Spicy butter pizza sauce. Recipes and basics for making pizza sauces at home

02.09.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Pizza sauce at home is rarely prepared. This is due to the fact that pizza, as a rule, is prepared spontaneously and in haste, because many housewives consider it not rational to spend time on the sauce. Most often, instead of pizza sauce, they use homemade or store-bought ketchup and mayonnaise, simply after mixing these two ingredients together.

But still, despite the lack of time and effort, some culinary specialists are more responsible not only in choosing a pizza recipe, but also in choosing one of the many sauces that would best emphasize not only the taste of the cake, but also the filling.

Depending on the national cuisine, the sauces with which pizza is served vary greatly. The most versatile is the tomato sauce, prepared on the basis of tomatoes, both fresh and harvested for the winter. If you use the advice of Italian cooks, and add spices, seasonings, herbs and garlic to such a sauce, then the taste of the prepared dish will only benefit from this.

Another popular choice is, without a doubt, white sauce, which is prepared on the basis of milk or cream. In addition to the main ingredient, cheese, eggs, white wine and onions are put in it. It all depends on the culinary preferences of a particular cook. Mixing the ingredients, it remains only to regulate the density of the finished sauce with the amount of flour. Having selected the pizza sauce, which will be the best combination with the pizza filling, they cover the dough or pour the filling on top, after which it remains to go the pizza into the oven and wait until it is baked.

White pizza sauce with basil

This pizza sauce, which is versatile, so that the taste of any pizza can become spicy and unique. The recipe welcomes culinary experiments, so do not be afraid to modify it at your discretion, adding various herbs and spices to the sauce.


  • 50 g butter
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 3 tbsp. l flour
  • 200 ml. milk
  • Pepper
  • Basil
  • 100 g parmesan

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the butter over low heat.
  2. Peel the garlic, divide into slices and pass through a press.
  3. Add the garlic to the oil, mix and keep on fire for about 1 minute.
  4. Then pour in the flour and mix until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  5. Continuing to stir, pour the milk. Do not forget to salt and pepper.
  6. We wash, dry and chop the basil. Add to the rest of the ingredients along with grated Parmesan.
  7. After dissolving the cheese, let the sauce cool, and then use as directed.

Traditional Tomato Pizza Sauce

For pizza most often it is tomato sauce that is prepared. The recipe is simple and affordable, because each of the readers will be able to independently please themselves and their home with a delicious dish.


  • 1.2 kg of tomatoes
  • 50 ml water
  • Fresh basil
  • 75 ml olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. l oregano
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 2 tsp salt

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the tomatoes into halves, large into quarters.
  2. We shift the tomatoes into a saucepan, pour water and add the basil.
  3. Tightly cover the pan with a lid and set to stew on the fire for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After 15 minutes, slightly cooled tomatoes are chopped with a blender.
  5. Pour olive oil into the resulting mass, put oregano, sugar and salt.
  6. We put the sauce on the fire again and constantly stir, bring to a boil.
  7. Ready sauce grease pizza.

Homemade Creamy Garlic Pizza Sauce

Any pizza with such a sauce turns out to be delicate in taste and with an amazing aroma. The sauce goes well with any filling: meat, mushroom, vegetable, etc. Fans of Italian cuisine will be crazy about such a recipe.


  • 2 tbsp. l butter
  • 8 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tbsp. l flour
  • 1 cup cream
  • 100 g Parmesan
  • Pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Put butter in a pan and melt it.
  2. Finely chop the half of the garlic, add to the pan and fry.
  3. We take out the garlic and pour the flour.
  4. Fry it lightly and add cream.
  5. Constantly stir the sauce until it begins to thicken.
  6. Pass the remaining garlic through the garlic and add to the sauce.
  7. Grated Parmesan put to the rest of the ingredients.
  8. Add salt and pepper to taste, and after the cheese has dissolved, remove the sauce from the heat.

Now you know how to make pizza sauce. Bon Appetit!

