Green pea. Useful properties, contraindications

19.10.2019 Healthy eating

Green peas sold in cans have many positive features. It is inexpensive, has excellent taste and has a positive effect on the state of health. But not everything is so simple with this product. With noticeable benefits, canned peas are fraught with some danger.Before including peas in the diet, you will have to consider different points of view.

Pea composition

Naturally, the composition of the product is similar to that characteristic of fresh peas. The difference - in canned useful substances is somewhat less. Green peas contain vitamins A, B, C, a significant amount of solid dietary fiber, vegetable fats, manganese, iron, potassium and other important components. Calorie content is relatively low and amounts to about 60–75 Kcal per 100 grams. But do not abuse.

Now, knowing the composition, the main qualities will be much easier to highlight. Then it will become clear in which cases a treat from a metal can will be most appropriate. Better to start with useful properties.

Useful qualities

The product is useful only on condition of high quality. It is important to choose the right one. When buying, cans need to be checked so that it is intact, with straight seams and edges, has the necessary markings. You should immediately look at the expiration date. After all, after the expiration, no food should be consumed. If you managed to get high-quality peas, you will notice the following benefits from the reception.

  1. Saturates the body with vegetable protein. This is one of the most important sources of vegetable protein, which is necessary for the body of any person. It is absorbed much better than an animal.
  2. Quickly gives a feeling of fullness. Just a few spoons of green peas are enough, and hunger will recede. It’s not easy to recover from him. It saturates quickly and does not allow to eat an excessively large portion.
  3. Supports vascular and heart health. The fats contained in the composition help the cardiovascular system to function properly, protect against atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke. Naturally, the effect of systematic eating is noticeable.
  4. Reduces the risk of neoplasms. Peas are a source of antioxidants with anticarcinogenic properties. It turns out to reduce the risk of neoplasms and to slow down the rate of development of earlier ones.
  5. Reduces blood pressure. An emergency medicine for high blood pressure will not. But, using systematically, it will turn out to be protected from a problem. The pressure will return to normal, and hypertension will not develop into more serious diseases.
  6. Improves skin condition. Noticed: green peas have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. With regular use, the skin will get rid of minor wrinkles, the color will become healthier, the face will be toned and young.
  7. Relieves withdrawal symptoms. This product really helps with a hangover. They are saved after stormy fun, when it is necessary to “get back to normal” soon.

Everyday goods have such a variety of useful qualities. But in fact they are clearly visible. It is permissible to eat canned peas regularly. It is necessary to take into account not the most positive features. Probable harm is small, but probable.

Potential harm

It is worth remembering: we are talking about food that is prone to canning. As a result of processing, many useful properties disappear. But it retains important components that can maintain good health. Harm is observed mainly in such manifestations.

  1. Gas formation increases. It is undesirable to consume this food to people prone to gas formation. Otherwise, the consequences may not be the most pleasant. We are talking about bloating, colic, flatulence.
  2. Preservation increases the number of carcinogens. Their proportion increases in peas in contact with oxygen. It is advisable not to leave the jar open for more than a day.
  3. Allergic reaction. Finally, some people are allergic. It is easily detected, but not too common. Usually it is possible to protect oneself from the consequences.
  4. Loads the digestive tract. When any stomach or bowel disease is initially present, it is advisable to use it as carefully as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk of deterioration.

Now it’s clear what qualities canned green peas have. It is important to properly acquire, correctly eat and take into account some contraindications.  Observing the conditions, do not have to worry about the consequences. They will certainly be positive, and the health status can be significantly improved.

The benefits and harms of this product, its composition and methods of preparation will be presented in the materials of this article. We will also tell you about how to choose the right canned peas, and what you need to pay attention to at the time of purchase.

general information

What is the canned green of this product is the subject of controversy by many experts. And before telling about them, I would like to present you more detailed information about this ingredient.

Canned peas are young green peas that are preserved by conservation.

Preservation of this product is the most optimal way to procure it for long-term storage.

How this method affects canned green and the harm of the bean product remain virtually unchanged. Moreover, during conservation, most of the vitamins and grains are preserved.

