highlight the brine.
  5. In 20-30 days  the lower layers of the breasts will be ready for use. They should be transferred to sterile jars, closed and put away in a cool place.

In order to pickle the mushrooms hot, you can use the following recipe (all ratios are for 1 kg of mushrooms):

   Figure 9. Salted mushrooms in jars

In prepared from 1 liter of water and 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt to boil the mushrooms for about half an hour, constantly removing foam. Then you should throw the breasts in a colander and rinse in running water. Spread them at the bottom of the container in layers, sprinkling each of them with salt and spices (garlic, dill, currant and horseradish leaves). Cover the top layer with a clean piece of cloth and press down with oppression, which must be washed periodically in hot water. Take out the container after two days in the cold. It will be possible to use the breasts after a month.


In addition to the original taste and useful properties, saffron milk came to be known for its remarkable gastronomic qualities. These mushrooms can be salted, fried, stewed, pickled. A classic option for salting saffron mushrooms is dry salting. For it, you only need salt (1 tablespoon per 1 kg of mushrooms) and dill seeds. Mushrooms are placed in a clean container, sprinkled with salt and dill, covered with a lid and pressed with oppression for the appearance of juice. Juice-coated saffron mushrooms are left at room temperature for several days. After the appearance of a characteristic sour smell, the vessel is transferred to a cold, dry place, for example, a refrigerator. Note: To save space, you can transfer the mushrooms into small sterile jars by closing them with lids. In this case, it is necessary to pour the mushrooms into the resulting brine so that it completely covers the mushrooms. Mushrooms salted in this way can be consumed after 2-3 days (Figure 10).

   Figure 10. Stages of salting mushrooms

It is also possible to salt the mushrooms in a hot way. 1 kg of mushrooms is sorted, washed, cut and filled with hot water. Boil for 5 minutes, regularly removing foam. Water is drained, saffron mushrooms are transferred to a container, sprinkled with salt (50 g) and spices (black and allspice - 1 tsp each), covered with horseradish leaves and sent under oppression. Store salting in a cool place, such as a cellar. After a month and a half, mushrooms will be ready for use.

  How to salt porcini mushrooms at home

Fresh porcini mushrooms have a pronounced taste and bright aroma, they are an ideal product both for preparing independent dishes, and as an additional ingredient in more complex dishes. Mushrooms can be successfully cooked and fried, stewed and baked, dried, marinated and salted. Before salting, rinse the mushrooms in cool water, cut the bottom of the leg, and cut larger pieces into pieces. Soak them for half an hour in cool salted water so that all the worms rise to the surface. Rinse thoroughly again and proceed to salting (Figure 11).

Mushrooms can be salted both cold and hot. So, for cold pickling on 5 kg of mushrooms, it is necessary to prepare:

  • 120 g of rock salt;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 25 leaves of oak and cherry;
  • 10 dill umbrellas;
  • 6 horseradish leaves

Prepared mushrooms are laid out in slightly salted water (at the rate of 1 tsp salt per 2 l of water) and heated, not bringing to a boil. Then the water is drained, and the mushrooms are left to dry. In the meantime, peel the garlic and cut it into thin slices. Dill umbrellas are divided into thinner branches. Spicy leaves are sorted, washed and poured with boiling water.

At the bottom of the container for salting spread horseradish leaves, sprinkled with salt. Next, they begin to lay the mushrooms, while at the very bottom they put the largest hats down. Each layer is sprinkled with salt (2 tablespoons per 1 kg of mushrooms) and seasonings, not forgetting to add leaves. The upper layer of mushrooms is covered with gauze and pressed against oppression. Store in a cool place for 40 days until ready. The brine that stands out during this can be drained, and the vacated space can be filled with new mushrooms. Ready mushrooms are recommended to be thoroughly washed in running water before use.

   Figure 11. Salting of porcini mushrooms at home

You can salt the mushrooms in jars by hot salting. We give an example of a recipe for filling a 3-liter jar. You will need: 3 kg of porcini mushrooms; 100 g of salt; 2 liters of water; 10 pcs. clove and dill seeds; 10 peas of allspice; 6 leaves of currant.

Having prepared all the necessary components, perform salting according to the technology:

  1. In the boiling water add 2 C. salt, as well as all spices. Mushrooms are lowered into the resulting brine and boiled for 15-25 minutes until the brine becomes transparent and the mushrooms themselves settle to the bottom.
  2. Then they should be removed and thrown into a colander, cool, and leave the brine.
  3. The cooled mushrooms are laid out in a jar in layers, shifting each of them with scalded currant leaves and sprinkling with salt.
  4. A filled jar is poured into 0.5 L of brine, covered with a plastic lid or gauze and cleaned in a cold place (for example, a refrigerator).

