Cooking quickly and easily: how to bake apples in the microwave. How to bake apples in the microwave

Baked apples are a healthy and tasty dish. Read the recipes in the article.

Baked apples with honey is an excellent dessert for every day, a snack or even a main course that can be served with chicken. To prepare such a dish, you need to choose them correctly and have a working oven, microwave or slow cooker. Read recipes below to help you prepare delicious baked apples.

To prepare this dish, choose apples of sweet or sour-sweet varieties. They should be tight-skinned and loose inside. Choose ripe apples without rotten pits and dents. Before you start baking fruits, prepare them for this process:

  • Wash the fruits thoroughly under hot water.
  • Dry with a towel: paper or rag.
  • Cut off the top with the tail, but do not throw it away, as in some recipes you need to cover the apple with it during the baking process.
  • Remove the core and remove a little pulp to make a hole in the shape of a cylinder. But do not pierce the apple through.

In some recipes, you can bake apples without filling, then they just need to be cut in half and remove the core with seeds.

So, how to bake apples with honey in the oven, microwave, slow cooker? Simple recipe:

  1. Pour honey into the prepared apple.
  2. Cover with a lid and sprinkle with sugar.
  3. If you bake in the microwave, then apples need to be pierced in several places with a toothpick. After 5-10 minutes you get a finished dish. In the oven you have to bake a little longer - 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  4. Remove the finished dish and serve.

In a slow cooker, apples must be baked for 30 minutes in the "Baking" mode.

Apples, honey and nuts are a great combination. It will turn out not only tasty, but also a healthy dish, in which there are a lot of vitamins and minerals. It can be eaten by both children and adults - for a snack, for dessert, for a holiday to a baked bird. Here is a recipe that will help to bake delicious apples with honey and nuts in the oven, microwave, slow cooker:

  1. Make a filling of honey and crushed nuts: just mix these two ingredients.
  2. In the prepared apples with cut tops and cut out core, lay the filling. Cover apples with honey and nuts with a “cap” from the top.
  3. Put the stuffed apples in a baking dish. Sprinkle a little sugar and cinnamon on top to enhance flavor.
  4. Bake the dish in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. In the microwave no more than 5-7 minutes. Before putting in the microwave, pierce the apples with a toothpick. In a slow cooker, the baking process will take 30-35 minutes in the "Baking dishes from flour" mode.

Serve such a dish on the table, after decorating it with a leaf of mint. You can pour the baked fruit with whipped cream.

Curd filling goes well with apples. Children usually like this dessert, even if they don’t like cottage cheese. Together with the apple pulp, the curd turns out to be tasty and tender. Here is a recipe on how to deliciously bake apples with honey and cottage cheese in the oven, microwave, slow cooker:

  1. Prepare 4 apples for the baking process.
  2. Stir 100 grams of cottage cheese with 50 grams of sugar, 1 tablespoon of sour cream and a handful of raisins. You can add vanillin on the tip of the knife. Dried fruits must first be washed and steamed with boiling water.
  3. Put the filling in the apples and cover them with “caps”.
  4. Place the fruit with the filling on the dish and put in the microwave for 5 minutes, after piercing the fruit with a toothpick.
  5. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Set the “Baking” mode in the multicooker and bake apples for 30 minutes.

This dish is suitable for breakfast and snack during the day. It can be served with tea or cocoa with milk.

Cinnamon makes the dish fragrant and it has a unique taste. Apples with honey and cinnamon are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that will help fight autumn depression and the common cold. Recipe for tasty baking apples with honey and cinnamon in the oven, microwave, slow cooker:

  1. Put the prepared apples on a baking dish.
  2. Pour honey into them. "Lids" do not need to be closed.
  3. Sprinkle apples with cinnamon on top - 0.5 teaspoon.
  4. Bake fruit with the filling in time as much as was written above in the recipes.

This dessert can be served with tea or other hot drinks. Such a dish can be taken with you to work and eat for lunch or for a snack - a light and healthy dish.

