How to bake tartlets. Puff trimming tartlets: dough recipe

02.09.2019 Lean dishes

And with cottage cheese cream, with berries, but they completely forgot that, on the basis of such a basket, you can do and delicious, diverse unsweetened baking - sand tartlets!

They like me that they do not destroy, like the store, like waffle baskets. And put in the sand tartlets, you can anything. Your favorite salad, snackry cheese paste, Forshmak, Pate ... Delicious! What is the wealth of options! And look at the table the same salad in tartlets will be in a new way, original, and to eat portion baskets is more convenient.

So, I offer you a basic dough recipe for tartlets, but what to fill them, you will come up with yourself!

Ingredients for tartlets test:

For 10 pieces:

  • 1 cup flour;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 tablespoon sugar.

How to prepare the dough for sand tartlets:

As you guessed, it's all the same my favorite shortbread dough, from which the cookie "Chestnuts" is being made. Only in it a little less sweetness.

Hands to vail flour with soft oil into the crumb, slightly salts, sugar, knead the soft dough and put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Then we pull out, roll small bunches and kneading and on the bottom and sorts of metal molds with wavy edges. Test thickness - approximately 0.3-0.5 cm.

We bake sand tartlets at 200 ° C for about 25 minutes, to dry dough and light goldenness.

Let us cool a little, then carefully shake out of the molds - tartlets get easy, but they have very gentle, crumb edges.

Ready! Now you can fill tartlets than you want. I put a chicken salad with beans.

And what options offer you?

There is a huge number of snack recipes with tartlets. In fact, it is just a mass of ways to prepare the filling for them. Bakeing the tartlets themselves is not such a complex process as it may seem. There is a very simple recipe for this snack from the sand dough. Such a basis can be filled with any fillings and in the end, both cold snack and dessert. The process of manufacturing tartlets from the preparation of all necessary ingredients begins. To do this, need flour, water, butter and salt. No need to once again remind that all products should be fresh. Cannot be used for cooking back-up products, with an expired shelf life.

To prepare the dough for tartlets, you need to pour the required amount of flour into a clean dry bowl. By this time, the flour must already be sifted to the lumps and other extraneous impurities in it. After that, in flour, add ordinary crude cold water and mix the contents of the bowl. Next you need to sature the dough. The amount of the added salt is determined by the taste preferences and purpose of tartlets, namely, by which the stuffing is expected to fill them before feeding to the table. For example, tartlets for the future dessert should not be too salty. On the other hand, a snack with cheese, tomato and greens will give extra piquancy. However, too salted dishes are of little to taste, and, you should not forget about it.

Next, in a bowl with flour, water and salt you need to add oil. It should be very soft, so it should be taken from the refrigerator before making tartlets. Let the butter stand a little in a warm place, and only then you can add it to the dough. Oil can be graft on a large grater and then leave for a while. It melts faster, so it will be more convenient to mix in the total mass. Another option is already soft oil to mock the fork and omit into the dough. The contents of the bowl now need to mix as closely as possible. To do this, you can use the plug. Thus, it will be seen when flour, water, oil and salt will turn into a homogeneous mass, representing a large number of small particles of the same consistency and color.

After that, you can begin to knead the dough with your hands. It must be done until the dough turns into that the most familiar lump, which does not stick to his hands. For convenience, it is recommended to sprinkle the table with flour and knead the dough on the table, and not in a bowl. Then the resulting lump of the dough wrap in a cellophane package or food film and placed in the refrigerator. In the cold, the test is enough to stand for about 30 minutes. During this time, it will freeze enough for the fact that it was easier to roll and cut it. Otherwise, not enough solid sandy dough is simply crushed under the rolling pin, it will stick to the table, and to the hands. In addition, too soft test is problematic to give the desired form.

