Soy sauce: benefits and harms, use. Soy sauce: the benefits and harms

19.10.2019 Snacks

The article will tell you about how useful and how harmful natural soy sauce and its analogues have.

Soy sauce  - A popular culinary supplement that has long been not associated only with Asian cuisine. Almost every modern hostess at least once used soy sauce for cooking marinades, first and second courses, dressing in salads and other sauces. To find an analogue to the taste of soy sauce is almost impossible.

Soy sauce first appeared in Asian cuisine (China, Japan, India) and only in the 17th century Europe found out about it. At its core, soy sauce is a fermentation product that occurs as a result of soybean fermentation. This happens with the participation of a special fungus - aspergillus. The result is a liquid of a rather dark color and with a characteristic mushroom aroma.

IMPORTANT: In modern cooking, several types of soy sauces are distinguished and each differs in its cooking process. The most important quality that the sauce should have is naturalness, which means that no chemistry is welcome in it.

Soy sauce has one advantage over other dressings and sauces - glutamic acid content.  This is a natural component that can enhance and emphasize the taste of dishes: meat, fish, vegetables. In addition to all the advantages, it is also worth noting the low calorie content of the sauce, because this is all 50 kcal per 100 ml of sauce.  In a natural sauce (obtained not by chemical means) contains a large number of monosaccharides and polysaccharides, as well as other trace elements.

Soy sauce is allowed to eat for those who adhere to proper nutrition and do not want to eat a lot of salt. Soy sauce is getting dressing and seasoning for various dishes  in small quantities, and in large quantities, this sauce is simply not eaten. Yes, and it is also worth remembering that excessive use of soy sauce can still harm your health.

When choosing this product on a store shelf, carefully study the label and composition. The fact is that there are a lot of cheap fakes of soy sauce at the moment. Such “sauces” are made from salt, preservatives, flavors and flavorings. Natural sauce is always available in small portions and only in glass bottles. Natural sauce is always transparent and will not have any sediment at the bottom.

IMPORTANT: As part of a natural healthy sauce, there will never be additives like “E”, vinegar, yeast, sugar and other preservatives, but only soy and salt. Another secret to determining the quality of the sauce is its high protein content (at least 5-6 g). Natural sauce in the price will be much higher than its artificial counterpart.

   Soy Sauce - A Product of Soy Fermentation

The composition of this soy sauce: description, ingredients

As already mentioned, soy sauce in moderation can bring great benefits to a person. The reason for this is a rich composition of many trace elements. natural soy sauce has nothing but fermented soy, water and salt.Consequently, the chemical composition of the product will be very similar to that of soy.

The name of the trace element in the composition of soy sauce The benefits of the substance for the body

Vitamin B1

Participates in all metabolic processes of the body: protein, lipid, water-alkaline

Vitamin B2

Helps to synthesize all substances in the body: vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids
Vitamin B5 Helps the body's cells generate energy
Vitamin B6 Helps break down amino acids

Vitamin B9

In other words, "folic acid" is a fighter for the health of the reproductive organs and a good mood.
Vitamin PP In other words, “nicotinic acid” - is involved in the metabolic processes of the body, carbon and protein metabolism.
Choline Regulates the nervous system
Sodium Regulates water-salt metabolism
Potassium Regulates the amount of fluid in the tissues
Phosphorus Nourishes the skeletal system, strengthens it
Calcium Maintains healthy bones and teeth.
Magnesium Participates in metabolic processes, helps absorb other substances
Iron Increases hemoglobin in the blood
Selenium Improves the condition of hair, nails and skin
Zinc Essential for the health of the reproductive organs of men and women
Copper Regulates the digestive tract, improves blood quality, as well as the nervous system
Amino acids Maintain the body young and healthy

  What does soy sauce consist of?