Pizza sauce is one of the main stages in the preparation of whole pizza. Depending on the filling, you can choose one of many sauces, thereby changing the taste of any homemade pizza beyond recognition. Therefore, it is not a far-sighted act on the part of readers not to stock up on a triple of proven recipes. Finally, I want to give a couple of tips so that your pizza sauce emphasizes the best advantages of this baking:
  • The best thing to do is to grease the pizza dough with sauce until it has cooled. Therefore, its preparation should be postponed until the last stage of cooking;
  • You do not need to add water to the tomato sauce, since the vegetables themselves give a certain amount of juice;
  • While cooking tomato sauce, add a little sugar to it, so you can drown out the “sourness”, thereby making the taste more delicate;
  • If you have enough experience, experiment with the addition of spices, spices and herbs. These ingredients can make any sauce special and unique.

If you have already mastered the preparation of pizza, we suggest a little diversification of culinary abilities - we prepare delicious, exotic sauces for it. It is not necessary to fully follow everything that is written, you can beat our tips in your own way, replacing some components with others, removing, or, conversely, adding new ingredients to the sauce. The result is an author’s recipe.

Plain Pizza Sauce

Let's start with the simplest one - this recipe is completely uncomplicated, and its components can be found in the refrigerator of every housewife.


  • 2 ordinary glasses of tomato sauce
  • granulated garlic
  • sugar - 0.5 large tablespoons
  • black pepper
  • two pinches of salt
  • two pinches of basil

Cooking method:

In a shallow bowl, combine the tomato sauce, spices (in this case, basil, but you can also use oregano, caraway seeds and others), add sugar, garlic in granules, a little salt and pepper, then mix.

You can prepare this pizza dressing using not granular garlic, but ordinary: grate it finely and mix with other ingredients. You can experiment with seasonings - changing one component will make the taste of the dish more original. In the refrigerator, the resulting mixture is stored no longer than a week.

Homemade Sauce

We offer an excellent home-made pizza sauce recipe that will eclipse any restaurant dish to taste. Cooking will take no more than 5-10 minutes.


  • 2-3 large tablespoons of olive oil
  • ¼ cup finely chopped onion
  • a tablespoon of minced garlic
  • 3 large fresh tomatoes
  • 100 grams of tomato paste
  • two pinches of salt
  • black pepper (ground) - ¼ small spoon
  • 50 grams of butter

Cooking method:

To prepare a delicious pizza sauce, pour refined olive oil in a small pan and sprinkle onion. Then add the crushed garlic (you can use granular), chopped into cubes and peeled tomatoes, then add salt and pepper.

To clean the tomatoes well, first spray them with boiled water, and then cold. Due to the temperature difference, the peel will burst, and cleaning them is not difficult.

Bring the resulting sauce to a boil, then stir thoroughly without removing from heat for 5-7 minutes. Then add 50 grams of oil and hold still (until it is completely dissolved), then remove from the stove. The dressing is ready - spread the pizza dough with sauce and add the filling. Bon Appetit!

Pizza Wine Sauce

Wine, it turns out, you can not only drink, but also add to all kinds of dishes. We offer to prepare wine sauce for pizza with celery.


  • 800 grams of red sauce
  • parsley - 20 grams
  • 100 milliliters of wine (preferably red dry)
  • 20 grams of celery
  • 60 grams of onions
  • 250 milliliters of meat broth
  • black pepper (several peas)
  • ground pepper (red)
  • clove
  • nutmeg (in powder)

Cooking method:

Meat broth should be prepared in advance. It can be cooked on bones, or from a good piece of meat, the main thing is that the broth is light and not very fat.

Chop the onion, celery and parsley in small cubes, then mix with black pepper, peas and cloves - pour meat broth. Next, add dry red wine to the mixture, cover, boil in 2/3 of the original volume. Pour 800 grams of red sauce into a practically ready dressing, pour nutmeg - cook for 20 minutes. Before removing from the stove, salt, add a small pinch of red pepper and strain - the pizza sauce is ready!

Neapolitan sauce

We offer to master the preparation of sauce for Neapolitan pizza. Believe me, this is very tasty, and the recipe is not at all complicated.


  • kilogram of fresh tomatoes
  • basil
  • oregano
  • dried oregano
  • black pepper
  • chopped garlic (2 small cloves)
  • onion - one piece

Cooking method:

In a deep saucepan, crush a kilogram of tomatoes to a state of liquid puree. Peeling tomatoes from their peels is not necessary, but if you still decide, first pour them with boiled water, and then cold. So freeing the vegetable from the skin will be much easier.

