We make malt for beer from barley with our own hands.

03.09.2019 Meat Dishes

The main components of beer are known even to those who have never been involved in the preparation of this drink. These are water, hops, malt and yeast.

Malt for beer can be prepared from many cereals:

  • wheat;
  • maize;
  • oats.

But in practice it is most often used barley. Barley beer has excellent taste and can be stored for a long time, because barley grains have a lot of starch with filtering properties. Due to this, harmful bacteria do not penetrate the drink.

In the eyes of an inexperienced winemaker, all varieties seem to be the same. It would seem, what difference does it take to make foam? It turns out that there are tricks here.

All barley is divided into groups:

  • winter varieties;
  • spring varieties.

The first are sown in September. Spring sowing time is in the spring months, March-April. Varieties of this cereal are distinguished by the location of the grains. Barley can be:

  • single row;
  • double row;
  • six row.

Two-row varieties of spring barley are considered the best. They have been cultivated for more than a dozen years, trying to pass on to each next generation the most important properties for alcohol production, therefore, experienced brewers today prefer double row spring barley   all the rest.

Choosing the best one for brewing beer

So, you have acquired double-row barley. How to make sure it is suitable for home brewing? This is determined by a number of characteristic features:

  1. Colour. It ranges from light yellow to bright yellow. In this case, the color should be uniform. If the grains are greenish, then the barley is immature. He will not give enough starch.
  2. Smell. The aroma of good barley is fresh, with notes of the smell of straw. To feel it brighter, take the grain and rub it in your palms.
  3. The form. The grain should have an oval shape, be uniformly rounded. If the grains are long in appearance, then the quality of the malt from such raw materials will be poor.
  4. Humidity. The norm of this indicator is 10-15 percent. If the grain "does not reach" these figures, then it is overdried. Dry grain may simply not come up when we germinate it on malt. Wet raw materials are susceptible to decay processes; they easily mold.
  5. Protein content. If the protein is more than 12%, then processing into malt is difficult.

The last 2 indicators cannot be determined at home, so you can focus only on information from the supplier. The first three are easy to verify on your own.

Good grain must be highly extractive. This concept conceals the total content of substances that pass into the future wort when processing milled grains with malt enzymes.

Excellent extractability - from 78 to 82% on a dry matter basis.

How to germinate barley?

In order to become a suitable raw material for the production of beer, grain must go through the stage of malting. What is malt? Everything is simple - this sprouted grain.

Malt production at home is divided into the following stages:

  1. Soak. Pour the selected barley into a container, fill it with water so that it covers the grain by about 5 cm.
  2. Pop-up Grain Removal. Some of the grains are empty - such raw materials are not suitable for germination, since there is, in general, nothing to germinate there. These grains float to the surface. It is necessary to carefully drain the water with them, because they will be ballast that does not have practical value.
  3. Disinfection. Not everyone exposes future malt to this treatment, but experts recommend that it not be ruled out. Disinfection with iodine or a weak solution of potassium permanganate reduces the risk of infection by pathogens.
  4. Refill the grain with watercover with a cotton cloth. On 6-7 days it sprouts.

It is necessary to use such malt within three days, otherwise it will lose all the necessary properties. To keep the malt longer, it is dried. Sometimes malt is dried naturally, sometimes with a fan heater.

You can dry the malt in the oven. If you intend to make light beer, keep the malt in the oven at a temperature of 80 ° C for 3-4 hours. If dark - you need to raise the temperature to 105 ° C and hold the germinated grain for 3-4 hours.

Barley beer with breadcrumbs

Now you have in your hands - home-made malt. Let's use it - brew beer. You will need:

  • crackers (preferably brown bread);
  • malt;
  • water (4 l);
  • hop.

Mix malt and crackers, pour hot water (the temperature should practically reach a boil). We leave it warm for an hour and a half, after which it is filtered.

Next, warm our mixture and add hops to it, we will cook the composition for 15 minutes. Cool so that the wort reaches room temperature. It remains to add sugar and yeast and remove the future drink in a cool place. When three days pass, we pour beer into bottles and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

Homemade Recipe

In order to make beer, we need 5 kg of barley malt. We dissolve it in 20 liters of water, forget about the future beer for a day. Then pour the liquid into another container, pour a tablespoon of salt.

Then you need to bring the malt to a boil and boil for 2 hours, add 6 glasses of hops and keep it on the stove for another 20 minutes. The wort must be filtered.

