Sour cream with boiled condensed milk cream for the cake. Universal cream from condensed milk and sour cream

02.09.2019 Buffet table

The cooking rule states that we must select creams for the cake, depending on the cakes. Although guests, eating your masterpiece, first of all give praise to the filling and rosans decorating the surface of the dessert. So, on dry layers of dough (cake like "Napoleon") there is a more liquid cream, so that it soaks the cakes well, on a fluffy biscuit - more thick. In this sense, sour cream with condensed milk is universal. It can be prepared in many ways. Let's look at them.

Liquid impregnation of cakes

If you have over-baked cakes or they should be such a recipe, there is nothing better than soaking them with a gentle cream with condensed milk. In this caramel and creamy taste you can weave other notes - cognac, lemon, vanilla. But aromatic additives appear on the stage in the final, and at the beginning of the process we need to stock up on a half-liter jar of sour cream. It may not be very oily if we want to achieve a semi-liquid consistency, or have 25-30% fat if we consider it necessary to create a thick and lush sour cream with condensed milk, which can be coated with the top and sides of the cake. Beat this sour cream with a mixer, gradually adding condensed milk (half or two-thirds of the can), half lemon juice, grated zest, a few drops of flavoring essences or one spoonful of brandy.

Creamy cream with condensed milk

It is ideal for honey lovers, gingerbread moths and similar products, where the taste of the dough is very rich, pretentious and requires dilution with something gentle and light. Beat a glass of very fatty (not less than 35%) cream until “peaks” appear. In another dish, do the same with 400 grams of sour cream, mixed with a little powdered sugar. If it does not want to harden into foam, add a thickener for cream (it is sold in bags in stores). We mix sour cream with a third can of condensed milk, and at the end carefully mix the whipped cream with a spoon from the bottom up.

Sour cream with condensed milk

If you do not like to cook, but want to treat yourself to sweets, then you can make a cake from ready-made wafer sheets. The cream for it should be thick enough so that the waffles do not ferment, and at the same time have the property of soaking the dough (otherwise the cake will resemble biscuits with butter). An excellent solution for the impregnation of sheets is a cream on the "dumpling". How to cook condensed milk so that it acquires a semi-solid consistency, brown color and caramel flavor? Very simple: put a jar without a label in the pan, pour water so that it completely covers the tin , and cook for two hours, pouring hot water from time to time. Then cool, mix with sour cream, beat a little with a mixer and spread wafers with cream.

It is good for biscuits - both for cakes and cakes. You can just put it in baskets of shortcrust pastry. To prepare this cream, 250 g of homemade curd is rubbed through a sieve, rubbed with a glass of granulated sugar and one bag of vanilla. Then add 400-500 g of sour cream and mix thoroughly. You can add raisins and other dried fruits to this mass. Then the cream will be ideal for cheesecakes.

If you have prepared a biscuit with fruits, then a high layer of cream will look beautiful. So that he does not fall, food gelatin is added to its composition. Two tablespoons are dissolved in half a glass of cold water, and then cooked in a water bath until a thick jelly is obtained. Beat sour cream (half a liter) with a mixer until the volume is doubled, pour a glass of sugar in small portions and beat again. A thin stream, while continuing to work as a mixer, add gelatin. Spread the mass, without waiting for complete solidification, on top of the berries and put in the cold.

How much I bake cakes, I always discover something new for myself. I’m taking something from my friends and co-workers, I find something myself and adapt it for myself. She discovered another masterpiece on her eve of her birthday. I was going to bake a sponge cake with sour cream, but there was not enough sour cream, but I did not want to run to the store. In the bins there was still a jar of dumplings, which for some reason was bought, but survived. So another version of confectionery cream was born. This is the perfect combination for honey and biscuit cakes. The delicate texture, pleasant color and delicate, unusual taste make simple biscuit cakes deliciously delicious.

Sour cream condensed cream

Kitchen appliances and utensils:   blender or mixer, bowl.


How to choose the right products

  • You can take any sour cream, but fresh.
  • You can cook boiled condensed milk on your own or buy a finished one.
  • If you take homemade sour cream, then a thickener may not be needed.
  • For vanilla taste and aroma, you can use vanilla pod, vanillin, sugar with such a taste and smell and a special vanilla essence.

