How to cook five-minute cranberry jam for the winter, recipe. Vitamin blanks for the winter from royal berries - cranberries

06.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Hello everyone, dear readers!
Even if you consider yourself lucky and never get sick, I believe that such jam should be on everyone's shelf in winter! Especially in the season of colds and coughs, raw cranberry jam for the winter is useful, the recipe is quite simple, I offer you my step-by-step photo instruction for cooking at home and don’t get sick!

Raw cranberry jam for the winter: recipe with photo

Despite the fact that the creation of such a blank takes a few minutes, the jam turns out to be very appetizing, colorful and fragrant. In addition to the bright appearance, it contains a lot useful substances. It can be eaten as a dessert, with a slice of white or whole grain bread, as well as thin buckwheat pancakes. On its basis, you can create any drinks, desserts and jellies.

Due to the fact that the fruits in this case are not amenable to heat treatment, they retain all the useful substances as much as possible. It is recommended to store such a winter delicacy in a cold place (cellar or refrigerator). Also, you should not reduce the rate of sweetener in the recipe, since in this case it is responsible for the long-term preservation of jam and acts as a preservative.

Another important factor for successful and long-term storage of sweets is the preliminary and thorough preparation of cans. They must be washed under water (with baking soda) and sent to the oven (100-120 degrees) for heating. After 10-15 minutes, you can put the resulting mass in a container and cork.

By the same principle, you can make "raw" jam from other autumn fruits (lingonberries, elderberries, cranberries, bird cherry, sea buckthorn).


  • lemons (2 pcs.);
  • cranberries (1 tbsp.);
  • granulated sugar (2 tbsp.).

How to make raw cranberry jam for the winter

Step-by-step recipe for raw cranberry jam for the winter:

We clean the sunny fruits from the peel. This is necessary so that the finished jam does not “bitter”.

Place the lemon wedges in a food processor or blender. We can also use an electric meat grinder to grind the mass.

Pour pre-prepared cranberries.

Grind prepared fruits for 3-5 minutes. During this period, the workpiece will become homogeneous.

Pour the recommended amount of sweetener into a bowl with chopped fruits.

We connect the products with a spoon or a silicone spatula. Leave the mixture for 30-40 minutes. During this period, the granulated sugar will dissolve and the puree will become homogeneous.


Not every housewife knows how to make jam from cranberries, which usually grow in large quantities near swamps. Next, you will learn about the different ways of harvesting these berries, which will be very useful in winter.

Classic Cranberry Jam Recipes

The most useful preparations for the winter from berries are without heat treatment. Cranberries are also no exception, because they contain many useful substances, for example: pectin and carotene, oxalic, citric and quinic acids, as well as vitamins B2, C, P and many others. The fruits of this plant are best kept fresh, especially since they do not deteriorate in wooden barrels all year round, being filled with chilled boiled water. However, not only in apartments, but also in country houses, there is not always the possibility of such storage of berries, so the best solution would be to make jam without boiling.

So that five-minute cranberry jam prepared for the winter does not require heat treatment, you will need 2 times more sugar for every kilogram of berries. Fruits should be washed in running water and lightly dried on a clean paper towel. It is not necessary to sort through, since there is almost no spoiled cranberry due to its sour astringent taste, but separate the leaves and motes. Next, we grind the berries through a sieve with a special crusher, the cake and seeds should be completely dry after squeezing the pulp, they can later be used when cooking or jelly. We mix the resulting cranberry jam with sugar until it is completely dissolved, put it in jars, cover with plastic lids and put it in the refrigerator.

The classic recipe is more suitable for those who do not have room for blanks in the refrigerator compartments. Cranberry jam recipe allows you to make both grated and whole berries, with further boiling for 20 minutes, in this case, the spins for the winter will be perfectly stored on the shelves in the pantry or in the cellar. But traditionally, for harvesting 1 kilogram of berries, you need 1.5 kilos of sugar and a quarter liter of water. We dry the washed cranberries in a colander and prepare syrup at this time by boiling water and pouring all the sugar into it. Next, immerse the berries in the syrup and cook in it, removing the foam with a slotted spoon. Cranberry jam is ready when a drop that falls on a plate holds its shape and does not spread. Then pour into sterilized jars, close and, turning over, set to cool.

A sign that the berries were poorly washed and cleaned of specks will be a slightly dirty foam during cooking.

