What to do if the herring is severely salted? How and in what way to soak the salted herring quickly? How to soak herring from salt in milk, water, tea: recipe. How to soak stale, spoiled salty herring? Soaking Salted Fish

Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - empty container;
  • - milk, water or tea leaves.

Instruction manual

Before you do fish less   salty, it must be washed to wash off excess salt from the skin. If it is small, such as sprats, then it can be soaked whole. Cut large herring into portions so that the salt leaves the fish faster and more evenly.

Pre-prepared fish   put in a deep bowl. Take regular milk if steeped fish   in it, then it will be more tender and juicy, and fill them with the pulp so that the liquid completely covers all the pieces. If there is no milk, you can soak fish   brewed from black tea or plain water. Some housewives use vegetable oil to improve the taste of slightly salted fish.

Put the dishes with the fish in the refrigerator, if you leave it to soak at room temperature, then it can just go bad. Soaking time depends on the degree of salinity of the fish. If it is not too salted, then two or three hours are enough for this. In the case when the taste is too harsh, it is advisable to leave it soaked fish   in the fridge for the night.

After the specified time has passed, remove fish   From the liquid in which it was soaked, rinse it thoroughly under running water. The composition in which the fish is soaked absorbs excess salt, after which it will be less   salty.


In some cases, the degree of salinity is determined by the excessive shelf life, which must be considered. Health is more expensive than saving on purchasing fresh fish. This is especially true for those who have problems with the kidneys or blood vessels: excess sodium is harmful even to healthy people, and with existing diseases it can worsen the state of health.

Useful advice

If even after soaking the taste of the fish remains too salty, you need to choose a combination with products that will absorb salt and not add it to the finished dish. Boiled potatoes are ideal for this.

  Attention, only TODAY!

... If you bought a whole carcass, then it’s easiest to cut it a little frostbitten: in this case, the bones are separated a little faster, and the fillet remains without damage.

... Brine allows you to make salting fish faster, and its taste is more intense.

... To prepare a brine for fish, you need to take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, a little sugar (optional), a few peas of black and allspice, 1-2 bay leaves.

... To speed up the process of salting and giving a spicy aroma to the fish, you can add a little mustard, ready-made or in powder, to the brine - salting the fish at home will be reduced by one and a half times.

... Brine can be boiled, or it can be used like that - depending on how quickly you plan to use the finished product.

... If boiled brine is used, then it is better to add mustard after it cools down to 40-50 degrees.

... The carcasses of fish are placed in brine at room temperature for 2-3 days, and after that they are completely ready for use.

... If you salt the fish at home in the form of a fillet, then it will be ready in 5-8 hours, depending on the size of the pieces.

Well, now the recipes themselves!

When salted, red fish turns out to be especially tender, tasty and beautiful, and due to its high fat content, it absorbs very little salt and is therefore never over-salted.

Lightly salted mackerel - an exquisite delicacy!

This wonderful, slightly salted mackerel - the very thing about potatoes! Let's try to prepare a prescription for the recipe com site.
1 mackerel weighing 0.5 kg
salt - 1 tbsp
.water - 0.5 l
bay leaf - 3 pcs.
allspice - 6 peas
red paprika - 1 pc.
vegetable oil
Boil water, add bay leaf, salt and allspice. Marinade to cool.

Peel the mackerel and completely pour over the chilled marinade. Leave to soak overnight at room temperature.

In the morning, cut the fish into slices, add sweet pepper, sliced, pour vegetable oil and refrigerate for a day. Now you can taste it.

Herring at home

Salting herring at home is easy, and there are many different recipes.

Fish should be bought with a thick back (oily). If it is frozen, then it should be completely thawed before salting. And it’s better not to wash. And now a few recipes:

*Marinade:   boiled water (1 cup), vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. L., black peppercorns, a bay leaf or several, salt to taste. Boil it all, cool and add a little vinegar. Put herring, cover tightly with a lid and let stand in the room for 4-5 hours, then in the refrigerator for another 5 hours, and it is better to leave it overnight.

