A selection of useful tips for working with sugar mastic. Tips for working with mastic

18.09.2019 Vegetable dishes

Mastics can have different properties and characteristics - this is caused by different additives in the composition of the mixture. Initially bituminous and rubber-bitumen mastics thick. And to effectively use them should be diluted. How to do it right? Let's see how to dilute bitumen mastic and how to cook it.


Each material according to the composition is classified by different features. Thus, the compositions are divided by the conditions of application, as well as by additives. Mastics and technological features are distinguished. They differ as possible when operating at a certain temperature and conditions providing the hardening process, softening.

For example, hot compounds should be preheated to temperatures from 160 degrees and above. After that, you can use the finished product for insulation work. Cold mixtures are used otherwise. In this case, it will have to make a solution. How to dilute rubber-bitumen mastic depends on the method of application and other factors. Heat cold types of mastic should not. Solvents are very volatile and in the process of hardening will evaporate from the surface.

According to the preparation method, all compositions are divided into single and two-component. Materials from the first group are preparing as simple as possible. Mass can be used immediately without the need to add any ingredients.

Two-component materials must be prepared, after that they are ready to use. What can dilute bitumen mastic, depends on where and how insulating work will be performed.

What are used for breeding?

Depending on where the material is applied, change the proportions and luxury. Otherwise, the composition simply will not be able to resist on the surface before it dry completely. Mastics are different, and therefore products for breeding will also differ.

Most often to dilute materials apply:

  • Automotive gasoline or kerosene.
  • White Spirit.
  • Gasoline "Galosha".

In most cases, low-octane gasolines are used as diluents. The polymerization process of the dissolved composition takes 24 hours after applying. This is provided that the work is performed outdoors.

Choosing than to dilute bitumen mastic, it should be remembered that even low-fledged gasoline is combustible fluids. Couples of any fuel flammable. In the process of waterproofing work, you should not use open fire.

As for proportions, they must correspond to the volume of the base applied. If you break them, the mixture will slowly dry or increase the fluidity of the solution. As a result, adhesion will decrease or beneficial properties will be lost. In this case, the material will not carry protective functions.

How can I dilute the rubber-bitumen mastic? There are other materials. This is a turbid, any species are not recommended for these purposes to use acetone or liquids at its base. Some craftsmen dissolve mastic in diesel fuel. As a result, the mixture is heterogeneous. However, this solution fills all the cracks and irregularities as high quality. If the mastic is liquid, it has better adhesion and good insulating properties.

Elastic and special additives as part of mastic

Gasoline, Kerosene, White Spirit is universal solvents. But choosing than you can dilute the rubber-bitumen mastic, the first thing is to solve what characteristics are needed from the solution. Depending on the additives used in the composition, materials are divided into:

  • Bituminous rubber.
  • Bituminous polyurethane.
  • Bituminous latex.
  • Oil and rubber mixtures.

As can be seen, bitumen is in each material. But additives are different everywhere - from here and different properties. Thus, with the addition of polyurethane or rubber, you can get additional elasticity. This is important for most insulation works.

As a result, a solid film is formed, which is difficult to break. The film is easily stretched at 20 or more times, it is not deformed. One of the options for how to dilute the kacho-bitumen mastic for the roof, is automotive gasoline.

Anti-corrosion mastic from butter bitumen

If adding to the oil, the resulting mixture does not harden. This is important for processing pipes and other metal underground communications. With the addition of oil materials, the adhesive is obtained, but not a rigid film. It will not be cracked and can save their integrity for quite a long time. This solution is not afraid of low and high temperatures. This is the perfect solution for processing heating systems. But for roofing works, it does not fit.

Roofing mastic additives

Specialists, answering a question than to dilute recommend except solvents add also rubber crumb. Such a coating will be durable and durable. And you can apply it to any types of surfaces. Thus prepared material withstands mechanical loads, blows and vibrations.

If you add to the sack of rubber, you can prepare a cold mixture that does not require heating. In addition to high waterproofing properties, the material acquires and antiseptic characteristics along with high heat resistance.

Also for roofing works can be added to mastic and liquid latex in the form of an emulsion. This is nothing more than synthetic rubber. The product is extremely easy to prepare and apply, has excellent performance. The mixture is ideal for roofing work.

