How to bake carps. How to cook carp in the oven

02.09.2019 Fish dishes

Carp in the oven is a wonderful dish for both a family dinner and a festive table, because thanks to the effective serving it can turn out a real gastronomic masterpiece. Carp is considered the king among freshwater fish due to its excellent taste and nutritional qualities. Carp in the oven is not only tasty and satisfying, but also useful, as this fish is famous for its high content of vitamins, minerals and valuable fatty acids, as well as its relatively low calorie content (112 calories per 100 g). In addition, cooking fish in the oven without adding oil makes it possible to enjoy a diet dish without harm to health and body.

Carp in the oven will turn out tasty only if you, first of all, choose the right fish. It is immediately worth noting that carp is best taken live or chilled. First of all, you should pay attention to the gills - they should have a bright pink and bright red color and not be stuck together. Transparent convex eyes, moist shiny scales and an elastic carcass without damage, on which dents do not remain, also indicate high-quality fish. You should refuse to buy fish with dark gills, cloudy hollow eyes, a bloated abdomen, a sticky spotty scale and a pungent odor, since it is far from the first freshness and you will not see a delicious dish from it. If you still get frozen fish, you should gradually thaw it in the refrigerator. To easily remove the scales from the carp, you can rinse it with boiling water and then rinse under cold water, then hold the knife against the scales and the fish will quickly cleanse.

The delicate sweet taste of carp goes well with aromatic spices and herbs, but spicy spices are best left for another occasion. And do not forget about the universal ingredient for any fish - lemon - which always advantageously sets off its taste. A lemon with spices will help you if you want to get rid of the characteristic smell of tina in fish - in this case, you need to marinate the carp for 30-60 minutes. Onions, garlic, ginger and herbs are also effective in eliminating odors, so feel free to add them when cooking carp. The most tender and juicy carp in the oven is obtained by baking it in foil. Preparing in its own juice, the fish comes out just lick your fingers! About 15 minutes before readiness, we advise you to unfold the foil so that a delicious golden crust forms on the carp.

Large carp are best baked in portions, while medium sized carps are good for baking whole. A separate topic is stuffed carp in the oven, which can become a real decoration of the festive table. Carp can be stuffed with vegetables, mushrooms or cereals, and if the fish is beautifully decorated and served in an original way, then your guests will be simply indescribable delight. Well, let's try to cook something out of this wonderful fish?

Carp in the oven with potatoes and rosemary

  1 carp
  1 kg of potatoes
  1/2 lemon
  2 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  1/2 teaspoon of rosemary,
  salt and spices for fish to taste.

  Clean the carp from the scales, gut and rinse well. Make transverse cuts on the carp, through which it will then be convenient to cut the fish into portions. Sprinkle carp with lemon juice, then rub with salt and spices. If there is time, carp can be left to marinate for about half an hour. Insert lemon slices into the incisions and put the fish on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cut the peeled potatoes into pieces and mix with oil, salt and rosemary. Put the potatoes next to the fish. Bake in a preheated oven to 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Baked carp with vegetables and cheese

  carp weighing 1 kg
  3 potatoes
  3 tomatoes
  2 eggplant
  2 bell peppers,
  100 g of cheese
  1/2 lemon
  salt and spices to taste,
  vegetable oil.

Cut the peeled, gutted and washed carp into portions. Sprinkle each slice with lemon juice, grate with salt and spices. Leave for marinating for 40-60 minutes. Meanwhile, sprinkle sliced \u200b\u200beggplant with salt and let stand for 15 minutes to remove bitterness, then rinse under a stream of cold water, dry and lightly fry in oil. Cut potatoes, tomatoes and bell pepper into small pieces. Grease a baking sheet or a large baking dish with butter, put the pieces of fish. Lubricate the fish with a thin layer of mayonnaise and put the vegetables on top. Bake in the oven at 190 degrees for about 40 minutes. 10 minutes before cooking, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Whole baked carp with crisp

  carp weighing 2 kg
  4-5 bulbs,
  1 egg
  1/2 bunch of dill,
  1/2 bunch parsley,
  1/3 lemon
  1 tablespoon of mayonnaise,
  vegetable oil,
  salt, ground ginger and dried oregano to taste,
  lingonberry berries for decoration (optional).