You can consume such mushrooms after 3 weeks, washing immediately before serving.

How to salt mushrooms so that they turn out tasty and stored for a long time, you will learn from the video.

Almost all edible and conditionally edible mushrooms are suitable for salting, since they are well preserved in this form and have a pleasant taste. If, of course, pickling was done according to certain rules.

But lamellar mushrooms are best suited for salting: mushrooms, podgrudniki, valui, trevushki, honey agarics, saffron milk mushrooms, rowings, russula, smoothies, bitter, serushki, etc. Of course, tubular mushrooms should also be neglected - boletus, boletus, oak trees, and other given their high palatability.

The mushrooms selected for salting are pretreated, then the leg is cut off from them under the hat itself (especially lamellar ones). In russula and oil, peels are usually peeled off the hats. Legs, as a rule, do not grease, with the exception of saffron mushrooms, white, boletus, oak trees, brown boletus. Each type of mushroom is salted separately. But you can take different mushrooms of about the same taste. Nevertheless, the harvesting of high-grade mushrooms (mushrooms, saffron milk mushrooms) with secondary mushrooms (threes, whites, etc.) is not allowed.

White, boletus, oak, mushrooms, mushrooms can be salted after processing immediately. But mushrooms with a spicy, bitter or unpleasant taste must first be boiled or soaked for two to three days. It is best suited for this tub or barrels, which have holes at the bottom, covered with a wooden cork. Used water is drained through these openings before the container is filled with fresh.

The mushrooms intended for soaking are placed in a barrel, filled with cold salted water and covered first with a clean towel, then with a wooden or plywood circle, on top of which, so that the mushrooms do not emerge, put a small load. Water needs to be changed once or twice a day. It should be noted that when soaked, mushrooms lose many extractive substances, the most valuable nutrient salts and even some soluble proteins.

If the weather is warm and the container with mushrooms is located in the open air, albeit in the shade, they can become acidic during the day. In such mushrooms, even then salted, fermentation processes will continue. They will soon crumble, turn into foaming mucus, that is, they will deteriorate. Thus, mushrooms should be soaked using a place where they could be the right time at the optimum temperature, without souring. Much more practical and safer in the sense of protecting mushrooms from spoilage is their preliminary boiling or scalding.

At the same time, most of them - mushrooms, podgruzdyka, earrings, bitter, except for thrills and whites, are lowered into a pot with boiling, slightly salted water. They are usually kept there for 5 minutes. Chanterelles, characterized by rubbery flesh, and rough valuy - from 15 to 25 minutes. It is advisable to blanch the russula first, and only then boil it. Processed mushrooms are discarded on a sieve or colander, allowed to cool, then salted.

As for the waves and whites, they adhere to several different rules. Usually these mushrooms are not boiled, but only scalded with boiling water, and the bitterness inherent in them almost completely disappears. However, in both cases boiling water absorbs bitterness, unpleasant taste and smell of mushrooms. Therefore, after each boiling, water needs to be poured from the pan and not used again when processing a new, fresh portion of mushrooms.

The salting of edible mushrooms in the cold way.

For cold salting, take breasts, podgruzki, saffron milk mushrooms, traps, earrings, some types of russula and others. With this method, salting mushrooms are not pre-boiled. Before salting, they are, as usual, processed and soaked. Then the bottom of the dishes (barrels, enameled buckets) is covered with various spices: dill, blackcurrant leaves, cherries, horseradish, bay leaves, pepper, cloves, etc. (for example, for 10 kg of mushrooms - 1 g of sweet pea, 2 g bay leaf).

Each spice has its own purpose. So, dill, blackcurrant leaves, laurel, pepper, cloves give the mushrooms a special pleasant aroma. From the leaves and roots of horseradish mushrooms appear spicy sharpness, in addition, they protect against souring. From cherry and oak leaves - delicious fragility and strength. On spices, put the mushrooms with their legs up in layers of 5-8 cm thick. Each layer is sprinkled with salt at the rate of 40-60 grams per 1 kg of fresh mushrooms. When the dishes are full, its contents are sprinkled with spices and covered with a wooden circle or an enamelled lid with the handle down, wrapped in clean gauze or linen.