Soy sauce: benefits and harms for men and women

Soy sauce is rich in antioxidants, which positively affect the whole body, prolonging its youth and enhancing health. Another property of antioxidants is to “slow down” the aging of cells and fight oncology. Therefore, we can safely say that by using soy sauce, you will have a comprehensive effect on your body: headaches will go away, pressure will normalize, eliminate insomnia, relieve muscle cramps, relieve swelling and relieve fatigue after physical exhaustion.

INTERESTING: It is important to note the availability phytoestrogen, substances extremely useful for women, especially those that experience hormonal surges: menopause, PMS, disorders.

Soy sauce contains a large amount of vegetable protein (about the same as about meat). This is good for those who are allergic to animal protein or for people who are vegetarian. However, this applies only to the sauce that is not made chemically. Artificial soy sauce does not bring benefits, but gives only taste sensations and harm.

On the other hand, soy sauce (like soy) contains substances such as isoflavones.  It is known that they can negatively affect the quality and quantity of sperm in men. Therefore, to some extent, we can say that soy sauce is harmful to "men's health." However, this is true when a person consumes it in excessive quantities.

IMPORTANT: Excessive consumption of soy sauce analogues is harmful because they contain a lot of salt, which disrupts the water-salt metabolism in the body, provokes the appearance of swelling in the limbs and an increased feeling of hunger during the day.

  Does soy sauce benefit or harm the body?

Pregnancy is a special position of a woman when she should be very attentive and reverent to her health. Very often, a woman’s body in a position suffers from impaired water-salt metabolism and this is because the use of salt “slows down” the fluid output and it accumulates in the soft tissues.

It is quite possible to completely replace the salt during pregnancy with soy sauce, which also has a pleasant taste and brackishness. Of course, we are talking only about a natural product without preservatives and chemicals. Natural soy sauce may well become a “useful dressing” for salads and seasoning for meat and other dishes.

You should choose the sauce with special attention, carefully studying the label. Look for the words “fermentation product” or “aging product” on the jar. Analogs of soy sauce can not be used during pregnancy, they can provoke disorders of the digestive tract, metabolism, poisoning and lead to swelling.

IMPORTANT: Natural sauce is useful during pregnancy as well as it is able to saturate a woman's body with necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants.

  Can I eat soy sauce during pregnancy?

Can I eat soy sauce while breastfeeding?

As well as during pregnancy, during breastfeeding a woman can consume soy sauce and not be afraid for her health, only if it is a natural product. Of course, you should not do this in excessive quantities, so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the baby, but do not eat soy sauce in large quantities.

During lactation, you can prepare dressings for salads from soy sauce, as well as add it to the first and second courses. A few tablespoons sauce - the permissible norm of the product per day, only on condition that it will be natural, without preservatives and chemical impurities.

IMPORTANT: Please note that natural soy sauce cannot have any taste impurities: mushrooms, shrimp, garlic and so on.

   Can I eat soy sauce while breastfeeding?

Soy sauce for children: at what age can I give?

Soya is often present in baby food from an early age (in some milk formulas), and therefore the question of whether it is possible to give soya sauce to a child is very relevant. The fact is that this sauce is rich in protein and minerals, and therefore it can be given to children from 1.5-2, but in small portions.

IMPORTANT: Soy sauce may well replace a small child with salt, which is harmful to the "young" body. But we are talking only about natural sauce, and not one that has chemical additives.

  Is it possible to give soy sauce to a child and at what age to give soy sauce is not harmful to the baby's health?

Can I eat soy sauce with pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. This disease requires a person to strictly follow diet diets, so as not to experience discomfort and complications. Nutritionists around the world assure that this product should completely replace salt and mayonnaise. However, with pancreatitis, pay attention to such nuances:

  • The sauce is enough salty and sour and salty. It is this quality that directly affects the gland, enhancing its work and stimulating. The pancreas begins to secrete a secret, which is not very good, because excessive use of the sauce will provoke poor health.
  • It is not natural soy sauce that can harm your health, but a “chemical analogue,” since it may contain vinegar and spicy spices that are harmful in pancreatitis. These ingredients are capable of irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa  and aggravate the condition of the patient, enhancing the inflammatory process.
  • Salts, preservatives, dyes and carcinogens, which are many in analogues of soy sauce, can extremely negatively affect the health of a person with pancreatitis. This product should be avoided.

