Jellied pork tongue - table decoration! Recipes of various aspic from pork tongue: with mushrooms, vegetables, eggs. Jellied of the language: a step-by-step recipe with a photo

02.09.2019 Snacks

Jellied - a gorgeous appetizer. A dish can be prepared from various meat or fish products, but it is especially successful with the tongue. By the way, it is not necessary to purchase beef offal. With the pork tongue, the aspic turns out no worse, moreover, it boils much faster.

Pork tongue filler - general cooking principles

Jellied differs from aspic using gelatin. The gelling product is added to the broth in which the tongue was prepared. It is desirable to make the broth transparent. To do this, the tongue is thoroughly washed, soaked, all that is superfluous is removed, then boiled. Often use the double method, that is, the first broth after boiling is drained, pure water is added and cooked to the end.

After cooking, the tongue needs to be cleaned. So that the crust can be easily removed, the hot product is dipped in ice water. The finished tongue is cut into plates, spread in a dish. For beauty and nutrition, vegetables, eggs, herbs, mushrooms are added to it. Sometimes aspic from the tongue is supplemented with other meat products. The laid out ingredients are poured with gelatin broth. The dish is placed in the refrigerator, kept until solidified.

Classic pork tongue aspic

A recipe for a traditional jellied pork tongue with a rich meat taste. You can use any gelatin, see the packaging for soaking time.


1 carrot;


40 g of gelatin.

Spices: laurel, cloves, peppercorns, salt.


1. Soak the washed tongues in cold water, rinse, squeeze, transfer to a pan.

2. Fill with water, set to maximum heat, bring to a boil and after a minute drain the broth. We wash the tongues, add filtered water. The liquid should cover the product about a centimeter.

3. Put the pan again on the stove, quickly bring to a boil, remove the foam, fat. Reduce the heat so that the water barely boils. Cook languages \u200b\u200band broth for an hour.

4. Add chopped onion and carrot. Since it will be used in a dish, cook whole until soft. After boiling vegetables, add spices. Cook the broth until the tongue is ready.

5. Add 100 ml of water to gelatin, leave to swell.

6. We take out languages \u200b\u200bfrom a broth, we quickly cool in ice water, we clean a skin.

7. Cut the meat product into neat slices across.

8. We also cut carrots into slices or cut out figures: flowers, stars, leaflets. You can cut out letters, put congratulations out of them.

9. We taste the broth to taste, add spices if necessary. We mix gelatin with broth, warm up to dissolution, try not to bring to a hot state.

10. Pour a little broth into the dishes for aspic, just a layer of 5 millimeters is enough. Cool in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes.

11. Once the layer has hardened, we spread beautifully pieces of the tongue, greens, carrots. Fill with broth, cool for 5 hours.

Jellied pork tongue "Forest walk"

For this aspic from pork tongue you need mushrooms. Ideally, marinated mushrooms fit into the dish. A very beautiful composition is obtained with them.


200 g pickled mushrooms;

1 carrot;

1 onion;

40 g of gelatin;

1.6 liters of water;


1. Bring the washed tongues to a boil, boil for five minutes, drain the cloudy liquid.

2. Fill with clean water according to the recipe. Cook on small 1 hour and 15 minutes after boiling.

3. Add onions and carrots, cook another 20 minutes.

4. Salt, put spices, cook the product until soft. Cool, clean. Filter the broth.

5. Pour gelatin in advance with clean water according to the instructions. Liquids can not be added a lot, 150 ml is enough.

6. Mix the broth with gelatin, warm and cool. If necessary, salt more.

7. Pour mushrooms into a colander, let the brine drain.

8. Pour the gelatinous layer of the broth into the salad bowls, cool to solidification.

9. Lay out pieces of the tongue, carrots and mushrooms on a gelatinous layer. You can add sprigs of greenery.

10. Gently pour the broth. We use a spoon so as not to shift the products and not spoil the composition.

11. Cool until the food is completely frozen.

Pork tongue fillet with green peas

This version of aspic is especially well suited for portioned serving. To assemble the dish, you can use silicone molds, then the jelly dish can be removed, served on a plate with herbs.


Litere of water;

Laurel, salt, pepper;

30 g of gelatin;

A glass of frozen peas.


1. Cook the tongue on the second broth. At the end, add any seasoning, salt, strain the broth.

2. Dissolve gelatin in 50 ml of water, let it brew, then mix with warm broth. If all the clots do not disperse, you can warm up a little.

3. Peas must be removed in advance so that it thaws. Drain all liquid.

4. Pour some gelatin broth into the bottom of the pan. Chill.

5. While the layer is setting, peel the chilled tongue, cut.

6. Take out the jelly molds, put pieces of tongue in each, you can overlap. Sprinkle a layer of green peas on the sides.

7. Pour the broth, which should completely cover the products. You can add greens for decoration.

Pork tongue and chicken fillet

A variant of aspic made of pork tongue with a bird. He will help out if there is only one language, and you need to cook a lot of dishes.


