Filling from felt cherry. Seedless tincture

02.09.2019 Fish dishes

The option of tincture without vodka will especially appeal to women if they prefer the brightness of taste and not a special strength.

Cherry liqueur without vodka, ladies will like it

  1. To make a drink, you will need 2 kilograms of ripened cherry berries, from which you must first remove the seeds. This procedure will avoid the potentially negative effect of tannins, which are contained in the bones.
  2. Next, take a three-liter jar and pour 150-200 grams of sugar on the bottom. Now you can fill in prepared cherry too.
  3. Continue adding layers of cherries and sugar. All your cherries should eventually fit in a jar, and with it another 800-850 grams of sugar.
  4. How often you will alternate berries and sugar can be decided at your discretion, but remember that thin, often changing layers will speed up the process of interaction between the ingredients.
  5. Now pour 200-250 milliliters of water in a jar. Do not forget about the physics of fermentation - for the emitted gas and foam, an additional volume will be needed, therefore, pouring a jar at the very neck is not worth it. It will be enough to add water to the level of the coat hanger.
  6. A medical glove should be worn on the jar, for reliable fixation it can additionally be tied to the neck. A rubber ring or rope would be a suitable way to fasten in this case. In order for the fermentation gases to escape, one of the fingers of the glove must be punctured. You can also use a water shutter.
  7. Now put the jar in a sunny place where the temperature will be maintained at 18-29 degrees. The best place would be a windowsill, possibly a balcony. The glove on the jar will serve as a timer for you, it will reliably show the beginning of the fermentation process and its end. In the first case, it is inflated, at the end of the procedure, it is accordingly lowered.
  8. When the glove drops, proceed to drain the liquid from the can. The first priority is to separate the drink from the cherry pulp, so that the filter at this stage can be with relatively large holes. A regular nylon cap will do. Do not worry about sediment that may enter the vessel. But after two weeks, for which the liquid settles, it will need to be filtered more thoroughly. Cotton wool or gauze folded in several layers is suitable for this stage of cleaning.
  9. Now the filling can be bottled and corked. In principle, the drink is ready for consumption at this stage, but additional exposure will not hinder it. If you let the liquor stand in the bottles for another month, the taste of the home-made drink will only get better. The result, when properly stored in a cool and dark place, will delight you up to 3 years. However, so long a good drink is unlikely to last, because guests will appreciate it and will definitely ask for more.

   Pitted cherries
   Three liter jar
   We add sugar to the bottom of the can

   Then alternate the berries and sugar layers
   After we pour water
   We put on a jar a medical glove

   We put the jar in a warm place until the glove drops
   We defend the liquid and filter it through several layers of gauze
   We bottled and cork

For a change, they can be offered other varieties of the drink, stronger. Cherry liqueur at home on vodka will be the next step in the development of the production of original homemade alcohol. Such a drink will turn out to be much stronger, although when consumed it can always be diluted with a suitable juice - apple, orange, cherry - to your taste.

Now that you already have experience in making homemade alcohol, the recipe will seem to you quite simple. So, we tell you how to make cherry liquor on vodka.

Wash the ripened berries properly, pierce them with a needle or a toothpick, and begin to fall asleep in a jar. So far, one layer of berries is enough.

The proportions are as follows: for one liter of cherry sugar you need to put in only 4-5 tablespoons, which at the output will give the drink a moderately sweet. After the first successful bottles, you will be able to experiment with this parameter, because someone will surely love both the dessert and semi-dry versions.

   Pitted cherries

Now add the main distinguishing ingredient in our recipe - quality alcohol. It can be not only vodka, but also diluted alcohol (up to a fortress of 40-45 degrees), purified moonshine, even cognac. Pour alcohol to the very top of the can.

After closing - pay attention to the clogging density - the jar should be stored at room temperature in a dark place. With a frequency of several days, the contents should be shaken to speed up the dissolution of sugar.

After two months, the finished mixture will need to be filtered, as previously cotton wool or gauze will help here. Once the cherries are removed, the remaining liquid can be drunk, in this case, no additional wait. A stronger version is recommended for use chilled.

After two months, strain the mixture and you can drink

  Cognac, rum and further experiments

Pouring cherry on vodka, as we have already indicated, is not the only version of this tincture for strong alcohol. To give a special nobleness to the drink, you can continue the experiments and use cognac, brandy, rum as the alcohol-containing base.

The cognac variant will require 0.75 liters of an alcoholic beverage, 750 grams of cherries and 120 grams of sugar for the preparation.

As before, we pierce the berries, put them in a jar, pour cognac so that the liquid covers the berries in the jar. We don’t put sugar yet! We stand the month in a dark cool place, filter. Now you need to add sugar (in the amount indicated above) and another 250 milliliters of cognac. Poured sugar should dissolve in the liquid, for which it will take some time to prevent it. Store in the refrigerator for a while, when the tincture brightens, it can be drunk.

