The recipe for fruit mash for moonshine. Cooking fruit moonshine

03.09.2019 Seafood

Moonshine recipe made from fruits. We will take with you - plum.

Plums are a good raw material for mash. This drink has an excellent taste, and a pleasant aroma. How to make mash from plums at home? The recipe is simple, but before cooking, you should familiarize yourself with the nuances. Before starting to make the mash, the plums are crushed (but in no case wash it, the surface contains wild yeast, which we still need to ferment sugar and fructose. When you have decided on the raw materials, you need to find out what sugar content it can be determine from the table.

The percentage of various substances in the wet weight of fruits and berries



Wild strawberry


Sea buckthorn


The recipe for moonshine is such that it should contain 25% sugar. Plum contains 10% sugar, therefore it does not have another 15% for the production of moonshine, which means that for every 10 liters of crushed plums, one and a half kilograms of sugar should be added. Thus, you can calculate the amount of added sugar for any berry.

And so the ingredients that we need:

  • Plums - 12 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • Drinking water - 10 l;
  • Yeast - 100 g.


1.Plush the seeds and mash until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. It will be necessary to remove the bones, because otherwise the finished moonshine may be slightly bitter or it will not be particularly pleasant to the smell. Ideally, skins should also be removed, leaving only the pulp for the mash. But extracting the pulp is a very time-consuming process, so in order to avoid excesses, we simply filter the finished mash through cheesecloth, which is much simpler.

2. We take sugar and dissolve it in a small amount of water. The resulting syrup from sugar and water is added to the container where the plum is located.

3. Dilute the yeast in warm water (t 30 ° C), pour them into the future mash, and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

4. Add water. The task is to bring the mash to a liquid consistency. Usually, this requires 8-10 liters of water.

5. Place the container with the plum brew in a warm place. The fermentation process lasts 7-10 days.

6. After mash should be filtered. To do this, it is poured through cheesecloth into a distillation tank.

7. To get high-quality moonshine from plums, it is recommended to distill mash two times, using the classical method and the moonshine we offer you

Many people prefer this particular drink among other alcoholic products; it is quite easy to prepare it from various available products, in other words, you can easily choose a drink “to your taste”.

Consider a moonshine recipe from fruits

Making this type of moonshine depends heavily on the sugar content of the fruit you want to use. If you select the ingredients in advance, you can use the table of the percentage of sugar and water in fruits and berries. So, for example, apricots can contain the most sugar, and a small amount of it can be found in sea buckthorn.

The recipe for fruit moonshine at home implies that the amount of sugar in it will be 25%. Therefore, it is very important to know the percentage of its content in the raw materials used, after which you can calculate how much sugar you need to add to the berry of your choice.

  1. So, your chosen fruit or berries are crushed. Before this, you need to remove the bones to avoid the bitter aftertaste in the finished moonshine.
  2. Wash berries and fruits is not worth it, because the wild yeast that any fruit has is washed off with water. They will be useful in fermentation.
  3. Mashed fruits should be left for a couple of days, giving you the opportunity to wander on their own. During this time, you can choose the most suitable for you.
  4. After the required amount of missing sugar and water is added. The table mentioned above will help you find them. You can find it in the recipe book for the manufacture of various blanks.
  5. If you take a berry with a low juice content, chopping produces a thick puree. Then some water is added to the must. After which it is filled with sugar, as in.
  6. After the fermentation process ends (it can last about a week), it is required to filter the mash. You can do this with gauze, through which the mash is poured into a distillation tank.
  7. In order not to spoil the product, you need to make sure that there are no parts of berries and fruits left in the braga. And of course, it’s necessary (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a steamer of the brand). You can choose the device that suits you best with.
  8. After the first distillation, you need to determine the percentage of alcohol in the moonshine. In the event that it is less than forty degrees, a second distillation is carried out. After this, home-made moonshine made from fruits becomes stronger.

From various fruits you can find on our portal.

Fresh fruits contain fructose, which affects the smell and taste, giving the homemade drink a sweet aftertaste. Therefore, fruit brew for moonshine can be made from different fruits and berries with a large content. But in order to get a quality drink from such raw materials, you must adhere to the basic rules of preparation and observe the ingredients of the recipe.