IMPORTANT: It is strictly forbidden to use soy sauce in the presence of acute pancreatitis. It should also be excluded sauce with exacerbation of the disease. Eating soy sauce is possible only when the disease is in remission. If you feel nausea, stomach pain and other unpleasant symptoms, exclude the use of this product.

If you eat soy sauce in small portions and always tolerate it well, you can add it in small quantities. Each time you use the sauce, reduce the amount of salt added or eliminate it altogether.

  Is it possible to eat soy sauce in the presence of pancreatitis?

Soy sauce: is there salt in it, is it possible to eat it instead of salt?

A modern person must know that the use of salt is harmful to health. Therefore, many very often replace this ingredient with soy sauce, which, in addition to all the pleasant taste, also has a brackish taste. Sauce is a product of soybean fermentation in salt water.

IMPORTANT: This is why sauce is often used as a “healthy” salt substitute. Its peculiarity is that it emphasizes the taste of any dish and the person simply does not feel the need to season the food additionally.

Salt or soy sauce: which is better?

In answer to this question, it should be noted that salt is a harmful product, since it contains a minimal amount of mineral substances and often a modern product (for example, Extra salt) does not have any trace elements at all. In turn, soy sauce has a rich chemical composition: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. That is why replacing the salt with the sauce is much more beneficial for the health of any person, if it comes to natural sauce.

  Soy sauce is much healthier than salt and should be added to food.

Soy sauce - can there be an allergy to it: symptoms

An allergy to soy sauce may be because legumes often provoke a negative reaction in people who are extremely sensitive to this ingredient. Soy sauce should be consumed in small portions, 1-2 tbsp. per day for an adult will be quite enough. If unpleasant sensations occur, you should abandon soy sauce:

  • Pain and cramping in the digestive tract
  • Sore throat and itching
  • Drowsiness, dizziness
  • Nausea and gagging
  • Swelling

  Causes of an Allergic Reaction to Soy Sauce

Is it possible to eat soy sauce for weight loss, how is it useful for weight loss?

For weight loss, soy sauce is useful in that it helps regulate the body's metabolic processes. Amino acids and minerals in soy sauce accelerate metabolism, which improves the absorption of nutrients from food and the removal of toxins.

In addition, there is not much salt in the sauce, and by consuming it, you can do more good for your body than if you ate salt. The sauce will not help the soft tissues of the body "retain water" (as is the case with salt) and provoke swelling.

IMPORTANT: Soy sauce is an important ingredient for preparing dressings in diet salads. So you can completely abandon mayonnaise and lose weight "right", avoiding junk food.

  Soy Sauce - A Great Dressing For Dietary Salads

Is it possible to eat soy sauce on a buckwheat diet?

The answer to this question should be given, focusing on how responsibly you respect the observance of the diet regime and menu. It is possible to add salt to food during the buckwheat diet, but very little, and only when you cannot do without it. In this case, soy sauce can be a great substitute for salt.

How many calories are in soy sauce?

Natural soy sauce should not contain more than 50 kcal per 100 grams of product (plus or minus 2 kcal). While analogs of soy sauce can contain up to 250 kcal per 100 grams. The reason is the high sugar content.

What can replace soy sauce in the recipe?

For the preparation of various dishes and salads, if you do not want to use soy sauce according to your preferences, you can replace it with:

  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Apple vinegar
  • Oil, mustard and vinegar sauce
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt, spices, mayonnaise

  How to use soy sauce and how can it be replaced?

What soy sauce is better to buy, which is the best, how to choose gluten-free?

