Pickling cucumbers like barrel. Delicious salted crispy cucumbers in jars as barrel: a recipe for the winter

24.09.2019 Buffet table

Older people remember how it was possible to buy delicious crunchy, first lightly salted, and then normally pickled "cucumbers" on the "collective farm markets". This method of pickling cucumbers at home is now very rarely used.

Barrel cucumbers are suitable for salads, pickles and served as a separate dish to the table. Having prepared barrel cucumbers according to this recipe, you can save the maximum amount of nutrients contained in them.

Ingredients for the preparation of “Barrel cucumbers in jars for the winter at home”,
  Recipe for a 3-liter jar:

  • cucumbers - 2 kg .;
  • salt - 100 gr.;
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • dill - two branches;
  • garlic - one head;
  • water - 1.5 liters.

The recipe for barrel cucumbers in jars for the winter

The most important thing is not to let the cucumbers stop. The cucumbers in the jar should turn slightly yellow, and the pickle should become cloudy and taste sour-salty. Garlic can be bigger, it is tasty in itself. Do not forget black pepper peas (3-5 pcs) in a jar.

  1. For canning, choose dense green cucumbers. Soak them in cold water for 1-2 hours.
  2. After soaking, wash the cucumbers well. Cut the ends on both sides.
  3. We take carefully washed and slightly dried horseradish and dill. Cut horseradish into pieces of five centimeters. We also cut dill. We put horseradish and dill on the bottom of a three-liter jar (I wash the jar well first, and then pour over boiling water).
  4. We clean the head of garlic. Put the garlic cloves in a jar.
  5. We lay the cucumbers. On the bottom of the jar, it is better to place larger cucumbers. We fill the top of the jar with smaller cucumbers.
  6. Take 100 grams of salt.
  7. Dissolve the salt in a jar of cold water (about one liter of jar with cucumbers takes about 1.5 liters of water). For starters, it is better to dissolve the salt in one liter of water. Pour the saline into a jar of cucumbers. And we add the rest of the water so that it covers the cucumbers. We leave the cucumbers for two days in a warm place, covering the top of the can with a lid.
  8. We take a special plastic lid for preservation, with which water is drained, we put it on a jar. Drain the brine into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  9. After the brine is drained from the can, the cucumbers slightly subside, so for density, you need to add cucumbers from another can. The jar, which is half empty, should be put in the refrigerator, and in the future use cucumbers as salted. Next, pour the boiling brine into a jar of cucumbers.
  10. We roll up the jar with a lid (the lid must be previously washed and scalded with boiling water). Turn the jar over and check the tightness of the lid, i.e. there are no bubbles from under the cover.
  11. After the jar has completely cooled, we transfer the cucumbers to storage in a cool place, best of all in the basement. Cucumbers, having stood in the basement for about two months, will be completely ready for use.

Before serving the cucumbers on the table, place them in the refrigerator for two days. After that, the cucumbers become more crispy and hard.

Pickle cucumber pickling

  1. Sort the cucumbers by selecting overripe and damaged ones.
  2. Soak them for 5-7 hours in cold water.
  3. Put a layer of spicy plants on the bottom of salting dishes (barrel, pan, bucket): dill with inflorescences, tarragon, horseradish root, garlic, chilli pepper and cherry leaves, then lay cucumbers vertically, again spices, then cucumbers again, and spicy plants on top, fill with brine, cover with a clean cloth, a wooden circle and put the load.

Store cucumbers at a temperature of 0-3 ° C.

To prepare the brine:

  • for small cucumbers per 10 liters of water you need to take 600 g of salt,
  • and for large - 700 g.

The approximate ratio of spices per 20 kg of cucumbers: dill - 600 g, horseradish root - 100 g, garlic - 60 g, chilli pepper - 100 g, tarragon - 100 g.



Winter pickled cucumbers   - A simple and beloved snack, an excellent addition to fresh dishes on the table in the winter.

With pleasant to the touch, salty to the taste, crispy and smelling spicy smell of summer herbs and oak barrels - it is with such cucumbers, abundantly sprinkled with vegetable oil from fried sunflower seeds, and plenty of onions it is pleasant to eat boiled potatoes, peeled and boiled whole or boiled in uniform. Cucumbers prepared in this way can be used in meat and vegetable salads and vinaigrettes, added to pickle or to beef stew.

Such cucumbers, of course, can be bought by going through the collective farm market, or you can cook them yourself at home and enjoy them all winter, rejoicing in the delicious supplement.

For the preparation of pickles for the winter as barrels, barrels are not required. For this purpose, you can use various containers, the main thing is that they are convenient for you and are covered with a lid. It can be three-liter cans, ceramic barrels, or plastic buckets, which are suitable for storing food. The volume is also important, because the larger it is, the larger the cucumbers, or more of them can be salted. We use 4 liter buckets. A large number of spices makes cucumbers fragrant and crispy, and salting by natural fermentation allows you to save all the useful properties of cucumbers.