To obtain a high percentage of alcohol, it is recommended to add a little sugar in the fruit puree mash, and alcohol yeast for better fermentation. The process of making mash is different from the usual one, as the fruits will have to tinker longer. If you follow the cooking technology, then the output will be a fragrant drink with subtle fruity notes.

Even moldy and rotten fruits are suitable for raw materials, and in one batch you can combine their different types, which will give the drink an original aroma with delicate shades of taste.

To make the mash, you will need the following ingredients and tools:

  • a chopper for fruits, it can be a juicer or a meat grinder;
  • fermentation tank;
  • press;
  • fruits;
  • sugar;
  • yeast;
  • lemon juice or acid;
  • distilled water.

For the preparation of mash, unwashed fruits are used, since they live on the peel, which accelerate the breakdown of sugars and improve the fermentation process. The fruits are crushed, rot is cut off, seeds and stalks are removed, so they give the drink bitterness, and are placed in a fermentation tank.

Proportions of fruit mash

On a 20-liter capacity you need:

  • 5-10 kg of fruit;
  • one to two kg of sugar;
  • 50 g dry yeast;
  • 100 g of lemon juice or 30 g of citric acid;
  • water based on the fact that the whole mixture should fill 3/4 of the tank.

Lemon juice or acid helps break down sugar molecules, which helps speed up the process of mash and reduce fusel oils.

Fruit preparation

To clear fruits from rot, mold, remove seeds and stalks. Cut into small slices and scroll through a meat grinder. Prepared fruits are placed in a large pan and pour water so that it completely covers their surface.

Bring the sliced \u200b\u200bfruit to a boil, add the required amount of sugar, lemon juice or acid and mix. Sugar must be allowed to dissolve well, holding on low heat for three to five minutes. Using a special press, grind fruits to a kind of puree and let it cool to about room temperature.

Pour the mashed potatoes into the mash container and add distilled water so that three quarters of the bottle is filled with the mixture.

How to make fruit mash?

Add yeast to fruit puree and mix thoroughly with a large spoon. Cover the container with plastic wrap, making several small holes in it to allow carbon dioxide to escape. Let the fruit mixture brew for three days.

After a few days, remove the film and remove it with a wooden spoon (metal objects cannot be used, as oxidation can occur) located on the surface of the puree. Mix the rest thoroughly, cover again tightly with a film and leave for three days.

After the set time, remove the film, remove the fruit puree floating on the surface, mix thoroughly. Wrap with a new film, not forgetting to make holes for the rapid release of carbon dioxide, and leave for several days.

10 days after kneading fruit puree, the mash is ready for further production of moonshine. Distill it to improve the quality of the drink is recommended twice.

  1. For fruit mash, you can use any yeast, but it is preferable to use specially designed for making homemade drinks. Alcoholic or are best suited.
  2. The bottle with the brew should be kept in a warm room and try to maintain the temperature, since its fluctuations can negatively affect the process of the mash. Therefore, it is recommended to wrap the container with an old blanket or fur coat.
  3. In the process of intense fermentation, an unpleasant odor forms, which can negatively affect others, so you need to put it away from living rooms.
  4. Make sure that in the container, the mash fills three quarters, and with a noticeable evaporation of the liquid, add water.
  5. To prevent air and harmful bacteria from entering the bottle, which can significantly impair the quality of the home-made drink, you must cover the bottle tightly.
  6. To make homemade alcohol, you can take any fruit, or berries, since they all contain sugar. You can not be afraid to experiment and even combine from different fruits. And the output will be a great drink with a pronounced aroma of fruit notes.

Observing all the rules, you can make beautiful moonshine in the summer with a new, mild taste.

Moonshine is a strong alcoholic beverage obtained by distillation of alcohol-containing raw materials (mash).
Sugar can be used as raw material for cooking mash (it is easiest to do at home), or pure fruits of berries and fruits containing sugar (fructose), or starchy raw materials (rye, wheat, barley, corn, etc.) that are processed sugar using malt or malt enzymes.

