What rum is made of: the best recipes at home. What is rum and how is it produced

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Rum production.

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1. General information …………………………………………………………… ..3

2. Raw materials for the preparation of rum. Sugarcane. ……… ... …… .3

3. The history of the Roma. …………………………………………………………… ... 4-6

4. Technology for the production of rum

4.1. Harvesting ……………………………………………………… ..7

4.2. Obtaining molasses .... .............................. ...................... ... 7

4.3. Fermentation ........... ... ...................................... ............. ... 7-8

4.4. Distillation ……………………… .. ……………………………… 8-9

4.5. Excerpt .... ……………………………………………… ... ... .9

5. Classification of Roma ………………………………………………… ..10-11

6. Brands of rum ........... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11-12

References ……………………………………………………… .13

  1. General

Rum   (eng. rum  , Spanish ron  , fr. rhum) is a strong alcoholic beverage made by fermentation and distillation from by-products of sugar cane production, such as molasses and cane syrup.

Rum from different islands varies in taste and aroma, but there are two main types of rum: industrial and agricultural (by processing method).

Despite the fact that rum production is available in Australia, India, Reunion and many other places in the world, most rum is produced in the Caribbean and along the Demerara River in South America. There are many varieties of rum. Light rum is usually used in cocktails, while golden and dark rum are suitable for both cooking and cocktails. Long-aging rum is used in pure form or with ice.

Rum plays a significant role in the culture of most of the islands of the West Indies and is often associated with the British royal fleet piracy. Rum was also a popular medium of exchange and contributed to the spread of slavery. In addition, he served as an excuse for the Australian Rum riot in the early XIX century.

  2. Raw materials for the production of rum.

Sugarcane - perennial herb from this. cereals, bred in numerous varieties under the tropics, from 35 ° C. w. up to 30 ° S sh., and in South America rising to the mountains to a height of up to 6000; sugarcane is not found in the wild, and its homeland is unknown. Sugarcane is cut down, the lower part of the stems (containing the highest amount of sucrose) is chopped and then green juice is squeezed out of it

3. History of Roma

The predecessors of rum appear even in antiquity. It is believed that fermented drinks from sugarcane juice were first made in ancient India or China, and then in other parts of the world. An example of such an old drink is Brahm. The history of the brama made by the Malays goes back thousands of years. Marco Polo also writes about the “very good sugar wine” of the XIV century, which he was treated to in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Iran.

Rum was first made by fermenting steel in the 17th century on reed plantations in the Caribbean. Plantation slaves first discovered that molasses, a by-product of sugar production, is fermented into alcohol. Subsequent distillation of this alcoholic by-product made it concentrated and helped remove impurities, and the result was the first real rum. Some

it is believed that rum was first made in Barbados. Regardless of the initial origin, early Caribbean rum was not famous for its high quality.

Rum in Colonial America

After the development of rum production in the Caribbean, the popularity of the drink spread to colonial America. To cover the demand for a drink, the first colony rum distillation factory was opened in 1664 on the territory of modern Staten Island. In Boston, Massachusetts, such a factory appeared three years later. Rum production has become the largest and most prosperous industry in colonial New England. The rum produced here was very popular and was even considered the best in the world for most of the 18th century. Rum from Rhode Island, along with gold, was used for some time in Europe for settlements. According to estimates of the consumption of rum in the American colonies before the American Revolutionary War, 13.5 liters of rum per year were for every man, woman and child.

To cover the demand for molasses for the production of rum, simultaneously with the growing demand for sugar in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, labor was needed to work on sugar plantations in Karabakh. To meet this need, a trilateral exchange was organized between Africa, the Karaibs and the American colonies. The circular flow of slaves, molasses and rum brought great profit, and the breakdown in trade relations caused by the adoption of the Sugar Act in 1764 by the British Parliament was one of the causes of the American Revolution.

The popularity of Roma did not weaken after America gained independence. In particular, George Washington demanded to bring a barrel of Barbados rum for his inauguration in 1789. As a result, restrictions on the production and sale of rum in the part of the Caribbean that belonged to Britain, simultaneously with the development of production of American whiskey, led to a decline in the popularity of rum.