Fillet 1 chicken;

40 g of gelatin;



2 tablespoons canned corn;

Sprigs of parsley.


1. Boil the tongue until cooked, draining the broth for the first time. In the middle of cooking add to it peeled carrots, chopped onions, salt, pepper, season with other spices.

2. Cool the tongue, clean. Be sure to strain the broth through 2 layers of gauze.

3. Boil chicken fillet separately, put the broth on your needs.

4. The peeled tongue and cooked fillet should be cooled, then put in the refrigerator for at least two hours. The meat structure will get stronger, the products will be easily cut into neat slices.

5. Cut the carrots, tongue, chicken into beautiful slices.

6. Dissolve gelatin in cold water, let it brew, mix with broth and melt. Be sure to try the dish on salt.

7. Pour a gelatin pillow onto which you will lay the dish. Chill.

8. Lay out slices of carrots, chicken and tongue. For brightness, spread canned corn; you can use peas and beans.

9. Pour the remaining broth.

10. Send the filler to the refrigerator until it is ready.

Pork tongue with garlic

Variant of aspic “a la jelly” with garlic, but only from the tongue. The dish turns out to be unusually fragrant, but at the same time dietary and very useful.


7 cloves of garlic;

1 carrot;

2 tablespoons canned or fresh peas;

1000 ml of broth;

20 g of gelatin.


1. Boil the tongue and carrots, season with spices.

2. Take out the vegetables, clean the tongue.

3. Grind the garlic, place in a warm broth, leave for a couple of hours.

4. In gelatin, add 0.5 cups of water, let it brew.

5. Strain the broth, pour a liter of broth, mix with gelatin and warm. Cool to room temperature.

6. Cut the tongue into slices of any shape, place in a dish. Add to it canned peas, chopped carrots or other decoration at your discretion.

7. Pour the dish with garlic broth.

Jellied pork tongue "Fairytale" with quail eggs

A variant of a very beautiful and bright aspic, for which quail eggs are needed. Of course, the dish can be prepared with a chicken egg, but it will not be so effective.


4 tsp gelatin;

4 quail eggs;

1 bell pepper;

1 tablespoon peas;


1. Boil the tongue until cooked, add spices to it at the end. Cool, remove the skin. Put in a bag and put in the refrigerator for a while.

2. Strain the broth through two layers of gauze or through a fine strainer.

3. Mix gelatin and 70 ml of water, let the mass swell well, then mix into the broth, warm.

4. Pour part of the broth into jars for aspic, set the layer to cool and solidify.

5. Quail eggs boil hard-boiled, peel, cut into neat quarters.

6. Bulgarian pepper free from seeds, cut into half rings. If the pod is large, then you can first cut into quarters, then across the plates.

7. Take the tongue out of the freezer, cut into layers.

8. By this time, gelatin was supposed to freeze in the refrigerator. Take it out.

9. Lay out the tongue, pieces of eggs, pepper. Scatter the peas for brightness.

10. Gently fill the dish with broth. Cool to solidification. Garnish with greens when serving.

To cut the tongue neatly and thinly, it is advisable to keep the boiled product in the freezer for an hour or several hours in the refrigerator.

If you need to replace sheet gelatin with powder, then use 1 tsp. granules on 3 plates. Or follow the instructions on the package.

So that the broth for the aspic turns out to be transparent, you can not let the tongue boil intensively. Cook on low heat. You can use egg white to lighten the broth.

Tongue filler should be served with hot sauces and toppings: mustard, horseradish, pickled ginger, chili ketchup. Sour cream garlic sauces are ideal for it.

To make the broth golden, add a little onion peel to the pan when cooking the tongue. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the jelly will turn brown.

Effectively decorated aspic from the tongue is a great option for a cold appetizer for a festive beautiful table. It goes well with various alcoholic drinks and hot treats. This appetizer is being prepared from both beef and pork tongue.

Classic jellied beef tongue with gelatin

Ingredients: 1.3 kg of beef tongue, 5 tbsp. l canned peas (green), 2 sachets of quality gelatin (25 g each), carrots, 3 l of purified water, 4 - 5 peas of allspice, salt, 3 leaf parsley, onion.

  1. The tongue is well washed, slightly cleaned with a knife. The meat is poured with cold water and sent to cook. After boiling, the tongue is cooked for 3 to 4 minutes.
  2. Then in the pan the water changes, and the meat is cooked for about 3 hours under a lid. Peas of peppers and lavrushka also go there. From time to time, the foam is removed.
  3. Vegetables are peeled and mixed into the broth as a whole about half an hour before it is ready.
  4. The tongue cools in cold water and gets rid of the skin.
  5. Gelatin is dissolved in strained broth. Salt is added.
  6. The finished tongue is cut into thin slices, which are laid out in shapes. Canned peas are poured out for the meat, as well as figuratively chopped boiled carrots.
  7. The ingredients are poured into the broth and cleaned in the cold.