How to prepare the right solution

An important point in the process of mastic preparation is the method of applying to the treated surface. Apply a protective solution, both manually and using special equipment. The manual method of applying is relevant when the scope of work is small. If you need to apply the composition to a large area, then the mechanized application methods are used. From how the mastic will be applied, its mixing method depends. How to dilute rubber-bitumen mastic? Before cooking the mixture, you need to prepare the surface on which the composition will be applied.

If detachments are observed on the coating, it should be carefully cleaned and then dried. After that, it is recommended to apply a layer of primer composition, which can interact with mastic. These primers are called bitumen sold in the ready-made form. But it can be cooked with your own hands. Next, we will tell you exactly how.

How to prepare primer

The use of primer is a guarantee of reliable gluing materials for waterproofing to porous and non-smooth surfaces. The composition is suitable for priming concrete bases, cement-sandbags.

Primer is a solution of oil bitumen. The softening temperature of the material is 80 degrees and more. For those who do not know how to dilute bitumen mastic, experts recommend apply organic solvents. What could it be? This is kerosene, neoprase, gasoline. They are added in proportion 1 to 1 or 1 to 5 by weight of the base.

For the manufacture of primer, it will take a clean bitumen - several pieces needed. Next, the bars are dissolved in gasoline or in the prepared container poured solvent - gasoline or throughout. Next, the liquid is heated, and after the container is added chopped bitumen.

The solution is heated to temperatures from 190 to 200 degrees. In the process of heating, you need to constantly mix the mass. Next prepare the container capable of withstanding high temperatures. Its volume is determined by the amount of solution. For small areas, the bucket is suitable. It is enough for several square meters.


So, we found out how to dilute bitumen mastic for the foundation. Specialists in construction in the process of preparation of insulating material give different tips. So, when using gasoline and diesel, lumps may appear. But it is necessary to breed so that the mixture is not excessively liquid - it entails the high consumption of mastic.

Today, sugar mastic cakes are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the diversity of confectionery tools and ingredients, not only professionals, but also lovers can try themselves in this art. But it is not necessary to expect that "unearthly beauty" will work first from the first time: art work with mastic, like any other art, must be learn. Each business has its secrets and tricks, which is quite possible to reach the method of trial and errors. So that you can quickly and qualitatively learn how to work with sugar mastic, we have prepared a selection of useful tips for you.

How to roll out sugar mastic?

There are several ways to rolling:

  1. On the surface, sprinkled with starch or powdered sugar.
  2. Between sheets of polyethylene, lubricated vegetable oil.
  3. On the rug with a non-pressure surface.

The most famous method is to rolling the mastic on the surface, sprinkled with a powder or starch. The only complexity of the first method is that the rolled plant of sugar masses must be constantly rotated when it is rolling so that it does not stick to the surface. If you choose the second option, you will need to remove the top layer of polyethylene with rolled mastic, turn the reservoir, evenly cover them the cake and only then separate the second layer of polyethylene. However, thin polyethylene (for example, the food film) is not suitable for our purposes: it is necessary to use something thoroughly and more than a film for greenhouses.

What if the masty is torn all the time or cracks?

Sugar mastic is not intended for very thin rolling. The thickness of the formation should be approximately 2-3 mm (it is also not desirable thicker). In subtly rolled mastic has its own minuses: first, it can break during the coating of the cake, and secondly, all the defects and irregularities of your culinary masterpiece will be visible under it (for example, layers of cake and cream slices). All errors should be corrected before you decide to cover the cake with sugar mastic. The cake surface should be smooth, without protruding edges and folds.

It is also possible that when mixing the mastic, you used the sugar powder of "large grinding", in which whole sugar crystals come across. There is nothing to do anything: such a mastic will rush even when rolling.

If the reservoir, which covered the cake, still broke into the most responsible moment, do not despair. To restore the cake best remove the layer of mastic and cover it again. If the first action is impossible, then the seams, patchwork and other shortcomings can be "sword" with the help of confectionery ironing and vegetable fat. Apply the fat on the spoiled surface and scroll the cake of the iron until its surface becomes perfectly smooth. And if under the layer of mastic suddenly, air bubbles are found, try to pierce them with a needle, and then gently squeeze the "holes".

