Stewed apples for the winter - we will prepare the summer in jars! Recipes of different stewed apples for the winter with and without sterilization.

Whatever the variety of juices and fruit drinks in stores, you can’t imagine anything better than a home compote. By harvesting apple compote for the winter, you will know for sure that there are no preservatives, colorings or flavorings in your compote, only natural products and solid benefits. In the recipes below, a rather concentrated syrup is used - from 20 to 40%. Therefore, it must be diluted with cold boiled or prepared drinking water before use. Compote apples can be used as a filling for pies or an open apple pie, incredible delicious!

Before proceeding directly to the recipes, let me remind you a few rules, observing which, you will end up with the best apple compote (and not only from them)

For stewed fruit, sweet and sour apples are best suited, almost fully ripened, but not overripe. Unripe fruits are firm, non-aromatic and tasteless, and overripe fruits are boiled and lose their shape.

For stewed fruit, select large apples without visible damage and sort them into varieties so that each jar contains apples of the same variety.

. Wash the apples thoroughly, peel them, remove the core and cut into slices. At the same time, it’s very convenient to use a special device, with which you cut an apple into 8 parts with one movement and remove the core.

Small apples can be preserved whole.

Peel apples can not be removed.

Peeled and chopped apples in cold, slightly salted or acidified water. Do not keep apples in water for more than half an hour, as vitamins and other nutrients pass from the fruit to the water.

. Before laying in jars, it is advisable to blanch the apples for 6-7 minutes - after this procedure, the apples will no longer darken and will not lose in volume. After blanching, apples should be immediately cooled in ice water.

Do not drain the water after blanching, but use it to make syrup.

Thoroughly wash the compote jars, scald with boiling water and dry. They can be sterilized in boiling water or in the oven, just be careful and use thick gauntlets or silicone gloves so as not to burn yourself.

Fill the jars with apples to the shoulders and pour hot 25-30% syrup (per 1 liter of water - 250-300 g of sugar). Cover and put on pasteurization: 0.5-liter - 15-20 minutes, 1-liter - 20-25 minutes, 2- and 3-liter - 30-35 minutes.
  This classic recipe can be infinitely modified by adding berries, fruits, spices, etc. to taste.

You can do without sterilization: pour apples in jars with hot syrup, let stand 3-5 minutes, drain, boil the syrup and pour apples again. Repeat this procedure one more time and roll up with sterilized covers.

When preparing assorted compotes, remember that compotes with stone fruit (cherries, plums, apricots, etc.) can not be stored for more than a year, since in this case there is a risk of poisoning. If you harvest compote for long-term storage,
  remove the bones.

  1 kg of apples
  1 liter of water
  250-300 g of sugar.

  Fill the cans with prepared apples to the shoulders and pour boiling syrup from water and sugar to the edge of the neck. After 3 minutes, drain, bring to a boil and pour again into jars. Soak for another 3 minutes, drain, bring the syrup to a boil and pour apples so that the syrup spills over the edge of the neck of the jar. Roll upside down.

  1 kg of apples
  1 liter of water
  250-300 g of sugar.

  Put the prepared apples in jars and pour hot syrup. Leave for 6-8 hours, then add syrup to the edge of the neck and pasteurize at a temperature of 85ºС: 1 liter - 15 minutes, 2 liter - 20 minutes, 3 liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

Apple compote with wine

  1 kg of apples
  1 liter of water
  250 g sugar
  100 ml of dry white wine,
  5 pieces. cloves
  1 cinnamon stick
  peel of half a lemon.

  Cook the sugar syrup, put the prepared apples in it and boil them for 5-7 minutes. Then put them in the banks on the shoulders. Strain the syrup, add the lemon peel, cinnamon and cloves, bring to a boil and add the wine. Pour apples in jars with hot syrup and set aside to sterilize as usual.

Compote of Ranetki

  1 kg of apples
  1 liter of water
  300-400 g of sugar,
  vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Sort and wash the apples thoroughly. They should be moderately juicy, not overripe, without spots and damage. Cut the stems, leaving approximately ⅓ of the length. Each apple is pricked in several places with a sharp toothpick or a thick needle - so the peel does not burst on them. Cook syrup from water and sugar, strain, add vanilla and bring to a boil again. Put the apples in prepared jars on the shoulders, pour hot syrup and put on sterilized or pasteurized. Roll upside down.

Compote of summer apples and black currants

  1 kg of apples
  400 g of black currant
  1 liter of water
  600-700 g of sugar.

  Put prepared apples and currant berries in a jar on the shoulders and pour cold syrup from water and sugar and leave for 6-8 hours. Then add syrup to the top and put on sterilization: 1-liter - 5 minutes, 2-liter - 8 minutes, 3-liter - 12 minutes (or pasteurize at a temperature of 85 ° C, respectively, 15, 25 and 30 minutes).