Cooking step by step

Video recipe

This cream is also prepared with homemade sour cream. Everything is prepared in just a few minutes, and the resulting mass is suitable not only for filling and spreading cakes, but also for leveling cakes. Everything is described in detail and shown in the video.

  • You can take any sour cream. If you take good homemade sour cream, then you should not take the thickener, otherwise the texture of the cream will be very dense. Conversely, when using store sour cream, it is best to keep a bag of thickener on hand. So you can adjust the density and density.
  • You can’t add sugar at all. If sour cream is not acidic, then you can do without it.
  • If there is no vanilla sugar, you can put a pinch of vanillin, but not more, otherwise it will be bitter.
  • This amount of cream is designed for a classic biscuit with a diameter of 20-23 cm and a height of 5-7 cm.

In order to remove the cloying and give the cream an unusual touch, you can add a little lemon juice or cognac.

What and how to serve

  • The main option is cream for the cake.
  • Can be used as a filling for eclairs and cakes.
  • It can be served as a sweet dessert for coffee or as a spread to the liver.

If there is no boiled condensed milk, you can prepare sour cream for a cake with ordinary condensed milk. True, it will be a different taste and composition, but it will also turn out very tasty.

Cake cream recipe with sour cream and condensed milk

Time for preparing:   20-25 minutes.
Servings Per Container: 1.
Kitchenware:   mixer or blender, cream container.
Calories per 100 g:   251 kcal.


Cooking step by step

Video recipe

You can watch the step-by-step recipe for boiled condensed milk cream with sour cream in this video.

I love this cream for its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. It is not as high in calories as butter, not as sugary as chocolate, and also has a very delicate and fresh taste. As a novice pastry chef, I often used a simple and proven one for my cakes. The whole charm is that any housewife can cook it, and the desserts turn out to be tender and airy. Still cooked, and decorated with fruit on top. Such fresh and light cakes were eaten instantly at children's parties and women's gatherings.

And with what creams do you spread cakes? Share simple and tasty recipes in the comments. Write comments and feedback.

Cream of sour cream and condensed milk is one of the simplest options for a cream cake. Perhaps, it’s easier to just beat the condensed milk with butter. However, such a heavy butter cream is not suitable for every cake. Say, dense biscuit or honey cakes to impregnate them will be problematic. But the light and delicate cream of sour cream and condensed milk will cope with this task with a bang!

The process of making sour cream is completely uncomplicated. It is prepared by mixing to a lush, uniform consistency of two ingredients: sour cream and condensed milk. At the same time, it is advisable to choose sour cream for cream with a maximum percentage of fat content. And condensed milk for cream can be taken any - both classic condensed with sugar, and boiled or, less commonly, with the addition of cocoa.

The taste and consistency of the finished cream will depend on which condensed milk you choose. So, a cream of sour cream and classic condensed milk is more liquid, tender and with a noticeable sourness. Cream on boiled condensed milk has a slightly denser consistency, a pronounced caramel taste and a light aroma. The sourness of sour cream in it is noticeable a little less.

Whatever condensed milk you sour cream, the technology of the cream preparation process will remain unchanged.

  • fat sour cream, thick - 400 g,
  • condensed milk (boiled or classic) - 1 can.

How to make cream of sour cream and condensed milk for a cake

Sour cream, if you do not add thickeners to it, in itself turns out to be quite liquid. That is, for the layer of cakes, it fits perfectly, but alas, it will not work to use it to form patterns on the cake. Nevertheless, it is better to take sour cream for the cream fatter, because the higher the percentage of fat content, the thicker the cream will turn out and the faster it will crack. I had sour cream 25%.

Sour cream whisk better while it is cold. But it is better to remove the condensed milk from the refrigerator in advance - 30 minutes before preparing the cream. We shift the sour cream into a container where you will whip the cream.

We arm ourselves with a whisk, mixer or blender and beat sour cream in a lush creamy mass. The whipping time depends on the fat content of the sour cream and on what you will whip it: a whisk will cope with the task on average in 10-13 minutes, a mixer in 4-7 minutes, the blender will need no more than 1 minute.