In the resulting mass, add oregano, black pepper, a couple of leaves of fresh basil, a pinch of salt, chopped onions and garlic. If you have dried oregano, season the sauce with it.

Prepare the dressing on low heat for 45-60 minutes, not forgetting to stir.

If you still have the sauce after baking pizza, you can store it in the freezer until the next culinary masterpiece for 16 weeks.

Vegetable sauce

This recipe is for fans of vegetarian cuisine. This dressing will be an ideal component of vegetable pizza.


  • 3 medium sized pickles
  • 80 grams of boiled mushrooms
  • 100 grams of asparagus
  • 120 grams of mayonnaise
  • small clove of garlic
  • 30 grams of ketchup
  • black pepper to your taste
  • a pinch of salt

Cooking method:

Cut cucumbers and canned asparagus in very small strips, mushrooms cooked in advance (it is better to use mushrooms), chop. In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise, ketchup, garlic, add salt and a little pepper - season the vegetables with this mixture. The vegetarian pizza sauce is done! As you can see, the recipe is very simple - you will not spend 10 minutes.

Simple pizza dressing

And this is another easy pizza sauce with vegetables.


  • 100 grams of low-fat mayonnaise
  • mustard - half a small spoon
  • 10 milliliters of vinegar
  • ground pepper to your taste

Cooking method:

In a bowl, mix mayonnaise, half a small spoonful of mustard, salt, 10 milliliters of a bite, a little pepper, then mix. As you can see, cooking this sauce is a matter of three minutes!

If you want to add something from yourself, do not be afraid to “play” with the products. For example, instead of regular mustard, use grainy - it has a sweeter exotic flavor.

Dairy Sauce

This milk pizza sauce is suitable for lovers of experiments and unusual dishes. Prepare an original dressing and surprise your family!


  • 250 milliliters of homemade yogurt (you can use the store)
  • some salt
  • 30 grams of sifted flour
  • 30 grams of good butter (use more expensive)

Cooking method:

Melt the butter over a quiet fire, add 30 grams of sifted flour, salt, pour the pre-warmed yogurt, and cook, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes.

If you want to cook meat pizza, diversify the recipe: add beaten chicken yolk, lemon zest and a pinch of sugar. This mixture should be boiled a little, and then strain.

"English" gas station

If you are pleased with the preparation of unusual dishes, try this recipe for “English” pizza sauce.


  • half a liter of kefir
  • 60 grams of butter
  • 120 milliliters of cream
  • 75 grams of white wheat bread
  • a pinch of salt
  • one onion

Cooking method:

We prepare the dressing in this way: add the crushed wheat bread to the kefir (pass through a fine sieve), diced butter, a whole onion. Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes, then remove the onions, and whisk the finished mass with a broom, gradually pouring the cream. Hot "English" sauce is served with pizza in a separate bowl.

We hope these recipes will help to prepare a variety of pizzas with the most delicious sauces! Cook with pleasure!

Delicious and aromatic pizza - a traditional dish of Italian cuisine. There are many recipes for this wonderful dish. They may differ in appearance, size and filling, but they are united by certain rules, compliance with which is mandatory. They consist not only in the preparation of special dough and toppings. The main requirement is pizza sauce at home. Having learned how to cook it correctly, you can create independent recipes for delicious dishes.

Technical and technological map (TTK) - the basic recipe, compiled in accordance with the requirements of public catering. The card includes calorie calculations, the number of components, the weight of the finished product, processing losses. Knowing the basics of the technological map, you can learn how to prepare pizza sauce in a pizzeria or restaurant. A simple product selection rule will help to make a real Italian treat for every taste even at home.

Classic sauce

The traditional classic sauce, which is used in public catering, is considered universal. Sweet and sour red pizza sauce is prepared from canned or fresh tomatoes and is suitable for any filling.

