Salted instant cucumbers. Fast salted cucumbers in a jar

24.09.2019 Soups

Fast salted cucumbers are “just a dream” for almost any hostess. Agree, because not a single festive table can do without delicious and crispy pickles. A year ago, I was visiting my older sister, and on the table I saw such chic salted cucumbers. They have always been my weakness: especially if they retained natural freshness. Having tried the cucumbers, I did not immediately believe that they were pickled. I was convinced only after I saw the jar where the cucumbers were stored. Natural crunch and incredible sweet-salty taste won my heart. Try it: you are sure - instant cucumbers will impress.


Fresh cucumbers - 1.5 kilograms;

2 tablespoons of salt;

Black pepper peas - 10 pieces;

One and a half liters of water;

A couple of large heads of garlic;

Cherry, currant leaves;

Horseradish leaves (you can use a peeled root);

Inflorescences of dill;

A teaspoon of sugar.

Fast salted cucumbers. Step by step recipe

Cooking light-salted cucumbers is a very easy and simple process, and most importantly: you can get your favorite pickles in a short time.

1. Prepare a 3 liter jar. Also find a nylon cover so that later it can be used to close salted cucumbers with boiling water. Take soda and wash the jar thoroughly with its help: so that it is sterile clean.

2. Prepare a pickle for quick cucumbers in a jar. Pour into a saucepan of water: one and a half liters of water is the norm for pickling a three-liter jar of cucumbers.

3. Turn on the burner, and put a saucepan with water on it. Add salt and a little sugar to the water.

4. After that, cover the pan with a lid and bring the consistency to a boil.

5. Take horseradish leaves or chopped root, put on the bottom of the jar.

6. Then we bend the branches of dill and shove it after the horseradish. We do the same with the leaves of currant and cherry. Before you put them in a jar, be sure to rinse so that dirt and germs do not get on the cucumbers.

7. Pour a little pea of \u200b\u200bblack pepper.

8. Peel the garlic and cut it in half so that the juice and aroma stand out better. Add it to the jar.

9. We take fresh cucumbers, thoroughly rinse them. Now you need to trim the ends on each: on both sides.

10. After we lay them on twigs in a jar. We do this carefully so that the cucumbers fit tightly on one another.

11. After half the tank is full, repeat the layer of twigs. It is necessary that the pickles in the jar quickly and evenly soaked in spices.

12. Then again take the pickles and lay them to the end of the jar.

13. On top also lay the leaves of horseradish, dill and currants.

14. Now take the pickle. He should boil with us and stand for about five minutes. Remember: pouring quick cucumbers with boiling water is not recommended.

15. Fill with brine. It should be noted that the jar needs to be filled to the very top. Then we close the jar with a nylon cover. Leave the jar to stand at room temperature for 24 hours: you can leave it on the kitchen table. Thus, we will cook light-salted cucumbers to eat them in a day. A jar of cucumbers must be stored in the refrigerator: keep in mind that every day they will become more salt

There are several tricks on how to pickle cucumbers at home, so that they have an incredible taste and a pleasant crunch.

1. Before using cucumbers, you should soak them for three hours in clean cold water: then they will become more elastic and crispy. But, keep in mind: this way it is impossible to bring sluggish vegetables back to life, although many are mistakenly convinced of this.

2. In order for the cucumbers in the jar to become crispy in one day, do not fill the jar too tightly with them. Leave some space so that they absorb the brine well.

3. By the way, so that cucumbers better absorb the aroma of spices, it is best to place them vertically in a jar.

4. You can save time by not cutting off the ends of vegetables: since they are thoroughly soaked thoroughly.

5. Be sure to carefully rinse the cucumbers to get rid of dirt and bacteria. Agree - these are extra ingredients.

6. In order for the salted cucumbers in the jar, cooked in one day, to stand for as long as possible, pour them with cold brine and store in the refrigerator. Low temperature slows down the fermentation process.

7. It is better to choose small cucumbers that do not have yellowness. Perfect for pickling if cucumbers with pimples do not bitter.

Well, here we are acquainted with the recipe for fast salted cucumbers. They turn out incredibly delicious and crunch nicely, while maintaining the characteristics of fresh vegetables. They can be used as slices, snacks, as an ingredient in a salad on your holiday table.

Salted cucumbers - a great summer snack with or without cause. They are perfectly served with boiled potatoes, kebabs, fried chicken, and any other dishes; use as a component for salads, and just crunch for pleasure.

I’m not saying how good they are for strong drinks - it’s better not to find snacks!

There is simply no way to cook such a snack. And all because the people's love for this cause is too great. In addition, when they grow on their own beds, and you remove them every day by a bucket, it only remains to preserve them and lightly salt them. Because overpowering them in other ways is simply not within the power.

But if preservation is a responsible and long process, then salt them quickly - just what you need. Therefore, they are salted in pots, jars, and simply in bags. Salted in the evening, and in the morning it is already possible to serve on the table. And there are super fast ways, thanks to which they can be served at the table in half an hour. These are the methods of salting in packages loved by many, or express methods.

Here in today's article, we are just today and will consider such quick ways. Of course, we cannot reflect all of them in one article, since there are - well, just a lot of them! But at least the most basic and popular need to know.

The most convenient way to cook light-salted cucumbers in a pan. Fruits of any size are suitable for this, but still it is best to take medium or small specimens. Firstly, because they will be salted faster, and secondly, because their skin is much more tender and therefore they themselves will turn out to be crispy and not soft.

In addition, in large fruits, rather large seeds are formed inside, and the whole taste of the pulp is given to them. Therefore, large specimens can be salted, but only when there are no others.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - 10 pcs (medium size)
  • horseradish leaf - 1 pc
  • dill - 4 umbrellas (2 - 3 branches)
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • red peppers - to taste
  • black pepper peas - 7 pcs.

To fill:

For 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. a spoon of salt


1. Wash fresh, strong fruits, cut off the tips. If they are solid, then they can be used immediately. And if the fruits are sluggish, then they should be poured with cold water for 3 to 4 hours. During this time, they are saturated with water and after salting will be hard and crunchy.

2. Rinse the greens thoroughly. I always take dill by eye, in the composition of the ingredients is given only their approximate amount. You can use any of its parts - the umbrellas themselves, and the stem, and their openwork foliage. If the dill bush is large, then the stalk needs to be cut.

In general, it is better to use different parts of it. It will be better for both taste and aroma.