  Grease a baking sheet or a large baking dish with oil and lay out a layer of onion, sliced \u200b\u200bin rings. Lightly grease the onion with oil using a culinary brush - thanks to this the onion will turn golden when baked. On the prepared carp, make small longitudinal cuts, sprinkle with lemon juice, grate with salt and spices on the outside and inside. Put the carp over the onions. Lubricate carp outside with oil, and inside with mayonnaise. Put greens sprigs inside the fish for a pleasant aroma. Bake carp in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about an hour and a half. Beat an egg with a pinch of salt and spices and 20 minutes before the fish is ready, grease its surface with a culinary brush. Grease the fish with a beaten egg again after 10 minutes. Garnish the finished fish with lemon slices, inserting them into the incisions, lingonberries and parsley sprigs.

Carp in sour cream stuffed with onions and carrots

  carp weighing 1 kg
  1 carrot
  1 onion,
  100 g sour cream
  1/2 bunch of dill,
  2-3 cloves of garlic,
  vegetable oil,
  salt and spices to taste.

Salt the prepared carp and season with spices to taste. Add chopped dill and garlic, passed through the press, to the sour cream, mix. Divide sour cream into two parts. Fry the onion sliced \u200b\u200bin half rings in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add grated carrots and fry for about 10 minutes. Cool vegetables and mix with one part sour cream. Lightly salt and stuff the fish with the mixture. The second part of sour cream grease the carcass of the carp on both sides. Wrap carp in several layers of foil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees 40 minutes. Then gently unfold the foil and bake for another 15 minutes.

Baked Carp Stuffed with Mushrooms

  fish weighing 1.5-2 kg,
  500 g of champignons,
  2 onions,
  1 carrot
  1 lemon
  150 g sour cream
  vegetable oil,
  salt and spices to taste.

  Sprinkle the prepared carp with half of the lemon inside and out, grate with salt and spices. Marinate at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Fry onions in vegetable oil for about 5 minutes, then add grated carrots and chopped mushrooms, fry for 10-12 minutes. Salt to taste. Put the vegetable mixture inside the carp and carefully fix the abdomen with toothpicks or culinary thread so that the juice does not leak when baking. Make longitudinal cuts on the surface of the fish and insert thin slices of lemon into them. Lubricate the fish with sour cream and put on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper. Send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 1 hour 10 minutes, twice lubricating the fish with sour cream during cooking. Allow the finished fish to cool slightly and remove the toothpicks (or floss).

Carp baked in foil with tomatoes and olives

  carp weighing 1 kg
  10 cherry tomatoes
  2 onions,
  2 carrots
  1 can of seedless olives
  1/2 bunch parsley,
  1/2 lemon
  1 tablespoon of sour cream,
  vegetable oil,
  salt and spices to taste.

  Grate carp with salt and spices inside and out, sprinkle with lemon juice. Marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Make longitudinal cuts on the fish and put it on a large sheet of foil, oiled. Inside the carp, put the onion, chopped into small slices, sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots, halved cherry tomatoes, olives and chopped parsley. Put the remaining ingredients around the fish. Wrap the fish in foil, sealing the edges tightly, and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. After that, carefully unfold the foil, grease the fish with sour cream and bake for another 15 minutes. Put the carp on a large dish with vegetables, garnish with lemon slices and parsley.

Carp in the oven is a dish that will allow you to make sure that fish dishes are not inferior to meat dishes in their taste. Enjoy your meal!

The simplest and most delicious way to cook carp is to bake it in the oven. This article describes how to cook baked carp in the oven, you will not find such dishes tastier. Cooking this fish is easy, recipes can be found easily on the Internet, here are all the nuances of cooking.

How to cook carp in the oven: ways, secrets of culinary experts

  • To make the baked dish tasty, you must definitely choose a fresh product. It is advisable to buy live fish, if it is bought in a store, usually there is an opportunity to ask the seller to stun it.
  • If the carp is bought already inanimate, you should definitely pay attention to the state of the gills. They must be red. A shade is allowed even to burgundy, but in no case can the gills be gray or black.
  • You should also pay attention to the eyes. They should not be clouded. In the case of signs of stale fish, and such include black or gray gills, cloudy eyes, the smell of stale fish or not an elastic skin, it is better to refuse to buy such a carcass. There will be no benefit from eating such a carp, but harm can be done to the body.
  • To reduce the calorie content of baked fish, if it is baked with sour cream or with mayonnaise, the baking sheet itself can not be greased with vegetable oil. This is explained by the fact that the fish is saturated with sauce, and in addition, it itself will give a little juice in the cooking process. At the same time, the less fat there is on the baking sheet, the less caloric the fish will be.
  • If the carp is baked in foil, you can unroll the foil 20 minutes before cooking. Carp baked in the oven in foil is very tasty. However, if the foil does not unfold during cooking, the appearance of the fish will be deprived of a delicious ruddy crust. In order for the fish to turn out both tasty and beautiful, 15-20 minutes before cooking, you should unfold the foil, reduce the heat and leave the fish in the oven until browned. After removing the carp from the oven, you can wrap it back in foil so that the fish does not cool down before serving.