Lemon makes up for the deficiency of vitamin C in the body, which boosts immunity and helps fight colds. Apples with lemon and honey are several times more vitamins and nutrients. Recipe for tasty baking apples with honey and lemon in the oven, microwave, slow cooker:

  1. Prepared apples should be sprinkled with the juice of half a lemon.
  2. Pour honey inside each apple.
  3. Rub the zest of the lemon on a grater and sprinkle apples with honey on top. You can sprinkle fruit with powdered sugar.
  4. Bake the dish on time, as described above.

In such a dish, as a filling, you can put steamed and chopped dried fruits, mixed with honey and a piece of butter. Sprinkle with grated lemon peel and powdered sugar (optional).

Dried fruits help make the dish hearty and more healthy. If you do not like dried apricots and prunes, then cook baked apples with raisins. How to deliciously bake apples with honey and raisins in the oven, microwave, slow cooker? Here is the foil baking recipe:

  1. Prepare and peel apples.
  2. Wash raisins and steam with boiling water. Stir it with honey and add some vanilla.
  3. Put the filling in apples, cover with the top and wrap each fruit in foil.
  4. Put the dish in the oven for 20 minutes. Before serving, unfold the foil.

Thanks to the use of foil, the apples will turn out soft and tender. This dish is a great addition to a family dinner. It can also decorate a table for any occasion.

If you want to surprise your household, then make baked apples in puff pastry. In order not to spend a lot of time preparing this dish, it is better to buy the dough ready-made. So, how to bake apples stuffed with nuts and honey?

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Puff pastry - 1 kg
  • Apples "Antonovka", "Red" or "Semirinka"
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • Honey and nuts to taste
  1. Combine honey, nuts and cinnamon.
  2. Prepare the apples and put the filling in them.
  3. Cut the dough into squares to fit one apple in each of them.
  4. Wrap each apple in the dough.
  5. Beat the egg and grease the dough with it.
  6. Place the apples in the dough on a baking sheet, away from each other. Put the dish in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
  7. Remove the finished dish from the oven and sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

This dessert turns out high-calorie. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away if you have a tendency to be overweight or want to lose weight. But rarely or during the holidays - this is a wonderful dessert for tea or coffee.

The recipe for baked apples in foil was described above. Here's another recipe for apples in the oven with banana and nuts. It will turn out a delicate and tasty dish that is impossible to resist. Baked apples with honey in foil - recipe:

  1. Mash a banana with a fork.
  2. Fry nuts and grind in a blender until powder.
  3. Combine the banana mass, chopped nuts and 2 teaspoons of honey.
  4. Fill the prepared and peeled apples with the filling.
  5. Wrap each apple in foil and place on a baking dish. Keep in the oven for no more than 20-25 minutes.
  6. Remove the dish from the oven, remove from the foil and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Children like apples, because they have a taste of banana - delicate and fragrant.

Above in each recipe, the time for baking apples is written. If you are afraid not to overexpose the dish or, conversely, not to serve it raw, then before removing it from the oven, pierce the apples with a toothpick. She goes into the finished fruit gently and freely.

Typically, baking baked apples in the oven with honey takes no more than 20 minutes. In a slow cooker you need to cook a dish for about 30 minutes, in a microwave oven - no more than 6-7 minutes.

Baked apples are a dietary product. It can be eaten by those people who are on a diet. How many calories are there in a baked apple with honey? One apple has a little over 70 calories. The table below provides more detailed information on the calorie content of individual dishes:

Remember:  If you add granulated sugar or icing sugar to the dish, then its caloric content immediately rises by 2 times. The calorie content of baked apples in the dough will be more than 200 callas.

Baked apples are suitable for any. In the middle of the apple, if there is no honey or other filling, you can put caramel. To prevent apples from becoming ugly during baking, sprinkle them with the juice of half a lemon.

Video: Baked Apples with Nuts and Raisins (Everything is Very Simple, But So Tasty) | Baked Apples Recipe

Every housewife needs to know the recipes for delicious and quick desserts. To these, it is quite possible to rank apples baked in the microwave. This dish is very useful and will appeal to both adults and children. Read a few ways to cook it.