Gluten is a substance contained in wheat grains and therefore gluten-free sauce can be safely called an analogue of this natural product. In addition, gluten is a strong allergen and therefore it should be avoided by people with hypersensitivity to allergens-pathogens.

IMPORTANT: Carefully read the label on the bottle of soy sauce, studying its composition. Natural, and most importantly - healthy sauce will not contain additional chemicals and preservatives, as well as flavor enhancers.

How to make soy sauce with your own hands at home: recipe

Home-made soy sauce, of course, is different from what you can get at the store. Nevertheless, this way you will be sure that you use healthy sauce without preservatives and food "chemical" additives.

You will need:

  • Soya beans -100-120 g. (Or soya powder)
  • Butter -1-2 tbsp (without plant impurities)
  • Mushroom broth -50 ml
  • Wheat flour -0.5-1 tbsp
  • Salt -a few pinches (it is advisable to use a sea one).


  • Pour the beans with a small amount of water and set to boil, cook until soft, and then grind thoroughly with a blender.
  • Add all other ingredients.
  • You can also add 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic

What happens if you drink a lot of soy sauce: is it possible to poison?

Eating soy sauce in excessive amounts is unhealthy. This product can contribute to poisoning: cause pain and cramps in the digestive tract, nausea and vomiting, fever and even dehydration due to the salt content in the sauce.

What is the shelf life of soy sauce and the shelf life of soy sauce after opening?

Soy sauce is a long-term storage product and therefore it can be kept on the shelf in the refrigerator for up to several years. Each producer, natural sauce or its analogue, necessarily indicates the time frame in which the product should be consumed after opening.

Video: “Rating: soy sauce”

Shop sauces in their huge variety are very popular now. Most of them have a mayonnaise base. They are good because they not only add piquancy to dishes, but also store them for a very long time, while homemade mayonnaise is unlikely to “live” longer than a couple of days. But why are these sauces so bad and is it worth buying them at all?

Why are store sauces harmful?
The main disadvantage of store sauces is a large number of additives - flavor enhancers, preservatives, stabilizers and dyes. Due to them, sauces not only acquire good taste, a pleasant color and texture, but can also be stored for a very long time, sometimes up to a year.

Such additives are harmful primarily to the human digestive system. For example, sodium nitrite traps water in the body and causes swelling. Frequent use of hot sauces leads to damage to the intestinal mucosa, causing ulcers and gastritis. Taste enhancers in the composition of ready-made sauces with regular use dull the taste, affecting the papillae located on the surface of the tongue. As a result, ordinary, unflavored food seems tasteless.

Are all sauces the same?
  Of course, not all ready-made sauces in stores carry potential harm. For example, you can find many tomato ketchups and sauces based on it that do not contain any preservatives or flavor enhancers. But with mayonnaise sauces - much more complicated.
More on supplements
  Now I would like to talk in more detail about the main additives in store sauces and their effect on the body.

Flavor enhancers

The most common and discussed flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate (E621). In fairness, I must say that the sodium salt of glutamic acid is an essential amino acid for the human body. Natural monosodium glutamate is found in meat, fish, dairy, vegetables, mushrooms and soy.

But manufacturers of ready-made sauces usually add synthetic monosodium glutamate to them, which does not have the properties of its natural counterpart. Food containing artificial flavor enhancers, over time, makes the most common foods taste bad for tongue receptors.


Of course, dangerous preservatives are prohibited by law. But often manufacturers, using loopholes of rules, indicate incomplete information on the package. For example, an “antioxidant” can be both natural and artificial (butyloxytoluene or butyloxyanisole). The second option is able to severely hit the intestinal microflora and ultimately lead to diseases of the liver and kidneys.


Thanks to emulsifiers, sauces have a homogeneous mass and do not separate into constituents. The most common natural emulsifier is soya lecithin. But the content in sauces of artificial emulsifiers is strictly limited, since in high concentrations they can be dangerous. Very common magnesium carbonate can cause cardiac abnormalities and disorders of the nervous system. Excessive sodium carbonate leads to allergic reactions and stomach pain. Potassium sulfate can cause indigestion and even poisoning.