We cook cranberries with fruits, there are never too many vitamins

The most common version of cranberry jam in combination with certain fruits of fruit trees is cooking it with apples. For 1 kilogram of berries, you should have half a kilo of apples, from 1.5 to 2 kilos of sugar (to taste and depending on the sweetness of the apples) and, accordingly, 2 or 2.5 glasses of water. You will also need a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla. Cooking begins in the same way as in the classic recipe, in parallel with cooking, we blanch the peeled and sliced ​​​​apples in a separate container, immersed in boiling water for 10 minutes. At the end of blanching, we immerse the fruit slices in the berry mass and cook until tender, finally adding cinnamon and vanilla. Next, roll up in sterilized jars and, turning over, cover with a blanket for the night.

Few housewives know how to make cranberry jam in a slow cooker with apples. The proportions of the components will be slightly different than in the previous recipe, the bulk will be apples, for 1 kilo of which you will need only 300 grams of berries. This will save sugar due to the sweetness of apple pulp, only 1 kilogram of sand will be enough. First, wash, clean and cut the fruit into slices, simultaneously removing the cores, and place the cranberries in the freezer for this time. Next, place the peel from the peeled fruits in a slow cooker, pour two measuring cups of water and simmer for 20 minutes, then drain the water into some container.

Next, throwing out the peel, put apple slices and granulated sugar in the slow cooker, set the timer for 1 hour and leave to stew. After the specified time, fill the slices with a decoction of the peel and pour out the berries. It remains to switch the technique to baking and again indicate 1 hour. We do all this with the lid removed, only after laying the cranberries, you can briefly close the slow cooker and then open it again. When the timer signals readiness, pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up with metal lids for the winter.

Cranberry jam with quince turns out to be very tasty if there are too many green ones among the collected berries. So, we take 400 grams of quince fruit for every kilo of a mixture of ripe and green cranberries (the second should be no more than a third). You will also need a small, half-finger-long piece of ginger. First, we make sugar syrup by pouring it into boiling water. Then put the diced quince into the pan and cook for 20 minutes. Next, add ginger and ripe berries and continue to boil until the mass thickens, after which we add green cranberries. Cook for another 20 minutes, until the cranberry jam becomes thicker. We pour it into jars and close it for the winter.

Experimenting with Ingredients in Cranberry Jam

If you know the classic recipe, on its basis you can make various options for preparations for the winter, supplementing with various components - nuts, orange or lemon zest, star anise. Another interesting experiment for many is to replace sugar with honey. This is available primarily in rural areas, where an apiary is located nearby. Cranberry jam is prepared traditionally, but instead of 2 kilos of sugar we take 1.6 kilograms of honey and cook syrup from it, adding 2-2.5 cups of water. Then we put the berries and then cook strictly according to the recipe you have chosen, even if it is with the addition of apples or quince. Honey greatly increases the shelf life of the workpiece and increases its usefulness. Walnuts with hazelnuts. Apricot and apricot seeds also have good taste. Let's go back to the classic recipe when the sugar syrup is ready and the berries are already put in it. We pre-cook the peeled nuts for half an hour in a separate container, without salt or sugar, just boil. When the jam thickens, crush the nucleoli, transfer to a basin with a sweet berry mass and cook for about 5 minutes. Then we lay out on the banks and immediately close, not allowing to cool. To avoid sudden cooling due to a draft, turn over.

We act in a similar way if we make cranberry jam with lemon or orange zest. In the same way, we start by using the classic recipe, after grating the orange. Having brought the berry mass to half-cookedness, we throw orange zest into it and then cook until thick. To get cranberry jam with a lemon-vanilla smell, we cook the zest in the same way, but cook the berries over low heat in clean water, and only when they become soft, add sugar, along with grated lemon and a pinch of vanilla. Then it remains to boil the sweet mass until the sugar is completely dissolved, that is, about 20 minutes.

Cranberry is an incredibly healthy berry, but it tastes sour with a slight bitterness, and you can consume it fresh relatively easily. a large number of. The easiest and most convenient way to make cranberries sweet and prepare vitamins for the winter is to make jam.

Confiture before the advent of granulated sugar was considered a royal product, because it was quite difficult to prepare it. Jam was a luxury, rarely found on the tables. But now everyone can afford to enjoy it, and sometimes confiture is easier to prepare than regular jam.

Cranberry jam is amazingly delicious. It can be used as a filling in homemade cakes, boil jelly out of it or make a fruit drink. It does not spoil for a long time: well-boiled jam will stay in your stocks for more than two years. And all this time it retains its rich color and appetizing aroma.

To make cranberry jam, you will need a small saucepan and a blender.


