Broth - benefit or poison for the body? Expert opinion! Is meat broth harmful? The benefits and harms of soups.

19.10.2019 Beverages

Chicken broth is a separate nutritious dish and an excellent base for delicious rich soups. But they love and value the broth not only for its taste, but also for the medicinal properties with which it is endowed. Didn't a loving grandmother treat you as a child with homemade chicken broth?

Most often, a cold cup and a general malaise caused by a long illness or a serious operation were treated with a cup of hot broth. But is chicken stock so good? Let's get together to understand in which situations such a simple tool can really help, and in which not.

Natural broth only

Before speaking directly about the beneficial properties of chicken broth and its effect on the body, it is important to determine what kind of dish it is and how to cook it properly so that it really benefits. Poultry broth can be cooked from both white meat and whole chicken. In the first case, you will get a more dietary option, and in the second - a rich broth with large circles of fat.

To make the broth clear, add peeled onions and carrots. This will give the broth a beautiful shade and additional taste. But it is better to refuse salt and spices. If you want to make the taste of the dish more saturated, it is better to throw a few sprigs of parsley during cooking or chopped greens into an already prepared broth.

The longer the chicken is cooked, the more beneficial properties pass from it to the broth. But keep in mind that during cooking, the broth should not boil very much, but only gurgle slightly. And no bouillon cubes. This option is acceptable if you need to quickly cook soup, and not fill the body with additional forces.

Cold treatment

So, we can definitely say that chicken stock helps to cope with the symptoms of flu and colds. Hot broth cleans the upper respiratory tract and reduces nasal congestion that occurs with a runny nose.

In addition, the fat contained in chicken broth softens the throat, reduces inflammation and relieves pain in the nasopharynx characteristic of angina and severe coughing. If you feel that you have caught an infection, do not rush to the pharmacy to get expensive medicines, but try to drink hot broth at night, and in the morning you will feel much better.

Digestion improvement

Hot chicken stock has the property of stimulating digestion and promotes the secretion of gastric juice. Thus, this dish is indicated for those who suffer from gastritis, and those who for a long time could not fully eat due to health problems.

Stimulating the liver and gall bladder

Despite the fact that home-made chicken broth has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, people with diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder and liver are not recommended to use this dish more than once a week. It can provoke inflammation of the bile ducts and duodenum and lead to a worsening health situation.


Earlier, we talked about the fact that the cooking time of the broth is directly related to its useful properties. Unfortunately, there is an inverse relationship: the longer the chicken is cooked, the more harmful substances from it pass into the broth itself. And even draining the first boiled water, as many housewives do, does not save the situation.

If you buy chicken from a trusted farmer who feeds birds only with natural food, without using antibiotics and hormones, then this is unlikely to cause an allergy. But buying the initial product for the broth in an ordinary store, you risk more harm to the body than help.

Effect on salt deposition

With gout and urolithiasis, chicken stock should be abandoned forever. These two diseases are associated with the accumulation of urate crystals - one of the types of salts, and the use of chicken broth exacerbates this process.

Grandmothers and mothers know how to help children recover from colds. Not in vain, as soon as we sneezed in childhood, we were immediately fed warm and tasty chicken stock. Parental feelings drove our mothers, grandmothers, dads to the other end of the city to get fresh homemade chicken for the child’s broth. And indeed, after a plate of fresh soup, it became much easier. What is the secret of the miraculous product in the treatment of colds? In the placebo effect or nutrients? We disassemble in details why chicken stock is useful in treating colds and flu.

The benefits of chicken stock

Long-term observations of scientists, experiments and studies have proved that this amazing soup is really extremely useful. Moreover, the benefit of the broth does not end with the treatment of colds. Concentrated chicken stock helps with coughing, and also promotes a speedy recovery during flu and sore throats.

The benefits of chicken broth for the body, especially weakened by diseases, lies in its chemical composition, which is due to the composition of chicken meat. So, in a rich soup contains glutamic acid, useful essential oils and nitrogen-containing substances. In addition, chicken is rich in potassium, zinc, iron and phosphorus. It has a lot of useful vitamins: vitamin B, C, E, A, PP.