For salting cucumbers will not require special skills, they do not need sterilization or wrapping.   And another argument in favor of cooking pickled cucumbers, as in a barrel, is that fruits of any size are suitable for pickling: from gherkins to the largest specimens, and, which is characteristic, they turn out tastier than kids. Our simple recipe with step by step photos will help you quickly prepare delicious cucumbers to taste reminiscent of barrel cucumbers in urban conditions for the winter.



    We select the cucumbers that we will salt in the cold way. All cucumbers will be suitable, but cucumbers of varieties with a dense peel are considered most suitable.

    The size of the cucumbers is not important, but it is better if in one container the cucumbers will be approximately the same size, which will allow them to evenly salt. Although salted cucumbers will not be in any case, even during long-term storage.

    We will prepare the dishes in which we will pickle the cucumbers. We rinse cans, buckets, lids with soda and rinse in plenty of clean running water.   It is important that the dishes are free from flaws, because the cucumbers will roam and some pressure will build up inside the cans, and the plastic container must have been suitable for use with food.

    We choose the dish for pickling pickles based on the size of the cucumbers that we will use. It is most convenient to take cans of such a size that cucumbers feel comfortable in it, and when laying, the gaps are minimal. Large gaps help soften the cucumbers, although too tight laying is also undesirable.

    Cucumbers that do not fit in jars, it is advisable to salt in a container that will allow you to place the fruits as tightly as possible. We recommend plastic containers with a lid.

    Carefully wash the cucumbers selected for salting in warm water, free from the tails and the remains of flowers. Then we soak in a large amount of cold water for two hours so that the cucumbers pick up moisture, and in the process of pickling did not strongly absorb the brine.

    We sort the greens and spices prepared for salting, carefully rinse, dry on fabric towels and prepare for further processing.

    We sort the branches of cherry with leaves. The resulting products are divided into different containers for the convenience of further bookmarks. We simply tear off the leaves, and chop the twigs with bark using garden scissors.

    With oak branches we do exactly the same as with cherry branches.

    Prepare the garlic: peel and chop the teeth into plates.

    We rinse hot pepper, and cut into convenient pieces along with the testes.

    Horseradish rhizome is soaked in warm water for 20 minutes, then thoroughly cleaned from the rest of the earth, and cut into thin plates.

    When all the ingredients are ready, we begin the bookmarking process.   Dill branches, cilantro, parsley, basil, horseradish leaf, blackcurrant leaf, thyme and mint will be laid without chopping.

    At the bottom of the prepared dishes, we put half of the prepared greens and chopped twigs, chopped horseradish and garlic, black pepper peas, bay leaf.

    We lay cucumbers on top and cover with the rest of the greens.

    Sprinkle coarse salt.

    Fill with clean, very cold water. Ideally, it should be well, or refined. The main thing is not tap water, since the chemicals used in water treatment adversely affect the salting process and the taste of cucumbers.   We try to pour water slowly, and always so that it carries away salt.   Cover, but not tight. We leave the cucumbers in a room with room temperature until the fermentation process begins.

    We put the filled container on plates or pallets, because the buckets will begin to leak during the fermentation of cucumbers.   This will happen in the first two days..

    After a day, foam will appear on the brine surface. This begins the process of natural fermentation. Cucumbers began to sour.

    Over the next two days, the water in the cucumbers will begin to cloud and a characteristic smell of souring will appear.

    Close the lids on the buckets tightly. We take out the cucumbers in the basement. They should be there for about a month, so that the fermentation process is completely over. The brine will brighten at the top of the bucket, and a muddy one will sink down. Fully salted cucumbers will acquire a brown color and a characteristic smell of barrel cucumbers.   If you see all this with your own eyes, then pickled cucumbers are ready as barrels.

    On this all the preparations are completed. Cucumbers salted in this way for the winter are well preserved until the end of spring of next year, while remaining crispy and fragrant.

    Bon Appetit!

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients.

   Fresh, preferably freshly picked cucumbers, wash thoroughly and set to soak (periodically change the water). The soaking process should take no more than six hours. Spices are also washed and scalded with boiling water. We clean the garlic, wash it thoroughly. Cut the stems to size 10-15 centimeters. We clean the roots of horseradish.

Step 2: Put the cucumbers in the barrel.

   We start laying with the fact that at the bottom we put part of the leaves of blackcurrant and cherry, horseradish, part of dill, several pods of hot red pepper (it is desirable to cut it into several parts). Barrel walls necessarily lubricate with garlicThis is to prevent mold from forming. Stack cucumbers tightly, the denser the better. This is necessary so that there is less space between the cucumbers, and there is a denser concentration of lactic acid. With subsequent fermentation, this will help to preserve pickles better. Usually I put seasonings in the middle of the barrel as well, since I’m not small. If you have a barrel with a double bottom, then you need to insert and fill the brine through the tongue hole. When pickling in an open barrel, you need to cover the cucumbers with a thick cloth and lay a wooden circle on top. You can also put oppression, so that the upper cucumbers were also in brine.