When the time is suitable - the dough should be removed from the refrigerator, put on the clean dry surface of the table and roll out a thin cake from it. The thickness of the finished rolled juicy should be no more than 0.5 cm. To maintain the temperature of the dough low, instead of the rill you can use a cold water bottle. Thus, the rolled dough will still be cold enough, so that during the impression of the form, it was "obedient", did not stick to the hands. This is especially important in this case, since this method of cooking tartlets implies the absence of special molds, and the use of primary means. As a primary means, two glasses will perform here: one with a large diameter, the other is smaller, with sharp edges.

Here is the most interesting stage. Let's see how to make tartlets without molds and give them the desired form. To do this, a glass with a large diameter of the rolled dough layer must be cut circles. Then, on each resulting circle, put a glass of smaller diameter and around its bottom to form the so-called "plate". Thus will look like ready-made tartlets. So that they do not lose their shape during baking, you should make several punctures to the toothpick in their fines. So, a hot air will pass through the hole, and the dough itself does not swell. Before baking, you can put tartlets in the refrigerator for another 10-15 minutes, so they will preserve the form better. Then you can proceed to baking. Preparation of tartlets in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, will take 20 minutes. You can fill in them with a stuffing after they are cooled.

Tartlets are the ideal base for cooking not only snacks, but also desserts. They are some edible and small plates in which different salads, fruits, creams, etc. lay out.

Such a dish is ideal for holidays and buffets. Tartlets can be prepared from different types of dough and even cheese. We suggest to consider several recipes that each can mask each.

Sand Test Tartlets Recipe

Such baking is obtained by crumbly, and also it does not twist if the stuffing with sauces is used. "Edible" plates can be made of different sizes, as well as sweet and salty. It is important to have or special forms, or at least heat-resistant dishes. The prepared ingredients will be enough for 20-30 pcs.

The recipe for the sand option includes such products.: 200 g of butter, 275 g of flour, 85 g of sugar and egg. The amount of sugar can increase if you want to prepare dessert.

Steps of cooking:

  1. pre-sifted flour pour into chopped softened butter creamy. After that, hand over your hands all to get a homogeneous mass with small grains. Separately sweese the egg, and then add sugar and salt to it. Whip all with a mixer until the foam appears;
  2. connect the mixture with flour, and then, all thoroughly mix so that it turned out soft but tight dough. Roll the tangle, wrap it with a food film and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour. After the time expires, separate the pieces, lay them into the lubricated shapes and smuggle your hands. Put everything into the oven preheated to 200 degrees and prepare until goldenness. It is important to ensure that nothing has happened because everything is preparing very quickly.

Puff Test Tartlets

Many prefer this particular option, since it does not need to have special forms for him. In addition, tartlets can be made of different shapes, for example, cutting seashells, leaves and other figures. They most often put red fish and caviar.

For this recipe for tartlets, such products should be prepared: 535 g of flour, 225 g margarine, 2 eggs, salt, 4 citric acid grains and 235 ml of water. There is a more complex preparation of puff pastry, and we offer to stay at a simple version.

Steps of cooking:

  1. take a deep bowl and pour cold water there and add citric acid. Stir and sweat the egg. After that, enter flour, leaving about 10%, and knead the dough. Mix about 15 minutes. Form the ball and leave it for half an hour. Connect the remaining flour with a softened margarine and squeezed well, and then form a rectangle;
  2. chilled ball rolling to turn out to be a rectangle, in the center of which put the prepared margarine. Roll the edge of the layer to get an envelope with margarine inside. After that, it is necessary to roll everything and send for 5 minutes. in the freezer. In general, the procedure must be repeated 2 more times;
  3. the next step is to roll the layer so that its thickness is about 1 cm. Cut it into squares of the desired size of the edible base. After that, you need to cut a smaller square in each workpiece, but only do not dough to the end. Take a baking sheet, check it with parchment and lay out future tartlets. Put in the heated oven and bring to the formation of a golden crust. After that, deliver small squares that can be used as a lid. "Edible" plates cool down and fill with stuffing.