Calorie Chicken Broth

For 100 grams of chicken broth (from chicken without skin and fat), 21 g of protein, 9 g of fat and 0.5 g of carbohydrates are necessary. Depending on the part of the chicken that was used in the preparation of the soup, its calorie content can range from 160 to 240 kcal (the calorie content of the chicken breast broth is much less).

The use of broth with ARVI in terms of science

Japanese scientists in the course of research found that chicken broth by itself, even without the use of healthy vegetables and herbs, can help with colds, sore throats and acute respiratory infections. It is also useful for hypertensive patients. Collagen has such a beneficial effect on the heart and respiratory system., which is found in bone and chicken meat. But this only applies to broth or soup made from fresh, unfrozen meat and the same vegetables. Chicken cubes have nothing to do with real chicken stock. These foods are not nutritious, and contain many spices, chemical dyes and sodium. When preparing the broth, scientists advise holding the pot with soup longer on the fire, adding more vegetables to the dish, and not trying to save time and money by putting the bouillon cubes.

What is the use of chicken broth for the body:

  • it improves patency of the bronchi;
  • chicken contains cysteine \u200b\u200b- a natural amino acid that helps in thinning sputum and successfully expectorates mucus;
  • the broth has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract
  • warm and liquid chicken soup with a high fat content helps to “sweat”, that is, remove toxins from sweat.

Chicken stock is good   if any respiratory tract infection is suspected. It should also be taken with severe dehydration. It has beneficial effects with angina.

Contraindications: who should not eat chicken stock

Despite all the benefits of the dish, chicken broth is not considered the easiest food. In particular, concentrated broth can provoke a serious allergy, especially in young children whose immunity is still poorly developed. In the process of long and slow cooking, the water absorbs everything that is contained in the meat. Therefore, in addition to nutrients, hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals that they injected into animals can get into the broth (in broiler chickens from unverified poultry farms). That is why chicken stock is not recommended for children up to 7-8 months.

In addition, it is better to cook meat to the third water - drain the water twice after boiling and pour new.

There is also a direct correlation between harm to broth   and cooking time: the longer the chicken is cooked, the more harmful it can be, especially if the chicken is not homemade.

Avoid eating chicken stock if you have liver disease.   or gall bladder, chronic diseases of the pancreas or colon, or with an exacerbation of the condition of these organs. Do not get involved in broth and men suffering from gout.

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Appetizing, fragrant, rich or, on the contrary, dietary - any chicken stock is irreplaceable! Soups and main dishes are cooked from it, served pure with unsweetened pastries, it is recommended by nutritionists, and doctors also strongly advise.

Chicken broth: benefits and harms

The use of the broth has long been overgrown with legends, and many of them are quite true.

It is considered that properly brewed broth can lift even the most severely ill patients.

And in America in the last century, this liquid dish was even nicknamed “Jewish penicillin”, its healing power is so amazing.

Chicken broth is indispensable for poisoning (a hangover also applies), after surgery, for colds or flu, as well as for gastritis and some other gastrointestinal diseases.

It is worth introducing this dish of a nursing mother into the menu, you can also give a small child. What is the secret of his healing power? And is chicken stock really good?

Modern doctors believe that chicken broth is an excellent restorative, since all the beneficial substances contained in meat and bones (and there are many of them in chicken) go into the decoction for 60%. And any body, especially a weakened one, is much easier to get proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals from liquid, easily digestible food.

It also benefits in that it stimulates the digestive tract, stimulates appetite, and is also almost completely absorbed.

That's just not so rosy.

Chicken meat today is significantly different in chemical composition from what it was even several decades ago.

  Modern chickens are fed artificial feed, the purpose of which is to make a quick profit.

Therefore, there are growth hormones there, so that the chicken gains mass faster, and antibiotics, so that the bird does not get sick and does not die.

These substances dangerous to humans accumulate in meat, and from there they pass into broth. This is the main harm of a seemingly healing dish.

How to cook chicken broth so that you get only good? There are a couple of secrets:

  • drain the first water 10 minutes after boiling;
  • try to buy chickens in the villages (an ordinary villager just does not have money for all these nutritional supplements).

But even if you cooked the broth correctly from chicken meat grown in the most environmentally friendly conditions, you should not give it to those who have been diagnosed with obvious liver problems, as well as people with low acidity of gastric juice. It is harmful in pancreatitis, especially in acute form, with a stomach ulcer.