Raw material selection

What are canned green peas made of, the benefits and harms of which will be described later? This product is made from special varieties of young grains that are in the milk stage of maturity. It is during this period that they are most tender, and also contain a large amount of vitamins and sugars.

If in mature form this product is considered a leguminous crop, then green peas are a vegetable and differ significantly from their "ripe brother" in diet and taste.

What is the ratio of green peas in the jar? The benefits and harms of the product in question directly depend on this figure. Each tin can have about 65-70% of young and tender grains, as well as about 30-35% of special filling.

Composition of the product

What components does green pea include? Canned peas (the benefits, the harm of the product are well known to many chefs) contain a lot of vegetable protein. Unlike the animal analogue, this element is well absorbed by the body. There is no need to subject it to heat treatment.

In addition to protein, this product includes a huge number of different minerals and vitamins. According to experts, green peas contain almost the entire group of vitamin B. It also has vitamin A, which improves metabolism, vitamin C, which regulates the body's regenerative processes, vitamin K, which is necessary for normal kidney function, as well as synthesizing protein compounds and helping in the absorption of calcium.

What mineral elements does green pea contain? The benefits and harms of this product are inextricably linked to its composition. According to experts, this vegetable has a large amount of sodium and potassium. This product is ideal for people with atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Among other things, green peas contain selenium and zinc, which improve the quality of the lens and retina.

Canned green peas (calorie content, useful properties of the product)

Few people know, but calories in green peas are not so few. According to experts, such a product contains more than 300 energy units per 100 grams. Therefore, green peas, calorie content and properties of which are closely interrelated, well and quickly saturates the body, but it is perfectly absorbed.

The use of this product significantly reduces the likelihood of hypertension, oncology and heart attack. It should also be noted that skin aging slows noticeably in those who constantly include green peas in their diet.

We can not say that the fiber contained in the vegetable effectively lowers cholesterol, and also helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, thereby eliminating constipation.

What else is rich in green peas? Benefit and harm, useful properties of this product are known to few housewives. Therefore, only a small number of people include it in their daily diet.

It should be noted that there are a lot of nucleic acids in green peas. And, as you know, it is this substance that enhances tissue regeneration, prolonging human youth. In addition, the nucleotides in this product combine perfectly with an element such as magnesium. It is he who contributes to their better absorption.

Is it possible to drink a dressing containing green peas (canned peas)? The benefits, harms of this fluid are known to a small number of people. According to experts, such a marinade can serve as an excellent way to eliminate it. However, drinking too much of this filling is not recommended, since it contains a lot of different additives.

The benefits and harms of green peas

Discussion about the beneficial properties of green peas has been ongoing for many years. But, in the end, experts agreed that this product should be included in their diet. After all, it contains a lot of nutrients. However, I want to note that this product has another side. For example, eating peas in large quantities can easily lead to increased gas formation, difficulty digesting food, and also to increase the load on the kidneys.

It is impossible not to say that there are a lot of purines in green peas. After their disintegration, which is contraindicated in patients suffering from renal diseases is formed.

How to choose the right product?

Canned green peas should be chosen no less carefully than canned fish. Indeed, with improper storage, this product not only loses its useful properties, but also becomes hazardous to health. Therefore, before buying a jar of peas, you need to study all aspects.


Before purchasing this product, you must pay attention to its packaging. Of course, if the peas are in a glass jar, then there will be no difficulties with evaluating the contents. But if the vegetable is placed in a can, then you are unlikely to be able to determine what quality the product has. Therefore, carefully examine the packaging for swelling or dents.

By the way, canned peas can be stored in a closed can for quite some time. But if the packaging is opened, the product should be consumed within two days.


When examining the canned pea label, pay attention to the composition, manufacturer’s address, storage conditions and Safe product should not contain food additives, flavor enhancers and sweeteners. The ideal composition is the following: peas, water, salt and white sugar.

Product grade

When preserving peas, both brain and smooth grain varieties can be used. The first involves the use of small grains with an oval shape, as well as a milky aroma and a sweet taste. The second has the appearance of a large smooth and round ball. Most often, such a variety is used to decorate dishes and prepare salads. This is due to the fact that the taste of such peas is poorly expressed.