Stewed apples and rose hips

  750 g apples
  250 g of wild rose,
  1 liter of water
  500 g of sugar.

  Prepare the apples. Cut the red overripe rosehip berries in half, remove the seeds and hairs and rinse thoroughly. Put in jars and pour boiling sugar syrup. Put on sterilization: 0.5 liter - 20 minutes, 1 liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

  1 kg of apples
  300 g of cherries
  1 liter of water
  400-450 g of sugar.

  Fill scalded jars with a mixture of apples and cherries to ⅔ volume, pour boiling syrup and leave for 6-8 hours, wrapping the jars. Then gently pour the syrup, bring it to a boil, pour into jars and immediately roll it up. Wrap and leave to cool overnight.

Ingredients for a 2 liter jar:
  3-4 whole apples,
  2-3 small clusters of grapes,
  1 liter of water
  200 g of sugar.

  Put whole apples on the bottom of the cans. Lay the brushes of grapes on top of the apples so that it fills the jar by ⅔ volume. Pour the fruits with boiling syrup and put on sterilization (15 minutes from the beginning of boiling). Roll up, flip, wrap.

  1 kg of apples
  400 g plums
  200 g pears
  1 liter of water
  200-400 g of sugar.

  Prepare the apples, as usual, peel the pears and cut into halves, leave the plums whole if the compote is not stored for more than a year, or cut in half and remove the seeds. Put the fruits on the shoulders on the shoulders, pour hot syrup and pasteurize at a temperature of 85ºС: 1-liter - 15 minutes, 2-liter - 25 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes (or sterilize in boiling water, respectively, 5, 8 and 12 minutes).

  1 kg of apples
  200 g of rhubarb,
  1 liter of water
  200-400 g of sugar.

Put prepared apples and rhubarb in cans on the shoulders and pour cold syrup. Leave on for 6-8 hours. Then top up with syrup and pasteurize or sterilize as usual. Roll up.

Stewed apples with berry juice.   It is prepared in the same way as a regular compote, only instead of syrup, juice from currants (black, red, white), cherries, raspberries, etc. is poured into cans. You can add a little sugar to taste (the more acidic the apples and berries, the more sugar will be needed). Put pasteurized: 1-liter - 15 minutes, 2-liter - 20 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes. Roll upside down.

Here are some more examples of stewed apples made from apples:

Apple cherry   in a ratio of 4: 1
Apple-plum-pear   in the ratio 4: 2: 2
Apple-pear-peach-plum   in the ratio 3: 1: 2: 2
Raspberry gooseberry apple   in the ratio 4: 1: 1
Rowan apple (red or aronia)   in the ratio 4: 2
Apple (summer, sweet) -Strawberry (strawberry)   in a ratio of 5: 2

You can make any compote assortment to your taste. Determine the amount of sugar based on the degree of acidity of the components - the more acidic apples, berries or fruits, the more sugar will be required.

Stewed apples for the winter can be prepared without sterilization or pasteurization. Only in this case, the jars must be sterilized, dried before laying fruit, and, after capping, turn upside down and wrap. And, of course, the amount of sugar must be increased by at least 20%, since sugar will play the role of preservative.

Successful blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Stewed apples for the winter on a 3 liter jar recipes with photos step by step

Today we have prepared some delicious recipes for winter compote from apples on a 3-liter jar. Cooking apple and fruit and berry compotes for the winter has become an integral tradition of many families.

When stewed fruits are cooked in the kitchen, sweet-spicy aromas of apples, plums or pears soar in the house. This mom is rolling up vitamins.

Lovingly puts them in jars and pours them with delicious syrup. Therefore, even now, when the shelves of shops are luring with a variegated variety of fruit drinks, recipes for my mother’s and grandmother’s natural, healthy compotes carefully store home cookbooks.

A selection of the best of these recipes is presented as a collection of selected apple compotes.

Apple taste goes well with fruit and berry supplements. And, of course, apples like spicy additives, especially cinnamon, cloves and honey.

Step-by-step recipes for making apple compote for the winter.

Compote of whole apples for the winter

If you do not know how to roll up and how to make a compote of apples for the winter, then read the recipe for a quick tasty drink. Of course, almost every housewife harvests a huge number of compotes for the winter period. Since homemade compotes can not be compared to the store juices and nectars that are cooked it is not clear how.


  • Apples 1 kg.
  • Water.
  • Sugar 200 grams of sugar in one 3 liter jar.