Further actions: pour yeast (50 g) and sugar (150 g), mix everything. Let it stand for 12 hours. The last stage - almost finished beer is bottled and aged for 2 hours. Everything, now you can start tasting.

Homemade barley beer is a good alternative to shopping. If you follow the production technology, then it will in no way yield to the store "brother" in quality. If you have experience, share with us.

Useful videos

Cooking from barley malt in the home kitchen:

  A very detailed video - all the stages of barley beer production:

  - Although alcohol, it is good for health. Since ancient times, our ancestors prepared barley beer and considered it the best, with excellent taste. Consider how to make this drink using a beer recipe at home from barley, known for hundreds of years.

Unfiltered beer is a natural drink that does not contain preservatives, is useful in reasonable quantities. Promotes clean skin, hair and nail strength, thanks to B vitamins.

To brew beer according to the rules, prepare the necessary ingredients:

  • Barley malt   It’s easy to do it yourself, below you will learn about it.

Easier to buy ready dry and already ground malt. Today, the Internet offers a good choice. Need light malt.

  • Hop.   Home brewing involves the personally collected hop cones: fresh or dried. But this ingredient can also be ordered on sites specializing in products for brewers.
  • Water, the quality of which directly determines the color and taste of the final product. Therefore, the best choice is soft, additionally filtered, low in minerals.

A good choice - bottled waterintended for baby food ("Nursery", "Baby", "Agusha", etc.). She is always soft.

  • Sugar. Or replace it with honey (as they did in the old days). It will give a specific touch to the drink.
  • Yeast. It is desirable - it’s beer, although they use alcohol, bakery, dry and raw.
  • Very tasty is a drink with breadcrumbs   (better in half - white and black). Although this ingredient is optional, without it the color and taste will be depleted.

Simple home recipe

The beer brewed according to this recipe is natural at home, without preservatives or pasteurization.

Taste and color largely depend not only on proportions, but also on the ingredients used. For example, on black breadcrumbs the drink will be darker, on white bread - lighter.

For 5.5 liters of water you will need:

  • 600 g of fresh and pure barley grain;
  • about 6 glasses of hop cones;
  • 1 cup sugar or as much honey;
  • crackers from one loaf of bread (you can - two halves of white and black);
  • 50 g raw yeast or 10 g dry.

Cooking malt

Homemade barley beer, the recipe of which we provide, provides for the production of malt.

We pour the washed barley into a glass jar, fill it with water and leave it in the room for a couple of days. Then we drain the water, spread the grain with a thin ball on a tray (baking sheet) and wait until the sprouts reach about one and a half centimeters.

Now we dry the mass in an electric dryer at maximum temperature or in an oven at 70 - 75 ° C. Grind the dry grain in our hands, separating the sprouts (we do not use them), and grind the remaining malt.

If the first experience is successful and you plan to further brew beer from barley at home, you can, having prepared more dry malt, use it two to three times. It is well stored in a jar under a lid.

Brewing Stages

Having made barley malt for beer, we proceed to the phased production of the drink, observing the technology.

  1. Pour crushed malt with 1.5 liters of hot water (not boiling water), we insist for 1 hour. Then carefully pour the resulting infusion through a strainer into the dishes, where you will cook.
  2. Pour crackers with 4 liters of boiling water, insist, like malt, then strain through a sieve (colander with a net) into the same pan. Let liquids mix for half an hour.
  3. Turn on a small fire and cook with a low boil for about 20 minutes. Add the hops and boil for another 10 minutes.
  4. Let cool to a temperature of less than 30 ° C.
  5. Add sugar (honey) and yeast.
  6. Pour into the container, where it will happen, filling the tank no more than two-thirds. At the first stage, there may be a lot of foam, so you should not give her the opportunity to pour out. We leave in normal room conditions for three days.
  7. Bottled from strong glass, securely cork and take out to the cellar, where we stand for two weeks.
  8. We drink and treat friends.

Note:   You can pour it into bottles from underneath, tightly closing the cork and securely tying it with a thin wire. Special corks for brewing beer are also on sale: they are put on a bottle and fixed with a clip.

We brew unfiltered beer, so just pour it through cheesecloth before bottling it.

Recipe Features

Some recipes indicate different cooking times. Some brewers advise boiling malt with water not for 20 minutes, but for 2 to 3 hours. Thus, the wort is boiled and becomes thick, the taste is enriched.

Hops can be boiled for half an hour so that nutrients can pass into the drink.