Canned peas are always sold in brine. Therefore, when buying this product, you need to pay attention to how many pure grains are in the bank. To do this, it is recommended to shake the packaging. If it is literally filled with peas, then it can be safely purchased.

Self preservation of peas

Few people know, but you can preserve green peas at home. Such a product is perfectly stored in a cellar or refrigerator (no more than a year).

For self-canning, green peas can be grown on their own, or you can buy on the market. Raw materials should be husked out of the pods, washed thoroughly, placed in salted water and boiled for about 4-6 minutes. After that, the liquid is drained, and the peas are washed and laid out in sterilized jars with a volume of not more than 500 ml. Then the product is poured with boiling water, in which salt is dissolved in advance (1 large spoon per 1 liter of liquid), and sugar and vinegar essence are added. At the end, the jars are rolled up with lids, left at room temperature, and after cooling, they are cleaned in the refrigerator.

Such peas can be added to various salads, and can also be used as a side dish.

Almost all types of vegetables can be canned, but this type of processing negatively affects the value and usefulness of the product. According to nutritionists, green peas can be considered an exception to this rule. Of course, the characteristics of the final result largely depend on the correct processing of the ingredient, the amount of food additives used in its preparation.

If you engage in conservation at home, the benefits of the products will be maximum with a minimum level of danger. Such a component can not only be added to salads, but also used as a base for unusual and traditional dishes.

Composition and benefits of green peas

In the process of canning, green peas are subjected to the most gentle processing, due to which vitamins and minerals are stored almost in full. Dietology became interested in this ingredient not so long ago, but certain conclusions about it have already been made. According to experts, the benefits of canned vegetables are not so different from the fresh product.

Including it in the diet of adults and children, you can count on such positive consequences:

  • For the preparation of preservation, an exclusively young vegetable is used, and it contains a lot of antioxidants. Thanks to them, free radicals are bound, excreted from the body and prevent the formation of new compounds. People who use peas in any form significantly reduce the risks of developing cancerous tumors in their bodies.
  • The abundance of antioxidants has still pluses. Even canned peas help to eliminate toxins from tissues, inhibit the activity of allergens. Practice shows that the introduction of this product in the diet eliminates problems with the skin, hair and nails. After some time, all these formations acquire a more aesthetic appearance.
  • Like many legumes, peas are useful for people with high blood pressure. By eating 50 g canned or fresh peas per day, you can reduce the risk of developing hypertension and hypertensive crisis. At the same time, there is a cleaning of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, which is regarded as an effective prevention of thrombosis.
  • Even green peas contain many nucleotides. These substances give the product regenerative properties. They also help strengthen local immunity and restore elasticity of the skin. If you eat several tablespoons of preservation daily, you can count on faster healing of wounds, cuts, burns, frostbite, deep cracks on the background of dry tissues.
  • The presence of fiber in the composition of the product contributes to the relaxation of stool. With the help of green peas, you can cleanse the intestines, get rid of constipation. To adjust peristalsis, the ingredient is enough to include in your menu 2-3 times a week.
  • Many people consider peas to be heavy food. In fact, fresh and canned foods are perfectly absorbed by the body. They can even be included in the diet of people during the recovery period.

With all this, it is important to understand that green peas, both canned and fresh, are not a panacea for all these conditions. It can be an excellent prophylactic, but in case of existing problems it is necessary to use traditional treatment methods.

Ways to use pickle from green peas

Pouring, which remains in the bank after extracting green peas from it, can also be quite useful. Of course, if various preservatives and food additives appear in the composition of the product, it is better to pour out the liquid. If a persistent metal odor or other unpleasant odors emanate from the mass, it must also be disposed of. In general, even canned peas extracted from such a base may not be the most useful and should at least be washed.

Tip: Contrary to popular belief, preservation from young peas is extremely useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It helps saturate a woman's body with useful substances, covering his growing needs. And in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the flesh allows you to fight constipation, which is not uncommon.

If the fill is tasty, clean, or even obtained from a product prepared at home, then it can be used for a hangover syndrome. It is enough to drink 200 ml of the composition in small sips to get rid of nausea, vomiting and headache. Drinking mass before a feast will reduce susceptibility to alcohol.