Cooking process:

  • 1.Before cooking compote cans need to be sterilized.
  • 2. To sort out apples to wash a little bit to drain water.
  • 3. Put in apples in each jar to the very top.
  • 4. Pour cans with cool boiling water and cover with sterilized lids. Pour water to the very neck. Or a slide :).
  • 5. Leave the jars for 15-20 minutes. Hot water will warm the apples. Apples absorb a little water in the way it should be.
  • 6. Drain the cans into the pan. It will be necessary to add a little water, usually I add no more than 0.5 liters of water.
  • 7. In the drained water, add sugar 200-250 grams per 1 cylinder of apples.
  • 8. Put the syrup on a stove boil and pour into banks. Now you can tighten the lids tightly using a special wrench to tighten the lids.

A small recipe recommendation. Citric acid can be added to each jar if desired. This is an optional ingredient. But this way the syrup turns out to be a slightly different color and taste accordingly. For a 3 liter jar, enough acid at the tip of the knife will be enough.

Also, if desired, in each jar you can put a couple of mint leaves or a sprig of tarragon. Which will also give your apple compote an extra flavor. But of course it is possible from without any additions. You can cook just a natural product without additives, which is also very good.

9. After the syrup is in the cans and the lids are screwed. Banks need to turn the lids to the bottom, wrap the bottles and keep them in this position until completely cooled.

Stewed apples for the winter without sterilization

Stewed apples for the winter most often are closed in 3 liter jars, so that there is enough for the whole family.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar of apple compote:

  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Step 1. Rinse the fruits (large fruits can be cut into slices).

Fill the prepared container so that there is some free space in its upper part.

Step 2. Cooking syrup. To do this, pour sugar into boiling water. Boil the syrup for 2 minutes. Then remove the fire syrup and pour it so that the apples are completely covered in syrup.

Step 3. After 5 minutes waiting syrup is poured back into the pan and put on fire. After boiling, the liquid is again poured into cans. After 5 minutes the procedure is repeated.

Step 4. After the 2nd pouring of syrup, cans with apple compote roll up for the winter. Then they should be turned over. Under the neck you can put a cloth or newspaper. In this position, the banks remain until the final cooling.

Make sure the jar is tight enough. Otherwise, microbes can enter the drink, which will provoke undesirable processes. If aluminum caps were used, then a sign of good blockage is their indentation.

Insufficient deflection can be caused by excessive filling of the jar with fruits or improper cooling of the compote. To avoid damage to the product, it is worth changing the lid and sterilizing the compote again.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo: making apple compote for the winter in a 1 liter jar.

Fruit compotes are the best that can be prepared for the winter. They can be made not only from apples, but also from pears, plums, peaches, apricots and other fruits. It is very tasty to cook assorted when several different types of fruits and berries coexist in one jar.

Stewed fruit can be seasoned with a drop of vanillin, citric acid and sprigs of various herbs, such as lemon balm and mint.

  • Apple (500 g)
  • Sugar (100 g)

To make a compote you will need: apples, water and sugar.

Apples need to be washed and core removed. It is not necessary to peel them.

Now chop large pieces of apples with beautiful slices, let them be similar to each other in shape and about the same size.

Cooking for preservation jar. The easiest way to put it in the microwave and turn on the maximum heat. For one can, 2-3 minutes are enough. We send apples to the jar.

Now you need to pour boiling water into apples. Do not forget to put a spoon in the jar so that it does not burst. Cover it with a lid and leave to rest until it cools.

A reference to the fact that the jar needs to be drained into the pan is that you can take it with your bare hands, it will no longer be hot. Pour the compote into the pan. Add sugar.

It is necessary to let the compote boil again and stir the sugar in it well. Pour apples in a jar again with boiling liquid. Let the liquid protrude slightly above the neck.

The lid must be rolled up with a special key, having sterilized it in advance in boiling water.

The rolled-up jar should be turned upside down and covered with a blanket. This is done in order to immediately identify a poor-quality lid and digest canned food again. The blanket is necessary in order to maintain high temperature as long as possible. This contributes to better preservation of the cans.

  Stewed plums and apples

  • a pound of summer varieties of apples,
  • 0.4 kg of dark plums,
  • litere of water,
  • one and a half hundred grams of sugar.


  1. Put water on the stove. While it is boiling, wash and peel the fruit. Cut ripe dense apples in half (large into 4 parts), remove the tail stalk and the middle with grains.
  2. Plums can be left with a stone for a special taste. Put prepared fruit in clean jars. A 3 liter jar should be about half full.
  3. Pour apples and plums with boiling water, cover and let cool for 10-15 minutes. Pour water into a pan, add granulated sugar.
  4. Bring to a boil and pour the fruit syrup again.
  5. Remember that when compote is rolled up without sterilizing the syrup, the jar should be “with a slide”.
  6. Turn the rolled fruit compote upside down, wrap it tightly and leave it alone until it cools.