How to clean carp

At home, cleaning the fish from scales can be a difficult problem. This fish can withstand lengthy transport in a living form. In fact, this is a big plus, since fresh fish contains the largest amount of all nutrients. However, cleaning and gutting a living carcass can be very difficult. If you can’t clean the living carp, you can stun it, and then quickly process it. It should be remembered that even after removal of the head, muscles can contract.

  1. In order to properly clean carp, you need to cut off all the fins. First you need to remove the dorsal fin. To properly cut them, you need a very sharp knife. The fin is not just located above the surface of the scales, it is located a little deeper, and is attached almost in the fillet itself. To remove it completely, you need to make incisions deep into 2 sides, and then tear it out from the tail to the head. Similarly, cut out all the fins in the body of the fish.
  2. Then the belly should be cut. This should be done in the direction from the anus to the head. Particularly carefully remove offal, in the place where the gall bladder is located. If bile got on filet, these parts need to be cut out. If the head cannot be removed (and some recipes require this), the eyes and gills should still be cut. After gutting the fish, rinse it in running cold water.
  3. After washing, the carcass should be dried with a paper towel.

Useful Tips:

    to quickly and accurately clean the carcass, you can use a special knife with teeth. These cloves located on the blade help the scales to remain on the blade and not contaminate the kitchen;

    in order to quickly clean the carcass, before cleaning it can be placed for half a minute in cool boiling water. Thanks to this procedure, the scales will lag behind much faster and easier.

How to clean carp from scales with a knife, video:

How many bake carp

The baking time of fish in the oven depends on the size of the carcass and the heating temperature. Typically, carp is baked at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. The higher the temperature, the shorter the cooking time.

In addition, the weight of the carcass plays a decisive role in determining the cooking time. If the carp weighs more than one and a half kilograms, or even up to two and a half, you may have to bake it until ready for an hour, one and a half or more. At the same time, the longer the carp is cooked, the lower the cooking temperature in the oven should be, in order to avoid the appearance of a burnt crust.

Carcasses weighing less than a kilogram may need to be baked even for less than 50 minutes. It should also be remembered that if a stuffed carp is cooked in an oven with a ready-made filling, the cooking time is reduced, but if additional ingredients were laid in raw dishes, then the dish should be prepared not only until the fish is fully cooked, but also all other products are cooked .

Sliced \u200b\u200bcarp can be cooked in half an hour. In this case, the size of the sliced \u200b\u200bpieces will play a large role. The smaller they are, the faster the baked fish will cook, however, with small slices, more juice is lost. The most acceptable option is to cut the carcass into large pieces, and bake for 30-40 minutes.

In this section, recipes for baked carp are presented. Various options will be considered: how to bake carp in the oven as a whole, baking in slices, in foil or in a sleeve. In addition, some recipes contain additional ingredients such as tomatoes, carrots or lemon.

Oven baked carp in foil

To get a richer taste, you need to bake carp in the oven entirely in foil.

What products are needed for this recipe:

  • carp - carcass about 1.8 kg;
  • dry bay leaf - 4 leaves;
  • onions - 3 medium onions;
  • salt and pepper (not ground, but peas) - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon, better refined.

How to cook carp in the oven in foil:

  1. To clean the carcass, to cut the gills, through the cut belly to remove all the insides and wash the fish, grate with salt.
  2. Cut the onion into strips, salt and mix with pepper. Break the bay leaf with your hands into pieces, add to the onion.
  3. On the foil, put part of the onion, on top of the carcass, also stuffed with the onion mixture, and on top of the carp, place the remaining onions, sprinkle oil on top of the carcass.
  4. Wrap the foil, put marinated carcass in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  5. 7. Bake the pickled carcass for 1 hour in the oven. The baking temperature will be 200 degrees. Such baked fish is served right in the foil.

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Oven baked carp in sour cream

Before cooking fish in sour cream, you should purchase all the necessary ingredients in advance. What foods should be prepared before cooking:

  • fish - 1 piece weighing no more than 1.2 kg;
  • spices - a set for fish;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons (sour cream, 35%);
  • salt.