Caution! It is important not to kill the sour cream, otherwise it will go grains. As soon as you notice that sour cream forms relief patterns, you can add condensed milk to it. I used boiled (cooked myself). We introduce condensed milk gradually, for 1-2 tbsp. l

We drove one portion - we introduce a new one.

And so on until all the condensed milk is added to the cream.

That's the whole process - the cream of sour cream and condensed milk is ready. The finished cream looks liquidish and dense, but try scooping it with a spoon and / or taking a sample - and you will see how soft, light and airy it came out.

Now you can layered cream cake shortcakes and tea with pleasure. Bon Appetit!

Once, back in 1856, the American Gail Borden figured out how to keep milk fresh for a long time. By boiling the product with sugar, everyone’s favorite condensed milk appeared. Today it is actively used as an independent dish, and added to various recipes. Creams for condensed milk cake are especially popular, which differ not only in their amazing taste, but also in naturalness. Unless, of course, choose the right product.

Types of condensed milk:

  • classic with sugar;
  • with additives (coffee, cocoa, chicory, vanilla);

For creams, the classic product is most often used, which is then mixed with other ingredients. It is important to buy real condensed milk, and not a mixture of palm fats, sugar and milk powder. To do this, you must carefully read the packaging and find the GOST icon on it. Or read the composition. In addition to milk and sugar, it should not contain other ingredients. Only from such a product will you get a truly tasty and healthy cream for condensed milk cake.

To complement the recipe, dairy products, butter, cocoa, chocolate, nuts are usually used. The taste of the final product also depends on the quality of these ingredients.

Cream of condensed milk: general principles of preparation

The preparation of cream for condensed milk cake is simple. Typically, the recipe uses no more than 3-5 ingredients that need to be mixed or whipped. When cooking, it is important that the products for mixing have the same temperature, this will prevent the separation of fats, the formation of lumps and the mass will turn out to be uniform.

If berries and fruits are used in addition, it is important that they are free from spoilage and rot. Otherwise, the cream will get an unpleasant aftertaste. You also need to know that fruit cream for condensed milk cake is not subject to long-term storage and should be used immediately. To prolong freshness, you can use heat-treated mashed potatoes.

If the cream does not need to be heated, then do not take aluminum containers for cooking. It is better to give preference to plastic or enameled cups. For whipping, it is better to use a conventional mixer, the blender does not allow to get a magnificent mass.

Recipe 1: Classic Condensed Cream

A classic cream of condensed milk and butter is great for decorating cakes, pastries, layers of cakes. It combines wonderfully with fruits, chocolate, caramel and honey. It can be spread on a slice of fresh bread or used as a filler for ice cream. It is difficult to find a person indifferent to the taste of vanilla cream from condensed milk and oil.

Condensed milk 200 gr.;

Butter 200 gr.;

Egg yolk 2 pcs.;

Vanillin 0.5 gr.

Butter must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and held at room temperature for 2 hours to make it soft. But if it melts, then the cream of condensed milk and oil will not work. Therefore, in no case should you melt the product on a stove or use a microwave.

Next, soft oil should be beaten with a mixer until a lush white mass appears. Gradually add one yolk to it. Do not stop whipping, pour condensed milk into a thin stream. At the end of whipping, add vanillin. You can also add a little liquor to add flavor to the cream of condensed milk and butter.

If there are concerns about eating raw yolks, you can exclude them and simplify the formulation of a classic cream of condensed milk and butter.

Recipe 2: Cream of condensed milk with sour cream

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream has a pleasant, light taste with a slight acidity. It is great for biscuit, honey cake. Cream of condensed milk and sour cream can also be used to fill custard cakes. It is not only very tasty, but also healthy. It can be safely used in baby food. And if you need to reduce calories, then instead of sour cream, you can use natural yogurt.

Condensed milk 300 gr.;

Sour cream at least 20% fat content 300 g .;

Vanillin 1 gr.;

Cognac 1 tablespoon.

Sour cream should be beaten with a mixer, but do it carefully, no more than 3 minutes. Otherwise, it may take grains of butter and buttermilk will depart. Then, without stopping whipping, add the condensed milk in parts. At the end, pour out vanillin, add cognac. Mix everything thoroughly.