  • 1 cup cranberries
  • 3 cups granulated sugar
  • 1 orange

Preparing jam is very simple:

  1. We wash the cranberries, move them to a saucepan, pour sugar into it and put it in a cold place overnight.
  2. After the juice has stood out from the berry, you can start cooking. Cranberries are thoroughly mixed with sugar and set to boil. We wait until boiling and boil for another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove from heat and let cool.
  3. When the berries and syrup have cooled, add an orange, peeled and chopped in a blender, to them, and boil for another 15 minutes.
  4. Cool the resulting mixture to a slightly warm state. Then grind it with a blender to make a puree.
  5. Pour into jars, which must first be pasteurized, and roll up with a key.

Cranberries contain a lot of pectin, so when the confiture cools, it takes on its usual jelly-like consistency.

For thrifty housewives, we have also prepared recipes for cooking for the winter, the preparation of which will not take much of your time, and will bring as much benefit as eating fresh berries.

Cranberry jam with quince

Fresh quince has a tart astringent taste, but it smells very tasty and goes well in jam with red cranberries. Quince boiled in syrup turns into translucent slices, similar to candied fruits. Having prepared a sweet dessert from it, you will provide yourself with a pleasant taste and dizzying aroma in winter.

Quince is a fruit with a high content of vitamins, so combining cranberries and quince will not only be tasty, but also very healthy.

This sweet food can be served with tea and treated for colds. With it, you will quickly get rid of the temperature and runny nose. This type of jam is not stored for a very long time: it will begin to lose its medicinal properties in a year, so do not put it off indefinitely.


  • 1 kg cranberries
  • 1 kg quince
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 glass of water

This jam is prepared as follows:

  1. My quince, peel off the skin, remove the seeds, cut into small cubes, pour over them with boiling water and leave to dry a little.
  2. We make syrup: dissolve sugar in a glass of water, put on fire and, stirring, bring to a boil.
  3. When the syrup boils, pour the quince into it and cook the mixture for half an hour over low heat, until the quince becomes translucent.
  4. Add cranberries, pre-washed, peeled and sorted.
  5. Cook for another half an hour until the jam thickens.

Pour hot jam into prepared jars, roll up with a key and put in a cool place upside down. When the healthy delicacy has cooled, put it in the refrigerator or lower it into the cellar.

From the berries left after making the jam, you can make it, which will perfectly complement the dining table and your children will like it.

Cranberry jam with walnuts and apples

This dessert is suitable even for gourmets. Walnuts add sophistication to this cranberry jam - their delicate and mild taste goes well with sour berries and vigorous apples.

The walnut is very often called the tree of life, for its healing and nutritional properties. It restores the cardiovascular system, is useful in diabetes, improves metabolic processes and metabolism. In combination with cranberries and apples, it will help get rid of many ailments. If a woman plans to become pregnant in the near future, then this recipe is for her.

You can serve this jam to the festive table, bake cakes and pastries with it. It has a short shelf life, but due to its taste in the bins, it will not stay long in your bins.


  • 3 kg of sugar.
  • 1 kg cranberries.
  • 1 kg of apples.
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 1.5 cups of water

How to cook:

  1. Wash the berries, sort them out, pour them into a saucepan and pour half a glass of water there.
  2. Boil the cranberries until softened.
  3. We wipe the cranberries through a sieve or grind in a blender to a puree-shaped consistency.
  4. Melt the sugar in a glass of water and bring the syrup to a boil.
  5. Pour the cranberry puree into the syrup.
  6. We wash and clean apples, cut them into slices.
  7. Pour the apples and nuts into the syrup and cranberry puree mixture.
  8. Cook the jam for another hour over low heat.
  9. Pour the finished dessert into prepared containers, cover with lids and roll up.

Cranberry lingonberry jam

This recipe is very popular, as it combines the most useful berries rich in vitamins and minerals. Cranberries and lingonberries are similar both in appearance and in their taste. Both berries grow in the northern regions, are stocked up in autumn and are used by modern medicine.

Lingonberry or, as it is called in another way, the berry of immortality has antipyretic and tonic properties, has a tonic effect, is useful for anemia, and improves visual acuity. Also, lingonberries are an excellent antidepressant, help to cope with stress and strengthen the nervous system.

Jam according to this recipe will be an indispensable assistant during the period of colds. It is stored for a long time, about two years, so be sure to find a place for it on your shelves.