Take the apple drink to a dark, cool place.

Stewed apples for the winter slices (with citric acid)

The recipe for the simplest apple compote for the winter. This drink is always obtained, it is excellent all winter even at room temperature, but it does not require sterilization. Compote with other fruits and berries is prepared according to the same principle. Calculation of products for one three-liter jar.


  • 0.5-0.7 kg of apples;
  • 250 g of sugar;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.


  • 1. Immediately put water on the stove to boil, it will take about 2.5 liters in total, but boil a little more so that there is a supply.
  • 2. While the water is boiling, you need to rinse the apples, wipe with clean napkins, cut into slices. It is not necessary to grind.
  • 3. Put the apple slices in a jar.
  • 4. Pour cool boiling water, cover with a lid. Let the fruits warm for a quarter of an hour.
  • 5. Drain all the liquid into the pan, add sugar according to the recipe. Put on the stove, boil for three minutes.
  • 6. Add citric acid to the jar.
  • 7. Pour the compote into boiling syrup, roll the lid.
  • 8. Turn the jar over, cover with something warm, such as a blanket. Keep until cool.

  Stewed apples and pears

Ingredients for a 3 liter can:

  • a pound of summer varieties of pears and a pound of apples,
  • litere of water,
  • gram of citric acid
  • cinnamon,
  • cloves
  • star anise - to taste.


  1. Wash apples and pears thoroughly, remove ponytails and seeds.
  2. Cut the fruit into 2-4 parts and place in jars. Pour boiling water and forget about them for 15 minutes.
  3. Pour water into a pan, pour granulated sugar and add spices, acid.
  4. Bring the marinade to a boil. Cook for 3-4 minutes. Pour fruit jars again, cover with lids.
  5. Sterilize or pasteurize apple and pear compote in a bowl of water. boiling depends on the selected processing method and the volume of the jar - from 10 to 30 minutes.
  6. Roll up the finished drink with lids, turn it over the neck and wrap it with warm “clothes” for 12-14 hours.

Storage location is cool.

Stewed apples for the winter (with whole fruits)

Another compote recipe without sterilization, but with whole apples. For this drink you will need small fruits of the Antonovka variety. For one three-liter jar goes from 8 to 10 pieces.


  • 8-10 apples;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300 g of sugar.


  • 1. Rinse the apples thoroughly, pull out the stalks. There should be no damage to the fruit.
  • 2. Fold the prepared fruits in a sterile jar of 3 liters. No need to fill the jar with apples above the coat hanger. If the fruits are large, then put not 8 pieces, but less.
  • 3. Pour jars with boiling water, close with nylon covers, cover with a blanket.
  • 4. Leave the jars to cool for 12 hours, longer, but do not hold for more than a day.
  • 5. Drain the water into the pan, leaving the steamed fruits in jars. The liquid will turn yellow during this time, imbued with the aroma of apples.
  • 6. Boil the drained water by adding granulated sugar according to the recipe. Boil the syrup for at least five minutes to ensure its purity.
  • 7. Pour apples. Cork jars, hold up with the bottom to cool, covering with a blanket.

Chokeberry compote with apples

Ingredients for a 3 liter can:

  • a pound of apples,
  • 300-400 g of chokeberry,
  • 200 gram glass of sugar
  • 1.5-2 liters of water.


  1. Rinse the sweet-sour variety of fresh apples, remove the core with cereal boxes and cut into pieces.
  2. Sort the chokeberry, rid of damaged berries, rinse and dry in a colander.
  3. Pour boiling water over. Lay apple slices on the bottom of a clean jar and fill in the mountain ash. Pour boiling water, cover and let steam for 10-15 minutes. Put sugar in a saucepan and pour cooled water from cans.
  4. Boil the syrup and cook until the sugar grains completely disappear.
  5. Pour boiling syrup into the center of a jar of fruit and berry filling, and under the lid send sterilize for 10-15 minutes.
  6. After the allotted time, roll up the cans with metal lids, turn them upside down and send them to rest under a warm blanket for about 12 hours.

Store apple and mountain ash drink at a temperature slightly below room temperature.

Compote of small apples for the winter with sterilization

A reliable recipe for apple compote for the winter, which will definitely last until spring. If it remains, then it will calmly survive until the next year. For more than two years, such drinks should not be stored, since apples are used whole and with seeds.

In order to fill the volumes of 3 liter cans will be required.


  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 600-800 g of small apples;
  • 2.5 liters of water.