The harm of green peas to the body

The absence of contraindications is another positive point that canned green peas gives off. The benefits and harms of the product depend solely on dosage compliance. According to nutritionists and doctors, 3-4 tablespoons of the composition is more than enough to obtain the desired results. If you exceed these indicators, the consequences may be as follows:

  • Due to the abundance of purine, severe gas formation can occur, signs of flatulence and bloating will appear.
  • Overeating with peas sometimes leads to inhibition of the production of enzymes, which are necessary for the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • When cleaved, purine forms uric acid in large volumes, so with kidney disease, this can cause deterioration.

Otherwise, doctors and nutritionists consider green peas to be an exceptionally healthy product. It rarely causes allergies and is well absorbed by the body. It can be introduced into the diet of people of any age, taking into account their condition and individual characteristics of the body.

The method of preparation of canned green peas

A home-cooked product has a fairly low calorie content - only 40 units per 100 g of product. It has no fats, a lot of protein and dietary fiber. Preservatives and food additives affect the properties of the food ingredient in the most negative way, so it can not be compared with homemade products.

To prepare canned peas at home, do the following:

  1. We take 1 kg of young peas, fill it with water and add 1.5 tablespoons of salt.
  2. We put the container on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 7 minutes.
  3. Now drain the liquid, trying not to crush the peas. We lay out the vegetable in sterile jars of small volume.
  4. To maximize the benefits of green peas, we also prepare the brine on our own (although some housewives just drain it from the canned food). To do this, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt to 1 liter of boiling water. Stir until crystals dissolve.
  5. Pour boiled peas with brine. You can add a little acetic acid to the liquid for accuracy.

It remains to close the banks and wait for them to cool. After that, you need to put it away for storage, for this a refrigerator is best suited.

Rules for the selection, storage and use of green peas

If there is no way to cook the product yourself, you need to at least choose the right one. Sometimes, in the whole variety of products offered, it is not so easy to find green peas, the use of which will be maximum. In the store you need to pay attention not to the price, but to the following points:

  • The shelf life of peas, closed by all the rules, is exactly 24 months. Shelf life of open stock should not exceed 2 days. If the numbers are too high, this may indicate the presence of chemical preservatives.
  • It is better if the jar is tin or glass. There should be no drips, scratches and dents on it. If the container is transparent, assess the condition of the brine. Turbidity indicates poor fluid quality or impaired pea integrity.
  • Even whether the label is glued evenly plays an important role. A non-plain-looking product in most cases is not very high quality.
  • The jar needs to be shaken. If the gurgling differs slightly, this indicates a good capacity and a sufficient amount of brine.
  • Be sure to read the composition of the product. If the product list includes only sugar, salt, water and the young peas themselves, its benefits will be as possible.
  • The presence of any food additives is unacceptable. They are necessary only if initially it was not young, but already matured and not so useful vegetable.

High-quality green peas are a universal culinary ingredient and food product. It goes well with vegetables and all kinds of greens. It can improve the taste and nutritional properties of scrambled eggs, fried eggs, and most cereals. Its use in the process of preparing the soup can significantly save time and get a satisfying meal in record time. Today, more and more, various cream soups and mashed potatoes are prepared from the product, which differ in a pleasant taste and delicate texture.

As a rule, canned green peas are used only for decorating salads, but not everyone knows its real benefit.

Growing peas is not difficult, therefore, in the famine, the inhabitants of China and India added it to all dishes and adapted to combine peas with various products.

Green pea composition

100 g of green contains:

  • Water - 77.9 g
  • Proteins - 5.3 g
  • Fats - 0.2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 10.1 g
  • Calorie content - 84 kcal.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E, K.

Macro Elements: Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium

Trace Elements: Iron, Iodine, Copper, Zinc

The benefits of green peas

Legume contains a large amount of vegetable protein. Therefore, nutritionists advise vegetarians to introduce this plant into the diet in order to replace meat dishes without harm.

Since ancient times, peas have been used against obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, gastritis, and diabetes mellitus. It also helps to remove toxins from the body, regular consumption reduces the likelihood of cancer, heart attacks, helps get rid of kidney stones.