A circle in the center is crushed by oppression - a stone-naked, which does not dissolve in brine. If it is not, you can use an enameled saucepan as oppression, putting any heaviness in it. It is not recommended to make cargo from dolomite (lime) stone, bricks (from the brine they dissolve and spoil the mushrooms), metal objects (rust appears on them). If after 3-4 days a pickle does not appear over the mushrooms, then the weight of the oppression should be increased. As salted mushrooms settle, the same container can be replenished with fresh harvest, adding salt and spices, respectively.

A special way salted mushrooms. They do not wash the mushrooms, with a wide brush they clean the specks and needles from them, wipe them cleanly with a cloth from the ground. They are laid in the dishes in layers of 5-6 cm thick. As they grow - with the hats up. Each row is poured with salt (30 grams per 1 kg of mushrooms). Redheads are better to salt without garlic, dill, horseradish, etc. They only beat off the natural aroma and taste, which are more pleasant than the properties of any spices. Then, on mushrooms, as usual, put oppression. When the mushrooms settle, add fresh ones. Cold-salted mushrooms are suitable for food: mushrooms - after 5-6 days, breasts, after 30-35, milkworms and whites - after 40, valui - after 50 days.

Hot salting of edible mushrooms.

This salting is suitable for harvesting mushrooms: ceps, mushrooms, boletus, boletus, oak trees, fly mushrooms, butterfish, goats, many types of russula, as well as conditionally edible mushrooms. After preliminary processing, the mushrooms are boiled in salted water with spices (for 1 kg of mushrooms - 2 tablespoons of salt, bay leaf, 2 leaves of blackcurrant, 3 peas of black pepper, 3 cloves) for 20-30 minutes. They themselves will show readiness. They will settle to the bottom, and the brine will become transparent. The broth is then drained, the mushrooms are washed in cold water, thrown into a colander and allowed to dry. After that, they are salted as in the cold method, adding spices and salt (45-60 grams per 1 kg of boiled mushrooms) to the container, and put oppression.

Hot salting may be slightly different. Cooked mushrooms are selected with a slotted spoon from the pan and transferred to a wide bowl for quick cooling. Then, together with the brine (it should be about half the mass of mushrooms) they fill glass jars or wooden barrels and close. Hot salted mushrooms can be eaten in a few days.

Storage of salted mushrooms.

Mushrooms are salted and now other troubles - to save them longer, of course, if harvested in abundance. For storage of salted mushrooms, only wooden tubs, glass and unspoiled enameled dishes are suitable. Tinned and zinc tin buckets are completely unsuitable. Their upper layer dissolves under the influence of mushroom brine and forms poisonous compounds harmful to health. For the same reason, you cannot salt mushrooms in clay pots. In addition, lead may appear in the glaze. Also not suitable are pots from under pickles, cabbage and meat. Mushrooms during storage have an unusual taste.

Wooden tubs, whatever they may be - new or previously used, need to be soaked ahead of time so that they do not let the brine pass in the future, wash and steam. Glass and enameled dishes should also be washed, but already with soda, also kept in boiling water and dried without wiping. Salted mushrooms must be stored in a cool, well-ventilated area, maintaining the temperature in it within 5-6 degrees.

At 0 degrees and below, they will freeze, begin to crumble, become tasteless, and at a temperature exceeding the optimum - they will turn sour and deteriorate. Mushrooms should always be in brine. If it has become smaller, then cold boiled water can be added to the container. Oppression, cloth, a wooden circle should be washed from time to time in warm salt water, then scalded with boiling water. Mold that appears on the walls of the dishes must be removed with a clean rag soaked in hot water.

Based on materials from the book “Handbook of the mushroom picker.”
  Yu.K. Doletov.

Mushroom pickling is a common and reliable way to preserve crops. Homemade preparations are not only tasty, but also convenient to use. With salted mushrooms, you can cook a wide variety of dishes. In the article, we will talk about how to properly store salted mushrooms.


The first important condition for long-term storage of salted mushrooms is sterility of dishes. If bacteria get into the container, the salted mushrooms will deteriorate even if other conditions are met. Glass and ceramic containers are sterilized, and pots, buckets and barrels are thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water and dried.

The next significant moment is temperature. Regardless of the method of salting, mushrooms are stored in a dark, cool, dry place. Recommended temperature is about +6 ° C. Higher values \u200b\u200blead to acidification of the mushrooms, and at low temperatures they become brittle and lose their taste. Store salted mushrooms at home is best in the refrigerator. Large stocks are kept in a cellar or dry basement (you can use a glazed balcony for these purposes). So that the mushrooms do not freeze, they are insulated with old blankets, sawdust, etc.