*Marinade:   per 1 liter of water - 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, bay leaf, black pepper, cardamom, garlic, 1-2 flowers (dried) cloves. Bring all this to a boil and cool. Pour the herring so that it is all covered with marinade. Place the container immediately in the refrigerator (in winter - it is possible on the balcony). After two days you can eat.

*Brine:   4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of water (this is about 2-3 herring). Put the fish in the cooled brine for 1 day. In principle, no hassle.

This way you can salt not only herring, but also mackerel

*Brine:   2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 1 tbsp. dissolve a spoonful of sugar in 0.5 liters of hot boiled water, add bay leaf, allspice peas and coriander (small cakes). Judge everything. Cut herring into medium slices, put in a bowl on a barrel, pour chilled marinade. Cover with a plate, put a jar of water on top like a press. Leave for 1 day in a cool place.

* Second recipe:

6 table. tablespoons of salt, 1 table. a spoonful of sugar, the same seasoning in 1 liter of water. The rest is done as well.

* Unfinished fish in a three-liter jar and pour brine: for 1 liter of boiled chilled water you need 5 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2-3 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon of allspice. When the brine is already poured into a jar, put on top 1 tablespoon of dry mustard.

Quick pickling of any red fish

Option number 1
Prepare a brine from 1 liter of cold water, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar. Pour pieces of fish with this brine (pieces should be small), hold for 3 hours, drain the brine.

Option number 2
Cut 1 kg of red fish fillet into 5x5 slices, lay in a container and add salt to each slice, add spices to taste (peppercorns, coriander, bay leaf) and pour cold water so that it covers the fish. Put in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning you can eat fish.

Option number 3
Prepare a brine of 1 liter of water and 1 cup of salt. The brine should be very salty. Put the fish in it with the skin down, press down so that the whole piece is in brine. After 4 hours, remove from brine, rinse, wrap in any paper, but not in foil (salted products are not wrapped in it and especially not stored in it) and put in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.

Option number 4
Cut pink salmon (chum, salmon) along the ridge, cut the ridge. Cut a layer of fish with a very sharp knife (across), hold the knife at about an angle of 45 degrees.

Sprinkle the bottom of the tank for salting fish with salt and sugar (“by eye”, depending on the amount of fish). Lay layers of sliced \u200b\u200bfish, sprinkle with salt and sugar again, and repeat the layers. After 2 layers add black peppercorns and bay leaf. Sprinkle with sunflower oil. Close and refrigerate. After a day, the fish is ready to eat.

Option number 5
Grate the prepared pieces of fish with a mixture of coarse salt and sugar, you can sprinkle with spices if you wish, and the next day you can start tasting it, but if patience allows, it is better to wait for the recommended two days. The thicker the pieces, the longer they have to peel. In this form, the fish can be kept for about a week, and then you need to hide it in the refrigerator.

When cutting fish, waste remains: heads, tails, fins, ridges and bones. Do not rush to throw them into the bin. From all this you can cook a great ear. And the bones can be salted separately - you get a great beer snack.

Pink salmon (salmon or other red fish) salted at home

Required: 1 kg of fish, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Rinse the fish, remove the skin and remove the ridge and bones to get 2 halves of a clean fillet.

Separately, mix salt and sugar in a bowl, grate both halves of the fish fillet with this mixture on all sides. Then connect the two halves together, wrap in a canvas rag and put in the refrigerator. Fish is ready to eat in a day.

Salted fish cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, therefore it is better to store it in the freezer.

Pink salmon

Method number 1
Thaw pink salmon, but not completely, gut, wash and wipe dry. Cut off the head (useful for fish soup or fish broth, as a basis for lean borscht).

Grate well with salt, inside and out (about 3-3.5 tbsp.spoons of salt per 1 medium carcass of pink salmon), wrap the fish in cellophane, then in several layers of newspapers, put on the lower shelf of the refrigerator, turn it over on the other side in a day and leave for another day. Then wipe with a dry cloth, wrap in it and eat.