Jellied beef tongue with gelatin can be tasted after it has completely hardened. It is noteworthy that such a dish has little in common with the jelly familiar to us.

Jelly should be absolutely transparent, and bright elements are required inside - peas, corn, carrots, berries, etc.

Pork tongue recipe

Ingredients: 2 languages \u200b\u200b(pork), onion, carrot, 45 g of quality gelatin, 6 - 7 peas of allspice, ground pepper, 2 leaves of laurel, salt, 2 buds of cloves.

  1. Tongues are washed well and poured over iced purified water for half an hour.
  2. Soaked meat is again carefully washed, poured with water and brought to a boil. Immediately after that, the languages \u200b\u200brecline into a colander.
  3. Now the broth is cooked. Meat, peas of peppers, lavrushka, cloves are laid in fresh water.
  4. After about 55 minutes whole peeled vegetables go into the broth. The mass is salted, peppered and continues to cook until the offal softens.
  5. Gelatin is poured into 90 ml of cool water and briefly left in this form.
  6. Ready tongues are poured with ice water - this will help to easily peel the skin from them.   The meat is being cleaned.
  7. The broth is filtered and combined with the prepared gelatin. The liquid is stirred on fire until all lumps dissolve in it. The main thing is not to bring the mass to a boil. Then it cools down.
  8. A little (not more than a third of the volume) of the broth is poured into portioned bowls. He should freeze in the cold.
  9. After that, slices of boiled carrots, cut into slices of the tongue, are laid out on top. The appetizer is poured with the remaining broth.

Jellied pork tongue is removed in the cold.

How to make a gelatin-free dish

Ingredients: 1 kg of beef heart and tongue, a pound of turkey wings and paws, 5 boiled quail eggs, turnip, 4 leaves of parsley, 5 peas of allspice, carrot, head of garlic, 5 sprigs of fresh parsley, salt.

  1. The skin is removed from the tongue, it is washed. The heart is rinsed and cut into 4 parts. Paws of birds are cleared of claws and "scales".
  2. All prepared meat products are placed in a large pan. Water spills from above. Peeled vegetables, parsley, peppercorns and salt are added.
  3. After boiling, the fire under the pan is reduced, and the products are left to cook for 3 hours. Carrots are removed from the container after about 30 minutes and immediately cut into thin circles.
  4. The finished broth is filtered, all crushed garlic is added to it. Cooking garlic immediately with all the products is not worth it - the broth may have an unpleasant aftertaste.
  5. The heart and tongue are cut with thin plates. Meat is removed from the wings and legs.
  6. Carrots, meat pieces, sliced \u200b\u200begg slices are laid out in silicone molds. Top the ingredients with garlic broth. Each serving is decorated with parsley.

The filling is sent to the refrigerator until it solidifies completely.

Jellied tongue in a multicooker

Ingredients: beef tongue, onion, garlic tooth, salt, spices, 15 g of quality gelatin, 2.5 tbsp. purified water.

How to make aspic in a slow cooker, consider in more detail.

  1. In a stewing program, beef offal is cooked with spices, salt, whole onions and chopped garlic. The process lasts 3 hours.
  2. Ready meat is rinsed with ice water, the skin is removed from it. The tongue is cut into small pieces.
  3. Gelatin is dissolved in strained broth.
  4. Half of the liquid is poured into a deep dish, meat pieces are laid out on top. Next, the remaining broth is poured.

The appetizer is cooled to solidification, and then served on the table.

A slow cooker is an almost ideal appliance for cooking aspic and aspic. It maintains a constant temperature, so you can forget about the broth for the whole time of cooking.

Cooking a dish with mushrooms

Ingredients: 4 languages \u200b\u200b(preferably pork), 420 g honey mushrooms, 45 g gelatin, ½ tsp. selected spices, 2 leaves of parsley, salt, a pair of pickled cucumbers and a small lemon, small onion, medium carrot, a dozen peas of hot pepper.

  1. Tongues are washed and boiled over low heat for 90 minutes along with carrots and onions in husks. Half an hour before being ready for meat, lavrushka is added, selected spices, broth is salted and pepper.
  2. Mushrooms are boiled separately.
  3. Gelatin is diluted in some cold water and left for 12-14 minutes.
  4. Finished offal is doused with ice water and peeled.
  5. Tongues are cut into slices, mixed with boiled mushrooms and salted.
  6. The broth is filtered, salt and Provencal herbs are added to it. The swollen gelatin flows in. The mass is heated and constantly stirred - the gelatin must completely dissolve.
  7. Fresh lemon with the skin is cut into thin slices, cucumbers in circles.
  8. Meat with mushrooms, slices of citrus and slices of pickled cucumbers are laid out in the form.
  9. The broth with gelatin is poured on top.