How to cover the cake with sugar mastic?

In order to avoid ugly folds on the sides of the cake, the following is necessary: \u200b\u200bRoll sugar mastic with a small margin (about 5-10 cm) and so that the reserve is stored throughout the circumference. Covering cake, sugar mastic stretches under its own weight and will fall on it smoothly. After that, take a round knife for pizza and neatly cut off "all unnecessary."

What to do if from under the layer of mastic began to shine the base?

Most likely, the case is in humidity: sugar mastic is very sensitive to it. You may not comply with storage conditions or used a lot of impregnation. Store the finished cake is necessary in a tightly closed hermetic box or in a polyethylene package (and preferably not more than 2 days).

What should be cake cakes?

To base, it is best to use dry biscuits or oil cakes. It is advisable to use oil cream or ganash. Souffle, cream, sour cream cream can love the severity of mastic or make cakes wet and soft. After the cake is covered with cream, it must be placed in the refrigerator for several hours. As soon as the cream frozen, the cake can be covered with sugar mastic. If the cream does not have fully frozen, on the surface of the cake after coating the mastic can form ugly dents.

What to paint mastic?

It is best to paint sugar mastic with special gels. It is not desirable to use liquid food dyes, because They change the consistency of sugar mastic, it is most likely a sticky, and it will not be possible to work with it.

How to store the finished mastic?

For storage of sugar mastic, it is recommended to preach to pack in polyethylene or put into a sealed container. In the refrigerator, this container is not necessary: \u200b\u200bthe mastic you just need to protect against moisture and air so that it does not dry before and not splashed. Any mastic can be stored in the freezer up to 2 months.

How to "make" bright mastic?

In order for sugar mastic glitter, apply a soft brush with a layer of a medical and vodka solution (honey and vodka in a ratio of 1: 1). Do not worry: vodka will quickly evaporate and does not affect the taste and smell of the cake.

Where to buy mastic for cake?

The "Condryer House" store presents a wide range of cake mastic and the creation of the best English manufacturers, as well as a large selection of confectionery inventory and tools for decor. We will deliver an order to any region of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan! Wholesale buyers discounts!

Sugar mastic is a unique confectionery material, which is widely used to create jewelry: color, figures, ruffles, reliefs, inscriptions. Your texture is similar to Plasticine, so offer your little helpers to blind decorations yourself. The modeling will allow you to develop a small motility of hands, and unlike plasticine, mastic does not contain harmful substances, so it's not scary if the kid eats a piece.

Special inventory, silicone moldes, plastic forms expand the boundaries of the use of mastic. You can get acquainted and acquire all the most necessary tools on our website in the section "Tools for working with mastic".

Despite the fact that it is not difficult to work with sugar tests, there are a number of subtleties and nuances, the knowledge of which will be useful and beginner confusers, and professionals.

The first complexity of which face when working with mastic - this is excessive stickiness. It appears from the increased temperature of the room, from the warmth of the hands and even from excessive humidity (for example, if palm sweat) and, if the mastic was prepared on its own, due to the incorrect proportions of the ingredients.

Here they will come to the revenue sugar powder and ordinary corn starch (or rice).

If your own mastic made is very sticky, then just continue to mix it with sugar powder. In essence, the mastic is a sugar dough, where the powder acts as a flour.

If you stick the purchased mastic, then it is enough to make the working surface and the hands of the corn starch and continue to work.

Roll the mastic should be on a flat surface, sprinkled with starch and sugar or on specialized embossed rugs that will give the original pattern.

You rolled the mastic and gathered to carry it on the cake, but did she break? Unambiguously, you have overdoing: roll off the sugar dough is needed thick from 2 to 4 mm. Too finely rolled dough not only breaks, but also shines all the irregularities of your cake.

Now, perhaps, about the most important question: how to cover the cake to the mastic. The first thing you need to prepare its surface.

Confectioners are used for alignment under mastic thin layer of marzipan, Ganash or oil cream. No other creams, including CHIZ on oil, do not suit, because sugar dough can flow.