Only mushrooms for which you are 100% certain are safe. Spoiled mushrooms, moldy or improperly prepared preservation can be fatal!

Another point that affects the long-term storage of salted mushrooms is brine. Excess salt will allow you to save mushrooms for a long time, however, it will be impossible to eat such a product. Lack of salt causes a fermentation process. Make brine using only proven recipes and reliable sources.

If the product is stored in brine, turn over the stock once a week to allow the brine to move and soak all the mushrooms completely.

Storage tank salted mushrooms is also of great importance. Glass, wooden and enameled containers should be used; Avoid clay, galvanized tin, aluminum or plastic utensils. Mushrooms should not be covered with polyethylene, cellophane or parchment paper - this is an ideal medium for the growth of mold and yeast.


Storage of salted mushrooms. Hermetic seaming method

Improper technology during the preservation of fungi by sterilization and seaming can cause irreparable harm to health (cause botulism, poisoning and other intestinal infections). The main rule that you should adhere to is to carefully observe sterilization conditions. If you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better not to roll mushrooms. Sterilization should take place at a temperature of + 120 ... + 125 ° C; only autoclaves can provide such conditions. At home canning, to avoid poisoning, other methods are used:

  • mushrooms are thoroughly washed and boiled 2-3 times with an interval of 24-36 hours. Thick legs boil 2 times longer;
  • ware for storage is previously thoroughly sterilized;
  • before opening canned mushrooms, banks boil for at least 30 minutes from the moment of boiling so that toxins are destroyed;
  • use vinegar marinade. Home-made pickled mushrooms are safer than salted and pickled mushrooms.


The next important point: how long can salted mushrooms be stored and in what conditions? All canned food should be stored in a dark, dry, cool place. Sterilized mushrooms are stored at temperatures from 0 to +15 ° C and humidity not more than 75%. It is advisable to keep homemade preparations in the refrigerator. The shelf life of home preservation does not exceed 6-8 months. Factory salted mushrooms are stored longer (expiration dates vary by manufacturers).

All mushrooms sterilized in brine must be eaten immediately after uncorking. Only workpieces using a strong spicy vinegar solution can be stored in the refrigerator in an open jar for several days.

The shelf life of homemade blanks is 6-12 months (depending on the storage method).

Many housewives are concerned about the question: how long can salted mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator? Taking into account the recommended temperature regime, the storage period in the cellar and in the refrigerator will be the same - no more than 1 year. Unsterilized pickled mushrooms can be stored for no more than 8 months. Open pickled mushrooms in the refrigerator, depending on the amount of vinegar in the marinade, can be stored for no more than 1 month. According to sanitary standards, salted and boiled mushrooms packaged in barrels should be stored at a temperature of 0 ... + 2 ° C for no more than 6 months. At home, it is more convenient to store salted mushrooms in a glass jar or enameled glassware in the refrigerator or on a glazed balcony.

During storage, be sure to regularly check stocks: mushrooms should always be in brine, otherwise they begin to mold. It is recommended to shake the containers with mushrooms once a week to ensure the movement of the brine (if the workpieces are filled with oil over the brine, they are not touched). If part of the brine has evaporated, chilled boiled water with salt (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water) is added to the tank.


The salting and storage of mushrooms must be approached with great care. If you do not have suitable storage space with the appropriate conditions, it is better not to do a lot of workpieces (or use a factory product).

A common way to store salted mushrooms is pour them over brine  ghee, vegetable or butter. This prevents bacteria and mold spores. In this case, it is better to tie the container with a cloth or gauze on top. If mushrooms are stored in jars, they can be closed with glass or metal lids, but not tight. Before storage, some housewives drain the brine and completely fill the mushrooms with oil. For such storage, it is better to pre-fry or stew the mushrooms. Any workpieces using oil must be stored in the dark. In the light, fats are broken down and a rancid taste in the product will be provided.

There is another method for long-term storage of salted mushrooms. After salting, the mushrooms tightly (without voids) tamped in cans. The product should reach almost the top of the container. A cotton rag soaked in vodka is placed on top of the mushrooms (it will prevent mildew). After that, the mushrooms are pressed with chopsticks soaked in vodka, sweeping them crosswise over the shoulders of the can (the sticks will serve as oppression). Juice should appear above the mushrooms, which will cover them 1-2 cm. If there is less juice, you can add boiled salt water at room temperature (50 grams of salt per 1 liter of water). The cans are covered with a dense plastic lid, also processed in vodka. Store salted mushrooms in the darkest and coolest place at home. In this form, the shelf life of salted mushrooms will be 1-1.5 years.