Hops are needed not only to give a specific taste. The substances contained in it inhibit extraneous microflora (mold fungi, etc.) and at the same time serve as a food source for yeast, contributing to their reproduction and early ripening of the drink.

Home-made beer according to classic recipes is called that, translated from English, craft means craft. The same term refers to unpasteurized beer produced in small batches in small breweries.

To keep such a hoppy drink for a very long time will not work, so do not cook too much to drink quickly after two weeks of exposure.

Useful video

Watch an understandable video on how to make malt with your own hands, the entire process is detailed: germination, drying, roasting, caramelization, different types of malt:

  And this is beer from barley malt, how to brew at home in the kitchen in a saucepan, two-part video:

  You learned how to brew beer from barley at home, it remains to be tried in practice. Make barley beer in your kitchen, and tell your friends the recipe through social networks. We are waiting for feedback in the comments.

Homemade malt beer can rightfully be called a "classic of the genre." And for its cooking, not only traditional barley malt is used, but also rye, wheat, corn and even oat. To facilitate the process, you can brew beer from the finished malt extract - such a drink will turn out no worse, and you will spend much less time on its preparation.

How to make beer from rye malt: home recipes

Homemade Russian beer

Beer was brewed in Russia from time immemorial, and it enjoyed deserved popularity among the eastern Slavic tribes. It was prepared according to various recipes, many of which have sunk into eternity, and some have survived to this day. One of these recipes is offered below.


  • 12 l of water
  • 6 cups rye crushed malt,
  • 200g hops
  • 1 cup flour
  • 25 g of yeast.


Grind hops, mix with malt, pour into a pot of water, put on a fire, boil and cool the resulting wort. From flour and liquid yeast (dry previously diluted with warm water) put the dough and let it rise. Into the chilled wort enter the risen dough and put it for 6 hours in a warm place for fermentation. While the dough rises, prepare a keg. After the specified time, pour the fermented wort into the barrel, cork and set for 3 days in a cool place. After this, pour the beer into bottles, tightly close the lids and refrigerate for 1.5-2 weeks. The time regime must be strictly maintained and in no case should you start tasting a drink ahead of schedule. This is the case when you should not rush, it is better to let the beer prepared from this recipe from rye malt stand for at least 10 days.

Homemade Malt Beer


  • 1.2 kg of rye malt,
  • 1.2 kg of barley malt,
  • 2.4 kg of rye flour,
  • 800g buckwheat flour
  • 200g of fresh dried yeast,
  • water - as needed.


To make home-made beer, scald both types of malt and rye flour with three liters of boiling water, knead everything well, kneading the dough thick as in dumplings, put it into molds, put in a hot oven and keep there until the dough turns golden color (approximately 12 hours). Then put everything in a scalded and dried barrel of 25 l, dilute with cold water, filling the container to the brim, and leave it alone for a while. Meanwhile, from buckwheat flour, yeast and water, knead a thick dough and put it in a warm place for 2 hours to rise well. Grind the approached dough, pour into another clean barrel, strain the malt solution through the sieve (to the edges), put into heat and let it ferment for 4-6 hours. As soon as foam from yeast appears on the surface of the wort, shake the contents of the keg, tightly cork, take it out to the cellar and bury it in the sand. Malt beer prepared according to this recipe is cool and sparkling like champagne. It can persist for several weeks.

Rye beer


  • 11 l of water
  • 1.5 l (with top) rye malt,
  • 100 g hops
  • 2 glasses of honey
  • 0.5 cup brewer's liquid yeast.


To make home-made beer, mix crushed malt with hops and place in a canvas bag, then open it and fix it over a large vessel. Through this bag, gradually let the entire volume of boiling water flow through a small stream, which, passing through the malt with hops, will merge into a vessel, then put honey in a vessel with hot liquid and dissolve it. As soon as all the liquid is drained, cool it to room temperature, pour in the dissolved yeast, mix and leave for several days in a warm place for fermentation. When all the yeast settles to the bottom, drain the beer from the sediment, pour into bottles, seal and store in a cool place. Beer prepared from this recipe from rye malt and hops can withstand at least a week.

Home-made barley malt recipes

Home made beer


  • 27l of water
  • 45 g hops
  • 3 kg of barley malt,
  • 25 g of yeast (better than beer),
  • sugar (8g per 1l).


Before brewing malt beer, pour 25 l of water into an enameled pan with a capacity of 30 l, put on fire and heat to 80 ° C.

