Cooking rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker. Recipes of healthy rice porridge in a multicooker on milk

02.09.2019 Lean dishes

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker is easy and simple. This dish is good to serve for breakfast or afternoon snack for both young children and adults. It should be noted that you can cook it according to different recipes. Someone makes porridge only from rice, and someone uses other components. Today we will present you several options for creating a delicious and healthy dish.

Classic recipe: rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker

If you do not want to invent new ways of making milk rice porridge, then we suggest using the classic cooking option. To do this, we need a small set of ingredients:

  • small iodized salt - ½ small spoon;
  • good quality butter - 10 g.

Preparation of the main ingredient (rice cereal)

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker does not take very long to cook. And before you put all the products in the bowl of the device, they should be carefully processed. But first things first.

As you know, rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker turns out to be as tasty as possible, if you use round-grain cereals for such a dish. After all, it contains a lot of starch, which contributes to the preparation of a viscous and satisfying dish.

Acquired round-grain groats should be carefully sorted, and then put in a sieve and rinsed several times in warm water. After this, the product must be shaken well.

Heat treatment

Rice porridge in a slow cooker, the recipes of which we consider in this article, should be cooked in the same mode ("Porridge"). It is this program that is designed to make a viscous dish that, even after heat treatment, will necessarily retain all the useful and nutritious substances.

So, to prepare breakfast in the bowl of the device, you need to put the washed rice, and then pour it with fresh milk, pour sugar and salt. After mixing the components, you should tightly close the lid of the multicooker. In the future, you need to install the program "Porridge". In this case, the crock-pot will independently set the required timer value.

We serve breakfast correctly

After the rice porridge with milk in the multicooker is completely ready, it should be seasoned with a slice of fresh butter and kept under the lid for another 3-6 minutes. Next, a viscous dish needs to be laid out on portioned plates and presented to family members along with a piece of bread and a slice of cheese. Enjoy your meal!

Sweet rice milk porridge in a slow cooker: recipe

If this dish is intended for small children, then it is recommended to cook it along with additional sweet ingredients. In this case, your baby probably will not give up the porridge, but, on the contrary, will gobble it over both cheeks.

So, we need:

  • round grain rice - a full glass;
  • medium-fat milk - a full glass;
  • cold drinking water - a full glass;
  • black large raisins - about 60 g;
  • meaty dried apricots - 60 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2/3 of a small spoon;
  • good quality butter - 5 g.

We prepare the components (rice groats and dried fruits)

Rice porridge in a slow cooker, the recipes of which involve the use of dried fruits, is very sweet and healthy. It is good to use for young children, as well as for those people who have problems with the intestinal tract.

Before putting all the ingredients in a slow cooker, they must be well processed. Round-grain rice should be sorted and rinsed thoroughly. As for dried fruits, they must be rinsed in warm water, and then pour boiling water and wait until the raisins and dried apricots swell. After that, they need to be thoroughly washed, dried and cut into medium pieces.

How to implement the presented recipe? Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker is prepared in the same way as described at the very beginning of the article. To do this, put the washed cereal in the device’s capacity, and then pour it with milk and drinking water in turn. After combining the ingredients with sugar and salt, they should be cooked in porridge mode for half an hour (a little more can be done).

Final stage

After the kitchen appliance has completed its work, you will hear a signal that the multicooker will give. Rice porridge in milk should become viscous and thick. It is necessary to add butter, as well as steamed dried apricots and raisins. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients with a large spoon, they should be left in the heating mode for another ¼ hour.

How should I serve the dish on the table?

After cooking delicious and sweet rice porridge, it must be distributed on small deep plates and immediately presented to the table. Serving such a dish for breakfast is desirable along with a hearty sandwich. It is done as follows: a thin slice of fresh bread is taken and smeared with a small layer of butter. In conclusion, a piece of hard cheese is placed on it.

Making rice and pumpkin porridge with milk in the Redmond slow cooker

Now you know how to make rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker. A step-by-step recipe for preparing such a dish may include the use of other ingredients to your taste. For example, many people like to make such porridge not only from rice, but also with the addition of fresh pumpkin.