Sometimes cream from condensed milk and sour cream can turn out liquid. In this case, you can correct the situation with butter. Beat 200 gr. product into lush foam and gradually, in small portions, add liquid cream to it. You get a cream of condensed milk and butter, which can also be used in any desserts.

If there is no butter or if there is no desire to increase the calorie content of cream with condensed milk and sour cream, then you can use gelatin. For this 10 gr. powder is poured into 50 ml of water or milk, allowed to swell for 30 minutes. Then heated in a water bath and combined with a cream of condensed milk and sour cream. The mass needs to be removed for half an hour in the refrigerator, it will become more dense.

Recipe 3: Boiled Condensed Milk Cream

Boiled condensed milk is a delicacy from childhood. But if earlier it was not always possible to buy it and often had to be cooked, today in the store you can buy a product ready for use. It is easy to make incredibly delicious cream of boiled condensed milk from it, which will decorate the cake, pastries, various desserts and even everyone’s favorite nut cookies.

Boiled condensed milk 400 gr.;

Butter 300 gr.;

Vanilla at will.

The softened butter needs to be whipped, gradually add condensed milk. When the cream of boiled condensed milk becomes homogeneous, you can add vanillin. It also combines well with nuts, which must first be fried and chopped. If the cream from boiled condensed milk turned out to be very thick, then the nut crumb will clog it even more. The mass will be difficult to smear on the cake. In this case, it is better to sprinkle nuts with grease cream already cooked from boiled condensed milk cakes.

If there is no boiled condensed milk at home, but there is ordinary condensed milk, then you can cook it. But at the same time, it is important that it be real and consisted of whole milk, without vegetable fats. The jar needs to be freed from the label, placed in a pan, pour water and cook for 2 hours, reducing the heat after boiling.

Recipe 4: Cream of condensed milk with bananas

Airy, banana cream from condensed milk and butter can be used in cakes and pastries, as well as an independent dessert. And if you add gelatin or agar-agar to it, you get a dessert that resembles a souffle. It will taste as good as bird's milk. This is a great way to apply the cream if you get excess.

Condensed milk 300 gr.;

Bananas 2 pcs.;

Butter 200 gr.

For cooking, remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance so that it is soft. Beat until white and lush, then gradually add milk. Interrupt everything thoroughly and refrigerate. Peel bananas, place in a blender and beat in mashed potatoes. It is important that they are ripe, but without black patches. Remove the cream from the refrigerator and gradually add banana puree to it.

In order for a banana cream with condensed milk and butter to turn out tasty and aromatic, you need to choose good fruits. It is better to navigate not by appearance, but by smell. Good and sweet bananas are always fragrant, but if they do not smell, then it is better to pass by. Tasteless and soapy fruits only worsen the quality of the cream.

Recipe 5: Chocolate Condensed Cream

Condensed milk and chocolate are two products that no sweet tooth can resist. So why not combine them? Delicious chocolate cream made from condensed milk and butter goes well with biscuit, puff, sand and honey cakes. It can also be used for sweet sandwiches as a chocolate paste.

Chocolate bar at least 72% cocoa 100 gr.;

Condensed milk 200 gr.;

Butter 200 gr.

Crumble the chocolate bar into pieces and put in a water bath to melt. Beat the butter at this time and put it in the refrigerator. Pour the condensed milk into a bowl and add melted chocolate in a thin trickle, whisking with a mixer. Remove the oil from the refrigerator, immerse the mixer and gradually add the chocolate-milk mixture. Beat until smooth.

Similarly, you can prepare a cream with white chocolate. If you add a little coconut to it, the taste will resemble a popular bounty bar. Both options go well with nuts. It is not necessary to weight the recipe with them, just add a small handful, ground in a coffee grinder. And a delicious aroma is provided.

Recipe 6: Cream of condensed milk with cottage cheese

Is it possible to make dessert tasty and healthy at the same time? Sure! If you use curd cream with condensed milk and butter. A delicate product rich in calcium and protein will be loved even by people who do not like cottage cheese. Which is especially true in baby food.

Cottage cheese 200 gr.;

Condensed milk 200 gr.;

Butter 50 gr.;

Vanillin 0.5 gr.