It is more convenient to double the surface of the cake in three stages:

· The surface of the cake, with which all the tubercles and irregularities pre-removed, wipe the thin layer of the oil cream to remove all the extra crumbs. Remove in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

· Get the cake from the refrigerator and still linked the cake with a thick layer of cream. Remove in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

· Once again, get the cake and the hot knife or blade to remove the surplus of the cream and align to the perfectly smooth surface. Put in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

Cake can be covered with mastic immediately as soon as the cream hardened.

Apply a sugar dough layer to the side of the cake, then rolling from the rolling pin to the surface of the cake with rotational movements.

Cress the mastic palms, trying not to touch and apply to fingers to avoid dents on the surface.

The folds on the sides of the cake will not be, if you roll out the "with a margin" mastic. First of all, it is necessary to smooth out the "stock" to lay without wrinkles and folds.

If everything is smooth, you can cut the surplus. It is convenient to do this with a special knife for mastic, which can be purchased in our store.

Flowers or figures from mastic should be sculpt in advance and at least a day to allow them to dry.

It happens that bubbles appear on the mastic on the mastic: they simply pierce them with a needle and squeeze this place. Also should be done if the mastic was relieved. It is more convenient to double the mastic on the cake with a special iron that you will also find in our store.

The cake covered with mastic should be stored in the refrigerator with a covered box so that moisture does not accidentally hit it.

It happens that the cake that was taken from the refrigerator is covered with water droplets. This phenomenon is called condensate. On the cake, it appears due to a sharp temperature difference.

It is very important to give a cake to dry naturally, that is, you do not need to rub the mastic with dry napkins. These actions can lead to the damage to the appearance. If the cake was painted, do not worry: they will not flow from condensate.

How to decorate mastic?

To impart brilliance on the surface of the sugar test, it is necessary to mix honey and vodka in proportions 1: 1. The mixture applies a mixture to the cake and let's dry. Vodka will destroy, and shine will appear.

It looks very impressive with a cake decorated with a candyurine.

There are two ways to decorate:

· Dry method. Tassel pick up some paint from the can and shake on the cake. Dry method is more convenient to use on large surfaces.

· Solution. In 1-2 grams, vodka is added by the Kandin. There should be no thick consistency, but not liquid. This method is convenient for drawing parts and patterns for decorating colors from mastic.

Collect the mastic follows gel dyes. You can, of course, use and powder, but the flow of such dyes is much higher, so it is difficult to get a rich color and it is expensive.

Gel dyes do not smell and taste and, importantly, do not change the structures of either the purchase of mastic or prepared by their own.

To glue parts and securing figures on the cake, you can use a confectionery neutral gel, simple water and even fresh egg protein. The principle is simple: the required amount of gel, water or protein to lubricate the base of the part and consolidate it on the cake.

How to keep mastic? It is necessarily tightly closed into the food film to avoid moisture from entering and preventing sugar test drying.

Store follows in a dry cool place.

If the mastic still dried, it can be reanimated by confectionery glycerin.

Mastic - universal assistant for pastry. With it, it is easy to embody fantasy into reality. Lack of time to make and dry figures or flowers? We are pleased to offer you ready-made decorations. Take a look in the section "Decorations of mastic": We are sure that you will find a bouquet or funny sugar and marzipan figures in the shower.

Inspirations to you, friends!

You first gathered decorate the cake mastic And of course, you immediately have a lot of questions?
Most importantly, arm yourself with inspiration, fantasy and good mood! And about some subtleties and secrets when working with mastica We will tell you in this article.

So, here are some useful tips:

What basis to choose under mastic?
Always, before coating the cake with mastic, apply the correct foundation, it will help to level the surface of the cake and hide all the flaws. It can be: Oil cream, hot apricot jam, Ganash, boiled condensed milk, marzipan mass.

Take care of mastic from moistureotherwise she can melt. Therefore, it is impossible Apply mastic on a wet base (whipped cream, impregnated cakes, sour cream cream, etc.)

How is mastic frozen?
Mastic dries with duty in the air.

How to roll out masts?
There are several options:
1. You can roll out the mastic with a rolling pin on a flat surface, and so that it does not stick, sprinkle the surface with starch or powdered sugar.
2. It is convenient to roll out the mastic between two large polyethylene sheets, lubricated with vegetable oil. When you roll, you can simply remove the top sheet and move the mastic directly on polyethylene to the cake. When you cover the cake, you can separate the second sheet.