The fish is evenly salted, it turns out very tasty and juicy.

In the same way, you can pickle chum and salmon.

Method number 2
Thaw pink salmon, cook the fillet and grate it with salt, adding a few spices (there are special seasonings for fish) and necessarily white mustard seeds. Leave the fish in this condition warm for 3 hours, then cut into slices and add vegetable oil. Put in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, the fish is ready.

When mustard is added, the fish becomes dense, does not fall apart when sliced, and does not lose its taste.

Homemade salmon or trout

Option number 1

For 2 kg of fish you will need: 5-6 tbsp. tablespoons of coarse salt and 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.
Prepare a salting mixture of salt and sugar.
Remove the peel from salmon in ice-cream form (it is removed as a stocking), wash. Cut into thin slices. Grate each piece with a salting mixture and put it close, one to one, in a low jar. Put in the refrigerator for 8 hours, and the fish is ready.

So is trout. Clean and wash the carcass. You can not cut it, but simply rub it with a pickling mixture and fold it tightly, one to one. Only rubbing is necessary not only outside but also inside.

And you can cut into portions and rub each piece with salt.

Option number 2

For 1 kg of fish you will need: 3 teaspoons of salt and ½ cup of sunflower oil.

Rinse the fish, cleanse the skin and remove the bones to get 2 halves of a clean fillet.

After that, cut the resulting fish fillet across 0.5 cm thick plates. Put the slices in a bowl, salt and mix. Pour in sunflower oil and mix again.

Transfer to a jar and refrigerate. After 10 hours, slightly salted fish is ready to eat.

Option number 3

For 0.5 kg of fish you will need: 3 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, vegetable oil.

Grate the prepared fish fillet with salting mixture and keep in the refrigerator for 12 hours, no more. Then rinse, cut into slices, put in a jar, pour a little vegetable oil and refrigerate.

In the same way, you can salt mackerel and anchovies.

Option number 4

Prepare a brine based on: 0.5 l of water - 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt (without slide) and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey.

Cut the fish fillet into thin slices. Pour the fish slices with brine and leave for 40-45 minutes. Then dry the fish with a napkin, grease the slices with sunflower oil and put in the refrigerator. If you stand an hour or two in the cold, it will be even tastier.

Option number 5

Prepare a salting mix of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, ½ teaspoon curry and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil (and can be sunflower).

Cut the salmon fillet (trout or other red fish) into thin slices, grease with a salting mixture and leave for some time at room temperature. Then put in the refrigerator.

If you need to pickle the fish as soon as possible, for example, by the time guests arrive, you can put pieces in the brine about 2 cm thick and wide, and the fish will be ready for use in 2-3 hours - this is enough time to serve it table or use to make salads.

If you need, for example, herring for a salad “Herring under a fur coat”, then 1.5 hours is enough, you just need to cut it in advance with such slices as they should be in a dish.

Salted fish

Especially successful in this method of salting are herring, herring, mackerel, flounder, but it is suitable for other fish species.

Option number 1

For 1 kg of fish you will need: up to 200 grams of salt, up to 40 grams of sugar.

Cut the fish into fillets, but leave the skin, salt and sugar it. Lay skin down on a baking paper with a layer of fish, lay a layer of chopped greens on it (dill is best), cover it with a layer of fillet (skin up). Wrap the fish in baking paper, put it under the press and put it in the refrigerator.

Small fish will be ready in a few hours. Large fish will ripen the next day.

Option number 2

Frozen fish (so it is easily separated from the skin and bones and thinly cut - 2 mm thick) cut and layered in a plastic container, sprinkle layers ½ teaspoon of salt and sugar, sprinkle with olive oil and lemon juice.

When the container is full, cover with cling film or foil, leave at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Salted fish is ready!
It is advisable to salt the fish in small containers, and store the rest in the freezer, pickling the next portion as needed.
You can also cook salted caviar.

Stroganina North

Of course, this is a recipe for an amateur, you need to get used to raw fish.