So, consider another recipe for this dish. To prepare it, we need:

  • round grain rice - a full glass;
  • medium fat milk - 2 cups;
  • small iodized salt - ½ small spoon;
  • granulated sugar - a full small spoon;
  • fresh peeled pumpkin - about 150 g;
  • good quality butter - 7 g.

We process the ingredients

Pumpkin and rice milk porridge in the Redmond multicooker is prepared as easily and simply as this dish, made according to the classic recipe based on only cereals. Although you have a little longer to tinker with the main ingredients.

First you need to sort out the cereals, rinse it and get rid of excess moisture. Next, you need to peel a piece of pumpkin from the peel and seeds, and then grate it on a coarse grater (if you wish, you can simply chop it with a knife).

Cooking process in a multicooker

After the main components are washed and cleaned, they should be put in the bowl of the device and pour fresh milk. After combining the products with sugar and salt, they must be thoroughly mixed, and then tightly closed with a lid. In the future, you need to set a program of porridge. If your multicooker does not have such a regime, then you can use the extinguishing program. In this case, it is advisable to set the timer for 35-40 minutes. This time is enough for the rice cereal to boil completely.

Proper serving of the dinner table

After you hear that the slow cooker has completed the process of preparing milk porridge, it should be flavored with a piece of butter and mix well with a large spoon. In this form, the dish is recommended to be kept warm for about half an hour.

After the time has passed, the pumpkin and rice porridge should be distributed on medium-sized portioned plates and served to family members. It is advisable to use it together with a slice of bread and a slice of hard cheese.

To summarize

As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to cook rice porridge using a kitchen device such as a slow cooker. Moreover, using this appliance, you can make not only a very tasty, but also a healthy dish that absolutely all your households will appreciate.

By the way, you can serve rice porridge made with fresh milk to the table, not only with a sandwich made from a slice of bread, butter and cheese, but also, for example, with liquid honey, jam, berries, fruits, nuts and even condensed milk. These ingredients will make breakfast more nutritious and nutritious.

Rice porridge in a slow cooker is perhaps the most common dish that is prepared by testing a new kitchen assistant. There is nothing complicated in rice porridge, however, you should know a few tricks that will allow you to easily prepare aromatic, hearty, tasty porridge for breakfast or dinner with guaranteed results. If this is your first time cooking in a slow cooker, our tips will help you cope with this task.

  • For rice porridge should use round-grain rice, it is better boiled. Long-grain or steamed rice is good for garnish or rice soup, when the rice does not stick together. Rice porridge should be "fat", steamed;
  • If you cook rice porridge with milk, always add water to milk in a ratio of about 1: 3. This will not affect the taste, but milk will not escape through the valve;
  • There is another way to prevent milk from escaping from the bowl: take a piece of butter and grease the walls of the bowl;
  • If you decide to cook rice porridge on a delayed start (in the evening), freeze part of the water or milk and put in a bowl with the rest of the products. Even on the hottest night, milk will not turn sour, checked!
  • Rice porridge can be cooked without milk. In this case, add fruits and berries (fresh or dry), vegetables or meat to it. Note: rice porridge with meat is not pilaf! The technology for preparing pilaf, including in a slow cooker, is completely different;
  • In different multicookers, the “Porridge”, “Milk Porridge” or “Krupa” modes work differently. The more powerful the appliance, the less time it takes to cook. In Panasonic-type multicookers with a power of 500 W, the Milk Porridge mode is extended for an hour, or even more. If you cook large quantities of cereal, the cereal may remain slightly undercooked. Set the mode again or leave the porridge in the heating mode for an hour and a half (of course, you need to take this into account when preparing the porridge in time, so as not to be left without breakfast). Powerful multicookers can easily cope with any number of products;
  • If your multicooker has automatic programs, you do not usually need to set the cooking time. However, there are units in which it is possible to adjust the time, regardless of the type of program. As a rule, the cooking time of milk porridge in such multicookers is set to 25 minutes. Feel free to double it - porridge will turn out much tastier and softer;
  • The most delicious rice porridge in a slow cooker is obtained at a delayed start. Check it out for yourself!