3. You can use a special non-taxable mat for mastic.

How to cover the cake of mastic smooth?
First, measure the diameter of the cake and the height of the side, add a small supply (approximately 5-10 cm), and roll the mastic to the desired dimensions. When shutting down on a cake, mastic is distinguished under its own weight and will fall smoothly. After that, take a special round knife for mastic and carefully cut off the unchecked, leaving about the reserve of about half acemeter. Then take care of the edge under the cake. If waves and irregularities are formed on the cake - align them with a spatula.

What to do, so that the plastic from mastic does not break?
If you cover the cake with sugar mastic, it is not necessary to roll it too thin, quite about 2-3 mm.
This is due to the fact that during the coating of the cake, a thinly sprouting layer of mastic can be broken, as well as all the roughness and disadvantages of the base of the cake will be visible.
When you endure mastic on a cake, it additionally stretches under your own weight.

What if the layer of mastic who covered the cake, still broke?
Do not worry, it is fixable! You can adjust the defect, and the seams and patchwork can be easily removed using a wide brush, moistened with water, smoothing the brush to a flat surface. If air bubbles were formed under the coating, you can simply pierce this place with a needle and smooth out.

How to remove traces of starch or sugar powder from the product? It's just a slightly wet, wide tassel and brush the remains of starch.

How to give shine with sugar mastic?
After you finished decorating a cake, cover the mastic with a solution with vodka in a 1: 1 ratio. It is convenient to do this with a silicone tassel. Vodka will evaporate without leaving the smell, only a pleasant shine will remain.

How to paint the mastic?
Special food dyes are best suited to achieve the desired color. They can be added directly to mastic, or apply a brush to the surface of the product. Can be used natural dyes: for green - spinach juice, for red - beet juice, for orange - carrot juice.

How to paint sugar mastic black?
Mix dyes of the following colors: red, blue and yellow. The ratio depends on the shade you wish to get:
For neutral black: 1 piece of red: 2 pieces of blue: 1 piece of yellow
For black with green tint: 1 piece of red: 1 part of blue: 2 pieces of yellow
For black with purple tint: 1 piece of red: 1 piece of blue: a little yellow
For black with a red tint: 2 parts of the Red: 1 part of blue: 1 piece yellow.

How to blind figures from mastic?
If you want to connect various parts of the figures or attaching ready-made decorations on a coating of mastic, it is only necessary to lightly moisten the water connection location. Also, to glue different parts of the figures from mastic, you can use protein or protein with a small addition of powdered sugar.
For the manufacture of color figures, it is not necessary to use masts of different colors: you can make the figures from a simple white mastic, dry them, and then paint the finished figures on top of food dyes.
Large figures try to do in advance so that they are well dried.
Volumetric figures, such as flowers, attach to the cake not long before the feed. Otherwise, if you attach them and remove the cake in the refrigerator, they can absorb moisture from the environment and fall.

Good luck to you and creative success!

Masty even a simple cake will turn into a confectionery masterpiece. From it you can create any decoration. The basics of work with mastic can master each - it is easy. From the article you will learn how to make a mastic with your own hands, how to cover the cake, and what is the difference between the types of mastic.

Cake coating with mastic or the creation of decorations from it is an easy way to turn ordinary pastries into a confectionery masterpiece. Mastica can be bought or done independently. Get basic skills in the art of work with a mastic mass, using master classes with photos and videos.

Finished sugar mastic is always available in the online store Supermarket for confectioners In this section. You can buy online production of England, the Netherlands, Turkey and other countries. There is a sale as a "basic" white mastic and color. Packaging price of color mastic - about 240 rubles.

Such mastic for professionals and novice confectioners has all the necessary properties:

  • homogeneous;
  • it stretches well, does not crumble;
  • with a neutral sweet taste or with different tastes.

In addition, you can immediately purchase exactly the variety of mastic, which is best suited for your goals. Severe three categories:

  • universal;
  • for tightness;
  • for modeling.

If you want to try to make plastic mass with your own hands, then it is also possible.

