Why you shouldn't drink alcohol. Alcohol and antibiotics: consequences

22.04.2019 Meat dishes

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Drugs enter the body in different ways. They are taken orally, inhaled, applied to the skin, injected into a blood vessel, muscle, or through a probe into the intestines.

But with any method of receipt begins difficult process interactions medicinal product with constituents of fluids and cells. The nature of the course of this interaction will depend significantly on the state of the body at the time the person takes the medicine.

Diseases create emergencies, unusual conditions in the form of malnutrition of tissues and organs, elevated temperature, increased sweating, a sharp change in all physico-chemical processes. With each ailment, the changes in the internal environment that occur in the body have characteristic features. They are created against certain diseases and therefore they are usually designed to act in a disturbed physical and chemical environment.
Taking into account the need, the doctor prescribes means for activating or inhibiting the processes of oxidation, restoring various complex reactions in order to normalize the internal environment in the body. If other adverse events occur in the chain of interaction between the sick organism and the drug, then usually the effectiveness of treatment decreases significantly. In this case, sometimes the treatment becomes completely useless.
A frequent factor that perverts drug effect, is alcohol. Alcohol-containing liquids are good solvents. Alcohol penetrates very quickly into the tissues of the body, actively intervenes in metabolic processes.
Alcohol comes into contact with biological structures and irritates them even with a rare, single use of it. As a result, overexcitation of the cerebral cortex is possible, and a significant increase in the secretion of gastric juice. Alcohol has the ability to dehydrate tissues, dissolve fats, and stimulate their leaching from cells. Proteins are compacted, the activity of any cells is disorganized. Sharp, often irreversible phenomena occur in cells.
Alcohol impact takes on one of the first gastric mucosa. She is suffering from painful changes. Therefore, nutrients, especially proteins and vitamins, are poorly absorbed, even if they are adequately supplied with food. There is a development in the intestines of the processes of decay and fermentation, the formation of substances unfavorable for the body - ammonia, indole, skatole, acetic acid and etc.
With the systematic drinking of alcohol, it begins to participate in metabolic processes not occasionally, but constantly, and thus perverts the natural metabolism in cells and tissues. This causes disturbances in the brain and liver. Alcohol harms the body, but the damage done is not always noticeable until some time. If the drinker becomes ill, medications often do not help for reasons already mentioned in the article. A drinker has a perverted process of excretion of the drug in the body, a biochemical reaction that can stimulate recovery is significantly changed.
Antibacterial drugs have little effect on people who drink. But doctors are powerless to help. Infectious diseases proceed very hard and rapidly, even with active treatment. Inflamed areas tend to disintegrate, form gangrenes, phlegmons and abscesses. It is also stimulated by the ability of alcohol to weaken the body's defenses. Therefore, people who drink are prone to angina, tuberculosis.
It is difficult to carry out the operation for people who systematically drink alcohol. Their brain is resistant to the action of anesthesia, and to reach its depth, you need 2 times more drugs. However, this is often unfavorable. They have a very long period of narcotic intoxication. His accompanying motor reactions are so intense that several people are unable to hold the patient on the operating table. This complicates the work of surgeons, especially during an urgent operation. Then even the professionalism of the anesthesiologist and the doctor does not help to avoid unexpected complications with dire consequences.
The liver, due to the chronic action of alcohol, is weakened, loses the ability to quickly neutralize the by-products that are formed during the transformation of drugs. There is a lengthening of the period of stay in the body of the drug, its concentration in the blood increases. This can explain the poisoning of those suffering from alcoholism from anticoagulants and barbiturates used in the usual therapeutic dose.
Often, drinkers have excessive sensitivity to any drugs and different products nutrition. So drinking man unpleasant surprises lie in wait, that it is not always possible to foresee the possibility of shifts that will occur in the body as a result of the simultaneous intake of medicine and alcohol.
It is appropriate to mention that alcohol in some cases causes drug abuse. Systematically drinking people often use drugs to stimulate the nervous system in the morning and after work. By taking medications, they seek to eliminate weakness, fatigue, a feeling of weakness. However, the repeated use of stimulants of the nervous system makes it difficult to fall asleep, causing insomnia. Therefore, in the evening "have" to drink more alcohol or take sleeping pills. In the morning, there is a need to increase the dose of the stimulant drug in order to temporarily neutralize the effect of alcohol or sleeping pills. A vicious circle is created.
Although it is difficult to foresee in what way any medicine will begin to act in the body of a drinking person, it is advisable to inform the doctor about this weakness. However, patients and their relatives unreasonably prefer not to inform the doctor and hide the real state of affairs. This greatly complicates the treatment. Those who like to drink alcohol, as it were, deliberately create obstacles for themselves to use life-saving drugs.