Step 3: Prepare the brine.

   The brine must be prepared a day before the pickles are pickled. Ordinary drinking water (water with increased hardness is best suited here) is slightly warmed up and salt is added, mixed thoroughly. The amount of salt depends on the size of the cucumbers themselves, the larger the cucumbers, the more salt is needed. After pouring the cucumbers with brine, they need to be kept at a temperature 18-20 degrees a few days. Then they should be transferred to a cooler place for long-term storage. At first there may be a violent reaction and the release of foam and liquid from the barrel, it’s okay, just add some water. Be sure to remove the foam if it appears.

Step 4: Serve the barrel cucumbers.

   Ready-made barrel cucumbers taste very juicy, crunchy and fragrant. Good appetite!

I know from my own experience that cucumbers get a better taste when they are stacked vertically, nose down to the bottom of the barrel.

I advise you the best varieties for salting: Muromsky, Dolzhik 105, Nerosimy, Nezhinsky 12. I call it old proven ones, maybe already today there are new varieties of cucumbers that are interesting for salting.

For salting, I advise you to take cucumbers of later fees.

The most optimal size for pickling cucumbers is a handsome man with a length of 8-15 cm, that is, an unripe fruit with not very large seed chambers and underdeveloped seeds.

It’s quite possible to pickle cucumbers in jars, like barrel ones. For this, it is necessary to use only suitable products, and also strictly follow all the recommendations of the recipe.

As a rule, cucumbers in banks, like barrels, are harvested by those housewives who do not have a cellar in which it was possible to store such an appetizer throughout the winter. It should be noted that in terms of their taste and crunchiness, such vegetables are in no way inferior to those made in the classical way. Moreover, it is not necessary to store them in the cold. Canned jars can be kept at room temperature, but only in a dark place.

We make cucumbers (like barrels) in banks for the winter

To get the most delicious and fragrant snacks, you should use only young vegetables of small sizes. Cucumbers should be intended for salting, not have large seeds and hard peels. If you use large and overripe fruits for such a harvest, then it will turn out not very tasty and all the more unlike what is done in barrels.

So how should cucumbers be harvested in jars, like barrel cucumbers? To do this, prepare:

We process components for homework

Cucumbers, like barrels, are easily prepared in banks for the winter. All vegetables are processed first. They are thoroughly washed and laid out in a deep basin with ice water. Soak the cucumbers in such a way for several ches. Such a treatment will allow the vegetables to remain tough and crispy.

Other components are also separately prepared. All greens are thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. As for garlic cloves, they are cleaned and left in their entirety.

Vegetable harvesting

How to pickle pickles in jars? To start, you should prepare the container. To do this, use three-liter glass jars. They should not be sterilized. Dried umbrellas, currant and cherry leaves, horseradish root and whole cloves of garlic are alternately laid at the bottom of the container, and by the way, the last ingredient contains substances that allow the cucumbers to remain crispy and dense.

The number of leaves of cherry and currant can be changed at your discretion (to a lesser or, conversely, larger side). As for the oak leaves, they should not be abused. An excess of such a component will make the peel very stiff and tasteless.

After all the greens are in the jar, fresh vegetables are tightly placed in it. (straight to the top). Hot pepper pod is also sent there. The last ingredient should be used as you wish. If you want to get a savory appetizer, then adding it is a must. If not, then it is better to refuse pepper.

Make pickle and pickle vegetables

Before pickling pickled cucumbers in a jar, you should prepare a marinade. We make it at the rate of 40 g of table salt per 1 liter of cold water. The components are thoroughly mixed until the spice is completely dissolved. After that, the brine is poured into a jar (to the top) and immediately covered with multilayer gauze. In this form, in banks, such as barrel, leave at 3-4 days. During this time, the brine should turn sour and cloudy. By the way, in some culinary specialists it is even covered with mold.

The final step in the preparation of snacks

After this period, the mold is removed from the surface of the snack (if it has formed), and then the brine is poured into a metal container and brought to a boil. After a few minutes, it is again poured into vegetables, which are immediately rolled up.

Now you know how to make barrel cucumbers in jars. After seaming the container, it is turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket. In this state, the product is kept warm until it cools completely. Then it is cleaned in a dark place and stored for about six months. By the way, you should eat such an appetizer only after 1-2 months. During this time, cucumbers completely "ripen", become crispy and very tasty.