Sea rum

Due to the inability to store fresh water (fresh water ran out during long voyages), often for long voyages, instead of a supply of fresh water, a supply of rum, beer or wine was taken. The association of Roma with piracy dates back to the search for high-income sources by English pirates. This traditional bond has become stronger thanks to the famous

literary works such as “Treasure Island” by Robert Lewis Stevenson.

Rum began to be linked to the British Royal Navy in 1655, when the British fleet captured the island of Jamaica. The presence of rum of its own production led to the replacement of French brandy as an alcoholic drink, daily present in the diet of sailors. Initially, rum was consumed in pure form or diluted with lemon juice, and about 1740 rum was diluted with water. To reduce the effect of alcohol on sailors, Admiral Edward Vernon ordered dilution of rum before use. In honor of the cloak from Faya grogram cloak), which the admiral wore in bad weather, they began to call the mixture of rum with water a grog. Rum was included in the daily diet of the Royal Navy sailors until the abolition of this rule on July 31, 1970.

Sea rum plays an important role in the stories that after winning the battle of Trafalgar with the goal of better preservation, the body of Horatio Nelson was transported to England in a barrel of rum. From these stories comes the name of the Roma as "Nelson’s blood." There is debate about the details of history, and some historians claim that the name came from a toast to Admiral Nelson.

Rum in Colonial Australia

Rum became an important commodity for the trading industry in the early period of colonial New South Wales. The importance of Roma is due to

lack of funds for the population of the colony, as well as the ability of the drink to bring a person to a state where he can at least temporarily forget about the insufficient comfort of life in the colony. The value of the Roma was such that even imprisoned colonists were forced to work on the lands of officials New South Wales Corporation  . Due to the popularity of Roma among settlers, the colony earned a reputation as “drunk”, although the level of alcohol consumption in the colony was lower than in England at that time.

When in 1806 William Bly became the governor of the colony, he attempted to eradicate the problem of drunkenness by legislatively banning the use of rum as a medium of exchange. In response to this and some other actions New South Wales Corporation   made an armed protest and arrested Bly. The rebels controlled the colony until the arrival in 1810 of Governor Lachlen Macquarie.

Caribbean Light Rum

Until the second half of the 19th century, all rum made was heavy or dark, which was considered suitable for the working poor, unlike refined double-distilled European spirits. To increase the volume of the rum market, the Spanish Royal Chamber of Development has established a prize for those who will improve the process of rum production. The result was many improvements to the manufacturing process, which significantly improved the quality of the rum.

One of the most significant figures in the improvement process was Don Facundo Bacardi Masso, who moved in 1843 from Spain to Santiago de Cuba. His experiments with distillation technologies, coal filtration, cultivation of special types of yeast and aging in American oak barrels led to the creation of a softer drink, known today as light rum. Don Facundo founded the Bacardi company in 1862 to produce such rum.

  4. Technology of production of rum

The process consists of 7 stages:

1. Harvest

2. Getting molasses

3. Fermentation

4. Distillation

5. Exposure

  1). Harvest

Sugarcane stalks are cut down 4-5 meters high and 4-5 centimeters in diameter with long wide leaves. The lower part of the stalks of sugarcane with the highest sucrose content is cut into pieces and chopped.

2). Obtaining molasses.

Sugarcane juice is heated and brought to the consistency of syrup. After that, it partially crystallizes. In a special way, the resulting crystals are separated, which are processed and sugar is obtained. And the raw material that remains after the separation of the crystals is called molasses, from which 90% of rums are produced worldwide.

3). Fermentation

  Molasses is placed in tanks, water and yeast are added there. As a result, fermentation begins (natural sugar turns into alcohol). This process lasts about 24 hours. After fermentation is completed, a 10% wine is formed.

Some types of rum are produced without yeast. Fermentation, in such cases, occurs naturally, due to bacteria that are contained in the air.

Upon receipt of rum with a “character”, “sourdough” is added to the molasses, which is the remainder of the last distillation. It greatly enhances the aromas of rum. The largest amount of “sourdough” is used for heavy, strong rum.
These production methods were developed by the British. They sought to obtain the most fragrant and concentrated rum. The fermentation temperature is strictly controlled. If it is low enough, fermentation is slow and takes 48 hours or more, and sometimes more than 8 days.