Salmon and trout are very delicate varieties of fish and do not require such a long salting, they are enough from 3 to 5 hours. Otherwise, they lose their taste and juiciness.

Frozen salmon, trout, sterlet, cut into thin plates, put on a dish, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and can immediately be eaten until melted.

Nanai salted fish

Prepare a salting mixture, taking salt and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio.
Remove the skin from the fish, grate with a salting mixture and leave for 6 hours.

Then separate the fillet from the bones, cut into portions, rinse with cold water and put in a jar. Pour with vegetable oil and leave for 20 days in a cold place.

To taste, you can add spices (bay leaf, pepper).

And finally, a few more recipes for homemade fish salting.

Method number 1
Cook a not very strong pickle. Put raw peeled potato in it. The potato will drown in brine. Then add salt to the brine until the potatoes pop up. Put the fish slices in brine for 2-3 days. If the fish is very salty, you need to soak it in water. Slices of fish put in a glass jar and pour vegetable oil. Keep it in a cool place

Method number 2.
So you can salt any fish, but herring, herring and mackerel are especially tasty according to this recipe.

Gut the salak. Gut herring and mackerel, cut off heads, tails and fins, and then act as desired. You can cook the fillet by removing the skin, freeing the fish from the bones and ridges (add them to the rest of the waste and leave on the ear). Cut the fillet into slices.

You can simply cut the fish in portions without removing the skin.

Salt the prepared slices to taste, mix with chopped rings or half rings onions, add seasonings for fish, if desired, and season with vegetable oil. Fold tightly in a jar and put in the refrigerator.

Method number 3
Defrost the fish, cut the fillet on both sides with a thin knife, rub the inside with a mixture of salt and pepper, fold the halves together and tightly wrap in a bag. Put in the refrigerator for a day. Then dry the fillet in limbo for 12 hours and you can eat.

Five-Minute Snack

Especially suitable is a snack in nature, on a picnic or in the country.
Peel herring, wash, cut the fillet. Sprinkle the fillet with salt and leave for twenty minutes, at this time we make a fire.

Then rinse the fillet a little with water, put fresh poplar branches with leaves on the fire, and lay the pieces of fillet on the smoke coming from under the leaves.

We must try to ensure that the flame does not break out from under the leaves. Turn the fillet pieces several times over 20-30 minutes.

Willingness is determined by color: if the fillet has become a light brown color, then done.

I really hope that you will certainly pick up recipes for home-made fish salting. This is especially useful on the eve of Christmas fasting and the impending New Year holidays.

Good luck in the kitchen and bon appetit!

The taste of salted fish is liked by many, but the problem is that it is simply impossible to guess the degree of salting of the fish when buying it. Sometimes too salty fish seems simply unsuitable for consumption. There are several ways to remedy the situation.

You will need

Empty container;
  - milk, water or tea leaves.

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Instruction manual

  Before making the fish less salty, it must be washed to wash off excess salt from the skin. If it is small, such as sprats, then it can be soaked whole. Cut large herring into portions so that the salt leaves the fish faster and more evenly. Put the prepared fish in a deep bowl. Take ordinary milk, if you soak the fish in it, then it will be more tender and juicy, and fill them with the pulp so that the liquid completely covers all the pieces. If there is no milk, you can soak the fish brewed from black tea or plain water. Some housewives use vegetable oil to improve the taste of slightly salted fish. Put the dishes with the fish in the refrigerator, if you leave it to soak at room temperature, then it can just go bad. Soaking time depends on the degree of salinity of the fish. If it is not too salted, then two or three hours are enough for this. In the event that the taste is too harsh, it is advisable to leave the soaked fish in the refrigerator for the night. After the specified time has passed, remove the fish from the liquid in which it was soaked, rinse it thoroughly under running water. The composition in which the fish was soaked absorbs excess salt, after which it will be less salty. How simple

Many people like salted fish, but it is not always possible to determine the degree of salting when buying it. Salted fish is divided into three types: slightly salted (up to 9% salt), medium salted (10 - 14% salt) and strongly salted (more than 14% salt). Highly salted fish is not recommended for consumption. There are different ways how to make dry fish less salty. In order to remove excess salt in dry fish, it is subjected to a soaking process.

