The best beer recipes at home. How to do it yourself according to the instructions step by step? How to make homemade beer at home

03.09.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Brewers intend to celebrate their professional holiday on June 8. Beer festivals are held around the world these days - in the Czech Republic and Hungary. In Russia, the brewer's day falls on the second Saturday of June, that is, on the 13th. There is an idea to celebrate this holiday by joining a glorious brewer tribe.

At first glance, especially unenlightened, it’s easy to brew beer. We find a large pot, and even better - a very large, enameled one, and stock up on hops and malt. Hops, in principle, can be replaced with yeast.


Malt cannot be replaced with anything, just beer in its absence will not be beer. It will be either mead, or mash, or kvass or wine. But not beer.

Malt can be wheat, rye, barley - from any grain. Such grain must be sprouted to obtain malt, then it is dried and then crushed.

If you do this at home, then spread the grain on a baking sheet, fill it with water and leave it warm and quiet. Only 2-3 days will pass and sprouts will appear. Germinated grain is extracted from water, dried and coarse flour is obtained. This is malt.

It can be purchased ready-made. For the needs of modern home brewers, all amenities are provided, you can even buy a whole set - with a certain kind of malt, yeast and hops. This set contains recipes for making beer.


For the manufacture of beer, only hop cones are used, that is, its fruits. The bitter taste inherent in beer comes from hops. And beer foam, lush and strong - from hops, and hops also take part in clarifying beer.

Dry hops can be bought at the market, in the store, and even in the pharmacy. It is included in beer kits.

When choosing a hop, you need to look at its color: if it is reddish, then the hop is overripe; a grayish color indicates that the hops did not have time to ripen; but the yellow-green color indicates that you have found exactly the hops you need.


The enameled pan that you prepared for cooking hops must not have chips. You can brew beer in stainless steel containers, but glassware is best suited. Plastic, no, categorically does not fit.

At first it was said that the dishes should be very large. This is in order to give the beer a place to wander around.

The finished beer is bottled with darkened walls. Old champagne bottles that have their own plastic corks are especially convenient. Such plugs let air through - a little bit, but this is enough to stop the fermentation.


Beer - it is alive, and its life proceeds in continuous fermentation. The taste and aroma of beer originates in the process of fermentation, and the degrees are also added at this time. Fermentation will stop - beer will die.

And up to this point, the fermentation process must be maintained in a certain framework, the most favorable. The main condition is the temperature in the range of 18-20 C. When it rises to 25, the fermentation process becomes too intense, and at 36 the yeast simply dies - along with beer.

Homemade Beer Recipes

Dark beer


Mixture of grain, ½ kg (rye, oats, barley, wheat)

Dried hops, 50 g

Sugar, 4 tbsp

Chicory, 30-40 g

Zest from 1st lemon

Water, 10 L

1. Fry the grain in a dry frying pan until brown. Grind it on a coffee grinder.

2. Put the grain with chicory in 1/3 of the water, boil.

3. Add, without turning off the burner, all the water put, put the zest, sugar and hops. Turn off the heat.

4. A few hours do not touch. We filter the infusion with gauze, pour into bottles. We put in a cool place.

Peppermint beer


Black bread, 1 crust

Mint, 1 bunch

Sugar, 3 tbsp

Yeast, 1 stick

Vanilla Sugar, 1 sachet

Water, 3 L

1. Boil water, pour mint and leave in a pan for 1 hour, closing it with a lid.

2. Pour yeast with sugar. We are waiting for them to come.

3. We filter the mint infusion, put yeast with sugar and a bread crust in it.

4. We put our mixture to wander. When the foam appears on the surface, pour vanilla sugar, stir and bottle. Keep it.

Honey beer

To prepare such a beer, a samovar in working condition, which is capable of continuously supplying hot water, is best suited. And not just hot, but boiling.


Honey, 2 tbsp

Rye malt, 3 tbsp

Yeast, 1½ sticks

Sugar, 1 tbsp

Hops, 100 g

Boiling water, 10 l

1. Grind the malt, grind it with hops. Put the mixture in a bag of linen. We pour a spoonful of sugar into the yeast so that they come.

2. Take a large pot and put honey in it. We are building a complex device: we place a samovar on the table, and hot water from it should pour into the pan, passing along the bag with hops and malt. Moreover, the malt must be mixed all the time, while water flows through it.