Dear readers, in the season of collecting the gifts of the forest I decided to once again return to the mushrooms. Recently, I shared recipes and told how to pickle mushrooms for the winter. See these recipes on the website. Today we’ll talk about another storage method - pickling mushrooms for the winter.

Salting of fungi can be varied. And to participate in the process of preparing forest delicacies for storage can not only salt and soda, but also various spices, herbs, sugar, onions and other ingredients. They will certainly bring their taste notes and give the dish a special zest.

  How to sterilize cans for salting and storage

How to properly sterilize cans for seals for the winter, I told you here, in this case, any of the described methods is suitable: under steam, in the oven, in the microwave. It is possible to salt the mushrooms in an ordinary pan or in a barrel, washing them thoroughly. The main difference between the banks and the pan (barrel) will only be that in the latter case, mushrooms will have to be eaten for one or a half months, depending on the recipe. You can store the product in sealed banks until the new harvest season, that is, a whole year.

  Cold pickling of mushrooms - oily

I note that this method of pickling mushrooms is suitable for people who own a cold cellar or basement. You can make products in the refrigerator, but for this you need to free up some space in advance for banks. The cold salting method involves preparing mushrooms at a temperature of no higher than +16 degrees.


  • 5 kg beautiful (pick up a small size with flat hats) oily.
  • 10 leaves of currant bush.
  • 10 grape leaves.
  • A glass of salt (we take a large salting).
  • Dill inflorescences (umbrellas) - 10 pieces.

If the mushrooms are of different sizes, distribute them into groups: large, small and medium. Firstly. First to the bottom, stack the largest, then medium and small. Spread the oil with the hats down.

Algorithm of actions:

Pour a spoonful of salt on the bottom of the container without a slide, lay the first layer of mushrooms, the second and third.

After the third layer, salt again. We spread four leaves of each plant and four dill umbrellas.

We apply greens with oils, now we make two layers and again greens and salt.

We complete the calculation process and cover all this beauty from above with the remaining salt, leaves of grapes and currants, dill.

Cover the container with gauze or any clean natural cloth.

We put a press on the fabric, send it in the cold for 25-30 days. If the butter is salty for your taste, soak a little (about an hour) in cold water before consumption. Such mushrooms should be stored in the cold for no more than two months, and remember, the longer they are stored, the more saline they become.

Salt the oil in a cold way in a wooden tub, glass or enamel bowl. In other words, in one that is not susceptible to oxidation.

You can salt the mushrooms in this way immediately in jars, or first in a barrel or pan, then transfer to jars for convenient storage. I recommend salting saffron mushrooms, spreading them with their hats up, sprinkling salt on each layer.

Will need to prepare:

  • A kilogram of saffron milk mushrooms.
  • 50 grams of salt (approximately 2 tablespoons).
  • 15 peas of black allspice.
  • Horseradish leaf.
  • 4 buds of cloves.
  • Optionally, a bunch of fresh dill and a few (three to four) cloves of garlic.

The cooking process in steps:

1. Go through the forest gifts (remove adhering leaves and needles, scrape off the dirt from the legs). Now you don’t need to wash the gifts of the forest, this method differs from others in that it is dry and in this case it should not be wetted.

2. At the bottom of the prepared containers, lay 1⁄2 part of the horseradish leaf, torn to pieces, but not very finely, this product will not allow mold to appear during the salting process.

3. Dill and peeled garlic, detail, you need to crush very finely, preferably larger. Mix these ingredients and divide into three parts. Put the first part on a horseradish sheet at the bottom of the can, the second you will use in the middle and the third sprinkle the top of the ingredients.

Instead of dill, it is possible to use leaves of currant or oak, this is if you salt in jars, if you use a wooden tub for salting, then it itself will give the product a pleasant woody aroma.

4. Put the first layer of mushrooms with the hats up, salt out, lay the second and third layer, again sprinkle with salt, etc. until the tank is full. Salt should be used every two layers of fungi. Do not forget to use the prepared dill-garlic mixture approximately in the middle of the salting. Together with it, put in the jars cloves and peas of pepper (the last products can be laid all at once, or distributed in parts bottom-mid-top).