Pour cherry over cognac so that it covers the berries. We stand the month, filter. Add sugar and another 250 ml of cognac, when the tincture brightens, you can drink it

The mixed version with vodka and cognac uses 0.6 liters of cognac and 0.35 liters of vodka, so there is more alcohol in total, but they don’t spare cherries and sugar here, they take a kilogram. At the output, the product is, of course, sweet. Well washed and sorted ripe berries in this case require a little more attention - each one should not be punctured, but incised to the visible bone. We fill the cherries with sugar in the jar - we don’t pour alcohol yet! - and wait 3-4 hours until the process passes and the liquid comes out of the berries. Now you can add vodka with cognac, stir until most of the sugar in the solution disappears. After closing the cans, this drink is stored for 2-3 months until everything is ready in the same cool and dark place.


To help the extraction process, you can periodically shake the jars - it will be enough to do this 2-3 times a month. After waiting for the right time, we filter and pour into containers for final storage, that is, bottles. Tasting and sharing with other experiences and a drink.

The brandy and rum variant can be called elite, you don’t want to share such a valuable drink with anyone, because it is so good with hot tea on winter evenings. The proportions are as follows: for 1 kilogram of berries 0.5 - sugar, that is 2: 1. Alcohol will need a total liter - 0.75 brandy and 0.25 rum.


After the traditional sorting and washing of cherries, we remove the seeds from only half of the berries. We put it in a jar and sprinkle with sugar, wait for the juice to come out. Now we watch how sugar dissolves in this juice itself, patience, it can take several days. Then you can add alcohol, rum and cognac (brandy) in the above amounts, pour this time all at once. Mix well and wait again, for a month the drink will be infused, filtered, bottled. As you can see, the process of making all these drinks has much in common.

Having tried in practice all the recipes from the article, you studied and consolidated them, now you can take the title of master of cherry filling and treat yourself to tea with 2-3 teaspoons of your elite product.

  Drying, spices and other highlights

But do not relax, go to the next level. When you have played enough with various alcoholic bases, try adding spices to the liquor or tincture. Cinnamon and cloves are good for tincture on cognac or alcohol. You can also add nutmeg to your vodka drink. Drying the berries in the sun for 3-4 days or in the oven for 3-5 hours at 60-80 degrees will give the final product a special, noble taste. So, cook with spices.

If you have pure alcohol, dilute it to 50%, otherwise take a prepared alcoholic drink of the same strength. Here we add 400 grams of sugar, cherries in a volume of 2-2.5 liters. The spices in this recipe are half a stick of cinnamon, 4-10 cloves. We recall our non-alcoholic recipe - we also pour berries in a jar with sugar in layers, but now we close the neck of the jar with a piece of cotton cloth that is thick enough, put in a warm place and wait for the fermentation to begin. At this stage, remove the fabric and fill the mixture with alcohol at the very neck of the jar, add the spices in the indicated quantity. The term for insisting liquid before filtering in this recipe is relatively short - 2 weeks, after which we filter, filter, as we usually use gauze and cotton wool. Do not forget to squeeze the cherry. True, after bottling you will have to wait another month, but the result with its unique taste and aroma is worth it. It is best to use tincture after eating as a digestif. Offer it to your women, the drink is quite soft and at the same time very fragrant.

And our final number - the richest in spices and lotions recipe for 2 kilograms of cherries, a liter of vodka and 10 tablespoons of sugar (tablespoons). Of the spices you will need 10 buds of cloves, half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and the same amount of nutmeg. This time, wash the cherry after washing. Pre-puncture, lay in a jar layer by layer, in addition to sugar, separate layers of spices are also included, continue until the jar is full by two-thirds. Now add alcohol (vodka) until the berry mass is completely covered almost to the neck. We dress the neck of the jar with a thick cloth or clog it as usual and put it on the sunny side of the window. For two months, mix every 2-3 days and wait, and then filter and drink. Enjoy your drinking and your friends!

There are many options for liquors that are prepared on the basis of berries, yet a drink on a cherry is more popular than everyone else. Due to the pleasant taste and aroma of the beverage, the drink is very easy to drink and will appeal to lovers of sweets.

If we consider the traditional version of cooking liquor, then it takes a lot of time. The berries languish for a very long time in the hot sun along with sugar, and you will have to strain the product several times, not many will agree to this process.

We will tell you simpler options for making cherry liquor on vodka, such a drink at home is prepared quickly and very simply. According to such recipes, you can cook not only cherry liqueur, but also a product from other berries.

Classic version

This is the easiest option for making an alcoholic drink, the composition will contain the simplest and most affordable components.

Required Products:

  •   ripe - 1.2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 400 grams.

Stages of preparation:

  • To make cherry liquor on vodka at home, you should first sort out the fruits of the cherry and remove the spoiled ones. Bones from berries are not taken out.

  • Next, a three-liter container is prepared, berries are poured into it and all is filled with the necessary amount of vodka.
  • The container is placed in a dark place, which is well cooled, there the liqueur costs at least two weeks.