3. Peel the garlic. Cut it into thin plates.

4. If you like sharper snacks, then prepare a slice of red capsicum. Personally, I always add it to the pickles, at least to the slightly salted ones. I add quite a bit, so that when you eat a finished product, you don’t feel it at all. But he leaves his little taste mark.

5. Put a pot of water on the fire. If the fruits are not very large, then a liter should be enough. But even if it’s not enough, then it’s better to boil a little more.

6. As soon as the water boils, pour salt into it and mix. If you want to add a little sweet touch, pour one and a half tablespoons of sugar.

7. In the meantime, the water begins to boil on the stove, lay all the cooked ingredients in a pan in layers. Put some greens down, then cucumbers, and the remaining greens.

In principle, how you distribute the ingredients does not play a special role. But it is desirable that a little horseradish and dill be on top. They need to cover the upper layer.

A large pan for such a quantity of fruits is not necessary. Otherwise, you need more brine. See that after laying the cucumbers in the pan, there is enough space left for it.

In addition, it will be inconvenient to put a large pot in the refrigerator, it will take up all the free space there.

8. Well, everyone has laid it out, and by this time we have already prepared a pickle. It must be salty. When you pour salt, do not be afraid that it may be a lot.

Pour boiling brine into a filled pan. He must completely cover all its contents. If filling is not enough, then boil another half liter of water and pour a tablespoon of salt after boiling. Add as much as needed.

9. Prepare a saucer according to the size of the inside of the pan and place it on top so that it plays the role of oppression and crushes all the contents.

10. Leave at room temperature overnight. In the morning, our salted cucumbers are ready. Especially if they are small. If larger, then they will need a little more time.

11. But whatever it was, in the morning you need to put a pot with the contents in the refrigerator. The salting process will occur there. But in the refrigerator, the brine will remain transparent. If you leave it at room temperature, then it will soon begin to cloudy and sour. And the fruits will also acquire a sour taste.

That’s basically it! Cucumbers can be eaten and enjoy their crisp content and pleasant taste.

And here is a video on how to cook your favorite snack in a saucepan.

We specifically shot the video for this article, and we really hope that it will help you quickly complete the task. Come on the channel, look and other materials, there are a lot of interesting things. Friends, and do not forget to subscribe and press the bell, so as not to miss new interesting recipes!

  Snack cucumbers cooked in a package for 1 hour

This option of salting is incredibly loved by the people, and in this way they are prepared at home, and in the country, and even at work. And those who went to nature, in general, consider it the best. As soon as the first fruits ripen in the gardens, they are picked, and after eating a few fresh ones, they immediately take up the bags.

According to this recipe, by the way, you can salt not only in the bag, but also in a plastic container. The effect can be achieved exactly the same, and even much faster.

But today we salt in a packet, therefore we prepare it. Yes, not one, but two, for better strength. So that our cucumbers would not jump out of the bag inadvertently.

And I almost forgot to say that this method is not only very tasty, but also the fastest. After salting our product, after 40-60 minutes it can already be eaten fully prepared. And one must also say that it is so simple that it is unlikely that it will be possible to find something even simpler.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - 500 gr
  • garlic - 1 - 2 cloves
  • dill - half a bunch
  • horseradish - 0.5 sheets
  • pepper to taste
  • salt to taste


For this method, medium-sized varieties are best suited. Moreover, they can salt not only ordinary small vegetables, but also long salad varieties. They are long and thin, and this is just good, which means they will salt out faster.

1. Wash the fruits, cut the ends on both sides and cut. You can do this in different ways, you can cut them lengthwise into 2 to 4 parts, depending on size. And you can cut them into medium-sized circles, or cubes. It also depends on their size.

The finer you cut them, the faster the pickling time will be.

A feature of this method is just that the vegetable is necessarily cut. And how much you will make it does not make much difference. The main thing is that the pieces are not too large, or too small.

2. Chop the garlic as finely as possible, this is important. We need garlic juice, which quickly penetrates the pulp of the fetus. Therefore, for this, you either need to chop the garlic very finely, or use the garlic press.

3. We also need to cut the dill smaller. For this recipe you need only the tender parts of dill, separate the coarse stems and remove them. If in other methods of salting you can use any part of it, then here only openwork twigs are suitable.

And lovers can still add a little parsley for taste and aroma.

4. Tear a half of a sheet of horseradish with your hands into small fragments, so that subsequently you can easily remove them.

Sometimes there is no horseradish, so nothing bad will happen if we do not add it. When we salt cucumbers in this way at work, no one even remembers him.

5. Salt the fruits, as for a salad, so that they can be eaten. They should turn out moderately salty. To determine if salt is enough, chopped cubes should be mixed and be sure to try.

If the taste suits you, then just take a pinch of salt and pour it into our billet. We cook light-salted cucumbers, not a salad, so we need a little more salt than for a salad.

6. Now that you have cut and prepared everything, you can put all the components in a plastic bag. Rather, in two packages, one needs to be inserted into the other. Further you will understand why such a manipulation is needed.

7. Yes, I almost forgot. Add some more pepper. For this I really like to crush two or three peas of black pepper and add them. The aroma in this case will be simply stunning.

But if you do not want to mess around, just add a pinch of ordinary ground pepper.

8. Now the fun begins. Twist the bag and shake it very vigorously up and down, so that all components are mixed, and juice should appear.

9. Let lie in this state for about 10 minutes, and then shake again. After that, take air into a bag, you can even inflate it there and tie it tightly. Put in the refrigerator.

An hour later, our delicious and aromatic appetizer is ready. Feel free to serve it on the table and treat everyone present.

If there is no refrigerator, then at room temperature you can withstand an appetizer for more than an hour, and for 30 to 40 minutes, periodically shaking the bag again.

The finished product is best to eat right away. When he lies for a long time, he loses taste. The garlic odor and aftertaste begin to prevail. And the cucumbers themselves lose their shape, because the juice flows out very intensively. And their taste becomes watery. Therefore, low-salt them in a packet for one, maximum two times.

But to eat them is still desirable in one day.

Cherry tomatoes can be salted in the same way. To do this, they need to be pricked with a toothpick. And it takes 24 hours to pickle. But they turn out just incomparable.

Here is such a wonderful and quick way. To prepare such an appetizer of time - you just need everything - nothing. Cut everything, but shake, that’s the whole story.

And such cucumbers can be salted in just 10 minutes. Watch the video from our YouTube channel.

That's how fast and simple it is!