Caution and with the nutrition of children. Many pediatricians, because of the ambiguity of benefits and harms, still argue at what point chicken stock can be given to a child. Many advise not to introduce it into the diet earlier than a year and a half.

How to choose a chicken

It all depends on your tastes:

  • from the back with a tail and legs, a rich fatty broth is obtained;
  • the same will come out if you take the front part with wings without a filet;
  • chicken breast broth - a dish for those on a diet;
  • if you need to cook a decoction with meat, then take a chicken leg;
  • the back will make an excellent basis for light first courses - without excess fat, but with a rich taste.

By the way, it is better to buy not broilers, but laying hens - although their meat requires longer cooking, but the taste and smell in the end are much brighter.

A good option and chickens, especially for baby food - they have less fat and lower the likelihood of a high content of harmful substances.

Recipes for every taste.

There are actually a lot of ways to cook chicken broth. You can make the usual classic, on the basis of which soups, cabbage soup are then cooked. And you can cook one, which in itself will be an independent dish. There are also quick cooking options when time is running out, and there are special recipes, for example, a real medicinal broth. It is better to master several at once.

The most delicious chicken broth

First of all, I offer precisely this detailed recipe with tips and subtleties of cooking, the most delicious first course.

  Ready chicken broth can be used for sauces, second and first courses.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine: French
  • Type of dish: first courses
  • Cooking Method: Cooking
  • Servings: 4
  •   1 h 30 min
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calories: 40 kcal
    • Fats: 2.1 g
    • Protein: 5 g
    • Carbohydrates: 2 g


  • chicken leg - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • celery root - 80 g
  • water - 1.5 l
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • black pepper peas - 5 pcs.
  • allspice - 5 pcs.
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.
  • coriander seeds - 0.5 tsp
  • greens - for serving.

  Cooking method:

You can use a whole gutted chicken or parts of a carcass. In this recipe I propose to buy chilled legs. Rinse the legs thoroughly in running cold water. Dip in a saucepan, about 2 liters in volume. Fill with cold water and send to a strong fire. Bring to a boil. Drain the first broth. Rinse the chicken legs and lower them back into the pan. Pour the right amount of water to cover the meat and send to the fire. Bring to a boil. Reduce burner flame and cook for about 20-30 minutes.

  In the meantime, prepare the root crops. Take celery root, carrots and onions. If desired, you can use the root of parsley, parsnip. Peel the vegetables and rinse, dry with a towel, cut into large pieces. Heat a frying pan without oil, place vegetables and fry until browned. This will give the finished soup a richer color.

  While the chicken is cooking, constantly remove the foam.

  After about 30 minutes, add the sautéed vegetables and continue simmering over low heat for about half an hour.

  Add bay leaf, black and allspice, cloves and coriander. Cook for 15-20 minutes.

  Season with salt to your taste. Cook for another 5-10 minutes and turn off the heat.

  Before serving, remove the vegetables and strain the broth. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

  Bon Appetit!

Classic recipe

How to cook chicken broth, my grandmother taught me as a child.

It is this recipe that is classic.

Usually I cook a large pot and freeze part - then use it for anything.

You can, for example, cook. It is very tasty to cook the chicken meatballs in the prepared broth and serve everything with boiled egg and greens.

What you need:

  • domestic chicken - 1 average
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • salt to taste.

How to cook:

  1. We divide the chicken (gutted, plucked) into parts - you can cook and whole chicken, if the pan allows, but then increase the cooking time by 30 minutes. Good wash.
  2. Fill with cold water and wait for boiling. After 10 minutes, pour this water, pour new cold water.
  3. Immediately put a whole peeled carrot and washed but not peeled onions - onion husks will give a pleasant golden hue to the dish.
  4. After boiling, reduce the heat and, removing the foam, cook for 20 minutes.
  5. Then we throw out the vegetables, and cook the meat for another hour.
  6. At the end, salt, wait 5 minutes and turn it off.
  7. When everything has cooled, filter through a sieve or gauze. Separate the meat from the bones and either send it back to the pan, or use it for something else, for example, for something tasty.

Spices in this case are not added so as not to interrupt the clean taste and aroma of chicken. In addition, such a workpiece can be used for cooking a wide variety of foods, which has its own set of seasonings.