First, the appetizer is cooled at room temperature, and then removed in the cold until solidified.

Very delicious aspic veal tongue

Ingredients: 2 veal tongues, carrots, 3 garlic cloves, onion, 1 root of celery and parsley, 2 leaves of parsley, 2 tbsp. l high-quality gelatin, salt, 1 tbsp. chicken stock.

  1. Offal is steeped in cold water for a couple of hours. Then they are poured with fresh liquid and set off to cook for 2.5 hours with roots, carrots, parsley and peeled onions. The foam is removed during the process.
  2. Gelatin is diluted in cold, pre-cooked chicken broth. Left to swell.
  3. Ready tongues are doused with ice water, cleaned of the film. Next, the meat is cut into thin slices and laid out in bowls.
  4. In hot beef broth, swollen gelatin is diluted. Crushed garlic and salt are added to taste.
  5. The broth is filtered through a couple of layers of gauze and poured into meat pieces.

Compositions are decorated with fresh herbs and sent to the cold before solidification.

Tongue fill decoration for festive table

Knowing how to decorate aspic, the hostess can easily turn it into a snack for the festive table. A variety of fresh and boiled vegetables are usually used to decorate such a dish. For example, flowers and other shapes are cut from carrots cooked with offal. Suitable for decorating aspic, cubes of colored sweet peppers, pickled cucumbers.

Canned corn and green peas add bright notes to the appetizer. They simply crumble in shape next to the slices of meat.

Flowers and other figures for decorating snacks can be cut not only from vegetables, but also from boiled eggs, sliced, and fruits.

How to lighten broth

To make the finished dish beautiful and appetizing, you need to take care of the transparency of the fill for the snack. Did you get a beautiful, fragrant, but dark broth? Let's figure out how to lighten the broth for aspic.

  1. It is necessary to take raw egg white and pour a glass of cooled water into it, in which the meat was boiled.
  2. Here, half a spoonful of citrus or table vinegar juice is also introduced.
  3. The ingredients are mixed and poured into a boiling broth.

The mass is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the fire. After 25 minutes, the liquid is carefully filtered. You can’t shake it.

Offal always gives us a chance to create a real gastronomic delicacy, which is a true decoration of the table. To prepare a delicious aspic from pork tongue, the recipe of which we will study in detail, even an inexperienced culinary specialist can do, especially if you know his secrets. The beauty of this dish makes the heart beat faster when you see the result of your efforts, which are hard to call efforts - it's that simple!

Tongue out of the tongue - a delicious cold appetizer. It is very important to cook this delicacy correctly! Boiled tongue, pork or beef, is poured with the most transparent broth with gelatin. Jellied differs from aspic in that the offal does not have its own gelling decoction of substances, which is why we use gelatin. Jellied meat is cooked from those products that themselves give the decoction the substances necessary for solidification.

The calorie content of the aspic is also different from the calorie content of aspic. If 100 grams of aspic from pork tongue contains 218 calories (from beef - almost half), then the calorie content of traditional jelly from beef is only 80 calories. Judging by the numbers, the offal delicacy loses where one thinks more of a figure than of gastronomic pleasures.

Let's look at how to cook aspic pork tongue according to the classic recipe, as well as our selection of aesthetic design options for aspic from the tongue.

Jellied pork tongue - classic recipe


  •   - 2 pcs. + -
  • 1 large head + -
  •   - 1 PC. + -
  • Gelatin - 40 g + -
  • Allspice - 5-7 peas + -
  •   - taste + -
  •   - 2 leaves + -
  •   - taste + -
  • Carnation - 2 buds + -