Custard test recipe for tartlets at home

A simpler version of the preparation of delicious tartlets, which are suitable for salt, and for sweet snacks. Preparing everything extremely quickly, which will help, when there is no time to cook something more complicated.

Prepare such products: 0.5 kg of flour, 8 eggs, 700 ml of water, 250 g of butter and a pair of pinch of salt.

Steps of cooking:

  1. take a saucepan, pour water there, put pieces of oil and salt. Put on the stove and bring to a boil. Stir so that everything is dissolved, and then, quickly pour flour, stirring so that there are no lumps. Boil over 3 minutes;
  2. the resulting mass should be cooled, and then, in turn, take the eggs there, it is pretty mischievous. As a result, the homogeneous and soft mass should be turned out to be rolled into a thin layer. Using the molds, cut the circles and send them to the oven, which you need to preheat to 200 degrees. Bake time - 15 min.

Prescription of fresh dough for tartlets for silicone molds

This option is considered more ancient, which over time was displaced by yeast. He has one very important advantage - cooking tartlets do not have to allocate a lot of time, because everything is prepared very quickly. In addition, it is worth noting the use of a small number of ingredients.

Prepare such products: 300 g of flour, 215 g of butter and 3 yolks.

Steps of cooking:

  1. first, ask for flour to saturate with oxygen. Add a softened butter to it and slow down well, before the appearance of individual grains. After that, put yolks and smear the mass with your hands, which should be at the same time dense and elastic. Form a kolobok, wrap it with a film and leave in the refrigerator for 35 minutes;
  2. the next step is to roll the bun in a thin layer and cut the circles from it for molds that need to be pre-lubricated with oil. Put them on the tray and send the oven to the previously preheated to 180 degrees. Cooking time - 15 min. After the time expires, get the molds and cool down.

Cottage cheese dough for tartlets

Now consider the sweet option for the preparation of various desserts. It can be prepared as a holiday, as well as just for home tea, since the process is quite simple.

For this recipe at home should be taken such products.: on 225 g of flour, butter and low-fat curd.

Steps of cooking:

  1. delight the oil in advance, which should be soft. It should be chopped by a knife on small pieces. It is necessary to add cottage cheese through the fine sieve to it, and then, pre-sifted flour. Mix a homogeneous dough, roll a bunker, wrap it with a film and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  2. after the time, you will get a lot of time, separate small pieces and distribute them to the forms. Put in the preheated oven and bring to goldenness. Consider what it is preparing quickly, so you follow that tartlets are not burned.

Recipe test for coffee tartlets

Another option for the preparation of delicious and original desserts. You can make different cupcakes with fillings. Be sure to prepare such a dessert for your family.

This is a classic snack that will decorate the table of any holiday. Test recipes and ways of baking baskets are listed in this article.

For many years in a row, Tartlets with filling - a leading snack On any festive table or buffet. This is because prepare it simple, Copy by any ingredients, and eat - conveniently.

Tartlets is a kind edible Test Plate Small size. Optionally, it can be started with vegetables, fruits, pate, meat or fish salad, cream or jam. Variants are many. The dish immediately attracts the attention of guests, among all the treats on the table, and always, as they say, "wakes up with a bang."

Pledge of successful tartlets - delicious doughwhich can be supplemented with filling. You can buy it, of course, in the store already in the ready state. However, for those who want to create their own unique dish, it is useful to know dough Home Recipes do it yourself.

Tartlets - finished dish

Puff dough for tartlets (simple):


  • Flour - 550 g. (Plus approximately 30 g on the spray, the flour must be sifted).
  • Margarine - 220 g. (Can be replaced by spread)
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Water


  • First of all, the flour should be sifted through a sieve. Well, if you do it twice.
  • Wear eggs with water
  • Melt margarine in the microwave and mix it with the egg mass.
  • Put the dough on the surface, covered with flour, form a lump.
  • The dough should be sealed and leave to "relax".
  • The finished dough should be postponed in molds for baking. Also, puff pastry can be cut into circles and bake, posing on the parchment.
  • The stove such dough quickly enough, 15 minutes will be enough at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.