Pour granulated malt into a fabric bag (preferably several bags), sewn from 3-4 layers of gauze, immerse it in hot water, close the pan with a lid and cook for 1.5 hours, maintaining the temperature within 61-72 ° С. Grouting malt at a temperature of 61 -63 ° C promotes the active release of sugars, thereby increasing the strength of the beer. With increasing temperature to 68-72 ° C, the density of the wort increases markedly. And although the alcohol content in the drink will be slightly lower, but the taste will be enriched and become more saturated. Therefore, it is better to adhere to a temperature regime of 65-72 ° C, as a result of which you get a tasty, dense beer with a strength of 4 °. After an hour and a half cooking of malt, an iodine test should be done to make sure that there is no starch left in the wort. To do this, pour a little wort (5-10 mg) onto a clean saucer and mix with a few drops of iodine. If the solution turns dark blue, then cook the contents of the pan for another 15 minutes. If the color of the wort does not change, then this is a clear indicator that there is no starch in the wort. Then you need to sharply increase the temperature to 78-80 ° C and cook the wort for 5 minutes, thereby stopping the fermentation.

Then remove the bag with the remains of malt from the tank and rinse with 2 l of boiled water at a temperature of 78 ° C, washing away the remains of the extractives. Add wash water to the wort.

After that, bring the contents of the pan to a boil and introduce the first portion of hops (15 g) into the wort. After 30 minutes of intense boiling add another 15 g of hops, and after 40 minutes, add the remaining 15 g of hops and cook for 20 minutes. In general, boiling wort with hops takes 1.5 hours. It is important to maintain intense heat so that the contents of the pan gurgle all the time.

The boiled wort needs to be cooled quickly (within 15-30 minutes) to 24-26 ° C. The faster this process goes, the less likely it is that beer will become infected with pathogenic microorganisms. Cooling can be carried out with a special immersion cooler or transfer the tank to an ice water bath. Pour the cooled wort through gauze into a fermentation tank.

To saturate it with the necessary oxygen, which after boiling is almost gone, the transfusion operation should be done 3 times. Then add liquid yeast (dry previously diluted with warm water) and mix well. Brewer's yeast, as already mentioned, is of two types - top fermentation, which work at a temperature of 18-22 ° C, and bottom fermentation, working at 15-16 ° C. They make different sorts of beer.

For brewing beer from malt according to home recipes, lower yeast is preferable. After introducing the yeast, transfer the fermentation tank to a dark place with a temperature of 24-25 ° C, install a water seal and leave it for 7-10 days. Literally in 6-12 hours violent fermentation will begin, which lasts, as a rule, for 2-3 days. Then the carbon dioxide release frequency slowly begins to decline. By the end of the fermentation, the young beer should be light. Its readiness can be determined by the hydraulic lock: the absence of bubbles within 18-24 hours indicates the end of fermentation. The next stage of brewing beer from malt at home is carbonation. This is an artificial saturation of beer with carbon dioxide, which helps to improve the taste and the appearance of thick foam.

This is done this way: in bottles designed to store beer (preferably dark), add sugar at a rate of 8 g per 1 liter, which will cause secondary fermentation, due to which the drink will be saturated with carbon dioxide. Fill the prepared bottles with beer, draining it from the sediment through a silicone tube. This should be done carefully: lower one end of the tube to the middle of the container with beer, and the other to the very bottom of the bottle, which will minimize the contact of the drink with air (this is extremely undesirable). Care must be taken not to touch the yeast, which, regardless of the species, can be at the bottom (bottom) or accumulate on the surface (top). Bottles, without adding 2 cm to the neck, tightly cork. The easiest way is to use a plastic container with tightly screwed corks, otherwise you will need rope corks or a special device to clog ordinary beer corks. Transfer the beer-filled bottles back to a dark place and keep them at a temperature of 20-25 ° C for 15-20 days. During this period, they need every 7 days well

Homemade beer is ready to drink, and you can drink it, but if you let it stand for another 30 days, the taste of the drink will improve significantly. Malt beer according to home recipes can be stored in the refrigerator in an unopened form for 6-8 months, and in an open bottle for 2 to 3 days.

Barley beer


  • 20 l of water
  • 5l of barley malt,
  • 1.25 L hops
  • 200g sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 100 g brewer's yeast.