  Lightly salted cucumbers in a hot pickle per night

It takes exactly one night to pickle our green vegetables in this way. That is, if you salt them in the evening, then in the morning you can already eat them with might and main, especially if you use small copies.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - on a 3 liter jar (how many will be included)
  • dill - 8 umbrellas (or 1 large bush)
  • currant leaf - 8 pcs.
  • cherry leaf - 8 pcs.
  • horseradish - 1 sheet (small)
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • black pepper - 10 pcs.
  • allspice - 3 pcs.
  • red chillies - to taste and severity
  • 6 clove buds

For brine:

  • water - 1.5 liters
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons


I will salt the cucumbers in a three-liter jar, but you can also salt in the pan. It’s just that you can put everything very compactly and tightly in the jar, and you will need more space in the pan. But this will not affect the quality in any way, so choose the capacity yourself.

1. Wash the fruits and cut off the tips. Let me remind you that if they are small and torn, for example in the morning, and you cook them in the evening, then soak them in water for about 3 hours. This is provided that you did not immediately put them in the refrigerator. The same applies to purchased items.

Otherwise, they will not turn out crispy and dense. It is summer, and cucumbers quickly lose moisture when exposed to heat. And moisture is very important for everything to work out as it should.

2. Wash the greens and immediately put all of them on a plate so that you don’t forget anything later. Today I did not have currant leaves, and I decided to replace them with raspberry leaves. I won’t achieve a smell, of course, but it will be possible to maintain rigidity.

Dill can be used not only in umbrellas, but also take a whole bush, along with the stem. If it is large, then it can be cut as needed.

Tear a sheet of horseradish into smaller fragments.

3. Prepare spices, also all at once in one place, so as not to forget anything. I use red hot peppers. It is of varying severity, this must be taken into account. My pepper is very sharp and therefore I take it just a little bit.

Peel and chop the garlic into thin slices.

4. We will need a three-liter jar. It must be thoroughly washed with soda and rinsed with boiling water.

5. Now that we have everything ready, we will put everything in a jar. The first layer to lay the fruits very tightly to each other. If the last of them has to be squeezed, then this must be done. The denser we put them, the less we need brine.

Spread larger copies down, smaller ones on top. Small ones pickle faster, and eat them faster. In the meantime, the essence, yes the matter, the lower ones will arrive in time.

6. Then put a little different greens and some garlic.

7. Then again cucumbers, you can immediately two layers. And again, herbs, garlic and half the whole pepper, along with red. In the middle is the place for him.

8. And so, alternating layers, fill the jar at the very neck. I have medium-sized samples and they were included in the bank much more than I expected. And not even enough. I had to run into the greenhouse with a flashlight and look for them there in the dark.

9. On top, be sure to put the remaining peppercorns and greens. Great, everything turned out very beautifully. And tomorrow it will still be delicious!

10. Boil water, as it boils, add salt and sugar. Wait until they dissolve and boil again. The brine, and also it is called brine, is ready.

11. Pour it into a jar at the very neck. It took me about 1, 4 liters. But this amount will depend on how tightly you stacked all the cucumbers.

12. Cover the jar with a saucer, if they want to jump out, then put a liter jar of water on top.

13. Leave the jar in the kitchen at room temperature until morning.

14. In the morning it will be possible to see that they have changed their color. This means that they are ready. And you can already take a sample.

15. After trying, put the jar in the refrigerator and store it there. At any time, day or night, cold crispy cucumbers are waiting for you to get them and taste them.

By evening, larger specimens are already suitable. Therefore, boil potatoes or fry meat. An incredible dinner awaits you!

  Quick recipe for salting with lime and mint

It is very good to cook such an appetizer by going to a picnic. They are prepared almost instantly. It will take only 30 minutes for them to become salted and become very tasty.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - 1.5 kg
  • lime - 3 pcs.
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • mint - 4 branches
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • allspice - 3 peas
  • black pepper - 4 peas


1. Wash and prune the fruit on both sides. Cut each of them into two or four parts, depending on their size.

2. In a mortar, grind peppercorns. You could use ground pepper, but when the pepper has just been crushed, it has a completely different smell, much more saturated and aromatic.

3. Wash and dry the limes. Then grate the zest, only its green part.

Add the zest to the mortar and shred it with pepper. Feel the scent. Here also, and maybe even our cucumbers will smell even better.

4. From the remaining limes, squeeze the juice into a separate container.

5. Cut the mint and dill smaller. If the dill has very thick stems, then it is better to cut them. If they are small, and most importantly not hard, then cut them too.

6. Put the fruits in a bowl. Pour them with juice and sprinkle with spices. Then mix gently so that the cubes remain whole.

7. Let stand in this form for 30 minutes. After this time, they are ready and they can be served at the table.

It turned out to be an excellent appetizer for and something stronger.

Therefore, when you are planning on nature, take with you everything you need. Better a snack is hard to come up with!

  Salted with garlic and herbs in soy sauce

This recipe differs from all others in that it uses soy sauce and a lot of greens as a marinade. In the original, dill and cilantro are taken. But I know that not everyone can tolerate the smell of cilantro, and they won’t even eat other greens that just lay nearby.

Therefore, if you belong to just such people, then replace the cilantro with parsley. Or just add one dill, as I did in today's version.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - 1 kg
  • garlic - 5 - 6 pcs.
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • cilantro (parsley) - 1 bunch
  • soy sauce - 200 ml
  • olive or sunflower oil - 1 tsp
  • vinegar - 1 teaspoon (incomplete)
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • ground red pepper - to taste (pinch)
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • sesame seeds - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Wash the fruits and cut off the ends on both sides. Cut them into 4 parts, and if the vegetables are long or pot-bellied, then you can cut them into 6 - 8 parts. In general, cut so that immediately took a piece and sent it to the mouth in its entirety, or so that it would be enough for two bites.

Salt on top, mix and let stand a little.

Prepare the ingredients immediately so that everything is at hand.

2. Fold the cubes into a pan or bowl.

3. Rub the garlic on a fine grater. If you crush it with a press, or finely chop it, then it will be felt, and it will be grated just right. It will fully connect with all other components and will not stand out to taste in any way.

4. Finely chop the greens. If she has sufficiently thin stems, then they are also ground, if they are large, then it is better to remove them.

5. Pour sesame seeds into a bowl or deep plate. Pour in soy sauce, vinegar and oil. Mix everything. Let stand a little so that the seeds are nourished.

Vinegar should be added with caution. It’s just that everyone has different tastes, and therefore it’s hard to please everyone. Therefore, add as you wish.