  • 1 kg cranberries
  • 0.5 kg cranberries
  • 1.5 kg sugar
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 300 grams of apples

Prepared as follows:

  1. We sort the berries, wash them, scatter them on a towel to dry.
  2. Prepare the syrup: Melt the sugar in water and simmer until it thickens.
  3. Pour boiling water over cranberries and lingonberries and put them in syrup.
  4. Cook over low heat until the berries begin to boil.
  5. My apples, peel, remove the core, cut into slices.
  6. Pour boiling water over the apples and add to the jam.
  7. We cook 10 minutes.

Cranberry-lingonberry jam is ready: pour it into jars and close the lids. It is best to store it in a dark, cool place.

You can also cook, the recipes of which you can see on the site.

Cranberry jam with lemon zest

Lemon zest is added to jam not only to give it a piquant taste, but also to give it even more medicinal properties.

Lemon peel is able to strengthen bones, it contains a large amount of calcium. It removes toxic substances from the body, lowers cholesterol levels, and is used to prevent cancer.

The zest of the lemon contains a lot of pectin, which will provide the dessert with viscosity and transparency. Jam according to this recipe can be added to tea instead of sugar, make a cranberry drink out of it. It keeps for quite a long time.


  • 1 kg cranberries
  • 2 kg sugar
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 glass of water
  • Vanilla

The dessert is prepared according to this recipe as follows:

  1. We sort out the berry, clean it from the petioles of the leaves, wash it under running water.
  2. We put it in a saucepan, pour water into it and start cooking.
  3. Cook over low heat until the cranberries begin to boil.
  4. Add sugar, bring to a boil.
  5. Add lemon zest and vanilla to taste.
  6. Cook for another 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing the foam.
  7. Pour the finished dish into pre-pasteurized jars, cover with lids and roll up with a key.

Cranberry jam - five minutes

Five-minute - the most common jam in canning, because of the quick preparation. When cooked for five minutes, 70% of the vitamins are preserved, it requires less sugar, and it is an integral part of a healthy diet. The berries do not boil soft and do not lose their shape, so the five-minute is a very beautiful jam.

Dessert according to this recipe is suitable for adding to tea, and for a festive table, and for filling in homemade cakes.

A five-minute is stored for about six months, so it should be prepared only in the amount necessary for one season.


  • 1 kg fresh cranberries
  • 1.5 kg sugar
  • 0.5 liters of water

Prepared as follows:

  1. We take out leaves, petioles and bad fruits from the berry.
  2. Rinse with running water and sprinkle on a napkin or towel to dry
  3. Melt sugar in water and bring to a boil.
  4. Place the cranberries in a pot of water.
  5. Cook the berry for five minutes, then drain the water and transfer the cranberries to the syrup.
  6. We turn off the resulting mixture and put it in a cold place for 12 hours.
  7. After 12 hours, cook the cranberries in syrup for another five minutes, periodically removing the foam and stirring.
  8. Remove from heat - five minutes is ready. Pour into jars and cover with lids and roll up with a key.

When cooking jam, it should be remembered that the longer it is cooked, the longer it will be stored. But in the process of long heat treatment, vitamins are destroyed, so it is very important to balance the cooking time.

You can give preference to any recipe. Cranberry dessert in different versions has good taste, is very healthy, and is liked by both adults and children. An additional bonus of the delicacy is its attractive appearance - the jam has a bright red color.

We will be happy to answer any of your questions in the comments.

The easiest recipe for making cranberry jam for the winter will not take you much time. It is enough to prepare the ingredients and follow the steps.

For cooking, you need to take cranberries - 1 kilogram, boiled water - 2.5 cups and granulated sugar - 1.5 kilograms.

So, how to cook cranberry jam? I will explain all the details in detail. First of all, we must put a large pot of water on the stove and boil it. Then place the berries in a colander and dip them into boiling water. We keep them in this state for about 3 minutes. Then we take them out of the water and shake them lightly to get rid of excess water.

Pour the indicated amount of water into another container and combine with granulated sugar. The end result should be sugar syrup. Then add cranberries and cook until tender. In order for the jam to be useful and all vitamins to be preserved in cranberries, it is necessary to cook it for no longer than 15 minutes. But it will turn out more liquid. If you cook it until thick, then most of the nutrients will disappear during cooking. So, it's up to everyone. As they say, there are no comrades for taste and color.

You can determine the readiness of the jam by dropping a drop on a saucer: if it spreads, then the jam is not ready yet. If it is kept in a heap, then you can already remove it from the fire.