  1. Wash the pork tongues and soak in cold filtered water for 30-40 minutes.
  2. The soaked products are again carefully washed, again filled with water so as to cover the tongues with a layer of water 1 cm higher. We put on the strongest fire, wait for a boiling boil and discard in a colander.
  3. Now you can cook the broth. The tongues are laid in a pan and pour clean hot water. We wait for the boil over medium heat and cook over low heat.
  4. After about an hour, we put peeled onions and coarsely chopped carrots in the broth (we will then cut out design elements from it to decorate the aspic, so do not chop too finely or put the whole carrots). After boiling, season the broth with spices, salt and continue cooking until the pork offal is soft.
  5. While the offal is being cooked, we are engaged in gelatin filling. We read the instructions on the package, because gelatin is also instant. Pour the amount of gelatin set according to the instructions to 100 ml of cool water and leave for swelling.
  6. We take out the cooked pork tongues from the broth, immediately lower them into cold water, so that subsequently it is easy to remove the skin from them. Having cooled offal in water, we clear them.
  7. The broth will correctly strain through several layers of gauze. We do this and pour the amount of broth necessary according to the instructions on the gelatin packaging. We combine the swollen gelatin with the broth, put on a small fire and, stirring, we achieve the complete dissolution of the gelatin clots. Do not bring to a boil, otherwise then the gelling effect is reduced. Cool to room temperature.
  8. We take portioned or serving deep plates and pour in each cooled broth to the level of 5-7 mm and put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  9. While the first layer of broth jelly freezes in the refrigerator, we practice languages. We make slices with a thickness of 5-6 mm, and the shape of the slices can be different: rings, half rings, geometric shapes, etc. We also cut boiled carrots either into rings or figures with cloves (there are special devices).
  10. On the frozen first layer of jelly we spread the meat slices and carrots and again fill them with broth 5 mm above the slices. We set for freezing in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
  11. Repeat the calculation of the elements again and fill with a gelatin solution. We decorate the jellied pork tongue with decorative elements from products (green peas, olives, eggs, carrots, greens, etc.). We put in the refrigerator until a stable jelly.

Enjoy your meal!

Jellied language with honeymoons “Forest walk”

This magnificent dish is a real gastronomic masterpiece. By submitting it to the festive table, you will certainly tear off the applause of all those present! Well, how to cook aspic from a tongue with honey mushrooms read below.

For aspic we will need these products:

  • 4 pork tongues,
  • 400 g of frozen honey mushrooms,
  • 3 pickled cucumbers
  • 2 medium-sized carrots
  • small onion,
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • black and allspice peas (to your taste),
  • 1 lemon
  • 40 g of gelatin
  • a mixture of Provencal herbs and sprigs of parsley for decoration.


Very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing! Enjoy your meal!

Looking at our selection of jellied pork tongue photos, you will definitely show your creative potential and prepare it not only tasty, but also aesthetically attractive! We wish you gastronomic victories!

Jellied of the tongue is an elegant dish that will bring a festive mood into the atmosphere of even everyday meals. But before delving into the details of a non-laborious recipe for its preparation, perhaps it will not be out of place to clarify what is aspic.

For me, there was never a significant difference between aspic and aspic until I came across a recipe book from the time of the USSR. It turned out that there is a difference, and to call two different dishes aspic-jelly is fundamentally wrong! Jellied meat is cooked on the basis of meat, in which bones (joint parts) must be present. They have a lot of gelling substances - due to this, the dish freezes. But you can cook aspic from anything, not necessarily from meat. Since there is always an additional ingredient in this dish - gelatin, aspic always freezes without problems.

In this recipe, the most important product is beef tongue. This offal is considered not only tasty, but also a very useful delicacy. Cooking beef tongue is easy if you know how to do it right. The most important thing is not to forget to get it after 30 minutes have passed from the moment of boiling, and clean it of a thick film. I also know that all housewives dream of getting a crystal clear broth, whether for aspic or aspic. This is very easy to do with ordinary egg white and a gauze cut.

Cooking time: 2 hours / Yield: 7-8 servings


  • beef tongue 1 kg
  • carrots 1 piece
  • onion 1 piece
  • celery root 50 grams
  • gelatin 30 grams
  • egg white 1 piece
  • slice of lemon
  • salt to taste
  • greens, boiled quail eggs, corn for decoration (optional)

How to cook aspic from the tongue

Place the beef tongue in a pan, fill it with water and set to cook for 30 minutes. As soon as the water boils, be sure to remove the foam that forms on the surface with a slotted spoon.

After 30 minutes, we take out the tongue from the broth and lower it into a bowl of cold water. We put it under running cold water, take the tongue in hand, hold it under the stream, make cuts with a knife in several places and remove the film. Under running cold water, it is easily separated.

Return the cleaned tongue to the broth, add the carrot, onion and celery cubes. We cover the pan with a lid and set to simmer for 1.5 hours.

We take out the boiled tongue from the pan and place it in a bowl with boiled cold water. Thanks to this, it will not darken while we lighten the broth. Throw the onions and celery, we will no longer need them, and leave the boiled carrots to decorate the dishes. A bowl of grease with a slice of lemon and pour egg white, add a pinch of salt. Beat the protein in a lush foam with a mixer or whisk.

Pour the whipped protein into the broth and put on the stove. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Let the broth cool a little. Then we return the pan to the stove and already boil the broth with egg white for three minutes. After that, let the broth cool completely.

We cut the gauze cut in layers (the more layers, the better). We cover it with a sieve and filter the broth.

In the clarified meat broth, add salt to taste. Soak gelatin according to the instructions, and then add to the broth.

Tongue cut into thin slices and spread on a dish. If the whole cut of the tongue does not fit on one dish, take an additional one.