To make beer from malt at home according to this recipe, it is better to use a large wooden barrel. First you need to pour malt into it, and then, stirring, gradually add cold water and stand for 24 hours. Pour the wort thus prepared into a large enameled pot, add salt, put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for about 2 hours, then add hops, mix well and continue to boil for another 25 minutes. After the specified time, remove the pot with the wort from the heat, cool slightly, strain through cheesecloth and pour into a barrel. Then, having cooled to room temperature, introduce yeast, sugar, mix and leave for a day. Pour the finished beer into bottles, but do not close immediately, but, having stood for a day, tightly cork and put in a cool place for storage. The longer the malt beer is aged according to this recipe, the higher will be its quality.

How to make beer from oat malt and hops


  • 19 l of water
  • 1.6 kg of oats for malt,
  • 100 g hops
  • 3 kg of sugar
  • 1 cup diluted yeast.


To brew such beer from malt and hops, the oats must be dried in a dry frying pan until golden brown, crush the grain, pour it into a large enamel tank, pour 7 liters of hot (65 ° C) water there, insist for about three hours and drain the liquid. Pour a new portion of hotter water in the amount of 7 liters into the grain, leave for 2 hours and drain the liquid again. The third time, pour the grain with the remaining cold water (5 l), insist 1.5 hours and drain. After that, combine all the drained liquids, add sugar and hops, put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for a while with constant stirring, remove from heat and let stand 2-2.5 hours. Meanwhile, pour a glass of diluted yeast into a slightly warm liquid and leave to ferment at room temperature. After the active fermentation is stopped, the home-made beer made from hops and malt is bottled, corked and put in a cool place for 2 weeks.

How to Make Corn Malt Beer

Corn beer, that same Latin American "Chicha", is prepared from ripe sprouted grains. For the first time they began to prepare it in Mexico, but recently the popularity of the drink has gone far beyond the borders of South America, and today it can be found in almost any country in the world. How to make beer from corn malt?


  • 10 l of water
  • 4 kg of malt
  • 1 tbsp. l hops
  • 100 g sugar
  • 50 g of yeast.

For malt:

  • 1 part corn
  • 1 part wheat.


The process of brewing corn beer involves several stages: preparation of malt and wort, filtering, filtering and brewing. Each of these stages is very important, and you need to perform them accurately and accurately, otherwise you will not have the opportunity to try the real Latin American "Chicha" (as it is prepared, for example, in Mexico or Peru). To prepare this drink, beer malt is prepared from germinated corn kernels. Moreover, it is better to use several varieties of it, from this beer will have a richer taste and sophisticated aroma. If desired, a little barley or other grains can be added to the malt, this will also give the drink a more refined taste. For cooking, only selective corn grains should be consumed. First of all, they need to be collected from the cob, well sorted and soaked in warm water for 24 hours. During this time, the grain should be softened and saturated with water, after which it must be transferred to a baking sheet or flat tray and left for germination. And to make the corn grow better, you can build a small greenhouse by covering the dishes with grain with glass or a plastic bag. After the emergence of the sprouts, put the baking sheet in the oven, dry and grind the grain into flour, using a meat grinder or coffee grinder for this.

The next step in brewing corn malt beer at home - preparation of wort. Pour water into a pot or boiler and heat it to 29-30 ° С. Then gently pour the cornmeal obtained there, mix thoroughly so that no lumps form, and gradually heat to 65-70 ° C. After that, rearrange the mixture in a water bath or keep the pan on low heat so that the temperature does not rise. After an hour, bring everything to a boil and remove from the stove. Strain the resulting mixture carefully, pour into a convenient dish in which the beer will be brewed, put it on the fire and cook for 60-70 minutes. Then add the hop cones and continue cooking for another 60 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat, cool to 20 ° C, introduce yeast and sugar yeast, put the fermentation wort for two days in a warm place and strain through a fine sieve or through several layers of gauze. In the process of fermentation, a foam will appear on the surface, which must be removed and stored in a glass jar (it can be further used as a starter for a new portion of the drink). After 2-3 days, the beer (it will be almost ready) is filtered again, poured into bottles and cooled to 7-10 ° C in the refrigerator. It is better to drink ready-made aromatic beer not very cold in order to appreciate its excellent taste.

Homemade Wheat Malt Beer


  • 20 l of water
  • 4 kg of Waizenmalz malt,
  • 2 kg Pilsner Malt,
  • 1 sachet of dry yeast
  • 35 g of hops.