Chicken broth in the “Golden” multicooker

A delicious chicken stock in a slow cooker is a recipe for those who do not have time to mess around in the kitchen for a long time.

For cooking, absolutely any device is suitable - Redmond, Panasonic.

What is needed:

  • chicken back, wings - 500 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • salt to taste
  • peppercorns and other spices to choose from.

How to cook

  1. The back and wings are well rinsed, laid in a slow cooker. We turn on the “Frying” mode and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side with the lid open. If your cartoon is non-stick, add some vegetable oil .
  2. We send the peeled vegetables there, cut into 2-4 pieces.
  3. Fill it with hot (so that there is no temperature difference that is dangerous for the inner coating of the bowl) with water ⅔ of the volume and set the "Extinguishing" mode, cover with a lid.
  4. After half an hour, remove the scum with a slotted spoon and continue cooking. If you have a pressure cooker, skip this step, do not forget to reduce the cooking time by half.
  5. After the end signal, add salt, spices and close the lid for another half hour. The first dish will get just a magical smell!
  6. And then, as usual, we filter it, if you need meat, separate it from the bones and send it to the liquid. Serve deliciously with or croutons.

Healing Chicken Broth

As we already know, for those who after surgery or undergoing complex viral diseases, chicken stock is a food that also treats.

Therefore, it is very important to properly cook chicken broth for the patient - although the recipe is simple, the time and steps should be strictly observed.


  • domestic chicken - drumsticks, breast
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • greens - a bunch

How to weld:

  1. For a patient, the broth should be boiled not in the second water, but in the third. Therefore, boil for 5 minutes 2 times.
  2. After this, the meat is washed well, poured with fresh water, add the peeled whole vegetables and cook 20 minutes after boiling over low heat.
  3. Throw the onions and carrots, cook for another 30 minutes and salt just a little - excess salt is useless for the patient.
  4. We rinse the greens and bind them well with a thread - we need it for smell and additional nutrients. Add to the pan, and after 10 minutes we take out and discard.
  5. Turn off the burner, filter the liquid twice. If the patient can have meat, we separate it from the bone and send it, chopped, to the pan (it is better to pass through a meat grinder). But usually only the broth itself is carried to the hospital. It is better to drink it warm.

Noodle recipe

Chicken broth with vermicelli (pasta, pasta, noodles) is an independent first course.

And it turns out especially tasty if there is a lot of meat, so we take the hips or legs.


  • chicken drumsticks or thighs - 4-5 pcs.
  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • greens to taste
  • spices, salt - to taste
  • thin spider web vermicelli - 200 g

Stages of cooking:

  1. From the thighs (legs), onions and 1 carrot, we cook the broth according to one of the recipes described above (I recommend a step-by-step recipe with a photo of “The Most Delicious”).
  2. When the vegetables are thrown out, the liquid is filtered, we separate the meat from the seeds, cut into heavenly slices and again put in the pan.
  3. We also send carrots diced into cubes, salt, add spices and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Pour the vermicelli. If you have homemade noodles, it will turn out even tastier! Cook for 5 minutes, throw the chopped greens on and off. After 5 minutes, chicken stock with vermicelli
  5. serve.

You can replace vermicelli with any cereal in the recipe - buckwheat, rice, barley. It turns out no less tasty liquid first course. Only then cook the cereal not for 5 minutes, but 15-20.

Dietary option with an egg

This option is for losing weight, that is, for those who need to know how many calories in chicken stock, what is its nutritional value. I will say right away: 100 g no more than 20 kcal! That is, in a portion - a maximum of 60 kcal.


  • 2 chicken breasts on the bone
  • paws - 4-5 pcs.
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • dill, parsley - to taste
  • salt, ground pepper, bay leaf - to taste
  • eggs - 2pcs.

How to do:

  1. We remove the skin from the breast, cut off excess fat. Divide it into parts.
  2. We wash the paws well - with them the dish will become tastier, while its calorie content will not increase.
  3. Onion, chicken, carrots, pour 2 liters of cold water, boil.
  4. We drain the first boiling water, and now we cook for 30 minutes, removing the foam with a spoon.
  5. Throw vegetables, bone and paws too. Finely chop the fillet, send back and again let the broth boil.
  6. Beat raw eggs with a fork and a thin stream, constantly stirring, pour into a pan. 2 minutes and turn off.
  7. Serve with herbs.