  • 1. Choose small apples without damage, wormholes, traces of mold and rot. Rinse well, dry.
  • 2. Sterilize a three-liter jar, process the lid for seaming.
  • 3. Put the apples in a jar.
  • 4. Boil the syrup from sugar and water.
  • 5. Fill the jar with apples, cover with a lid, but do not twist.
  • 6. Reposition the jar in a high saucepan with a cloth on the bottom.
  • 7. Pour so much boiling water into the pan so that it reaches the jar to the shoulders. Turn on the stove. The countdown of sterilization begins with the moment of boiling water in a pan, not stewed fruit in a jar.
  • 8. Sterilize the applesauce compote for 20 minutes. If you twist two-liter jars, then sterilize for 15 minutes, do not forget to reduce the amount of sugar. Liter banks are enough ten minutes.

  Apple spicy compote with wine (almost sangria)

Ingredients for a 3 liter can:

  • a pound of apples,
  • two liters of water
  • half a glass of dry white wine,
  • five carnations
  • cinnamon stick
  • peel of half a lemon.


  1. Bring the sugar syrup to a boil. In boiled sweet water, put washed, peeled and chopped apples.
  2. Cook for no more than 7 minutes and pour apples into jars.
  3. Strain the syrup through a small sieve, put on fire and add cinnamon, lemon peel and clove.
  4. After boiling add wine and hold it a little longer on the stove.
  5. Pour apples with a spicy marinade and send for sterilization over time, which is equivalent to the volume of the selected jar.

Stewed apples and grapes

Ingredients for a 2 liter can:

  • 2-3 ripe apples
  • 2-3 clusters of Isabella grapes or the like,
  • two hundred gram glass of sugar with a slide,
  • one and a half to two liters of water.


  1. In sterile jars, put whole washed apples and bunches of grapes.
  2. Fruits should fill the jar by 2/3. Boil the water, and pour the fruit in a boiling state.
  3. Cover with sterile lids and let stand 10-15 minutes.
  4. Pour the cooled water into a pan, add sugar and boil the syrup for no more than 7 minutes.
  5. Pour the fruits with hot syrup to the very neck, roll up.

Leave the grape-apple compote overnight under a warm blanket. Place the cooled drink in a cool, dark room.

From apples Ranetok for the winter with vanilla

A variant of a very beautiful compote, for which Ranetki are used. Preparing a drink in liter jars, they are stuffed on the shoulders. Calculation of three liter jars, blank with sterilization.


  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 1 g of natural vanilla;
  • ranetki.


  • 1. Rinetki wash, remove the ponytails. Pierce each little thing with a toothpick. This technique will save a thin skin on the fetus.
  • 2. Fold the ribbons in sterile jars.
  • 3. Make syrup from prescription water and sugar, do not forget to add vanilla. Boil for two minutes, this is enough.
  • 4. Pour boiling syrup on the ranetki to the very neck. Cover the jars with sterile lids.
  • 5. Transfer to a pan for sterilization. There must be fabric at the bottom so that the glass does not burst in the process.
  • 6. Pour boiling water into the pan.
  • 7. After boiling water in a pan, sterilize the jars for ten minutes.
  • 8. Remove, roll up the covers with a key, leave them to cool completely under the covers and upside down.

  Rosehip compote with apples

Ingredients for a 3 liter can:

  • a pound of apples,
  • 10-15 dry rosehip berries,
  • 200 gram glass of sugar
  • one and a half to two liters of water.


  1. Wash hard winter apples, divide into 4-6 slices each, remove the core and seeds. Blanch the cut fruit for five minutes and carefully transfer to a bowl of water and ice cubes.
  2. When cool, lay out and allow excess fluid to drain. Soak the selected rose hips for 5-10 minutes in room temperature water. Blanch and cool just like apples.
  3. In a sterilized jar, lay out slices of apples and rosehip berries in layers.
  4. Pour with hot sugar syrup, cover with a lid and put in a pan with water for sterilization for 10 minutes.
  5. After - close the compote tightly or roll up the lid.
  6. Cool the drink gradually, in a wrapped state.

The ideal vitamin complex should be stored at a temperature below 20 degrees, in a dark place.

Compote with sterilization from summer apples and black currants

Please note, a compote of apple compote for the winter - for a 3 liter jar. If you will make it in a smaller container, the proportions of the components should be changed.


  • 1 kg of apples
  • 400 g of black currant
  • 1 liter of water
  • 600-700 g of sugar.

Put prepared apples and currant berries in a jar on the shoulders and pour cold syrup from water and sugar and leave for 6-8 hours.

Then add syrup to the top and put on sterilization:

  • 1 liter - 5 minutes
  • 2 liter - 8 minutes
  • 3-liter - 12 minutes (or pasteurize at a temperature of 85ºС, respectively, 15, 25 and 30 minutes).

Fragrant compote of apples and grapes for the winter with citric acid

A variant of a mixed compote for a 3 liter jar, which is prepared with the addition of grapes. If the berries are dark, then the drink will turn out bright and beautiful.