Time for preparing : 40-50 minutes
  Servings Per Container: 3 Liters
  Required Products:

  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Onions - 600 g
  • Garlic - 3 heads
  • Bitter pepper (red) - 3 pcs.
  • Bell pepper (red) - 3 pcs.
  • Provencal herbs (dried mix) - 1 pack
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • Salt to taste

Cooking method :

  1. Ripe tomatoes need to be washed well and peeled off. You can use canned tomatoes in your own juice. Instead of three kilograms of fresh tomatoes, you will need a 2-liter can of canned.
  2. Peel the onion and chop randomly.
  3. Peel the garlic and cut each clove into two or three parts.
  4. Wash sweet and bitter peppers, cut the peduncle along with the seeds and cut into 4-6 parts.
  5. Grind prepared vegetables using a meat grinder or blender. Pour the resulting puree into a convenient saucepan and put on a slow fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and boil for another 20–25 minutes.
  6. In a separate bowl, mix vegetable oil, spices and salt. For this amount of food, 2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt are taken, but if desired, the amount can be reduced or increased to taste. A delicious pizza sauce is obtained by adding dried Provencal herbs. You can take the finished mixture, or you can add spices and seasonings separately. The classic mixture: basil, dill, oregano, parsley, rosemary.
  7. When the vegetable puree becomes homogeneous, add a mixture of oil and seasonings into it, mix well and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil pizza sauce for a long time is not necessary.
  8. When the mixture has cooled, you can cook a delicious home-made pizza.

Ready tomato pizza sauce can be prepared in advance and stored in a glass jar. Pour hot seasoning into clean, sterile jars and roll up. This recipe for tomato sauce is designed to make 6 half-liter cans.

Caesar Sauce

Very beautiful and incredibly tasty pizza with white sauce is no less popular than the Mediterranean salad of the same name. Caesar sauce is made from raw eggs, so you need to cook it just before making pizza.

Time for preparing : 5 minutes
Servings Per Container : 4
Essential Products :

  • Olive oil - 100 ml
  • Anchovies - 20 g
  • Capers - 50 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Dijon mustard - 2 tsp.
  • Egg yolk - 4 pcs.
  • White wine vinegar - 2 tsp.
  • Parmesan Cheese - 50 g
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Cooking method :

  1. Gently break the chicken eggs and separate the yolks from the proteins. Before seasoning, make sure that the food is fresh.
  2. Cut marinated capers and anchovies into small cubes.
  3. Peel and grate the garlic. It can be squeezed out with the help of the garlic. Creamy garlic pizza sauce usually includes fresh produce. At home, you can add garlic powder.
  4. Grate Parmesan on a fine grater.
  5. Mix all foods in a convenient bowl, gently stirring with a spatula or spoon. Beat seasoning with a blender is not necessary.

Incredibly delicate cheese pizza sauce Caesar is ready. It can be used to prepare dishes with vegetable and meat fillings. The soft creamy cheese flavor, unlike traditional mayonnaise, makes any dish even more fragrant and airy. The simplest creamy white sauce recipe can be used to make salad dressing.

Simple Mayonnaise Sauce

A quick homemade pizza sauce is prepared in a few minutes. For cooking, you can take both homemade and purchased mayonnaise.

Time for preparing : 5 minutes
Servings Per Container : 4
Essential Products :

  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Table mustard - 1/2 tsp.
  • Salt and allspice to taste

Cooking method :

  • Before you prepare the pizza sauce, mix salt and pepper separately - this will make dressing more flavorful.
  • In a convenient bowl, mix mayonnaise and mustard.
  • Pour a bite into a thin stream and beat the mixture with a whisk or blender for 2-3 minutes.
  • Chill the mayonnaise pizza sauce in the refrigerator, and then use it to spread the dough base.

To make the mayonnaise pizza seasoning more tender, to give it a creamy milky taste, you can add a spoonful of unsweetened yogurt or sour cream.

Technological map: pizza, sauce

Pizza. The sauce for this is the basis for the preparation of goodies at points of the catering network. Almost all types of Italian pizza are prepared on its basis in restaurants and pizzerias. If necessary, some components can be replaced by others and prepare pepperoni pizza sauce from ketchup and mayonnaise. Depending on taste preferences, ketchup can be replaced with a tomato mixture or any other spicy seasoning. You can make a simple sauce of sour cream.

The base pizza sauce, the recipe of which is taken as the basis, is designed to prepare a finished dish weighing 300 grams.

  • Dough. Making one average pizza requires 223 grams of yeast dough. After heat treatment, the mass of the base is reduced by 4–5 grams.
  • Flour for rolling out the base - 15 g
  • Seasoning - 65 g
  • Creamy Garlic Pizza Sauce -   67 g
  • Hard cheese -   95 g, at the exit of the finished dish 91 g
  • Spices - 0.5 g
  • Tomatoes - 56 g / 48 g
  • Fresh greens - 3.6 g / 3 g

In the preparation of pizza sauce with chicken, the number of starting products can be increased by 13-15 grams by adding sour cream or mayonnaise. To give a brighter spicy taste, you can use chopped fresh herbs.