So, let's begin. The first recipe that we pay attention to when testing a multicooker is placed in the instructions for it. Most often they don’t read the instruction or read it inattentively, so we will start with it.

Rice milk porridge in a slow cooker

  1 glass of rice cereal
  1-2 multi-glasses of water,
  2-3 multi-cups of milk,
  a pinch of salt,
  1-2 tbsp. l sugar (or to taste),
  50 g of butter.

Rice in several waters until transparent. This is important, since poorly washed rice helps porridge run off through the valve, especially if you have a small bowl, and this is still a mess - wash the slow cooker. Absolutely pure rice can be soaked for some time in warm water. Lubricate the walls of the multi-bowl with butter. Put rice in it, add boiled water (always boiled, especially if you cook on a delayed start) and milk. Salt and sugar to taste. Mix gently and close the lid. Then you can simply select the program “Milk porridge” and press the “Start” button, or after choosing the program, calculate the time until you need ready porridge (say, if you are laying food at 23-00, and porridge is required at 7- 00, the time at the delayed start is 8 hours, the multicooker will decide when to start cooking, the signal of readiness will sound at exactly 7-00). Everything! Multi-glasses in the recipe can be replaced with ordinary glasses or cups, the main thing is to observe the proportions. If the porridge seems thick, next time add water or milk.

Rice porridge with raisins

  1 stack rice (round grain),
  2 stack milk
  1 stack water,
  50 light raisins,
  1 tbsp butter
  sugar, salt - to taste.

  Rinse the rice thoroughly and place in the bowl of the crock-pot. Wash raisins in hot water and squeeze. Put it in the bowl, add milk, water, butter, sugar and salt to taste, mix and close the lid. Set the mode "Milk porridge". Together and raisins, you can add any dried fruit to your taste.

Rice porridge with baked milk

  1 stack rice
  1 stack water,
  1-2 stacks baked milk (depending on the desired density),
  raisins and dried apricots - to taste,
  sugar, salt, butter.

  Wash dried apricots and cut into cubes. Rinse rice and raisins as well. Put all the ingredients in a bowl, fill with water and baked milk and set the mode to "Milk porridge" or "Porridge". After the signal about the end of the mode, mix the porridge and let it simmer for another 10-15 minutes in the "Heating" mode.

Rice with Cheese and Cream

  2 stack steamed rice
  2 stack water,
  1 tbsp. l butter
  1 stack fat cream
  100 g grated cheese

  Put rice, salt, butter in a bowl, fill with water and cook in the “Croup” or “Buckwheat” mode. When the mode is finished, pour the warmed cream into the bowl, add cheese, mix well and leave it under the lid in the “Preheat” mode for 5-7 minutes.

Rice porridge with vegetables

  1 stack rice
  3-4 cauliflower inflorescences,
  3-4 broccoli inflorescences,
100 g of green beans (can be frozen),
  100 g of green peas (fresh or frozen),
  100 g canned corn
  1-2 pcs. sweet pepper (colorful),
  1 young zucchini,
  3-5 cloves of garlic,
  salt, spices - to taste.

  Vegetables in this recipe can be combined according to your taste and desire. Prepare the vegetables: disassemble the cauliflower and broccoli into small inflorescences, cut the roots into cubes, cut the string beans into slices, sweet pepper in strips, zucchini cubes. Put all the vegetables in a slow cooker, add well-washed rice, salt and spices to taste. You can add butter (fresh or ghee) or pour already cooked porridge with good vegetable oil. Pour in water so that it covers the mixture of rice and vegetables by 1 cm, close the lid and set the "Buckwheat" or "Rice" ("Grain") mode. This is an automatic program, cooking will end after complete evaporation of the liquid.