We cut the boiled carrots into slices and put them on a dish near the slices. If desired, put pieces of quail eggs, greens and corn. Pour meat broth so that it completely covers all the ingredients, and put in the refrigerator for two hours.

When the aspic from the tongue hardens, you can serve it to the table.

Hello! We are all already in the longing for the New Year. Some make up, and even already buy them for the holiday. And someone is already making a New Year’s menu. And rightly so!

After all, the holiday must be fully prepared,. And please tell me, what is the celebration of the New Year without aspic ?!

So I say, it must be on the table! After all, this is an amazingly tasty dish that hardly anyone will refuse!

Do you know that it appeared on the Russian table thanks to the French who were invited to improve our national cuisine. They took as a basis our jelly, or, which was previously prepared from the remnants of meat after lunch. And “fashionable cooks” began to do almost the same thing, but from fresh ingredients and in a more beautiful design.

That's how we got jellied, which loves almost everyone in our country. And it is such a festive meal that we will cook with you. We have already prepared this from, and now have prepared a selection of delicious recipes with the language.

I just love this product in any dish. It is very tasty, no matter what. Of course, I’m completely silent about the aspic, I said everything above.

Let's start cooking this delicious food soon!

We will need:

  • Beef tongue
  • Two onions
  • Two carrots
  • Salt, seasoning, peppercorns, greens, parsley
  • A bag of gelatin forty grams

For decoration, to taste and desire:

  • Three boiled eggs
  • One boiled carrot
  • Canned peas
  • Pitted olives
  • Greenery


1. First, wash my tongue and clean from fat and veins, if any.

Then soak it in cold water for six hours. It is best of course to soak it overnight. In the soaking brine, add a little salt to taste, about three bay leaves and five peas with peas, five each - fragrant and black.

As soon as the water boils, put spices in it - salt and pepper. In quantity, it will be approximately the same as laid in the brine for soaking. And after boiling again, put vegetables and meat piece in boiling water.

Know that during cooking it almost doubles in size. Therefore, if you took it in large size, then cut it in half before putting it in the pan.

Cook all together on low heat for 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

What does time depend on? If you take the product from a young cow or calf, then an hour and a half is enough, if from the old one, it will take longer to cook. In addition, the cooking time will depend on its size. Small, respectively, will cook less, large - longer.

3. After the necessary time, check the readiness. To do this, pierce the flesh with a thin knife, and if the broth is poured transparent, without blood, then everything is cooked.

However, pay attention to the broth. It became beautiful, golden, fragrant, of course, vegetables added to it in time contributed to this.

4. We take out the tongue from the pan and immediately lower it into cold water for one to two minutes. This is to make it easier to remove rough skin.

We remove the skin quickly and simply, now it will not take much time and will not be any work.

5. Filter the broth through cheesecloth, pour into a saucepan and put it on the fire again, put the tongue cleaned of rough skin into it.

Add the left whole onions and carrots, as well as salt, herbs and spices to taste. Bring the broth to a boil and cook in this aromatic brine for another fifteen minutes.

6. At the end of cooking, remove from the stove, remove the tongue from the liquid and leave to cool both. Next, we filter the broth again and pour gelatin into it. Then mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.

We give this mass the opportunity to infuse for one hour, the gelatin should slightly thicken the liquid.

7. Meanwhile, in prepared molds, or a common dish, lay out vegetables and herbs chopped in random order. We need this for decoration, and we can decorate the dish as imagination allows us to. We spread all the beauty to the bottom, then when we turn the finished one over, it will be on top.

We cut the tongue into thin strips or slices and add it to the forms, arranging it in random order.

8. Now we heat the broth again, constantly stirring it at the same time. It is necessary that it becomes more liquid and homogeneous, but we do not bring it to a boil. Otherwise, the gelatin that we have already added will lose all its necessary qualities.

And fill in the filled molds. Let them cool on the kitchen table and put them in the refrigerator for final solidification.

Before serving, you can turn the tins so that the contents are on the dish in all its glory. And you can file and just in the form. Here the choice is yours.

Beautiful and tasty dish is ready! Eat with pleasure!

How to cook jellied pork tongue with gelatin

With pork tongue, you can also cook an excellent dish, no less tasty than with beef. Both the recipe and the cooking method are practically no different from the previous version.

Here is just a matter of choice - just someone who loves pork more, and someone else beef. Or came to the store for the right product, and there is only one look. Therefore, you take what is offered.

We will need:

  • Two pork tongues
  • One carrot
  • One onion
  • Salt, black pepper and sweet pea, lavrushka to taste
  • A bag of gelatin forty grams

For decoration as desired

  • Boiled carrot, egg, any vegetables and greens


1. Since pork tongues are not very large in size, and much smaller than beef, we take two of them at once. We clear them of veins and fats. Soak for five hours in water with a little salt, a couple of laurel leaves, adding a few peas of allspice and black pepper.