For light rum, fermentation is faster - about 15 hours - and at a higher temperature. To make rum with a special bouquet, some manufacturers add spices such as cinnamon, vanilla, grapes, plums, peaches and others to the wort. At the end of fermentation, the wort reaches a strength of 8-10%.

four). Distillation

The drink obtained as a result of fermentation is distilled both in traditional apparatuses and in continuous columns. The type of rum obtained depends on which apparatus is used for distillation:

If a traditional apparatus is used, the rum is heavier and richer, the color is darker, and the taste is sweeter than that of rum, which was obtained using continuous columns.

The apparatus consists of two columns. Inside the columns there are perforated round copper plates located vertically along the entire height of the column. Braga enters the top of the column. After the mash arrives in the columns, it begins to slowly drain through the plates to the bottom of the column, while hot steam is supplied from below to the column. Water-alcohol vapors begin to rise up the column. As you move up, heavier alcohols settle on the plates,

mixing with the braga coming from the upper part, and lighter alcohols continue to rise upward until they reach the upper plate. There, alcohol vapors condense and then collect. At this point, the percentage of alcohol is about 90-95%. This distillation method gives an increased percentage of alcohol in the product. It is believed that a continuous cycle column depletes rum. Rum with this production method receives only light alcohols, complex heavy alcohols do not fall on the upper plate, so rums made using this distillation technology are obtained, lighter, less saturated and less aromatic

5). Excerpt

The rum that has just been distilled contains a little hydrogen sulfide, which is why the drink has a sharp and pungent flavor. Then it is sent for aging either in metal tanks or in oak barrels. During the aging process, the rum acquires a golden color and softness, and with a longer exposure it becomes darker.

Before bottling, the rum is blended (i.e. different types of this drink are mixed in order to achieve a certain taste.)

The production of agricultural rum differs from industrial production in that it is an independent production. Sugarcane juice is sent to the tank, yeast is added, the resulting mash is sent to distillation. The remaining stages are the same as industrial rum.

Agricultural rum is almost always a heavy product, industrial lighter.

5. Classification of Roma

Roma can be divided into four main categories:

- white;

-  gold;


-seasoned .

    white rum

This category includes transparent, usually light rum, produced in continuous-cycle columns. Some brands are aged for up to 18 months (the color that rum gets when aged is clarified by filtration), but the vast majority of white rum goes on sale unsustainable;

    golden rum

By "golden" is meant aged for a year or two, unfiltered (to preserve a golden hue) rum. The color of the "golden" rum is usually "corrected" by adding caramel;

    dark rum

Includes thick, full-bodied, aromatic rums produced in cubes by the method of double distillation and aged in highly charred oak barrels for 3 years or more;

    aged rum

A drink with an aging time in an oak barrel of 5 years and above, but rarely more than 12. Rums of this category are most often produced in traditional distillation cubes. Aged rums are increasingly competing in the market for elite cognacs, bourbons and malt whiskeys;

In those days when people did not know how to clean the distillate well, they masked powerful aromas, insisting drinks on fruits, herbs and spices, getting rum with spices and flavored rum.

As a rule, labels give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe age of the rum more than the composition of the raw material from which it is made and the method of distillation. The exception is the Roma of the overseas territories of France, on the labels of which it is indicated: agricultural rum made from 100% sugarcane juice or industrial rum made from molasses (molasses).

Agricultural rum is produced mainly in distillation cubes and only a few months of the year - during reed harvest, when fresh juice can be obtained, and industrial rum - only in continuous-cycle columns, but at any time of the year, since the presence of black molasses does not depend on the season .

  6. Roma brands

The most famous brands of industrial rum

1.Havana Club (Havana Club). Cuba

This is a national Cuban drink, whose age is more than 100 years. The production process of this rum is quite complicated and includes a long exposure. There are several varieties of it: a young rum with a light, elegant bouquet, intended mainly for cocktails; rum 3 - summer exposure, suitable for any method of use; rum 5 - year aging, which should be drunk in pure form or with ice, and, finally, 7 - year old rum.

2.Bacardi (Bacardi). Initially, such rum was produced in Cuba, today this brand is produced by factories in all the Antilles, in Puerto Rico, Mexico, America and Brazil.

3.Barbancourt (Barbancourt). Haiti

4.Calypso (Calypso) .Barbado

5.Captain Morgan (Captain Morgan). Jamaica

6.Demerara (Demerara). Guiana

7.Mount Gay (Mautgay). Barbados

8.Myers "s Original (Myersizoriginal). Jamaica

9.Ron Matusalem (RonMatuzalem). Puerto rico

The most famous brands of agricultural rum

1.Saint James (St. James). France.