  • 300 g of apples;
  • 300 g of grapes;
  • 1 tsp lemons;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water.


  • 1. Rinse grapes and apples. Dry it.
  • 2. Separate the grapes from the brushes, put them in a three-liter jar. Cut the apples into slices, add to the grapes.
  • 3. Pour everything with boiling water, leave for twenty minutes.
  • 4. Now put a lid with holes on the jar, drain all the liquid into an empty saucepan.
  • 5. Add sugar, boil after boiling for at least three minutes.
  • 6. Add citric acid directly to the jar.
  • 7. Pour the future compote into boiling syrup.
  • 8. Immediately roll the cover with a key, leave the workpiece upside down under the covers until it cools completely.

This may take up to two days. Then the jar can be turned into its natural position, put away for storage.

In the article we described proven recipes for apple compotes for a 3 liter jar for the winter.

Homemade apple compote is a fragrant drink with a slight acidity, which has gained popularity since Soviet times, when shops did not indulge in overseas fruits. Today, apples are no less in demand. Thanks to the varietal variety of fruits, each workpiece is obtained with distinctive taste notes. Fruits are placed in a container in whole or in slices, combined with spices and berries. If you prepare a compote of apples for the winter on a 3 liter jar, take less than a kilogram of fruit and about 300 g of sugar.

Sliced \u200b\u200bdrink without sterilization

Any varieties are suitable for a fortified drink, but it is better to give preference to late-ripening with dense crisp flesh. They do not lose their structure when treated with boiling water. For blanks, Antonovka, Simirenko, Melba, Champion, Gloucester are priority.

Hard varieties are suitable for apple compote slices. It is recommended to cut the fruits in the same way so that they are evenly warmed up. It is better not to cut off the skin, but rinse thoroughly. If you want to brew a drink with whole fruits, then take small varieties, for example, ranetki. It is convenient to use an apple cutter to remove the core. Transparent compote is best prepared from green apples, red varieties give a more saturated shade and aroma.

With skillful use of apples, cholesterol can be reduced.

Compotes are cooked with or without sterilization. For the first option, you need roomy pots, as the drink is prepared in large jars. In blanks without sterilization, the method of repeatedly pouring fruit with syrup is used.

Cinnamon and vanilla are the priority spicy additives. Better to take whole sticks and pods. Other suitable spices are cloves, cardamom, ginger root. Ginger is added only during the cooking process, otherwise the syrup will become spicy by winter. A tasty drink is obtained not from one variety, but from apple assortment.

  • How many apples per compote will a three-liter jar need?

For a tart taste, 0.6-0.8 kg of fruit or a third of a can is sufficient. You can add half the tare if sweet apples are loved in the family. Sugar on a 3-liter jar needs 300-400 g.

  • How to cook compote?

To obtain a rich taste, preservation of at least a minimum amount of vitamins, boiling for 15 minutes is enough. The fruits are boiled in syrup over low heat, due to the boiling boil the beneficial substances in the fruits are destroyed. Sugar syrup is boiled for at least 3 minutes.

Cook the fruits in syrup over low heat.

Mistresses often share their experiences, helping beginners achieve an amazing taste of compote without much hassle. For example, the optimal packaging volume is considered to be 2-3 liter containers. All cans and lids for disinfection are washed with baking soda. It is worth paying attention that, after clogging, the covers are slightly pressed inward - this is a sign of reliable sealing.

Sterilized Apple Drink Recipe

No need to look for a simple winter recipe from apples, any workpiece is remembered quickly and prepared easily. Small fruits are usually rolled whole if there are no traces of worminess on them. In order to extend the shelf life, preforms are in most cases sterilized. Under the influence of high temperature, microbes in the container and on the fruit die. Before boiling compote from apples with sterilization, the fruits are selected and washed.


Pour water into the pan, add granulated sugar, boil for about 3 minutes. Washed apples are placed in prepared jars, poured with hot syrup, covered with lids, but not rolled up. A lattice is placed in a high pan or a piece of cloth is laid, filled cans are placed. Pour water into the pan so that it covers almost the entire jar. From the moment of boiling, sterilize for 20-25 minutes. At the end, the lids are rolled up, the cans are wrapped in a blanket, after cooling, they are sent to storage in a dark place.

Tasty compote without sterilization

Heat treatment preservation is a desirable but not forced process. To eliminate the exhausting procedure helps two or three times pouring boiling water, cooking fruits, adding a slice of lemon or citric acid (at the tip of a knife).

The simplest recipe without sterilization is a 15-minute exposure of apples in boiling syrup.