2. Then boil with the same spices, adding peeled and cut into four parts carrots and onions. Cook until tender.

Depending on the size of the main component, the cooking time will be one and a half to two hours. Checking product availability is fairly easy.

We pierce it with a knife and press it with a fork, if the liquid flows out transparent, then everything is ready. If with blood, then you need to cook more.

3. At the end of time, take out the boiled meat and immediately lower it into very cold water for a couple of minutes. Thanks to this simple action, we will very quickly and easily remove the skin from them.

4. Filter the broth and place it again on the stove, season it with additional herbs and spices, dip the tongues into it and cook for fifteen minutes. We do this in order to make the base more fragrant.

If you do not want pork broth, then you can use pre-cooked chicken. In this case, you will need to cook all the ingredients in it.

5. After cooking, we take them out to cool. And pour the gelatin into the broth and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps, leave jelly for an hour to form.

6. Cut the boiled meat into arbitrary thin slices, and send in prepared forms. We cut boiled carrots in circles or any figures, and put them in the same place. Pour the broth into the molds and put in the refrigerator for final cooking and thickening.

A delicious and beautiful dish of pork tongue is ready! Eat on health, and certainly with pleasure!

Recipe for cooking tongue in jelly in portioned forms

It’s very convenient, of course, when everyone’s food in a plate is in the form of a portion, and besides, it’s always and very beautiful! Moreover, today there are no molds in stores.

You can choose any one that, first of all, suits your taste and gives the finished dish an ideal shape.

We will need:

  • Six Pork Tongues
  • Four carrots
  • Five tablespoons of gelatin
  • Salt, black and allspice peppers, parsley, celery to taste

For decoration (to your taste):

  • Boiled carrots and eggs
  • Greens and other vegetables


1. To begin basic cooking, you must first soak your tongues in water for five to six hours, or leave overnight. In this case, add a small amount of salt, pepper, peas, bay leaf to a few pieces in water.

2. After the preliminary procedure, put a saucepan with water on the fire and bring to a boil. We lay all the same seasonings as when soaking, and also add celery greens, whole peeled carrots. We lower the meat here and cook for an hour and a half.

If you took large languages, then you need to cook longer. We check readiness by piercing with a knife and pressing next to the puncture. If the liquid flows clear, then everything is ready and the pan with the contents can be removed from the stove.

3. Tongues, taking out from the broth, immediately lower it into very cold water.

Then we clean them easily and simply from the skin. Filter the broth, add spicy spices to it and again send the peeled pulp there. Cook another fifteen minutes to make the aspic more aromatic. Then take out again and cool.

4. Add gelatin to the broth and mix thoroughly. In the meantime, it holds together for about an hour, cut into figures of boiled carrots and eggs.

Or with the help of other vegetables and herbs, decorate the molds. We also cut boiled pulp into small cubes in them.

5. Now pour the prepared broth into the molds and put it in the refrigerator for final thickening.

Portion filler is ready! Eat with pleasure!

Jellied tongue in a multicooker with serving, as in a restaurant

Everyone who has a multicooker as an assistant, tries to cook absolutely everything in it. And our today's hit can also be prepared with its help. I cooked!

And it's as simple as anything else. And besides, we’ll make a dish like we do in a restaurant. Let's start cooking!

We will need:

  • Beef tongue
  • Gelatin sachet forty grams
  • Salt and spices to taste

To decorate

  • can of corn or canned peas
  • boiled carrots
  • parsley


1. Previously, before starting cooking, carefully rinse and soak the tongue for several hours in water with spices. We take them in this composition - salt, allspice and black peas, lavrushka - in small quantities.

Soak gelatin in one hundred milliliters of cold water, and leave to swell for thirty minutes. Pour water into the slow cooker, put in it the same spices as for soaking, mix and lower the tongue here.

2. Close the lid and close the steam outlet valve, if any. Install the program "Jelly" for one hour and press the "start" key. Cook until the end of the set mode. Upon completion of the process, open the valve and release steam.

3. Take out the pulp and lower it immediately into ice water for a couple of minutes. Then peel the skin. Thanks to cold water, this will be easy and simple.

4. Pour the prepared gelatin into the broth and mix it thoroughly until completely dissolved. And then we filter all this mass through a strainer or cheesecloth so that the broth becomes transparent, and most importantly, without any unnecessary “details”.

5. Cut the tongue into thin slices, peeled boiled carrots in circles. We spread the plates of meat with an overlap on an in-depth longitudinal dish.

6. On each piece, lay out the leaves of parsley and a circle of carrots on one side. Sprinkle corn or peas along the entire dish next to it.