This rum from Martinique, overseas department of France, is obtained by distillation of sugarcane juice and belongs to the group of agricultural rums. It is much richer in aromas than industrial rums. This rum received the AOS nomination, which indicates its high quality.

2.Chauvet (Chauvet). France

3.La Mauny (La Moni). France

5.Old Nick (Old Nick). France


1.http: //www.bahys.com/ru/rum/manufacturing/

2.http: //drinks.su/index.php? Option \u003d com_content & task \u003d view & id \u003d 87 & Itemid \u003d 96

3.http: //www.ovine.ru/rum/technology.htm

4.http: //ru.wikipedia.org
  5. I. Dubrovin. All about rum - M: ed. Eksmo, 2004 .-- 187s.

6. I. Dubrovin. All about alcohol - M: ed. Eksmo, 2005 .-- 126s.

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The person who wrote the immortal Treasure Island immediately represents the pirates. However, the beginning of the drink of the sea robbers long before their appearance was laid by the Chinese and Indians. It was then called brahms. Once again, the Caribbean slaves “discovered” the technology for the production of rum. And only then the pirates became interested in him. The history of this drink is vibrant and exciting. There is in it the romance of sea voyages, and bloody riots, and moments of glory. How and from what do rums make it so popular? Why is it black and white? What kind of fortress should it be? Let's start in order.

What is rum and why is it called that?

This is a liquor from more precisely, from the residual products of the Slaves of the islands in the Caribbean, who bent their backs on plantations, in the first half of the 17th century found that fire water can be prepared from sweet molasses remaining after squeezing sugar. They drove and used it solely for the purpose of at least temporarily forgetting the hardships of slavery. Soon, the drink became so popular that it began to be produced on a massive scale.

Historians do not agree on why rum was called rum. Some people think this is from the word "glass", which the Danes say "roemer". Others attribute the origin to the English word "rumbullion", that is, "a big noise", while others are sure that the drink was called rum, because it was made from sugar. And in Latin, sugar is called "saccharum."

Production process

The lion's share of rum production belongs to the Caribbean and some regions of South America. It is there that the birthplace of the famous brands "Havana Club" and "Bacardi". Previously, this drink was also made in the Soviet Union from sugar cane grown in the Asian republics.

Many are interested in how rum is made. The process is not so much time-consuming as it is lengthy, because any rum must be sustained. There are no strict standards. Each country has its own technology. It all starts with the fermentation of molasses. To do this, add yeast to it. In some industries they use ordinary ones, in others they are specially designed so that the taste and aroma of the drink turn out to be more refined. Bacardi factories use fast-fermenting yeast. However, with prolonged fermentation, the taste is richer.

The second stage is distillation. The result is rum alcohol with a strength of about 70 degrees. To make an exquisite drink from it, alcohol must be aged for more than a year.

How to make rum from alcohol?

The drink obtained after distillation is not rum. So that he becomes one, he is poured into barrels and set to ripen. Barrels use different. Some have stainless steel. High-quality rum varieties are aged in oak containers. And the best - in the so-called Bourbon. There is a province of Bourbon in France, where they accidentally discovered that unusually fragrant and tasty rum is obtained in charred wooden barrels. They should be burnt not in any way, but in a special way. What is high aging rum? This is a drink that has stood in a barrel for more than 7 years. Such a rum is awarded a premium category. They drink it in its pure form, without mixing with anything.

After aging, light rum varieties are filtered to remove color pigments. Caramel is sometimes added to dark varieties. At the last stage, various spices or fruit essences can mix with the drink. They can also blend (mix) rum from different barrels and even produced in different regions.

Light brands of leading brands

Some people think that a good rum should be very strong. This is only partially correct. Together with the fortress, the taste of the drink is appreciated. The role and purpose of its use plays a role. So, for cocktails, silver, white, amber rum is more suitable. His fortress is 40 degrees or slightly less. The most famous brands are “Havana Club Blanco”, “Ron Barceló Blanco”, “Mocambo”, “Rum Barton Light”. It is impossible to list everything.