Tomatoes are not added to sour cream pizza sauce, they are replaced by a sour-milk product. Sour cream should not be very oily.

In contact with

Pizza, as you know, is an Italian dish. But did you know that Italians are very jealous of dishes belonging to their national cuisine and are very “worried” when they are prepared in violation of the original recipe. If you are going to learn how to cook a delicious home-made pizza, you, of course, do not have to follow the canonical recipes - to date, there are so many recipes for their preparation, methods for processing dough and quantitative ratios of ingredients that the field for delicious experiments opens up to the broadest, and it’s a sin not to use it. However, some rules must still be followed.

What do you think creates the awesome taste and aroma of pizza? Most likely, you will answer: the filling, which can play almost anything: meat and fish products, poultry, vegetables, spices, cottage cheese, etc. The only constant ingredient that cannot be excluded from pizza is cheese. Without it, pizza is not pizza at all, but a regular cake with savory filling.

But the secret of delicious pizza lies not only in a successful filling: delicious dough and delicious sauce - this is without which the preparation of a culinary masterpiece is doomed to failure. And without the latter, that is, the sauce with which this dish is served, you can’t prepare a meal with a unique attractive taste. Of course, at first glance it may seem to you that we are exaggerating its significance, and to prepare it is easier than ever. However, this is not entirely true, and you will see this yourself when you start reading and putting into practice our recipes for delicious sauces, which, it is worth noting, there are a huge number of them. Among the most popular of them - white pizza sauce, (classic) simple pizza sauce, italian, tomato, cream pizza sauce, cheesy, pizza garlic sauce.

Below are recipes for delicious homemade pizza sauces at home:

I must say, for each pizza there is a dressing that is able to maximally successfully shade the taste of its filling. For example, cream sauce perfectly complements the taste of pizza stuffed with sausages, vegetables or fish. A cheese sauce is usually served with mushroom pizza. In addition, soy sauce is good for such pizza. Garlic or sour cream sauce is best suited for pizza with a pronounced "salty" taste. And here tomato sauce   it does not fit at all, since the basis for its preparation is the same tomato.

It's hard to find someone who doesn't like pizza. There is sure to be a filling that will win the heart of the most fastidious gourmet. Someone loves thin pizza, someone - on a thick crust of yeast dough. But its main secret is not based. He is in the sauce. Therefore, today we will try to prepare a real pizza sauce - the recipe, as in a pizzeria, will surely not leave anyone indifferent! We will not argue for a long time, but immediately proceed to the practical part. Open the refrigerator, there probably will be everything we need.

What you need to make the sauce, the main ingredients

You can cook any pizza, even Margarita, even Four Cheeses on the basis of a very different test, but sauce always plays a decisive role in it.

It should be juicy, bright, quite saturated, but at the same time not interrupt the taste of the dish itself, but only shade it.

Traditionally, three types of sauces are distinguished:

  1. Red is cooked on a tomato basis. You can use both fresh and canned tomatoes for this. In the first case, it is better to choose sour varieties so that the taste of the fill is not fresh. If you don’t have tomatoes at hand, you can take ready-made pasta. The effect, of course, is not the same, but still, with some effort, the result will be quite decent.
  2. White sauce is not so popular in pizza, but also finds its connoisseurs. It is usually prepared on the basis of cream or soft cheese. It happens that kefir is added to the composition.
  3. Green sauce is a rarity in our pizzerias and tables. Usually this is a classic basil pesto, which gives the mass color. But there are other, more exotic options, which we will talk about below.

The first kind of sauce is usually used in meat pizzas. It is in perfect harmony with sausages, pork, bacon, olives. Creamy dressing is often lubricated with a seafood dish - salmon, shrimp, mussels. It is also better to add to pizza with mushrooms and vegetables. But cheeses and chicken are “friends” with both types of sauces. As for green, it itself is very self-sufficient, and therefore does not combine with complex fillings. It can be supplemented with poultry, vegetables, fish, olives.