7. Pour the broth. After that, the dish can be cleaned in the refrigerator until completely frozen, for about an hour.

And here is a gorgeous dish, as the restaurant is ready! Eat with pleasure!

Cooking the tongue in gelatin-free jelly

For those who love everything only natural, we also have a recipe. No packaged gelatin! And this will not affect the taste or quality at all!

Let's try how it is prepared.

We will need:

  • Beef tongue
  • Half a kilogram of turkey legs and wings (you can also goose or cock, but not chicken!)
  • Two onions
  • A few cloves of garlic
  • One carrot
  • Salt, peas of black and allspice, bay leaves

For decoration as desired:

  • Boiled carrot, greens, canned peas or corn, boiled quail or chicken eggs


1. First, we carry out preliminary work.

My tongue, we clear of veins and fats, and then soak in water with the addition of salt, parsley and pepper with peas for about six hours or all night.

From the turkey legs and wings we remove the remaining feathers, scales, claws and other excess elements. They will play the role of a gelling component.

2. Now bring the water to a boil in a saucepan, and put the peeled whole carrots and onions in there. And do not forget to add salt, allspice and black pepper peas, lavrushka.

We omit the language here, cook it for one and a half to two hours, depending on what size it is.

We filter the broth and lower the tongue cleaned from rough skin and prepared turkey wings and paws into it.

4. Add to taste the whole cloves of garlic, onion, herbs and cook for about three hours. Until the broth starts to become sticky and thick.

5. Meanwhile, you can cut beautiful carrot figurines. Cut them either into circles or cubes and arrange them into shapes. There you can add other prepared vegetables and greens, as well as egg slices.

Then we take out the tongue, cool it and cut it into thin arbitrary pieces, which we put in the molds for vegetables.

6. From the wings, you can remove the pulp and add to the molds, and the rest - the skin, bones and paws of course throw. Pour the chopped ingredients with sticky broth and, after cooling, remove them for final thickening in the refrigerator.

At the end of the process, we take it out and serve it to the table. Natural filler without adding gelatin is ready!

Ideas for decorating aspic at home

Of course, there are quite a few ideas for decorating. How many housewives, as many ways to decorate! In addition, decorating such a dish is quite easy and simple, since gelatin helps to take absolutely any form.

For example, you can simply lay out figurines of vegetables and tongue on a plate. And you can create just such a cute picture.

Or make a currently fashionable 3D effect. True, you will have to work longer for this, but you will surprise your loved ones and guests.

Cook this dish in small tins, then remove them from there and place them on a cake rack, along with mustard and horseradish. It looks very impressive.

Or just on a plate with herbs.

It’s a great idea to make jellies in small tins, for example with plastic glasses. This approach is very convenient for a buffet table, for example.

And how do you like such an idea to make them in a mini version ?! Such things will be great to use for canapes. And this is done simply, with the help of a mold for ice or candy cans.

By the way, it will be a very interesting idea - to give such “sweets” to a man.

Of course, we did not forget that the New Year is coming and this dish can be made in the form of a Christmas tree, using a silicone mold. And from the carrots cut stars.

Or in honor of the symbol of the New Year - the Pig. It is also easy to do.

We take a plastic bottle, cut an oval hole along it, so that it would be more convenient to fill and stability. When it hardens, just gently cut off the bottom of the bottle and remove the contents. That's all.

Or you can just make piglets from eggs. Kids will like this idea.

Using silicone molds you can achieve a very beautiful design. And not only as in the picture in a large version, but also portioned.

By the way, it is not necessary to use the usual ones for decoration in this case - carrots, peas, egg, corn, greens, olives and olives.

Show your imagination, mustard, horseradish from a pastry syringe or beets with garlic, for example, can be used.

Speaking, by the way, about personal service, it is not necessary to keep in mind silicone molds. You can use ordinary plastic cups for this.

Bowls or even tea cups - why not. After all, it turns out great in them. Absolutely any available dishes can be used.

And how do you like the option of using eggshells. Cooking will be a little longer of course, but what is the result!

And you can make a beautiful pattern of mayonnaise and it will look very beautiful and chic.

In general, there are a lot of options, choose any or come up with your own.

As you can see, cooking aspic and decorating the dish is not at all difficult. And while it is being prepared, namely, steeped and cooked, one can simultaneously do something else.

And in general it’s just “fear has big eyes”, you think looking at any dish, what is impossible to create. But there is another proverb "eyes are afraid, and hands are doing." And if guided by it, and even a detailed description of the recipe, then everything will undoubtedly work out. And in the best possible way.

Therefore, don’t say that it’s scary to take, that it’s difficult and that you don’t know how!

Be sure to try and cook this dish, surprise your guests and loved ones with delicious jellied, decorated "like in the best houses of London and Paris!"

And by all means cook with love and eat with pleasure!

Enjoy your meal!