How to bake apples in the microwave

There are a lot of recipes for this dessert. Depending on which filling you choose for apples, you can make them nutritious or dietary. Dessert helps to eliminate toxins, cholesterol, improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, the digestive system. Baked fruits are also useful for weight loss: they are low-calorie and saturate for a long time. Before baking apples in the microwave, you need to choose their grade. Not all fruits are equally suitable for this cooking method.

Which apples are better for baking?

It is preferable to take sweet and sour fruits. It is important that they have a tough peel. If you don’t know which apple variety is best for baking, try Simirenko, Antonovka, Ranet, Mackintosh. As a rule, the core is taken out of the fruit, and the resulting emptiness is filled with the filling. If you want to save time, you can just cut them in half, and then remove the middle and make a notch under the filler.

Microwave Baked Apple Recipe

The list of cooking options is incredibly wide. Feel free to experiment and add different fillings: dried fruits, berries, preserves, jams, nuts. Each time you will get a new amazing taste. It is better for very young children to bake fruits without a filler, they are very useful for them. Remember some of the most popular recipes.

Apples with honey

The classic version of the dish, which has been popular for many years. Baked apples in the microwave with honey - a real storehouse of vitamins. They turn out very tasty, fragrant. If you make them for breakfast and eat, you will get a boost of energy and energy for the whole day. Be sure to remember how to cook this simple, healthy and tasty treat.


  • apples - 2 large;
  • buckwheat honey - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • prunes - 40 g;
  • raisins - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fruits before cooking. Carefully cut the tops, you still need them. Cut the cores so that you get baskets with a bottom. Pierce each fruit in different places with a toothpick.
  2. Wash the raisins with prunes, pour boiling water for a couple of minutes, cut, mix with honey.
  3. Fill the fruits with the filling, cover with the tops that you cut. Place them in a deep plate or other utensil suitable for the microwave oven. Cook under high heat for 5-7 minutes.

Baked apples with sugar

Fruits prepared according to the following recipe, you can even give babies as a first feeding. The dessert is very light, tasty, like a person of any age. It is prepared very easily, the whole process will take you no more than 10 minutes. Read how to bake apples in the microwave with sugar and try to make such a treat yourself.


  • butter - 30 g;
  • apples - 3 sour medium;
  • brown sugar - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash fruits, cut off the tops from them. With a gentle movement of the knife, remove the middle with the seeds. Remember to pierce the peel with a toothpick.
  2. Divide the oil into three identical pieces, put in each fruit. Top with sugar and cover with the tops.
  3. Place the stuffed baskets in a deep container. Cover and bake for three to five minutes (depending on the size of the fruit).

With cottage cheese

The taste of this dessert is very unusual, you can say tropical. You can cook your child baked apples with cottage cheese in the microwave for breakfast, he will definitely enjoy such a treat. If you are on a diet and trying to get rid of extra pounds, then boldly make yourself this treat for dinner: it has a minimum of calories, but a lot of useful substances.


  • apples - 2 large;
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • canned pineapple in slices - 100 g;
  • coconut flakes - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fruit. Cut their top and center so that you have a basket with walls no more than a centimeter thick. With a toothpick or other sharp object, pierce each one in different places.
  2. Do not throw out the pulp of the fruit, but finely chop it, getting rid of the seeds.
  3. Grind the cottage cheese. Add to it slices of pineapple with apple pulp, honey, mix well.
  4. Stuff the fruit. Garnish with coconut flakes on top.
  5. Bake them in the microwave, putting in a deep plate and covering the top with a lid, for about 7-10 minutes.

With honey and cinnamon

The next fruit dessert will delight you with its spicy taste and pleasant aroma. Microwave baked apples with cinnamon are very tender, juicy. The sauce with which they are prepared soaks all the flesh. Be sure to try to cook such a dish before the guests arrive - and they are guaranteed to be amazed at your culinary talent when they try the treat.


  • apples - 2 sour;
  • ground cinnamon - 2 tsp;
  • honey - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • ground ginger - a teaspoon;
  • cinnamon sticks - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fruits, carefully cut the middle, making a small depression. Poke the surface five to six times with a toothpick.
  2. In a small bowl, mix honey with ginger and cinnamon.
  3. Fill your fruit with the resulting sauce. Put them in a deep container, put in the oven. Cook for about five minutes at medium power.
  4. Serve each serving by dipping a cinnamon stick in a recess with sauce. For beauty, you can crush with powdered sugar.