  • Mixing the liquor periodically so that the berries give their taste better.
  • After the allotted period of time, the resulting liquid is drained from the berries, added to the fruits granulated sugar according to the recipe. Shake the container to mix the berries.

  • In this form, the berries are left in a dark place for another two weeks, during this period of time the berries will have time to give juice and granulated sugar will dissolve in it. Using a colander and gauze, squeeze the resulting syrup.
  • Ready syrup and liquor are mixed together, and then immediately poured into bottles for storage.

It remains to let the drink brew for about a month, so that the product turns out more delicious.

Cocoa Drink

This recipe includes the use of not only ripe cherries, but also a small amount of cocoa powder. The finished drink is very aromatic and rich. To prepare cherry liquor on vodka, you should prepare 3 liter jars, this recipe at home is fast enough.

Required Products:

  • ripe cherries - 300 grams;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • good quality vodka - 550 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • powder cocoa - 4 tablespoons.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Ripe cherries are washed thoroughly, after which they are removed from the seeds and transferred to a prepared jar with a volume of one and a half liters.
  2. Next, prepared vodka is poured into the container and the container is covered with a lid. They send the can with the future liquor to a dark place, where it will be insisted for about two weeks.
  3. When the allotted time expires, strain the drink received. If you leave the fruits in vodka, then the berries will reduce the degree of future filling.
  4. If you manage to maintain quality, then the strength of the liquor in the end will be about 25 degrees.
  5. Bring the water to a boil, put several tablespoons of high-quality cocoa into it, and sugar is sent there.
  6. The composition is mixed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, while the solution should not be removed from the stove.
  7. When the mass is ready, it is poured into another container, using gauze to strain the cocoa.
  8. The chocolate mixture is added to the liquor, after which it mixes well and left in a dark place for another couple of weeks.
  9. It is very important to mix cherry tincture on vodka every three days, otherwise the drink at home will turn out not so tasty.
  10. It is recommended to store the finished drink in the refrigerator, pour the liquor into glass bottles. As a result, the drink will turn out to be a little viscous, while it will have a precipitate.

The precipitate can be eliminated by filtering the tincture several times. But you can use the drink without filtering, just gently pouring it.

Frozen Berry Drink

You can easily make cherry liquor from frozen cherries. In this case, the product is prepared at home on vodka, but you can use other pure spirits. This is a great drink for those who do not have the opportunity to use fresh cherries, but at the same time there are many frozen berries.

Cherry is necessarily thawed, and the juice obtained after thawing is also added to the drink.

List of ingredients:

  • frozen cherry berries - 1.1 kg;
  • good quality vodka - 1.5 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2 cups.

Cooking Method:

  • The berries are slightly washed and sorted, but only after they are completely thawed.

  • After that, the cherries are transferred to a jar with a wide neck.
  • Prepared vodka is poured into the container and the future one is closed with a capron cap. They put the jar in a cool place and leave it for fourteen days.
  • After the allotted two weeks, the liquid should be drained into a separate bottle, after which the bottle is moved to a cool place, protected from the sun. They leave the blank for a couple of weeks.

  • Cherry remains in the jar, granulated sugar is poured over it and mixed thoroughly. About half a liter of water is poured into the container and allowed to infuse for about fourteen days, so that syrup is made from juice and sugar. Every three days, the composition is mixed.
  • Fourteen days later, the syrup and tincture are mixed and poured into glass bottles. Defend the drink for another two weeks to get the desired taste and strength of the liquor.

Drink with cherry leaves

As part of this cherry filling, vodka contains cherry leaves and a little citric acid. A drink on vodka is prepared in a three-liter jar, the leaves give the product a unique taste and aroma at home. In addition, this is recommended to be used if the yield is low, but you want to cook a lot of liquor.

Required Products:

  • purified water - 1 liter;
  • fresh berries - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • cherry leaves - 25 pieces;
  • good quality vodka - 1 liter;
  • citric acid - 15 grams.

       Did you like the recipe for liquor?

Stages of preparation:

  1. The berries are washed, after which the seeds are extracted from them, then the leaves are washed well and the ingredients are transferred to the pan. Pour the components with water and cook for about 15 minutes, the cooking process is carried out on low heat. After that, the resulting broth is filtered through cheesecloth.
  2. Sugar is poured into the finished broth and citric acid is immediately added. Brew the drink for about seven minutes with constant stirring. Sugar should be completely dissolved.
  3. Prepared cherry syrup is cooled to room temperature. Vodka is poured there and the blank is poured into bottles. The containers are tightly corked, and in order to give the liquor a stronger flavor, you can put two leaves of cherry in each bottle.
  4. Insist a drink for about twenty days, while this temperature should be room temperature. In some cases, cherry filling at home is cloudy, to quickly clean the drink on vodka, it can be filtered with cotton wool.

The strength of the filling is about 10 degrees, the product is stored for about two years.

Filling for the lazy

A fairly simple version of the preparation of the drink, which is more suitable for those who do not like to mess around with the preparation of ingredients and a long insistence. There is no need to remove the seeds from the cherry, so the cooking process will be significantly reduced in time.