  1. As an additional ingredient, greens are always added to the sauce. These are basil, cilantro, dill and other herbs.
  2. Not without hot pepper. Depending on preferences, ordinary ground pepper or a slice of real cayenne can be used.
  3. Speaking of pepper, one cannot forget about Bulgarian. Its delicate taste perfectly complements tomato dressings.
  4. For piquancy, garlic is often added to sauces. You can take fresh or dried - no matter which is at hand. But, of course, if there is plenty to choose from, give preference to the young. It is more fragrant.
  5. Onions are also a frequent guest in the dressing. It is usually cut with the thinnest, almost transparent half rings. To eliminate a specific taste, onions are sometimes pickled.
  6. Be sure to include oil in the sauce. It must be neutral. It is better to take olive or sunflower, but refined.
  7. White sauces are prepared with the obligatory addition of butter and flour. Cream, sour cream, kefir, cheeses of all stripes can also be introduced here.
  8. Do not forget to add the mixture so that it is not fresh. Sometimes a pinch of sugar is also present in the sauce.

Mistresses like to add mayonnaise everywhere. This is not the best ingredient in a dish. With the same success, you can spread pizza with ready-made tomato piquant “Spicy” and not fool yourself.

Easy home-made sauces recipes

So, for sure, a decent set will be gathered in the corners of the refrigerator, which is enough for our purposes.

To make pizza sauce at home, we need:

  • selected vegetables (washed and peeled);
  • knife and cutting board;
  • stewpan or small saucepan;
  • pan;
  • blender
  • spatula.

It remains to determine the type of filling and you can proceed.

None of the proposed recipes is canonical. You can quite modify them, change to your tastes and capabilities.

Or maybe some recipe will inspire you to create author's sauce.

Classic Italian Pizza Sauce

This recipe is a strict classic. It is simple and versatile, like a little black dress from Chanel.

The ingredients will need the simplest:

  • ripe tomatoes - 5 pieces;
  • garlic - a pair of cloves;
  • basil - a branch;
  • oil - a spoon;
  • hot pepper and a little salt.

Fresh tomatoes can be replaced with canned ones. It is also possible to add tomato paste to the fill if the vegetables themselves are sweet, without sourness. Strong, sour tomatoes do not need pasta. So how to make pizza sauce?

  1. Tomatoes are put peeled. To make the peel easily peeled off, throw the fruit into boiling water for 15-30 seconds (depending on the variety), after making a cross-shaped incision in the “buttock”.
  2. Cut the peeled tomatoes into halves or quarters and temporarily set aside - let the excess liquid go away.
  3. Heat the pan, pour oil into it.
  4. Chop the garlic finely or mince through garlic ginger and sauté.
  5. Put the tomatoes in a pan and mash them with a fork until smooth. Reduce the fire to medium.
  6. While the tomatoes are languishing, finely chop the basil and add it to the pan closer to the end of the process.
  7. Remove the cookware from the heat when the amount of tomato mass is approximately tripled. Rub it through a sieve and rub it with salt and pepper.

The traditional tomato pizza sauce is ready - grease the cakes! It can be set aside in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, and left in the freezer for up to two months.

Pizza Tomato Sauce

If you plan to use a complex multi-component filling, then prefer a simple sauce, for example, from tomatoes alone.

  1. Halve the tomatoes and place on a baking sheet. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper.
  2. Bake for several minutes until cooked.
  3. Remove the peel from the tomatoes (it can already be easily removed), chop them with a blender and transfer the tomato mass to a stewpan. Boil it in just a few minutes - done!

Creamy Pizza Sauce

The best choice would be a classic Italian dressing for fettuccine.


  • 2 cups of the most fat cream (you can take homemade);
  • a glass of grated parmesan;
  • a third of a glass of milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of oil (pre-melt);
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • garlic and chives.
  • salt and pepper.

Let's get started!

  1. Sauté chopped garlic until golden in butter.
  2. Add cream and milk, stirring slowly, heat, but do not let it boil.
  3. Pour in flour to make the mixture thicker. Depending on the fat content of the cream, its amount may vary, so pour a little bit of it. When the mass thickens, remove from heat.
  4. Pour grated parmesan and chopped onions into the creamy sauce until it cools down. Salt and sprinkle with black pepper.

In good conscience, mix and use in pizza, in pasta or just for bread.