3. Having run the required amount of water into the pan, mix its contents, let cool. Then put the yeast in it.

4. When all the yeast sinks to the bottom of the pan, pour the beer into bottles and let stand 3-4 days.



Rye bread, 1.6 kg

Rye malt, 300 g

Hops, 600 g

Sugar, 2 tbsp

Salt, ¼ h l

Yeast, 1 stick

1. We cut the bread into thin layers and dry it. We grow yeast in a glass with warm water.

2. Mix rye crackers with malt, put in a large pan and put salt, sugar (1 cup), pepper, pour in the diluted yeast.

3. Scald the hops with boiling water, send to the pan.

4. Pour water into the pan without stopping stirring until a sour cream consistency is obtained. We cover the dishes with a towel, leave for fermentation at night.

5. Dilute the remaining unused 1 cup of sugar in 9 liters of water. Pour into the pan and mix. We no longer cover with a towel, but with a lid. We put in a warm place for 2 days.

6. Drain the liquid until sediment. Pour 1½ liters of boiling water into the thick remaining at the bottom, mix and let cool. Again, drain the liquid, attach to the first batch. Mix together, set to boil.

7. Bringing to a boil, remove the foam. We wait until it cools down and filter. We pour beer into bottles and cork. We place in a cold place and wait 2 weeks.

No wonder they are considered the best chefs - men! No one can even argue with this. Cook borsch, bake pies, stuff fish, etc. - all this is nothing for a real man. How do you look at brewing your own beer? Can you? And you will be right! Technology has gone far ahead. You can buy all the ingredients and equipment, and organize your home brewing at home (sorry for taftology). What could be cooler to offer friends watching a football match or broadcast a boxing match a beer of their own spill?

Last update 06/13/2015

It’s easy to brew beer. You just need to find a very large pot, preferably enameled, stock up with malt and hops. However, the latter is sometimes replaced by yeast.


This is exactly what makes beer become beer. There will be no malt, and you will drink mash, mead, wine or kvass. Anything - but not beer.

Malt can be from any grain: it can be rye, barley, wheat malt. To get malt, the grain is first germinated, and then dried and ground.

To get malt, you need to take any grain, put on a large baking sheet and pour water. Leave in a warm place. After 2-3 days, the grain will germinate. It needs to be dried a little and rubbed with a rolling pin into coarse flour. It will turn out malt.

But there is a simpler way - you can buy ready-made malt, you can even buy a ready-made brewer set with the right kind of malt, hops and yeast, as well as beer recipes. This will greatly simplify life.


This is a climbing plant, for beer we use only its fruits - cones. Hop gives the beer a special, bitter taste. Participates in the clarification of the drink, in the formation of strong foam.

Dry hops are for sale, they can be bought at pharmacies, markets or in a store - they are included in brewing kits. When you choose hops - pay attention to the color, it should be yellow-green. Grayish is unripe, and reddish is overripe.


For beer, it is best to take glassware. You can use enameled pots, but only without chips. Stainless steel containers are suitable. Plastic beer is contraindicated.

The dishes should be slightly larger than the planned volume of beer, since it needs a place for fermentation.

It is better to pour beer in dark bottles. Champagne bottles with plastic caps are very good. Corks can be sterilized and corked. They will let some air in and fermentation will not stop.


Beer is alive. It is constantly in a state of slow fermentation. As soon as the fermentation stops, the beer dies. But first, beer wanders, like other alcoholic drinks. It is then that its taste and aroma are born.

Therefore, it is very important to maintain the necessary conditions, the main thing is the temperature. Ideal -18-20 C, slightly below room temperature. If higher, up to 25 degrees, then fermentation begins too intense. At temperatures above 36 degrees, the yeast dies and the beer dies.

Homemade Beer Recipes

Dark beer

Step 1. Fry the grain in a pan until brown, grind in a coffee grinder.

Step 2  Add chicory to the grain, boil everything with a third of water.

Step 3. Then add the rest of the water, add sugar, hops and zest and turn it off.

Step 4Leave for several hours, then strain the infusion through cheesecloth, bottle and put in a cool place.