Preparation of products and the creation of tinctures takes a minimum amount of time.

Ingredients Required:

  • fruits of ripe cherries - 1.5 kg;
  • good quality vodka - 1.5 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 kg.

Cooking Method:

  1. In one glass container, mix all the berries, add the same sugar and the required amount of vodka.
  2. The container is closed with a lid, and then placed in a dark place where it will not be lower than 20, and not higher than 25 degrees.
  3. The tincture is aged for about thirty days, while every three days the bottle with the liquor is shaken well to mix the components.
  4. When the drink is ready, it is filtered with gauze, and then bottled and well corked.
  5. Keep cordial in the refrigerator, and the shelf life is three years.

Cherry Honey Drink

This is a fairly simple cherry filling that you can do with your own hands at home. According to this recipe, the product is insisted on vodka, but you can also use alcohol or purified moonshine.

Required Products:

  • good quality vodka - 2 liters;
  • ripe cherries - 2 kg;
  • vanillin - 2 packs;
  • natural liquid honey - 2 liters.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Cherry berries are washed, after which they are removed from the seeds. The finished berries are transferred to a jar and vanilla powder is added there. Immediately pour vodka into the container.
  2. The can is closed tightly by a lid and left in the sun for about one month.
  3. When the allotted time period has elapsed, the resulting drink should be filtered, the product should be drained into a clean bottle, and the cherry cannot be thrown away, since it is still needed.
  4. A bottle of tincture is sent to a cool place, while cherries are being prepared.
  5. The berries are transferred to a glass jar and two liters are added to them. Again, the container is closed and placed on the windowsill, on the sunny side. In this form, cherry costs exactly a month.
  6. When thirty days expire, honey with cherry juice is filtered to pick berries. Next, combine the two products obtained and shake. You can use immediately after cooling.

Cherry with mint

This option of an alcoholic drink will be more to the taste of those who like unusual liquors. Mint is used in this recipe, it gives a very bright aroma to the drink, while making the product very tasty.

Required Products:

  • lemon zest - 5 grams;
  • ripe cherry - 640 grams;
  • cherry pits - 12 pieces;
  • good quality vodka - 50 ml;
  • fresh mint leaves - 12 pieces;
  • granulated sugar 130 grams.

Stages of preparation:

  1. All berries are well washed, after which they remove the seeds.
  2. You can cut the cherry into two parts and mash it slightly so that it gives away more juice.
  3. Cherry seeds are crushed in the required amount, and then placed in a bag of gauze.
  4. Such a bag is placed in a jar, where the filling will be prepared. Prepared berries and granulated sugar are sent there.
  5. After the peel is removed from the lemon, and the product is added to the berries, the mint leaves are washed and placed in a container.
  6. The components are filled with vodka at the last stage, the can is tightly closed with a plastic lid or gauze.
  7. For seven days, the drink is aged in the sun, and after that, it is cleaned in a dark place where it is cool enough, there the liquor remains for one month.
  8. The finished drink is filtered with gauze and then poured into prepared bottles.
  9. In order to improve the taste and strength of the product, it is recommended to additionally sustain the filling for about two months.

French filling

A fairly simple and quick option for making a strong drink. The composition includes cloves, so the liquor gets a bright aroma.

Required Components:

  • cloves - 3 buds;
  • cherry berries - 1.2 kg;
  • good quality vodka - 630 ml;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • granulated sugar - 430 grams;
  • lemon peels to taste.

Stages of preparation:

  1. The berries are washed well, after which they remove the seeds.
  2. Prepared cherries are placed in a jar and cover with lids.
  3. Water is heated in the tank and the cans are immersed there for five minutes.
  4. After the container is taken out and the berries are allowed to cool for several hours.
  5. The lids are removed and vodka is poured into each container.

The containers are corked with lids and send the drink to a dark place for three months. In order for the spices and sugar to be evenly distributed over the drink, sometimes jars should be shaken. The finished drink is filtered and bottled.

Cherries, depending on the variety, ripen throughout the summer. So, there are many opportunities to practice preparing the original cherry liquor according to one of the proposed recipes.

Berry preparation

For ripening, mid-season and late grades are best suited. But before you make a delicious alcoholic drink with a wonderful aroma and unique taste, the berries must be properly prepared. Fruits must be chosen to full maturity without external damage and wormholes. Crumpled and damaged berries are best left in order to make them jam, jam, jam.

Washed cherries should be thoroughly dried in air or with a towel. Following the recipe from the fruits, you can take out the seeds or leave as is. In the latter case, the drink acquires a very light, subtle taste and aroma of almonds. Ponytails can not be deleted. For example, for the French cherry, they are a prerequisite. Next, it remains to cook all the ingredients and make a filling according to the selected recipe.