Surely every average citizen of our country at least once took antibacterial drugs. These funds treat many diseases, ranging from inflammation of the skin and ending with infections of the internal organs. Quite often antibiotics are prescribed even for children. From an early age, a person gets acquainted with this antimicrobial agent.

Many people know that alcohol should not be drunk during antibiotics. The main question arises: why? It is about this and will be discussed in this article. You will also learn about the consequences of drinking alcohol after antibiotics. What to do if a festive event is scheduled and there is a need to receive

The ban on mixing antimicrobials with ethanol: the legend

Back in ancient times, a ban was introduced on combining alcoholic beverages and treatment. At that time, there was a mass infection of men and women with venereal diseases. Physicians frightened their patients, reporting that the use of even a small amount of ethanol would make the entire treatment ineffective.

Such information was disseminated for only one purpose. The medical staff simply feared that the person, having taken a little "on the chest", would again go into all serious trouble and begin to seek adventure. But sexual life at the time of treatment was strictly prohibited. After that, an attitude appeared in the minds of people that it was absolutely impossible to drink alcohol after antibiotics. In fact, everything is not so scary.

So why not antibiotics with alcohol?

The answer to this question can be given by any qualified physician. There are a number of medical antimicrobials that are strictly forbidden to be used with ethanol. And the point is not that the treatment will be ineffective. There are several answers to the question of why antibiotics with alcohol are not allowed. And all the reasons are good enough.

No therapeutic effect

This consequence of the simultaneous administration of ethanol with antimicrobial agents is the most harmless. Molecules of antibacterial drugs, entering the human body, bind to proteins, which are pathogenic microorganisms.

After taking a certain dose of alcoholic beverages, proteins are somewhat modified. Many antibacterial substances in this case react with ethanol. In this case, the treatment is simply ineffective and useless. It turns out that a person drinks medicines, "poisons" his body, but there is no sense in this. After such treatment, the doctor is forced to prescribe new course other antibiotics. This can go on for quite a long time.

Load on the liver

Combining alcohol and you can expect quite unpleasant. Surely everyone knows that the liver in our body acts as a so-called filter. It is through this organ that all medications and leave their negative action.

Alcohol contributes to the destruction of the liver. This is especially noticeable during antimicrobial treatment. Often a person begins to complain of pain in the liver and yellowing of the mucous membranes. It is worth noting that hepatitis is a liver disease. If this organ is sick, it affects the state of the whole human body. If you want to avoid this negative effect, then you should drink alcohol after antibiotics (when they are completely removed from the body). Usually the time is always indicated in the instructions.

Influence on the work of the gastrointestinal tract

If you drink alcohol at the same time and can be expressed as incomplete absorption of the active substance. After taking the drug, it enters the stomach, and from there - into the intestines. It is in this place that the main absorption of antimicrobial agents occurs.

Alcohol also has some effect on the stomach and intestines. After taking a dose of ethanol, blood circulation increases due to vasodilation. It also enhances peristalsis. Too much large doses ethanol can cause diarrhea and indigestion. All this contributes to the rapid removal of antibiotics from the body. As a result of this process, treatment may be defective.

Disulfiram-like reaction

If you drink alcohol and antibiotics in parallel, the consequences can be the most unexpected. Some drugs can cause a disulfiram-like reaction. It is worth noting that this information is always indicated on the packaging. If you find the use of ethanol in contraindications, then you should heed this instruction. A disulfiram-like reaction can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • severe nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • headaches that do not even allow you to talk;
  • fever and chills;
  • convulsions or coma;
  • fatal outcome.

Similar symptoms may begin after drinking one glass of beer or wine. That is why you should refrain from taking alcohol and antimicrobials at the same time.

The appearance of allergies

If you combine alcohol and antibiotics, the consequences may appear in the form of an unexpected allergic reaction. Often antibacterial drugs are available in colored capsules. Also, many types of drinks containing ethanol have a certain color. Taken together, these substances can cause a completely unexpected reaction. Most often, an allergy is expressed in the form of urticaria: a person begins to itch, sneeze, becomes covered with red spots.

Such a reaction forces you to change the method of treatment and refuse to take this drug. At the same time, the doctor states the following facts: the treatment is not completed, the body still has a bacterial infection, there is a need to start taking alternative drugs after the disappearance of the allergic reaction.