Ingredients per 1 kg of fruit:

The liquid is poured into a pan, brought to a boil. While the water is heating, the fruit is washed, cut into slices, removing the core. Apple slices and sugar are poured into boiling water. The contents are boiled for 10-15 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove, cover, let stand for 4-5 hours. You can immediately drink, but you can close in the banks for the winter.

The classic Antonovka whole apple recipe

If you want to cook aromatic compote from fresh apples, why not use Antonovka. This is truly a Russian variety that can survive the insidious frosts and sultry summers. The undeniable factor in favor of Antonovka is low calorie content. Per 100 g there are 44 calories and 86 mg of potassium, which is responsible for the vital activity of the cardiovascular system, the balance of alkaline and acidic environments. Due to the high proportion of iron, Antonovka helps protect the body from the development of anemia. Comparative characteristics with the popular variety White filling are given in the table. It is possible to continue listing in favor of the variety further, but it is time to dwell on the recipe, which is appealing to zealous hostesses.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • 8-10 apples
  • 2 l of water and 300 g of sugar.

Fruits should be completely whole, stalks neatly cut. While the water is warming, the jars are filled with apples. After pouring boiling water, the containers are covered with lids, hidden under a blanket for 10-12 hours. Warm water is poured into a pan, again brought to a boil, having previously covered with granulated sugar. Fruits are poured with hot syrup, containers are rolled up.

Whole fruit recipe video.

3 popular recipes with apples White filling

This variety is planted by summer residents to feast on apples in August. The nostalgic taste of childhood is hard to forget, so not everyone has priority on modern hybrids, and why change anything if the variety has so much benefit. Thanks to the widest range of vitamins and minerals, with the skillful use of apples, it is possible to lower cholesterol in the body, prevent heart attack, strengthen the skeletal system and immunity in general.

White filling contains about 278 mg of potassium in 100 g

  • How to cook healthy apples from white apples?

Fill the prepared containers with apples by 1/3. Pour the contents with boiling water, cover with lids, wrap in a blanket for 10-12 hours. Drain the liquid into the pan, adding 350 g of sugar per 2 l. The contents are poured with boiling syrup, the containers are rolled up. The drink is not subjected to additional sterilization in order to maintain maximum benefit.

  • White filling and plum

Making plums and apples a delicious winter harvest is easy. For cooking, take 2-3 acidic green apples, 200 g of plum (seedless), 200 g of sugar and 2.5 liters of water. Prepared plum and sliced \u200b\u200bapples are stacked in a jar, pour boiling water. The contents are left for 20 minutes, the cooled liquid is drained, sugar is added, sent to the stove. Boiling syrup is poured into containers, twist the lids. Plum-apple drink is perfectly stored at home without sterilization.

  • White bulk pie blank

To get 1 liter of delicious preservation, take 1 kg of apple harvest and a glass of sugar. Slices are covered with sugar, left overnight for the formation of juice. In the morning, the mass is boiled for 3-5 minutes, laid out in sterilized jars.

Assorted currants and apricots

Many housewives cook homemade compote, combining apples with other fruits and berries in a drink. Currants with a rich content of ascorbic acid are indispensable in the winter cold, and apricots are recognized as excellent antioxidants. Apples and currants make a pleasant vitamin drink with a long shelf life.

To prepare the blank, take 0.4 kg of black currant, 0.6 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water per 1 kg of apples. The liquid is boiled with granulated sugar until a clear syrup is obtained. Fruit collection is placed in a container up to the neck, add syrup, leave for 6-8 hours. Compote is sterilized for 5-15 minutes, depending on the volume of the jar. They roll up the drink, turn it upside down, wrap it up.

  • Apple and Apricot Compote

For cooking, take 150 g of apricots and apples, 1.3 liters of water and 250 g of sugar. The fruits are washed, dried. Apples can be cut into quarters or left whole. Bones are removed from apricots, the pulp is cut into halves. Fruits are laid in jars in layers: first apricots, then apples. Boil water, pour into a container. After 15 minutes, the liquid is poured into the pan using a lid with holes. The syrup is boiled, again used for bottling. The third time sugar is added, the cans are clogged.

Video: recipe with apples and apricots.

Compote for every day

Apple compote for every day is prepared according to a simplified recipe. For cooking, slightly spoiled fruits are suitable, provided that the drink will not be stored for more than 3 days.

Ingredients for 1.5 kg of fruit:

  • 3 l of water
  • 250 g of sugar.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Rinse the fruit, chop, remove the seeds. Send to the pan, bay with water.
  2. Turn on the stove and bring the water to a boil.
  3. After boiling add sugar, cook for 20 minutes.

Another option is to add sugar after boiling and remove the pan from the stove, then let the compote stand for half an hour. In the heat in a glass, you can add a couple of pieces of ice. A fresh leaf of mint or lemon balm will complement the taste of apple compote.