Home baskets

Delicious shortbread dough for tartlets: recipe

Puff pastry is quite easy, and the sandy is distinguished by a pleasant density. Delicious sandy dough can very well complement any filling.

You will need:

  • Flour - 500 g. (Plus approximately 30 g on the sprinkle, the flour is necessarily sifted).
  • Eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Water - 3 glasses (purified, not hot)
  • Butter (Breased 73%) - 250 g. (Soft)
  • Salt or sugar (depending on the type of tartlets)


  • Water should pour into a saucepan
  • Put a saucepan on a small fire and add butter to water.
  • Mix the mass thoroughly until you melt the oil.
  • Mass should not be too hot
  • Gradually intervening the flour (half of the whole part), knead enough "liquid" custard dough.
  • Look gradually all the eggs, knead the dough by adding all the flour.
  • The dough will be sufficiently soft and elastic. Cut with a glass or a cup of circles, which then gently lay out in molds for baking.
  • The sandstop dough bakes quickly enough and 15 minutes will be enough at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Important: Sand tartlets are suitable for meat and sweet fillings. The main thing is to add sugar to the dough for sweet tartlets.

Gradual preparation of sand tartlets

How to cook the dough for tartlets is the simplest?

In order to quickly cook tartlets on a festive table, many hostesses will need a simple dough recipe that is very quick to cook.

You will need:

  • Flour - 2 glasses of sifted flour of the highest grade
  • Sour cream - 1 cup (200 ml, sour cream can be used any fat).
  • Creamy butter (73%) - 100 g. (Can be replaced with a plant-cream mixture "Spread").
  • Salt and Sugar. (If you cook sweet tartlets).


  • Creamy oil should be melt at room temperature to a soft state.
  • Flour should be sifted, you can twice.
  • Flour must be poured onto the working surface with a slide.
  • Soft oil should be mixed with sour cream and gradually, pushing the creamy mass to flour, knead the dough.
  • The resulting dough should be bought into the food film and send to the refrigerator to "relax" at least half an hour.
  • After the "rest", the dough cuts into a mug of the neck of the glass. The resulting circles are stacked in the molds and fingered.
  • Bake tartlets follows about 25 minutes, while the temperature of the oven should not exceed 200 degrees.

Important: If the tartlets you should fill with fruit, cream or jam, add sugar into the dough.

Phased cooking of sweet tartlets

You will need:

  • Flour - 600 g. (Approximately 3.5 glasses, sift)
  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Yeast - 1 tsp. (Use dry bakery)
  • Salt - Chipotka
  • Sugar - 1 tsp. For yeast (add more if confectionery tartlets).
  • Egg - 2 pcs.


  • Heat the milk to a warm state and add sugar to it.
  • Pass the yeast into warm milk and allow them to dissolve them, but also to take care.
  • Then gradually interfere with eggs in milk
  • Speak gradually flour with small parts and knead the dough.
  • In order for the dough, it does not stick to the surface on which you are kneaded, and did not remain on your hands - you should lubricate them with vegetable oil.
  • The finished dough should be a little "rest" and only then it can be decomposed on the molds for baking.
  • Tartlets are baked about half an hour, provided that the temperature of the oven will be no more than 200 degrees.

Simple but tasty tartlets recipes

Tart Tartlets Sweet: Recipes

Such tartlets successfully complement the sweet table for children and adults. They can be filled with any stuffing: cream, cottage cheese, fruit, chocolate mousse.