Peppermint beer

Step 1.  Pour mint with boiling water, close the pan with a tight lid and leave for 1 hour.

Step 2. Meanwhile, pour the yeast with sugar and wait for it to come.

Step 3. Strain the infusion, add sugar, a crust of bread and yeast.

Step 4Set for fermentation. When foam appears on the surface, add vanilla sugar, pour into bottles and put into storage.

Honey beer

  Recipe For this recipe you will need some kind of container from which hot water can continuously pour. A samovar is most convenient, since boiling water does not cool in it, but continues to boil.

  • 3 cups rye malt
  • 2 glasses of honey
  • 100 g hops
  • 1, 5 yeast sticks
  • 1 tbsp sugar 10 l boiling water

Step 1. Grind the malt, grind it with hops very carefully and put in a linen bag. Cover the yeast with a spoonful of sugar and leave to approach.

Step 2. Put honey in a large pot. Put a samovar with boiling water on the table. Water should be poured through a bag of malt into the pan. While it is pouring, the malt must be mixed all the time.

Step 3. When the necessary amount of water gets into the pan, you need to mix everything, let the liquid cool and put yeast in the future beer.

Step 4. Wait until all the yeast goes down, then pour the beer into bottles, put in a dark place. Withstand 3-4 days - and you can drink.


Step 1.  Cut the bread into thin slices and dry.

Step 2. Mix crackers in a large pan with malt, salt, pepper, yeast, diluted in a glass of warm water, and a glass of sugar.

Step 3. Scale hops with boiling water and also add to the pan.

Step 4. Pour water, stirring the mass all the time so that a creamy consistency is obtained. Cover the pan with a towel and leave overnight.

Step 5. In 9 liters of water, dilute a glass of sugar and add to the aged mixture. Mix. Close the lid and leave for 2 days in a warm place.

Step 6. Drain the liquid from the sediment. Add 1.5 liters of boiling water to the remaining thick. Cool. And again, drain from the sediment, to the first batch of beer. Stir and boil.

Step 7  Remove foam, cool slightly and strain. Pour into bottles. To cork. Keep in a cool place for 2 weeks.

Beer - a drink extremely widespread throughout the world, it was invented in ancient Egypt. Currently, we can observe it in bars and shops in huge numbers and of various varieties. But one cannot but agree that home-made beer, made by oneself, is much better than the factory one. After all, we know for sure that only natural products were used for its manufacture, without any preservatives.

Many people mistakenly believe that home brewing technology requires serious equipment, but this is not entirely true. To brew beer at home, it is quite possible to use ordinary kitchen utensils, for example large-capacity pots. In addition, all the necessary ingredients for the recipe can now be purchased in stores, and it is not necessary to pre-harvest hop cones and cook wheat and barley malt.

There are various recipes for making home-made beer, which abound with a considerable number of interesting components, because beer is a very versatile drink. But if we talk about the traditional classic recipe, then it includes yeast, hops, malt and water. If you do everything right, keeping the necessary pauses and competently adhere to the recipe, then in the end you will get a homemade drink with thick foam and rich taste. No pasteurization and filtration, like store beer, exclusively natural ingredients - this is the only way to get homemade foamy beer with a clean original taste.

We brew beer at home: what is needed for this?

The art of home brewing is not an easy task, so not many people risk making beer with their own hands. Most of us find it easier to buy a bottle of beer at the store than mess around in our own kitchen. Therefore, all home brewing recipes are designed for loyal fans of this foamy drink who prefer a clean taste, without impurities and preservatives.

For brewing traditional beer, in addition to water, three ingredients are needed: brewer's yeast, hops and malt. The only “but” - it is not recommended to conduct experiments with yeast, but to immediately buy the best in a special store, because the successful outcome of brewing depends on their quality. The first two ingredients can theoretically be made at home, but it will take extra time, so it’s also better to buy them ready-made.

An important nuance: to get light beer, malt must be dried naturally, to get dark beer, a special caramel variety is added to the main mound, not more than 10% of the total mound, it is cooked in the oven, slightly fried.

Malt   - These are, in fact, sprouted dried barley grains in hard husks, which in the production of beer serve as a natural filter.

This ingredient should be white in color, sweetish, pleasant smell and not drown in water. Before use, malt must be grinded in a special roller mill so that the husk remains intact.