Do not worry that one of the layers is poorly salted, in the process of harvesting the mushrooms will give juice and it will soak all the products evenly.

If there are a lot of mushrooms, then calculate the amount of salt as follows. Take 1.5 cups of coarse salt on each bucket of saffron mushrooms.

5. Top the saffron mushrooms with the remaining horseradish and spices.

6. Cut a piece of gauze so that it is enough to close the container. Put oppression on top of it, for example, a stone or a jar of water, if you salt the mushrooms in a saucepan, leave the mushrooms in this form for 14 days in a cool place. Change cheesecloth every three days.

7. After 14-18 days mushrooms are ready. You can already serve them on the table with pleasure, with a pleasant feeling that you did it yourself to eat and treat your friends. Or cover with tight lids and put in storage in the refrigerator / cellar, until the opportunity.

On a note! Salted mushrooms should be stored together with brine without draining it. If during salting (during the first 7 days) a place in the container begins to appear (mushrooms secrete juice and settle), feel free to report a new portion there.

Be careful! In the process of cooking, the mushrooms will change their color and become darker, brown-green, do not worry, this is a common occurrence, this does not mean at all that you used a bad product.

  • Boletus (in quantity per prepared liter container, the jar should be filled at the very neck);
  • A liter of pure water.
  • Strength of the cook - 50 gr.
  • Peas - 5 pcs.
  • A slice or two of garlic to your taste.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Fresh dill - 4 branches.

Hot cooking method:

Sort, wash very thoroughly (it is worth washing until the water is completely clean). Dry the selected boletus mushrooms a little.

On a note! Salted birch mushrooms turn out to be the most delicious if you use only hats in the cooking process, but look here yourself, if there are few products, cut the legs.

Transfer the prepared boletus to the pan.

Prepare a brine from the ingredients indicated in the recipe. To do this, simply dissolve the salt in hot water, add laurel, dill, pepper, garlic, boil for 2 minutes and pour mushrooms with all this.

Together with the brine, put the mushrooms on the stove, bring to a boil, boil for 20-25 minutes on low heat. At this point, do not forget to remove the resulting foam.

Arrange your favorite spices in ready-made sterilized jars (take whatever you like, dry herbs, fresh dill umbrellas, horseradish, parsley, garlic, mustard seeds, etc.). You can not use spices, but use those from which the brine was cooked.

Distribute the mushrooms in the containers along with the brine, tightly clog or roll up the products, let them cool. Be sure to clean it in a refrigerator or in any cool place.

Should be prepared for cooking:

  • According to a kilogram of boletus, boletus and boletus.
  • Incomplete about a third from the top a glass of large salt.
  • A bunch of dill and parsley.
  • A large head of garlic.

Step by Step Actions:

Sort all gifts of the forest, rinse, put on paper towels, let dry.

Wash and dry the prepared greens, chop not very finely with a knife.

Peel the garlic cloves, cut each into circles.

In a carefully washed pan, add a little salt, then a layer of mushrooms (spread with hats up), herbs, garlic, mushrooms again, a few pinches of salt (distribute evenly), repeat the layers in this order until it is all over.

Cover food with a cloth, lay a bowl with a heavy load on it. Clean for 15-17 days in a refrigerator or cellar.

After two weeks or more, take out allsorts and eat or lay it out in jars. Cork and can be stored in the cold. Shelf life at temperatures from +5 to +8 degrees is up to 5 months. If the storage temperature is higher, the shelf life is reduced.

  Quick and easy cold pickling of mushrooms (mushrooms)

Why quickly, but because it is not necessary to cook mushrooms, not what heat treatment. But the truth here will have to clean the "forest brothers" well and rinse thoroughly.

Here you can save a little time on preprocessing. But, as you know, the hot method of salting mushrooms involves heat treatment. But easier, boil in boiling water.

It will be required for pickling to take:

  • Two kilograms of boletus.
  • Four tablespoons of salt (use crayon, but not iodized).
  • 2-3 bay leaves.
  • Eight peas of black pepper.
  • 6-7 dry clove buds.
  • Two dill umbrellas.
  • A bunch of fresh green dill.
  • Six leaves of currant.

How to grease boletus for the winter hot way

Prepare the boletus (wash, clean, cut), if they are large, then cut, leave small ones whole or just separate the hats from the legs.

Pour 2 liters of water into the saucepan, no more, it is better to take a little less, boil, add mushrooms to boiling water, reduce heat, cook for thirty minutes, removing the foam that appears each time.