To brew such home-brewed beer, both types of malt must be mixed, grinded using a coffee grinder or hand mill, put in a large container with hot (65 ° C) water and gradually increase the temperature of the mash with the following pauses: 45 ° C - 15 min, 55 ° C - 30 min, 67 ° C - 45 min, 72 ° C - 15 min, 78 ° C - 5 min. Then make a test for iodine (if he changed color, then you need to heat the wort further, and if it remains unchanged - start filtering and washing the wort). Rinse the mash with 10 liters of water. Boil the filtered wort and pour hops into it after 30 minutes. After an hour, cool the wort to 20-22 ° C, pour into another large container (vat, tank, pan), sprinkle dry yeast on the surface of the wort, close tightly, install a water seal and put it in a cool place for 7-8 days (18-22 ° C) place. After this time, pour beer from wheat malt into bottles, after pouring glucose into them, leave for another 7-10 days to be added at a temperature of 20-22 ° C and then put in the refrigerator.

Malt extract beer recipe


  • 9 liters of boiling water,
  • 1 kg of malt extract
  • 90 g hops
  • 900 g sugar
  • 50 g brewer's yeast.


To make such a beer, malt extract, sugar and hops need to be placed in a large pot, pour boiling water and boil for 1 hour, then add water to the initial volume (9 l), introduce yeast, cover and leave for 3 days in a sealed container at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. Then strain the future beer, bottle it, seal it tightly, fix the cork with wire and store in a cool place for at least a week.

There are many technologies for making beer without malt, or even without hops, and they are most suitable for home brewing. Some recipes use honey instead of sugar. In this case, it is recommended to dissolve it in water, mix with hops, cook for an hour, let it degrade and keep it warm. Beetroot beer is very original, where finely chopped beets are first boiled in water with salt, and then, after adding hop cones and juniper berries, fermented for two weeks. The rich taste is different for molasses beer, which is prepared using the same technology as classic beer, only malt is replaced with molasses. You can make beer from the pods of peas, hops and sage, and serve ginger beer or beer from wine, orange juice and zest at the festive table. Beer can be oat, barley, rye, wheat, buckwheat, as well as pumpkin, corn, carrot, smoked, chocolate, fruit and even milk. In a word, beer preparation is a creative process in which any experiments are appropriate.

The article will tell you about the principles of making beer at home.

A simple classic recipe and ingredients for home-made hops and malt beer: preparation process

Beer - one of the most beloved drinks of mankind for several centuries in a row. However, it is worth noting that the classic natural beer is significantly different   from those alcoholic synthetic drinks that are now presented in a wide variety. Natural beer is not only tasty, it is also healthy, since it consists only of plant products.

Of course, in the modern world you can find many establishments (beer boutiques, bars and restaurants), where there is its own brewery. Pleasure is not cheap and therefore not everyone can afford to have their own personal brewery producing beer at home. However, remembering the old "grandmother's recipes", you are quite capable of making beer at home, it is only important to observe the accuracy of the steps and the amount of ingredients.

You can buy the main ingredients, in particular hops and malt, in markets where summer residents and villagers often sell what they grow on their site. If you have not found these products, they are always presented in the assortment of grocery online stores. As a brewing equipment, you do not need a mini-brewery and the whole process will cost only a fermentation tank (glass bottle) and a pan.

You need to stock up for the recipe:

  • Malt (only barley) -4.5-5 kg
  • Hops -4.5-5 stack. (need fresh bumps)
  • Brewer's yeast -50 g (cannot be replaced with fresh or dry)
  • Sugar -140-150 g (necessary for the fermentation process)
  • Salt -2/3 tbsp
  • Purified water -20 l (filtered or purchased, without impurities, you can use cold boiled).

Beer brewing:

  • About a day, soak the malt by dissolving it with the entire amount of purified water. Leave to stand until tomorrow.
  • After insisting, the liquid should be poured into a large pan, it does not need to be filtered. Turn on the fire and add salt.
  • Malt should be simmered for about 2 hours.
  • After this, add hops to the pan, mix and cook for another 25 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat, cool the brew a little. Now it should be filtered. To do this, use gauze, folding twice or thrice. This is the must. Keep it warm at about 30 degrees. Pour into a fermentation bottle.
  • In strained wort, you can now pour yeast with sugar (it is important to do this at the same time). Stir thoroughly with a long wooden spoon.
  • Beer should ferment until 18 o’clock. The place where you place the bottle should be warm and dark.
  • After 18 hours of fermentation, pour the beer in bottles and put it in the pantry, the drink will be ready only after 12-14 hours

IMPORTANT: From 20 liters of water you get almost 20 liters of beer, if you do not need a drink in such a large amount, you can evenly reduce the amount of all ingredients in two or three times.