How to combine alcohol with antibiotics without consequences

If you have a solemn event planned, as well as treatment, then you need to correctly calculate the timing. It may make sense to delay taking antimicrobials or to get by with safer means. After the event, you can safely wait complete elimination ethanol from the body and start treatment.

When can you drink alcohol after antibiotics

Each drug contains instructions in the package. It must be studied before starting treatment. Carefully read the paragraph that tells about the time of removal of the drug from the body. Note that there is a half-life. He doesn't fit. Alcohol can only be consumed after the active substance has been completely eliminated from the body. Calculate when the substance becomes inactive. Immediately after this, you can drink alcohol without fear that an unexpected reaction will occur.

Now you know about whether alcohol is possible with antibiotics. Many people claim to have used it concomitantly with antimicrobials without any complications. You could say they were just lucky. Not always the absence of a reaction in one person guarantees a similar outcome in another.

Follow the recommendations of your doctor. Ask him if it is possible to combine the treatment prescribed for you with the use of alcohol. In case of a ban, you should refrain from alcoholic beverages. It should be noted that antibiotic treatment is not prescribed for long time. Most often, the course of admission is from three days to one week. It's not that long. You can tolerate it and not use it. alcoholic products during treatment. Be healthy!

Already at the dawn of his development, man became acquainted with the properties of certain drinks. Milk, as well as honey and juice of some fruits, after standing for some time in sunlight, changed not only their appearance, color and smell, but also acquired the ability to improve mood, general well-being, allowed a person to feel lightness and carelessness. However, people did not immediately manage to correlate this positive property with what happens to a person the next day, since for such a good state one had to pay with a headache, a disgusting state of health and a generally bad mood.

The basis of any such drink is alcohol, which is wine, or ethyl, alcohol. A few minutes after entering the body, it spreads to all tissues. It has long been found that this substance is detrimental to living cells. When it enters the human body, it disrupts the smooth functioning of tissues, organs and cells in general.

Due to alcohol, water and oxygen are removed from the body, as a result of which the cells begin to shrink. It becomes extremely difficult for them to work in their usual mode. If alcohol enters the body regularly and in a decent amount, then this can generally lead to cell death. Under the influence of this substance, absolutely all processes occurring in the body and regulating its activity can be disrupted. This can eventually lead to diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels.

The quickest and most powerful effect of alcohol on brain cells, primarily affecting the higher departments. Alcohol very quickly penetrates the nerve cells, disrupting their work. In this case, some of the cells die, resulting in a simultaneous violation of the interaction between brain regions.

In addition, alcohol has a very negative effect on blood vessels. First, they expand. Because of this, the blood, along with the alcohol it contains, rushes to the brain. As a result, there is an overexcitation of the centers of activity of the brain.

It is for this reason that a person who has taken an alcoholic drink becomes excited and cheeky.

Due to alcohol in the human brain, the processes of inhibition are significantly weakened. The cerebral cortex ceases to control what happens in other departments. For this reason, a drunk person does not control himself, and is also not able to be critical of his behavior.

A drunk person is not able to keep himself modest and restrained and may say or do things that he would never do or say when sober. The next portion of alcohol binds the nerve centers of the brain more and more and blocks common sense. These centers are not able to contain what the lower parts of the brain are starting to do.

The state of intoxication was well described by the famous Russian psychiatrist S. S. Korsakov: “The intoxicated person does not think about the consequences of his words and actions and treats them extremely lightly ... Passions and bad impulses appear without any cover and induce more or less wild actions” .

It has been noticed that in an intoxicated state a person can blurt out any secret, he loses his vigilance and ceases to be careful. What in everyday life is called intoxication is actually a serious alcohol poisoning with all the ensuing consequences.

By the way, it was found that alcohol, which has already entered the body, does not come out immediately. For two or three days, alcohol continues to be in the body, exerting its destructive effect on it. Due to the fact that it can make a person elated, improve mood, people want to experience this feeling again and drink drinks containing alcohol again and again.

During intoxication, the will and self-control of a person go almost to zero. However, alcoholic beverages are most dangerous for a young and growing body, since during the growth period the body is most exposed to all those harmful substances contained in alcohol.

By the way, note that alcohol has an extremely negative effect on future offspring. By the way, it is worth distinguishing between such concepts as drunkenness and alcoholism. If the first is the result of wrong upbringing or a weak will that could not resist external negative influence alcoholism is a serious disease that needs to be treated. However, dealing with it is not so easy. Will have to apply great amount efforts to cure the person of it. And it's far from certain that it will work. It may happen that all efforts will be in vain.