When the foam has ceased to form, pour all the seasonings according to the recipe, except for greens, you need to add it 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

When the boletus settles to the bottom, and the brine becomes transparent, it will mean that everything is ready.

Now it remains to pour the products into sterile jars and roll up. Pour the boletus with the brine so that the liquid is about 2 cm on top of the mushrooms.

Mushroom pickling is finished! Allow the sunsets to cool completely, while wrapping the boletus is not necessary. Then clean in a cold place and store all winter. Eat boletus cooked in this way is possible after 1-1.5 months. The shelf life of rolled up cans is up to 5 months.

Good luck and all the best!

In September, it is customary to collect and harvest mushrooms. Many inveterate mushroom pickers look forward to the “silent hunt” season to go to the forest for full baskets of porcini mushrooms, boletus boletus, honey agarics and boletus. With the same pleasure then do the troubles of canning. Pickled mushrooms or salted mushrooms will decorate any feast. There are a lot of recipes for cooking and the nuances of salting.

The basics of delicious salting

The main difference between cold and hot salting is only the time spent on canning. Cold workpieces take more time before the finished product is ready and can be eaten. Usually, cold spices do not require additional spices and other ingredients, only salt. Prepared mushrooms are placed in jars or other suitable containers, sprinkled with salt, and a press is placed on top. Before you start pickling mushroom preparations, you need to know how many different types should be cooked:

  • mushrooms - 4−5 days;
  • value - not less than one and a half months;
  • gruzdy - month;
  • waves - month;
  • whites - 40 days.

Hot canning is suitable for those cases when you need to get a quick snack on

festive table. It is not necessary to wait months: the snack will be ready within a week after rolling. Those types of mushrooms that may be bitter should be boiled in salted water for 20 minutes (mushrooms and honey mushrooms - no more than five minutes). It is enough to simply cover the russula, whitewash and trawl with boiling water, then lower it into hot water for half an hour, wash it and pour it with salt, send it under oppression (similar to the cold salting method). This method is ideal for home use.

Mushroom pickling recipes will vary depending on the type of raw material. Each mushroom has its own cooking features. If you take them into account when pickling, you can get a stunning appetizer for strong alcohol or an addition to a meat or vegetable main dish.

Recipes can be selected based on the recommendations of experienced chefs:

  • for salting, it is better to take mushroom caps;
  • the hot method is ideal for mushrooms, pigs and lines;
  • if the mushrooms were too dirty, you need to soak them for 2-3 hours in water with salt;
  • when harvesting mushrooms by the hot method, it is advisable to add 1 tsp. citric acid per liter capacity;
  • ideal containers for salting - wooden tubs and barrels.

Any container - wooden or glass - must be thoroughly washed before starting work. Glass jars must be sterilized steamed or in a hot oven.

Mushroom Recipes

The most popular for salting are considered to be milk mushrooms, saffron milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, butter and mushrooms. All recipes for pickling mushrooms are similar. Differences only in cooking time and additional ingredients.

Garlic breasts

For salads, the hot salting method is recommended. It has a lot of advantages. In the future, salting will not have an unpleasant aroma, cooking mushrooms will remove the bitterness, and the cooking time will be significantly reduced. It is this type of harvesting of mushrooms that is considered the most reliable for mushrooms, which are considered conditionally edible. As the ingredients you need to take:

Using an old toothbrush, clean fresh mushrooms from debris and dirt. The legs need to be trimmed briefly, leaving at least 1 cm under the hat. Cut rotten and suspiciously soft places with a knife to a healthy pulp. Cut large fruits into smaller pieces. Pour the prepared mushrooms with water, salt, bring to a boil. Boil the mushrooms for at least five minutes, removing the foam from time to time. After 5 minutes, remove the mushrooms with a slotted spoon, rinse under running water in a strainer or colander.

Leave to drain and cool. In the meantime, sterilized jars need to be prepared. Pour a little salt at their bottom, put two peas of pepper, a few twigs of dill, two leaves of currant. Put the cooled mushrooms on the spices. Spices and mushrooms spread in layers. Do not pour out the remaining mushroom broth - they need to fill in the cans, wait until all the air comes out and then close the nylon covers.

Metal covers in this case will not work. Jars with breasts should cool in the room, after cooling completely they need to be moved to a cold place. A month later, white breasts can be put on the table.