Before, make dry fish less salty, it should be washed. This is necessary so that excess salt is washed off the fish. It is better to soak small fish whole, and large fish need to be cut into pieces so that the salt is washed off. After that, the fish should be placed in a deep container. To make the fish soft and juicy, you need to fill it with milk, but if there is no milk at hand, then you can soak the fish in water. The fish tank must be put in the refrigerator to prevent the fish from spoiling. Fish that are severely salted should be soaked for two or three hours. If the fish has a sharp taste, then soaked fish should be left in the refrigerator for the night. When the right amount of time has passed, the fish must be pulled out of the liquid in which it was soaked and washed well under running water. The liquid in which the fish was soaked absorbs excess salt, after which dry fish   will become less salty.

Bacalao - dried cod, which is widely used in Brazilian, Portuguese, Spanish cuisine. Before you cook something from cod, you need to soak it. To do this, cod should be placed in a dish with cold water, the liquid should cover the fish for 3-5 centimeters. After that, cod should be refrigerated. Water must be changed three times a day and soaked in fish for three days.

Many people have the erroneous opinion that fish need salt to give it an appropriate taste. But this is far from the case, salt is needed in order to remove excess moisture from the fish. In the process of salting, the salt dissolves in the juice that the fish secrete and a brine forms. In order to prevent microbes from forming during salting, the brine is drained from time to time. Fish that are highly salted can be stored for a long time.

For drying only fresh and undamaged fish should be used. Usually, perch, roach, sabrefish, small pike, and ram are used for drying. For wet salting, you need to take fish that weighs more than 1/2 kg. The fish must be cleaned of scales and remove the insides. After that, you need to pour a small amount of salt at the bottom of the container. Then lay the fish in rows tightly to each other and sprinkle each row strongly with salt. On the top row, salt should cover all fish. You can add a little sugar to add flavor. From above, fish should be covered with an enamel lid, and put oppression on the lid. The fish will give a brine after 5 hours. During salting, fish should be stored in a cold place, because salt enters the fish meat slowly, and in places where the fish has not yet salted, the cold will protect it from spoilage. After 2-3 hours, the back of the fish should become solid, and the meat should acquire a dark gray color. Already salted fish must be soaked in water, washed and prepared for stringing. In the process of soaking, the fish gives up excess salt, but it should not become salted, because during drying it will deteriorate. Excess salt goes away, the back of the fish should become transparent. After the fish has dried, the meat becomes reddish.

Fish can be salted in a pre-prepared brine. Fresh fish should be strung on twine for 5-10 pieces and dipped in the already prepared brine. In this case, the brine should completely cover the fish. Small fish will be enough to salt out for 2-3 days. Then it should be washed in water for 20-30 minutes and hung out for drying.

Different fish are found in the seas, rivers and oceans, but all of them are especially popular among the population. Such a product is a source of easily digestible protein and many useful substances: vitamins, minerals and fats. It is nutritious and delicious! Herring enjoys special love among our fellow citizens. On its basis, they prepare a variety of dishes, and consume food by itself. However, in some cases, an ordinary fish can be harmful to health, for example, if necessary, adhere to a diet with less salt. Soaked diet herring is shown to such people, consider the recipe for preparing such a product on www ..

About how to prepare soaked herring, a recipe for cooking in different ways

In that case, if dietary nutrition is shown to you, then it is necessary to soak it before consuming herring. Before such processing of fish, it is necessary to gut it: remove the scales, as well as the head with the insides. Rinse the carcass, grind it in portions if necessary.
Herring must be steeped long enough - from twelve to twenty hours.

You can use ordinary water to soak the fish. Just immerse the carcass of herring in it and send the container to a cold place, for example, in the refrigerator. Every two to three hours, it is necessary to pour out the liquid that has absorbed the salt. In the event that the fish surfaced, it means that it lost the right amount of salt. The taste of such a dish will be more pleasant and gentle, however, it absorbs quite a lot of liquid.