Carp in sour cream in the oven according to this recipe is prepared as follows:

  1. On a cleaned carcass, make incisions (shallow), grate the whole carp with salt; leave the fish for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
  2. Cut the onion into rings, place on a baking sheet, place a carcass on top of it.
  3. Sprinkle the fish with spices, lay on top the remaining onion rings, pour sour cream, bake for 50 minutes. The baking temperature in the oven is 180 degrees.

Depending on the size of the carcass, you may need to increase the amount of sour cream.

Carp in the oven with lemon

Before use, lemons should be washed under running water with soap.

What to prepare the products before cooking:

  • 1 medium sized carp
  • spices for fish, salt;
  • mayonnaise - a few spoons (the amount depends on the size of the fish);
  • 1 sprig of parsley - for serving;
  • lemon - 2 pieces.

How to cook carp with lemon:

  1. 1. Clean the fish, grate with spices and salt, leave for several hours, make a lot of incisions on the carcass, deep enough.
  2. Cut washed lemons into circles.
  3. Insert lemons into incisions.
  4. 5. Generously coat the whole carcass with mayonnaise, sprinkle with spices, bake for 1 hour in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Serve with parsley.

Baked carp in a sleeve

The size of the cut sleeve depends on the length of the carcass.

What you need to bake fish in the sleeve:

  • sleeve - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • lemon - ½ pcs.;
  • tomato - 1 pc., hard, but ripe;
  • olive oil - ½ stack:
  • carp - 1 piece;
  • spice.

How to bake carp in the sleeve:

  1. Cut onion, tomato and lemon into circles.
  2. Peel the fish, grate with spices, stuff with lemon and onion slices.
  3. Pour the carcass with oil, make cuts in it and place the tomatoes in them.
  4. Place the fish in a sleeve, pierce it in several places.
  5. Bake in a red-hot oven for 30 minutes, then remove the sleeve, and bake until the crust is browned.

Baked fish, previously removed from the sleeve, is served.

Carp slices in the oven

Carp should be cut into small pieces, as large ones take longer to bake, and when finished they are less piquant.

Which products to prepare:

  • carp - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • large carrot - 1 piece;
  • olive oil - 0.5 piles;
  • lemon juice - 1 shot of freshly squeezed.

How to bake:

  • Bake a little more than half an hour at a temperature of about 180 degrees.
  • The baking time depends on the size of the pieces.

    Carp in the oven with buckwheat

    Before cooking, buckwheat should be sorted out and fry dry without oil. This will give her a special taste.

    What products should be prepared:

    • fish - 1 piece;
    • onions - 2 medium things;
    • garlic - 2 medium cloves;
    • oil - ½ stack;
    • breadcrumbs - 5 tablespoons;
    • buckwheat - ½ cup;
    • spice;
    • sour cream - ½ packet.
    1. Fry buckwheat, and then boil in 1 cup of water until it is absorbed.
    2. To clean the whole carp, leaving both the head and tail.
    3. Separately, fry chopped onions and garlic, add to buckwheat, mix the filling with sour cream.
    4. Grate the fish with spices, stuff with buckwheat, and then brew, bake for half an hour. The temperature inside the oven should be 200 degrees.

    Serve such fish you need to cut into portioned portions.

    As you can see from this article, baked carp in the oven never tastes better  preparing is not so difficult. All of the above recipes do not require a large number of products or preparation time.

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    Today we offer a selection of recipes for fish prepared for dinner, which are simple in execution, but at the same time, diverse. Baked carp is made quite quickly, and it is up to us to decide which ingredients to choose - it all depends on what kind of meal we want to cook this dish. It can be completely ascetic and dietary, seasoned only with a slice of lemon, and a real feast, if the fish is stuffed with mushrooms or stewed vegetables.

    We will tell you how much to bake carp for a light dinner, and for the festive table. The main thing is to choose the fish correctly.

    For this, you should not buy a frozen carcass - a dish from it will significantly lose in aroma and richness of taste. Of course, it is better to take a live carp, but if this option does not fit, choose fresh with pink or red gills - their color is the main indicator of the freshness of the fish.

    Now that the fish is in front of us, we begin its preparation with the simplest recipe with a minimum of ingredients.

    Baked carp: classic recipe

    We need a carcass of about 1 - 1.5 kg. We clean it and cut it - we remove the head, fins and entrails. Rinse thoroughly under cold water, dab with a paper towel.