Guadalupe white rum “Karukera” is in great demand among drink connoisseurs. It is made using French technology, that is, not from molasses, but from cane juice. But the reed is taken not ordinary, but blue, in which the smell is especially intense. Rum from it is full of citrus flavors, and the aftertaste has subtle hints of cloves and dried fruit. This can not only be added to cocktails, but also drunk with ice or soda. A few words I want to say about the "weak" rum "Calypso". It is only 35 degrees, but the most delicate shades of honey, dried fruits, vanilla, chocolate make it extremely pleasant, especially for women.

Drinks for Real Men

Roma fortress in each country has its own approved standards. For example, in Colombia, it should be 50 degrees or more. But with such a line, rum is also produced in other regions. For example, the Bristol Classic in Guyana has a fortress of 46 degrees, the Panamanian Ron de Jeremy Spiced 47, and the English Black Tot as much as 54.

But this is not the limit. There are drinks with a higher strength. For example, the Austrian black rum "Stroh" comes in 3 types - 40, 60 and 80 degrees. Yes, exactly 80. Of course, you need to drink such rum only diluted or use it to make cocktails and sweet dishes. Stroh makes an excellent punch, hunting tea. This drink is ideal for flaming (setting fire to the dishes it poured). It has a spicy aroma and dark golden color. Stroh received a gold medal for its excellent palatability.

Rum-like drinks

Some people, knowing what rum is made of, may confuse it with other sugarcane drinks, which only look like rum, but are not. The most famous of these is kashasa. This drink is also made from sugarcane by fermentation and distillation. In barrels withstand only some brands of cashews, but mostly small batches. In industry, a beverage is bottled immediately after distillation. To make cash, you need not only sugarcane, but also cornmeal, rice, and soy. In Brazil, this drink is considered national, just like in France champagne.

Another non-Roma representative is the American Aguardiente and the Indonesian Arrak. In the production of both one and the other, sugar cane is used and insist on anise.

What is homemade rum?

None of us grows sugarcane, and it’s ridiculous to buy this raw material in distant countries in order to pamper yourself with a bottle of another pleasant drink. Yes, and willpower must be in order to withstand it for at least a year. But, it turns out, there are simpler and more affordable ways. How to make rum at home?

Recipe 1. "Pineapple"

For preparation, you will need ordinary vodka, sugar and three essences - 10 ml of pineapple and vanilla and 50 ml of rum. Sugar in a dry frying pan until dark. Boil the sugar syrup separately and pour sugar into it until dissolved. Allow to cool. Add essences and vodka to taste. To sustain only a month.

Recipe 2. "Erebuni"

It's still simpler here. Take alcohol, you can wine, (for color), water and (50mg). All this is mixed and a unique drink with a strength of about 50 degrees is obtained.

Is it just rum?

The use of real rum

Answering the question of what rum is, you can not mention sugarcane, but say that it is a pleasant alcoholic drink, an indispensable companion of youth and social parties, a wonderful ingredient for many sweet dishes. Light brands are used for all kinds of cocktails, for example, Cuba Libre, Zombies, Mojito. Some brands of light rum are pleasantly drunk without the addition of other alcoholic beverages.

There are many rum liquors with fantastic flavors. Liquor "Malibu", beloved by many, is made in Barbados. It has many varieties, depending on the additives present in it. There is Malibu with coconut, passion fruit, mango.

Rum is used in marinades, fruit preservation, and added to baked goods.

What is rum made from? Rum production begins with sugarcane. Ripe sugarcane is harvested by hand. Its collection is a hard and debilitating work, which is involved in many countries.

Sliced \u200b\u200bsugarcane is quickly sent to the mill, where it is crushed in a special machine. As a result, cane fiber pulp lets out sugar-saturated juice. Waste in the form of crushed pulp is used as fuel for energy production during its burning.

Video of visiting a rum factory:

Cane juice is used in three different ways:

  1. Carry out the fermentation process followed by distillation. This use of sugarcane juice is common in French West Indies (Martinique and Guadeloupe). As a result of this process, rum is obtained that most retains the plant characteristics of the reed.
  2. You can prepare concentrated juice, which is subsequently used as a syrup. In the future, this syrup is used as a sweetener. But this syrup can be fermented and distilled, and get the same rum as a result. Many distilleries use syrup for distillation and get an excellent final product in the form of a strong alcoholic drink. The use of this method is also advantageous in that distillation is possible all year round, and not only during the period of sugar cane ripening.
  3. From juice and molasses you can get the usual sugar for us, i.e. sugar in the form of small crystals for sweetening. Molasses is sold to distilleries for subsequent distillation and production of rum. Most varieties of rum are produced with fermented molasses.