Rice porridge with vegetables No. 2

  1 stack rice
  1 onion,
  1 carrot
  1 bell pepper
  2 stack water,
  salt, spices for pilaf,
  vegetable oil for frying.

  Dice the onion and pepper, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or slicer (thin slices). Rinse until clear water and soak in warm water. Set the mode to "Baking" or "Frying" and heat the oil in a bowl. Put the onion in the bowl and fry it with the lid closed for 5-7 minutes, then add the carrots and fry for another 5-7 minutes, put pepper in the bowl last, mix and simmer all the vegetables for another 10 minutes. Flatten the vegetables along the bottom of the multicooker, put on top of them rice, flatten and gently pour water through a slotted spoon. Salt, add spices, close the lid and set the mode to "Buckwheat", "Grain" or "Rice".

Rice porridge with pumpkin, raisins and apples

  800 g pumpkin
  2 apples
  50-70 g of dark raisins,
  1 stack rice (long grain),
  2 stack water,
  salt, sugar, butter - to taste.

  Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes, peel the apples and cut into slices. Rinse the rice. Sort the raisins, rinse well and steam for a couple of minutes in boiling water. Put all the ingredients in a bowl, fill with water, add salt, sugar and butter, close the lid and set the "Pilaf" mode.

Golden rice porridge with vegetables

  1 stack steamed rice
  1 bell pepper
  1 carrot
  2 onions,
  2 stack water,
  on the tip of a turmeric knife
  ½ tsp ground paprika
  salt, vegetable oil, greens.

Pour rice with water. Dice all the vegetables. Put the onions in the multicooker bowl, add vegetable oil and fry in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode until transparent, then add the carrots and bell peppers and stew under the lid for about 10 minutes. Then add the washed rice, salt and spices and mix. Fill with water and set the mode to "Pilaf", "Rice", "Buckwheat" or "Grain". Sprinkle with fresh herbs when serving.

Rice porridge with mushrooms and vegetables

  1 stack rice
  300-350 g of mushrooms (fresh or frozen),
  1 onion,
  1 sweet red pepper
  1 carrot
  1 stack tomato juice
  1 stack water,
  salt, spices - to taste.

  Rinse until transparent. Dice the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the mushrooms and sweet pepper in strips. Turn on the “Baking” or “Frying” mode and fry the onion in vegetable oil first until transparent, then add the remaining vegetables and mushrooms and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Put rice in the bowl, add salt and spices, pour tomato juice and water and set the mode "Pilaf".

Rice with prunes or dried apricots and chicken

  1 chicken breast
  2 stack rice (can be steamed),
  1 carrot
  1 onion,
  1 head garlic
  5-7 pcs. pitted prunes or dried apricots,
  salt, saffron, spices,
  1-3 tbsp. l vegetable oil
  4 stack boiling water.

  Chop onions and carrots. Soak dried fruits in warm water for 10-15 minutes, squeeze and cut into slices. Cut the chicken breast into 2 cm cubes. Pour the vegetable oil onto the bottom of the bowl, turn on the “Baking” or “Frying” mode and fry the onions and carrots until soft. Add chicken breast and spices and simmer another 10 minutes under the lid. Turn off the mode, distribute the products along the bottom of the bowl, add dried fruits, cover the rice with an even layer, put a whole head of garlic in the center, gently pour boiling water so as not to mix the products, close the lid and set to “Pilaf” or “Grain” mode.

These are just the basic recipes for rice porridge in a slow cooker. You yourself can make any of them any changes (spices, fruits, new ingredients) that will give the ordinary rice porridge a new sound. Try to cook rice with millet in a ratio of 1: 1. Or add buckwheat to the rice, the taste of such porridge with meat will be especially interesting. Feel free to replace the ingredients in the proposed recipes: if there is no chicken, add the minced meat, fresh or fried. No fresh mushrooms? Make porridge with mushrooms or oyster mushrooms ... Go for it!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Rice porridge in a slow cooker is a universal base for sweet and savory dishes. Such a treat can please the whole family, including young children who are happy to try one or another version of this simple and very tasty porridge.