In folk medicine, a decoction of green peas was used as a diuretic. In canned form, doctors and nutritionists recommend adding it to the diet of people with diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

After a fun feast, canned green peas will help get rid of a hangover, as well as relieve fatigue and improve sleep. It also finds its application in folk medicine: a decoction of greens and pea fruits is used as a diuretic.

The harm of canned green peas

Large consumption of peas, like other legumes, provokes bloating. Any canned product can be harmful if damaged. Do not use peas for intestinal diseases, with gout, you should also monitor its use.

How to choose canned green peas?

Canned peas should be green or light green, olive or even yellow.

When choosing a product, pay attention to the jar, it should not be swollen. Bank without damage, rust.

Pay attention to the composition, a quality product should contain: peas, water, salt and sugar. Choose a canned product that is produced according to GOST. This technology confirms the quality of the production of canned peas.

It should be stored in a cool and dark place (fridge / cellar), but not more than one year, in order to avoid damage to the product.

May salad with green peas


  • Chicken fillet -400 gr.
  • Champignon - 250 gr.
  • Canned green peas - 300 gr.
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil
  • Dill
  • Mayonnaise


This unremarkable at first glance, a vegetable - peas - carries a lot of useful and tasteful properties. The unique benefits of peas were known to our distant ancestors. They used it as a staple food in numerous diseases. Peas among the Chinese are still a symbol of nobility and prosperity. But in France, peas were allowed to eat only to persons close to the emperor. In Tibet - the birthplace of natural health - with the use of peas, various drugs were prepared that needed to be eaten by seriously ill people, so the latter expelled the disease from their bodies and effectively contributed to the renewal of blood. So, peas - what kind of benefit and harm can the body do to this vegetable?


Like many other plant products, peas are known for their rich nutritional and medicinal properties due to their chemical composition. The main advantage of this vegetable is that it is a real storehouse of easily digestible proteins, which contribute to the beneficial functioning of the digestive tract.

In addition, peas are filled with healthy carbohydrates and microelements, with magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, iodine and calcium being the dominant ones.

Among the fortified substances, green peas are rich in vitamins of the entire subgroup B, as well as vitamin PP and C.

The uniqueness of the vegetable is that its chemical composition contains in sufficient quantities a rare substance for products - lysine, which is a natural panacea for heart and vascular diseases.

Peas are rich in and a substance such as pyridoxine. It is actively involved in the synthesis of beneficial amino acids. Pyridoxine in an amount insufficient for the body contributes to the appearance of dermatosis and various kinds of seizures.

Such useful peas have a small calorie content. In green peas in the amount of 100 grams, there are about 248 kilocalories.

Beneficial features

In the summer season, you must not miss the opportunity to enjoy fresh green peas, but throughout the rest of the year you can eat peas of other varieties, thereby enriching the body with useful components, and, at the same time, providing it with a preventive effect.

Peas are famous for the following medicinal qualities:

  • Thanks to nicotinic acid, the vegetable helps to normalize the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. It is proved that only 1 handful of healthy vegetables provides the daily intake of nicotinic acid.
  • Pea is an energetically valuable product, it is especially recommended in the diet of athletes, as it preserves muscle tone and contributes to the growth of muscle mass.
  • A healthy vegetable is a prophylactic against asthma. Moreover, in asthmatics, it must be present in the diet, as it effectively prevents the development of complications in asthmatic attacks.
  • If you regularly eat this bean product, then the risk of developing atherosclerosis is significantly reduced. Moreover, it has been proven that peas have a prophylactic property against the occurrence of a cancerous tumor.
  • Vegetable is indicated for use in various kinds of cardiovascular diseases, especially the use of peas affects the state of the heart muscle, helps eliminate arrhythmias.
  • It has been proven by medicine that antibacterial and antimicrobial properties are hidden in peas; it is prescribed for tuberculosis patients as a product that eliminates pathogenic bacteria qualitatively.
  • Since peas in sufficient quantities contain easily digestible proteins, it is especially recommended for diets and as a product that promotes weight loss. Some nutritionists prescribe peas for their patients in the fight against obesity.
  • The benefits of peas are that the product promotes skin rejuvenation. If you regularly include a bean product in the menu, then the skin becomes elastic, radiant and young.
  • Peas are also useful for deviations in the genitourinary system. First of all, it has a therapeutic effect with prostatitis. It is proved that the use of this vegetable favorably affects the increase in sexual desire in humans.
  • Traditional medicine recommends using fresh green peas for heartburn. To do this, chop several peas, chew and swallow.
  • Irreplaceable vegetable in the treatment of superficial wounds, burns and abrasions. For the preparation of a medicinal drug, crushed peas and fresh chicken egg are mixed.
  • And the most famous, perhaps, therapeutic property of bean culture is to eliminate constipation.