Hop all varieties are divided into two types: fragrant and bitter, and it is chosen depending on what more you want to achieve in home-made beer, aroma or bitterness. The main thing is that the hops be of good quality, this plays an important role in the density of the homemade drink. Before using it, cones need to be carefully considered, they should be reddish and yellowish in color.

Yeast   it’s very advisable to take beer ones, but if you were not able to get them, then ordinary ones will do. The main thing is that they are dry and alive. As for the water, it must always be clean and soft, perfectly purified, filtered water or water from the spring. In extreme cases, you can use boiled water. If it is bad, then your home-made beer will turn out tasteless, and you will waste time in vain.

Ideally, water is better to buy. It will turn out, of course, a little expensive, but the taste of the hop-drink will turn out to be just excellent. And one more important nuance: sugar. It must be taken at the rate of 8 grams per liter of beer (for saturation with carbon dioxide), in some recipes glucose or honey is used.

Home brewing equipment

All the equipment that you will need to make beer yourself at home can be found in any kitchen, or you can get it without any problems, there is no need to purchase a special expensive machine or a mini-brewery. So, you will need a large pan (enameled ideal) for 30 liters, it can be improved by installing a drain cock at the bottom. In the pan you will brew the wort, as well as another beer fermentation tank.

Be sure to stock up on a thermometer to control the temperature, and a large piece of gauze 4-5 meters long. Next, you need to prepare glass and plastic bottles, where you pour home-made beer, and a silicone narrow hose (with its help, the drink is carefully removed from the sediment).

A chiller is required to cool the wort. It can be made independently at home from a copper tube. You can do without a chiller, and use a bath at home or a very large tank of ice water to cool beer wort. Some are still stocked with a hydrometer - a device that determines the sugar content, density of the future drink, but this is not necessary at all.

A traditional beer recipe at home with a photo

To make grain beer in your own kitchen, according to the classic recipe, withstanding all temperature moments and pauses, you must first pay attention to the preparatory stage: thoroughly wash and dry all the equipment (except the thermometer) and start the process with clean hands.

Everything must be sterile, otherwise you risk infecting the wort with wild yeast or other microbes and instead of beer get a sour mash and level all your efforts. Then prepare the ingredients: 32 liters of water, 5 kg of barley malt, 45 grams of hops, 25 grams of brewer's yeast and granulated sugar (based on the calculation given above).

  1. Pour 25 liters of water into a saucepan, heat to 80 °, and immerse ground malt, poured into a gauze bag (it is made from a long piece of gauze). Close the pan with a lid and keep the pause for an hour and a half at a temperature of 65-72 °, turning the heating on or off. It is at this temperature that saccharification of malt takes place, as a result, the wort is made sweet, easily fermentable sugars appear in it.
  2. After an hour and a half, increase the temperature of the fire to 80 ° and hold this pause for another five minutes. Then remove the bag of malt from the pan and rinse in the remaining seven liters of water, which should then be transferred to the wort. Thus, we wash the remaining sugar from the malt.
  3. Further, according to the recipe, the wort should be brought to a boil, remove the formed foam and fill in the first 15 grams of hops. Half an hour the wort needs to be boiled intensively, after which add another 15 grams of hops. Then cook another 50 minutes, add the last portion of 15 grams of hops, and boil another 10-15 minutes. All the time it will take an hour and a half.
  4. Now, the must must be cooled very quickly, keeping within 20-30 minutes. The quicker you do this, the lower the risk of future beer becoming infected with wild yeast and harmful bacteria. Transfer the pan to a bathtub filled with ice water, then transfer it three times through cheesecloth to a different container.
  5. The next step is to brew brewer's yeast and add to the wort, mixing thoroughly. It is very important to follow the instructions on the package with yeast. Further, the tank is transferred for fermentation to a dark place with a temperature of 18-22 °, a water seal is installed on it, and the wort is left to ferment for a week or ten days.
  6. Intensive fermentation will begin in 6-12 hours, and will last for two to three days. All this time, the water dispenser will actively let out bubbles, carbon dioxide will come out, and beer at the end of fermentation will become much lighter. Readiness is determined by the absence of bubbles during the day - this means that the fermentation process is completed.
  7. Now, according to the recipe, carbonization of beer (filling the drink with carbon dioxide) is to be done - to improve the taste, in order to achieve the appearance of a dense thick foam. Do not be alarmed by this “scary” name, the carbonation process is quite simple. You need to take the sterilized bottles that you prepared for storing beer (it is very desirable that they be made of dark plastic or glass) and pour sugar in them (per 1 liter of beer 8 grams of sugar).
  8. After this, the drink must be carefully drained using a narrow silicone hose and filled the bottles, being careful not to touch the precipitate (otherwise the beer will turn out cloudy). Pour not to the very top, but leave a couple of centimeters so that the beer “breathes”, and tightly cork the caps. Then, without any pause, the secondary fermentation process will begin, which will supply the young beer with the necessary amount of carbon dioxide.