With honey and nuts

The dessert prepared according to this recipe is not only deliciously delicious, but also contains many vitamins. All the ingredients that make up the composition are very beneficial for the body. Baked apples with honey and nuts are cooked very quickly: to make them, you need a minimum of time. They look great even in the photo, and even on the table they are the main decoration.


  • apples - 2 large;
  • cinnamon (ground) - 0.5 tsp;
  • a mixture of peanuts, almonds, walnuts - 100 g;
  • honey - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fruits, cut out the middle, making a recess in each. Place a few punctures on the surface.
  2. Crush the nuts, but not much, mix with honey.
  3. Fill the fruit with the filling. Gently sprinkle cinnamon on top. Put in a deep bowl, be sure to cover.
  4. Baked apples in the microwave at high power will cook for approximately 8 minutes. Serve them warm.

With cranberries and honey

Another recipe for a delicious and healthy dessert. For cooking, it is better to take more sweet varieties of fruit, because the sourness of the berries will provide. Dessert looks delicious in the photo, looks very festive, bright. Baked apples with cranberries are a great dish for both adults and kids. Make them at least once - and see for yourself.


  • apples - 2 large;
  • brown sugar - 50 g;
  • cranberries - half a glass;
  • honey - 30-40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash fruits with berries. Remove cores and some pulp from each fruit. Puncture each apple in several places with a toothpick or other sharp object.
  2. Pour sugar into the recesses in the fruit, and lay the cranberries on top. Pour honey.
  3. Put in a deep form, cover. Place in the microwave. Cook at high power for 5-7 minutes.

How to deliciously bake apples in the microwave - cooking secrets

There are plenty of tips for those housewives who want to bring the taste of the dish to perfection:

  1. Before you cook apples, you can cut them into slices and simply mix with the filling or lay in layers. You will get a dish resembling a fruit casserole.
  2. Juice released during the baking process do not rush to throw it away. You can pour dessert over them before serving.
  3. If you want to bake apples with filling, then cut the flesh so that the thickness of the walls and bottom is at least a centimeter.
  4. Fruit must be baked in a deep container under the lid. It is advisable that it be made of thick glass or special plastic.
  5. Be sure to pierce the fruits in several places with something sharp. Otherwise, their skin will burst, which will ruin the appearance.
  6. You need to know how much to bake an apple in the microwave: this process can take from three to ten minutes. Cooking time depends on the size and type of fruit, the amount of filling and its composition, the power of the device. If you want the apple inside to be soft, cook longer. And turning off the device early, you will leave it more dense inside.
  7. If you pour a little water in a container with fruit and cover it, then the baked apple in the microwave will cook faster.
  8. As the filling, you can use jam, grated chocolate, fresh or frozen berries and other fruits.
  9. If you put cinnamon on the baked apples in the microwave, they will not only look prettier in the photo, but will also become more aromatic.
  10. It is advisable to sprinkle dessert with something before serving. For this, coconut flakes, powdered sugar, cocoa powder are suitable.


There is nothing complicated in its preparation. The main thing is to purchase suitable products and have a microwave.

  in the microwave: recipe with photo

Surely many people tried this dessert in childhood. After all, before there was no such choice of various sweets, cookies and chocolate, so most mothers prepared delicacies on their own. Of course, in Soviet times, cooking in the microwave was out of the question, since this kitchen appliance became popular with the hostesses a little later. Baked apples were cooked in the oven. Today, to create such a dessert, you will need much less time and money.

First, let's try to figure out the following question: how to make baked apples in the microwave with honey? The recipe for this treat includes the following ingredients:

  • green sweet and sour apples - 3-5 pcs.;
  • peeled walnuts - 50 grams;
  • thick fresh honey - a few dessert spoons;

In addition, as an additional component, you can use dried apricots or raisins.