Harm and contraindications

Like most other products, peas have their contraindications. In addition, a vegetable can cause significant harm to the human body, especially in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy, legumes are contraindicated in large quantities. Since peas cause gas formation, a similar state of the future mother may adversely affect the behavior of her fetus;
  • peas nevertheless belong to the “heavy” foods, therefore its overeating can cause the appearance of a certain discomfort in the stomach;
  • peas are not recommended for use by older people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The thing is that peas in their composition has a large amount of puric acid, which is able to be deposited in the muscles, joints and tendons. With a sedentary lifestyle, such purine deposits can cause pain and provoke the development of some joint diseases;
  • people suffering from gout are not recommended to eat fresh peas, it is allowed to be eaten only in boiled form and in small proportions;
  • with gastritis or the presence of peptic ulcer, legumes can provoke the appearance of complications:
  • it is important to remember the individual intolerance of the product, which people often suffer. If there is one, peas are strictly contraindicated for consumption.

Pea varieties

Depending on the classification, peas differ in their composition and useful qualities.

Pea varieties are divided into the following varieties:

  1. White peas - widely used for medicinal purposes. White peas are indicated for use in many diseases. White pea flour is prescribed for the complex treatment of diabetes. In addition, white pea flour is indicated for use in headaches, increased brain activity, heartburn, in the presence of abnormalities in the genitourinary system, with obesity, with heart ailments, and as an external remedy for skin diseases.
  2. Yellow peas  - This type of pea is used in cooking and in folk medicine. Yellow peas are involved in the normalization of metabolic processes, take care of the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the risk of cancer, and contribute to the treatment of hypertension, heart attack and skin aging.
  3. Red peas  - This bean variety is equipped with a large number of fortified and mineral substances. Red peas are used in the treatment of anemia, premature aging of the body, and cancer.
  4. Black peas  - rare and unusual for many people, black peas are indicated for use in voice loss, to improve the functioning of all internal systems, in particular, the liver, spleen, and kidneys.

How to cook peas?

The benefits and harms of peas have been justified for centuries. This vegetable can be eaten both fresh and boiled. If in the summer, freshly picked green peas are familiar, then closer to the ground the vegetable requires boiling. How to cook peas?

Before boiling, it is recommended to pre-soak the peas in cool water. The cooking time of the vegetable depends on the period of soaking. If the peas are soaked in advance for 6 hours, then the time of its boiling will be no more than 45 minutes. In that case, if you boil the vegetable immediately, that is, without soaking, then the time of full cooking can be delayed up to 2 hours.

How much to cook peas depends on how much water is added to the vegetable. Most cooks advise not to add water when preparing water. But such an opinion is deeply erroneous. It is recommended to observe simple proportions of water and vegetables - 3: 1, in which case the peas will be soft, crumbly and tasty.

  1. Rinse the peas thoroughly, remove debris, dust, and husk from it.
  2. Pour the vegetable with cool water and leave for 6-8 hours.
  3. After the specified time, rinse the bean culture again, then pour into a saucepan.
  4. Pour the required amount of water into the pot with peas and put the container on the fire.
  5. As boiling, remove the resulting foam.
  6. It is necessary to boil the vegetable over low heat.
  7. About 10 minutes before the end of boiling, water with peas is salted.
  8. After full cooking, add oil to the peas (if necessary).

The benefits and harms of green peas in one of the sections of the telecast “Live healthy!”

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