To make the cream tender, airy, without a tart taste, it is important to thoroughly grind the cottage cheese. You can do this by wiping through a sieve, but it is better to use a blender. If the mass is too thick, then you can add a few spoons of condensed milk. Separately mix the butter and condensed milk, thoroughly punch. Combine both masses, gradually adding milk to the curd, pour in vanillin and mix.

Based on the basic recipe for curd cream with condensed milk and butter, you can prepare various layers for desserts: walnut, chocolate, fruit and berry. But especially beautiful cakes can be obtained by alternating layers of cream with jelly layers or strips of marmalade. Also, this recipe can be used for filling eclairs.

Recipe 7: Cream of boiled condensed milk and cream

Cream of boiled condensed milk and cream is light, airy. It is great not only for cakes, but also for filling eclairs. And, importantly, the caloric content of such a product is lower than that of a cream of condensed milk and oil.

Boiled condensed milk 400 gr.;

Cream at least 30% fat.

Condensed milk needs to be put out of the can in a cup, well pierced with a mixer, so that the mass becomes homogeneous. Pour cream into another container and beat in lush foam. It is better if they are specifically designed for whipping, in which case it will take 2-3 minutes to work with the mixer.

Next, the mixer must be switched to the slowest mode and gradually adding the condensed milk without stopping whipping. If desired, you can add vanillin or any essence, but the aroma of boiled in itself is rich and resembles creme brulee.

If the consistency of cream for condensed milk cake is too lush, you can break it for half a minute at a high speed mixer. The foam will settle and the mass will become more malleable at work. And it is better to fill custard cakes with lush mass, so they turn out less sugary and light.

Recipe 9: Custard Condensed Cream

This recipe for custard with condensed milk and butter will be appreciated by lovers of sweet, rich and high-calorie desserts. It will fill any, even the most fresh and primitive cake with taste. Boiled condensed milk gives a pleasant cream color and caramel flavor.

Cow's milk 400 gr.;

Flour 3 tbsp. spoons;

Butter 200 gr.;

Boiled condensed milk 300 gr.;

Sugar 200 gr.;

From milk, sugar, flour you need to cook a classic custard. To do this, milk must be put on the stove, mix sugar with flour and pour into milk. Gradually stirring to bring to a boil, as soon as the mass begins to flop, turn off and cool.

While the custard mass cools, you need to whip the softened butter and condensed milk. Then gradually add the cooled custard mass. To kill everything and add vanilla. Remove the cream for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator until completely solidified. You can add more boiled condensed milk than with a prescription. In this case, the taste will be more sweet and rich.

Recipe 10: Raffaello Condensed Cream

Popular Raffaello sweets do not leave anyone indifferent. This taste is familiar to many, but few people know that it is very simple to recreate it at home. Such a cream can be used in the preparation of desserts, but it is especially successfully combined with a fresh croissant or air bun.

Condensed milk 400 gr.;

Butter 200 gr.;

Coconut flakes 100 gr.;

White Chocolate 100 gr.

Coconut flakes need to be soaked in advance 100 gr. boiled but cooled water. Let it brew, stirring occasionally. Water should not remain at the bottom of the container.

Beat the butter, add half the condensed milk to it and mix thoroughly. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. It is important not to let the water boil. White glaze does not like high temperatures and can curl. For the same reason, do not use a microwave. Mix the melted chocolate with the rest of the condensed milk and gradually introduce it into the oil mixture. Beat everything and add the swollen coconut flakes. Stir and cream can be used.

  • When adding bulk ingredients (sugar, coffee, cocoa) you need to sift them through a strainer or just knead the lumps. In the finished mass, this is difficult to do.
  • Vanillin, essences and aromatic spices should be added at the end of the cooking process. In this case, turn on the mixer at minimum speed.
  • Butter, sour cream, cream must be whipped separately before mixing with condensed milk. So the cream will be lighter, airier and less sugary.
  • A spoonful of brandy, added to the finished cream, will add the aroma of walnut and make the taste deeper.
  • Cream of boiled condensed milk is notable for its density. It can be difficult to mix with other ingredients. Therefore, you can pre-knead with a mixer a condensed milk with a small addition of fresh milk, cream or boiled water. The mass will become more plastic.

These simple tips will help prepare the most delicious and healthy cream for condensed milk cake, which will appeal to both children and adults.