Ingredient preparation

How to cook a baked apple in the microwave? The recipe for this delicacy requires compliance with all culinary rules. First you need to prepare sweet and sour fruits. When buying apples for dessert, you should choose larger fruits. They are thoroughly washed in hot water using a brush, then gently cut the core with seeds using a special knife. As a result of such actions, you should get a kind of cup (of course, with a bottom).

Cooking toppings

The baked apples in the microwave, the recipe of which we are considering, turn out to be very tasty. To make such a treat more sweet and healthy, we decided to use a special filling. For its preparation, walnuts are carefully sorted and washed. Then they are dried on a stove, placed in a dry pan. As soon as the nuts begin to “snap”, they are removed and cooled. Subsequently, the product is crushed into large crumbs.

As for dried fruits such as raisins and dried apricots, they are also sorted and washed. If necessary, these ingredients can be scalded with boiling water. After drying the dried fruits on a towel, they are finely chopped or chopped in a meat grinder, then added to the nuts. In conclusion, a little honey is spread to the resulting mass and everything is thoroughly mixed.

Dessert process

It does not take much time. A treat is formed quite quickly: you will need a maximum of 10 minutes. Cooked sweet stuffing spread in apple cups. It should be borne in mind that in the process of heat treatment, honey will begin to boil, so filling the fruit to the top is not recommended.

Baking process

In a special container, you need to cook a baked apple in the microwave: the recipe for this dessert requires the use of a flat glass plate. All filled cups of apples are installed on it, and then they are sent to the microwave oven. At maximum power, this sweet dish is cooked for about 4-6 minutes. During the heat treatment, apples are periodically checked. Their readiness is determined as follows: a long and narrow knife is stuck into the thickness of the fruit. If the cutlery passes through without hindrance, then, then, the dessert is ready.

Serving to the table

Now you know how to make a baked apple in the microwave - the recipe for this unusual dessert was described above. It, among other things, provides for the competent presentation of a sweet dish. Once the apples are soft, their color will begin to change. It is at this moment that the fruits are removed from the microwave oven and cool a little. It is not recommended to eat a hot treat. Otherwise, you risk severe burns.

Microwave-baked apples with cottage cheese: a quick recipe

This dish will become a crown for every housewife. In addition, in its preparation technique, it is similar to the previous treat. Therefore, one who was able to implement the above recipe will be able to quickly make a similar dish with cottage cheese. For him we need:

  • five large apples;
  • a few dessert spoons of beet sugar;
  • one quail egg;
  • 50 grams of dry coarse curd;
  • some raisins or dried apricots.

The delicacy will especially appeal to young children. It is very sweet and fragrant.

Cooking fruits

Processing apples for such a dessert is carried out in exactly the same way as described above. Fruits wash and take out the middle, forming peculiar cups. So that they do not turn black, they should be sprinkled with lemon juice. If the fruits are very acidic, they can be sweetened with a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Preparing the filling

If you cook baked apples in the microwave, the recipe for a fragrant cottage cheese dessert involves the same culinary manipulations as in the case of a honey dish. At the same time, the filling is also prepared easily and simply.

Fresh coarse cottage cheese is thoroughly crushed with a fork, and then sugar and quail eggs are added. Having achieved a homogeneous consistency, to the resulting mass lay out a little steamed raisins or chopped dried apricots.

How to shape and bake?

Everything is extremely simple. To form this dessert, all apple cups are filled with sweet curd filling using a small spoon. After that, they are put on a flat plate and sent to a microwave oven. At maximum power, this dish is cooked for about 6 minutes. During this time, the egg, sugar and raisins should grasp well, while the apples become soft and juicy.

Serve dessert

As in the previous recipe, presenting such an apple treat to guests and household only after it has partially cooled down. To do this, dessert can be placed in a cool place. After a few minutes, your cottage cheese should solidify well, making the dish more beautiful and tasty. On top of this unusual treat you can sprinkle with a mixture of ground cinnamon and powdered sugar.

It is not so easy to find a dish that would be healthy, safe for the figure, but tasty, delicate and deliciously fragrant. However, such a treat exists! Moreover, it is familiar to almost all of us. We are, of course, talking about baked apples - a simple, affordable and low-calorie treat. Want a quick bite to eat? Pamper your family with a healthy dessert? Is it nice to lose a couple of extra kilos? That way!