    • Now whole, both from the outside and from the inside, rub it with salt and black pepper mixed with 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.
    • We clean 1 small onion and cut it into half rings.
    • ½ a bunch of fresh herbs also wash and dab. You don’t need to cut anything, the greens are laid in the fish just like that - after cooking it will be easier to get and throw out.

    How to bake carp in the oven

    We cover the baking sheet with foil, which we lubricate with vegetable oil as desired, put the fish out and fill it with 2/3 of the onion and all the greens. Then we make deep cuts on the back, add salt to the meat and lay onion half rings in them.

    Even if they are overdried in the oven, it’s okay, the juicy onions will remain inside, and here our task is to add flavor.

    We send the carp to bake in a hot oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes. We give the finished fish a little cool and serve, taking out the greens - it is no longer necessary.

    Such a dinner is very light, but at the same time it is very satisfying. It is suitable for everyone who wants to unload a little or stick to a diet.

    We offer everyone else our next recipe, it will take more time to prepare it, but the result is worth it!

    Carp with vegetables: recipe in the oven


    • Carp - 1.5-2 kg + -
    •   - 1 PC. + -
    •   - 1 PC. + -
    •   - 1 PC. + -
    •   - 1 PC. + -
    •   - 1/2 pcs. + -
    •   - 3 pcs. + -
    •   - 4 things. + -
    •   - 2 cloves + -
    • 2-3 pinch or to taste + -
    •   - 3 tbsp + -
    • Turmeric - 1 tsp + -
    • Coriander - 1/4 tsp + -


    1. We clean and cut the fish, removing the head and fins. We thoroughly rinse and, while it drains, we prepare the coating.
    2. Pour 2 tablespoons into a cup vegetable oil and add 1 tbsp. lemon juice.
    3. Pour turmeric, coriander, garlic and salt squeezed from the press there.
    4. Mix the mixture and rub the fish with the mixture inside and out.
    5. We cut the remaining lemon into slices and, making 4-5 cuts on the back of the carp, insert slices into them. We set the fish aside so that the carcass is well marinated, and we ourselves proceed to the vegetables.
    6. We clean all-vegetables, cut onions into half rings, carrots into circles, and pepper into strips.
    7. In a frying pan, heat the oil and pass the vegetables on it until browned.
    8. Then add grated tomato without skin and simmer until excess liquid evaporates. Remove and let cool slightly.
    9. We spread the foil, lay the carp on it and stuff it with fried vegetables, also lay the bay leaf and allspice.

    We send to bake for 30 minutes at 180 ° C. If we see that the carp began to burn ahead of time, we rearrange it to a lower level or cover it with a sheet of foil from above.

    Ready to give a little cool, cut into portions and serve. For such a fish, even a side dish is not needed, everything is already inside!

    Baked Carp with Mushrooms

    For cooking, we need 1 large carp, weighing 2 - 2.5 kg. We clean it and cut it, as usual. Then rub it with a slice of lemon, salt and black pepper. Leave to marinate in a deep bowl at room temperature.

    • In the meantime, we will focus on vegetables: 1 onion, cut into half rings, rinse 500 g of mushrooms and cut into slices.
    • Fry the onion in a hot pan first, then add the mushrooms to it in portions.
    • Keep in a pan until excess liquid evaporates. Remove from heat and cool slightly.
    • We return to our fish - we make deep parallel incisions on its back - add some more salt and put in them one cup of lemon in each.
    • We stuff the carp with cooled mushrooms and stab the edges with toothpicks or sewn with a needle. Such preparation of the carcass is needed so that the juice does not leak.
    • Lubricate the fish with sour cream (2-3 tablespoons) and spread on a laid baking sheet.

    How many bake carp

    Bake at 180 ° C for 35 minutes.

    If desired, about 20 minutes after the start of baking, when a beautiful crust appears, the fish can be turned over and, greased on the other hand, put on a prefab. So the carp will lighten on both sides.

    Ready let stand in the oven for another 5-7 minutes, and then remove and remove the toothpicks. If we sewed up the fish, we cut the threads and take them out.

    Now you know how easy and simple it is to make baked carp according to various recipes for every taste - try, friends, enjoy yourself and treat your family and friends.

    Enjoy your meal!

    Carp in the oven in the foil is juicy, tender and tasty. Thanks to the similar heat treatment used by the marinade and the ingredients that complement the carcass, the fish loses its characteristic aroma (which many people don’t like) and becomes especially tasty.

    How to cook carp in the oven?