Compotes are a great alternative to store drinks. Homemade preparations are considered the most useful, especially those made on the basis of fruits grown in your own garden. Apple compote serves as an amazing fortified drink to maintain health.

Compote of whole apples for the winter on a 3-liter jar, as far as I remember, was prepared by my mother when we came to visit my grandmother in the village. There was a huge old, but very well-groomed garden, in which apple trees, pears, plums, cherries and apricots grew. Grandfather loved his garden very much and carefully looked after it: he dug every tree, cut the grass on the lawn and every year we gathered a large crop of delicious varietal fruits.
  Grandmother was more fond of cooking jam and, while mom closed stewed fruit and various newfangled sweets. And as soon as the early Antonovka kept up, mom immediately made a delicious drink out of these apples. Just imagine: in the winter you open a jar, quench your thirst with a delicious sweet and sour compote, and then enjoy apples that close completely.
Even now, sometimes I make such a tasty thing for my son, and in winter I give instead of store juice, in which there are more preservatives than natural ingredients. Sonul’s apples are eaten with great pleasure, leaving only tails and seeds. Although the grandmother said that absolutely everything was useful in the apple, and ate it without a trace.
  Sometimes I make dessert from such apples: I grate them with mashed blender and serve in plates with ice cream and nuts.

- apple (ripe small) - 5-6 pcs.,
- granulated sugar (white) per 1 can with a capacity of 3 l - 300 g,
- water.

  We sort out apples: for compote we leave small fruits without damage and wormholes. We wash them well and put them in previously prepared 3-liter jars. Since we will not sterilize the workpiece itself, we will only process the jars: thoroughly rinse them with a soda solution, and then sterilize them over steam for 5-7 minutes. Covers must be boiled for about 5 minutes.
  In each jar we put prepared fruits, but no more than 10 pieces, so that they occupy about 2/3 of the volume of the container.

  Then fill the apples with boiling water.
  So that the jar does not burst from boiling water, I put it on a knife.

  After we cover with a lid and leave for a while until it cools completely.

  Now we pour the cooled water saturated with apple aroma into the pan and add sugar there based on the number of cans.

  Stir to dissolve completely, and boil for a couple of minutes.

  Then we fill the jars with hot syrup to the very edge and quickly roll up the boiled metal lids.

  Turn the jars upside down - so we check the tightness of the seaming. We wrap it with a blanket in order to preserve heat as much as possible - this is how we ensure long-term storage of the drink in winter.
  When the jars have cooled, transfer them to the right place and wait for it to be possible to enjoy the rich taste of the aromatic apple compote.
  It’s also easy to prepare

The variety of juices and sweet drinks in stores is great, but nothing is better than an ordinary homemade compote. Making a blank in the form of apple compote for the winter, we are at least sure that there are no preservatives and flavorings in our compote, only natural products. Even the simplest apple compote for the winter is much more useful than any expensive drink from the store.

Apples allow you to cook any compote assortment according to your own taste, as apples go well with other fruits and berries. The compote of cherries and apples for the winter, the compote of plums and apples for the winter, the compote of apples and currants for the winter have proven themselves wonderfully. A classic combination is considered a combination of apples and pears. Compote of apples and pears for the winter is valuable for its bright taste and fruity aroma, it quenches thirst well. And the amount of sugar in such compotes is determined depending on the degree of acidity of the fruit: the more acidic the apples, or the berries and fruits present in it, the more sugar should be provided.

Stewed apples for the winter are prepared both with sterilization and without sterilization or pasteurization. In the second case, the jars must be sterilized, dried before laying fruit, and, after capping, turn upside down and wrap in a blanket. It is also recommended to slightly increase the amount of sugar, which plays the role of preservative.

Large apples are preferably cut into slices, but if you have smaller apples, make a compote of whole apples for the winter. This compote is more appetizing, looks better, although the taste of slicing fruits does not fundamentally change. Be sure to cook this simple, tasty and healthy apple compote. There is a recipe for the winter on our website, use it.

A number of our tips will help you better understand how to make apple compote for the winter:

Compote needs large apples without visible damage;

It is advisable to sort the apples into varieties so that in each jar there are apples of the same variety;

The apples are washed thoroughly, the peel is removed from them, the core is removed, the fruit is cut into slices;

Place the peeled and chopped apples in cold, slightly salted water. But do not keep them in the water for more than half an hour, as beneficial substances pass from apples to water;

After this, do not drain the water; it can be used to make syrup;

If you are preparing combined assorted compotes, remember that compotes with stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots) can not be stored for more than a year, you can poison. For long-term storage, make compote of pitted fruits;

Compote apples can simply be eaten as a dessert, or can be used as a filling for pies or apple pie.