The benefits of baked apples

Few doubts about the benefits of fresh apples. Hippocrates also recommended that his patients escape from heart, stomach and kidney diseases by eating ruddy fruits, and in England to this day there is a proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” - “One apple a day, and the doctor is not needed.” What about baked fruits? Does thermal treatment destroy vitamins and minerals contained in them?

It does not destroy. Baking is one of the healthiest ways to cook food - it maximally preserves useful substances in products; does not add extra calories, like frying in a pan; gives the final dish a special unique taste and aroma. And in the case of apples, there is another significant advantage: if fresh fruits are not recommended for food for some diseases of the intestines and stomach, then the baked ones have almost no contraindications. In addition, vitamins, minerals, pectin, antioxidants and other variegated kaleidoscope of nutrients hidden in apples, our body easier to absorb from the fruits that have been in the oven. So “fresh” does not always mean “best.”

It is no coincidence that apples in the fairy tales are apples

Do you want to remove toxins from the body, improve the functioning of the digestive tract and liver, cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol, normalize blood pressure, cleanse your kidneys and accelerate metabolism? Then baked apples are simply required to regularly appear on your menu.

Need to lose some weight? And here comes the magic dessert to the rescue. Baked fruits perfectly satisfy hunger and have few calories - an average of 50 per 100 g - so they are ideal for snacks and fasting days. However, due to the content of simple sugars, excessive enthusiasm for this dish can give the opposite result, adding to your wrinkles at the waist and providing an upset stomach. So do not think that baked fruits can be eaten with kilograms. Measure is needed in everything.

A variety of sweet fillings - honey, bananas, dried fruits - increase the calorie content of the finished dish. Keep this in mind when planning your menu.

Is it possible to bake apples to nursing mothers and babies

Nursing mothers, who are forced to follow a strict diet, really appreciate baked apples. Any product eaten by a woman during this period instantly affects the composition of breast milk and the well-being of the baby. A slice of orange can cause allergies in crumbs, lettuce - colic. Baked apples are almost hypoallergenic, full of vitamins and allow the newly minted mother not only to diversify the diet, but also to recover faster after childbirth.

Baked apples are both tasty and healthy.

Apples are also suitable for the first feeding.  Moreover, if pediatricians advise not to give babies mashed fresh fruit at all for up to a year, then acquaintance with baked fruits can start from 5–8 months, when the baby is breast-fed, and from 4–5 - on artificial. Enter the new product in the crumbs menu carefully: start with a serving of half a teaspoon and do not forget to control the baby's well-being. If the acquaintance went without excesses in the form of a rash and colic, over time, the servings should be gradually increased. However, do not forget that you must always consult about the first feeding by a doctor who observes the baby, because all children are individual.

Bake apples for the smallest should be without filling and sweeteners. Only the pulp, fragrant, healthy and tasty.

Bake apples in the microwave

According to an established tradition, many still make dessert in the oven. But fussing with baking sheets causes a lot of inconvenience and takes time, while a practical microwave oven does not create such problems. A saucer, a glass lid or a special cap for a microwave, 5-10 minutes - and a treat is already waiting on the table! Simple, fast, without any hassle.

Stage one: fruit preparation

Paste a peel of each apple several times with a toothpick so that it does not burst during the baking process and does not spoil the appearance of the dessert.

Second stage: filling

For the smallest

Babies up to one and a half years old and enthusiastic supporters of a healthy diet will benefit most from apples "in their original form." No sugar, no spices, no other “goodies” should be added to the dessert. The maximum that you can afford is to put 1 \\ 3 tsp in the middle of the prepared fruit. fresh butter to make the pulp softer. Of course, if we are not talking about the first feeding! Any additives are prohibited here.

In apples without filling, the middle can not be cut - you will do it after

Add sugar

You cannot conquer the hearts of the incorrigible with sweet apples without filling. Well, it’s easy to help the matter by pouring 1 \\ 2–1 tsp into each prepared depression on each fruit. sugar and, if desired, a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla.

Minimum ingredients and excellent results.

Honey and Dried Fruits

Sugar, although sweet, is far from honey in terms of benefits. And what a flavor your honey apples will publish!