You can still soak herring using tea or milk. The cleaned fish must be cut along the back into two parts, without removing the skin. Dip the carcass in the cooled strong tea with sugar or in milk. Tea will prevent herring from sagging and spreading, and milk will add airiness and tenderness to it. To soak such a product in tea, it takes only four to six hours.

It is worth remembering that soaking leads to some leaching of fish proteins, minerals, salts and nitrogen elements from fish. To store such a cooked product is only in the refrigerator and no longer than twenty-four hours.

Soaked dietary herring. Beneficial features

It is believed that fat herring is rich in the maximum number of useful properties. Such a product is a source of mass of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are extremely beneficial for the body. So oleic acid in its composition perfectly optimizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels and has a positive effect on cerebral circulation.

Herring proteins saturate the body with the lion's amount of essential amino acids. Such substances are not produced in our body, which is why we should receive them with food.

Such a fish is also rich in significant amounts of vitamin D, which is necessary to maintain healthy bones and teeth, as well as to activate the body's defenses. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which prevents the appearance of vision problems.

Another herring is a source of potassium, calcium, cobalt, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper and iodine.

Consuming such a fish helps improve brain function. It helps to remove excess cholesterol from the body, preventing atherosclerosis. It contains a number of antioxidants that can prevent aging and the development of cancer. There is evidence that such a food product helps to reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes by an order of magnitude. Herring has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and even helps to eliminate many dermatological ailments, including psoriasis, etc.

When do you need to soak herring?

Soaking herring is necessary for people who suffer from hypertension, ailments of the kidneys, heart, as well as the digestive tract and some other pathological conditions. Such patients need to eat unsalted fish and only in small quantities.

Before including this product in the diet for the diseases described, it is imperative to consult with your doctor or nutritionist.

How to pickle herring yourself?

To prepare a pickling marinade, you need to combine one liter of boiling water with three tablespoons of salt (without top), a couple of bay leaves, three or four peas of allspice and three or four cloves of cloves. Stir the brine thoroughly and cool it.

Herring can be salted and whole, but you can also cut off her head and remove the insides. After such manipulation, it is worth rinsing the fish in running water.

Put the herring in a suitable container (in a plastic container or in a saucepan), fill it with a cooled marinade, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for a day or even longer.

Herring prepared according to this recipe can be used to create dietary dishes - soak it, as described above.

How to choose a herring?

If you are going to salt the fish yourself, give preference to fresh-frozen carcasses, on which there are no creases, bends, dents or abrasions. The fish should be thick on the back, there should be no spots (rusty or yellow-brown) on its skin, it should be painted in a uniform dark gray color.

If you buy salted fish, pay attention to the gills: they should be dark red without interspersing. The skin should not be stained and rust. Of course, the herring should not have any external smell.

Soaked herring is an excellent product that must be included in the diet for many pathological conditions.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Salted fish is one of the most popular delicacies among Russians. In general, fish is a very valuable and useful product, and if it is salted, it acquires a more rich and spicy taste. Many housewives use salted fish both as a main dish, and as an additional ingredient that can be added to salads. It is easy to salt a fish at home, while saving money. However, such a procedure as salting takes a lot of time, in this case, lovers of salted fish go to the store.

   Of course, in any supermarket there is always a large selection of salted fish for every taste. The most popular types of fish that are commercially available are salmon, mackerel, pink salmon, herring and sprat. Each of these fish is affordable and does not require additional processing. The only minus of purchased salted fish may be that it is not always possible to guess the degree of salting of the product.

   There are times when the buyer has purchased salted fish, and it turned out to be so salty that it is simply impossible to eat. In such cases, it is not necessary to throw out the product, because there are quite popular and simple ways, how to make fish less salty.

Cold water rinse

   Before choosing a method that will help make fish less salty, first rinse it under a stream of cold water. This is necessary so that excess salt is washed off the surface of her skin. Typically, large fish, such as herring, are cut into separate pieces of approximately the same size. So salt is washed off faster and more efficiently. However, if you bought too salty sprats, then you can wash it whole.