Masty at home

To begin with, determine what purpose you need to make mastic. Milk (based on dry or condensed milk), chocolate and mastic from Marshmellos are suitable for coating cakes. To create figures - chocolate, sugar and marshmallow.

Mastic at home from Marshmello is the most popular and simple recipe. If you step by step to perform all items, then you will have almost universal mass.

You need four components - marshmellos (100 gr.), Sugar powder (250 gr.), Slight lemonic acid and water.

  • Put the marshmallow into the bowl, add a pinch of citric acid divorced in the tablespoon.
  • Put the bowl into the microwave to the maximum power. Marshmallow must be good.
  • In the mass start interfering sugar powder. Work as a test - mastic should become smooth and elastic.
  • Cutting ready-made lump in the sugar powder, wrap in the film and put half an hour to the refrigerator. After that, you can start the cake decoration process!

This delicious and simple mastic for the cake is easy to stain with food dyes. There are two ways to make a mass color:

  • add a dye when mixed - so it turns out tender shades;
  • to paint the finished cake or figure. The color will be brighter, you can combine tones and paint complex decorations. But necessarily give the surface to dry!

Another kind of mastic designed for the modeling of jewelry and figurines is gelatin. It is snow-white, quickly freezes. It is good to sculpt trees, bridges. It will take:

  • 0.5 ppm gelatin (2 grams),
  • 2 tsp water (10 ml.)
  • 100 gr. Sugar powder
  • a pair of lemon juice drops.

It is necessary to give the gelatin to swell in the water, then melt it in a water bath. After dissolving, gradually add powder, kneading as the dough. Watch that the mass does not become too thick - if it began to crack, add lemon juice.

Work with mastic

Working with mastic is not such a complex process as it may seem. You only need to take into account several important rules.

  • If you make mastic with your own hands, use high-quality sugar powder. It should be without grappy - due to the sugar crystals, the plastic mastic will rush.
  • To glue the decoration from mastic to the cake, moisture the desired part of the surface. Parts of the collected figures can be glued with egg protein.
  • Large figures need to be done in advance and give them to dry.
  • Complex and volumetric flowers after drying should be stored in the refrigerator, and gluitive - shortly before the cake is supplied to the table. Otherwise, they will absorb moisture from the air and can lose form.
  • To the glitter surface, lubricate the cake with vodka 10-20 minutes before the feed. The alcohol will quickly disappear, and the cake will be brilliant.
  • For coloring, dry and gel dyes are best suited.
  • It is easy to paint the mastic at the stupid stage, if you roll it into the ball and make a deepening in the center. The dye is applied to the toothpick. Then knead.

Do not mind immediately for the complex forms and figures: Cut the round cake, make simple flowers or cut with forms of decoration.

Nuances of working with mastic for cakes

If you want to cover the cake with mastic, you need to pre-prepare the surface of the product. It is suitable for mastic chocolate ganash, oil or caramel cream, marzipan. Such a "layer" will help mastic to preserve the form: it "floats" from moisture, so it is impossible to apply it to cakes with impregnation or sour cream cream.

Sometimes they advise to cover the upper cake and borties by apricot jam. But in this case, the assistant "wrapper" of the cake will swell from moisture.

A few more advice:

  • Pre-align the surface: apply cream, crumple it with a spatula, let it be frozen in the refrigerator, and then check that the layer is smooth. Mastic will not hide irregularities.
  • Ready cake is better not to store for a long time in the refrigerator. If you pulled out the product, and it was covered with microcapels of water - do not erase it, let me evaporate yourself. Otherwise, stains will remain on mastic.
  • Do not roll the lot too thin. The perfect thickness is 3-4 mm. The table or board must be sprinkled with a powder or starch. Silicone rug is well suitable.

Work with mastic for cakes is easier if you use multiple useful tools. These include:

  • ideally smooth rolling pin;
  • leveling iron;
  • rotating stand;
  • roller for trimming edges.

All this can be bought in the section "For Mastica and Marzipan" on the website of the online store Supermarket for confectioners.