For best quality, you need to remove the bottles in a dark place with a temperature of 20-23 ° and leave alone for two to three weeks. After the first week has passed, the bottles must be shaken periodically, and at the end of the term, transfer them to the cellar or refrigerator.

Early beer with dark molasses


It is good to grind the malt with hops, pour into a bag and hold it under a samovar faucet with a wide hole while it is boiling, and set a tub under a sharp sewn end. It is necessary that 12 bottles of boiling water flow out of the samovar and that it does not flow quickly (the tap should not be turned off too much). Wort to cool in the tub until the warmth of fresh milk, pour molasses and dissolved yeast into it, and when fermented quick home-brewed beer, pour it into bottles, cork and keep in a cool place before use.

Early beer with light molasses


  • 5 liters of water
  • 600g of light wheat malt,
  • 200 g wheat flour, 100 g hops,
  • 2 glasses of light molasses,
  • 0.5 cups of yeast.


Put malt, hops and flour into a deep pot, pot or other container, mix them well and pour boiling water over them. Then cool to a temperature of 30-40 ° C, introduce molasses and yeast, cover the container with a lid or clean canvas and place in a warm place for 4-5 days. After the instant beer is fermented, pour it into bottles, cork tightly and keep in a cool place before drinking.

How to make homemade beer fast

Quick ginger beer


  • 4.5 liters of water
  • 25 g of ginger root
  • 15 ml of wine
  • 400 g sugar
  • 15 g of yeast.


In a saucepan, mix sugar with crushed ginger root, pour in the wine, pour hot boiled water and cool. Introduce yeast into the cooled mixture, allow to ferment, strain, pour into bottles, tightly seal with scalded corks and strengthen them with wire. Using this quick beer recipe at home, you can drink the drink the very next day.

Early beer in 5 days


  • 1.8 l of boiled water,
  • 300 g of burnt and crushed grain (barley or rye),
  • 10 g hops
  • 100 g granulated sugar
  • 50 g of burnt sugar
  • 1 g of yeast.


In a large bowl, mix hops, grain and sugar, grate them well, pour them into a pan, pour 0.4 liters of water there, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Then, having cooled to a warm state, add the burnt sugar and yeast, mix thoroughly, pour into an enamel bucket, add the remaining (1.4 L) water, stir, tie with a thick cloth (canvas) and leave for 5 days at room temperature.

Beer and champagne


  • 12 liters of water
  • 1.2 kg of sugar
  • 100-200g hops,
  • 1 cup yeast
  • 25-30 g of ginger,
  • lemon or orange zest (raspberry or strawberry juice) - to taste.


Pour boiled water into a tub, add sugar there and allow it to completely dissolve, then cool the liquid to room temperature, add liquid yeast, mix well and put in a warm place for 2-3 days (until fermentation is completed). During this time, the foam formed on the surface must be regularly removed. At the end of the fermentation, pour the beer into bottles, adding lemon or orange peel (or raspberry, strawberry juice) to each to improve the taste, tightly cork, fix the corks with wire and store in a cool place. If you wish, to prepare this quick beer at home, you can add a decoction of hops and ginger root before fermentation.

The article will tell you about the principles of making beer at home.

A simple classic recipe and ingredients for home-made hops and malt beer: preparation process

Beer - one of the most beloved drinks of mankind for several centuries in a row. However, it is worth noting that the classic natural beer is significantly different  from those alcoholic synthetic drinks that are now presented in a wide variety. Natural beer is not only tasty, it is also healthy, since it consists only of plant products.