Cooking pickled cucumbers in jars, like barrel

Above, you were presented with the simplest way to prepare barrel cucumbers in glass jars. However, there is another method for creating such a snack. For its implementation we will need:

  • young cucumbers (without large seeds and thick peels) - about 1.5 pounds per 3-liter jar;
  •   (umbrellas) - 3 small pieces. to the can;
  • blackcurrant leaves (fresh) - 4 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves (fresh) - 4 pcs.;
  • oak leaves (fresh or slightly dried) - 2 pcs.;
  • horseradish root - 3-4 cm long per jar;
  • garlic cloves - 5 pcs. to the can;
  • small salt - 40 g per 1 liter of liquid.

Cooking process

In banks, like barrel ones, they are done in much the same way as in the above recipe. The vegetables are washed, kept in ice water, and then tightly laid out in a prepared container. By the way, all the greens, as well as dried dill, horseradish root and garlic cloves, are placed in jars in advance.

As soon as the prepared ingredients are in the container, they add fine salt to them and shake them well. After that, they are poured with ordinary cold water from the tap. In this form, cucumbers in jars, like barrels, are covered with a glass lid and left at room temperature for exactly one day. After a day, the whole brine is poured from the vegetables (into a deep pan), and they themselves are thoroughly rinsed with cold water (right in the jar). Bay cucumbers with the same marinade, they are again left for 24 hours.

The described actions should be carried out 2 more times. On the third day, the drained brine is boiled over a fast fire and again poured into a jar. If it is not enough, then some water from the kettle is added to it. After that, the vegetables are immediately rolled up and turned over.

How and where to store pickles?

Having wrapped the blanks with a thick blanket, they are left in the heat until they cool completely. In conclusion, the cans with cucumbers are tidied up in a dark place.

Open the canned workpiece only after a month. If you do this earlier, then the vegetables will not have time to be saturated with the aromas of additives, they will turn out to be fresh, soft and not very tasty.

You can eat such an appetizer together with second and first courses, as well as with alcoholic beverages.

Cold pickling of cucumbers (almost barrel)

Ingredients for Cold Cured Cucumber Ingredients
   .Garlic (on the bottom, in the middle, on top of the jar) - 3 tooth.
   . Blackcurrant leaves (several pieces)
   .Dill (inflorescences or paws)
   . Black pepper (dried) - 8-10 pcs.
   . Horseradish leaf
   .Cherry leaves (if any).
   .Bitter red pepper (drip on top)
   .Salt (with a slide) - 3 tbsp. l
   . Fresh cucumber (on a 3-liter jar)

Recipe "" Cold pickling of cucumbers ""

Recipe: we buy small and medium cucumbers, pimply (I am not a gardener, because in varieties I’m a complete layman and I determine by appearance). In the glass jars at the bottom I spread the dill inflorescence, chopped horseradish leaf, chopped into halves of 2-3 cloves of garlic, black peppercorns, a leaf of currant, red chilli pepper (for the peppery lover). Well-washed cucumbers (do not trim the tips !!), I put it tightly-tight to the top. ATTENTION! In slightly warm water we breedsalt 100 grams per 1 liter of water   and pour cucumbers to the top of the jar with this solution, then sprinkle half a teaspoon of dry mustard on top. We cover the banks loosely with light lids (I use purchased sour cream from the jars). We put the jars in the container so that the brine during fermentation does not spill on the surface of the table, shelf or window sill. Cucumbers are salted for 4-5 days (no need to put in a cold place). We are watching when the “fermentation-pickling process” has come to an end - at first the fermentation brine becomes more transparent and a certain precipitate has formed on the cucumbers - it’s time to prepare the cucumbers for sunset. Take the right amount of lids, wash under cold water. We take a jar with cucumbers, cover with a palm or a lid with holes and turn upside down. We see the settled turbidity, our task is to wash it clean - shake the jar well and pour it completely through your fingers or the lid with holes! Pour cold water from the tap and repeat the procedure until the contents in the bank are completely clean. Then we put the jar under the tap with cold water and fill it to the "meniscus", i.e. as much as possible. We check that there are no bubbles between the cucumbers, knock on the jar so that all the bubbles rise up. When we put the can lid on top - the water “sprinkles” from under it, which means that the excess water has spilled and there is no air there !!! Roll up the lid. AND EVERYTHING. No need to turn the cans over. Leave the jars under control for a few days - if suddenly there was air left by our mistake, then the lid fermentation process will swell. In this case, I remove the lid, "correct the error" to the maximum amount of water and roll it up with a new lid. But my 20 years of experience has already saved me from this. So be careful! Cucumbers stand in the closet in the apartment for a year, two, three. All the trick of pickling - cucumbers are crispy, as if from a barrel, the excess salt went into clean water, the brine becomes so tasty that after the New Year's Eve and not only to someone, he will straighten his head. Well, the pickle turns classic