Carefully pour the hot mass into pre-sterilized half-liter jars and cork everything with a metal key.

You can watch the video on how to prepare such a blank:

Cranberry jam with walnuts, ripe apples and honey

You can cook jam not only in its pure form, but also with other additives. Cranberries go very well with walnuts, apples and honey.

In order to prepare such a preparation for the winter period, you need components such as apples - 1 kilogram, walnuts - 1 glass of kernels, water - 100 ml, cranberries - 1 kilogram and honey - 3 kilograms.

How to make such delicious jam? Simply and easily. First of all, prepare the nuts and apples. Peeled walnuts should be poured with boiling water and left for 5 minutes, after covering the container with a lid. This must be done in order to remove the peel, which is often bitter.

Remove the core from the apples and peel the skin. Regime them in medium portions. Cranberries, in the same way as in the previous recipe, need to be dipped in boiling water for a few minutes to soften the berries.

Next, you need to cool the cranberries and pass through a meat grinder, or beat with a blender in a puree and add half a glass of water to it. In principle, applesauce could also be made from apples. Although the pieces of apples soften during cooking and turn into gruel. But it's up to you.

Now let's get to the honey. It must be melted if it is candied. This should be done in a water bath, otherwise honey will lose all its beneficial properties at high temperatures.

Applesauce, walnuts and cranberries should preferably be boiled for no longer than 15 minutes. But the recipe says to do it for 60 minutes. But in this case, such a delicacy will no longer be useful for the body. So I recommend slightly changing the cooking order. It is better to boil apples, nuts and cranberries for 15 minutes and that's it.

Then cool the berry mass to 50 degrees and add liquid honey. Mix everything, pour into jars and roll up with a key.

As you can see, cranberry jam recipes are quite different. So let's continue our master class with a photo.

How to cook cranberry jam with oranges without cooking?

You can make cranberry jam without cooking, and together with an orange. Everything is prepared quite simply without problems.

We take cranberries and oranges in equal proportions, approximately 1.5 kilograms each. We also need granulated sugar, somewhere around 3 kilograms.

Sort the berries and rinse thoroughly with water, then dry on a paper towel. Rinse the oranges well and cut into small portions together with the peel.

After that, pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, spread the jam in sterile jars and tightly cork them with lids. You need to store such jam in a dark, cool place.

You can cook such jam not only in summer or autumn. In winter, you can cook a delicious delicacy from frozen cranberries.

The fastest cranberry jam recipe

Often this recipe is called "five minutes". The name comes from the fact that you only need to boil the berries with sugar for five minutes. By the way, a similar recipe was published in the article where we told.

So, how to cook five-minute cranberry jam? Let's figure it out together. We need only two components - cranberries and sugar in equal proportions. I usually cook one by one.

Wash and dry cranberries. Then kill with a blender or skip the berries through a meat grinder. In a deep container, combine the ingredients and leave for two hours.

After dissolving the sugar, put the cranberry puree on the fire and boil the jam for only five minutes. Then pour them into sterile jars and cork with a tight nylon lid.

Store in the basement or refrigerator. It is impossible for the sun's rays to fall on the jam. This will lead to the appearance of mold right in the jar.

Recipe for lingonberry and cranberry jam

As you can see, there are quite a lot of interesting recipes. But I shared with you only proven ones. Although I saw many other interesting combinations of fruits and vegetables. You can make blackberry jam, zucchini, blueberries and even green cranberries.

You can even make delicious cranberry jam. This berry is very healthy and goes well with many other fruits. So if you decide to experiment, then feel free to do it. I am sure that everything will work out for you.

The glory of one of the most useful food products cranberries have earned for a long time. Healers have long used it to prevent beriberi, treat infectious diseases, prevent blood clots, and maintain overall health. For this reason, it makes sense to prepare cranberry jam for the winter, which will help strengthen the body's defenses in the cold season.

Cooking features

Cranberry jam will be tastier and healthier if some important points are taken into account when preparing it.

  • When picking cranberries, you need to pick the berries carefully, without squeezing them with your fingers so as not to damage them.
  • After collecting the cranberries, it should be cleaned of forest debris, adhering leaves, and also washed with running water, trying not to use too strong a stream of water, otherwise the integrity of the berries will be violated during the washing process.
  • Washed cranberries, before proceeding directly to the preparation of jam, must be dried by pouring them onto paper towels, which will quickly absorb excess moisture.
  • The main value of cranberries is their high content of vitamin C, which can be destroyed during heat treatment. For this reason, cranberry jam is cooked for a relatively short time. You can store such a workpiece only in a cool place, ideally in the refrigerator. Therefore, it is better to lay out cranberry jam in small jars.
  • Despite the fact that cranberry jam is stored at a low temperature, jars for it must be sterilized. The lids with which these jars will be closed should also be sterilized. A five-minute boil will suffice for this.
  • Cranberries - the berry is very sour, so you need to take a lot of sugar to make jam.