Rum fermentation

The type of fermentation process depends on the manufacturer. Some of them successfully use natural fermentation when it occurs in open vats with the addition of yeast. In another case, the fermentation process takes place in the laboratory under the close supervision of specialists. These two types of fermentation are the most common in the production of rum, which are used by all major distilleries.

Rum distillation

The basic principles of distillation are quite simple. Fermented liquid is heated to 80 degrees Celsius in an airtight vessel. When heated, the vapors of alcohol rise and then condense into liquid alcohol. But, of course, the actual distillation process is much more complicated. Every detail is important in distillation, because absolutely everything in this process affects the quality of the final product. Distillation is a whole science, and its success depends on professionalism, experience, sometimes even on the luck of the person who produces rum.

The design of distillation apparatuses can be different, but they are divided into two main groups: vertical distillation cube, continuous distillation cube. As already noted, there are a huge number of distillation apparatus varieties. Many distillation apparatuses combine the characteristics of a vertical and continuous distillation cube, but each of them has a unique appearance. This is also due to the fact that each device is assembled manually, and each has its own tricks. Some distillation apparatuses are very simple, while others are very complex, and are designed for a rather complicated process of producing alcohol using several stages of distillation. In many distillation apparatuses, it is possible to remove unnecessary parts and devices. This is very convenient, because such devices can be used to produce various alcoholic drinks. Large distilleries during the production of rum can also receive offal, which they successfully sell to enterprises in other industries, where they are used as flavorings. Regardless of the design and type of apparatus, the result is still rum.

The products of some distilleries are very popular. Some factories use advertising technology, claiming double distillation in the production of rum. But, in fact, the quality of rum produced in the usual way and in the way stated in the advertisement is not very different.

Rum fortress

It must also be said that fresh rum has a high alcohol content, which can vary from 70 to 95%. But rum can be distilled and reach the fortress at the level of 38-48%. Certain varieties of rum, which are sold in many countries of the Caribbean, are bottled fresh, and therefore differ in their strength, which significantly affects its taste.

Most varieties of rum can be aged, which positively affects the taste of the drink. Many types are mixed with different batches of drinks of the same distillery, which may differ in aging time. Some types of rum insist on herbs and spices, and juices and extracts are added to some types. So get flavored rum. On average, the strength of rum before bottling is from 40% to 50%.

Despite the fact that there are not so many stages of rum production, often different stages can alternate between each other. This approach to the manufacture of this strong drink allows you to ultimately get a rum of different strength and taste.

A strong alcoholic beverage made from fermented sugarcane processing products by distillation and subsequent aging in oak barrels.

Raw materials When processing sugarcane, black molasses, or molasses, containing a rather large amount of sugars remains as waste. It serves as the main raw material from which up to 90% of rum is made.
  In much smaller quantities in the production of rum, cane juice and cane pulp (ground cane) are used.
  The quality and variety of the types of the final product depend on the variety of reeds and the type of raw materials used.

The technology of making rum.   Diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 molasses or juice is fermented for two (most varieties of rum) - twelve days (Jamaican rum). This liquid with a strength of about 10% vol .. is subjected to double or continuous (since 1830) distillation. The result is colorless rum alcohol with a strength of 60-70% vol., Also called white rum. It is sold or sent to shutter speed (most).

Rum extract. For aging, rum alcohol is often transported to a country with a temperate climate to avoid losses due to evaporation. Extract is made in new or used oak barrels for at least 2 years, for strong varieties - at least 6 years. At the end of the exposure, rum alcohol is purified with activated carbon, and then mixed in the required proportions with water, sugar syrup and color. Spices are added to individual brands of rum. Often used blending of alcohols from different islands.

Types of rum, taste, aroma, color. Rum is an international drink: it is produced on all continents. Therefore, there are no international production standards and definitions of styles and types of rum. Although in many ways they naturally coincide.
Since rum is made in countries where they speak three different languages \u200b\u200b(depending on which colonies the producers were in the 16th-19th centuries), that is, French, English and Spanish, there are three spelling options: in French, rhum is rhum, according to English - rum, Spanish - ron.