The secrets of perfect chicken stock

Properly boiled chicken stock is a fragrant clear liquid with a delicious taste!

Taste and smell depend not only on meat - spices and vegetables also play a big role.

In addition to standard carrots and onions, you can send celery, roots and parsley leaves, bell pepper, garlic to the pan.

The most popular vegetable - potatoes - is no longer added for smell, but for taste, when you need to cook a light nutritious soup.

The choice of spices is almost unlimited, then focus on your own preferences. It perfectly combines chicken with dill, turmeric, paprika, different types of pepper.

The broth’s transparency does not depend on vegetables and spices, but it’s completely on the correct preparation and cooking of meat. The basic rules of how to cook a transparent first course:

  • use only bones and meat, no offal (especially carefully when cooking carcasses - there are almost always lungs and kidneys on the inside of the back). You can cook chicken hearts and ventricles separately, and then add to the already prepared broth;
  • how much to cook chicken broth also plays a role - the longer, the more likely it is to get a cloudy liquid;
  • do not bother while boiling, only remove scale (noise, foam);
  • after boiling, the fire should be minimal;
  • put the meat in cold water.


For transparency, it doesn't matter when you salt the broth. The addition of salt only affects the taste and content of nutrients. If you want to make meat more tasty and healthy, then salt in the end, if the fat itself is in the beginning.

It’s hard to say why the soup turns cloudy even if all the rules are followed. You can make it transparent again either by filtering it 2-3 times through several layers of gauze, or by introducing beaten chicken protein into the liquid. After that, they boil it and filter it again. However, transparency is an exclusively aesthetic moment.

BBU Chicken Broth: Calories, Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates

The nutritional value of chicken broth is different in many sources: someone insists that this is a very nutritious dish, someone claims that he even lost weight on the broth, it is so low-calorie.

In fact, everyone is right - and there are such diets for losing weight, and you can recover from it.

It all depends on what parts of the chicken to use and what you will add besides it.

The calorie content of the broth on the breast without skin is about 20 kcal, but for a cooked whole carcass it is 40-50 kcal. And if you add more and vermicelli to this, then the calorie content increases by another 30-40 kcal.

BJU (i.e. the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) usually differs only in fat content.

All about storage

It is important not only to know the secrets of cooking, but also how to store chicken stock. The easiest way to send it to the freezer is to pour it into a plastic bottle. And after 3 months you can get it and apply, for example, for kharcho or okroshka.

Another option is to freeze in ice molds. Dices are convenient to use when you need a little broth.

But the shelf life in the refrigerator of chicken broth is only 2-3 days.

Useful video

The rich chicken stock in history is often regarded as a full-fledged therapeutic agent. With influenza and the common cold, stomach upset, after serious illnesses and operations, this simple dish is often prescribed, which literally puts the patient on his feet. So, what is its real benefit, and how to apply it?

Composition of Chicken Broth

The first thing that needs to be answered is whether the broth can be more useful than the product on which it is based. If we talk about fresh meat, then, of course, no, however, nobody eats raw chicken breasts. But when cooking, all the nutrient components of them pass into the water and are stored there. During frying, as opposed to the first option, most of the macro and trace elements are destroyed.

First of all, it is worth noting that the rich chicken broth contains 2 g of protein and only 15 calories per 100 g of the finished product. This ensures its fullness and nutritional value, which allows you to maintain strength, even with a serious limitation in nutrition for a long period. During cooking from meat and bone, the following components pass into the water of chicken:

  • vitamin B4 (choline), B6 \u200b\u200b(pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin);
  • vitamin H (biotin);
  • vitamin PP and niacin;
  • potassium, magnesium, sodium;
  • sulfur, phosphorus, iron;
  • molybdenum, chromium, zinc.

Especially a lot goes into cobalt broth! In addition to everything, ascorbic acid, other B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium, chlorine, iodine, manganese, fluorine, almost all non-replaceable and irreplaceable acids, saturated and unsaturated fats are present here. As can be seen from the composition, the degree of nutritional value of chicken broth is indeed very high. For this reason, it is used as a supporting additional agent during rehabilitation and even treatment of debilitated patients.