   In the event that you have uncaught fish, then before washing it is necessary to clean it, remove the entrails, cut off the head with the gills, cut off the fins and remove the scales. Then the fish must be cut into layers and peeled off. To make it faster and easier, it is necessary to make an incision in the head-dorsal part of the carcass, between the corner of the skin and the meat. It is necessary to remove the skin by the fat layer in one direction, holding the meat with the other hand. The costal bones should also be removed so that in the end you have only one filet of fish left.

   After you have cleaned the fish, it is necessary to cut its fillet into equal pieces with a thickness of not more than 1 cm. Only then can the finished slices be well rinse in cold clean water. To do this, put the pieces of fish in a colander, and, in turn, put it in the sink under the tap. It is necessary to include exclusively cold water, and not cool and especially not warm. Leave the flushing process for about an hour.

Soaking salted fish in water

   If after washing under a stream of cold water the salt still seems to be a lot, you will have to subject the fish to soaking in water. To do this, you will need a small bowl, 70% table vinegar, cold water and a refrigerator. This method is especially effective if you come across highly salted herring. To get rid of excess salt, the fish should be put in a small container, any plastic or enamel bowl is suitable. Draw very cold water into it so that it covers the fish completely. If the weather is warm during the year, especially the heat, then in order to prevent the water from becoming warm, it is better to put a bowl of herring in the refrigerator.

   To make the soaking process faster, take 70% table vinegar and add it to a bowl of water in a ratio of 1:10. It should be noted that water needs to be changed every 2-3 hours, this will allow more efficient get rid of excess salt. The average soaking time of salted fish in water is within 12 hours. If you find that the fish has surfaced, it indicates that it has already lost enough salt, while the fish may increase in size by 5-20%.

Soaking highly salted fish in tea

   In ancient times, in the process of salting fish, the hostesses used a large amount of salt, because this allowed to store the product much longer. And this is not fiction, it has long been proven that the more salt was used in the processing of fish, the longer it remains fresh in the refrigerator. That is why in the old days a method was invented that allows you to quickly and efficiently make fish less salty   immediately before use.

   All you need is plain black tea. You ask - why this particular drink? The fact is that the infusion of strong black tea contains a large amount of tannins, which help soften the sugary taste of salt. In addition, if you soak a fish such as herring in cold water, then its meat becomes watery and loses some taste, while black tea prevents the softening of its pulp.

   For soaking fish you need to make fresh black tea, with the addition of sugar, and leave the infusion until it cools. If the fish was slightly salted, but it still seemed to you that the salt is a bit much, cut the fish in half along the spine and let it soak for about an hour. If, obviously, a lot of salt has been used to process fish, and the taste of the product is too sugary, then it is better to prepare an infusion of black tea with the addition of several tablespoons of vodka and cherry syrup, in which case the fish will have to be soaked for at least two hours.

Soaking highly salted fish in milk

   This method is considered the most popular, because the use of milk for soaking salted fish softens its flesh, milk gives the fish meat a more delicate taste and airiness. So, in order to make fish less salty, you just need to purchase fresh unboiled cow's milk and pour it into a small bowl. It is not necessary to warm the milk, it is better that it is as cold as possible.

   Place herring or any other salted fish in a bowl of milk. Please note that the pieces of fish fillet do not float out, milk should completely cover them. Soaking time depends on how much the product was salted, as well as on the mass of the product itself. For example, if you have a large herring, which has a sharp taste due to the large amount of salt used, it is advisable to leave the fish in milk all night. To do this, put a bowl of milk in the refrigerator. For fish with a small degree of salinity, 2-3 hours of soaking is quite enough.

   If you have tried all of the above soaking methods, but the taste of salt still does not make it possible to eat fish normally, you can use the express method. It consists in the fact that a too salty product must be placed in a pan with hot water for a couple of minutes, while boiling water is not necessary. After that, the fish is soaked in cold water for 10 minutes.