Vodka infused cherries

The easiest method is to make a cherries of fresh cherries on vodka. To do this, put about one and a half kg of cherries in one layer on a baking sheet and wither in the sun for three days. If the weather does not allow to do this naturally, then you can send the fruit to the oven, heated to 60? 80 ° for 4? 6 hours. This step is not necessary, but it avoids excessive wateryness of the drink infused with vodka. You will also need:

  • 0.7 l of vodka;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

Then do the filling as follows. Put the berries in a three-liter jar, pour them with sugar and pour vodka. Close with a regular lid and remove for a month in a dark place. After about 2–3 days, it is recommended to shake the jar well. Once the time is right, pour the liquid through several layers of gauze into the bottles. The finished drink can be stored in the refrigerator or basement, without losing its qualities for 3 years.

Cherry on alcohol

The original recipe will tell you how to make liquor on alcohol. To prepare it you need to take:

  • about 1 kg of cherries;
  • 0.3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 L of undiluted alcohol.


  1. Half fill the jar with 3 cherries and add alcohol to the start of the neck. Close tightly with a plastic lid and clean for a couple of weeks in a dark, somewhat cool place. during this time, the berries will give alcohol all their juices and flavors.
  2. After you can proceed to the next step. Pour alcohol with cherry juice into a clean three-liter jar, and fill in the remaining cherries with the desired portion of sugar. Let it brew for another two weeks, periodically shaking the mass.
  3. Naturally, the alcohol tincture turned out to be too strong, what needs to be done with it to bring it to the desired strength? While cherries are infused with sugar, add clean water to the top in a jar of alcohol. (It is better to take not boiled spring water.) And remove also for a couple of weeks.
  4. As a result, drain the juice from cherries and mix it with alcohol tincture. Everything, cherry filling of a normal fortress is ready.

Cherry with spices

You can also make spicy liquor on alcohol, which has a refined aroma comparable to expensive alcohol. To do this, take:


  1. Pour the berries into a three-liter jar, pouring each layer with sugar. Tie the neck with a piece of gauze and leave to ferment in a warm place for about a week.
  2. As soon as the cherries ferment, throw spices there and add the diluted alcohol. Clean for a couple of weeks.
  3. Then filter the drink through several layers of cotton cloth and pour into bottles.

The pouring is completely ready for use, but if you give it a little more insistence, it will be even tastier. By the way, to add a piquancy to the drink, you can use a pinch of dry bitter wormwood together with the main spices.

Recipe from Beata Tyszkiewicz

Polish actress Beata Tyszkiewicz offers her recipe for cherry liquor. She assures that a small amount of tincture provides vitality and provides a friendly atmosphere for a friendly party. What needs to be done to get the original drink? To get started, take the following products:

  • 1.5 kg of well ripened cherries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 l of pure alcohol;
  • 0.5 liters of good vodka.



The French also offer their recipe for making fresh cherries. To make cherry in French, take cherries, wash them and remove the seeds so that the tails in length 1? 2 cm remain in place. Put the berries in jars, screw the lids on and sterilize in boiling water for several minutes. After that, cool the jars with cherries, add to each sugar to taste, a couple of cloves, a little cinnamon and a ribbon of orange or lemon zest. Top with vodka. It remains for three months to periodically shake the contents and wait until the filling is ripe.

With rum and brandy

By the way, you can insist on liquor not only on vodka, moonshine or alcohol, but also on more expensive alcoholic drinks. For example, according to the following recipe, you can prepare an original tincture of brandy and rum. To do this, you need a few ingredients:

Go through the fruits, remove the seeds from them and put them in a jar. Pour a serving of sugar on top, thoroughly shake. Now you need to wait a few days until the cherries start the juice and the sugar dissolves. As soon as this happens, add rum and brandy, close the jar tightly and put it away for a month in a dark and warm place. Strain the finished filling, pour into a prettier container and let stand for another six months.

Alcohol free and seedless

By the way, tasty liquor can be made without the use of alcohol. In this case, a very small degree appears during natural fermentation. In addition, some are inclined to believe that the tannins contained in the seeds make the drink too harsh. This can be avoided. Having made the liquor according to the original recipe. So, prepare:

  • 2 kg ripe pitted cherries;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • glass of water.


Dried Cherries

If you decide to make a drink in the middle of winter, then it is quite possible to use frozen cherries for this. But if you have some dried fruits, then you can get an original alcoholic drink that resembles cognac to your taste. To do this, just follow a simple recipe.

In a jar, throw 350 g of frozen cherries, 2 bags of vanillin, 300 g of sugar and 1/1 of a stick of cinnamon. Crush a generous handful of dried fruit with a hammer and send it there. Pour all strong (45? 50 °) moonshine double distillation. Leave to insist for about a couple? Three weeks. Everything can be bottled and tasted.

In general, you can make a cord of fresh or frozen cherries in the most unusual ways. If you wish, you can move slightly away from the main recipe and experiment with the ingredients and their amount. It is important not to rush and withstand the filling longer. Even if you do not respect alcoholic beverages, then cherry will certainly come in handy in cooking. It can be added to sweet foods, desserts and pastries. What is the legendary cake worth? Drunk cherry ?. Cherry filling is useful for making sauces, stewing meat, making cocktails and generally will not be superfluous in any kitchen.