But you need to remember about contraindications. This simple dish has a high degree of allergy, and in a strong version it is not advised to use even by healthy people due to the high concentration of fatty acids in the composition. You can’t often eat it with increased acidity of the stomach, as well as with individual intolerance to cobalt and other substances that are part of the product. Given these nuances, you should carefully consider not only the beneficial properties of the broth, but also some recommendations for its use during illness.

The benefits of chicken stock

The content of choline in the dish provides significant support for the brain. Throughout life, this substance protects brain cells from destruction, helps to strengthen memory, while maintaining important neural connections. People who regularly include chicken broth in their diet have a strong memory and healthy thinking until they are old. Choline is especially important for pregnant women, since a lack of this substance causes underdevelopment of the brain in the fetus.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is important for maintaining the optimal functioning of the cardiovascular system, maintaining healthy vessels and the cleansing ability of the liver and kidneys. Eating a little chicken stock with boiled vegetables before a long trip or flight, you will help your body cope with seasickness and, in general, feel more comfortable. In addition, the optimal use of B6 allows you to maintain the strength of bones and nerve fibers. Together with pyridoxine, cobalamin or B12 is of great importance for blood formation and development of the nervous system. This substance is a binder in the reactions of amino acids, and also participates in the synthesis of DNA molecules, that is, it is important for the transfer of the genetic code.

In combination with other B vitamins, as well as with biotin, niacin and vitamin PP, the above components are involved in the prevention of skin diseases, strengthening of nerve responses, development of reaction and memory, preservation of vision, proper functioning of the stomach and intestines. The mineral composition ensures the strength of the skeletal and muscular systems, supports the mobility of the joints, their health.

Chicken broth also has a positive effect when you need to reduce weight. This product helps to improve the absorption and processing of fats, liver function, and intestinal activity, which helps normalize the entire digestion process and speed up metabolism. In addition, this simple dish quickly satisfies hunger and during the day allows you to control your appetite, preventing food breakdowns.

You can use chicken broth with the addition of vegetables to maintain immunity, especially in the autumn-winter and winter-spring period. When the diet lacks natural vitamins, such a dish is an excellent analogue of taking supportive medicines and vitamin complexes, which today are increasingly replacing natural means of maintaining health.

Reception of chicken stock during illness

To use chicken stock during an illness, first of all, it is worth getting acquainted with simple recommendations on how to cook it.

1. Choice of chicken. Do not choose to decorate fattened broilers. Remember that for building muscle tissue they are often fed enriched feeds that contain special additives. Do not forget about the large number of antibiotics that prevent the increased incidence of birds. All this passes into the liquid and significantly reduces the use of the broth. The best option would be slender, seemingly inconspicuous chickens or village hens from the household. As a rule, it is they that allow you to get the most delicious and nutritious broth.

2. Before preparing a healthy dish, first bring the chicken and water to a boil, remove the scum, remove all the fat and skin from the meat, you can leave the bones. Drain most of the first broth. Top up the pot with clean water and cook until cooked.

3. The treatment broth should contain a minimum of salt, or it should be completely absent.

4. Depending on the initial task, various vegetables can be added to the chicken. For example, for colds and flu, put garlic or onions in the broth. Throw more parsley into the hot broth. This is an excellent prophylactic and restorative. To increase physical and mental abilities, it is good to use chicken broth with carrots, celery, turnips, leeks.

5. After the broth has cooled, you do not need to boil it again. Use it, slightly heated.

To speed up recovery and for the period of rehabilitation, chicken stock should be taken in small portions. Remember that a hot dish should not be consumed if a person has a very high temperature. You can proceed to additional methods of cure only when the thermometer has a mark no higher than 37.5 ° C, and the patient himself does not complain of abdominal pain, nausea or dizziness. Reception of the broth should be divided into three main stages: morning, afternoon and evening. In the morning and evening hours, the amount consumed should be approximately half that of lunch. When a person feels relatively good, and his condition is stable, you can add dried croutons of white bread and a little fat chicken to the broth.

As you recover, you can add even more nutritious components to the broth, thereby increasing the average calorie intake without harming the body. First you need to introduce a little more protein, then add carbohydrates in the form of potatoes, steamed rice or barley, which can be added during cooking.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
  for women's magazine website

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Chicken broth is an important component of the diet menu and contributes to the healing of the body. The presence of healing properties in it provides this dish with popularity among people of different ages.