You are already quite an adult in order to independently choose the right friends for yourself. If you see that the company you are in cannot imagine a vacation or a walk without a can of beer or some other similar filth, then, first of all, you should think about whether you need such communication. You should not show up at parties that gather only to drink something strong once again.

Juvenile alcoholism is many times worse than an adult, in addition, it is practically untreatable. Juvenile alcoholism develops many times faster compared to adults. Moreover, alcohol is even more dangerous for girls than for boys. Yes, and the personality of drunkenness is destroyed very quickly.

Always when drinking alcoholic beverages are affected internal organs, and most of all goes to the nervous system. Because of this, memory disturbances occur, and control over one's actions is also significantly lost.
Where does drinking start?

In most cases, the reasons that a teenager gets involved in alcohol are very different, but among them, one can still distinguish the most typical ones, depending on the age of the teenager.

Up to 11 years of age, alcohol is taken as part of medicines. If the child tries it on his own, then this happens, as a rule, by accident. Sometimes a child may deliberately taste alcohol out of healthy childhood curiosity.

If a teenager has not yet reached the age of 15, then his parents may consciously begin to give him small doses alcohol, for example, on holidays - for some family feast, the arrival of guests, etc.

From the moment a teenager has his first drink with his parents, he feels entitled to drink with his friends. Here, there are already several other reasons, for example, from a teenager you can hear the following phrases: “my friends persuaded me” or “it was inconvenient for me to lag behind my friends.” Most often, at this age, a teenager does not drink too much - usually it is rarely more than one glass for any holiday.

Acquaintance with alcoholic beverages in a normal teenager occurs in the family circle, however, even such a development of events is fraught with serious danger, since alcohol is the same drug, and addiction to it occurs very quickly.

The motives for drinking alcoholic beverages are always reduced, as a rule, to the following: the inability to depart from tradition, as well as a strong desire to try something new, so to speak, out of curiosity. These motives appear due to some characteristics of the psyche of a teenager. You gradually awaken the desire to follow adults in absolutely everything in order to grow up yourself as soon as possible.

Another reason can be called so - "drink for courage." This can also be attributed to age features. The use of alcoholic beverages on this occasion usually correlates with what you lack life experience or some knowledge in order to solve this or that problem, for example, when communicating with older people or with girls. Teenagers are often very shy, and alcohol just allows you to successfully cope with this shyness. After drinking, the guys begin to overestimate their capabilities, both physical and in terms of communication. From the outside, it will not look the way it seems to the drunk himself, and you can simply go into elementary decoupling. This behavior will definitely not look good.

Even before you try any alcoholic drink for the first time in your life, you will already have a theoretical idea of ​​​​how it acts on human body. You will surely think that it is pleasant and exciting. However, in practice this is unlikely to be the case.

For example, the taste of vodka can make you feel bitter in your mouth, burning, nausea, and even dizzy. And this is not all the unpleasant consequences that may follow after your first acquaintance with alcoholic beverages. Such an acquaintance almost always leads to the fact that adolescents begin to avoid alcoholic beverages for a long time. When you are 13-16 years old, the temptation to drink something like this will increase to a large extent. And there will be enough reasons, for example, with classmates you will probably want to celebrate the end of the ninth grade, the transition to another school, all sorts of holidays.

Over time, the desire to use something intoxicating will be filled with new psychological content. In the first place there are already such motives that gradually form drunkenness as a type of behavior. The main motive for this use is usually boredom.

According to psychologists, boredom is a state of a person in which he experiences a strong emotional hunger. If a teenager is bored, it means that he has largely or completely lost interest in educational activities. If at this age adolescents consume alcoholic beverages, then most likely socially useful work they don't do it at all.

The manifestation of boredom in leisure is very noticeable. The guys stop reading books, do not participate in any events at all, do not go to theaters and museums, do not listen to good music. These bored teenagers love cinema, but they are attracted to it not so much by the film itself as a work of art, but by ordinary entertainment. Such teenagers are not able to assert themselves in the team of their peers due to their personal qualities, which is why they switch their attention to alcoholic beverages.

Adolescents often experience a lot and a lot. This can be due to anything, since at this age a person is very susceptible to emotional external and internal influences. And alcohol here acts as an antidepressant, which allows you to remove the accumulated stress. A similar condition can appear in a teenager if he has problems in the family or at school. Nevertheless, such behavior is typical for this age, but whether it is worth drinking alcoholic beverages for the sake of relieving stress is still a big question.

Teenage groups often form spontaneously, but there are still certain principles of their organization, since teenagers, as a rule, begin to communicate based on the similarity of interests. However, if a group of teenagers does not have any hobby or association under the banner of some useful activity, then just bored guys will gather in it. It is this group that is most favorable for starting alcohol consumption.