Let us consider in more detail the preparation of moonshine from the main types of raw materials:

1. Moonshine from sugar

This method is the easiest  for cooking. To prepare it, only sugar, yeast and water.
  The ratio of the components is approximately the following: per 1 kilogram of sugar - 5 l of water and 100 g of pressed yeast, or 18 grams of dry yeast like Saf-Moment or Saf-Levyur.
  Sugar dissolves in warm water, then yeast is introduced, pressed must first be diluted in parts of the sugar solution and wait until they are activated (3-5 minutes), dry can simply be scattered on the surface of the sugar solution.
  The container is closed by a hydraulic lock.
  Braga wanders about 7 days, after which it merges with the yeast sediment and is distilled on a moonshine still.

To ennoble such moonshine  various fruits and berries such as grapes, plums, blackthorn, etc. can be added to the mash, they convey their taste and aroma to the finished drink, and also help the fermentation process due to the wild yeast contained on their surface.

2. Moonshine from starch raw materials.

Moonshine is considered one of the most noble, thanks to its original taste and aroma. It is prepared much more complicated than sugar, but the result is worth it, try it yourself! As a raw material, grain, flour or cereal is suitable.

First, a little theory.

The grain contains a lot of starch, which contains sugar molecules. Starch can be broken down into simpler molecules, including sugar, which is necessary for alcoholic fermentation. To convert starch into sugar, you need enzymes that are found in sprouted grains - malt.
Enzymes work catalytically. Therefore, 1 kg of grain can be sprouted, crushed and, using its enzymes, turn starch from 5-6 kg of not germinated grain (crushed), or cereal, or flour into sugar. Starch in ungrown crushed grain, groats, flour is closed inside the cells. To make it available to enzymes, not sprouted grain (crushed, or groats or flour) must be boiled - the cell membranes burst and the starch goes into solution, this solution is called wort.

It is not necessary to use just malt to obtain sugar from starch, for this there are ready-made enzymes: amylosubtilinwhich helps thin the wort and glucavamorinwhich promotes saccharification.

The saccharification process itself requires great care and strict adherence to temperature conditions, for example, enzymes will not stand up to overheating above 75 degrees, and if the superheating is not heated, the fermentation will not be complete. Also, at the end of the fermentation process, it is important to cool the wort sharply to room temperature, this is necessary so that various microorganisms do not have time to multiply in the resulting nutrient medium, during the gradual cooling, otherwise the yeast may die.

After saccharification  - obtaining sugar from starch, the wort is fermented with ordinary yeast, for example Saf-Moment or Saf-Levyur.

Another difficulty making moonshine from starch  lies in the fact that the fermented wort is very thick, so it can not be distilled in a classic moonshine still, because it simply burns to the walls of the apparatus and the drink will be completely spoiled. Distillation of grain wort is carried out either by steam, or in a water or some other bath, for example glycerin.

3. Moonshine of berries and fruits.

Fruit moonshine has the taste and aroma of those fruits or berries from which it was prepared.
It is prepared no harder than sugar, but there are some peculiarities.
If you have already decided on the raw material, you need to find out what sugar content is in it.
Further, the raw materials are crushed.
BUT by no means don't wash it, the surface contains wild yeast, we still need them to ferment sugar and fructose!
The crushed or crushed raw materials are laid in a fermentation tank, it must ferment itself (1-2 days).
Then sugar and water are added, if necessary.
The sugar content should be about 25%, so to calculate how much it needs to be added, refer to the table above.
For example, if you make plum brandy (the sugar content in the plum is about 10%), then 10 kg of crushed berries will need 1.5 kg of sugar.
If diluted with water, then sugar is added to it as in regular sugar mash.
If during the distillation it is assumed to use heating elements or stoves for heating, make sure that the raw materials have completely fermented, otherwise the residues or peel of the fruit may burn, which will lead to spoilage of the entire product and rapid wear of the heating elements.
For distillation of fruit mash, especially thick, it is recommended to use a steam generator or water bath to exclude the possibility of burning.

The most commonly used fruit, which can be made from any berries and fruits. This is very beneficial, since almost every owner of a private house has at his disposal a whole garden of free fruit. How is mash cooked on fruit? That's what we’ll talk about today.