By the way, you can use lemon juice together with it. So it will even be more natural. In addition, we will get another wonderful aroma.

6. Pour greens, garlic and black pepper into the saucepan, mix well. Then pour the liquid component with sesame seeds and mix again.

7. In principle, that's all! Now just put the saucepan in the refrigerator, closing it with a lid. And after 4 - 6 hours, our salted cucumbers with herbs, in soy sauce are ready.

Very tasty! As it turned out, soy sauce goes well with the hero of our story today.

You can store them in a bank in the refrigerator. We kept for a week, and nothing happened to them. Throughout the shelf life they remained tasty and mouth-watering.

  Cold and fast way on mineral water

And there is also such an interesting way to salt cucumbers. This is the so-called cold pickling method. You can of course use ordinary cold water, but preferably spring.

And you can like this, with a mineral water.

Mineral water must be carbonated. Just gas bubbles contribute to the fact that the salting process occurs quickly enough.

You can eat delicious beautiful cucumbers the very next day.

  Ambassador fast way without color loss

I heard that pickles can be salted in such a way that they will not lose their color. It was always interesting how this can be achieved.

And then one day I came across such a recipe, which just described how to do it. And you know what was the secret - vodka was added to the brine! That's it!)

Yes, and they salt in a barrel. Although you can salt them in a saucepan.

I give the recipe in the form in which it came to me. The proportions here are quite large, but I decided not to change them. Someone wants to salt only half a kilogram of fruit, someone 3, and someone all 10. Therefore, I thought that everyone was taught at school how to work with proportions, and each person could calculate the necessary number of kilograms and grams for himself .

We will need:

  • cucumbers - 10 kg
  • dill - 320 gr
  • currant leaf - 320 gr
  • horseradish leaf - 170 gr
  • chopped garlic - 20 gr

For brine:

  • water - 7 liters
  • salt - 320 gr
  • vodka - 150 ml

It is very convenient to salt a kilogram of vegetable per sample. In this case, the weight of all other ingredients is simply divided by 10.


1. Wash the fruits and cut off both ends. Take not very large specimens, their skin is more delicate and they turn out more delicious because of this. Brine through a thin skin better nourishes the inner flesh.

Prepare all the greens immediately so that it is at hand.

2. Put the cucumbers in the barrel, shifting them in layers with herbs and garlic.

The top layer must be made of greenery.

3. Boil water and add salt to it. As soon as the salt has dissolved, add vodka and turn it off immediately.

4. Pour the hot brine into the barrel. To squeeze the contents with not very heavy oppression, just a flat plate will suffice.

5. The next day you can eat them.

But on the same day they will need to be removed to the basement. I think that not every house has a barrel and a cellar. Therefore, salt our vegetable in a saucepan and store in the refrigerator.

I myself love when there is plenty to choose from. When you try to cook according to different recipes, there will certainly be one among them that you love the most.

But how many people, so many opinions, especially when it comes to taste. What I like the most doesn't have to be like another.

So try it and look for your recipe. Our summer is long, and so what - why, and cucumbers will always be born in large numbers. Therefore, you can try a lot of different options.

And I end here. And I want to wish everyone that you always get only the most delicious cucumbers!

Bon Appetit!

My friends, summer is in full swing. The season of harvesting is not far off. But first, we treat ourselves to light-salted cucumbers. Today, I will gladly tell you how to make them tasty, fragrant and crunchy.

Earlier, I told about. Now, I propose to consider the options for salting in a hot way. I present to you a small selection of recipes. Each of which is interesting and good in its own way.

The process of preparing a vegetable for pickling will not take you much time and effort. You will need only a little effort and desire. Then your result will be excellent!

Salted cucumbers prepared according to any of the recipes set forth below instantly leave the table. They are so delicious and tasteful that everyone at the table, eating one, is pulled by the other here!

Although there are not some basic mandatory criteria, it’s worthwhile to heed some tips. I will write them a little lower:

  • For a quick salting, the vegetable should be cut off at the edges or made several small cuts.
  • To make the cucumbers elastic again, as if they had just been picked, hold them for several hours in ice water. You can actually add ice cubes.
  • The best option for pickling is small cucumbers. Small, equal size, with thin skin and pimples.
  • To preserve the vegetable crunch, despite the hot method, stack them not very tightly to each other.
  • Rock salt is ideal. In no case do not take iodized. Otherwise, it will not turn out crispy and tasty. Because iodine is a powerful emollient.
  • To ensure that the product is salted to the same extent, stack them vertically in a container.

Choose a recipe according to your soul, according to your abilities. Cook this wonderful snack as soon as possible and treat it to your family members and guests! You will be convinced that such a dish can be eaten before being eaten! Good luck, great mood!

Hot cucumbers in a saucepan with horseradish and pepper

The peculiarity of this recipe is that it is not dill umbrellas that are usual for us that are used, but their seeds. Or you can use fresh dill. How many do it. However, with seeds it turns out not a little worse. Therefore, rather harvest and experiment.

It is necessary:

  • Cucumbers - 2.5 kilograms
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Horseradish leaf - 3 - 4 pieces
  • Celery - 2 - 3 pieces
  • Cherry twig - 2 pieces
  • Dill seeds - 1 tbsp. l
  • Allspice - 1 tablespoon
  • Hot peppers - 2 pieces
  • Bay leaf - 2 - 3 pieces
  • Water - 3 l.


Fill deep dishes with the required amount of liquid. Pour salt into it, dissolve

Put in a salt solution peppercorns, a pair of hot peppers, bay leaf. Heat to boiling

Rinse cucumbers from earthen grains and dust. Trim each nose

Cut all the cloves of garlic in half

Put horseradish leaves and a small branch of cherry in another deep pan

Spread the first layer of cucumbers, sprinkling half of it, of the total amount, of garlic

In the center, arrange the cherry branch, spread the celery

Repeat the layer of cucumbers again. Sprinkle dill seeds on their surface. Spread the rest of the chopped garlic

Remove boiling brine from the fire. Allow it to cool slightly for five to ten minutes. Gently pour them in the laid mass. Build oppression from above. It is desirable that it covers the entire surface of the contents

Leave in the room until completely cooled. This will take about five to six hours. After that, rearrange in the cold for one day.

Once the specified time has passed, you can put on the table. In addition, boil the potatoes.

Have a nice tasting and good mood!

The option is more suitable for connoisseurs of aromatic gourmet snacks. Standing quietly on the sidelines will not work. Since the aroma and appearance of such cucumbers will captivate from afar. Yes, and why not try it?