    Roasting carp in the oven in foil is a simple process, but requires the observance of a certain technology, which helps to obtain the correct result. Starting to implement one of the recipes, you must remember the following:

    1. The fish are gutted, they necessarily get rid of the gills and, if desired, from the tail and fins.
    2. Rinse the prepared carcass well and dry thoroughly with paper towels or napkins.
    3. Frequent transverse incisions along the back will contribute to the baking of small seeds.
    4. Before heat treatment, carp are pickled using a classic mix of lemon juice, salt and pepper or by resorting to more complex compositions according to the recipe.
    5. Determine how much to bake carp in the oven, you can know the weight of the carcass. For a kilogram of fish, 30 minutes is enough, of which 10 minutes should be allocated for browning after turning off the edges of the foil.

    How to bake carp in the oven as a whole?

    Using this basic recipe, according to which it will be prepared, you can create your culinary masterpieces, complementing the dish with spices, seasonings and products to taste and individual preferences. Even other proportions of classical components will give a new result.


    • carp - 1 pc.;
    • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
    • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
    • onion - 2 pcs.;
    • mayonnaise (optional) - 100 g.
    • salt pepper.


    1. The prepared carp is rubbed with salt, pepper, watered with lemon juice and left in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
    2. Half of the onions are laid in the form of a pillow on foil, a quarter is seasoned and put in the abdomen.
    3. The fish is laid on onion, greased with oil and optionally with mayonnaise, the remaining onion half rings are laid out on top.
    4. Carp is cooked in the oven entirely in foil for 30-40 minutes at 200 degrees.

    Carp in sour cream in the oven

      - a classic of the genre, which has long established itself as an insanely tasty treat that has no competition in its segment. By readiness, the fish keeps its shape better and manages to be more saturated in taste if it is previously browned in an oiled pan on both sides.


    • carp - 1.5 kg;
    • sour cream - 150 g;
    • tomato - 2 pcs.;
    • onion - 2 pcs.;
    • salt, pepper, spices for fish.


    1. Carp is prepared, rubbed with salt, pepper and spices, left in the cold for 40 minutes.
    2. The fish is fried in a pan and transferred to an onion pillow, laid out on foil.
    3. Nearby are leftovers and tomatoes, grease the fish outside and inside with sour cream and bake for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

    Carp in the oven with potatoes

    Carp baked in the oven in foil with potatoes is especially tasty. The following recipe will help you prepare and appreciate the benefits of this variation in the design of the dish. Not only fish, but also potato slices are tasty - soaking in juices, they acquire an amazing aroma and richness.


    • carp - 1.5 kg;
    • potatoes - 1 kg;
    • sour cream - 250 g;
    • cheese - 150 g;
    • onion - 3 pcs.;
    • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
    • salt, pepper, spices for fish, oil.


    1. Prepare the carp and pickle it in lemon juice with salt, pepper and spices.
    2. Spread the fish on a baking sheet covered with a sheet of foil, having previously laid onion rings on it.
    3. Nearby are potato mugs seasoned to taste and mixed with onions.
    4. Lubricate fish and vegetables with salted and seasoned sour cream, cover with a second sheet of foil.
    5. After 50 minutes, the carp baked in foil with potatoes will be ready.

    Stuffed Carp in the Oven

    Baked carp with rice in the oven will decorate any table. In this case, the filling is supplemented with mushrooms, which can be replaced with fried carrots or other vegetables of your choice. Pre-marinating prepared fish carcass will improve its taste characteristics, make it more flavorful and piquant.


    • carp - 1.5 kg;
    • rice - 0.5 cups;
    • mushrooms - 200 g;
    • cheese - 150 g;
    • onion - 2 pcs.;
    • sour cream - 100 g;
    • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
    • salt, pepper, seasonings, oil.


    1. Fried mushrooms with onions in oil, add boiled rice, seasonings.
    2. Rub carp with salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, leave for 30 minutes.
    3. Fill the abdomen of the fish with filling and lay the carcass on an oiled foil sheet, wrap it.
    4. After 40 minutes of baking, carp in the oven in the foil will be ready.

    Baked carp with vegetables

    Juicy, nutritious and bright in taste will result in carp with vegetables in the oven. In this case, onions with carrots fried in vegetable oil are used to fill the carp. If desired, the vegetable composition can be expanded by adding fresh tomatoes cut into slices and a little fried bell pepper.


    • carp - 1.5 kg;
    • carrots - 250 g;
    • onions - 200 g;
    • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt, pepper, dill, oil.