White pizza sauce

This is a very simple recipe that will require a minimum cooking time. The taste of the finished fill is neutral, and therefore will suit absolutely any filling.


  • meat broth - half a liter;
  • butter - 40-50 grams;
  • a couple of spoons of flour.

Note that for meat fillings, you need a broth for meat, and for seafood, a broth for fish is suitable.

  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan and fry the flour in it, adding a couple of tablespoons of broth.
  2. Add the broth gradually into the thick mass, stirring constantly.
  3. Let the mixture boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the finished fill and immediately grease the cake.

Tomato paste pizza sauce

There is no tomato, there is a snowstorm on the street, and in the refrigerator is only tomato paste? Let her go!

  • 2 tablespoons of pasta;
  • a spoon of oregano;
  • two pinches of red pepper;
  • some olive oil.

You can add garlic, greens to the sauce and generally replace them with tomatoes in any of the recipes described. But the proposed option is an excellent base for the first experiment.

  1. Put the pasta in a bowl and spread a little with water.
  2. Add dry oregano, add oil and red pepper.
  3. Salt and mix thoroughly until smooth.

You can start forming pizza. Since we went the simple way, you can safely add sour cream and a little mustard - an excellent soft sauce will come out.

Sour cream pizza sauce

If you plan to put mushrooms and chicken in pizza, then the sauce to it should only be sour cream! This is a classic combination of tastes, a win-win and beloved by everyone.

  • sour cream - a glass;
  • melted butter - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • two pinches of salt, pepper.

This is a traditional recipe, but you can diversify it by adding two hard-boiled egg yolks and mustard. An excellent addition will be greens, garlic and a spoonful of regular tomato paste.

  1. Pour the flour into the pan and fry. Allow to cool.
  2. Add butter to the flour, heat again to melt it.
  3. Slowly add sour cream, stir constantly. Bring to a boil.
  4. Add pepper and salt. Cook for a few minutes, and strain before use.

Garlic Pizza Sauce (Caesar)

There are a lot of options for garlic sauce. You can just push the garlic through a press, pour it into a jar of olive oil, add salt and let it brew for 3-5 hours. Refined and European. Well, we love fatter, but later.

  • garlic - half a head;
  • sour cream - 6 spoons;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice.

You don’t have to stew and fry anything. Just crush the garlic in a mortar, add salt, oil and lemon juice. Whisk with a whisk. Then gradually add fat sour cream and continue whisking to make the sauce light and airy.

By the way, as an excellent garlic dressing for pizza, French aioli is also suitable. Not all laurels to Italians. Grind raw yolk with garlic, add oil, whisking with a whisk. Add salt, pepper, and add a little vinegar and water. Beat well.

Unusual green sauce

Consider two options - a truly European and Eastern, Thai. Both are green, but completely different from each other.

In Italy, they love pesto very much and use it, among other things, as a pizza sauce.

There are only five ingredients:

  • grated parmesan - 150 grams;
  • vegetable (preferably olive) oil - 150 ml;
  • peeled pine nuts (can be replaced with walnuts) - 4 tablespoons;
  • garlic - a pair of cloves;
  • basil - a lot!

Cooking takes a couple of minutes. Grate cheese, greens with garlic and nuts, grind in a mortar into a homogeneous gruel. Mix the resulting mass with cheese and butter - your pesto is ready to go to the cake.

Thai sauce has an emerald green color and a very unusual taste. The ingredients are also specific. But if you want to really surprise guests, believe me - this is your choice.

So, prepare:

  • green chili - 4 pieces;
  • onion;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • cilantro, lemon zest - on a spoon;
  • oil - a spoon;
  • cumin, turmeric, cinnamon - a teaspoon.

Unripe chili is not as sharp as red, but if it seems too hot to you, replace part of it with green pepper.

  1. Peel the beans and chop. Grind onions and garlic with herbs in a blender.
  2. Transfer all prepared ingredients to a saucepan, pour in oil and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add spices at the end, and leave the mixture to infuse.

Quick recipe

Are guests on the doorstep and every minute counts? Record a quick recipe!

You will need:

  • a can of ready-made tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • any herbs.