Of course, in the modern world you can find many establishments (beer boutiques, bars and restaurants), where there is its own brewery. Pleasure is not cheap and therefore not everyone can afford to have their own personal brewery producing beer at home. However, remembering the old "grandmother's recipes", you are quite capable of making beer at home, it is only important to observe the accuracy of the steps and the amount of ingredients.

You can buy the main ingredients, in particular hops and malt, in markets where summer residents and villagers often sell what they grow on their site. If you have not found these products, they are always presented in the assortment of grocery online stores. As a brewing equipment, you do not need a mini-brewery and the whole process will cost only a fermentation tank (glass bottle) and a pan.

You need to stock up for the recipe:

  • Malt (only barley) -4.5-5 kg
  • Hops -4.5-5 stack. (need fresh bumps)
  • Brewer's yeast -50 g (cannot be replaced with fresh or dry)
  • Sugar -140-150 g (necessary for the fermentation process)
  • Salt -2/3 tbsp
  • Purified water -20 l (filtered or purchased, without impurities, you can use cold boiled).

Beer brewing:

  • About a day, soak the malt by dissolving it with the entire amount of purified water. Leave to stand until tomorrow.
  • After insisting, the liquid should be poured into a large pan, it does not need to be filtered. Turn on the fire and add salt.
  • Malt should be simmered for about 2 hours.
  • After this, add hops to the pan, mix and cook for another 25 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat, cool the brew a little. Now it should be filtered. To do this, use gauze, folding twice or thrice. This is the must. Keep it warm at about 30 degrees. Pour into a fermentation bottle.
  • In strained wort, you can now pour yeast with sugar (it is important to do this at the same time). Stir thoroughly with a long wooden spoon.
  • Beer should ferment until 18 o’clock. The place where you place the bottle should be warm and dark.
  • After 18 hours of fermentation, pour the beer in bottles and put it in the pantry, the drink will be ready only after 12-14 hours

IMPORTANT: From 20 liters of water you get almost 20 liters of beer, if you do not need a drink in such a large amount, you can evenly reduce the amount of all ingredients in two or three times.

How to make a must for beer?

Properly prepared beer wort is the secret to a delicious beer that you can get right the first time. Its preparation begins in several stages and, observing each, you are sure to do everything right.

Stages of wort preparation:

  • Malt preparation.Malt is the soaked grains of wheat. After they have sprouted, liquid should be drained from them, and the grains themselves should be crushed. It is the malt that gives the beer a rich taste and density. You can crush it with a coffee grinder, meat grinder and even a blender (if there is such a function). The size of the crushed malt should be about half the buckwheat kernel (this is very important for the entire brewing process).
  • Mashing.This process includes pouring the ground malt with purified water and boiling. The process got its name many years ago, and in brewing it is still called “congestion”. During cooking, the starch of the grains breaks down and the acidity changes.
  • Readiness.Wort should be cooked for several hours. The characteristic sour aroma, richness of taste and color of the liquid will tell you about the readiness of the wort. After that, you can add hops and brew beer to the wort.

How to make homemade beer yourself without equipment in a saucepan: a simple recipe

A simple recipe for making homemade beer does not take you much time and effort. The method of brewing beer in a saucepan is simple and accessible to everyone. Adjust the number of ingredients yourself, focusing on the required amount of the finished drink.

What do you need:

  • Hops -15 g of cones
  • Purified water -5 l (plus 250 ml for sugar syrup).
  • Sugar -240-250 g.
  • Dry yeast -10 g (can be replaced with brewer's yeast).

Cooking process:

  • Boil water
  • Add hops to the pan and boil the liquid for exactly 1.5 hours.
  • While boiling hops, prepare sugar syrup (water and sugar in equal parts - 1 tbsp each).
  • After 1.5 hours of cooking the hops, pour the syrup into the liquid and continue cooking for another 20-25 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool completely (to room temperature).
  • Pour yeast into the liquid
  • Cover, let it roam for 10-12 hours
  • After that, carefully strain the drink and bottle. They must be tightly closed. Infuse the drink for another 2-3 days before drinking.

  Fast Home-made Beer

Recipe and Ingredients for Grain Dark Home-brewed Beer

Dark home-made beer will truly become your favorite "hop" drink, as it is not difficult to prepare it, but the taste leaves an incredibly pleasant feeling.