Sweet rice cereals are usually prepared not on water but on milk, or they are mixed in different proportions. The simplest recipe, in addition to rice itself, includes only sugar and a pinch of salt. If you show a little culinary imagination, then the number of ingredients will expand to infinity. It can be any fresh, dried or frozen fruit, pumpkin, cinnamon, vanilla, honey, jam, etc.

For sweet cereal in most multicookers there is a special built-in program called "Milk porridge". This is very convenient, as it automatically determines the cooking time.

To diversify porridge, rice is often mixed with the same amount of other cereals: millet, buckwheat, etc. Such combinations give not only a pleasant taste, but also make the dish even more hearty and healthy.

Rice porridge in a slow cooker can be easily prepared as a second dish. To do this, add rice, meat, mushrooms, vegetables, various sauces and seasonings. Such porridge can be boiled in water or meat broth. To prepare it, use the modes "Frying" (for frying vegetables) and "Buckwheat" (for cooking cereals). You can decorate the dish with chopped herbs.

Photo No. 1. Recipe for delicious milk rice porridge in a slow cooker

A very simple and affordable dish for every day. Rice and milk are a healthy and tasty combination of products that is great for starting the day. Porridge is sweetish, but not cloying.


  • 3 cups of milk;
  • 2 cups boiled water;
  • 1 glass of rice;
  • 5 tsp Sahara;
  • ½ tsp salts;
  • 30 g of butter.

How to cook milk rice porridge in a slow cooker:

1. Rinse the rice several times under running water, dry;

2. Pour, pour water and milk;

3. Add sugar and a little salt, mix well;

4. Turn on the program "Milk porridge" and cook according to the built-in mode;

5. Turn on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes;

6. Add a slice of butter and mix again.

Interesting from the network

Photo No. 2. Recipe for friable millet and rice porridge in a slow cooker

Many people think that rice porridge in a slow cooker must be sweet, but this recipe is not at all for the sweet tooth. In a pressure cooker, Redmond, Philips, Scarlet, Polaris, Panasonic and others make porridge with meat and vegetables. The dish will be especially tasty if mixed with millet rice.


  • ½ cup rice;
  • ½ cup millet;
  • 500g chicken;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • Salt pepper.

How to cook millet-rice porridge in a slow cooker:

1. Rinse the meat and cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape;

2. Chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater;

3. In a multicooker bowl melt a piece of butter and load all the ingredients mentioned;

4. Turn on the “Baking” mode and fry the meat with vegetables for 30 minutes;

5. Rinse each grits individually, add to the slow cooker;

6. Add salt and pepper, mix;

7. Select the "Buckwheat" program and cook until the sound signal.

Now you know how to cook rice porridge in a slow cooker according to the recipe with a photo. Enjoy your meal!

Rice porridge in a slow cooker is a breakfast for the whole family, which will provide energy for the whole day. It will be especially useful for young children. Cooking does not take too much time and effort, if you follow a few simple recommendations:
  • Before cooking, rice should be washed at least 7 times;
  • If after the multicooker signal the porridge is not thick enough, you can turn on “Heating” for 15-20 minutes;
  • Even if you are making sweet cereal, still add a small pinch of salt - this way the taste will be more saturated;
  • It is best to take round rice for porridge in a slow cooker;
  • Butter in porridge can be added both at the end of cooking, and immediately before serving.

Today I will tell you how easy and simple it is to cook loose rice porridge in a slow cooker.

As I already said, cereals in a slow cooker always come out. Just cook special grades of rice that are easy to make crisp. For the purity of the experiment, we will take the most ordinary cheap round rice.

A measuring cup is attached to each multicooker model, it is really very convenient to use it, you always know the proportions for sure. My family is rather big, so when I cook porridge, I usually take 3 measured cups of cereal (my cup is 160 ml). So, measure out 3 cups of rice cereal.