You will need:

  • Flour
  • Butter - 1 pack (200 g. Any fatness can be used instead of a vegetable cream mixture).
  • Sugar - 2 or 3 glasses (tartlets are adjustable to taste and preferences yourself).
  • Egg - 2 pcs. (chicken)


  • Melt oil in the microwave
  • Mix the fused oil with sugar and eggs. It should be gradually to regain the flour and knead the elastic dough.
  • The dough should be bought into the film and hold half an hour in the refrigerator.
  • Cut the dough on the mug with the help of a glass of glass and put them in the molds, feeding with your fingers along the edges.
  • Tartlets are baked enough quickly, 20-25 minutes will be quite enough, provided that the temperature of the oven will be no more than 190-200 degrees.

Sweet tartlets - ways to cook the dough and recipe

Recipe for waste tartlets

You will need:

  • Flour - 1 cup with a slide (approximately 300 g,)
  • Butter - 1 pack (200 g, can be replaced by spread)
  • Egg - 3 pcs. (Use only yolks)
  • Salt - pinch or more, navigate to taste


  • Flour with salt gradually intervene
  • The resulting dough is covered with a food film and is stored in the half an hour refrigerator.
  • After that, the dough is rolled, cut and stacked in the molds.
  • Bake tartlets need 25 minutes. The temperature of the oven must be no more than 200 degrees.

Universal Tartlets.

How to cook dough for tartlets in deep fryer?

Fryer - original way to cook tartlets. They are obtained very elastic, oil and well hold the form. Such tartlets can be started with cream, caviar or hepatic pate. Delicious!

IMPORTANT: Besides to have such a device, as Fryer (by the way, it can be replaced using oil and saucepan) it is important to "figure out" design for dough dipping in a hot oil. To do this, use a metal mold fixed on a metal wand. The mold can also be kept pliers (clean).

You will need:

  • Flour - The amount is not limited. It should be viewed on the density of the test: not too cool and not too liquid.
  • Egg - 1 PC.
  • Milk - 1 cup (you can use milk of any fatness).


  • Milk is mixed with eggs with a mixer. Mass can be salted to taste.
  • Gradually mix the flour while the dough does not acquire the desired consistency
  • Cut the dough on the circles and put it in the mold.
  • Matching with dough dip in the hot oil. Fry the dough should be not more than a minute. Give tartlets cool and only then fill the filling.

Puff trimming tartlets: dough recipe

You will need:

  • Flour - 500 g. (Plus another 30 g. On the sprinkling, the flour must be sifted).
  • Margarine - 220 g. (Can be replaced by a plant-cream mixture "Spread" or even oil).
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 1 cup (purified, warm)


  • Mix eggs with milk
  • Melt margarine in the microwave, mix it with the egg mass.
  • Gradually, interfere with the sifted flour and knead the dough.
  • Before baking, give the test "Relax" half an hour
  • The finished dough should be postponed in molds for baking.
  • The stove such dough quickly quickly, fifteen minutes will be enough at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.

Tartlets without using yeast dough

Yeast dough tartlets: test recipe

You will need:

  • Flour - 500 g. (Approximately 2 glasses, sift)
  • Milk - 1 cup (200 ml. Any fatness)
  • Sugar - 100 g. (If you bake sweet tartlets)
  • Yeast - 1 bag (this is about 10 g, use dry bakery).
  • Salt - Chipotka
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. For fermentation of yeast
  • Egg - 2 pcs.


  • Heat the milk, dissolve sugar in it and pour yeast. Leave to wander 15 minutes.
  • Add eggs to milk and mix thoroughly.
  • Sunday gradually flour with small portions and knead the dough.
  • The finished dough should be a little "relax"
  • Spread the dough circles on the molds.
  • Tartlets are baked about half an hour, provided that the temperature of the oven will be no more than 200 degrees.

Yeast-based tartlets

How to cook delicious dietary dough for tartlets?

You will need:

  • Flour - 0.5 glasses (use wholegrain)
  • Egg - 1 PC.
  • Cottage cheese - 100 g (0% fat)
  • Starch - 2 tbsp. (only corn)


  • Cottage cheese is peers through a sieve
  • Egg and starch interferes in cottage cheese
  • Add flour
  • The resulting dough follows my fingers to lay in the mold
  • If the dough turns out enough crumbly, add quite a bit of water.
  • Bake such tartlets for 15 minutes at a temperature of no more than 170-180 degrees.