It is necessary:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5 kilograms
  • Garlic - 10 to 12 prongs
  • Horseradish leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Currant leaf - 7 - 10 pieces
  • Fresh dill - 1 bunch
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Salt - 4 tbsp. l
  • A mixture of peppers peas - 1 tbsp.
  • Carnation bud - 2 teaspoons
  • Bay leaf - 4 - 5 pieces


Thoroughly rinse the vegetable, foliage. Prepare the garlic by washing it, like everything else. Cut the garlic cloves in half. Chop fresh green dill.

To spread the leaves of currant and horseradish over the bottom area of \u200b\u200ba clean and deep pan.

Place cucumbers close to each other, sprinkling them with chopped dill. By adding chopped pieces of garlic.

In a second volumetric pan filled with water, dissolve the salt. Put pepper, bay leaf and cloves in the solution. Heat on a stove to a boil. Next, remove from heat.

Carefully pour brine into the laid mass with spices. Close them with a lid. Leave in a room to cool.

In the future, rearrange the filled cooled tank in the refrigerator for a day.

Exactly one day later, you can try.

Bon appetit, fertile summer season to you!

I want the cucumbers to maintain their rich color. To find such a recipe still did not work. However, quite by accident, I read the secret of such an ambassador. It turns out there is such a product. It will help maintain color without ruining the taste. This is a well-known alcoholic drink like vodka. And let it not be scary, but rather move on to practice. Try this delicacy yourself.

It is necessary:

  • Cucumbers - 10 kilograms
  • Dill - 320 grams
  • Currant leaf - 320 grams
  • Horseradish leaf - 170 grams
  • Chopped Garlic - 20 grams
  • Water - 7 l.
  • Salt - 320 grams
  • Vodka - 150 milliliters


Rinse cucumbers thoroughly in clean cold water. Cut off spouts and stalks.

The best size is small and medium. Through a young peel, the brine better impregnates the pulp, saturates it with aroma. These vegetables are more elastic, saturated

Pick and process fresh herbs and garlic immediately. Everything should be perfectly clean, without the slightest grain of dirt or dust.

Put the cucumbers in a pan or barrel, alternating with prepared spices. From above, the main vegetable must necessarily cover the greens.

Boil water in a clean saucepan, pour salt into it. When the brine boils, pour vodka into it, immediately remove from the heat

Pour the prepared mass with hot brine. Press down with a load. Cover with a tight lid. Leave to marinate for a day. Then, it will be possible to serve on the sample table.

Such a salty snack is perfectly stored in the cold.

Bon appetit, good pickles!

Salted cucumbers with mustard and hot chili with vinegar

And this is an interesting recipe for spicy lovers. Such cucumbers go well with potatoes and meat. Especially while on vacation.

It is necessary:

  • Cucumbers - 1 kilogram
  • Garlic - 8 to 10 prongs
  • Chili pepper - 1 - 2 pieces
  • Green dill - 1 bunch
  • Coriander seeds - 1 tsp.
  • Zira - 1 tsp
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l
  • Powdered mustard - 1 tsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tsp


Rinse cucumbers thoroughly, trim the edges. Processed garlic cloves cut in half. Chill hot pepper into thin rings.

Fold tightly to each other in suitable salting dishes. Stack, alternating with dill, garlic, chili, coriander and zira.

Pour water into another container, pour salt into it. Stir until completely dissolved. Heat to a boil, remove from heat. Then add mustard and vinegar.

Pour the stacked vegetable with this brine. Close them with a lid. Allow to cool completely indoors. After rearranging for a day - two in the cold.

Best pickles to you!

Incomparable cucumbers. With a light aromatic aftertaste. Try it, do not be disappointed!

It is necessary:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5 kilograms
  • Horseradish leaf - 1 piece
  • Dill - 2 umbrellas
  • Currant leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Cherry leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Hot pepper - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 5 prongs
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Water - 1 - 1.5 liters


Cut the processed cucumbers on both sides, put in a deep pan

Divide each garlic clove in half, put to the cucumbers

Rinse leaves from currants and cherries thoroughly in running water under a tap, spread them between cucumbers

Rinse a sheet of horseradish, cut and put in a pan.

Pour dill umbrellas with running water, add them to the total mass of products

Prepare the brine. After dissolving the salt in water, heat the mixture

Bringing it to a boil, pour cucumbers with added products, the resulting solution, vegetables should be completely covered with liquid. Cool, then refrigerate.

If you do cucumbers in the evening, then in the morning you can put them in the refrigerator. By lunchtime, the snack will be ready. You can start to eat. You will definitely admire the taste of salted snacks.

Put cucumbers on the table in chopped form.

Good day and great appetite!

Salted cucumbers with tomatoes per 1 liter of water

A combination of tomatoes and cucumbers is a great idea. Tasty and original. Appearance pleases the eye. Perfectly plays the appetite.

It is necessary:

  • Small cucumbers - 700 grams
  • Medium Tomatoes - 700 grams
  • Garlic - 3 to 4 prongs
  • Young horseradish - 1 sheet
  • Dill - 3-4 umbrellas
  • Cherry - 2 - 3 leaves
  • Blackcurrant - 2 - 3 leaves
  • Grapes - 2 - 3 leaves
  • Allspice peas - 6 - 7 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 6-7 pieces
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l with a slide
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l


Process the cucumbers. Pierce tomatoes in some places with a fork.

Peel the garlic, cut each clove into thin plastics.

Rinse greens, chop with a knife.

Transfer some spices, pepper, garlic to the dishes used for pickles.

It is most convenient to use any of the listed containers for pickles, or rather enameled, ceramic, glass or clay.

Arrange fresh cucumbers with tomatoes on top. Add to the main mass the remaining greens with spices.

Dissolve salt with sugar in boiling water.

Hot pickle completely pour cucumbers. Wait until it cools to room temperature. Lightly cover the container with vegetables, send to the refrigerator for a day.

Garnish with chopped dill or parsley leaves, if desired. Serve the dish in a chopped form. Bon Appetit!

Video - recipe for salted cucumbers in Warsaw

And what you will not meet in our time. Like simple cucumbers, the usual way of salting. However, how many options for their preparation. Here you will learn how to make them light-salted with dry powder spices. Using not only pepper, horseradish, garlic. But also fragrant barberry. The taste is excellent. And the quality of conscience. The result will be so delicious that you lick your fingers.