Fruit mash is a great way to recycle excess fruits and berries from your own garden.

Everyone knows that alcohol is getting more expensive every day on store shelves, and it’s not always possible to buy an extra bottle of a drink even on a very big holiday. Some people have long abandoned store products and make spirits on their own. Modern people can make almost any alcoholic beverage at home (cognac, rum, liquor, wine and other equally tasty drinks).

How to make fruit mash at home on your own?

You can make mash not only from regular sugar and yeast, but also from fruits. As a basis, you can take completely different fruits. Any berry is also ideal for the subsequent production of mash and moonshine, respectively. In the process of fermentation, they will turn into real alcohol.

For mash, you need yeast, sugar and fruit

To get more alcohol, add some sugar to the fruit. Thanks to the fermented mixture, you can get not only a simple mash, but also high-quality liquor, wine and even quite strong moonshine. In order for the fermentation process to begin, yeast should be added to the mixture. Nowadays, there is a huge variety of yeast, which you can buy at any grocery store or on the Internet.

The fruit mash recipe is very simple. For its preparation, you should take about 3 kg of fruit or berries, a pound of sugar, about 30 g of lemon juice or a few tablespoons of citric acid and yeast. All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed in a fairly large bucket.

It is very important to cover the container so that the fruit is under the so-called press. For this, it’s worth putting something very heavy on the lid, for example, bricks or filled three-liter jars.

For more information, see this video:

Before you put all the ingredients of the future mash in a container, you should prepare the fruit well. To begin with, experts recommend that they be thoroughly washed and cleaned of seeds and damaged areas. It is also very important to cut large components, for example apples, into slices, because it is crushed fruits that can contribute to the accelerated fermentation process.

Sliced \u200b\u200bfruit must be placed at the bottom of the container and filled with cold water so that the liquid completely covers the fruit.

After this, you can boil this mixture and add sugar and lemon juice there. All this should be constantly stirred in order to get mashed potatoes.

After this, remove the pan from the heat and stir the mixture again. For a perfect consistency, you can use a blender, but in this case it will take a lot of time.

After this, let the fruit mixture cool to room temperature. Then the puree is moved into a regular bucket and filled with water almost half.

How to make mash of fruit puree?

As everyone already understood, this was not the final result of obtaining the alcohol mixture, which is necessary for the preparation of alcoholic fruit drinks.

The next step is to add yeast to the resulting puree. It is very important to mix the mashed potatoes so that the yeast is almost completely dissolved in the mixture. After this, cover the bucket with cling film. This must be done as tightly as possible so that excess oxygen does not enter the tank. Nevertheless, for the release of carbon dioxide, 5 to 10 small holes should be made in the film. An example of making fruit mash based on apples, see this video:

Mashed fruit should be infused in such conditions for at least 3 days. After a few days, it is necessary to remove the film and eliminate all the liquid formed on the surface of the press. A large spoon or ladle is ideal for this process. After this, it is necessary to mix the mashed potatoes again and cover again with the same sequence. In no case should you forget about the holes, otherwise the mash for moonshine will never appear. Then you need to wait at least another 2 - 3 days.

The same procedure should be repeated again. Already on the 9th day, the mash will be completely ready. The resulting product can be processed to produce almost any alcohol.

Most often, of course, fruit mash is processed into liquors and moonshine, since they do not need a lot of sugar and other components to make them.

Sometimes the mash is left in this position for at least 2 weeks, and then a real liquor comes out without distillation.

If you leave the mash for 2 weeks, you get a real fruit liquor

Nevertheless, you should not think that cooking mash is a very simple process. First, the fruit should be carefully prepared. As a rule, it takes a lot of free time. Secondly, it is very important to constantly monitor the state of the mash. The fact is that sometimes, for unknown reasons, the fermentation process does not occur, and fruit puree becomes simply dangerous for further use. And, of course, we must not forget about the press, which should be sufficient to squeeze a certain amount of fruit puree. An example of making mash on an apple cake, see this video:

Fruit mash is really a salvation for the current population. Thanks to her, we have the opportunity to independently prepare fruit-like alcoholic beverages that taste good, which in stores cost a lot of money.