There are many articles and videos about the dangers of alcohol for young people. And many people think that all of them are not true. After all, few people die from taking strong drinks. But everything is not so simple. Therefore, it is worth considering why you should not drink alcohol and what will happen if this prohibition is violated. Of course, no one talks about imminent death or serious illnesses. But there is little to enjoy here either.

The harmful effects of alcohol

The principle of action of any alcoholic beverages is that alcohol makes the whole body work much faster than usual.

All your cells expand to the maximum. As a result, you feel a surge of so-called energy. In addition, alcohols depress the nervous system. This makes a person feel some kind of moral relief. In particular, a drunk person feels:

  1. hyperactivity;
  2. Joy;
  3. Lack of sense of responsibility;
  4. Full health;
  5. Feeling of satisfaction with life.

But after that, the cells of the body begin to shrink to the limit. They lack moisture. And many of them die. This is especially true of the cells of those organs that remove alcohol from the body.

Why can't you drink alcohol?

Speaking specifically, strong drinks have such side effects, as:

  • Destruction of the liver. It removes alcohol from the blood. And she gets the most;
  • Heart problems. The heart is not properly nourished. Hence the pressure and everything else;
  • Death of brain cells. At regular use alcohol, the mental activity of a person decreases significantly;
  • Mental illnesses. Every alcoholic has a whole will of mental illnesses, from panic attacks to persecution mania;
  • risk of lung disease. Alcohol dries out the lungs, making them weak and vulnerable.

All this may not make itself felt for years. As a result, already after 30 years a person becomes a regular client of hospitals. Although, even at the age of 16-20, he sincerely thought that alcohol did not affect him at all.

Destruction of personality

If you do not understand why you should not drink alcohol, then look at your friends who drink it. These people, as a rule, can show their emotions only under the "degree".

In normal times, they are sad, depressive and even embittered. At the same time, only talking about alcohol and drinking it can bring them back to life.

This is the most terrible problem of drunkenness. A person cannot rejoice, love and generally pay attention to something when he is sober.

It's because the abused nervous system just turns off the thinking center to get some rest. And this completely discourages the human appearance of an alcoholic.

At the same time, he himself does not understand what is happening to him. But he instinctively reaches for a glass to regain his life again. This is the complete destruction of the individual.

alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction is far from a myth, but few people believe in it. Therefore, most young people think that they will just stop in time.

But it's not. In the beginning, you drink at every celebration. Then you start drinking every week. After that, you want to drink and between the weekend. And when you realize that it's all over, then there is no point in running. You are an alcoholic.

Moreover, every drunk in our country was once a handsome guy who sincerely believed that this rubbish would not touch him. This is where the risk of addiction comes in. It doesn't come on quickly, like from drugs.

Of course, if you drink on birthdays, then this is not bad. But do not put alcohol in the first place. Otherwise, it will gradually push everything out of your life. And you will experience all social advertising from the Ministry of Health.

The current legislation does not contain a list of places where it is allowed to drink alcohol, however, it quite clearly fixes those objects and territories where it is prohibited. Thus, a special ban on drinking alcoholic beverages has been established for medical institutions, children's, educational organizations, for territories directly adjacent to such objects. In addition, this ban applies to public transport, stopping points, bus stations, stations, gas stations, railway stations and airports, markets, high-risk facilities and military installations. You can not drink alcohol in non-stationary shopping facilities, cultural institutions. However, an exception is made for cultural organizations, since if there are organizations in such institutions Catering possible within the catering outlets.

Prohibition of drinking alcohol in public places

Separately, the legislation stipulates a ban on the consumption of alcohol in public places. An exhaustive list of such places is not given, however, they can include any territory where there is a mass congestion of people. Examples are recreational areas, forests, parks, porches, stairs, yards, elevators. An exception is made only for the consumption of certain alcoholic beverages (for example, beer, cider or mead), which is allowed within the confines of catering establishments located in public places. Otherwise, the indicated prohibition is unconditional, and its violation may become the basis for bringing to administrative responsibility.

How is the territory adjacent to prohibited objects determined?

In some cases, the legislation not only prohibits drinking alcohol on the territory of a certain object, but also does not allow drinking alcohol in the territory adjacent to it. Such rules are established, for example, for educational institutions or medical organizations. At the same time, the determination of the boundaries of adjacent territories is within the competence of local governments, so this distance may vary for different settlements. The consumption of alcoholic beverages within such areas is equated to drinking alcohol in the prohibited facilities themselves, so the same liability may follow.