You can watch all the instructions in the video located a little lower.

So all the detailed recipes are studied. With their help, you will get delicious cucumbers. Each recipe is a hot way of pickling. That is, hot pickle is used in preparing snacks. There is absolutely nothing terrible and dangerous in this. Everything is done in a short period of time. Having tried, you will be sure of it! You see, such cucumbers will become a constant snack on your table. Especially if they are small. But for kids it is very convenient to use gherkins. Only should reduce the number of dosages of the composition. Yes, and they look good on the table.

Never be afraid to experiment! The main thing is that there is a desire to try to cook something new. And your family will definitely appreciate it. Both adults and children.

Cook with love! Keep a positive and positive attitude! Bon Appetit!

How to salted cucumbers - delicious and crispy

How to salted cucumbers - delicious and crispy

Delicious, crispy light-salted cucumbers are not only an excellent addition to fried potatoes, but also a sign that summer is in full swing and the harvest season is ahead. But if we will not regale with the sunsets yet, then this product will delight you in a matter of days. There are a lot of quick recipes: in a bank in cold water, a hot bay - each self-respecting hostess has her own secrets. And what's important - always at hand.

When I read my recipes, I literally drool and my eyes run wide, there is only one problem - there are not enough cucumbers for everything. On bread, in a bag, on mineral water - how nice it is to crunch a delicious cucumber! And here are my cunning tricks:

How to salted cucumbers:

  1. Much depends on whether you choose the right pickles or miss. Take small, thin-skinned, strong and pimply. And it is better if they all are the same size, then they will saline at the same time.
  2. Pay attention to the water in which you will salted the cucumbers. If you are confident in your tap water, then use it. Water affects the quality of salting - this is unambiguous, because greenhouses absorb it into themselves. Bottled or filtered water is good.
  3. It is best to salted cucumbers in enameled, ceramic or glassware. The ideal option is a pan. Cans have two drawbacks: it is inconvenient to lay and get the product out of them. In addition, you do not need to ram the cucumbers tightly, they will not be as crispy as we would like.
  4. So that the greens were completely covered with brine, cover with a lid or saucer from above and press down with a weight.
  5. To make salted cucumbers not only strong, tasty, but also crunchy, be sure to soak them for 3 to 4 hours - this is the necessary stage of preparation.
  6. For salting, take only ordinary, rock salt, coarse. Iodized or marine will not work. The most common dosage is 2 tablespoons per liter of water, this is a classic option.
  7. Another caveat that you need to remember: during long-term storage, salted cucumbers gradually become salty. To prevent this from happening, cook them in small portions. Or store in the refrigerator, there the fermentation process is suspended due to low temperature.

Seasonings for lightly salted cucumbers:

An important component that makes salted cucumbers different every time. This is a peculiar highlight of the recipe. A bouquet of seasonings will give an unforgettable taste and aroma. By tradition, we are used to laying currant leaves, garlic and dill. Currants will give crispiness, the garlic will disinfect, and in combination with dill, each seasoning will add its own aromatic touch.

Many add horseradish leaves and are absolutely right - you will protect the product from mold and get a spicy speck. This is the basis, the foundation, which can be limited. But for a change you can add bay leaf, black allspice.

An interesting aroma and sourness will give the product red and black currant berries and apples. At the same time, remember that the taste of lightly salted cucumbers varies somewhat. Therefore, put a little, experiment, to understand what is more to your taste.

   Now, knowing all the rules and subtleties, you can start cooking. So: lightly salted cucumbers according to these recipes:

  How to salted cucumbers - recipes:

Recipe number 1.   Salted cucumbers in a package:
   Here's another one, a little more complicated.

We will need:

  • Cucumbers - 1 kg.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Cumin - take as desired.
  • Dill, horseradish and currant leaves - a small bunch.
  • Salt is a tablespoon.

How to cook:

  1. Mash the leaves of horseradish and currant with your hands, you can tear them smaller, chop the garlic finely, mash the cumin with a rolling pin and put everything in a bag. Send cucumbers cut on both sides and salt there.
  2. Tie the bag tightly and shake well so that all seasonings are evenly distributed.
  3. Send to the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, the bag should lie for an hour or two and then you can taste the cucumbers.

Recipe number 2.   With bread, in Hungarian.
   This is a Hungarian recipe that I already found on the Internet a long time ago, I did it a couple of times, I was very pleased.

We will need:

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg.
  • Bread, any, but black is better - 150 gr.
  • Black peppercorns - 8-10 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Dill - 2 bunches.
  • Water and salt (2 tbsp.spoons per liter).

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the greens for salting: wash, cut the ends on both sides, pierce the tip of the knife in several places.
  2. Cut the bread into thin slices and lightly brown in a skillet without fat.
  3. At the bottom of the dishes, place 2 slices of bread, all seasonings (mash the garlic a little to let the juice flow). Put the cucumbers and cover with slices of bread on top.
  4. Boil salted water. 2 kg. cucumbers you will need about 2 liters and 2 tablespoons of salt. Let her cool so that she is hot, but not much.
  5. Pour the greens with brine, cover the dishes (jar or pan) with gauze and place in a warm place. I put on the window.
  6. After 5 days, the cucumbers are considered ready. After that, they need to be removed, washed, folded into another jar and filled with brine, having previously filtered it.
  7. Keep in the refrigerator, but I warn you right away: it won’t work for a long time, they will fly away at the moment. But the mistress of the recipe for lightly salted cucumbers claimed that they stood in the refrigerator for a long time, only the brine was cloudy, but it was from bread.

Recipe number 3.   Lightly salted cucumbers in cold water. Fast pickling and absolutely not troublesome. And the result is amazing.

We will need:

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg.
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons.
  • Dill is a small bunch.
  • Garlic - a couple - three cloves.

How to cook:

  1. At the bottom of the dishes, put half the greens and half the garlic. Then tightly lay the cucumbers and place the remaining greens on top.
  2. Dissolve the salt in cold water and fill the greens.
  3. Cover, crushing it with oppression, and wait exactly one day.

I am writing, and I envy myself: while I was writing how to salted the cucumbers, I made myself a jar, according to the third recipe. Simple and tasteful, now I could live by tomorrow. I will crunch with all my heart, but with a young potato !!!

You will see another recipe in this video, it also sounds good, I will definitely try. Always yours ... Galina Nekrasova.