Everyone knows that before cooking, rinse the cereal well with running water. Once upon a time I read in one of the old cookbooks that cereals should be washed with seven waters. True, this information concerned millet, but since then I have been washing all cereals in this way. Moreover, I start to wash with cold water, then warm, then hot. I want the water to remain clean and clear after washing. Then I think that the cereal is washed enough.

In the bowl of the multicooker, pour the washed cereal and pour cold water. Although they say that rice is cooked in proportions of 1: 1.5, I cook on the basis that I take 2 servings of water for every 1 serving of rice. So, since I use 3 cups of rice, then I need 6 measuring glasses of water.

Immediately add salt, the desired spices (I did without them today) and butter.

I would like to say more about butter. I admit right away that all the previous times I cooked porridge without butter. It turned out great - fragrant, crumbly! And oil - if desired - can be added immediately to the plate when serving. But today I decided to try to make the “right” porridge, such as described in all books, and added butter. What to say? I did not like! The porridge turned out to be less crumbly, a little more viscous. I understand that it is difficult to please everyone here, everyone has their own taste, but I think that it is necessary to take into account this nuance of cooking.

So, mix everything and put the bowl in the slow cooker. Always turn the bowl once counterclockwise to make sure it is in contact with the heating element.

Now it remains to choose a cooking program. In my model there is a special program “Fig. Cereals. " In some multvarka there are programs "Porridge", "Buckwheat", carefully read the instructions and select the appropriate program. I manually adjust the time, usually it is about 30-35 minutes.

Everything! It’s so simple and quick: we measured the right amount, washed the cereal, poured water, salted it and put it in the multicooker. Now you can relax while the smart unit works for us.

Rice porridge is a dish that combines several advantages at once. It is simple, satisfying, tasty and fairly inexpensive. Especially quick and easy to cook rice porridge in a slow cooker. And you can improve its taste using various mouth-watering supplements.

Classic milk rice porridge in a slow cooker

This option can be suitable for the whole family as a rich breakfast, as well as a warming dinner. It turns out pretty thick. In addition to rice (1 tbsp.), You will need to use: 25 g butter, 1 tbsp. rice, 3 large spoons of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt, 4 tbsp. fat milk.

  1. Rice is carefully selected from unsuitable grains, washed with cool water and laid in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Groats are poured with the amount of milk indicated in the recipe. It is important to slightly warm it up, or at least get it in advance from the cold.
  3. The dish is salted, sweetened and flavored with oil.
  4. Under a closed lid, it takes about 50 minutes to cook in the appropriate mode.

If the device does not have the “Porridge” program, you can choose another one, for example, “Krupa”. In any of them, milk rice porridge in a slow cooker will turn out to be tender and mouth-watering.

Recipe for cooking on the water

Experienced cooks recommend purchasing round cereal for cereal. Other varieties will not give viscosity indispensable for porridge and will make the dish too crumbly. In addition to the main component (2 multi-glasses), rice porridge on the water is prepared with the addition of: ¾ tsp table salt, 45 g butter, sugar and bee honey are also taken to taste. The liquid flows in 2 times more.

  1. First, the cereal is washed very carefully. It is necessary to change the water 8-10 times so that it becomes completely transparent.
  2. Rice grains spill out into the multicooker bowl. Non-cold liquid is poured on top, salt, sugar and oil are added.
  3. In the program “Porridge” or “Rice” the dish is prepared for 25 minutes.

When the machine sounds a signal of completion, you can immediately serve the rice porridge on the water to the table or first leave it to heat later.

Hearty dish with meat in a slow cooker

A dish based on pork pulp is especially nutritious. It is enough to take 750-850 g. Also used: small onion, 1.5 tbsp. rice cereal, 2 large spoons of vegetable oil, carrots, salt.

  1. Washed and peeled vegetables are cut into medium-sized cubes.
  2. The meat is thoroughly washed and cut into oblong slices. If desired, you can also slightly recapture the product.
  3. In the “Frying” program, pork is fried in vegetable oil until light brown, and then meat with minced vegetables is fried. Enough 12-15 minutes with frequent stirring.
  4. Next, place thoroughly washed rice in the bowl of the device and pour the components with water.
  5. Products are salted, after which the Krupa program or other suitable mode is activated.