    1. Lemon juice is mixed with a tablespoon of oil and salt, a teaspoon of pepper.
    2. The resulting mixture is rubbed the carcass of the fish outside and inside, leave for half an hour.
    3. Fry the half rings of onions and half circles of carrots in oil until soft, fill the belly of carp with vegetables, chop them with a toothpick.
    4. Bake in foil for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

    Carp in the oven with lemon

    Carp, baked in the oven with lemon, acquires a spicy acidity and completely loses the characteristic fish aroma inherent in many river inhabitants. In this case, the fish is laid on a pillow of lemon slices, alternating them with mugs of ginger and sprigs of rosemary, which will only enhance the spicy taste of the dish.


    • carp - 1.5 kg;
    • lemon - 2 pcs.;
    • ginger and sprigs of rosemary - to taste;
    • seasonings for fish - to taste;
    • salt pepper.


    1. The carp is rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and seasoning, left for 20-30 minutes.
    2. A pillow of lemon, ginger and rosemary is spread on the foil, a fish is placed on it.
    3. Thin lemon wedges are inserted into the abdomen and incisions on the back.
    4. Wrap the foil and bake the fish for 35 minutes at 200 degrees.

    Baked carp in foil with corn

    Fans of dishes with a sweet note will like the following recipe. Tasty carp in the oven is cooked with rice and which gives the fish a special sweet taste. The filling is often supplemented with green or fried salad onions and seasoned with dry aromatic herbs.


    • carp - 1.5 kg;
    • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
    • boiled rice - 200 g;
    • corn - 300 g;
    • onions to taste;
    • italian herbs - a pinch;
    • salt, pepper, dill.


    1. Marinate the fish with lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.
    2. Boiled rice is mixed with corn, onions and herbs.
    3. Fill the fish belly with stuffing, chop with toothpicks and place on dill branches in foil.
    4. Bake carp with corn in the oven in foil for 40 minutes.

    Oven baked carp

    If you need to save time, prepare the carp in pieces in the oven. With this design, the heat treatment time can be halved. You can bake fish concisely with a minimum set of spices: salt and pepper, or supplement it with onions, carrots, potatoes, lemon and sprigs of fresh herbs.


    • carp - 1 kg;
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt, pepper, seasonings, dill.


    1. The prepared carp is cut into pieces, salted, pepper, watered with oil and, if desired, lemon juice, seasoned with spices, allowed to stand for 10 minutes.
    2. Place the fish in a mold between two sheets of foil and bake for 20 minutes.

    Royal Carp in the Oven

    Royal-style carp with cheese in the oven turns out to be not only incredibly tasty, but also surprisingly spectacular in appearance. Such a dish is worthy of any table: a bright culinary composition will decorate the festive feast or diversify the everyday menu. It is preferable to use a high form, the bottom of which is lined with foil, and then cover the top of the container with a second sheet.

    Carp in the oven is able to please with its taste not only fish lovers, but even those people who are supposedly not enthusiastic about the taste and smell of the finished fish as a whole. I judge so not from scratch, I have a good example in the face of my husband. Before marrying, he, to put it mildly, avoided eating any kind of fish. However, after he tasted the carp in the oven, which my father cooked on his birthday, everything changed radically. From this I concluded for myself that all “love”, if we talk about culinary preferences, depends mainly not on the product itself, in this case, the carp, but on what recipe to cook it for. Well, and, of course, do not miss such a moment that you need to cook with your soul, in the culinary business, if you want to succeed, without this in any way.

    Of all the river fish species, my family most of all loves cooking carp. The easiest way to fry the fish, but in this case there is no great opportunity to experiment with the addition of minor ingredients, spices and herbs. Yes, and you must admit, frying fish is one thing, but baking it in the oven is a completely different level. Carp in the oven can be prepared in many ways, but today I will tell readers about those recipes that are among my top three favorites.

    The easiest option is to bake the carp in the oven in whole or in pieces, sprinkling it before it with only lemon juice. But the best option would be to stuff the carp with vegetables and mushrooms, or bake it on a pillow of vegetables. If you want to keep all the juices, then wrap the fish in foil - so carp meat will gain even more delicate taste.

    When cooking carp in the oven, as well as any other fish, it is important to monitor the temperature so that in the end the dish does not dry out. To avoid this, I deliberately in each recipe indicated the desired temperature and cooking time.