Cooking fast. We cut the garlic into slices and brown in oil. We spread the tomatoes and knead with a fork. While the tomato-garlic mass "gurgles", we chop finely basil, cilantro, dill or whatever is found there. We put everything in a pan, salt, cover and leave to go until we prepare the filling and the dough.

Gourmet Red Wine Sauce Recipe

Quick fill is great.

Now we add frills for real gourmets:

  • a pound of tomato;
  • a glass of red wine;
  • vegetable oil;
  • onion, carrots, celery;
  • garlic;
  • thyme, basil, oregano, rosemary - a teaspoon.

To prepare this sauce, chop finely vegetables and grind in a mortar.

  1. In a preheated pan, fry the vegetables in oil.
  2. Add the garlic, and all the greens at once - let the vegetables thoroughly soak in the aroma.
  3. After a couple of minutes, fill the mixture with wine.
  4. While the wine is warming, peel the tomato and chop them finely. Pour into a pan.
  5. Stew until half an hour, salt and leave to go under the lid.

Before use, you can grind the mass in a blender until smooth.

Mushroom Pizza Sauce

This pouring option is perfect for meat or mushroom pizza. Delicate and fragrant, but unobtrusive.


  • ¼ kg of champignons;
  • 250 ml of fatty (35% or more) cream;
  • a couple of spoons of flour;
  • dill and a pinch of salt.

If you want, add garlic or passivated onions to the sauce.

  1. Slice the mushrooms and toss into the pan. Strain until they let the juice go.
  2. Enter the cream and bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Add flour a little to thicken the mass.
  4. At the end, salt and sprinkle with finely chopped greens.

It is better to grind the whole mass in a blender so that the mushroom taste is somewhere on the periphery without interrupting the main components of the pizza.

Neapolitan sauce

This sauce smells like the sun on the southern coast of Italy, where one of the largest cities in the country of Naples stands. Pastas and pizzas are incredibly popular here with the addition of tomato sauce with onions that are classic for these places. With us he got the name "Neapolitania" or "Neapolitano". For cooking you will need:

  • a pound of fresh tomato;
  • large onion;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of oil;
  • basil;
  • salt, a pinch of sugar and black pepper.

Traditionally, we start cooking by peeling the tomato from the skin.

  1. Cut the onion as finely as you can, it will have to completely “disperse” in the tomato mass, leaving only its taste.
  2. Grind the garlic into gruel so that the slices do not come across in the finished sauce.
  3. Cut the tomatoes.
  4. Chop the basil. If desired, you can add oregano to it (oregano, in our opinion).
  5. Warm the pan, add oil and put onions. Fry until golden. Add the garlic and sauté another minute.
  6. A spicy mix of vegetables will well tint the taste of meat filling.

  • 3 fleshy tomatoes;
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers;
  • 250 grams of champignons;
  • garlic, a couple of cloves;
  • carrots, onions;
  • third of a glass of sour cream.

Prepare all the ingredients: peel and chop the tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, chopped onion with garlic, chop the carrots.

  1. Fry the champignons, add onions and carrots to them.
  2. When the vegetables are half-ready, shift tomatoes and cucumbers to them.
  3. Pour the whole mass with sour cream, bring to a boil. At the very end, add the garlic, salt and pepper.

You can leave the sauce in this form, but it is better to chop everything thoroughly with a fork, mixer or blender.

Hot Spicy Tomato Sauce

If you want something hotter, then prepare a fiery fill. To do this, in a regular tomato sauce (according to the recipe indicated above) at the cooking stage, add the chili pepper crushed in a mortar and, if desired, ginger. To make the mass thicker, boil 2-3 hard boiled eggs and introduce the yolks into the tomato mass. Stir well.

Red bell pepper pizza sauce

And in this recipe tomatoes are not present at all, but no one will forbid them to be added if you have such a desire.

  • 3-4 large Bulgarian peppers;
  • half a glass of chicken stock;
  • basil leaves;
  • a pinch of chili;
  • salt.

Cooking does not require special cooking skills. Everything is simple. Bake the peppers on a baking sheet until cooked, then peel them and chop into a pulp with a fork or blender. Transfer the mass to a pan, add spices and herbs, pour in the broth. Simmer over a low heat until thickened.

Any of the proposed sauces is not difficult to prepare and will succumb even to a young hostess. Therefore, boldly proceed with culinary experiments and be sure that it will turn out delicious!