The properties of chicken broth are different and depend on which part of the chicken the first course is cooked. For example, breast and wings are the most dietary product. And chicken thighs contain more fat, so this broth is hearty, but not dietary.

Also, this dish promotes quick recovery after an illness, improves well-being with fractures and bruises. In this case, non-fat chicken broth would be an ideal option.

To make chicken broth as healthy as possible, it is necessary to observe a number of rules for its preparation. Meat should only be put in cold water. During heating, the liquid will take away harmful substances from the meat and provide the broth with high palatability.

The composition of chicken broth includes a large number of peptides, unsaturated fatty acids. Adding seasonings (for example, onions and garlic) to the broth will make this dish an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of colds. In this case, chicken broth becomes an effective method of getting rid of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, stimulates expectoration when coughing, improves immunity and protects the body from new colds.

Also, this product helps to improve the digestive tract, normalizes the functioning of the stomach. Chicken broth is very useful for people with gastritis: but for this you need to cook a low-calorie dish on the second or third broth.

If the broth is needed oily, it is better to take broiler thighs and not remove the skin. In this case, the chicken broth will be very satisfying and nutritious. To get a clear and light broth, which has dietary and medicinal properties, it is better to take the wings of a regular laying hen.

To get the most dietary product with a low fat content, it is better to add vegetables stewed in water rather than fried in vegetable oil in the broth. In this case, the chicken broth will be very easy and useful: such a first dish can be given to a person after surgery, a serious illness. Also, this dish is ideal for infants and people who want to get rid of extra pounds.

Chicken broth is an easily digestible product. Thanks to the substances contained in this dish, you can improve the condition of the muscles, get rid of inflammation, provide the body with wound healing properties.

Other beneficial properties of chicken broth are:

  • bone condition improvement;
  • cartilage tissue strengthening;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • regulation of the heart;
  • improved metabolism.


Nutritionists often advise draining the first broth. The reason for this opinion is the harmful conditions in which sometimes poultry is grown and the presence of hormones and antibiotics in chicken meat. If you drain the first broth, you can free the dish from harmful substances and get only useful properties. In addition, nutritionists also recommend draining the second broth, and prepare the main dish only on the third: as soon as the liquid boils, you can drain the broth and wait for a new one to appear. In this case, you can get not only a clean, but also a very dietary, low-calorie dish.

Chicken broth contains a minimum of carbohydrates and almost no saturated fats. In addition, the fat content of the dish can be easily adjusted independently.

Calorie content

100 grams of chicken broth contains 51 kcal (2.55% of the daily norm in 2000 kcal).


For pregnant women, this product is not contraindicated, but only useful. Breasts can also eat chicken broth (but only diet). This product should not be used for poisoning and for severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin Name Amount per 100 grams % daily rate
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 0.3 mg 0,3
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 0.01 mg 0,7
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.03 mg 1,7
Vitamin B4 (Choline) 15.5 mg 3,1
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 0.1 mg 0,67
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.09 mg 4,5
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) 1.1 mg 0,3
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamins) 0.1 mcg 3,3
Vitamin H (Biotin) 1.9 mcg 3,8
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) 0.07 mg 0,5
Vitamin A (Retinol Equivalent) 100 mcg 11,1
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 1,514 mg 7,6
Vitamin D (Calciferol) 0.03 mcg 0,3

In addition to a large number of vitamins, chicken contains valuable minerals.

Mineral name Amount per 100 grams % daily rate
Iron 0.6 mg 3,3
Calcium 4.9 mg 0,5
Potassium 34.9 mg 1,4
Sodium 18.4 mg 1,4
Magnesium 5.9 mg 1,5
Chlorine 16.2 mg 0,7
Sulfur 35.1 mg 7,02
Iodine 1.4 mcg 0,9
Chromium 1.7 mcg 3,4
Molybdenum 0.3 mcg 0,4
Phosphorus 43.6 mg 5,5
Zinc 0.38 mg 3,2
Manganese 0.0077 mg 0,4
Copper 15.8 mcg 1,6
Cobalt 2.3 mcg 23

Eating chicken stock will support a weakened body and help you recover faster. But, to get the maximum benefit from this product, it is important to remember: before cooking the broth, you need to determine the degree of fat content of the prepared dish. In this case, chicken stock will provide the body with exceptional benefits.