Instant salted cucumbers

But first, some tips:

  1. There are three types of salting of instant cucumbers: dry, in hot and cold brine. If you pour hot brine, the snack will be ready much faster, and the dry method is also very good in this regard. With a cold method of readiness, you will have to wait 2 to 3 days.
  2. Hot brine does not have to be prepared separately, just put all the ingredients in a jar and then pour boiling water - just remember to shake the jar well several times afterwards so that the salt and other spices are evenly distributed. Very convenient, even if you are in the country.
  3. For quick salting, choose small cucumbers, but not gherkins, with thin skin and pimples. Pimples say that in front of you is a variety of cucumbers specifically for pickling, and not lettuce (these are smooth).
  4. If you want instant salted cucumbers to be hard, then first wash them and pour cold water for a couple of hours, and so that they also become crispy, do not regret horseradish. So that they quickly become salted, I cut off the ends from both sides of them, and at the same time remove the nitrates, they accumulate just at the ends.
  5. It is best to stack vegetables in a pickling container vertically - they will saline more evenly.
  6. Do not ram the cucumbers tightly - and they will saline longer and crunch less.
  7. Do not cover the jar with a lid - salted cucumbers need air access, for faster fermentation - just cover with a napkin.
  8. Take coarse salt, iodized will not work. Store cucumbers in the refrigerator.

Salted instant cucumbers - recipes:

Recipe number 1.   The recipe is old, proven, meeting all the requirements for cucumber lovers.
   We will need:

  • Cucumbers, garlic, horseradish, roots and leaves, bitter capsicum, dill, coarse salt - 2 tablespoons without top per liter of water.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the garlic, chop the bitter pepper into small pieces, peel the horseradish root and chop it too. Lay cucumbers and spices in layers in a pan, starting with spices and ending with them.
  2. Pour brine on top, it should be so much that it covers the cucumbers completely. If you pour hot brine, then your snack will be ready in a day, cold - in three.

Recipe number 2   Salted.
   We will need:

  • Cucumbers
  • Garlic - about a clove for each cucumber.
  • Dill - a lot.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Bitter chili pepper - 1 pc.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cucumbers, cut into rings and put them in a bowl for preparation (it needs to be provided with a lid or bent). When laying cucumbers, sprinkle them with salt (on the eye), garlic, chopped sweet pepper and chili.
  2. Sprinkle finely chopped dill on top. Close the lid or oppression and refrigerate. After half an hour, you can start to try them, but in reality they will become ready in four hours.

Recipe number 3. Quick cooking salted cucumbers with apples.
   We will need:

  • Cucumbers - 1 kg.
  • Green apples - 2 pcs.
  • Blackcurrant leaves - 8 - 10 pcs.
  • Parsley and dill - take a small bunch.
  • Cherry Leaves - 2 - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic is a small head.
  • Black pepper, peas - 10 pcs.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons per liter of water.

How to cook:

  1. Wash cucumbers, apples, greens. Cut the apples into 4 parts, without removing the core, cut the ends of the cucumbers, cut the greens. Peel the garlic. Line the bottom of the pan with cherry and currant leaves, put pepper.
  2. Put apples and cucumbers in a saucepan, sprinkling with herbs and shifting garlic.
  3. Make a brine: boil water, put salt in and stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour in hot brine, cover with a napkin. It will be ready in 8 - 12 hours.

Recipe number 4.   With lime and mint.
   We will need:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5 kg.
  • Lime - 4 pcs.
  • Dill (possible with umbrellas) - a bunch.
  • Black and allspice peas - 5 each.
  • Mint - 4 - 5 branches.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Salt - 3.5 tablespoons.

How to cook:

  1. Crush lightly peas of black and allspice, mix them with sugar and 2.5 tablespoons of salt. Remove the zest from the limes, chop and add to the mixture.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the lime. Cut the mint and dill, cut the ends of the cucumbers on both sides, cut each into several parts, depending on the size - the preparatory work is finished.
  3. Place the cucumbers in a pickling bowl, sprinkle with a mixture of spices, chopped herbs, pour lime juice, and do not forget to add the remaining salt. Stir again - in half an hour our snack is ready! Before serving cucumbers with quick salting on the table, shake off excess salt and greens from them.

In addition to any traditional spices, you can add young zucchini or apples in the recipe for instant salted cucumbers - they will not spoil, but only decorate!
   Bon appetit, my dear! I hope that I have pleased you.

It’s great to crunch with light-salted cucumbers served with a plate of young potatoes - you don’t need cutlets for such a summer dinner! Fragrant, appetizing - with garlic and dill!

You already wanted to try, do not even have the strength to wait until the cucumbers ferment? And now I’ll tell you how to cook delicious salted cucumbers in just 15 minutes! And glass containers will not be needed, as we will pickle cucumbers in a bag. In the most ordinary sandwich bag. This method of salting is just as unusual, so simple, and what delicious food it turns out!


  • For 1 kg of cucumbers -
  • 1 tbsp salts;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • A small bunch of dill;
  • 1 large or 2 small heads of garlic.

How to quickly cook salted cucumbers in a bag:

Wash the cucumbers well. So that they quickly and well soaked in spices, it is better to choose small cucumbers. But, if they have grown to the size of a small zucchini, they will also do - we’ll just use it not entirely, but cut it into halves or quarters. For small cucumbers, it is enough to cut off the noses and ponytails.

We put the prepared cucumbers in a food bag - clean, preferably new, and, of course, whole.

Now pour spices on the cucumbers. We take coarse, non-iodized salt - only ordinary table salt is suitable for salting, because from iodized and fine, such as Extra, pickles become soft. This applies to harvesting for the winter, but, I think, is also true for "fast" cucumbers.

Then pour some sugar.

Now add vegetable oil to the cucumbers. You can take sunflower or olive - which is more to your taste, the main thing is that the oil is fragrant, unrefined - this will turn out to be both healthier and much tastier!

Peel the garlic, cut the cloves finely, three on a fine grater or pass through a press and also add to the cucumbers.

Dill is dipped for 5 minutes in cold water, and when the dust gets wet from the twigs, rinse under running water, dry it slightly on a towel and cut finely. Pour chopped dill to the whole mouth-watering company. You can add other herbs, the taste and smell of which you like: parsley or cilantro, basil, celery, arugula.

Now carefully collect the top of the bag, releasing air from it, and mix all the ingredients. Immediately turns out amazingly delicious cucumber salad! At this stage, I like cucumbers even more than after salting. Try to eat one right away! And put the rest for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, although you can eat "high-speed" cucumbers before - after 15-30 minutes.