How to cook delicious fresh dough for tartlets?

You will need:

  • Flour - 1 cup (approximately 250-300 g, sift)
  • Butter - 200 g (1 pack, 73% fat)
  • Egg - 3 pcs. (Use in the recipe only yolks)


  • The oil softens and is thoroughly mixed with yolks.
  • Flour suits gradually
  • The dough is supplied elastic and easily fit into the molds.
  • Bake 10-15 minutes at temperatures, not more than 200 degrees.

Delicious dough for tartlets do it yourself

Tartlets - Dough from rye flour: recipe

You will need:

  • Rye flour - 1 cup (250-300 g, no need to sift).
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Baking powder - 0.5 ppm
  • Salt - to taste (you can not add at all)
  • Butter - 20 g. (Can be replaced by margarine)


  • Eggs are whipped and mixed with oil
  • Busty and flour intervened in the mass
  • If the mass is too soft, add more flour rye or wheat.
  • Put the dough in the mold and bake 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Tartlets: Custard Test Recipe

You will need:

  • Flour - 0.5 kg (not necessarily sissing)
  • Eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Milk - 3 glasses (you can use any fatness).
  • Butter - 200 g (can be replaced by a vegetable-creamy mixture).
  • Salt - to taste (you can exclude)


  • Eggs are whipped with butter
  • Milk is added to the ground
  • Mass put on fire and mixed thoroughly
  • Gradually, plunge the flour and knead the dough without bringing it to a boil.
  • When the mass becomes too dense for mixing, turn off the fire.
  • Give the test to cool. Pour flour, knead the dough with your hands.
  • The dough is very elastic. Put it in the mold and bake 25 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees.

Tartlets Lebid: Dough Recipes

You will need:

  • Flour - The amount is not limited, look by density.
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups (use any).
  • Water - 1 cup (can be replaced with apple juice)
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. (Anyone, if sweet tartlets)
  • Sugar to taste (for sweet and salt for ordinary)


  • Flour sieves through sieve, you can twice
  • In flour, pour water and oil, kneading the dough (if you add honey, it dissolves in advance in water).
  • The dough is placed in forms and baked 15-20 minutes at a temperature of no more than 200 degrees.

Lenten Tartlets.

Waffle dough for tartlets: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour - 1.5 glasses (must be sifted)
  • Egg - 1 PC.
  • Milk - 1 cup (you can use any fatness).
  • Margarine - 50 g. (Can be replaced by a vegetable-creamy mixture).
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups (you can adjust the amount of sugar to taste).
  • Soda - 0.5 ppm (It is possible to replace the baking disintegrator).
  • Salt - to taste (you can exclude at all)


  • Flour sieves together with soda or baking powder
  • Milk with egg and margarine mixes in a bowl
  • All ingredients are mixed, sugar is added.
  • In the thickness of the dough should be like a very thick sour cream.
  • The dough is bottled according to the molds and is sent to the hot oven (200-220 degrees) for 15 minutes.

Tartlets from the finished puff dough without molds

Ready puff pastry, which can be bought in the store, simplifies cooking tartlets for each mistress. Such dough very much delicious and quickly prepared. In the store you can choose how yeast and dark-free dough.

It is not difficult to work with the purchase test and you will not even use special baking forms. Just get out of the package of a test sheet and a glass (or a glass) cut out of it proportionally smooth circles.

Then find a glass or any other object with a round bottom of a smaller diameter. Make a deepening in a cut-out circle. If it is necessary, the edge of the tartlets is a little lift manually up. During baking the dough, of course, it will increase in size and raises, but the characteristic form of the basket will still remain.

Important: baking conditions and the test time in the oven are written on each individual packaging of the manufacturer.