    After the carp is ready in the oven, before serving it should be laid out beautifully on a large dish, garnished with mayonnaise, sprigs of fresh herbs, vegetables or lemon slices, if necessary. But do not hesitate, in a hot form the fish is much tastier than in the cold, and after heating, the taste will be almost the same if you serve the dish immediately from the oven.

    Oven baked carp with onions and mushrooms

    The first recipe I decided to offer you a mirror carp in the oven with mushrooms, onions and apples. Each of this product gives the taste of fish its zest, and any of the tasters will be pleased.


    • 1500 gram carp
    • 1 lemon
    • 2 apples
    • 1 carrot
    • 300 g champignon
    • 2 onions
    • 0.5 tbsp. white wine
    • Pepper
    • Herbs
    • Spice

    Cooking method:

    1. We clean the carp, remove the insides. We thoroughly wash the fish, then dip it with a paper towel.
    2. We mix together salt, spices and herbs, and rub the carp with the resulting mixture inside and out.
    3. Leave the fish to marinate for half an hour.
    4. Meanwhile, we clean the mushrooms, and cut them into pieces.
    5. Peel the apples and cut into circles.
    6. Lemon and carrots are also cut into circles.
    7. We spread apples, mushrooms, onions, carrots and half a lemon on a baking sheet.
    8. We spread the carp on the resulting “pillow”. Put the remaining lemon inside the carp. Water the fish with wine.
    9. We send the carp to the oven for 45 minutes. Cooking temperature 180 degrees. From time to time, look into the oven and water the carp with the resulting juice and glass of wine.

    Tasty carp in the oven with potatoes

    Another option for cooking carp in the oven, in which you will have both a fish dish for the table and a side dish for it. Thanks to sour cream, the fish will be super tender in taste. Such a carp will be able to decorate any holiday table.


    • 1500 gram carp
    • 7 potatoes
    • 1 carrot
    • 3 onions
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • Dill
    • 500 ml sour cream
    • Seasoning
    • Lemon for decoration

    Cooking method:

    1. We clean the carp, remove the insides and cut the fins.
    2. We wash and dry the fish, rub with seasonings and salt, after which we leave to marinate for 60 minutes.
    3. Peel the potatoes and boil until half ready. Then cut into slices.
    4. Peel and wash the carrots and onions. Grate the carrots, and finely chop the onion.
    5. Mix vegetables, chopped garlic and chopped dill.
    6. We stuff the carp with the prepared mixture, and grease sour cream on all sides.
    7. We cover the baking sheet with foil and put the potatoes on it.
    8. We put fish on top of the potato and tightly wrap everything in foil.
    9. We send the carp to the oven for 45-55 minutes. Cooking temperature 180 degrees.
    10. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, unfold the foil, so the fish is slightly browned.
    11. Before serving, decorate with lemon slices.

    Appetizing carp in the oven in mayonnaise

    I can’t say that the taste of carp in mayonnaise differs significantly from pickled in sour cream, but true connoisseurs can catch the difference. To the table, the fish can be served as a whole, or previously cut into portions.


    • 1 carp weighing 3 kg.
    • 2 lemons
    • Herbs
    • Spice
    • Pepper
    • Mayonnaise
    • Greenery

    Cooking method:

    1. We clean the carp from the piece, carefully gut it and wash it. On the back of the fish we make vertical cuts
    2. Rub with herbs, spices, pepper and salt.
    3. Leave to marinate for 2 hours.
    4. Lubricate the fish with mayonnaise.
    5. Cut the lemon into thin slices. We put them in the cuts.
    6. We cover the baking sheet with foil and put the fish on it.
    7. We send the carp to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 60 minutes.
    8. Before serving, decorate the fish with a net of mayonnaise and sprigs of fresh herbs.

    Now you know how to cook carp in the oven. Enjoy your meal!

    Carp in the oven is a tasty and simple dish that can be prepared by any cook. At a price, carp belongs to the category of affordable and budget, because a family with any income will be able to please themselves with such a treat. In the end, as always, I want to give a couple of tips to make your carp in the oven tasty and the first time:
    • For cooking, it is best to take live fish, although in rare cases you can take frozen carp;
    • You can stuff carp with various fillings: vegetables, mushrooms, fruits. Best apples, pears, pumpkin, etc .;
    • Ready fish goes well with any side dish. Optimum potatoes, rice porridge, boiled vegetables. Choose the option that you like best;
    • Do not be afraid to experiment with various spices, seasonings and herbs. Varying these ingredients can significantly affect the taste of the finished fish;
    • All the above recipes are suitable not only for cooking carp in the oven, but also for any other fish, both river and sea.