What do you need:

  • Dry hops -50 g. (Crushed or bumps)
  • Chicory -30 g. (Natural, without flavoring or flavoring).
  • Lemon Zest -from one fruit
  • Grain mixture for wort -450-500 g (barley, wheat).
  • Sugar -3.5-4 tbsp.
  • Purified water -10 l

Beer brewing:

  • Dry the sprouted grain (pre-soak it) in a pan, the sun or in the oven (at low temperatures).
  • Sprouted grain mixture should be rubbed with a manual coffee grinder or meat grinder (it will be exactly the consistency that is needed).
  • Mix the grated cereal mixture with chicory. Do this in advance in a beer pan.
  • Pour the grain mixture with water and put on a fire, boil.
  • Dissolve sugar in the remaining water
  • Pour sugar and water into the pan to the grain mixture
  • Add the required amount of hops and finely grated zest from one lemon.
  • Bring to a boil again and turn off the heat
  • Let the brew cool for 3 hours
  • Pour the cooled wort into a fermentation bottle (it should be twice as large as the pan in which you cooked).
  • Leave the bottle to roam in a warm place (about 25 degrees) for several days. If the fermentation does not start, add extra brewer's yeast and leave for another day.
  • Fermented beer should be carefully filtered from the cake and only then pour into cleaned bottles, corking with lids.
  • Beer infusion time - another 3 days in a cool place (during which time it will be saturated with gases).

Recipe and Ingredients for Home-Made Barley Beer

What do you need:

  • Barley Grain -500-600 g
  • Hops -5.5-6 st. bumps
  • Brewer's or dry yeast -50 g
  • Purified water -6 l
  • Sugar -240-250 g.
  • Rusks of black and white bread -2 tbsp.

Beer brewing:

  • Pour the grains into a glass jar
  • Pour the grains with water and in this state let them stand for about 3 days so that they sprout.
  • Drain the grains, dry them. Remove sprouted parts.
  • Grind the grain, it is necessary for the preparation of wort.
  • After this, pour the ground grain with boiling water (1.5-2 liters) and let them stand like this for about an hour.
  • Then pour black and white crackers into the malt (barley mass).
  • Pour another 1-1.5 liters of boiling water and still insist for an hour.
  • After insisting, the liquid should be well filtered
  • Put on fire and add hops; boil for 15-20 minutes over moderate heat.
  • After this, cool the liquid again and strain again
  • Pour yeast into a warm liquid and add sugar, mix well and leave to ferment for 2 or 3 days.
  • After fermentation, the beer is bottled and sent to brew for up to 2 weeks in a cool place.

Homemade craft beer recipe

Craft in translation means “craft”, which means “craft beer” is a drink produced at home and not in large quantities. In the modern world, “craft” beer can be called any beer, which is done in personal and private breweries using traditional technologies. This is always an author's product and therefore you can always experiment with the ingredients of beer to get the most intense taste.

INTERESTING: Craft beer is often made from ready-made wort, which can be freely purchased for sale. In the assortment you will always find a variety of types of beer for brewing at home.

Simple homemade craft beer:

  • Get 5 kg of barley wort
  • Fill the wort with 35 liters of purified water and put on fire
  • The liquid should be boiled and left to infuse
  • Strain and boil again (about an hour)
  • After half an hour of cooking, add hop - 30 g (granules) to the pan.
  • Pour another 20 g of hops 5 minutes before the end of cooking
  • Cool the wort to 20 degrees after cooking.
  • Empty the wort into a glass bottle
  • Add 10-11 g brewer's yeast to the bottle
  • At room temperatures, the beer should be infused for up to 2 weeks, after which it can be cooled and drunk.

Important tips for making and drinking beer:

  • Beer should be drunk only after the complete process of brewing and infusion, in no case should dilute the finished beer with water.
  • No other ingredients should be added to beer other than hops, malt, water, sugar and yeast.
  • Home-made beer, corked in bottles, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than six months.
  • Use only glassware for fermentation.
  • Crush the malt with a meat grinder or coffee grinder, a blender can turn grain into flour, and this is harmful to the beer fermentation process.

Video: “Beer brewing at home”