Perhaps these three points are enough to rethink your attitude to purchased sauces and minimize their use, or better, completely abandon them.

Do you buy ready-made sauces? Share in the comments!

Soy sauce has taken root in our society so much that even nursery children know about it. But what do we really know about him? How is it prepared, why is it added to food, and what is the use and harm of soy sauce for the human body? You can not give answers to these questions? Then, we want to give answers to many questions.

Benefits and harms of soy sauce - general

In order to realize the whole meaning of this product, you need to understand that the sauce came to us from the cuisine of eastern countries - from Japan and China. And practically no dish from these countries can do without soy sauce. But few of us thought that soy seasoning is not only tasty, but also the best solution for losing weight. Of course, this product has both opponents and supporters. For clarity, we will consider the composition of soy sauce, as well as which sauce to choose for its effective action.

Which sauce is better or make the right choice

Since the classic soy sauce is currently found in the CIS countries is quite a difficult task, but real. First we look at the composition of a real, proper sauce. The absence of one or another component will already tell you about certain frauds in the manufacture of the purchased product.

Real soy sauce is rich in the following components:

  • Micro, macrocells.
  • Vitamins
  • Amino acids.
  • Antioxidants.
  • B vitamins.
  • Iron, zinc, calcium.

Nutritional Benefits of Soya Product:

  • 6.0 g of protein;
  • 6.6 g of carbohydrates;
  • 6.6 g of mono- and disaccharides;
  • 5.6 g of ash.
  • Energy indicator 50-70 kcal / 100 gr.

How soy sauce affects a person

Since soy sauce has a large amount of antioxidants, this product helps the body get rid of:

  • Insomnia.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Swelling.
  • Sprains.
  • Dermatitis.

Soy sauce is especially valuable for women, because regular use of this product helps women cope with menopause. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the use of soy sauce reduces the likelihood of developing diseases such as:

  • Osteoporosis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Arthrosis
  • Mammary cancer.
  • Coronary artery disease.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Cardiovascular.

In addition, for men and women, soya sauce will be useful, as it has a fairly low protein content. In this connection, this seasoning is suitable for people who are allergic to animal proteins.

Of course, that there are harmful modern sauces is no secret. This is due not only to the country of its origin, but also to the technologies of its production, as some manufacturers, in pursuit of low cost, neglect the naturalness of the product and use flavorings, substitutes, and even GMOs. All this, of course, causes quite strong harm to the body.

Harmful properties of soy sauce

Even if you know where to find real, natural soy sauce or you can cook it yourself, this does not mean that you have found the perfect elixir for your body. After all, even such a product is harmful with the following problems and diseases:

  • Associated with the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Allergic reaction

Attention! Pregnant soy sauce is dangerous because of the likelihood of a miscarriage.


Of course, like any product, soy sauce should be consumed in moderation and preferably exclusively of natural origin. It is also important to buy products from trusted manufacturers, and be sure to follow the recommendations for use and use in dishes.

Soy sauce can not be called everyday food of the average European. He is certainly the prerogative of Asian, Eastern philosophy.

Recently, however, dishes of Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and other exotic cuisines have become increasingly popular with representatives of the European continent.

And this is not surprising: the food is interesting for our taste buds, spicy, new, and even, they say, healthy.

Soy sauce is its invariable component and the secret of the sauce is that it not only has a unique taste, but also is very useful for the body.

Among Asians, there are a lot of centenarians and regular use of soy sauce contributes a lot to prolonging the life cycle. Therefore, today there is so much discussion about the use of soy products and sauce in particular.

The history of soy sauce begins five centuries before the Julian calendar. The first soya-based sauce was prepared about 2,500 years ago and has since become an indispensable product for almost all Asian-Oriental dishes.

Let’s try to figure out what soy sauce is and our person needs it in daily nutrition.