Salted saffron mushrooms

To preserve all the useful properties and qualities of these mushrooms, they must be salted in a cold way. As mentioned earlier, this is one of the simplest methods that does not require boiling or boiling. The only condition is that you cannot use plastic and iron containers for pickling. Wooden or glass containers are ideal. For salting mushrooms, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • from spices - currant leaves, allspice, ground black pepper, bay leaf;
  • salt - per 1 kg of mushrooms - 50 g;
  • mushrooms - 1 kg.

Only fresh, young saffron mushrooms are salted. They must be carefully cleaned of dirt with a brush, washed under running water and dried on a towel. After drying, put in a container where the salting process will take place, after pouring a certain amount of salt to the bottom. Spread saffron mushrooms with their hats up, shift each mushroom layer with spices and salt. When the container is completely full, put the load on top and send it to a cool place for a month. Then you can taste the salted mushrooms.

Spicy mushrooms

Honey mushrooms are a versatile ingredient suitable for both hot and cold salting. In the first case, the product will be ready for use earlier; in the second, honey mushrooms will retain more beneficial properties. When choosing a cold method, it is worth remembering that two weeks are enough for readiness of mushrooms.

Wash leaves in cold water and dry. Take a ceramic container, put horseradish leaves on the bottom, lay the washed and peeled mushrooms on it with the hats down, lightly salt. On mushrooms lay dill branches, currant and cherry leaves, pepper, garlic cloves and bay leaves. Place a plate or a smaller lid on the workpiece, and install the yoke on top. Send the blank for five days to a cold place.

Drain the resulting liquid, put on top a second layer of honey mushrooms and the same number of leaves, spices and spices. Do not forget to salt before laying spices. The procedure is repeated until the fungus or place in the pickling tank is over. Then put several layers of gauze under the yoke and send the mushroom preparation for two weeks to a cold place.

Pickled oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms - record holders for the speed of pickling and pickling. They are quicker than all their relatives to salt and soak in marinade. For complete salting and pickling, they need less than a day. Their indisputable plus is that oyster mushrooms all year round can be found on sale at an affordable price. Oyster mushrooms are rich in protein, iron, and coarse fiber. Preserving oyster mushroom is easy and simple, even a novice housewife will quickly master this recipe. For it, you need to take the following ingredients:

Wash oyster mushroom in running water, cut off rough roots. Separate the hats from the legs, put in a pan, pour water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for ten minutes, periodically removing the foam. Pour water into a separate container, add salt to it. Bring to a boil, recline in a colander and leave to drain. Add spices and vinegar to the marinade. In prepared jars, spread the mushrooms, cut into slices, and garlic. Pour with slightly cooled marinade, close with nylon covers.

Leave at room temperature or refrigerate. After a day, you can use pickled mushrooms.

Oil in brine

Like honey mushrooms, oil can be salted both cold and hot. There is nothing complicated in cold salting, the only thing is that you need to wait two weeks until the butter is ready. The recipe involves the use of the simplest brine - boiled water and salt. As components you need to take:

Prepare clean enameled dishes. Put butter in it with the caps down, on top - chopped garlic, allspice, lavrushka and salt. Then a second layer of mushrooms and again spices on top. Repeat the procedure until the ingredients run out. Put a plate on the mushrooms, and put a jar of water on it - this will ensure the allocation of brine and uniform salting out of the oils. You can add a little boiled water if the allocated juice is not enough. Day oil should remain at room temperature. Arrange them in banks and pour the resulting brine. Store 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.

Fast porcini mushrooms

Ceps are a very common participant in the diet of post-Soviet countries. This is an incredibly tasty and healthy product. They deteriorate very quickly after collection, so you can not hesitate with pickling. The proposed method will make it possible after two days to enjoy a fragrant mushroom snack. To prepare it, you need to take the following ingredients:

Porcini mushrooms need to be sorted out and soaked in water for an hour. During this time, change the water several times. Brush off all dirt and debris. Trim parts of the legs with the ground. Particularly large mushrooms cut into several parts. Pour water into the pan, add salt and send to the stove. As the future pickle boils, send all the other spices there. Lower the prepared boletus into boiling brine, reduce the heat. Boil mushrooms for at least 20 minutes, then lay on a sieve or colander. Do not pour the brine.

Sterilize banks. In the prepared container, put the mushrooms, tightly, with the hats up. The brine should cool.

With cooled marinade, fill in the blanks, clog the cans with nylon covers and send to a cool place for storage. After 48 hours, you can treat your loved ones with fragrant white mushrooms!