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream for a cake is considered one of the most tender and airy.

Due to its light texture and unobtrusive creamy taste, this option can be used not only for spreading cakes, but also for filling baskets, decorating fruit desserts, but also as independent sweet dishes.

The cream goes well with fruits, chocolate, as well as other sweet ingredients used to create masterpieces of confectionery.

Simple cream of condensed milk and sour cream

Sometimes this recipe is called basic or basic. For cooking, you need only three components.


  • condensed milk, 250 grams;
  • sour cream, 250 grams (not cold);
  • vanilla to taste.

Important:   sour cream should be as greasy and thick as possible. If you bought the product, and it turned out to be insufficiently needed consistency, fold the cheesecloth in several layers, put sour cream on it, let the excess liquid drain for half an hour over the bowl.

How to make a cream:

  1. Beat sour cream with a mixer for two minutes.
  2. Pour milk in small portions without interrupting the mixer.
  3. Add vanilla at the end.

Useful advice:   instead of vanilla, you can use any other flavor. A few tablespoons of lemon juice will give a pleasant sourness, 20-30 ml. cognac - a note of piquancy, and coconut flakes or chopped nuts will add unusual taste.

If you want to make a cream of sour cream with boiled condensed milk, then the proportions you need to take boiled condensed milk and sour cream in a 1: 1 ratio.

Please note that the finished product is very thick!

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream with oil

It is not difficult to prepare creamy and condensed milk for the cake, the main condition is that the butter must have a fat content above 72% and be natural. Saving on the cost of oil, you risk spoiling all your work.


  • oil - two hundred grams;
  • sour cream - 200 grams;
  • condensed milk - half a jar.

Cooking cream for the cake:

  1. Beat soft butter. As a device, a blender or mixer is suitable.
  2. Gradually introduce milk.
  3. Gradually add sour cream.
  4. Beat for 8-10 minutes.

The cream should be thick and uniform.

Useful advice:   you can add a little cocoa to the cream mass - it will get a brown tint. In addition, the color can be changed by adding juice of fresh fruits or berries. Don't be afraid to use whole berries, such as strawberries or pitted cherries.

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream with gelatin

If you plan to use cream from condensed milk and sour cream not only for spreading the cakes, but also for decorating the cake, we recommend preparing this “strong” cream with gelatin in order to avoid “blurring” of the decoration elements.


  • 50 ml warm water or milk;
  • one teaspoon of gelatin;
  • 200 ml. sg milk;
  • 200 grams of fat sour cream.


  1. Pour gelatin with warm water, proceed according to the manufacturer's instructions. We warm in a water bath, cool.
  2. Beat sour cream and condensed milk with a mixer (as in the basic recipe).
  3. Gently inject gelatin, mixing the mass manually.
  4. We remove the mass in the refrigerator for two to three hours.

If you are preparing a cream from boiled condensed milk, then the use of gelatin is undesirable - the mass will be too thick.

Important: remember that all creams based on sour cream are perishable - prepare cakes and pastries before using them directly.

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream with chocolate

Chocolate cream made from condensed milk is an excellent filling for the cake. Prepared from very simple products.


  • 200 grams of sour cream and condensed milk;
  • 100 grams of chocolate;
  • 50 grams of butter.


  1. From sour cream and condensed milk we make a base cream.
  2. Drown chocolate and butter in a water bath. It is not necessary to languish for a long time, the main thing is that the pieces melt. Cool to a warm state.
  3. Combine with base cream, beat well.

The basis for your culinary experiments is ready.

Coconut cream with sour cream and condensed milk

We will need:

  • 250 grams milk;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 150 grams of sour cream;
  • 100 grams of white chocolate;
  • 50 grams of coconut.


  1. Melt butter and chocolate in a water bath.
  2. We introduce coconut flakes into the mass.
  3. Beat condensed milk and butter.
  4. Mix both masses.

Useful advice:   if you want to make sour cream with boiled condensed milk, you don’t have to buy ready-made milk at all - cook it yourself and you will get a product that is two to three times tastier than the analogue from the store.

Sugar is usually not added, but if there is such a need, it is better to give preference to powdered sugar, since it dissolves faster.