The most famous and one of the most delicious representatives of the sweet-alcohol family is the cherry liquor, significantly superior to the well-known Cherry liquor. Now admit, something chemical is felt in this foreign drink.

And our, and even with our own hands made liquor from selected berries from our garden, it is delight for the soul, joy for the eyes, and even perfectly perfect in its naturalness. But in order for it to be just that, you need to know some of the subtleties, features of the process, use the right recipes.

Reference. Foreigners call our liquor “Russian liquor”, although, as we like, it is better and tastier.

In order for the filling to succeed, you must adhere to the recipe and take quality ingredients.

Selection of berries

It is generally accepted that liqueur is made from fresh ripe and fragrant berries. Which are better:

  • if you are going to make a drink with stones, then you can use non-varietal cherries. They are small, but they give a ruby \u200b\u200bcolor, fragrant and tasty;
  • in order to remove the seeds, large varietal ones are better. Agree, it is better to get rid of seeds of a large berry;
  • and, naturally, the berries must be ripe and healthy.

Reference.  Frozen cherries also produce a deliciously flavored liquor.

Moreover, it can be used both independently and in a mixture with frozen cherries, black currants, cranberries and other berries.

Cherry Spanque

A shpanku (as it is also called - a nonsense) is used if there are no ordinary cherries. Or else, as they say: "it has grown, do not throw it away." But filling from a bobbin will be more watery, and you won’t get that flavor either. However, it can also be made delicious.

The beneficial properties of cherries

The benefits of eating cherries in both fresh and processed form are explained not only by the presence of vitamins with trace elements, but also by special substances that secrete this berry among others. It has coumarin  - a substance that dilutes blood and interferes with the formation of blood clots, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Not so long ago, it has been clinically confirmed that cherries contain ellagic acidblocking the growth of cancer cells. So this berry:

  • prevents the development of oncology;
  • promotes heart health and vascular cleanliness;
  • useful for mental disorders, epilepsy, seizures;
  • widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of arthritis, urogenital disorders, kidney diseases;
  • helps with anemia, increasing hemoglobin.

A bunny is good for men's health and, they say, helps maintain potency.

There is an opinion that cherry liquors support the work of the heart, stabilize blood pressure and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. No wonder potassium-rich berries are called cardiac.

Homemade Cherry Cherry Recipes

At home, cherry liquors are prepared both by natural fermentation, and using vodka, moonshine, cognac or brandy.

"Classical" on vodka

It’s easy to prepare this liqueur, since no seeds need to be freed from the seeds. Take:

  • about 2 kg of fresh cherries (so that in a three-liter jar it was higher than the shoulders);
  • 1.5-1.7 liters of vodka. also suitable if it does not have a pungent odor;
  • 700-800 g of sugar.

Put the washed and washed berries in a jar and pour vodka. Cover and send to the cellar or refrigerator for two weeks.

Attention. Shake the jar daily to make it easier for moonshine (vodka) to extract extractives from raw materials.

Then strain the alcohol and close it in a separate bowl. Pour the cherries in the jar with sugar. Place both containers for 2 weeks in the dark and cool. Shake berries with sugar periodically to take away juice more fully.

By the end of the two-week infusion, it should turn into a syrup without sugar residues. It's time to mix the filtered syrup with an alcohol base. But do not drink yet. Let the can with the liquor stand for several days in the room. During this time, a precipitate should precipitate.

Carefully remove the clean ruby \u200b\u200bliquor from the sediment (like wine) and pour it into glass bottles. Taste stabilization time - from three months.

Without vodka, on self-fermentation

You will need:

  • fresh cherry - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8 - 1 kg;
  • water - 02 l.

Note.  Water is an optional ingredient. Without water, cherries will perfectly produce juice, and the filling will be thicker.

The only negative - it will be less. But - more aromatic and stronger. So the decision is yours. If you have plenty of berries, it is better to do without water.

Pierce the washed cherries with a toothpick (each berry) or take out the seeds. The bones give an almond flavor, but if you do not like it or you are afraid of hydrocyanic acid present in the bones, it is better to remove them.

Put the cherries in a jar, pouring sugar in layers (the first and last layers are sugar). You can add water. Tie with gauze for 3 days until you see signs of fermentation. You can put on a glove or install a water lock, the effect will be almost the same.

Place the jar on the windowsill until fermentation takes place. The jar can be shaken periodically for uniform extraction. Strain the fermented liquor. Berries can be squeezed or left as is for use in cooking. Let stand and strain again. It can be stored in coolness without changing the taste and color for up to 3 years, becoming even stronger.

Spicy on alcohol

Such a liquor tastes like expensive elite alcohol, has a taste of spices. Need to:

  • 1.5-2 kg of cherries to fill a three-liter jar by 2/3;
  • 10 g of ground cinnamon and cardamom;
  • 5-10 clove buds;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 vanilla pod (half a bag of vanillin).
  •   - at least a liter so that the cherries are completely covered.