   It is also worth noting that when using any method of soaking salted fish, it is not recommended to withstand more time than indicated above. For example, if you leave herring in cold water or milk for more than a day, then the fish will certainly go bad. Also, do not store fish for some time, try to use the product immediately after the soaking procedure.

   It is also worth considering that soaking salted fish entails the loss of not only excess salt, but also other beneficial substances, such as protein, trace elements and nitrogenous substances. Therefore, the nutritional value of the product is significantly reduced. If not necessary make fish less salty, it is better to use it in the form as it is.

If you do not need to make herring less salty, then eat it the way you bought it in the store. Herring soaked in this way is tasty, tender, soft. As you noticed, soaking the salted herring in the water is not a very anxious occupation. Practice has shown that a lot of salt is used to process herring, the fish retains its own freshness in the refrigerator for longer. If your fish was fresh then you need to pickle it. Such a set can give herring a pleasant aftertaste, and salt will serve as a neutralization so that the fish does not rot.

What to do with salted herring?

Leave in the refrigerator for an hour or two, (depending on salinity).

Through an incision, caviar should be removed from the abdomen of the fish, if it is of interest to you. It is necessary to separate the herring meat from the spine with hands and a knife. Usually, the meat is separated from the bones easily enough, to remove the smallest and thinnest bones stuck in the meat, it is allowed to use ordinary tweezers.

Sometimes there is not enough patience, sometimes there is no one nearby who is able to support and suggest. The portal was created in order to help you change your life in the direction that is more attractive to you. Herring with a thick back will be much tastier than its more slender “commodity”. Fish with a thick "belly" often contains caviar or milk. First of all, the fish must be gutted, removing all the insides.

Fish, independently of the method of its preparation, is a storehouse of suitable substances for the human body.

First, you need to determine what it will taste like. It's simple. When serving, sprinkle with chopped egg and dill. Dice herring. Garnish with a net of mayonnaise and beetroot roses and carrot leaves. Fillet of 2 herring.

At home and camping conditions it is allowed to get a little fresh water with the support of improvised means. However, it is difficult to obtain a large number of fresh water using this method, because when removing the lid, a huge part of the drops will drain back into the pan. This desalination plant can be improved. When cooled, fresh water freezes faster than salt water.

What to do with salted herring

Or you bought salted fish in a store and were upset, and you are even going to take it back, demanding back the money that you paid for it: you should not do this. We clear the fish from all the bones. Vinegar should be very slightly so that the water is only acidified. Add a drop of vinegar to the last water. And believe me, no one will even say that she was hopelessly salted. You can decorate the top with a beam.

You just drastically reduce its shelf life, and the salt leaves, it’s miserable. It’s checked. This is just a hoax - UNPROFESSIONAL reception from the WISE. The herring will take salt in 3-4 days - no more and no less. We love herring very much at home, I really like any salty fish, but this is a separate issue. So, I quite often salt herring myself. Nina! I wrote that we "Begin a series of simple home-made recipes and tips." For any THANKS for the recipe. You can make up the mind ..... The whole Internet is teeming with recipes. And then I read somewhere that the pikeperch’s upper fin is poisonous; Then fried herring will smell almost from every apartment. But the herring is very tasty, lightly salted and I never add it, I just wash it from the brine and clean it. But I will definitely use your advice!

In this case, the housewives are looking for information on how to eliminate such a problem. To facilitate the search for our readers, we will try to group information on how and in what composition to soak herring in a plate. This method of "resuscitation" is suitable for the whole fish, and for already cut herring. It is used if the herring needs to be served to the table for a short time.

In this case, distinguishing fish of different salting is not difficult even at first glance, and for this you just need to evaluate the color of the eyes and gills of the salty product. Unscrupulous sellers resort to such a technique as gutting fish and the subsequent sale of herring cut into fillets. The liquid should smell like salty fish, and the latter should not be in contact with air (that is, it should be completely covered with water). Even in one bucket there may be fish of varying degrees of salting.