If the hostess has the time, leave the finished treats heated for 10-12 minutes.

Milk rice and wheat porridge with raisins

This dish is especially liked by the smallest gourmets. Porridge is obtained as a tidbit due to sugar (1 tablespoon) and raisins (1 handful). In addition, it will be used: half a multicooking glass of wheat and rice, 2 cups of milk and 3 water, a handful of raisins, 35 g of butter.

  1. First of all, dry ingredients are poured into the capacity of the device. These are: raisins and two types of cereals.
  2. Next, the contents of the bowl is poured with a mixture of a dairy product and water. You can add a slice of oil to this mass.
  3. The ingredients mix well, after which the “Milk porridge” mode is set for 45 minutes.
  4. After the appropriate signal, the dish is served on the table.

Ready porridge will be viscous, not a cool consistency. Instead of raisins, any other dried fruit goes well with it. True, for example, prunes, dried apricots and similar dried fruits must first be steamed and then finely chopped.

With pumpkin

Such a vegetable makes the treat not only more useful, but also very appetizing in appearance. Porridge becomes tasty, rich orange color. Cooking is allowed both from fresh and from frozen vegetables.  The result will be the same. Of the products you will need to prepare: 340 g of pumpkin pulp, a bag of vanilla sugar, 2 multi-cooked glasses of boiled water, 1.5 of the same glass of rice cereal, 3 tbsp. fat milk, 3.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, a slice of quality butter.

  1. The pulp of the pumpkin is cut into small slices, or rubbed on a grater. If a vegetable from the freezer is used, then it will first need to be thawed.
  2. Pumpkin slices are stacked in a multicooker bowl. A small amount of water is added to the mass - about 5-6 tablespoons.
  3. First, the “Stew” program is activated, on which the pumpkin will become soft in 10 minutes. You can additionally knead it with a pusher.
  4. Rice thoroughly washed in several waters  sprinkled on top of the vegetable. It remains to add vanilla and regular sugar to the bowl.
  5. Add warm water so that there is no sharp temperature difference in the device.
  6. The milk added to the container should also be slightly warmed up.
  7. The program "Porridge" is included. The process takes 45 minutes.

The dish is served hot with butter and optionally with honey.

With cream

With cream, the porridge is especially tender and tasty. The composition includes: 3 tbsp. fat milk, half a glass of round-grain rice, 220 ml of medium-fat cream, a pinch of salt and granulated sugar to taste.

  1. After thorough rinsing with water, the groats are placed in the device's container.
  2. Liquid components spill over onto the rice. The mass is salted and sweetened.
  3. Then you can turn on the slow cooker for 55 minutes in the special program “Milk Porridge” or another suitable mode.
  4. As soon as the mixture in the bowl begins to boil, you need to lift the lid and mix it thoroughly. In the cooking process, this should be repeated 3-4 times.
  5. After a signal about the completion of the device, it does not turn off, but is transferred to heating for another 35 minutes.

The result is a porridge of perfect consistency - neither thick nor thin.

Features of cooking in the slow cooker: Redmond, Polaris, Panasonic

In general, a delicious porridge made of white round rice can be cooked in a device from any brand. It will be useful for the mistress to understand the modes by which they differ among themselves.

Some models of Redmond multicookers do not have a special “Porridge” mode and other suitable ones. In this case, you just need to use the “Stew” program, and then leave the dish heated until fully cooked.

Polaris has two convenient modes at once - “Milk porridge” and “Krupa”. Between them you need to choose depending on the ingredients used. For example, for cooking on water, the second option is more suitable.

For Panasonic models, the most common programs are Milk Porridge, Buckwheat, and Pilaf. These options are great for making tender rice porridge.

If the device is not equipped with preset modes, it will surely have a special multi-cook function in it. In this case, it will be enough to manually set the time to 35 minutes and the temperature to 110 degrees.