Removing bones is not necessary, but possible. Then sprinkle the berries in a jar with sugar, leave so that a lot of juice appears and it starts to ferment (for about a week). Now add spices, alcohol to cover all the cherries. Put in the basement for at least two weeks, and you can - and for six months. Strain the finished liquor. You can drink immediately, but insisting will improve the taste, depriving it of an alcoholic note.

If this option seems too strong, the berries can be poured with diluted alcohol with a strength of 50 °.

Polish cherry liqueur from Beata Tyszkiewicz

The famous Polish actress claims that the liquor according to this recipe adds strength, warms and creates a cozy warm atmosphere during friendly meetings, and it is difficult to disagree with this.


  • 2 kg of prepared cherries;
  • up to 1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of alcohol and high-quality vodka.

In a jar to the bottom, throw a handful of seeds, add cherries, from which the seeds were previously removed, intercalating them with sugar. On the neck, fix the cheesecloth in several layers and leave until the juice appears (it will take 3-4 days). Drain the juice, throw the cherries in a colander to stack the whole syrup. Boil it and cool. Mix with alcohol and while refrigerated, cover with a lid (cork).

From the remaining berries, select previously thrown bones. Pour vodka and let stand, periodically shaking, for two weeks. Then strain, mix both alcoholic liquids, let stand a couple of days. Remove from sediment and filter. Soak a couple of months in cool dark before use.


It is called so because it contains two "bourgeois" drinks - cognac and rum. You will need:

  • 1.5 kg of cherries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of cognac (homemade brandy infused in an oak barrel is a great alternative);
  • 0.5 l of rum (not replaced by anything).

Remove about half the cherries from the seeds and sprinkle with sugar. Wait until all the sugar turns into syrup (shaking is not forbidden). Pour rum and cognac and insist for a month. After filtration - bottle and forget for six months. So much is required for the full disclosure of taste.

Elite with brandy

For 1 kg of cherries, take 1 liter of brandy (you can - homemade) and 0.5 kg of sugar. Proceed as in the previous recipe. Bones can not be chosen.

On red wine

Such a liquor boasts an almond-cherry flavor and ruby \u200b\u200bcolor. Take:

  • 1 liter of red strong wine (sweet, semi-sweet);
  • 1 kg of pitted cherries;
  • 50 g broken cherry seeds;
  • 10 leaves of cherry;
  • 5 cloves;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • a pinch of pharmaceutical oak bark;
  • sugar - 100-300 g.

Put everything in a jar (don’t put sugar yet) and fill it with wine. Insist a month, strain, squeeze the berries. Add sugar and mix until completely dissolved. Filter and let stand a week in the refrigerator.

On moonshine

Do you have a good, strong, odorless moonshine that has been cleaned with coal or in another way? It is the perfect alcohol base for cherry liquor.

Cook according to any of the recipes in which alcohol is present.

From cherry leaves

Cherry didn’t freak out, or did the wife transfer everything to compote jam? Use cherry leaves and get a liqueur with an original taste.


  • 2 cups of freshly picked and cut (good to cut with scissors) cherry leaves;
  • lemon or orange zest - 2 tablespoons;
  • 200-300 g of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of diluted alcohol, vodka or moonshine.

In a liter jar, mix all the ingredients and hide for a month in the dark. Shake from time to time. Filter the finished filling and pour into bottles. Put in the refrigerator.

Cherry and Currant


  • 0.5 kg of cherries, blackcurrants and sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 0.4-0.5 liters of vodka;
  • juice from 1 lemon.

Boil water, add berries, bring to a boil, turn off and leave for 8-12 hours under the lid. Strain, squeeze the berries. Add sugar, boil for 5 minutes. Squeeze the lemon into the syrup and add the vodka. After a week or two, you can use it.

Cherry tincture on vodka with pits is very popular among winemakers and gourmets. The kernels are able to give the drink a specific aftertaste of almonds, astringent aroma, sophistication. There is an opinion that it is undesirable to use fruits with seeds in this case, since they contain concentrated acid. But this cooking recipe provides a short infusion time, after which the berries are completely removed from the wort.


  • cherry "Vladimirskaya" - 700 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 200 gr.;
  • vodka - 500 ml.

It is best to make cherry tincture on this variety, since it has a rich cherry flavor, sweetness. Also, these berries are very juicy, which is a big advantage.

How to cook:

  • the production of cherry tincture at home begins with the preparation of berries, they are cleaned, sorted so that spoiled fruits do not come across in the total mass;
  • each cherry should be pierced, put in a container with a wide neck;
  • laying is carried out by the layered method, each level is sprinkled with granulated sugar;
  • when the jar is наполн full, the contents are filled with vodka so that it completely covers the fruits.