Mastic cake decoration - how to make

To make a cake with mastic - simple or complex, do not need to hurry. Then even a novice confectioner will be able to make his little masterpiece. The algorithm of a simple cake tightness looks like this:

  • roll the circle from mastic. The diameter of the circle should be approximately equal to two cake heights plus it diameter. Add to this a couple of centimeters "on trimming";
  • screw the mass on the rolling pin and move to the cake;
  • scroll over the iron, trying not to stretch the mass. Then lay the corners;
  • carefully laid the sides, removing the folds. Come on the iron on the surface;
  • cut the roller surplus.

On average, on a cake with a diameter of 15 cm and a height of 10, it will be necessary to pick up the mastic. And for large, with a diameter of 35 cm - two kilograms.

If you did not calculate and bubbles remained on the surface, then you can get rid of them, raising the edge edge and putting it again. If you leveled the top and moved to the sides - you do not need to go back to it and discharge on, because the mastic is far away.

Cake decoration with mastic can be carried out using the harvested circles exactly along the diameter of the cake and the tape of the contrast color for the side.

The textured surface is easy to create with tongs. Confectionery tongs, like a tweezers, "captures" a piece of mastic and is protected. This device can make geometric ornaments, leaves, hearts.

Ideas Decorating Cakes Mastic

Mastic decorations can be decorated with cakes of any sizes. Elements from this mass are well combined with sugar beads or pearls, sprinkling and other confectionery decor.

Elegant and simple variant - cover the cake with elongated triangles from pearl mastic. Elements need to be laid on each other to make the effect of assemblies on the fabric. Multiple sugar beads can be placed in the center.

Very spectacular decoration of mastic cakes - use cut out molds for cookies figures. On a contrast background, snowflakes, hearts, leaves look good.

Gentle and very romantic decor - multicolored "skirts" from mastic on the side of the cake. You need to cut ribbons, carefully make the "assemblies" with the help of a wooden knitting needles or sticks and glue on the cake. For more reliable mounting, you can use needles or pins - when the decoration is dry, they are easy to remove. Additionally, you can cut the mastic bows.

From the mastic of different colors you can make a "marble" decor or "under Zebra": contrasting ribbons Thin ribbons should be placed on a mastic circle, and then roll up to homogeneity.

Secrets of the cake of mastic for beginners

Best cakes for a cake with a mastic coating - biscuit, but there are recipes that allow you to use and sandy and even souffle. However, if you want to make a souffle cake, top and bottom should be biscuit layers. Otherwise, mastic flies, and the cake will lose the form.

Basic option for biscuits - dough from eggs, sugar, flour and butter. The proportions vary depending on the recipe. The cake passed by the selected cream must be removed in the refrigerator for impregnation. You can even press it on top of the press - in order for it to take shape.

Then you need to crop the sides to make it easier to trim the mastic. If a cake is composite from several parts - you need to make the desired form. For convex elements, a mixture of biscuit crumbs and creams under mastic can be made. It is easy to disguise irregularities.

A simple cream recipe is made of butter and condensed milk. Wash oil with a mixer to obtain a white mass and add half a condensed milk. Get out again. Cream Faise the cake and remove it in the fridge. Then heated dry blade to grate the irregularities.

You can start touching the cake mastic!

On a cake from mastic for beginners, you can apply any drawing or inscription using a stencil and a special dye or food markers.

Simple flowers are made with the help of cups and other containers of different diameters: Circles are cut, and then the flower is going.

Simple mastic cake, basic recipe

If you want to make a cake quickly, then the easiest option is to use ready-made cakes. Next you need to "collect" the product:

"Inner" cream, which is glorified by cakes, you can take almost any of your taste, for example, creamy, custard, oil.

  • So that the cake is tastier, the layers can be additionally laid dried fruits, fresh fruits that do not twice, or alternate cream and sour jam;
  • The top layer is covered with oil cream.
  • An even simpler option is to use the finished chocolate paste. It needs to be slightly warm so that it is better smeared, and then cool the cake in the refrigerator.
  • Cut the mastic finished cake as usual. If the extra mass cut off unevenly, the lower edge of the cake can be decorated with sides or carved openwork ribbons.

This is the easiest mastic cake, a basic recipe - you can cook it even with the children who will like to sculpt from the militant mass, like plasticine.

IN Supermarket for confectioner You can purchase stomers for drawing on mastic, inventory to create colors and figures, ready-made sweet flowers and more. You can make your small confectionery masterpiece in just a few hours.