How to make a must for beer?

Properly prepared beer wort is the secret to a delicious beer that you can get right the first time. Its preparation begins in several stages and, observing each, you are sure to do everything right.

Stages of wort preparation:

  • Malt preparation.Malt is the soaked grains of wheat. After they have sprouted, liquid should be drained from them, and the grains themselves should be crushed. It is the malt that gives the beer a rich taste and density. You can crush it with a coffee grinder, meat grinder and even a blender (if there is such a function). The size of the crushed malt should be about half the buckwheat kernel (this is very important for the entire brewing process).
  • Mashing.This process includes pouring the ground malt with purified water and boiling. The process got its name many years ago, and in brewing it is still called “congestion”. During cooking, the starch of the grains breaks down and the acidity changes.
  • Readiness.Wort should be cooked for several hours. The characteristic sour aroma, richness of taste and color of the liquid will tell you about the readiness of the wort. After that, you can add hops and brew beer to the wort.

How to make homemade beer yourself without equipment in a saucepan: a simple recipe

A simple recipe for making homemade beer does not take you much time and effort. The method of brewing beer in a saucepan is simple and accessible to everyone. Adjust the number of ingredients yourself, focusing on the required amount of the finished drink.

What do you need:

  • Hops -15 g of cones
  • Purified water -5 l (plus 250 ml for sugar syrup).
  • Sugar -240-250 g.
  • Dry yeast -10 g (can be replaced with brewer's yeast).

Cooking process:

  • Boil water
  • Add hops to the pan and boil the liquid for exactly 1.5 hours.
  • While boiling hops, prepare sugar syrup (water and sugar in equal parts - 1 tbsp each).
  • After 1.5 hours of cooking the hops, pour the syrup into the liquid and continue cooking for another 20-25 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool completely (to room temperature).
  • Pour yeast into the liquid
  • Cover, let it roam for 10-12 hours
  • After that, carefully strain the drink and bottle. They must be tightly closed. Infuse the drink for another 2-3 days before drinking.

  Fast Home-made Beer

Recipe and Ingredients for Grain Dark Home-brewed Beer

Dark home-made beer will truly become your favorite "hop" drink, as it is not difficult to prepare it, but the taste leaves an incredibly pleasant feeling.

What do you need:

  • Dry hops -50 g. (Crushed or bumps)
  • Chicory -30 g. (Natural, without flavoring or flavoring).
  • Lemon Zest -from one fruit
  • Grain mixture for wort -450-500 g (barley, wheat).
  • Sugar -3.5-4 tbsp.
  • Purified water -10 l

Beer brewing:

  • Dry the sprouted grain (pre-soak it) in a pan, the sun or in the oven (at low temperatures).
  • Sprouted grain mixture should be rubbed with a manual coffee grinder or meat grinder (it will be exactly the consistency that is needed).
  • Mix the grated cereal mixture with chicory. Do this in advance in a beer pan.
  • Pour the grain mixture with water and put on a fire, boil.
  • Dissolve sugar in the remaining water
  • Pour sugar and water into the pan to the grain mixture
  • Add the required amount of hops and finely grated zest from one lemon.
  • Bring to a boil again and turn off the heat
  • Let the brew cool for 3 hours
  • Pour the cooled wort into a fermentation bottle (it should be twice as large as the pan in which you cooked).
  • Leave the bottle to roam in a warm place (about 25 degrees) for several days. If the fermentation does not start, add extra brewer's yeast and leave for another day.
  • Fermented beer should be carefully filtered from the cake and only then pour into cleaned bottles, corking with lids.
  • Beer infusion time - another 3 days in a cool place (during which time it will be saturated with gases).

Recipe and Ingredients for Home-Made Barley Beer

What do you need:

  • Barley Grain -500-600 g
  • Hops -5.5-6 st. bumps
  • Brewer's or dry yeast -50 g
  • Purified water -6 l
  • Sugar -240-250 g.
  • Rusks of black and white bread -2 tbsp.