Next, the tincture of cherry is covered with gauze and tied. Insist cherries on vodka in a dark place at a temperature of 20-22 ° C - normal room temperature. It is very important to shake the contents every 2 days to completely dissolve the sugar. After 10 days, the mixture is filtered, distributed into glass bottles or jars, clogged. Keep cherry tincture on alcohol only in a cool place.

As a basis, not only fresh fruits should not be used. No less bright to taste alcohol liquor will be made from frozen cherries or dried. In the second case, it is preliminarily recommended to fill the berries with water so that they swell.

VIDEO: The best homemade cherry liqueur

With spices

At home, on vodka, you can cook spicy tincture on a cherry. Such a strong drink has a unique aroma and a delicate aftertaste. The recipe for cherry tincture includes various spices, fruits of a dark variety.


  • cherry - 2 kg;
  • vodka - 1000 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 350 gr.;
  • coriander, dried cloves - 1 tsp each;
  • nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 3 sticks or 0.5 tsp.

Stages of cooking tinctures from cherry to alcohol with the addition of spices:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly, sort them out and dry well. Next, pierce each fruit for more juice.
  2. Mix 70% spices with sugar, sprinkle each layer of cherries in a jar with a spicy mixture.
  3. Put the remaining 30% of the herbs in a cotton textile bag, tie it up and put in a bottle.
  4. Pour vodka into the contents.

If the cherry on alcohol is closed with a tight lid, then the result is a rich and strong drink. To get a softer filling, the components need to be in contact with oxygen, so the jar is simply covered with gauze from 3-5 layers.

Homemade tincture of cherries and spices is infused for 55-60 days in direct sunlight. Every 4 days, the raw materials must be mixed. At the time of preparation, the contents are filtered and bottled. Cherry tincture on vodka is stored in a cool place for no more than 1 year.

Fruit and Leaf Drink

The young leaves of the cherry tree have many beneficial macro- and microorganisms. In order not to miss this stage of their growth, the collection of raw materials should be carried out in May or June, depending on the region. This component is great for those who are still getting to know how to make cherry filling even more useful.

To increase the benefits, along with berries, you can insist young leaves - most importantly, do not miss the time when they are emerald in color and very soft


  • fruits - 1 kg;
  • leaflets - 150 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • water or moonshine - 1 liter;
  • lemon - 1.5 tsp.

To tincture on cherries with alcohol at home to get the most concentrated, you need to remove seeds from the berries. Then follow the steps:

  1. Pour the cherries and leaves with preheated water, put on a stove with a small fire. Boil the mixture for no more than 10 minutes
  2. Then in the same container place all the sugar, lemon. Thoroughly mix the components without removing from the heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool the compote to room temperature, mix cherries with vodka.
  4. Pour the tincture into the bottles, seal them tightly, and then place them in a dark place for 20 days.

Keep a drink on the moonshine, prepared at home, can be no more than two years.

Cherry with Cocoa

This recipe is based on the use of cocoa and cherry tree fruits. To insist on moonshine on a cherry, the following components should be prepared:

  • vodka up to 40 ° - 0.5 l;
  • cherry - 300 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • cocoa powder - 4 tsp;
  • drinking water - 220 ml.

How to prepare cherry liquor based on cocoa and vodka:

  1. Wash the berries, seed, place in a jar.
  2. Pour vodka or pure moonshine with a strength of 40 °. Close the lid tightly, place in a dark and warm place for 14 days.
  3. At the end of this period, drain the liquid through cheesecloth, otherwise the fruits will lower the degree by at least 5 °. When implementing this recommendation, the strength of the drink as a result will be 25-28 °.
  4. Boil water, add cocoa, granulated sugar. Stir until a homogeneous consistency, but do not remove the container from the stove. After this, strain the drink through a filter of 4-6 layers of gauze 2 times.
  5. Add the chocolate mixture to the tincture, repeat the infusion process for 14 days. But at the same time, you need to mix the contents every 3 days.

Cocoa-cherry tincture for alcohol is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. The result is a drink with a viscous structure and a little sediment, which can be eliminated only by repeated straining.

Give a noble aftertaste

True tasters of alcohol tinctures shared the secret of giving cherry alcohol a noble aftertaste. To do this, before using the berries, they should be slightly wilted. The process is as follows - a fresh cherry is laid out on a tray under the open sun on the street or balcony and aged for 4 days.

If this is not possible, you can simply spread the berries on a baking sheet, place in a preheated oven to a temperature of 80 ° C. Cooking time - 4 hours.

In this case, the best option is the fruit of sweet varieties.

The benefits and contraindications of cherry

Despite the alcohol content in the drink, it is able to benefit human health. First of all, cherry increases hemoglobin, improves blood composition. The unique properties of strengthening the nervous system and the bactericidal effect are also distinguished. Hot alcohol in folk medicine is used for gout, arthritis, rheumatism.

Indications for use are:

  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • diseases of the oral cavity and gums;
  • toothache.

It is forbidden to use for pregnant, lactating and children under 16 years of age.

VIDEO: Exclusive drinks from the winner of the "Festival of Bulk Filling"