How to make soy sauce

The process of preparing the right soy sauce is significantly extended over time, but the efforts are justified. Such a product turns out to be special: especially tasty and especially useful.

3. In our stores you can find two or three varieties of ready-made soy sauce.

1. The first is a surrogate, consisting of various elements of the periodic table, and having a taste that resembles a real sauce, but does not bear absolutely no benefit, but, on the contrary, destroys the body.

2. The second is a relatively safe, artificially fermented sauce. It does not harm, but also does not have healing power.

3. And here is the third version of the original soy sauce, prepared in compliance with all the nuances of the technology (on the bottle is labeled “fermented”).

It is, accordingly, the most expensive, it is able to heal a person, strengthen his health, have a preventive effect against numerous ailments.

The best soy sauce is prepared from the simplest and most affordable ingredients - these are: soybeans, salt, water and fried cereals, more specifically wheat.

Using special equipment, soybeans are evaporated, mixed with wheat, water and salt and left for natural fermentation, or fermentation, for a year or even three.

With this method of preparation, the finished product is obtained enriched with a mass of vitamins, antioxidants and other useful components.

But the demand for soy sauce is growing every year and making it subject to technology is long and unprofitable, so large producers switched to artificial fermentation.

That is, they add special bacteria to a mixture of beans, wheat, water and salt, which accelerate the process by 10 times and the same volume of sauce is obtained, but not in a year, but in one month.

The most conscientious manufacturers on the packaging with this sauce write in small print “artificial”. Read how: "not harmful, but not useful."

On poor quality sauces prepared from chemical components, they often do not write anything at all (to obtain them, soy is boiled in hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid! And then quenched with alkali).

Therefore, if you want to improve your health, look for “fermented” or “produced on the basis of natural fermentation”; if you just feast on - you can "artificial"; and if you want to be poisoned, then take it without any inscriptions of a similar plan and with a huge list in the "composition" column.

In a good way, nothing should be in normal soy sauce except soybeans, wheat, salt, water, and possibly vinegar, garlic, and sugar.

There are no stabilizers or preservatives, since the sauce made in compliance with the technology can be stored at room temperature for years.

They sell a good sauce only in transparent glass bottles, it has a light to dark brown color (but faking dark brown is much easier, keep in mind).

Light goes as an addition to ready-made dishes, and dark is best used for pickling meat, fish, mushrooms and other foods. The liquid is clear, not cloudy, it transmits light well, the indicated protein content is at least 6-8%.

Do not be lazy to carefully read the label and buy sauce only from reputable manufacturers (never buy in the market, from people with an “Asian” appearance), or bring it from travel, then there is a chance that you will become the owner of a truly healing seasoning.

The composition and benefits of soy sauce

Only the sauce prepared according to the natural fermentation system is worth discussing. During slow fermentation, the ingredients go through several stages of change and transformation. They themselves are transformed into new compounds, and also new complex substances with healing powers appear.

The output is a salty spicy liquid rich in proteins, ash elements, sugars, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, minerals.

For reference:  soy sauce has 10 times more antioxidant substances than natural dry red wine, as well as more than two dozen especially valuable amino acids.

The sauce is considered an excellent product for a lean vegetarian diet, as well as for staunch vegetarians.

As for calorie content, there are only 60 kilocalories in 100 grams of soy sauce; it definitely will not harm the figure, but, on the contrary, due to its effect on the body, it will improve the appearance and general physical condition.

1. Soy sauce contains - a special amino acid that affects the production of the very serotonin that makes a person happy.

Soy sauce is incredibly useful for maintaining and strengthening the nervous system, and prevents destructive changes in nervous activity. Contains up to 10% of the daily rate of tryptophan.

2. Reduces the strength and frequency of PMS attacks (premenstrual syndrome).

3. Useful in the period preceding menopause, and during it.

4. The vitamin composition contained in soy sauce strengthens the immune system, becomes an indispensable helper during colds and viral infections.