Baking tartlets without molds

Dough for tartlets in silicone molds: recipes

Silicone molds for baking essentially simplify the work and the process of cooking tartlets. Having a ready-made basket from such a molds is much more convenient and easier. In addition, the dough does not stick to the edges, even if there is little oil in it.

Universal dough recipe for tartlets into silicone molds:

  • Flour - 2 glasses (must be sifted)
  • Oil - 100 g (can be replaced by margarine or vegetable-creamy mixture).
  • Sour cream - 60 g (any fatness)
  • Salt and sugar (in the case of baking sweet tartlets) to taste.

Silicone molds

How to buy silicone molds for tartarity on Aliexpress?

There are such life situations when there is no needed kitchen equipment at hand and it is simply not possible to buy it nearby. In such situations, the most ambitious housewife and culinary help comes modern trading resource - Aliexpress.

Here, every wishes buyer in the section "For home and garden»Can find the item" Kitchen ". This folder contains a huge amount. kitchen accessories and toolsSuch needed in daily use and creation of culinary masterpieces.

Prices of stores are particularly democratic and any of your purchases on Aliexpress will have a good discount, please you with gift bonuses and free shipping. Here you can buy the best molding for baking . The store pleases the assortment of models, sizes and figures of molds.

How many sand dough tartlets are stored?

Purchased tartlets from any dough necessarily have a shelf life on the package. But what to do if after the event you have a lot of tartlets not filled with tartlets cooked with your own hands?

The fact is that if you keep them correctly, you can easily extend their "service life". Sand baskets can be accurately folded alone, wrap in food and storing until next holiday. Such tartlets quickly defrost and freezing does not affect their taste!

Tartlets baskets - Forms and types: Photo

There is a huge number of types and forms of tartlets, as well as baskets for filling. Some of them should be baked from homemade test, others from purchased. An unusual and "simple" tartlets made from Lavash leaf are considered.
Cheese tartlets

Video: "Tartlets VideoBept"

Tartlets call small baskets from dough with filling. The filler may be the most different: pate, salad, fruit. For a buffet table, such a snack is indispensable, and children rarely refuse breakfast, which resembles a cake, even if inside they detect the unsweetened filler. Preparing for the holiday, many buy ready-made baskets in the store, but they are not suiced and their taste often leaves much to be better. A good idea will arise tartlets yourself. The dough is easy to prepare for them at home.

Features of cooking

Tartlets are most often baked from sand dough, but it can be curd, sour cream, puff or other. The single recipe for tartlets can not be. However, some recommendations to Culinary, who first appreciated for the preparation of test for tartlets at home, will be useful.

  • The oven for baking tartlets is better to warm up in advance. They are usually put in the oven wardrobe, the temperature in which it reached 180-200 degrees, and bake at this temperature half an hour. Time may be required less: you will learn about the readiness of the tartlets according to their appearance (they will be twisted).
  • Baking tartlets does not tolerate hasty. The test must be allowed to relax before shaping the baskets from it and send them into the oven.
  • For baking tartlets will require molds. Silicone capacities for cupcakes are fully suitable, although it is more convenient to work with metal tanks. Only puff pastry allows you to do without molds.
  • When baking tartlets at the bottom of the molds, you need to put a little dry bean or other cereals. If this is not done, the dough on the bottom can decide, use the finished baskets with such a bottom will be inconvenient.
  • In order for the dough does not stick to the hands, they need to sweat with flour or lubricate with vegetable oil.

Otherwise, when preparing a test for tartlets and baking products, it is necessary to follow the instructions accompanying the recipe. Then the result will certainly justify your expectations.