Such salted cucumbers can be stored in the refrigerator for a week - but they are usually eaten earlier, and you need to cook a new portion!

The rules of a healthy diet implies that before serving main dishes, offer cold snacks that increase appetite and speed up metabolism. One of these snacks can rightfully be called light-salted instant cucumbers, the recipe for which every cook should have in his arsenal. Fresh vegetables can be found in the distribution network all year round, and if you do not have your own homemade preparations for the winter, you can use imported fresh fruits.

Salting Ingredients

Quick pickling can be done in several ways, which we will list with pleasure and briefly outline each technology. You just have to choose a quick recipe for salted cucumbers that suits you.

Before studying the technologies, it should be said that the broth uses the same ingredients that you can vary based on your own taste preferences.


Salt is used stone, not iodized.

For brine, the proportion is this: 1 liter of water requires 1 table. tablespoon of salt, although some home-cooks recommend 2 tablespoons.

It is worth noting that everything is determined by one’s own experience. For dry salting of vegetables - for 1 kg of cucumbers we take about 1 table. a spoonful of rock salt.

Greens and herbs

How to quickly salting vegetables without the use of special herbs? No way! The standard set is seeds, umbrellas and dill leaves in combination with garlic.

But most recipes contain additional spicy and odorous herbs, such as tarragon, savory, cilantro, basil and others. It turns out that greens and parsley stalks should not be put to the cucumbers, because then they soften and lose their crispness.

In addition to herbs, real pickling specialists use plants rich in tannins, such as oak leaves and bark, cherry and currant leaves, horseradish leaves and root.

Such additives do not allow salted vegetables to become too salty and peroxide, in addition, pickles become pleasantly crispy.

Spices and spices

The most popular spice is garlic. It is cleaned, cut into several parts and put to vegetables. As they say, “there is never too much garlic” - it gives strength and aroma to light-salted cucumbers, and not only to them!

From spices to pickles add bitter and fragrant peas of pepper, red bitter pepper with a pod, bay leaf and cloves. The amount depends on taste preferences.

But remember that too many strong spices destroy the flesh of the fruit and they become soft and peeled.


Sugar accelerates fermentation, but how to cook lightly salted cucumbers quickly if you do not accelerate the fermentation process?

Sugar we take a little less salt: 1 liter of water - about 1-2 tea. spoon or 1 kg of fruit - about 1 dessert spoon. But it’s also worth saying that sugar can be dispensed with. It's a matter of taste!

* Cooking tip
  Pick cucumbers of medium and small size, keeping about the same size of the fruit so that they are evenly salted. Be sure to cut off the “buttocks” of the fruits, which will allow them to quickly “grind up”.

How to quickly pickle cucumbers


  •   - 1,5 l + -
  •   - 2 tsp + -
  •   - 2 tbsp. l with the top + -
  • how much will go into a 3 liter jar + -
  •   - 2-3 umbrellas + -
  •   - 4 teeth + -


  1. This quick way is that prepared cucumbers, spices and herbs are placed in a 3-liter glass jar and poured with brine.
  2. In order for the recipe to quickly allow you to get a fragrant crispy snack to the table, cucumbers in a jar, the bottom of which is covered with greens, you need to lay vertically, pour sugar and salt on top and pour boiling water.
  3. Leave the glass container at room temperature for active fermentation.

In a day, the snack is ready!

Cooking Tip
  If you fill in simple, purified, but cold water, this increases the time of salting of vegetables up to 2-3 days, but in this case, salted cucumbers will become more crispy and aromatic. Choose!

Dry method of salting "in the package"

This is a very popular way that can please you with the simplicity of preparation and excellent result.

  • We put prepared fruits of the same size in a dense plastic bag, add greens and spices well-worn between the palms, sprinkle with salt and sugar and tie the bag tightly.
  • For 1 kg of cucumbers we take about 1.5 table. tablespoons of rock salt and 1 tsp Sahara.

  • Carefully rub its contents in the hands - for an even distribution of salt, sugar and aromatic herbs.
  • We leave in a warm place (but not in the sun) for a couple of hours, periodically mixing the contents of the package, and after that - move it to the refrigerator.

After 6-10 hours, salted cucumbers can be served.

How to cook cucumbers in 2 hours

How to cook salted cucumbers in an hour or 2 hours? Are there any such options? Of course have! And they are so simple to cook that you can treat your family with freshly prepared salted vegetables almost all year round.

It is enough to cut each cucumber into four parts along the fruit and salt it in a dry way (1 tablespoon of salt is required per 1 liter of water).

While you are preparing lunch or dinner, a healthy snack appetizes. We set the table, serve the main dishes and surprise everyone with a quick recipe for pickles!

Pickle pickles in 15 minutes

And how to make salted cucumbers in 15 minutes? And is that possible? Yes! Even a “five minute” is possible - for the most impatient! Discover the secrets!

  • My vegetables, cut the ends, and cut each fruit into 4 slices and put it in a tight bag made of food-grade polyethylene. For the recipe you will need 1 kg of cucumbers.
  • We mix the herbs, chopped garlic (6-7 cloves), salt (1.5 tbsp) and ground black pepper (pinch), break several leaves of laurel and pour the cucumbers.
  • We tie the bag and carefully rub its contents in our hands. Leave in a warm place.

After 15 minutes we are tasting!

Five-Minute Cucumbers

The whole secret of such quick salting is in small sliced \u200b\u200bfruits! This method can be called winter, since the greenhouse crop is also suitable for the recipe.

In addition to all standard spices and herbs (and in winter they can be dried), we use:

  • 700 g of cucumbers;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp;
  • Glass jar of suitable container for mixing ingredients.

How to cook cucumbers in 5 minutes

  1. Cucumbers are cut into rings approximately 4 cm wide, and then the resulting pieces are cut into straws 1 cm thick.
  2. We put all the slices in a jar, cover it tightly with a lid and begin to shake vigorously for 3-5 minutes.

Done! In just 5 minutes we get a great snack that leaves no one indifferent. Swept off the plate in the same 5 minutes!

Salted cucumbers in their own juice

This method is not as popular as the more familiar, but men are crazy about her! Instead of brine water, take strained cucumber juice (without pulp).

Great salted cucumbers are obtained, and the brine can be used further "for its intended purpose"! Is it possible to pour such a delicious?

We hope that having studied and tested our recipes for instant cooking of light-salted cucumbers, you will bring your own zest to each. After all, everything that we cook with excitement and imagination cannot be tasteless. Go for it!