To improve the taste of cranberry jam and get a treat rich in an even larger set of useful vitamins and minerals, you can make jam, which includes other berries and fruits.

Easy Cranberry Jam Recipe

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • cranberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort, rinse and dry the cranberries, chop them with a blender, meat grinder or food processor.
  • Mix cranberry puree with sugar, cover the container with it with a cloth and leave at room temperature for a couple of hours.
  • Put the bowl with berry puree on a quiet fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam (do not throw it away: it is very tasty and can be eaten with tea after making jam to reward yourself for your efforts).
  • Pour hot jam into prepared jars, close them with nylon or metal lids, put them in the refrigerator after they become barely warm.

This is the easiest recipe for making cranberry jam, in which there are only two ingredients - cranberries and sugar.

Cranberry jam "Five minutes"

Composition (per 2.5 l):

  • cranberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the washed cranberries into a basin and pour half a liter of water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool, drain the broth into a separate pan.
  • Boil the broth, pour sugar into it and prepare a thick syrup.
  • Pour cranberries with hot syrup and leave it to soak in it for 2 hours.
  • Put the bowl of cranberries on the fire. After the jam boils, note 5 minutes - exactly how much jam should be cooked according to this recipe. During the cooking process, stir the contents of the basin and remove the foam that forms on the surface.
  • Pour hot jam into sterilized jars, roll them up. Wait for the jars to cool, then move them to the refrigerator shelf.

Making five-minute cranberry jam is no more difficult than making jam according to a simple recipe. In the cranberry jam prepared according to this recipe, it remains whole, which makes it very appetizing.

Aromatic cranberry jam

Composition (per 2.5 l):

  • cranberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • lemon zest - 10-15 g;
  • vanillin - 1-2 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the prepared cranberries with a glass of water and put the bowl with it on the fire.
  • When the water boils, start adding sugar, mixing everything well each time and waiting for the crystals to dissolve.
  • Add zest and vanillin, cook, removing foam, 20 minutes, remove from stove.
  • Let the jam stand for about half an hour, then spread it into sterilized jars. Close jars tightly and store in a cool place.

Cranberry jam prepared according to this simple recipe is sweet and fragrant.

Cranberry jam with oranges in a slow cooker

Composition (for 2 l):

  • cranberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.25 kg;
  • oranges - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash berries and oranges.
  • Turn the berries into a puree using a blender or meat grinder.
  • Cut the oranges, without peeling, into large pieces and remove the seeds from them, pass the rest through a meat grinder and mix with cranberry puree.
  • Transfer the puree to the multicooker bowl, sprinkle with sugar and leave for half an hour.
  • Stir, close the lid and turn on the steam mode for 15 minutes. If there is no such mode, then you can use the Extinguishing program by running it for 20 minutes.
  • Arrange the jam in prepared jars, roll them up with metal lids. Turn the jars over and wrap them in a blanket. When they cool down, put them in the refrigerator or pantry for the winter - the jam prepared according to this recipe is well worth it at room temperature.

Preparing jam in accordance with the indicated recipe will not take much time from the hostess. In this case, the delicacy will turn out to be very fragrant. It will have the consistency of not too thick jam.

Cranberry jam with apples and nuts

Composition (per 2.5 l):

  • cranberries - 0.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • walnut kernels - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Sort, wash the cranberries. Place in a bowl with a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Drain excess water, wipe the berries through a sieve.
  • Wash the apples, cut the core out of them, cut the flesh into small cubes.
  • Chop the walnuts with a knife.
  • Put honey in a bowl for jam and heat it over low heat until it becomes liquid.
  • Put apple slices in honey, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Add cranberries and cook the same amount more.
  • Add nuts and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Arrange the finished jam in jars, close them and, after cooling, put them in the refrigerator.

According to this recipe, an exquisite and very healthy dessert is obtained. If you eat a little of it every day, then anemia and beriberi do not threaten you.

It should be borne in mind that sugar can be replaced with honey when preparing cranberry jam according to any of the above recipes. In this case, honey is taken in the amount of one glass instead of every 250 g of granulated sugar.