Simple sand dough recipe for tartlets

  • wheat flour - 160 g;
  • salt - chip;
  • sugar - 5-10 g;
  • creamy oil or margarine - 100 g

Cooking method:

  • Oil or margarine Remove from the refrigerator in advance. The product must soften, but not melting.
  • Sketch flour, mix with salt and sugar.
  • Gradually adding flour, mix it with butter until it is over. As a result, you will have a mass that resembles crumbs.
  • Remove the dough for 15-20 minutes in the refrigerator.
  • Remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll out small balls from it (with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm). 10-12 such balls should leave the resulting test.
  • Put the balls on the bottom with vegetable oil molds for baking. Scroll through your hands, distributing it along the bottom and edges of the tanks. The thickness of the dough should be from 3 to 5 mm.
  • Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  • At the bottom of the molds, put a few bean grains.
  • Send molds to the oven. Bake until tartlets get a golden tint.

The amount of sugar in the recipe is adjustable depending on which the filling of tartlets will be. For sweet fillings, the dough is required is more sweet, less sweet option is suitable for sharp fillings. In addition to the dough, you can add some paprika or turmeric. Thanks to this, tartlets will not only become tastier, but also acquired even more appetizing tint.

Safety sandstop dough for tartlets

  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • margarine or butter - 0.2 kg;
  • dough dough - chinful;
  • salt - shrink.

Cooking method:

  • Flour, seeking, mix with a baking powder and salt.
  • Margarine or oil hold at room temperature for an hour.
  • Put in a bowl, bailitate the knife.
  • Add flour, mix.
  • Separate squirrels from yolks.
  • Jolves add to the rest of the ingredients, mix.
  • Pour chilled milk, knead the dough.
  • Put the dough into a bowl, cover the food film, take it half an hour in the fridge.
  • From the test, form small balls, crush them with your palm so that flat circles come.
  • Spread the dough on the molds, press it for the bottom and edges. Put the beans on the bottom.
  • Put the molds with a test preheated to 200 g oven. Bake while the dough does not get an appetizing tint.

From the specified number of ingredients, there will be so many tartlets that you will be enough to cover the festive table to a fairly large company. Start them with different snacks.

Yeast dough for tartlets

  • flour - 0.6 kg;
  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • sugar - 5-100 g (depending on the sweet or snack tartlets you want to cook);
  • dry bakery yeast - 5 g;
  • salt - chip;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Milk warm to a temperature slightly above room. Add yeast and sugar to it. Even if you make unslayer tartlets, at least we need a teaspoon of sugar.
  • Hold the milk in a warm place for 15-20 minutes so that the yeast is wandered.
  • One to take into milk eggs.
  • Square flour. Add it parts thoroughly by stirring until you get elastic dough.
  • Roll the dough into the ball, cover the film and put aside half an hour.
  • Picking off the slices from the dough, roll it into the balls, then distribute in the forms, you distribute your fingers along the bottom and walls.

Baked yeast dough tartlets in preheated to 200 degrees oven 20-30 minutes.

Puff pastile dough

  • flour - 0.6 kg;
  • water - 0.3 l;
  • egg chicken - 1 pc.;
  • salt - chip;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 10 ml;
  • creamy oil or margarine - 0.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • In cold water, add vinegar and salt, stir carefully.
  • Spread the egg to the container with water, whip until the mixture does not get a homogeneous consistency.
  • By adding flour, knead the elastic dough. As a result, you should stay a little less cup flour.
  • Put the oil with the remaining flour to get a crumb.
  • The dough is removed half an hour in the refrigerator, then roll into a rectangular layer.
  • Distribute on the dough crumb of flour and oil. Fold the dough envelope, roll out. Remove a quarter of an hour in the refrigerator, then roll back, turn the envelope and roll out again.
  • Repeat the procedure for another 2-3 times.
  • Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll each part.
  • Put one piece to another. Cut into squares. Inside each square around the perimeter, take suns, breaking only one layer.
  • Spread the dough on the contrary, send for 20 minutes to the oven preheated to 200-220 degrees. During baking the oven do not open.
  • After feeding the baking from the oven, remove the middle.

After the tartlets are cooled, they can fill them with a snack and cover the dough extracted part. For the same principle, you can make tartlets round shape, cutting out the circle with a glass from the dough.