Depending on the concentration of flavoring substances, depending on the technology of fermentation, distillation and aging, rum is divided into 3 main types:

  • light (boiled)
  • middle boiled
  • heavy (heavy boiled).

The severity of taste and aroma grows from light rum to heavy.

Cuban rum varieties are often light, Puerto Rican, Barbados - medium, Trinidad, Jamaican - heavy. Heavy rum has a bitter taste with a pronounced fruity aroma.
  Light rum is produced in Cuba, Haiti, the Philippines, the Virgin Islands, the Dominican Republic, the USA (Hawaiian Islands), Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela. Heavy rum - in Jamaica, Martinique, Trinidad, Barbados, British Guiana, etc.

Roughly enough, Roma can be divided into four main categories - white, gold, dark and seasoned; There are also many different options, for example, solera, spiced, overproof, single mark, demerara, plummer:

  • white rum  indicated on the label by the words white / light / silver / blanca / blanc. This category includes transparent, usually light rum, produced in continuous-cycle columns. Some brands, for example, Bacardi, the world leader in sales, are aged for up to 18 months (the color that rum gets when aged is clarified by filtration), but the vast majority of white rum goes on sale unsustainable;
  • golden rum  - This type of rum is indicated on the label with the words golden / oro / amber / paille. By "golden" is meant aged for a year or two, unfiltered (to preserve a golden hue) rum. The color of the "golden" rum is usually "corrected" by adding caramel;
  • dark rum  has a designation on the label dark / black / negro. The category includes thick, full-bodied, aromatic rums produced in cubes by the method of double distillation and aged in highly charred oak barrels for 3 years or more;
  • aged rum  indicated by the words premium aged / anejo / rhum vieux. Under these definitions, a beverage with a shelf life of 5 years or more in an oak barrel can be hidden, but, as a rule, rarely more than 12. Rums of this category are most often produced in traditional distillation cubes. Aged rums are increasingly competing in the market for elite cognacs, bourbons and malt whiskeys;
  • spiced (with spices) and flavored  (flavored) - these types of rum existed from the very beginning of its production, back in those days when people did not know how to clean distillates well and mask powerful aromas, insisting drinks on fruits, herbs and spices. But as international categories of drinks, individual brands of such rums appeared relatively recently and quickly conquered a significant part of the market. The most prominent representatives of flavored rums are Bacardi Limon and Captain Morgan Spiced;
  • single mark rum.  Vintage bottling, roughly similar to Scotch whiskey or bourbon bottled from a single barrel, is the rarest variety of rum. These rums are often bottled directly from the barrel, without blending, and even without lowering the strength.

As a rule, labels give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe age of the rum more than the composition of the raw material from which it is made and the method of distillation. The exception is the Roma of the overseas territories of France (Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin, Martinique), the labels of which indicate: rhum agricole - agricultural rum made from 100% sugarcane juice or rhum industrielle - industrial rum made from molasses (molasses). Agricultural rum is produced mainly in distillation cubes and only a few months of the year - during reed harvest, when fresh juice can be obtained, and industrial rum - only in continuous-cycle columns, but at any time of the year, since the presence of black molasses does not depend on the season .

Alcohol content. Typically, rum fortress ranges from 35% to 57% vol., But there are brands with a fortress of over 70% vol., Intended for punches, as their name indicates Caroni Puncheon, Stallion Puncheon (Trinidad Island). Light rum usually has a strength of 40% vol., Heavy - up to 48.5% vol. and more.

The rums produced in the former French territories and called rhum industrielle (industrial rum) usually go on sale at a fortress of 57%.

Rums exported from former British colonies are sold as overproof (increased strength) - up to 75%. Most of these drinks are exported to Europe in tanks for the production of local blends.

The name "Rum 151" (151 Rum) are rums with an alcohol content of 75% vol. (in this case, the English unit of measure is used: proof, 1 proof \u003d 0.5% vol.).

Place and time of the beginning of the manufacture of rum.   The first mention is the middle of the 17th century, the island of Barbados.

The territory where the drink is made. Most of the world's rum production is concentrated in the Caribbean (Barbados, Haiti, Guyana, Cuba, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Jamaica), but it is produced in almost all sugar cane cultivation sites for the disposal of molasses (Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Guinea, South Africa, Java, Australia, etc.).