Beer brewing:

  • Pour the grains into a glass jar
  • Pour the grains with water and in this state let them stand for about 3 days so that they sprout.
  • Drain the grains, dry them. Remove sprouted parts.
  • Grind the grain, it is necessary for the preparation of wort.
  • After this, pour the ground grain with boiling water (1.5-2 liters) and let them stand like this for about an hour.
  • Then pour black and white crackers into the malt (barley mass).
  • Pour another 1-1.5 liters of boiling water and still insist for an hour.
  • After insisting, the liquid should be well filtered
  • Put on fire and add hops; boil for 15-20 minutes over moderate heat.
  • After this, cool the liquid again and strain again
  • Pour yeast into a warm liquid and add sugar, mix well and leave to ferment for 2 or 3 days.
  • After fermentation, the beer is bottled and sent to brew for up to 2 weeks in a cool place.

Homemade craft beer recipe

Craft in translation means “craft”, which means “craft beer” is a drink produced at home and not in large quantities. In the modern world, “craft” beer can be called any beer, which is done in personal and private breweries using traditional technologies. This is always an author's product and therefore you can always experiment with the ingredients of beer to get the most intense taste.

INTERESTING: Craft beer is often made from ready-made wort, which can be freely purchased for sale. In the assortment you will always find a variety of types of beer for brewing at home.

Simple homemade craft beer:

  • Get 5 kg of barley wort
  • Fill the wort with 35 liters of purified water and put on fire
  • The liquid should be boiled and left to infuse
  • Strain and boil again (about an hour)
  • After half an hour of cooking, add hop - 30 g (granules) to the pan.
  • Pour another 20 g of hops 5 minutes before the end of cooking
  • Cool the wort to 20 degrees after cooking.
  • Empty the wort into a glass bottle
  • Add 10-11 g brewer's yeast to the bottle
  • At room temperatures, the beer should be infused for up to 2 weeks, after which it can be cooled and drunk.

Important tips for making and drinking beer:

  • Beer should be drunk only after the complete process of brewing and infusion, in no case should dilute the finished beer with water.
  • No other ingredients should be added to beer other than hops, malt, water, sugar and yeast.
  • Home-made beer, corked in bottles, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than six months.
  • Use only glassware for fermentation.
  • Crush the malt with a meat grinder or coffee grinder, a blender can turn grain into flour, and this is harmful to the beer fermentation process.

Video: “Beer brewing at home”

In cold water, barley is soaked for four days or more - until the shell of the grains crack. After this, the barley grains are poured into bags, where they are kept at an average temperature (17-20 degrees) until the shoots appear - usually this happens in 3-4 days. Daily grain needs to be mixed.

Sprouted grains with a layer of 9-12 centimeters are scattered on the floor and covered with bags in which they germinated. So that the grains do not heat up, they must be carefully mixed. After the size of the roots reaches 1.2-1.5 grain size, barley is dried in a well-heated room. If drying takes place in a bathhouse or a barn at a temperature of 50 degrees, you can give the park a time to make the malt sweeter.

After drying, the malt is slightly rubbed with hands to separate the root lobes, after which it is screened to remove the lobes, so the grain mass will decrease by about 6-8 percent.

The purified malt needs to be slightly moistened and not very finely detailed. For mashing, hot (about 58 degrees) water is used, into which, while stirring, malt is poured until a liquid slurry forms. It is sprinkled with malt flour, the boiler is covered with a lid. Mash is maintained for 1.5-2 hours. Then boiling water is added to the mash so that the total amount of water matches the calculated one. The mash is thoroughly kneaded and aged again in a closed boiler for 1.5-2 hours.

In parallel with mashing, hops are prepared. It is aged in hot water for 5-6 hours. So that hops do not lose their aroma, it must not be boiled.

Steamed hops are placed in a double-bottom filter kettle, where malt solution is also poured. Within an hour, the mixture settles.

The filtered wort is discharged into the boiler, while a certain part of it is left. The drained must must be boiled several times, but it must not be boiled. That is why the boiled leaves is left to boil.

Wort that has undergone heat treatment, together with the sludge, is poured again at the filter hour. Then, after an hour, the wort is again brought several times to a boil and poured with sediment into the filter vat.

After the wort settles a second time, it becomes sufficiently clarified. It merges into a clean container, where a little salt is preliminarily poured.

After cooling the wort to 30 degrees, a small amount is cast from it to prepare the starter culture, for which yeast is added. When the main wort cools down to 20-22 degrees, the leaven is poured into it, mixed, the container is closed by a lid.

After the main fermentation is over, beer is poured into barrels (not to the brim). After the foam stops flowing out of the barrel (3-4 days), the barrels are filled to the brim with fresh beer and tightly clogged. Beer will be ready in 3-4 weeks.