You will need:

  • Apples
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l for every fruit.
  • Dried apricots, prunes or other dried fruits - to taste.
  • Nuts - optional. Do not overdo it, this is a very high-calorie product!
  • Cinnamon or cardamom.


Banana, Kiwi and Berries

Those who do not want to get involved with sugar, but do not hesitate to add sweets to the dessert, tropical fruits will come to the rescue.

You will need:

  • A pair of medium sized apples.
  • 1-2 bananas.
  • 1 small kiwi.
  • 1 tbsp. l walnuts.
  • Sweet and sour fruit syrup - 1 tsp each. per serving.
  • Any berries as desired.


Cottage cheese

You will need:

  • Apples
  • Cottage cheese - 50 g per serving.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp. to the fetus.
  • A handful of raisins.
  • Cinnamon or lemon peel.


If adults are going to eat dessert, first soak the raisins cleaned in boiled water and scalded with boiling water in cognac.


You will need:

  • Apples
  • Oatmeal - 2 tsp. for every fruit.
  • Honey - 1 \\ 2 tsp. on an apple.
  • Prunes and dried apricots to taste.
  • Spices to taste.
  • Boiling water.



You will need:

  • Apples
  • Fresh berries - 2-3 tbsp. l for every fruit.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp. on an apple.


Especially good in combination with honey are soaked lingonberries and cranberries, which will give the treat a pleasant fresh sourness.


You will need:

  • Apples
  • Wild berry jam - 1 tbsp. l for each fruit.
  • Dried apricots, raisins, nuts - to taste.


If you plan to serve dessert to adults, lightly sprinkle it with wine.


You will need:

  • Apples
  • Chocolate.
  • Almond.

The amount of ingredients is literally determined “by eye” - depending on the size of the apples and your love of sweets.


In addition to these fillings, you can brighten up the taste of baked apples:

  • A mixture of crushed almonds, raisins, sugar, butter and vanilla.
  • A mix of slices of ripe pumpkin, dried apricots and honey.
  • Chopped marzipan.
  • Berry jam.
  • If you're not afraid to experiment, try adding a small pinch of freshly grated ginger to any sweet apple filling.

The third stage: baking

Video: recipe for baking apples with oatmeal and honey

And why did we focus only on stuffed apples? The fruit casserole in the microwave is no worse!

It seems that you have already seen that cooking apples in the microwave is easy and fun. This means that very soon and in your kitchen the alluring smell of baked fruits with tidbits topping will float. Mix, stuff, bake, invent new recipes, and most importantly - enjoy the result of your labors. For a cup of hot tea, baked apples are a miracle!

A microwave oven, also known as a microwave oven, is an extremely convenient household appliance. In it, you can not only heat food, make delicious crackers, croutons and sandwiches, but also bake delicious apples.

Basic microwave rules

Each device has its own instruction manual, and it should be carefully studied. Often a small brochure with the most popular recipes is also attached to it. Perhaps there are recommendations for fruit processing. If not, here are some tips on

Prescription Guide

And now let's take apples directly! Put fruit on a special dish (it should go complete with a microwave), after cutting them in half and taking out the middle with the seeds. Put the oil in the recesses, pour sugar on top, and ground cinnamon. We set the timer for 5-6 minutes. Power is average. After turning off the door, do not open another 3 minutes. Then sprinkle with icing sugar or cool and apply whipped cream on top.

Apple abundance

Which we proposed, of course, delicious. But there are tons of other cooking methods. For example, if you stuff fruit with something special. So, again cut into halves, clean the middle. Or we take the whole, we chop the peel, cut out the “insides” with a special knife, cut off the top. We make the filling: mix the mashed cottage cheese with raisins, butter and honey into a homogeneous mass. We fill apples with it and put them on a dish. Cover with baking paper. You can add a little water or syrup to the dish. Then at full power, set the timer for 4 minutes. Leave another 5 so that the fruits "reach." In the finished form, such apples, baked with raisins, should be juicy and soft, sweet.

In this way you can bake apples with nuts, pumpkin, jam or jam, another filling that you like. The main thing is that it is delicious!