In case of illness, you need to regularly use the sauce, and recovery will not take long.

5. One of the most powerful antioxidants. Effectively fights free radicals, prevents cancer, slows down the aging process in the body, and helps get rid of chronic ailments.

6. Low-calorie sauce can decorate any diet menu. It is useful to everyone who is trying to lose weight and adheres to the principles of a healthy diet.

7. Improves appetite and digestion, replaces salt, the excess of which is dangerous for cardiovascular complications.

8. Eliminates diarrhea, normalizes the work of the digestive tract.

9. It normalizes blood circulation and is able to improve blood circulation by 50%.

10. Reduces cholesterol indicators, cholesterol itself does not contain.

11. Has a strengthening effect on blood vessels.

12. It perfectly copes with insomnia, relieves headache attacks and reduces their frequency.

13. Has a decongestant effect.

14. Relaxes spasmodic muscles.

Soy sauce is an ideal alternative to regular table salt.

Although it has a pronounced salty taste, it is still not so destructive to the heart, blood vessels and kidneys. Therefore, regular moderate use of it in the most positive way affect your well-being.

The sauce perfectly complements fish, seafood, any mushrooms, meat and offal, it can be added to soups and even (may Asians forgive me) - to borsch.

Soy Sauce - Harm

Despite all the culinary and pharmacological attractiveness of soy sauce, it should be consumed in moderation, since there is always a risk of negative effects.

Be careful when choosing a sauce - do not buy a substitute, carefully study the composition.

Refrain from the frequent use of seasoning if you have hypertension, aggravated stomach diseases, if you are pregnant, prone to allergies. Of course, soy sauce is useless for children under 7 years old.

Soy sauce is one of the most popular products of Asian cuisine. The product is obtained due to the fermentation of soybeans under the influence of special fungi. It looks like a dark-colored liquid with a characteristic pungent odor.
   Soy sauce is considered the king of Japanese cuisine. In Japan, chefs use it in almost any dish, except for sweets of course. Thanks to him, dishes acquire a special piquancy and sophistication. Despite new innovations in food technology, the recipe for its preparation has remained unchanged. Each Japanese consumes 25 grams of this product per day.

You can make any sauces from it: shrimp, fish, mushroom or mustard. They can also pickle fish, meat, seafood.

Soy sauce is a product that is recommended by almost all nutritionists with one voice. After all, it can simultaneously replace salt, oil, seasonings, mayonnaise and plus this does not contain cholesterol. Calorie content 100 grams of this wonderful product is only 55 calories. Those who are on a diet should choose a sauce that contains a low sodium content.

Useful properties of soy sauce:

Contains a large number of amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

It can serve as a good prophylactic against the development of cancerous tumors, due to its ability to reduce the amount of free radicals.

By the amount of protein content is not inferior to meat. And the high content of gluatomines in it will allow you to give up salt intake without much effort.

It has the ability to slow down the aging of the body and improves blood circulation.

High-quality soy sauce does not need preservatives, and it can be stored for a very long time (up to 2 years), it preserves many useful vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

It is also useful for people suffering from a disease of the cardiovascular system: coronary artery disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, recovery from myocardial infarction.

Obese people.

To diabetics, since soy is considered a dietetic remedy.

People suffering from chronic constipation of alimentary nature, suffering from chronic cholecystitis.

Those who suffer from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (such as arthritis and arthrosis).

Harm and contraindications of soy sauce:

Consequences of using a product that are harmful to the body are related to the method of its production.

Modern manufacturers, seeking to reduce costs and accelerate the manufacturing process, add artificial food additives to soy sauce.

To speed up production, sulfuric or hydrochloric acid is used along with alkalis.

Soy sauce of some manufacturers contains GMOs.

This product contains a large amount of salt, so it should not be consumed by suffering from diseases in which it is contraindicated.

In order for soy sauce to benefit the body, you must choose a natural fermentation product.